#plugin Site Kit di Google
erboss88 · 5 years
Che cos'è e come usare il Site Kit di Google?
Che cos’è e come usare il Site Kit di Google?
Da alcune ore è disponibile all’interno del repository ufficiale del CMS WordPress il plugin Site Kit di Google. Per chi non lo sapesse oppure ha appena scoperto questa notizia, il plugin Site Kit, altro non è che il plugin ufficiale realizzato dagli sviluppatori o meglio ingegneri Google e dedicato a tutti coloro che hanno scelto di sviluppare/realizzare un progetto web basato sul CMS WordPress.
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fikar27 · 4 years
Jasa pembuatan website ini diperuntukkan bagi Kamu yang ingin memiliki Website/Blog dengan biaya yang terjangkau. Baik itu jenis website sekolah, media online, company profile, portofolio ataupun hanya sekadar catatan harian.
Jasa pembuatan website kami berdomisili di Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan.
Untuk jasa pembuatan website, kami merekomendasikan pembuatan website berbasis WordPress. Kenapa WordPress?
Sekilas Tentang WordPress
Tidak dapat dipungkiri WordPress adalah sistem manajemen konten (CMS) yang paling mudah untuk dipahami. Dengan WordPress, Kamu dapat melakukan kostumisasi mandiri tanpa perlu keahlian koding.
Karena alasan itulah, platform ini sangat bagus bagi pemula. Bahkan untuk Kamu yang sudah berpengalaman sekalipun.
Keunggulan WordPress
WordPress menawarkan berbagai macam plugin dan fitur untuk membantu meningkatkan SEO (Search Engine Optimization) di website Kamu. SEO sangat penting bagi keberlangsungan sebuah website dan ranking pencarian di Google.
Biaya: Rp. 500.000,-
Biaya jasa pembuatan website WordPress di atas meliputi,
Instalasi WordPress
Desain logo website
Desain perwajahan website
Sertifikat SSL (http menjadi https)
Setting Google Site Kit, mencakup:
1. Google Analytics
2. Google Search Console
3. Google Adsense (jika memenuhi syarat)
Pemeliharaan website selama 3 bulan ke depan
Sedikit bocoran terkait teknik SEO menggunakan YOAST SEO (BONUS)
Harga di atas belum termasuk sewa domain dan hosting. Untuk sewa domain dan hosting silahkan sesuai dengan keperluan. Ada banyak layanan sewa domain dan hosting di Indonesia ataupun luar negeri.
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sumantri · 4 years
Cara Verifikasi Blogspot di Google Web Master
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Informasi Bloger
Informasi Teknologi
Resep Masakan
Cara Dapat Uang dari Blog
Cara Install Google Site Kit Plugin di WordPress
Cara Memasang Iklan Google AdSense di WordPress
Cara Menghasilkan Uang Dari Blog Gratisan WordPress.com
Cara Menghasilkan Uang dari Youtube
Cara Penerapan kode Terhubung ke AdSense dan menampilkan iklan di situs WordPress
Cara Verifikasi Blogspot di Google Web Master…
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rumahseo · 4 years
5 Plugin Google Analytic terbaik 2020 versi Mr.ooo
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Membuat suatu website tidak lengkap tanpa menghubungkannya dengan Google Analyrtic, kenapa tidak, Google Analytics merupakan salah satu produk goolgle yang memungkinkan kamu melihat semua laporan aktifitas yang terjadi pada website kamu. Pada kesempatan ini saya akan share beberapa plugin Google Analytic terbaik yang ada menurut Mr.ooo Plugin terbaik ini dilihat dari banyaknya instalasi dan rating yang di dapatkan.
Site Kit by Google
https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-site-kit/ Ini adalah plugin yang terbilag baru, di luncurkna 2019 lalu plugin ini sudah mendapatkan 300k lebih instalasi dan mendapatkan rating yang terbilang bagus. Plugin ini merupakan salah satu plugin buatan Google yang mempunyai beberapa fitur yang di gabungkan dalam satu dashboard seperti Google Analytic, Search Console, Page insights, Adsense, Tag Manager dan Optimize.
Google Analytics Dashboard Plugin by MonsterInsights
https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/ Plugin yang satu ini sudah di instalasi sebanyak 2 juta lebih pengguna dan mendapat rating yang cukup bagus dari penggunanya. Ini membuat plugin yang satu ini adalah salah satu yang paling favorit. Plugin ini mempunyai fitur yang sangat lengkap dan menghubungkannya ke website kamu seperti website business, Ecommerce, Blogger dan developer, tetapi sangat di sayangkan kebanyakan dari fiturnya hanya bisa dinikmati jika pengguna melakukan upgrade ke premim.
GA Google Analytics
https://wordpress.org/plugins/ga-google-analytics/ Plugin populer ketiga adalah GA Google Analytics, Plugin yang satu ini sudah mendapat instalasi 400k lebih dan menadapatkan rating yang cukup bagus. Plugin yang satu ini mempunyai fitur yang sangat lengkap dan sangat user friendly bagi pengguna, tetapi kemudian kamu hanya bisa menggunakan semua fiturnya jika melakukan upgrade ke versi premium.
Enhanced Ecommerce Google Analytics
https://wordpress.org/plugins/enhanced-e-commerce-for-woocommerce-store/ Jika kamu adalah pebisnis yang mempunyai website sebagai media penjualan maka plugin yang satu ini adalah solusinya. Kamu bisa menghubungkan business kamu dengan Google Analytics dengan plugin ini. Plugin yangsau ini sudah di instalasi sebanyak 40k lebih dan mempunyai rating yang bagus dari para penggunanya.
Google Analytics Dashboard for WP by ExactMetrics (formerly GADWP)
https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp/ Plugin yang satu ini cukup populer namun sayang mempunyai rating yang kurang bagus dari para penggunanya. Plugin ini membantu kamu melakukan pengaturan tanpa menulis (memasukkan) kode apapun termasuk pelacakan apapun. Artikel Terkait : Semoga apa yang saya share bermanfaat bagi kalian semua, Happy Blogging :) Read the full article
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g-tech-group-blog · 5 years
È stato rilasciato il nuovo plugin ufficiale di #Google per #Wordpress 😱 Tantissime novità e una nuova interfaccia di controllo sul nostro posizionamento SEO 🔝 https://www.gianlucagentile.com/site-kit/
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cybeout · 5 years
Google Site Kit, il plug-in per Wordpress di Google, arriva in versione beta
Google Site Kit, il plug-in per #Wordpress di #Google, arriva in versione beta
Il plugin darà la possibilità di accedere a colpo d’occhio a tutte le sue statistiche integrando i dati di Analytics o WordPress. La versione beta è attualmente riservata agli sviluppatori esperti. 
L’anno scorso, Google aveva presentato, durante il WordCamp US Site Kit, un plugin per WordPress che avrebbe semplificato la vita degli utenti della piattaforma.
Un plugin che aggrega tutte le…
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luxus4me · 7 years
Speckyboy Web Design Magazine
You can find amazing tools for improving web forms, ranging from UI kits to advanced jQuery plugins.
But one of the toughest input fields to edit is the upload field. This is a default HTML input element and it lets users upload files from their computer. Restyling the upload field is a massive challenge compared to other form elements.
If you’re hoping to customize your upload inputs, this gallery will help. I’ve collected 9 handmade upload fields from CodePen that prove you can restyle the field to look however you want.
1. Flat File Upload
See the Pen Custom FIle Upload by Wallace Erick (@wallaceerick) on CodePen.
Developer Wallace Erick created this flat upload field with just a bit of CSS and JavaScript. It borrows on the trend of flat design, which avoids gradients by focusing on single colors – often with a monochromatic color scheme.
You can add this file upload design onto any page and get it looking great. All you’ll have to do is change up the color scheme and position it properly within your form.
It works just as you’d expect and it runs on the standard HTML input element. So this is also usable with older browsers and should work on mobile, too.
2. Custom File Upload
See the Pen File upload input by Aaron Vanston (@aaronvanston) on CodePen.
Here’s a design that gets a little more abstract with the upload field. Developer Aaron Vanston created this file upload as a replica of the ones we see on larger websites.
Think about big tech sites like Dropbox, Google+ and Facebook. They often have a drag and drop area with a big “click here” space to launch the upload window. That’s exactly what Aaron did with this snippet.
It does rely on jQuery and a good amount of JS/CSS to work. And while it does use the standard HTML input field, it also handles the uploading process with custom JS functions.
If you know your way around JavaScript, this can work as a handy template for building your own file upload UI.
3. Responsive Animated Uploader
See the Pen Responsive Animated File Uploader by burnaDLX (@burnaDLX) on CodePen.
If you do any sort of modern web design, then you know you have to go responsive. Mobile users may upload files to the web through these same forms, so utilizing a responsive input field is a great idea.
Take a look at this design for an example of a quality mobile-friendly upload field. It’s very basic, with just a small square upload space with drag & drop support.
Just note this does not use the input element – so there’s no way to click for uploading. I think that’s a usability nightmare, but this is also just a sample snippet used for testing – so it’s not geared towards perfect usability.
If you do bring this snippet into your site, it’s recommended that you add a typical upload field alongside the drag & drop area.
4. Custom Uploader
See the Pen File Upload – Day 031 by Drew Vosburg (@drewvosburg) on CodePen.
Daily dev projects are a great way to sharpen your skills. Drew Vosburg followed this approach to build a sweet upload form hosted freely on CodePen.
It’s heavily customized with JavaScript functions handling the drag and drop effect. But this input field is actually built to support both touch and click, along with drag and drop.
The clickable area is an HTML label styled with CSS. That label element is attached to the input field, which is hidden off the page. It works just like a clickable field. Definitely a smart idea and it’s fully semantic to boot.
5. Stock Photo Upload Interface
See the Pen Stock photo by sarayut lawilai (@gapgag55) on CodePen.
Here’s one of the most complex, yet impressive snippets I’ve seen on CodePen. It lets you upload photos into a gallery right from your computer. With each photo you upload, it’ll show you a preview right on the page.
It works by pulling images through JavaScript, then converting them into base64 to embed into CSS.
Whenever you upload images to a server, they’ll generate a temporary file. On your own server, you can use this temporary file to display the picture. But now that CSS supports base64, this is another alternative.
The interface is super-clean and the upload feature blends right in.
6. Simple Blue Upload UI
See the Pen File Upload Button by Stephen Baker (@stebaker) on CodePen.
If you’re looking for a JS-free upload field then have a look at this example, created by Stephen Baker.
It uses pure CSS3 to change the input style into one large button. It works with the Font Awesome upload icon and simply wraps a whole circular area around the upload field.
You can change the style, color, icon or anything else to get this matching your site. It’s basically a super-clean alternative to the default input style and it runs on pure CSS3.
7. jQuery Custom File Upload Input
See the Pen jQuery Custom File Upload Input (Enhancements) by Terry Young (@terryyounghk) on CodePen.
Developer Terry Young took a bit of jQuery and used it to enhance some existing upload fields. This is the result (and it’s one heck of a result, if I can say so).
Through these styles you can change the upload field text, size, button color or remove the text field to just use a single button.
Note that this does require a good amount of jQuery because most of these features cannot be altered with CSS. If you don’t mind working with jQuery, these options are phenomenal.
8. Flat UI Input File
See the Pen Custom styles for Input file by Geoffrey Crofte (@CreativeJuiz) on CodePen.
Here’s a slightly different flat upload field created by Geoffrey Crofte. This one also relies on some JavaScript, but styles the entire input with CSS3 properties.
Since this is a sample snippet, you can’t actually upload files anywhere. But, that’s easy enough to change if you move this into your own site. The core design and setup is really what gives this snippet some life.
The return function runs in JavaScript, so that’s where you’d handle the file uploads, on-screen changes or anything else.
Best of all, these codes work in browsers dating back to IE 8! So it’s a pretty solid option if you’re concerned about accessibility.
9. Multi-Upload Fields
See the Pen Upload file name display by shubham chaudhari (@shubhamc_007) on CodePen.
Here’s one final custom field with a twist: it looks pretty simple aesthetically – but the real prize is in the functionality.
This upload field was designed to support multiple files all at once. You don’t typically see this with input fields – or at least not by default. Users have to select multiple files in the same window and the backend needs to support that.
With this snippet, you can list all the filenames in one upload field. You could even use JavaScript to append those filenames elsewhere on the page in plain view.
And while these are some of my favorite snippets, they certainly aren’t the only ones out there. Take a look at CodePen to see what else you can find.
The post 9 Custom Open Source File Upload Field Snippets appeared first on Speckyboy Web Design Magazine.
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http://j.mp/2GdcMWo via Speckyboy Web Design Magazine URL : http://j.mp/2cvndsh
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rumahseo · 5 years
Cara mengembalikan plugin Wordpress ke versi sebelumnya
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Mengembalikan plugin Wordpress ke versi sebelumnya - Beberapa hari yang lalu Kami masih sangat ingat, kami mendapatkan notifikasi untuk melakukan update plugin ke versi terbaru, dan kami langsung melakukan update. Plugin yang kami maksud adalah Elementor, kami melakukan update dari versi 2.6.7 ke versi 2.6.8 yang terjadi adalah beberapa gambar yang hilang pada halaman yang kami buat buat, dari sudah sangat jelas penyebab gambar tidak tampil pada halaman yang kami buat menggunakan elementor. Sebelum kami masuk kedalam pembahasan inti kami ingin memberikan sedikit penjelasan mengenai Plugin Elementor.
Apa itu Plugin Elementor?
Plugin Elementor adalah plugin pembuat halaman yang sempurna untuk diperluas dan diintegrasikan lebih lanjut. Itu dibuat dan dikembangkan dengan mempertimbangkan pengembang, dan kami telah melihat beberapa addon yang benar-benar luar biasa telah dikembangkan. Baca Juga : Google Memperkenalkan Google Site Kit untuk Plugin WordPress Elementor Page Builder hadir dengan toolset eksklusif, yang memungkinkan Anda membuat situs web yang benar-benar responsif dengan cara yang benar-benar baru dan visual. Dari ukuran font yang berbeda, padding dan margin per perangkat, hingga membalikkan pemesanan kolom, ini adalah pembangun halaman seluler yang paling kuat untuk membuat situs web responsif yang sempurna.
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Update Elementor 2.6.7 - 2.6.8 Perhatikan tanda panah pada gambar di atas, seharusnya pada tanda panah itu terdapat gambar namun gambar itu tidak muncul setelah kami melakukan update Elementor ke versi terbaru. Baca Juga :
Mengembalikan plugin Wordpress ke versi sebelumnya
Yang harus Anda lakukan mengembalikan plugin ke versi sebelumnya, ini adalah cara paling ampuh, Yang pertama silahkan masuk ke dashboard Wordpress Anda kemudian Klik Plugin > Add New > Cari Plugin WP Rollback, Anda juga download kemudian menguploadnya tetapi kami sarankan melalui dashboard website Anda.
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Klik button Install Now kemudian Activate Plugin, selamat plugin WP Rollback telah aktif. Tahap berikutnya adalah klik Plugin > Installed Plugins Anda akan melihat tulisan Rollback pada setiap plugin, silahkan klik button Rollback, pada kasus ini kami melakukannya pada plugin Elementor.
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Selanjutnya And akan di hadapkan dengan pilihan beberapa versi plugin, silahkan pilih versi plugin yang di inginkan, kemudian klik button Rollback.
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Tunggu beberapa saat WP Rollback akan melakukan mendownload plugin sesuai dengan versi pilihan Anda. Setelah selesai mendownload tunggu beberapa saat Plugin akan di install terlebih dahulu, terakhir Klik Activate Plugin, sampai disini plugin Anda telah kembali ke versi sebelumnya. Pada kasus kami gambar yang sebelumnya tidak muncul di halaman yang dibuat menggunakan Elementor kembali muncul. Mengembalikan plugin Wordpress ke versi sebelumnya, itulah yang harus dilakukan ketika terdapat risk pada saat menggunakan plugin terbaru. Read the full article
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luxus4me · 7 years
Designmodo http://j.mp/2iCZmb1
Design freebies can save you time recreating assets from scratch. If you search hard enough you can find everything from icon sets to UI kits and free stock photos too.
Over the years freebie sites have come & gone. The best have risen to the top and that’s what I’m covering in this post.
I’ve organized the best design freebie sites on the web for every design program from Photoshop to Sketch and Illustrator. No matter what you’re looking for there’s a good chance you’ll find it through one of these resources.
Undeniably the best resource for everything design is Dribbble. This is an invite-only social network for designers to share their portfolio pieces and recent design projects.
Many designers also use this site to promote their freebies. Some designers host them right on Dribbble, others link to their blog for a direct download. But in either event you can find a ton of amazing freebies right in Dribbble’s search page.
In fact this site is so packed with freebies that other websites exist just to curate all of Dribbble’s free assets. The two sites Fribbble and DB Freebies are both great examples.
Some designers also use Behance to release freebies, however that site is a public network so anyone can join. This means there’s a lot of noise to sift through if you’re looking for specific freebies like UI kits.
I mostly recommend Dribbble because it’s clean and full of the best design talent. This should be your first stop when scouring the web for digital design freebies.
365 PSD
One of the oldest freebie resources on the web is 365PSD. It has a massive archive dating back over 5 years with tons of free PSD files.
You can find absolutely everything in here. Icons, UI kits, vector elements, full website mockups, everything. Plus they’re still releasing new freebies all the time which makes this a truly valuable asset for designers.
Pretty much anything you’re looking for can be found in this gallery. It’s not a complete resource but with 5+ years of daily freebies you’re bound to find something in here that fits whatever you want.
Note: the best way to browse is from the free PSD categories in the top menu. Hover the “free PSD” section and you’ll find dozens of categories from logos to web mockups and everything inbetween.
Designer Mill
The Designer Mill website is a newer addition to the web but it’s another very valuable asset for designers. This site curates design freebies from everywhere so it acts more like an aggregator for digital freebies.
You’ll find plenty of PSD files but also a lot of Sketch files too. This program is a lot cheaper than Adobe and it’s quickly becoming the preferred choice for digital designers running OS X.
Categories are listed in the sidebar so you can browse through those to find whatever you’re looking for. These include number counts for the total items in each category so browsing is a cinch.
I do think the interface could be updated for easier browsing, but this aggregator is certainly one of the best for freebies of all filetypes.
Another larger general freebie site is Freebiesbug which also lets you browse by category. You’ll find these links in the sidebar with cats for pretty much everything:
Sketch files
Code snippets
The PSD category features the most content with over 1,200 freebies and counting. The majority of these are iconsets and digital mockups but there’s also a good number of UI kits and mobile app interfaces.
Everything else is much smaller by comparison although new freebies get published all the time.
Freebiesbug is one of my go-to resources for free assets because the quality is superb. You won’t find garbage freebies here since they’re all vetted by the editor and only published if they’re high quality.
But again this site works like an aggregator so the download buttons lead you towards the original freebie source.
PSD Repo
The best thing about PSD Repo is the clear organizational structure. Each freebie has its own color-coded badge so you can quickly browse through archive pages to find the assets you need.
Their search feature is also pretty good and they have tons of freebies that don’t usually get curated on other websites.
However this website is another curation archive so it does not host the files directly(not all of them anyways). The ones hosted off-site are marked as such on the download buttons.
If you can’t find what you need on Dribbble or the other PSD sites then check PSD Repo. It’s a nice alternative resource that doesn’t have a ton of volume but does have a good variety.
Sketch App Sources
Every Sketch user must know about Sketch App Sources. It’s the ultimate website for absolutely everything on the Sketch software.
Tutorials, shortcuts, plugins and design freebies are all part of this massive website. It acts more like a portal to Sketch design work and it’s a handy site for beginners and experts alike.
Pretty much every single Sketch freebie you can find online is listed here. It hosts the definitive gallery of all Sketch design freebies with mockups, iconsets, app icons and so much more.
Browse through the freebies page to get a taste of what’s in here. These files actually have direct download links on the page so even if a freebie gets deleted from the original source(like Dribbble) you can still find a copy on Sketch App Sources.
XD Guru
Another upcoming design program is Adobe’s Experience Design called Adobe XD for short. This program is meant to replace Photoshop for web/UI work so digital designers would stick to XD for interfaces and use Photoshop for photo manipulation.
But it’s still in beta for Windows & Mac so it’s not a fully stable platform.
That hasn’t stopped designers from publishing their own assets on the web for free. And the best ones have been curated on XD Guru which is like the portal for all things Adobe XD.
This site includes free tutorials, videos, guides, and of course tons of freebies. Once Adobe releases the full version for all operating systems you can bet this site will become a staple for anyone using the XD program.
If you search on Google you can find thousands of free icon sets. It seems almost impossible to search through them all since Google’s SERPs only show 10 items per page.
Thankfully there are better options like Iconfinder. This free webapp works like a search engine for open source icon sets.
You can search for whatever specific icon you’re looking for(ex: magnifying glass) or you can search by icon style(ex: flat, material, gradient). Each search page includes results from different icon sets so you can browse through and see which ones grab your attention.
Plus Iconfinder offers their own premium icons if you wanna go that route. It’ll cost you but it’s also not required since you can find millions of free icons with just a few keystrokes.
The subreddit /r/designfreebie is pretty small but also extremely focused on this one specific topic. It’s a massive collection of digital design freebies including PSDs, fonts, vectors, gradients, PS layer effects and so much more.
With only 4k subscribers this subreddit is surprisingly active with a few posts every day. Each link goes to the primary source of the freebie so you have direct access to hundreds of design assets right at your fingertips.
Most of the brushes and font families can vary in quality so you may wind up digging through a lot of garbage before you hit gold.
But many of these freebies do not get aggregated to other websites so they’re typically exclusive on Reddit. This makes /r/designfreebie a valuable resource to bookmark or subscribe and check a couple times a week.
There are other smaller freebie sites on the web but many of them force you to sign up before downloading, or require a social share, or mix in too many premium items with freebies. I find those sites disingenuous and partially against the spirit of design freebies.
So I hope this collection offers enough to get you started searching and downloading whatever freebies you need for your next design project.
http://j.mp/2haNXPA via Designmodo URL : http://j.mp/2hBowrF
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luxus4me · 7 years
Speckyboy Design Magazine http://j.mp/2eGVkxk
React is an open source JavaScript library developed by Facebook that allows for building advanced UIs. What makes React so interesting is that you can set different views for a component or application based upon its state. When a state changes, the library changes just the parts it needs to, instead of reloading the entire application. That leads to a lightning-fast UX.
We searched high and low for some of the coolest React components out there to help you create a top-notch interface. Here are some of our favorites:
UI-Router for React
UI-Router for React provides state-based routing for apps. For example, rather than creating a traditional website, this component makes it easy to navigate through various states of a React application with each “page” having its own content. As the user navigates, the app changes the browser’s URL – allowing users to bookmark specific pages. The result is an application that is easy to navigate and ultra-quick.
React-Bootstrap combines two powerful frameworks to create a library of reusable front end components. You’ll get the look of a Bootstrap site without all the repetitive code. That’s because this library allows JavaScript to take over page rendering, rather than HTML and CSS. Note that this package isn’t at version 1.0 as of this writing, but you can see the incredible potential for advanced development.
Looking to use Google’s Material Design in conjunction with React? Material-UI is a set of React components that will do just that. You’ll find a wide array of useful components like App Bars, Auto Complete, Badges, Buttons, Cards, Dialog Boxes, Icons, Menus, Sliders and more that are written in React – but using Material Design principles.
With Gatsby.js, you’ll be able to build static websites using React. The library allows you to pull in data from various sources like your favorite CMS, API, database or even a file system. Sites can be generated through the command line or other “starter” packages to help speed along the process.
styled-components allows you to style React components using real CSS code. It removes the mapping between components and styling, which makes the entire process much more straightforward.
React Sketch.app
Using React Sketch.app enables the creation of reusable documents that use React components within Sketch. It was built by Airbnb to help manage their design system and allows for the use of real React components in your designs. This is a really powerful tool that helps you build better prototypes.
React Virtualized
React Virtualized helps render long-scrolling lists and tables in an attractive and highly-customizable fashion. Set a fixed or dynamic row height, allow users to scroll to specific rows and display placeholders as scrolling takes place.
Blueprint is a UI kit that includes a collection of React components covering common interface elements. These are the basic elements that every application needs – like buttons, icons and various navigation systems. Styling is done through Sass, so you’ll be able to customize elements as desired. The components have also been created with accessibility in mind and will work with keyboard navigation.
Recharts is a charting library that allows you to quickly build charts with reusable React components. It’s built using SVG elements, so it scales beautifully on any device. Virtually any type of chart is possible, including various forms of line, bar, pie and scatter charts.
React DnD
With React DnD, you can create complex drag-and-drop interfaces using React components. Data can be transferred based on drag-and-drop events and components can change their look based upon their state. You can highlight specific targets for events to help make a friendlier UI.
The Future of UI?
React and other similar libraries are indeed looking like the future of both web and native app UI. In fact, it’s been heavily talked about with regards to its use in WordPress (like the Calypso app). The ability to create single-page apps that, ahem, react instantly to user interaction may someday soon become the standard.
We encourage you to take a look at React and the tools highlighted above. Experiment with them and see how they might fit into your own design future.
The post 10 Super-Useful React Components, Libraries & Tools appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
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http://j.mp/2gqJLhr via Speckyboy Design Magazine URL : http://j.mp/2cvndsh
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luxus4me · 7 years
Designmodo http://j.mp/2qNopeB
Are all WordPress themes created equal? To see that, visit the ThemeForest market, and randomly open 20 themes. You’ll notice that along the usual boilerplate marketing wording such as “unique,” “modern,” “bug-free,” “revolutionary,” at least half of them will come with the “ad-optimized” tag.
What exactly is an ad-optimized theme? Shouldn’t all themes be ad optimized? To find out we’ll examine Grimag, a premium WordPress theme designed to appeal to editors and SEO experts. It’s developed by Strict Themes, an elite ThemeForest author, and is advertised as a powerful publishing WordPress theme designed for maximum monetization.
Ad Monetization
There are two fundamental rules for monetization. The first is: “Don’t rely on ads;” the second is “Don’t rely on ads for revenue.”
While there are quite a lot of monetization options available, none of them is as simple as placing ad code in the HTML of one’s website. According to the Pricewaterhouse Coopers IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report, advertisers spent a staggering $72.5 billion on ads. Of course, not all websites are powered by ads, or even have ads on their platforms, but quite a lot of them are relying on ads to get traffic, visitors and, eventually customers.
The Ad Phenomena
Fundamentally, as a concept, ads are a beginning. However, the biggest problem with ads is that most of them are intrusive, useless and annoying, especially those auto-play videos that replaced gif ads. Powered by tracking agents, cookies and other invasive privacy tools, ads have become a privacy issue for consumers and publishers.
Ads can be easily blocked. While a few years ago, ad-blocking was a geeky thing, nowadays, more casual users are enabling ad-blocking in their browsers. In fact, browsers already have built-in ad-blocking functionality. It takes less than 5 minutes to enable an ad-blocker in a browser and, once enabled, most users won’t disable them.
Blocking the Ad-Blocker
In turn, publishers are relying on various tools to counteract ad-blockers. Some publishers are displaying a notification prompting (begging) users to whitelist a website, others are partially restricting access to their digital content, and some publishers are entirely blocking access to ad-enabled browsers. While emerging ads displaying and user tracking technologies are tackling ad-blockers, it won’t be long until these tools are rendered obsolete.
If we somehow cut all the ads from the web, thousands of websites will quickly find their way into the internet’s archive. For publishers relying on ads to monetize digital content, such a scenarios would prove to be insurmountable.
A web without ads will never be a reality. While alternative business models may work for some publishers, the truth is that most of the web can’t function without ads. Publishers that can’t sustain themselves with alternative monetization avenues will quit. And this will be the end of the web as we know it. Without diversity, the open web may become a closed medium. And that’s not something we may want.
The Ad Problem
I am not an ad apologist. As a consumer, I hate ads, yet, I use ad-blockers on a blacklist base. Annoy me with your ads, and I’ll blacklist you without looking back. Auto-play videos? Broken layouts? Junk ads or promoted articles that have no relevance whatsoever to your website? It’s the blacklist for you. And the excuse that it’s the ad network’s fault, won’t cut it. It’s all about supply and demand.
We are all to blame for the “ad problem.” Editors are at fault for erratically joining ad networks and displaying junk ads, developers for badly written code, designers for poorly designed layouts, and so on. Ad code can be placed anywhere in any HTML page, yet, it’s all about carefully integrating ads with content. Effectively, ads should stand out as a seamless continuity of your content.
It’s up to us, designers, developers, writers, editors or publishers to design great layouts, craft elegant code, write interesting articles and publish content that will appeal to visitors so that they won’t have to enable ad-blockers.
WordPress, the Best CMS for … Ads?
WordPress, the popular CMS that powers a significant chunk of the web, is also the biggest platform for add delivery. With WordPress, placing ads on your website is as easy as placing ad code in a sidebar widget.
However, while virtually every WordPress theme out there supports ads, not all themes are born equal. Accommodating ads makes a huge difference in the design and overall layout of a theme. Building an ad-friendly theme adds a significant layer of complexity in the process of creating a sleek and efficient theme both from a UX and a monetization point of view. It’s all about finding the balance between content and ads. And no, ad-plugins won’t do the trick.
Grimag Is an Ad-Optimized WordPress Theme for Creators
Grimag is a WordPress theme that offers a viable solution to the ad problem. It won’t block ad-blockers for you. Instead, it will help you serve ads that work, so you can focus on content.
The theme has more than nine hotspots to place advertisements. The ads can be placed on top of the header, bellow a title, in sidebars, including sticky sidebars, above a post, bellow a post and even in the footer area.
With so many add spaces, one can assume that Grimag will look a lot like an ad farm. That’s not the case. The ad positions are in prominent places and blend perfectly with content, without distracting visitors, but at the same time remain visible. While at its core, the developer built the theme around ad placements, Grimag is intended to be a theme for content creators.
Responsive AdSense
Grimag is also optimized for AdSense, especially in responsive scenarios. The built-in tool, which can be conveniently enabled by selecting a checkbox from the theme panel, will enable the responsive ads option. Each ad unit has its unique ID that can be associated with an ST AdSense widget. With this option enabled, ads will be limited to predefined sizes. To place AdSense units in the body of a post and above or below, a handy shortcode is provided.
It should be noted that not all themes provide this functionality. Usually, responsive AdSense is supported by various third-party plugins that come with a price. However, I’ll take a theme that comes with built-in functionality rather than installing another WordPress plugin.
Get Creative with Grimag
Grimag is not only about ads. It’s a functional and flexible WordPress theme packed in a minimalistic design. It features a 300px sidebar that can be enabled on all pages, unlimited sidebars that can be assigned to individual pages, multiple footer layouts and more.
The theme has two skins, light and dark, that can be easily customized with the built-in visual editor. Grimag will look great on any screen, including high-resolution displays.
Also, the theme comes with five widgets, 100+ high-quality icons, and more than 600 Google fonts, plus all the shortcodes you’d expect from a premium theme, including columns, buttons, tabs, and even a pricing table.
Grimag has eight post formats, each with custom options, for a total of 26 post styles. In addition to the Standard post format, Grimag is designed for Image posts, Gallery posts, Audio and Video posts, Link and Quotes posts, and even an option for Status posts. The Gallery and Video post support both self-hosted and embedded media content. For each post, page or project you can add subtitles. You can also enable sticky posts. The authors were generous enough, so you can display up to 50 sticky posts. (It’s not something you’d really want to do, but who knows.)
The theme also comes with a primary and a secondary menu for improved navigation. If you don’t need a secondary menu, the position can be used to display shortcuts to your social profiles.
What’s Under the Hood?
The theme options panels is a Swedish knife. All the options are laid out in an intuitive and hassle free interface. Here you’ll also find quick access to usability hacks where you can edit the logo, the favicon or your social network icons with a few clicks.
The theme is Google Analytics ready and is also designed with the best SEO practices in mind. In addition to that, it’s 100 percent compatible with Yoast, the SEO plugin. You’ll just need to throw some quality content to match the theme’s offerings.
Grimag is powered by high-quality code. The HTML is W3C compliant, and the CSS styles are structured logically. Those who like to tweak the code will find the code well-readable and well commented. In fact, you’ll enjoy tweaking the theme.
Grimag also comes with an extended online documentation that covers every feature and option. The documentation is backed up by top-tier support and free bug fixes. In addition, Grimag is tested on beta versions of WordPress so that it can be safely updated to the latest releases from the built-in updater.
The theme also comes with a one-click install feature. The set-up wizard will install and any dependencies in less than 5 minutes, and the dummy data that comes with Grimag will allow anyone to quickly replicate the demo site.
Additionally, Grimag is built to be compatible with the most popular plugins you may want to use to build the ultimate online hub such as BuddyPress, Yoast SEO or bbPress.
Grimag is a balanced theme, packed with a lot of features and add-ons, that it’s both elegant and functional. While it’s advertised for online magazines, Grimag can be used for many other purposes. The theme is based on St Kit Framework, Strict Themes custom framework that powers most of the developer themes. It’s optimized to work with many popular WordPress plugins, you get an extendable platform, that is customizable and user-friendly.  It’s translation ready and comes with great features and options to deliver content that matters. Plus, Grimag will appeal to those looking into ad monetization.
Grimag won’t solve your ad-blocker problems. However, if I run into you website, chances that you’ll remain on my ad-block whitelist will increase radically. Grimag is available for $59 on ThemeForest. It’s a modest price to pay for an elegant and flexible theme that, in the long turn, will return the investment.
http://j.mp/2s7bMP9 via Designmodo URL : http://j.mp/2hBowrF
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