#pls someone with video editing skills make my dream come true
has anyone done the Big Enough (scream-singing sky man) meme but with that opening scene from Dragon Age Inquisition where you come out of the chantry with Cassandra and see the breach for the first time?
I need this for reasons
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mr. ocean eyes | m. schumacher
pairing: mick schumacher x reader word count: 3.3k request: yes/no warnings: swear words, this is so unnecessarily long i'm sorry. a/n: as always, english is not my first language. it's my first time writing for mick so pls lmk what you think.
my masterlist
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working for the ferrari formula one team was a dream come true. at such a young age you had charmed your way in with your skills and intelligence, landing a job that allowed you to work close to both drivers.
your job consisted of coming up with ideas, filming, and editing challenges and other videos throughout the weekend that would go up on the team’s social media accounts, as well as taking stunning photos of pretty much everything that caught your eye. you loved it. it allowed you to have the full experience of being part of an f1 team, but you didn’t have as much pressure. and the best part was that when you weren’t working, you could walk around the track and the paddock freely, with your camera hanging around your neck. that’s how you met him.
it was your second week working full time on the road with the rest of the team, you felt ready to face a triple-header. your first stop, france. you were fairly new to the whole world of f1 so you were still learning about the other teams and drivers. you were strolling through the garages and the motorhomes, taking a few candid shots when the lighting was perfect. you stopped as you captured the moment when two of the ferrari mechanics shared a laugh. you couldn’t see the bottom half of their faces because of the masks, but you could see the joy in their eyes. smiling to yourself as you looked at it through the screen, you turned to continue your walk when your foot made contact with a toolbox, making you lose your balance.
your hand immediately wrapped around your camera, knowing a whole week of work would be at risk if something happened to it or the footage in it. you turned your body, closing your eyes as you hoped to fall on your side better than falling face-first.
but you never made contact with the ground. two firm hands pinned your arms to your sides, the grip tight. and pulled you backwards, making your back hit something, both strong and soft at the same time, behind you.
"there you go, you're okay," you heard in your ear, a deep voice with a thick accent. a shiver ran down your back. you opened your eyes; the commotion caused everyone’s attention at the garage to turn to you. people rushed to you, as you felt the grip around you softening. you tried to turn, ready to thank whoever saved you from a broken arm.
it was a messy two seconds, all you saw was a flash of blue eyes before all your coworkers surrounded you to see if you were okay. you tried to stand on your tiptoes to see if you could catch something more than just a glimpse of that ocean blue, but those eyes were replaced by another, blue as well. the wrong kind of blue.
charles grabbed your shoulders, snapping you out of the initial shock of everything that happened in the last ten seconds. it all happened so quickly, you blinked a few times as you processed it. you could hear the people around you talking, but you heard it all muffled as the adrenaline from before began rushing through you. charles looked at you, you could see his lips were moving but could only hear a ringing in your ears, his eyes were filled with concern as you still seemed to be in shock. he moved to your side, sliding the camera strap from your neck and handing it to someone else, one of his hands rested on your back, guiding you through the garage to the medical room.
after being given the all clear and your boss telling you to take the rest of the day off, charles offered to drive you back to the hotel where all teams were staying, you agreed after he assured you he had no other responsibilities left at the track for the day. charlotte, his girlfriend, offered to ride in the backseat with you in case you needed anything, which you deeply appreciated.
you chatted the entire way to the hotel, getting to know them both away from the track was a completely different experience, outside the track you were a bunch of kids living the dream, traveling the world whilst pursuing your passions. you exchanged numbers with both of them, already making plans to go out on sunday after the race. when you arrived at the hotel charles handed the keys of his ferrari to the valet, the three of you made your way inside as a couple of young boys approached charles and asked him for a picture. charlotte and you scooted to one side as you waited, your eyes wandering through the busy hotel lobby, checking to see if the elevators were available.
your breath hitched, there they were.
the same ocean eyes as before.
that cerulean blue met your eyes for just one second before the elevator doors closed, your heart sinking for the second time that day. you tried to catch more of his facial features but you couldn't see anything other than that bright blue.
“no…” you whispered to yourself, catching charlotte’s attention.
“what’s wrong?” she asked.
“it’s just… someone saved me from falling… before. and i don’t know who it was, all i could see were his eyes,” you tried to explain, feeling your cheeks getting warm. “i wanted to thank him,”
“oh. maybe you’ll see him again tomorrow, if he was in the paddock today then he must work for one of the teams, no press was allowed in today.” she placed a hand on your shoulder, giving you a warm smile.
“he has ocean blue eyes, i just saw him.” you continued, your mind still a little hazy.
“then he definitely works for a team. we’ve got a mission.” charlotte nodded her head, a determined look on her face.
“what mission?” charles asked, joining you. he placed an arm around charlotte’s shoulders, pulling her close to him.
“mission find-mr-ocean-eyes,” charlotte stated. you smiled, thankful that you had a friend now. charles just looked at you two with confusion all over his face. “i’ll explain it later, come on, let’s get (y/n) to her room.”
the next day you had your camera hanging from your neck again, walking with charlotte to the garage so you could join charles and carlos at their track walk. the four of you chatted as you walked, you stopped a few times to take a few pictures of the drivers laughing together, playfully nudging each other's shoulders as charlotte rolled her eyes in the background. you were about halfway through the track when someone shouted carlos' name.
you'd been so caught up joking around that you didn't notice that the mclaren team also made their way on to the track. you stopped as you waited for them to join you. you saw as carlos hugged a guy with curly brown hair, charlotte immediately made her way to you, nudging your shoulder lightly to get your attention. you turned your head, she pointed with her eyes and eyebrow to the boy that was now bumping fists with charles.
"this is (y/n), she's our new photographer and videographer," charles introduced you, his eyes held the same curious spark as his girlfriend’s.
"hey, nice to meet you, i'm lando." the boy approached you and shook hands with you. he was smiling through his face mask, giving you clear view of his eyes. although they were quite beautiful, they weren't the blue you were looking for.
"hi, nice to meet you, too." you spoke softly, giving him a tight-lipped smile that you were thankful he couldn't see, you scrunched your nose a bit to make it seem like you were smiling really hard as disappointment filled your stomach. carlos walked ahead of you, catching up with his former teammate and crew, which left you alone with the monegasques.
they looked at you expectantly whilst you busied yourself with your camera, taking it off your neck so you could have something on your hands. you messed with the settings before taking a picture of the former teammates.
"so?" charles asked, raising his eyebrows as he'd done many times since you met him.
"so?" you repeated, a frown on your face as you kept your gaze on the camera.
"so... is lando mr. ocean eyes?" charlotte asked, taking the device from you.
"no, lando's eyes have more green in them," you said.
later that day the three of you eyed suspiciously every single person in the ferrari garage, you decided to start with your coworkers since it would be pretty odd to sneak into another team’s garage. eventually you had to leave for the press conference that always took place on thursdays, but whilst you were gone charlotte had offered to discreetly take pictures on her phone of literally anyone she saw with blue eyes. you strolled with both carlos and charles, since their interviews were one after the other. you got there as antonio giovinazzi and lance stroll were already talking to the reporters. you messed with the camera settings, changing it to fit the lighting inside. you clicked the shutter button a few times for some test photos. finally, you lifted your head up just as you saw a williams driver greeting both boys in red, through the viewfinder, you saw as charles lifted his eyebrows quickly. you snapped a picture just as he turned to greet you as well.
“(y/n), have you met george?” charles said with a hopeful tone in his voice. you shook hands with george, just as you’d done with lando earlier.
“hello, i’m (y/n),” you said, and he introduced himself. luckily someone called carlos’ name and you excused yourself to film a few clips. you noticed another driver, from the haas team, had already sat down next to carlos, but it wasn’t mr. ocean eyes.
later, you ate lunch with your two newfound best friends, charlotte showing you all the photos she took on her phone while you were gone.
“i also asked the people who were around you when you tripped, none of them saw who it was, apparently he fled the scene after saving you in true superhero fashion.” charlotte said dreamily.
“honestly, i think i should just give up and move on, it’s really not that big of a deal. he’s just a guy with pretty eyes,” you said, leaning your head on your fist, the remnants of your lunch getting colder by the second.
“no way,” both monegasques said at the same time, startling you a bit. “i don’t care if it takes us the entire season to find out who he is, this ship will sail,” charles said confidently, charlotte held his hand, grateful that he was taking this as seriously as she was.
“fine, but don’t get any crazy ideas,” you said, and they looked at each other mischievously.
the next day, you had to film a challenge for the team’s youtube channel, which took up most of your evening as you had to edit it as well. you showed it to your supervisor for approval, once she gave you a thumbs up she announced that you could go to the hotel and relax for the rest of the day.
your phone rang as you walked down the steps of the hospitality. charles.
“hey, what’s up?” you answered, lifting your phone up to your ear.
“we’re going to a club tonight. probably not the wisest choice as we’ve got qualy tomorrow, but the guys wanted to blow off some steam before things got serious.” charles said.
“and i need my new partner in crime! wanna come with?” charlotte piped in, making you chuckle. you mentally ran through the things you’d thrown in your luggage at the last minute.
“i’ve got nothing to wear,” you said.
“lucky you, neither do i. we’re going shopping.” she said.
“fine, where are you?” you asked as you made your way out of the hospitality, waving goodbye to one of the security guards.
“in my car. are you outside now?” charles said
“ew, you two. yeah, i’m walking to the parking lot, why?” you said, they laughed at your insinuation. you felt someone tapping your shoulder. you stopped as you turned to see who it was. you recognized him as one of charles’ friends, a driver for alpha tauri. “wait, hold on,” you spoke to your phone.
“are you (y/n)?” he asked, you heard the blonde man ask. you nodded. “i’m pierre, charles’ friend. he told me to walk you to his car,” he said, a small smile on his lips.
“charles?” you said in a mocking tone.
“is he!?” they both asked at the same time.
“nope, i’ll see you in a few,” you ended the call just as you heard them grunting. “sorry about that, let’s go.”
once you all picked and chose your outfits for the night, you left the shop as charles drove you to the hotel. the french sun was slowly making its way down, disappearing behind the waterline. the four of you parted ways, the boys went to pierre’s room whilst you and charlotte made your way to her room. you got ready and met them again down at the lobby. soon enough you climbed into the ferrari and drove to the designated club. it’d been rented exclusively to team members, but it was still pretty packed. you danced the night away, drinking a few mojitos as more and more people began filing in.
you were already quite tipsy as you danced to the deafening beat that rattled through the club. you closed your eyes, swaying from side to side as you enjoyed the moment.
until someone pushed you backwards, making you lose your balance. ‘not again,’ you thought. out of nowhere, two strong arms grabbed your waist, pulling you back until you hit something both firm and soft, a chest.
“we should really stop meeting like this, liebe,” you heard in your ear. the same voice. the same hands. you opened your eyes instantly, turning your head so you could see him. this was probably the worst place ever, the only lights were the flashing, colored, led lights that did nothing to help you memorize his features.
“it’s you… i-”
“(y/n)!” someone called your name. you cursed silently, grabbing the hands that were holding your waist.
“come with me,” he said, lacing your fingers with his and leading you to the back exit. you breathed deeply as you finally made your way outside. it was dark, the alley illuminated only by a few streetlights. you remained silent for a few moments, letting the chilly air sober you up by the second.
“you alright?” he asked, you nodded.
“yeah, it was just getting too crowded in there,” you gave him a tight lipped smile, your eyes glued to the ground. “who are you?” you asked, your back hitting the brick wall.
“my name’s mick. i drive for haas,” he said.
“so that’s why we couldn’t find you,” you thought out loud.
“sorry?” he said, taking a step closer to you.
“my friends, charles and charlotte, and i, spent the past two days looking for whoever saved me from falling. it all happened really fast, all i saw were your eyes,” you looked up, finally meeting his soft gaze. “i know it sounds dumb and probably really creepy,” you chuckled. “but i just wanted to find you, and thank you.”
“hey no. it’s okay. i uh…” he stopped as he stopped in front of you, “i wanted to look for you as well. i almost jumped out of the elevator when i saw you at the hotel. but i didn’t want to get you in trouble, because you were with leclerc,”
you shook you head, “he’s the one that helped me find you,” you explained.
you both looked at each other for a second, processing everything.
“what a mess,” you snorted. you saw him visibly relax and he laughed as well.
“yeah,” he sighed. you leaned back against the wall, tilting your head up so you could see the ocean eyes that had plagued your mind since that wednesday morning. your eyes scanned his face, memorizing every inch of it. too lost in your own thoughts, you didn’t realize he was talking until you saw his lips moving.
“huh?” you blinked a few times, “sorry.”
“don’t worry, liebe. i was asking if you wanted to get out of here, we could… take a walk, grab a drink or something?” he said, his bright eyes had a hopeful spark in them. you smiled.
“lead the way, mr. ocean eyes,” you teased, as he grabbed your hand in his, pulling you from the wall and to his side.
“what?” he asked, you walked side by side, you didn’t have a destination in mind, just enjoyed each other’s company for as long as you could.
“nothing,” you chuckled.
a knock on your door woke you up the next day. so loud and the knocking wouldn’t stop, and you were sure your neighbors wouldn’t appreciate it. reluctantly, you got up and opened the door to find your monegasques friends standing there with wide eyes.
“mick schumacher?!” they whisper-yelled at the same time. it took you a second to realize what they were talking about. you just moved to the side to let them in.
“you left the club with mick schumacher?!” charlotte asked, shocked. you gave them a small nod. they looked at each other, then at you.
“what the fuck happened with ‘mission find-mr-ocean-eyes?” charles said, bewildered. “i feel so betrayed right now, i need a minute.” he said, sitting on the small couch. his hands pressed to his face, to exaggerate his dramatics. you laughed at him, and with his hands still on his face, moved his fingers to only show his middle one. flipping you off. which made you laugh even more.
“i found him.” you stated, biting your lip as your eyes darted from one brunette to the other.
“what the fuck?” charlotte.
“why didn’t you say something?” charles.
“why did you leave with mick if you found him?” charlotte.
“i feel like i’m going to pass out, goodbye,” charles sighed, throwing his head back against the cushion. his girlfriend eyeing you suspiciously. you just laughed at them, wondering how they’d react once they found out.
luckily, you wouldn’t have to wait much longer.
“liebling?” you heard a small knock on your door, which had remained opened when the monegasques made their way into your room. all three of you turned to the sound of mick’s voice as he slowly pushed the door open. his eyes scanned the scene in front of him. you in your pjs, hair messy. the two brunettes staring at him with their eyes wide open.
“holy shit!” charles gasped, his hand flying to cover his mouth. “blue eyes!” he pointed with his finger.
charlotte began cursing and speaking in french, the words leaving so quickly you couldn’t even begin to catch what she said. mick just furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at you for an explanation. after his initial shock, charles stood up and walked up to mick, placing his hands on the blonde’s shoulders.
“ocean blue eyes…” charles whispered, which only made mick feel more confused. he patted his shoulders as charlotte approached him, taking his hand and dragging him out of the room, leaving you two alone.
“what the fuck?” mick asked, you took a few steps until you stood in front of him, throwing your arms around his neck.
“it’s a long story,” you said as he kissed your cheek.
“i’ve got time, liebe.”
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staycatcher · 5 years
Loving Seungmin Hours
A ask game for lovely stays who bias Kim Seungmin of skz or suffer from his bias wreckory💓🤠
Use the hashtag: ‘loving seungmin hours’ so we can see all your answers!!
Note: if you can’t see any emojis, just ask the question instead! Also the examples I gave aren’t the answers I’d give, but just to help give you ideas how to answer them or explain the question!
🆒) How did you get into kpop? How did you get into Stray kids?
🚮) How trash are you for Kim Seungmin and stray kids on a scale from one to ten each? (Ex: 10 for Seungmin, 10 for stray kids)
🆙) What other groups do you stan? Fav songs from them?
🆕) When you first got into stray kids, who’s names would mix up or have a hard time remembering?
🆗) Who were your first stray kids biases before you stuck with Seungmin?
0️⃣) Whats the age gap between you and Seungmin? How does that make you feel? (If you’re not comfortable sharing your age, just say younger, older, or don’t answer!)
✊) Do you also stan Day6, if so what’s your fav songs from them? Do you have a day6 bias?
🧲) What about Seungmin drew you in?
🤔) Who else are your biases and bias wreckers besides Kim Seungmin? Aka who is threatening Seungmin for the ult title!
🤠) When did you realize Seungmin owned your ass heart and/or soul?
🔎) Pros and Cons of having him as your bias / bias wrecker?
👤) Does Seungmin remind you of someone, if so who?
☺️) Do you have any nicknames for Seungmin? What are they?
🐚) Fav aesthetics? (Ex: peaches, green, the smell of rain, laughing so hard it hurts)
📋) List a bunch of aesthetic things you think of, when you think of Seungmin, and a seperate one for skz! (Ex: for seungmin: sunsets, daisies, cookies, smell of old books. For skz: late nights, forest, cityscape, spicy food, smell of good cologne) (I had to keep it short lol)
📻) Dedicate a song to Stray Kids and explain why you chose the song! Dedicate a song to Seungmin and explain why you chose the song!
🎫) Have you ever been to a concert? A kpop or stay kids one? (IF YOUVE SEEN SKZ LIVE YOURE OBLIGATED TO SHARE IF YOURE READING THIS AND TAG @writenowskz in it;))
📢) Rant about how much you love him!!!
👋) Tell him off for ruining your life!!!
💭) Something about Seungmin that you think about a lot?
🗯) What’s your fav thing Seungmin’s ever said or done?
💬) If you met Seungmin, what would you want to tell him?
‼️) Whats something you want him to know / remember?
😃) Describe how Seungmin makes you feel using only emojis!
👀) Fav Seungmin moment? Fav stray kids moment?
💲) Have you bought any skz cds and which members’ photocard(s) have you pulled if so?
🔊) Songs that you think Seungmin shines in? (Can include covers he’s done!)
🎧) Fav stray kids song and album in general?
🎙) A song you want stray kids to cover? A song you want Seungmin to cover?
💽) Fav mixtape track? And what 3racha song do you want to be a future mixtape track?
🎬) Fav stray kids clip / video? Fav Seungmin clip / video?
📕) Fav era / concept for stray kids? Fav era / concept for Seungmin?
🙅‍♀️) Least fav era / concept for Seungmin? Fav era / concept for stray kids? If not applicable, what concept would you hope they and he never do?
👟) Fav outfit Seungmin has worn?
👞) Fav outfit other stray kids members have worn?
👠) Least fav outfit Seungmin has worn?
🥿) Least fav outfit other members have worn?
👕) A piece of clothing / outfit / something he and other members have worn that you want to steal?
👖) A piece of clothing / outfit / something he and other members have worn that you want to burn so it never sees the light of day again?
✂️) If you could style Seungmin, how’d you style him? (Crack Ex: I would make him wear 80s short shorts, cowboy boots, and I would slick back his hair with shiny, thick gel) Do it for the rest of the members as well, if you want!
👑) Fav hairstyle on Seungmin?
🎩) Fav hairstyles in the other members?
🖌) Fav haircolor Seungmin rocked? What is a color you hope to see him sport in the future?
🖍) Have you or do you dye your hair? Fav color you’ve dyed it, if so?
💋) Fav facial feature of his? How many kisses would you give him on that spot ;)? (2nd part optional <3)
😉) Fav physical feature of his that’s not his face? (Ex: I think he has nice shoulders)
🗣) What’s your fav thing about Seungmin’s personality? Fav quirks of his?
🍪) How do you feel about Seungmin’s mole?
🥛) Do you have any moles or beauty marks yourself?
😆) Fav Seungmin meme?
🥴) What meme / vine / tweet gives you Seungmin vibes?
😝) What’s something Seungmin does / has done that make you wanna yell “ME!”
😗) Out If all nine members, who do you relate to the most?
💌) Write Seungmin a confession / love letter!
💞) Fav ship with Seungmin? (Platonic and/or romantic)
💕) What would your relationship dynamic be like? (Plantonic and/or romantic)
💗) Do you personally think you and Seungmin are compatible? (Plantonically and/or Romantically)
💖) Would you rather have Seungmin as your best friend or significant other? Pick another member of stray kids to fill up the other title. (Ex: I would have Seungmin as my best friend and Changbin as my significant other)
💝) Do you believe in true love or soulmates?
❣️) What would you give him at a fan sign? (Ex: A flower crown and a letter)
💔) Saddest Seungmin moment / moment that made you emo?
❤️) Recommend your fav Seungmin content made by stay! (Fics, moodboards, edits, users, youtube videos, crack, etc)
🧡) If you had one day with Seungmin, how would you spend it? Where would you go? What would you do? Etc.
💛) What’s something about Seungmin that you think should be talked about more?
💚) What would be your dream Seungmin fan interaction? (Ex: he blows you a kiss at a concert)
💙) How do other Seungmin stans make you feel? Are you friends with any? If so tag them and tell them how much you love them!!
💜) Do you have a fav Seungmin au? (Ex: Prince! Seungmin)
💟) Ship yourself and your mutuals with the members of stray kids!
🖤) What’s something Seungmin does that makes you lose your mind?
🏆) If you fought Seungmin, who would win? (Physically and/or verbally)
🥊) What would be the cause of you and Seungmin fighting? (Physically and/or verbally)
⚡️) Which Hogwarts house do you think Seungmin belongs in? What is your Hogwarts house in comparison?
🛍) Pretend you’re going on a shopping trip with Seungmin. Which stores would you hit up? Do you think he’d be helpful? If he bought you an ugly jacket, would you wear it? (Wow I really threw Hyunjin under the bus lmao)
🧭) If stray kids landed in your hometown, where would you take them? (Yes you can sit next to Seungmin whenever you’d like ;))
🙄) How often are you blown away / irritated by other’s stupidity?
🍼) Are you babey? How does the word ‘uwu’ make you feel, do you use it?
😶) Do you have a resting bitch face? Resting sad face? Or are you cursed with an approachable face?
😐) What is your main emotion / emotion you feel the most? Does Seungmin change that?
🧀) Remember when Seungmin was an MC on After School Club? Did you like him on there? Did you miss it?
😎) Rapper Seungmin. Thoughts?
🕴) How does Seungmin’s Dance to day6’s shoot me make you feel? Have you ever done the dance yourself, if you haven’t pls do it now and share your experience!
🎤) Do you like to sing? Are you any good?
🎹) Do you play any instruments? How long have you been playing them?
🎼) Go to kaoroke song? How embarrassing are you at kaoroke?
🚘) Fav song to blast in the car? Who’s in the car with you?
🤘) What’s a song you really wanna see live?
💃) Fav song to dance to?
👣) How good are you at dancing / choreography?
📷) Do you like photography?
🎞) What are some of your hobbies?
🌟) What are your personal talents / skills?
🎓) How good were you at school? And what’s the most trouble you got yourself into at school?
⚾️) Do you play any sports? Support any teams? Fav sport? How do you feel about baseball?
🐶) Do you have a dog, or a pet in general? Can you please show us a pic of them if so?
👹) Are you the type of person to annoy or get annoyed?
👺) Are you the prankster or are you the one who gets pranked?
🤪) Everyone has a person who they tease. Who is someone you tease? (Unnecessary Ex: Seungmin teases Changbin)
😈) Evil Seungmin or Soft Seungmin?
💀) Fav evil thing he’s done?
😇) Fav soft thing he’s done?
💄) Barefaced Seungmin or Madeup Seungmin?
👔) Casual Seungmin or Dressed up Seungmin?
💣) Are you a hard stan or a soft stan? If you’re a mixture of both, tell us your percentages (Ex: 3% soft stan, 97% hard stan)
💉) Thoughts on tats and piercings? Do you have any or plans on getting any?
🔪) Kill or be killed? Die for or kill for?
🔫) Weapon of choice?
💪) Beat up or give a stern talking to?
🙏) How forgiving are you? Do you hold grudges?
💍) Do you prefer to woo or be wooed?
🌺) Do you blush easily / get flustered? Or do you make people blush / get flustered?
😳) Are you shy? What situations make you shy, if not?
😀) Things that make you :D?
🤓) Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
☹️) Are you an optimist, pessimist, realist or opportunist?
💯) Are you a perfectionist?
🔮) Fav mythical creature? If you and Seungmin were mythical creatures / beings, what would y’all be?
⚰️) Vampires or werewolves? (This is a serious, valid question, okay? It tells a lot about someone)
🎃) Fav Holiday? How do you spend it? Any holiday traditions?
🍂) Fav season? Your fav aesthetics for that season? (Ex: Winter: snowflakes, fuzzy socks, hot cocoa, ugly sweaters, smell of cinnamon)
👻) Do you like horror movies? If so, what’s your fav and which are you excited for seeeing when it comes out?
🐭) Fav Disney movie? If Seungmin and yourself were characters in that movie, who would y’all be?
📺) Do you watch Kdrama? If so, what are your favs?
📽) Your Fav variety show? Have skz appeared on it, if so tell us your fav part of that ep?
🍰) Fav dessert? Would you share it with him or tell him to get his own?
♈️) Whats your astrological sign / birth chart (if you know your birth chart)? Are your signs ‘compatible’ with his? (Ex: I’m a Virgo and so is he so we’re comparible! I don’t know my birth chart so I’ll leave it at that)
👯‍♀️) Whats your role in friend groups? (Ex: Carefree gay uncle who’s house is the fun one to hang out at)
👄) What languages can you speak? Please say ‘hi, I love Seungmin’ in each ;)!
❄️) Have you ever seen snow in person? How do you feel about snow?
🌼) Fav flower and/or plant?
🌱) If Seungmin were a plant, what plant would he be? Why? (Ex: he’s a cactus flower, cuz he can be prickly to his members cough cough changbin cough but he has a heart of gold, and can grow despite the driest of deserts!) feel free to say which plant you’d be as well!!
🌾) Do you go on walks? Do you listen to music while you do it? Where’s your fav spot to go?
✈️) Dream vacation?
🐤) Are you a morning bird or a night owl?
🏞) Mountains or beaches?
☂️) Rain or shine?
🐱) Cats or dogs?
📱) Mobile to desktop?
💻) Vlive or YouTube?
🍽) Breakfast in bed or late night takeout?
🏙) Country side or city?
🎀) Play with someone’s hair or have your hair played with?
☀️) Do you burn or tan? (Either way please take care of your skin and wear sun block!)
☕️) Tea or coffee?
📖) Books or movies?
🔥) Cool or hot?
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