#pls just. god. not everyone who is aro is ace. please be normal about that fact. glee bless. etc.
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stunfiskz · 1 year ago
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toxycodone · 2 months ago
im a huge fan of the normal tcg and have a stupid number of cards cuz i both play the game and collect cards just cuz i like the art on em
but yeah rn i do not know that much about like whats meta or whatever but since i started getting into the pvp content just as the mythical island stuff came out ive been running a serperior + celebi deck and its been fun just gambling w coin flips lol.
anyway yes i am very autistic my special interest lies in the pokemon series in general but i dont know that much about tcg pocket rn and like hearing someone ramble about it would be top ten best things ever can i take u on a date and you just info dump to me the whole time ur autistic swag has captivated me
idk should i like. give myself a sign off? i have been here before(i was the anon that joked about marrying you in the past and i may also be one of the anons that has a teensy eensy weird little crush on you. which is honestly impressive im literally aro ace i dont even like ppl but ur so charming)
-maractus anon (just picking my fav pkmn lmao)
dude I love. Pokemon TCG pocket sm. My mom got me a giant sleeping Pikachu plush bc my pikachu deck is so dear to me, it was my first competitive deck :3
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I’m an emblem farmer and highly competitive (lol if this isn’t proof enough). (I already beat this month’s event of 45 battles won and there’s still like 2 weeks left until it ends lmfao)
My go to is my starmie ex / articuno ex deck 🙏 literally has been carrying me lately. I also run a mewtwo/mew deck that’s killer too!! I prefer fast building gimmick decks tho, so starmie/articuno is my fave <3 I actually put articuno in my active spot, used misty, and won a battle in one turn :3c im everyone’s nightmare. Im really into the meta and stuff
AND CELEBI + SERPERIOR IS SUCH A FUN DECK TO PLAY. IVE been doing it lately too just for fun!!! The coin flips are my fave part. I just love getting enough energy on celebi to where like. Not doing at least 100 damage is statistically improbable (I’m a nerd and I calculate my probability of certain damage rolls hhahahahahah I like statistics). I hated this deck at first (it’s so cheese) but now I have an appreciation for it
BUT YES let’s ❤️ go get boba and then take my dog to the dog park and I’ll happily share with you all my tcg pocket lore (and other pokemon lore I’ve played all the games). My bestie has the BEST builds I love watching him play…I will ramble on about those builds too yaaaaaay they’re so creative
ALSO. :3c you should have a sign off jic!! that way I’ll know who you are. Maractus is suuuuch a goated pokemon choice. That’s so creative,,,,my fave is a tie between porygon z / mightyena /totodile
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hey-hamlet · 6 years ago
BNHA AU ideas: Brothers in Arms AU
Also on AO3!
TL:DR: Inko and Mistuki are together but Mistuki is dating Masaru for appearances. Izuku and Katsuki are brothers. 
Mitsuki and Inko have been dating since high school and Masaru is their ace/aro beard
"hey antuie Inko? why do you and mum share a bedroom but not dad?" ",,,,, he snores"
Bakugo and Izuku slip up so much when they talk abt their moms
okay okay I’m all for quirk society being all open minded about same sex relationships but for the sake of this au pls consider them being taboo bc no strong quirks r being produced
so like brothers Izuku and Katsuki loving both their moms with all their hearts but not being able 2 tell anyone how amazing it is having two whole moms
they have 2 whole mums and like 1 whole dad
n they end up w 2 more dads cause their teachers are invested
sleepy Bakugo n Izuku trying to count their parents
1,,, 2,,, too many please brother
Bakugo, sleepily but angrily : "tOO ManY"
Masaru being Inko’s cousin or something and the reason katsu and Izu fall out is bc in kindergarten Izuku slipped up and an investigation was conducted so they had to engage, Mitsuki and Masaru
they never got as bad as canon though because I want dumb brothers doing dumbass shit
no nothing will ever be as bad as canon
even Horikoshi didn’t want it to go this far
correct the poor man
when Izu gets OFA he n Bakugo staying behind at school a lot, the parents are worried
it turns out they are doing as much dumb shit as they can
Izu doesn’t tell Bakugo about OFA literally just because Bakugo would be angry if he did
because it'd just be more proof Izu cant keep secrets and he can!! he’s just Very Excited all the time and wants to share
Izuku: gets OFA
Katsuki: "oh god we can never go home again u cant keep ur mouth shut"
Bakugo cheering when they get put in dorms
"the Dumb Bitch cant blab to anyone w/o the rat hearing! thank god!!"
Izuku, trying to hit Bakugo with his whole wardrobe "bitch! You! Told! Kiri! Within! 1! Month!"
Bakugo in tears, "iTS DIFFE R E N T "
Izuku:"nO TF IT AINT
Izuku, who still hasn’t told anyone: "Bitch"
Bakugo, who has told Kirishima about his 2 mothers: tearily "Bitch"
all of 1A: What The Fuck is Wrong with you two
aizawa asking about it, like a fair bit cause hearing "we cant tell them about our parents" whispered between children is Very Concerning
Izuku doesn’t like lying n he is crying which only concerning Aizawa more
"what’s wrong with ur parents?"
"hA HA Nothing our very hetero mother and Father are doing fantastic!!"
Bakugo is trying to drag Izuku out of the classroom while looking concerned and they are Confused
Aizawa, quietly to his husband later:
did they steal a child??? criminals??? abuse?? is Masaru abusive? does Masaru have 2 wives??????? are they abusing the children?????
Aizawa’s husband Mic, long sufferingly: they could just be lesbians Shouta
Aizawa:,,,,,, shit
Aizawa rly creepily coming up to the boys and going “your secret is safe with me”
they r stressed and afraid bc what the fuck is wrong with their homeroom teacher
Izuku n Bakugo: "god please what does he think is happening"
"I thought you were brothers?"
"ha,,??? yes???"
"then why does Bakugo have the quirk/looks of Mitsuki and Masaru and Izuku look like their "friend" Inko? a have a quirk that looks like none of theirs?????"
"Izuku a fucking abomination"
Bakugo n Izuku being lil shits to each other normally but something bad happens and they just kinda stick together like fucking glue
the league ends up kidnapping both of them cause Izuku was holding Bakugo’s hand
Shigiraki: ,,, damn it
Izuku, looking angrier than anyone has ever seen: you fucked up
Bakugo, grinning like a loon: bitch yes you did
they break out over n over again while AFO n Kurogiri keep bringing them back
Shigiraki: you could stop that you know??
Izuku who still has a lot of rage: you could?? god fucking die you know??
Bakugo n Izuku speaking in sign to each other, n someone being like "o sign! cool I can sign too!" n they just stop, n start speaking in nonsense sign bc they are so extra they made up their own sign when they were little
they would be the dumbass siblings who communicate in their own language to piss other people off
please consider someone asking
"your birthdays are like,,, 2 months apart how are you brothers?"
Izuku has a practised response of fake crying while Bakugo yells "he’s fucking adopted you jackass"
"god you’re so insensitive"
every time they have new classes they wait w unrestrained glee for when they get to do that
its best when a teacher asks
mic was the poor man
"SHOUTA IM SO SORRY" "mic what did you do. mic. MIC"
Aizawa, the poor suffering man: :'oh god they got to u too"
Toshi just nods sadly "they got me the second day"
midnight getting war flashbacks
them refusing to tell the other teachers
Nezu does it just so they can pull the act bc he knows how much fun they have
they get a sub for one of their classes and Izuku is vibrating with glee
so they are both Midoriya’s  
just because someone saying the Midoriya doesn’t seem to suit their family as a name
n then, green sheep just wanders into class like "oh ok suits him I guess"
everyone’s just so used to calling them Midoriya and Baku everyone outside 1a and the teachers forgets they’re related
ok but consider Midori and Baku are actually their childhood nicknames for each other
n everyone just thinks he’s Katsuki Baku
"oh,, I thought your last name was baku?"
"1, why one earth would my brother call me by my last name. 2, why would we have different last names?? dumbass"
Kirishima asking Katsuki out like
"Baku, will you go out with me"
Katsuki hiding in Izu's room after this
"he’s so fucking dumb??? I cant date him!! he’s too stupid!!!"
"he’s perfect for you then Kacchan"
Katsuki storming into Izu’s room at random times and like 80% of the time Shinsou is there. they aren’t talking or anything, but Shinsou is camped in front of Izu’s switch
Shinsou doesn’t even turn to look when the door flies open
"get out extra I need 2 talk to my brother"
"perish I’m fighting a boss"
Izu n Shinsou missing a villain attack cause they thought it was Katsuki
everyone evaced, panic looking for them
they go down to the kitchen for lunch, beat up the villain n make sandwiches
Izu giving snacks to the tied up villain
Shinsou has like 30 missed calls and he is Afraid
Izuku, cheerfully calling Bakugo "Shinsou and i made lunch!
Bakugo, about to cry "Izuku what the fuck"
s . a n d w i c h e s
Bakugo, sobbing: "Izuku u could’ve died"
Shinsou, in the distance "bold of you to assume either of us can die"
Shinsou is just the 1A cryptid
he basically only speaks to Izuku n Aizawa
Shinsou standing outside Sero's window, knocking: "w e e d"
Sero, crying : "w ,,, h o are yo u"
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starrypawz · 8 years ago
Ok i don’t tend to talk much about ace stuff on here but that post I reblogged pretty much summed things up for me? (It’s hard to work out your orientation full stop)
I’d rather people not reblog this post ok
Also apologies because I ended up rambling a lot 
I sort of grew up just like ‘Well i guess I’m straight?’ I remember ‘learning what gay and lesbian meant’ before I finished primary school (probably not in a necessarily positive way because kids are assholes like that but you know I knew what they were) and that I knew that people get married and so well... I guess I’d eventually get married? (Not necessarily an ace thing but I never like really imagined stuff to do with that)
But I remember in primary school when boyfriends and girlfriends started happening and being a bit like ‘uh ok?’and like talking about people being attractive and like ‘uh ok? I don’t get this’
But I mean I was an awkward nerd kid (I still am an awkward nerd ok) and it was like ‘Well I’m not interested? Why are people interested? I’d rather just keep reading books and doing other stuff that everyone seems to have outgrown’ I’m just a kid ok. 
I didn’t have a lot of friends and spent a lot of my childhood and teens quite socially isolated in all honesty. I know in a sense probably some of my social development was a bit jacked up. Also chuck in dyspraxia too and it’s a bit of a mess over there,
I  grew up in a Christian household, now it wasn’t so much like ‘you are banned from dating’ or anything but my parents didn’t talk much about relationships and stuff with me, they’ve never pressured me like ‘You need to date’ or ‘Get married’ or ‘Grandkids now!’ but that and a Christian school sort of just like enforced ‘You just don’t talk about sex, that’s for when you get married and you get married cause you’re supposed to GOD WILL LEAD YOU TO THE RIGHT PERSON’  like not directly? but it was there it wasn’t normal to talk about this stuff
I think when I was around 16 I sort of had a few thoughts like ‘i guess a boyfriend would be nice? I don’t know’ but didn’t put much thought in it, guessed I’d maybe find someone. At 16 I was suddenly chucked back in the real world and around ‘normal’ people my own age after leaving my weird church school . I remember a few cases of ‘we’re talking about sex ehehehe sex!’ and I was just incredibly uncomfortable in those conversations but I mean i was a weird sheltered kid so ofc i’d be uncomfortable right? 
Also online growing up I was sort of exposed to slash and shipping and was a bit like ‘uh ok i don’t get this? people do this but why? IT’S WEIRD’ (thats changed ngl)
Then in about 2012 (20-21 y/old)  at this point for some reason I got it in my head to try online dating? i found a website/app that seemed pretty friendly. I met a guy we start talking we’re getting along pretty well he seems nice. It’s nearing the time there’s a con, there’s a vague idea ‘hey if i go we can meet up in person’, he makes suggestions we should hook up, I’m like ‘Uh I’m not sure’ (I mean we’ve not met in person and so you know it doesn’t seem safe and tbh that was probably the good option anyway) but he seems ok with it we agree to keep talking but that doesn’t happen we can’t get past that awkward hump. I also at that point had gone from ‘further education college’ to ‘unemployed and on benefits’ it was in all not a great point, we don’t talk again It’s not just the awkward conversation but also the mental state I was in.
Then i remember starting to think, starting to sit down. I’d kinda come across the term Ace in a community I was in that wasn’t tumblr but didn’t think much of it other than ‘ok that’s a thing’ but yes tumblr educated me a heck of a lot about stuff ok. I started thinking
Wait why do i think I’m straight? I have no evidence for this? wtf? WHAT IS GOING ON OVER HERE PLEASE SEND HELP
I mean that stuff above all reasons why maybe I was but just very sheltered and lacking a social network as it were (as in a network of people) to go out and hey go and find mr dream man?  I’m just a late bloomer, it’s not the right time, I’m not looking for a relationship right now
But then it was like ‘wait i’ve never crushed on anyone i think? not really?’ ‘Not really on any celebs or people I’ve known or seen?’ and yeah it threw me for a loop a bit. 
Then yes it started clicking I didn’t really seem to feel anything? About anyone?No matter the gender. I mean other than ‘well aww relationships seem nice? I like reading stuff about them? I like seeing happy couples?’ but me in one? me perusing one? wtf is all that about? 
I could see someone and it’s like ‘oh that’s a nice looking person’ but it’s like ‘ok and what does she do with this information?’ people would talk about I WANT TO SLEEP WITH THIS CELEBRITY/MARRY THEM and I’m like ‘I would like to be friends with them? i would like to meet them they seem a nice person’ 
Over time I got used to sex scenes and talking about sex and I learned more about it. it no longer makes me uncomfortable, I’ll discuss it for characters cause ‘hey it’s sort of an element of character development’ and ‘it can be part of a couple’s dynamic’ like ‘Well sex happens’  and well sometimes it can be funny or sweet to come up with scenarios that happen between two characters and so forth. 
I enjoy reading and writing relationships, i enjoy seeing strong couples, i enjoy shipping them together and so forth. I think that stuff is good. Please give me all the media with good relationships, let me embrace the diversity and so forth.
This process of ‘unpacking’ probably took two years and then for for 2 years? I think I’ve been like ‘Ok I’m like 99.8% sure I am ace in some form?’ the little bit is to cover ‘i might be something else and don’t know it yet’ 
I doubt it quite often though that little ‘Maybe I’m a bit screwed up?’ ‘Maybe I’m just too sheltered/too much of a hermit to meet people’ and so on. it’s tiring being under the Questioning Q at times.
But that’s it, it’s just like ‘Nothing there’, it is like that scene from Bojack Horseman with Todd for me. I understand what makes someone ‘sexy’ apparently according to mainstream standards, I can identify an attractive person, I know what love is, I know what relationships are, i know what sex is and so forth but it’s all theoretical? 
It’s like.. how a bird flies I may be able to learn everything about it and then tell you how a bird flies  but I don’t have wings I can’t actually experience what it is to fly with a pair of wings. I just know about it but I don’t seem to feel it. There’s a disconnect of some sort between it and myself like ‘the info is there but what do i do with it?’ fish and a bicycle.
I’m not scared of relationships or commitment, i’m not scared of intimacy and sex i think, I kind of want intimacy (I’m kinda lonely at times in all honestly)  it’s not like I want to run away from it as such. I do think I kind of maybe want a romantic relationship at least once but as to with who I am not sure. But in a sense the thought of entering dating seems a bit of a mindfield considering I can’t even answer ‘Who do you like?’ at this point. And well i’m pretty sure ‘mainstream dating’ is not the place for me, it’s a scary place. 
As far as I can tell I’m not ill, everything works as it should do. Nothing physically/chemically wrong with me. 
I’ve generally been ‘ok’, but then at the same time i’m not really out. I mean to ‘real life’ people I know. People I think just assume I’m chronically single or something. I’ve had a few conversations with people where I’ve just wanted to yell I AM ACE I DO NOT KNOW LEAVE ME ALONG OK PLS THANK YOU
I can’t say if I’m an ‘aroace’ I’m not sure, i don’t think I’m aro but then I can’t really say if I particularly experience romantic attraction to people either I’m still muddling this out over here and have no idea in what direction that’s going to go if any. 
I guess end of this, I am going to be 25 in a couple of days, and well. I’m like 99.8% I am asexual in some form.  
I am ace. 
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