#pls i had to repost this cause the other one was soo old
amplichor · 4 months
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this is a new SHIPPING & * BONDS CALL ! ! if you'd be interested in exploring a bond with utahime ! ( including but not limited to enemies , platonic , familial, romantic , sexual , etc. ) then you can give this post a big fat ♥ ! ( multi's please specify ! )
a few things before you like this post !
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i practice multiship exclusivity with romantic relationships , while i am multiship , if we' re shipping our muses romantically then youre the only portrayal i'll ship with and i'll expect this in return — this is for my own comfort . . that being said, this is not a first come first serve situation !! i'd much rather write with you at least a little beforehand to make sure our muses / portrayals have chemistry as well as our writing meshing in the right way, if i have duplicates of people wanting to ship this helps me narrow it down ! i also prefer speaking ooc. on a regular basis, if i'm comfortable with you it's much easier for me to ship with you ! — liking this post does not guarantee that we will ship !
what's in it for you ?
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➤ i never shut up about my ships so i'll always be buzzing in your ear like an annoying fly , we'll be friends !
➤ a billion threads , ideas, headcannons and asks. ( you're giving me permission to spam )
➤ graphics ( including manga colorings , edits, drawings and more . ) spotify playlists, pinterest boards, etc .
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weirdsht · 2 months
What if Cale Henituse had someone special during his time as Kim Rok Soo? Although they were never officially a couple, it was clear to everyone that their relationship went beyond mere friendship. Slowly but surely, KRS grew more comfortable and at ease around this person until they were killed. Brutally (lmaaooo I'm sorryy HAHAHWHAHW). Later, they reunite in his life as Cale Henituse, but reader has changed significantly because, like KRS, they too have been transmigrated. Their life has been deeply affected and troubled by their own close relatives, unlike Cale, who, despite some hesitation from his family, at least had the comfort of a family that cares about his safety and well-being overall. (Dyk Roxanna from TWTPTFLOB? Basically her family. If you don't know, basically her family is torturous to have. I think normal ppl would die if they suddenly transmigrated as a part of Roxanna's family because they're the definition of insanity)
I'm sorry if this is too much, feel free to scroll past 🤧💌
Our Fragile Promise in Magnolia - Cale/Reader
notes: Yes the title is a bunch of Laufey song titles. Shameless plugin but my fics Close and Can I Really have similar concepts to this one
tags: female reader, novel spoilers (war), angst? not sure, very loud unspoken feelings
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are open and welcome
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_____ stares at a male figure’s back. She’s used to looking at it. At finding comfort in it. How can she not? His back always seems so big. So strong. As if it’s capable of shielding her from everything.
However, this time that back looks smaller than how she remembers it.
And _____ is the reason for that.
“_____ don’t you dare close your eyes, don’t you dare fall asleep on me”
“Wake up! Just why did I get cursed with such an airhead child…”
The woman in front of the girl daydreaming speaks exasperatedly, bringing her back to reality.
It reminds _____ of who she currently is. How she’s not on earth fighting monsters anymore. How she has been granted another life.
Another life, another suffering.
“Follow me, the meeting is starting.”
The woman, _____’s mother, looked behind her to see if her daughter was still following.
“If you other one word that causes our family disgrace you know what will happen to you. Won’t you, my dear?”
_____, who’s currently 20 years old in this life, is both used to and tired of the sickeningly sweet smile on her mother’s face.
“Yes, mother.”
She internally laughs but says nothing outwardly. Just how scared is her mother from the announcement of war that she dared talk to her like that? 
It reminded her of when she was a child.
A time before she rose to power within that useless family of hers.
“Your name is _____?”
“Why? Do you have any problem with it?”
“No, it suits you.”
The woman was taken aback by the nonchalant compliment. The man in front of her has said it as if it didn’t mean much. No, for him it probably really didn’t mean anything. 
But it meant the world to _____.
It was the first time she had received a compliment. And for something as insignificant as the name she gave herself.
‘Thanks, I gave it to myself since no one was willing to name me’
Were the words she held back from saying, not wanting to ruin the moment.
_____ never would have thought that she would become best friends with that very same man.
The young woman watched as the silver plaque hit the table. The noise it made snapped the young woman out of her daydream.
She looked at the silver plaque and saw the crest of the royal family on it.
It’s easy to understand what it means.
Cale Henituse, the one famous as the young master silver shield, is now officially the Roan Kingdom’s Northeast Commander.
Not that _____ had any issues with it. She has heard about the famous young master. He may be young but he has the qualifications. Plus who is she to question the crown’s decisions?
If the crown has decided that Cale as commander is what the kingdom needs to defend itself against the Indomitable Alliance then so must be it.
However, not once has _____ looked at the famous redhead. Hence why when he started speaking again the young noble took it as a chance to take a good look.
The first thing that caught her attention was his long red hair. It was the same shade as blood. As if he was a vampire that drank so much blood it turned his hair into one.
But it wasn’t a gruesome sight. Quite the opposite actually. _____ finds his hair to be very pretty. It reminds her of a beautiful flame that’s forever ignited. Always strong and never extinguishing despite the strong winds that come its way.
“Kim Rok Soo..?”
As soon as _____ saw the commander’s eyes her world stopped. She knows those eyes very well. Has stared at them countless times for her to not know.
It couldn’t be.
Maybe they just have the same eye colour.
Kim Rok Soo’s reddish brown eyes might be rare back in her old world but nothing is impossible in this new one.
So it can’t be.
However, she can’t deny it.
She can’t deny that the way he lands his gaze is the same as him. The sorrow that is buried deep within those copper-like eyes is the same.
The way he stared at her knowingly was the same.
But she still tries.
She tries her best to deny it.
To deny him.
Because it can’t be. That can’t be him. That can’t be her best friend slash love of her life.
It’s just not possible.
And if it was then she must avoid him as much as possible. 
For she has changed. And she is well aware of the fact that she has changed. She may have the same face and the same name, but she has become all too different.
She doesn’t want her love to see the new version of her.
 Two people sat on the ground. Their back leaning against the sofa behind them. It’s a rare day when the two of them have a day off so they have decided to spend it by reading novels together.
“If you try to say another spoiler I’m going to seal your mouth shut.”
“But you have to listen to this!”
The woman tries to argue while tapping on a page of the book she’s currently reading.
“I’ll find out about it when I read it.”
“But I want to talk about it now!”
Kim Rok Soo shook his head at her. As if he couldn’t believe this was the same fierce person fighting monsters on the battlefield.
“Then wait.”
_____ internally smiled at the memory. She feels that familiar warmth in her chest she hadn’t felt for so long. As she did, she thought that it was a good idea to avoid Cale Henituse. She’s not sure if they’re the same person. And if they were she doesn’t know if he remembers her.
But it’s better to be on the safe side.
After all, it’d be embarrassing to see such a lively person turn into a shell of what they used to be.
“Just how long do I have to put up with this?”
_____ mumbled to herself as she picked at her food.
“Did you say something dear?”
“Nothing mother.”
She reciprocated her mother’s smile. After years of socializing with this family, she has learned to smile and bear it all. Things will become more complicated if she tries to refute.
“Where’s the antidote? Mix it in my usual juice.”
_____ orders her maid after lunch. The maid bowed and followed her orders like clockwork.
After all, this wasn’t the first time the young lady had been poisoned by her own family.
They see her as both a threat and an asset.
They try to bring her down, make themself look superior. But at the same time, they know that they need her.
It’s comedic. Really.
“My lady a letter has arrived.”
_____’s trusted maid hands her a tray that contains a glass of juice and a letter.
“That seal… It looks like it’s from the Henituse family.”
The young lady waved her hand away and the maid went out of the room.
Badump. Badump.
Her heart beats wildly in her chest and it’s not just because of the poison she consumed.
It’s not uncommon to receive letters from the guardians of the Dark Forest. They are business partners after all.
However _____ couldn’t help but feel nervous after the recent events.
Quickly drinking her juice that contains the antidote in one go, the transmigrator pulls the courage to open the letter.
“You have a very peculiar way of writing. I think I’d be able to recognize it anywhere.”
_____ hovered over Kim Rok Soo as he wrote something on a piece of paper.
“I would say you’re exaggerating but knowing you two, I wouldn’t put it past you.”
Choi Jung Soo spoke up from the couch while eating some sort of junk food.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?”
Rok Soo retaliates. His hands let go of the pencil in order to focus on his sworn brother.
“Nothing, nothing. I’m just saying. But hey, is that any way to speak to your hyung?”
“Again why are you the hyung? We were born on the same day”
“I was born first!”
True to what _____ said, she immediately recognized the handwriting on the letter. Its contents were concise, exactly how he likes to do things. 
“He did his homework.”
The letter just said that the commander wanted to have a private meeting with _____ in order to talk about the upcoming war. The young noble instantly understands that he must want to talk about her territory’s military force.
She may not have an official title. She isn’t even declared as an official heir. Yet insiders, those who have a wide information network, will know that _____ is the one in control of her territory. 
_____ doesn’t want to respond. But she has to. He wasn’t speaking as Cale Henituse or Kim Rok Soo. 
He was speaking as Roan Kingdom’s Northeast Commander.
He was standing on business.
For he probably knows that’s the only way _____ wouldn’t avoid him.
Kim Rok Soo holds on the bleeding body in his arms. 
Bleeding is an understatement.
The left side of her torso is gone. Eaten by the monster they are fighting.
“H ey, do you re member… remember our pro mise?”
A weak voice asks him. Kim Rok Soo nodded his head, too choked up to speak.
He does. Of course, he does. How can he forget?
He’ll record everything she says, no matter how trivial they are.
“Great… Th en  I guess– I guess I can rest in pe ace.”
Kim Rok Soo doesn’t want that. He doesn’t need that.
“Don’t close your eyes. Please hold on. For me, for us. Please _____”
He begs. It’s so uncharacteristically of him to beg, but if it does the trick then he’ll do it a million times over.
_____ weakly chuckled. She may be weak and dying but there’s still fire in her eyes. A fire that will never be extinguished even in the face of death.
… or so Cale thought.
The fire that he thought would never die down is barely there in her eyes.
But it was still there.
It may be small. Struggling. But it’s there.
Alive and fighting to be as bright as it was before.
“Our business is now done, Commander Cale Henituse. If you have further business in the future please feel free to send me a letter like before.”
The young lady’s voice was firm, but Cale’s voice was firmer. He has no plans of letting her run away again.
He wouldn’t be able to let her slip from his embrace once more.
“Isn’t that concept sweet though?”
The two best friends are talking. They just finished a novel and are now discussing its contents with each other.
“You’re just a romantic.”
“But think about it. Promising to find each other even in another universe. Being together in every dimension…”
_____ stopped talking, lost in thought as she reminisced about the novel. Kim Rok Soo took it as a chance to stare at her face.
He has seen many people. Has read many descriptions of beautiful people in books.
But in his opinion, nothing beats _____’s looks.
Kim Rok Soo might be biased. His willing to admit that much. But his opinion won’t change.
“Hey Rok Soo?”
“What do you want?”
He grumbled as he suddenly came face to face with his “best friend”. Her face was full of excitement as she thought of a new idea.
“Let’s promise each other that in our next life, we’ll find each other again. Then let’s spill all of our secrets when we do. Not leaving anything out.”
Her idea sounds childish. Would they even remember anything in their next life? Would they even have a next life? If they did would they recognize each other?
Those were the thoughts that raced through Kim Rok Soo.
However, he doesn’t say it.
Because it was a silent confession. The best one they can give each other in this ruined world.
A promise to spill all their secrets huh?
It doesn’t need saying. Those secrets were probably talking about their feelings.
“Sure, I promise. We’ll meet again in our next life and tell each other everything.”
Cale called out for the third time. _____ has changed and Cale has an inkling as to what brought that change.
Nothing he can’t handle.
His planning to overthrow an empire. Dealing with a noble family is nothing.
He’ll make things right.
Set things straight.
“I never break my promises. You know that _____.”
Cale– no Kim Rok Soo will make sure to fulfil his promise.
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