#pls feel free to reblog 🥺
davdcorenswet · 2 months
🌪️ whirlwind.
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scott miller x reader Synopsis: the bar has always been a safe haven after a long week of storm-chasing, but when tyler owens decides you’re his lucky charm for the night, you find that scott’s control has its limits. Word Count: 6.4k (pls don't look at me) Warnings: SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI!!!, mentions of near-death experiences, tornadoes (obviously), brief insinuations to cheating, tyler is a pot-stirrer, public sex, dry humping, fingering (f!receiving), degradation, nipple play (f!receiving), orgasm delay, biting?, scott miller has a whore mouth, minor choking, use of pet names (baby, sweetheart), lots of dirty talk, no use of y/n A/N: my first time posting fic & writing for scott so pls go easy on me 🥺 sometimes you just have to let a smug little asshole take over ur entire life, am i right? if you enjoyed, pls feel free to reblog or give it a like and as always, my inbox is open if you want to chat!!! 🤍
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It’s been a grueling week, one tornado after another hammering Oklahoma into a state of disarray.
You’re still shaken from the last one, the anxiety of being alone in a motel with your thoughts almost unbearable. You’ve tried to avoid being alone since then, afraid that something worse is always on the horizon, and the thought of being isolated in a room while the rest of the team is out doesn’t sit well.
The bar, though, is a familiar sanctuary. A small comfort amidst the chaos. Even though you’re drained and the idea of socializing feels monumental, tradition is tradition. Javi’s sad puppy eyes and the inevitable guilt trip on the drive back to HQ tomorrow is enough to push you out of bed and into the shower.
And, as much as you don’t want to go, it feels wrong when even Scott makes an effort to go.
By the time you step into the dimly lit bar, clinking glasses and the hum of chatter soothe your worries quickly away. Whirlwind may have seen more than its fair share of fights and other throes of debauchery, but it was a frequent, favorite stop.
And it’s already packed. Between the locals and the other storm-chasers crowding the space, you can’t find Storm Par anywhere. A roar of laughter strikes from the pool tables, and you quickly pocket your phone, realizing you’ll have no luck calling or texting when it won’t even be heard over the noise.
Oh, well. You’ll find them soon enough. Making your way to the bar to greet Jack, the burly bartender who’s been running the place for years and has grown more familiar to you the more you frequent, you hear — rather than see — one of the storm-chasers you were hoping to avoid tonight.
Tyler. God damn. Owens.
You weren’t struck by his Southern charm — your days of easy flattery were past you — but he was hard to ignore. Then again, you should’ve known better by now. Tyler always seemed to be at his best when he had a crowd buzzing around him.
“I thought tonight couldn’t get any better, and then you walked in,” he drawls, finding a space alongside you as he sets his empty beer bottle down, his voice smooth. “Can I buy you a drink, darlin’?”
You consider turning him down, not sure if you’re up for his ego tonight, but you also know Tyler. He wasn't swayed easily, especially if he saw a challenge. Besides, a free drink was well, free, and as grating as he could get, you supposed one couldn't hurt. So you nod. “Sure, why not.”
Jack, who’d wordlessly gotten your drink as Tyler approached, sets a bottle of your favorite down in front of you, his brow raising to get your attention. You hesitate before taking it and catch his gaze shift slightly past you.
Before you get a chance to follow, Tyler steals your focus with a grin, the ever-present pain in your ass. You can’t fight your instincts to be polite. “So tell me. What’s a girl like you doin’ in a place like this?”
You meet his gaze, all swirling hues and open attraction. Maybe if you were that kind of girl, his smooth, clichéd lines would work on you. But you weren’t that girl. You preferred sensible. Practical. Safe. It was why you’d joined Storm Par in the first place, rather than one of the many other crews. This tornado wrangler just wasn’t for you.
Unfortunately for Tyler, he always seemed to miss that memo.
“Same as everyone else, I guess.” You laugh half-heartedly. Maybe if the conversation is light enough, you can slip away without it turning into a spectacle. “Just looking to unwind.”
If Tyler notices your lack of enthusiasm, he doesn’t show it. Instead, he makes a show of settling into his spot next to you, grin stretching wide. The beer in his hands is fresh and cold, same as yours, though unlike yourself he’s already taken a few drinks while you start to pick at the label. Javi would've poked fun by now, but your friend is nowhere near. Typical.
Tyler takes another drink, resting his arm on the bar, your eyes drifting to his tanned bicep. His grin stretches when he catches you looking, and you try not to scowl at falling for his display.
He continues with a well-used, “Well, you sure do brighten up the place.”
Thank god. Playing along, you don’t waste a second as your gaze wanders eagerly around the bar. From your new position you spot a cluster of tables on the other side of the room, Storm Par filling out the seats.
Scott sits alone at one of them, as he always did, but his posture is rigid, and even from a distance you can tell his focus is far from the game of darts Javi tries to include him in. Unsurprising. But rather than being distracted by his phone, worrying about the next job the team would have to take, his eyes are locked in on you.
The intensity makes you shiver. A few bottles sit empty next to him, and you only know they’re his by the unmistakable Guinness label adorning the side. A half-empty glass rests in his hand like he’d meant to take a sip before catching sight of Tyler.
Since joining Storm Par, the number of things you knew about Scott could be counted on your fingers. And in that time, you’d never seen him unwind. Not truly, anyway. As frustrating as it could be, you'd come to respect Scott's unwavering demeanor.
Amidst the chaos, no matter how intense it got, Scott was the stoic anchor of the team. There was a reason for his lectures and regulations. He was as dependable as the code he lived by, but most of the team often dismissed it as rigid and unnecessary. You knew it took strength and reliability to remain true to your values.
Much like you were forgoing now, your polite smile tight on your lips.
Beyond Javi, the rest of the team is scattered around Whirlwind, some dancing with reckless abandon on the makeshift dance floor while others clink shots over a job well done with the other storm-chasing crews. Scott is still firmly planted on the barstool, setting his glass down with a white-knuckled grip.
Tyler, of course, pays no attention. He leans in, casually inching closer to you, wrapping up some story of an exaggerated Wrangler exploit. Close enough to brush against you. When you glance down at the contact, Tyler notices where you’ve grown distracted, that easygoing grin slipping as he takes in your view.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Tyler says with a sigh, head shaking in disbelief. “Just admit it — I’m a hell of a lot more fun than Storm Cloud over there.”
You disagree, but keep it to yourself. Tyler and his crew were reckless, and, sure, while there was some level of risk that came with what you all did, there was a clear difference between you and them. 
It was part of what had drawn you to Scott in the first place. He was meticulous and no-nonsense, quick to call out mistakes whether you were out in the field or back in the office. But even Scott wasn't immune to a lecture or two — something he'd gone to great lengths to keep under lock and key.
And you only knew by accident.
Another sleepless night had driven you out of your room in search of coffee, leading you to a diner where you’d stumbled across him and Riggs in a heated discussion. Your Mama had taught you manners about eavesdropping, but you were frozen in place, listening to Riggs furiously drill into Scott over another fuck up (not his fault) and whether he was serious or not about the work they were doing. Before you could slip away unnoticed, not wanting to be lectured too, Scott’s eyes met yours, giving you a small, subtle shake of his head.
You’d run straight back to your room after, hoping that maybe it'd been a weird nightmare and you’d wake up to business as usual. But after another hour of tossing and turning, Scott’s familiar knock sounded at your door, and when you’d gathered the courage to meet him face to face, he’d looked just as conflicted as you felt. After what you’d heard, the way Scott took responsibility for every mistake and didn't throw anyone under the bus, keeping it between you two was the least you could do.
Something changed after that night. When a particularly nasty tornado touched ground a few weeks later and nearly swept you up in it, nobody questioned Scott’s decision to reassign you to Scarecrow. Nobody questioned why your partner had quit shortly after, either.
Scott still hadn’t asked why you’d been awake that night, just the same as you didn’t ask about Riggs.
You glance over at Scott again now, the memory fresh in your mind. His knuckles are just as white as when you’d found him in the diner, expression still shadowed, like he’s torn between intervening and letting it play out. But even with a crowd between you and the two men, the tension is thick, crackling in the air.
Tyler leans in closer, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper as glances over at Scott. “He’s got that brooding thing down to an art, doesn’t he? Don’t you ever crave a little spontaneity?”
You shift away from Tyler, the weight of Scott’s gaze growing heavy. From the corner of your eye you can just barely make out the hard set to his jaw, no longer working the cinnamon gum he obsessively kept on him. You manage a tight smile, distracted, as Javi’s voice rises briefly above the noise — your attention divided between the brewing storm on the other end of the bar and the eye of the one you were currently stuck in.
“I… I think we all have our reasons for sticking around.” You say, just as Javi finally notices you, his smile dimming as his gaze slides to Tyler.
“Oh, I’m sure you do.” Tyler’s drawl is playful, almost teasing, and if he sees that you’re not even looking at him anymore, he doesn’t seem to care. “I’m just saying. If you ever want to get away from Clipboard over there...”
This time you do look with a flash of agitation. “If I wanted that, I’d be part of your team, Tyler. Not his.”
“Now, hold on, just hear me out for a second.” Tyler takes another pull from his drink, but when he sets it back down, he’s too close yet again. Fingers brush unwarranted against you, his touch lingering in a way that immediately makes your skin crawl. “How about we make a deal? Let me show you a good time tonight, and I promise you won’t even remember his name by the end of it.”
The suggestion hangs heavy in the air. You're only just barely aware of the way your features shift as background noise fades and you’re left with a high-pitched ringing in your ears, each emotion rolling through you longer to process than the last. By the time disgust sets in, flinching away from his wandering hands, you see past the red just enough to catch his grin widening in amusement.
And you realize, with terrifying clarity, that he’s been toying with you the whole night, just to start something with your team. You try not to tremble, swallowing your rage, and remind yourself that you'll be kicked out if dump your drink on him.
A stool scrapes loudly from the other side of the room. Whatever semblance of peace snaps.
“Uh oh.” Tyler notices Scott’s approach, and has the audacity to flash you a smile. “Looks like we’ve got company. He sure knows how to kill a mood, doesn’t he?”
You don't have a chance to respond, Scott stopping beside you, barely restrained anger coming off him in waves. You instinctively step closer to him, your drink forgotten and unwanted on the bar. His eyes flash with anger as he regards Tyler, that muscle working overtime in his jaw — and you know he's seen everything, from Tyler whispering into your ear to the look of repulse that you'd tried to hide.
“We need to talk.” Scott’s gaze shifts to you. You recognize the silent message he sends, the urgency in his voice as he fights to control his composure for your sake. “Now.”
“Ouch, Scotty. Not even a hello? And here I thought manners came with that fancy degree.” Tyler whistles low, appraising Scott like he’s not seconds away from getting his nose broken. “I was just getting acquainted with your friend over here. Giving her the whole Wrangler pitch. You know how it goes.” His smirk growing, he takes your silence as a cue to continue. “Come to think of it, wasn’t that how Gabby left? Told me she was over all the huffin' and puffin', especially after—”
“Enough.” Scott's interjection is loud and clear, your heart stuttering at the icy tone. When he slides an arm around your waist, the weight unfamiliar, you can’t tell if it’s to keep you from lunging at Tyler, or himself. You glance between Tyler's satisfied grin and the glare Scott sends him, confused. Who was Gabby? “Shut the fuck up for once, Owens. Seriously. Do us all a fucking favor.”
You still swim with questions as Scott pulls you close, no longer waiting for Tyler’s approval or response — not that he needed it in the first place. Lights cast long shadows as he navigates you between tables, the ringing in your ears lessening the further away from Tyler you get. Scott ushers you out the nearest exit, his palm warm against the small of your back.
The back door slams shut with a final click as you spill out into the alley together. It’s as dimly lit as the inside is, a singular dying bulb flickering just a few steps away. The sounds of the bar are muffled here now that your hearing has returned to normal, leaving only the distant hum of traffic and your ragged breathing.
The chilled air immediately hits you as Scott pulls away, and you watch, lost, as he paces angrily while you try to sort your thoughts out.
“What the hell was that? I thought you said you weren’t coming tonight.” Scott’s voice is sharp, cutting through the night like a knife. He turns to face you with an intensity that makes your pulse quicken, his scowl reflecting the look he gets when he's about to unleash on someone. “You said you needed space, time to clear your head… So why are you here? With him?”
“I know. Plans change,” you reply, caught off-guard, hoping to sound casual even as you hook your finger nervously under the strap of your dress. You’ve never seen Scott this worked up before, and it’s unsettling.
“Plans change?” Scott scoffs, his voice rising with every word. “That’s your excuse? You say one thing, and then do the complete opposite? What was your plan, then? To drink with Tyler and maybe let him drive you home? Was that the idea?”
You’re taken aback by the sharpness of his words. “It was just a drink, Scott. I needed to get out and clear my head.”
“Just a drink?” Scott’s eyes narrow, and he takes a step closer, his frustration barely contained. “Do you really think I’m that naive? Tyler doesn’t just do ‘just a drink.’ He’s always looking for something more. And you—” He cuts himself off, shaking his head as if trying to clear his thoughts. “He makes a mess of everything he touches. You know what he’s like. Hell, you’re smart enough to see through his bullshit. So why are you letting him get close to you?”
“Scott, it’s not like that,” you protest, your voice wavering slightly under his scrutiny. “I needed to get out. It had nothing to do with him.”
“And you couldn’t find another way to clear your head? Without him? Without the guy who’s known for causing chaos?” His voice is thick with emotion, the carefully controlled mask he usually wears slipping away to reveal the raw frustration and fear beneath. “You think I don’t see what’s happening here? I’ve been through this before, and I’m not going to stand by and watch you make the same mistakes.”
“What are you implying?” You ask, confused and angry.
“I’m saying I think you’re using Tyler as a distraction,” Scott says, his voice sharp, “A way to escape from everything you’ve been dealing with.”
Frustration prickles at his words, and even though you try not to, it’s hard to keep the edge from your voice. “Escape? That’s not— I’m not running away from anything.”
“We’ve had a rough week. I know it’s been hard on you,” Scott says, his tone softening slightly, though he still looks on edge. His jaw ticks again, and your gaze immediately darts to the pack of gum you know he keeps in his right back pocket. “But if you’re letting someone like Tyler pull you away from what really matters, it’ll only make things worse. I’ve seen too many people get hurt by him.”
Your anger flares at his scolding, hating that you found yourself in one storm, only to be led willingly into the next. “And what, Scott? You think you know me so well that you can just decide what’s best for me?”
“No, I’m just—” Scott shakes his head, taking a step toward you, then rethinking it. “I’m trying to keep you safe.”
“Safe?” You try to suppress a laugh, but it comes out bitter. “Safe doesn’t really exist in our line of work, and you know that.”
Scott’s eyes flash with a mix of frustration and something else you can’t quite place. He takes a deep breath, struggling to steady himself. “You think I don’t know that? When things go wrong, I need to know that I can count on the people around me to handle their shit.”
You raise an eyebrow, uncertain where this is going. “And what exactly does that have to do with Tyler or me?”
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” he asks, his tone almost pleading. “When you’re involved, everything gets complicated. I can’t think straight when you’re involved. I can’t focus. Hell, I can’t even sleep at night.”
Scott runs a hand through his hair, his fingers gripping tightly as if trying to ground himself. “That tornado— When the equipment malfunctioned because Dale failed to follow the calibration protocols I specifically fucking outlined— I was frozen, just paralyzed with fear. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t move. I knew we couldn’t make it to you in time.”
You still, remembering how quickly Scott had cornered Dale when you got back. You’d thought it was because of the readings and the instructions he’d ignored that had nearly cost you both your lives.
Scott’s breath hitches as he continues. “It would’ve been my fault. My responsibility. My orders. I was convinced I’d lost you. And I thought if I could just keep you safe, try to control the chaos, that it might make things better. But seeing you with Tyler tonight... It’s like I’m back in that moment, feeling helpless, and I—” He cuts himself off with a shake of his head. “Look, I’m not going through that again. I can’t.”
His voice cracks, and you see the depth of his internal struggle. “I’m just… trying to protect you,” he admits quietly, “but I don’t know if you even see it that way.”
His words weigh heavy, the shock of it ripping right through you. Scott Miller didn't go out of his way to be kind.
You're pulled back through the last few months: the coffee, just the way you liked it, that Scott always had waiting for you after a chase; his lack of scorn when you fell asleep on him in the van the next morning, when exhaustion wins and his silence becomes safety; the lingering, unasked question on his lips every time you were tasked to go out onto the field again and you agreed, over and over, despite the very real fear of the very thing you chased.
For a moment, everything else fades away — Tyler, the bar, the noise.
“Scott.” Your voice breaks through the quiet in a whisper, drawing close to him. Your hands glide gently along the black fabric of his shirt, feeling the rapid beat of his heart beneath your palms. “I’m here,” you say, your voice steady but soft. “I’m with you.”
For a moment, that vulnerability continues to swim in his eyes. And then he steps closer, his fingers wrapping around your wrists. You think, for a split second of panic, that he means to push you away and close himself off the way he usually does; instead, his thumbs rub tenderly at your palms, the action so gentle and unlike him that it makes your breath stall.
Instinctively your gaze meets his, forgetting (as you often did) just how big he actually was. Tall, broad, and deliciously toned; when you thought of Scott, you thought of him behind a desk, not running laps around his neighborhood and clocking in hours at the gym. Your uniforms did an amazing job of hiding his physique, but it’s impossible to ignore now. His black undershirt clings to him like a second skin and reveals the hard, taut muscles of his body, further evidence of the control he wielded so effortlessly.
His eyes search yours, the intoxicating scent of his cologne enveloping you. You’ve never seen him so open before, and as his hands smooth down your arms to the curve of your waist, there’s a sense of urgency in his touch that he doesn’t vocalize.
Fear. Longing. Desire. His jaw sets again as his gaze drops to your mouth, and you think, for one terrifying moment, that he won’t do it. Would he regain his composure, push you away, then act like nothing had happened the next morning? His brows furrow, as if reading your thoughts. Maybe you’d be reassigned just to avoid the awkwardness of it all. Scott could send you packing with just a phone call.
Your heart pounds, frozen in place, each second lasting an eternity. His fingers flex on your waist, the electrifying touch causing your lips to part and your lashes to flutter. The sight makes his throat bob.
“God damn it,” he groans, his voice guttural.
It’s the only warning you get before his mouth descends onto yours. Though his lips are smooth, there’s nothing gentle about the way Scott kisses you. His mouth moves hungrily against yours, devouring and demanding and all-consuming, like you’re the very air he needs to breathe. You sigh, aching for more, that dull fire inside you growing hotter at the groan that escapes him. As he fists a hand in your hair, he wraps a strong arm around your middle to pull you closer, deepening the kiss.
“Scott…” Bunching his shirt in your hands, you’re helpless when he nips at your bottom lip, pulling desperate, needy sounds from you. As he trails hot open-mouthed kisses along your jaw, finding every spot with ease, his fingers wrap gently around your throat, your pulse racing against his thumb.
“God, I’ve wanted you like this for months,” Scott murmurs against your skin, his voice a low growl that makes your thighs clench. A soft moan escapes as you tilt your head to give him better access, his noise of approval rumbling deep in his throat. “I’ve dreamt of this.”
He presses you into the wall behind you as he ravages your neck, all teeth and tongue and the kind of marks that you’ll have to find excuses for in the morning. A shiver sends you arching up into him, fingers slipping into his hair as he palms your breast, lowering his mouth to suck a greedy mark there. You whine at the friction you’re missing, hips circling the air, desperately hooking your fingers into his belt loops to drag him closer.
“Shhh,” Scott pauses to hitch your leg up, slotting his knee between your thighs. Dark blue eyes drink in the sight of you as he squeezes your ass, a cocky smile spreading on his pink and swollen lips. “I know, sweetheart. That’s what you want, isn’t it?” You mewl when his knee brushes against your heat, enough to have you rolling helplessly against him but not enough to satisfy your desires. “So pretty, so desperate.”
“Yes,” You grip him harder for some semblance of a tether, that condescending, degrading voice only adding fuel to the fire. Did he know what you fantasized about late at night? The shower running to muffle your moans while you touched yourself to his deep voice, lecturing you over a simple mistake? Open desire swirls in your eyes, pleading now, every want laid bare for him. “Please, I want it.”
Scott’s low noise of approval sounds in his throat, pressing closer to give you what you need. You’d be half-ashamed at the way you eagerly grind against him if his own arousal wasn’t hard against your hip, straining, large and throbbing with every roll of your hips. The material of your panties do nothing to stop the delicious ache of his worn jeans against your clit, too many pieces of fabric between you, trying to quiet pretty sounds as you bite your lip.
“Look at you,” Scott growls, your dress inching higher as he seizes your hips, helping you find a rhythm. Hooking the lace of your panties under his fingers, he tugs the material up tight enough together to elicit a hiss, a dimple playing at the corner of his mouth as he smirks, “Is this all for me, baby?”
Barely managing a nod, you meet his eyes through thick lashes and whimper at the expression on his face. That intense gaze drinks in every inch of you like you’re a piece of art and the last thing he wants to remember, his usually stormy eyes hazy with desire.
“God damn... You just can’t get enough, can you, baby? When you touch yourself at night, do you think about me? Rubbing that needy little pussy on your pillow ‘cause you just can’t help it?” You press harder into him in response, his answering laugh dark against your ear. “But it’s never enough, is it? You always crave more, something thicker, something stronger.”
You whine against the loss of contact as he drops his knee, the sting of your panties snapping against your skin quickly forgotten when he trails his digits along the swell of your mouth. You open up greedily, the salty taste of his skin on your tongue intoxicating as you wrap your lips around him. 
“I bet you look so pretty,” he continues, his voice ragged, “Spread out like a top dollar whore with your cunt in the air, gagging on your fingers and wishing it were me. Wondering how many you need to suck on to fill you up just right. How many do you think, baby? Two? More?”
Scott pulls his fingers out with a pop, nuzzling against you as you try to remember to breathe. “Would you even be able to use that brain of yours, baby? Or would you be so fucking desperate to fill your hole that you’d use however many fit?”
He hikes up your dress while he pushes his hand in your panties, fingers slipping through your soaked folds. Fuck. He slowly circles your clit, stealing the breath from your lungs as you arch up into him. “Oh, I know, sweetheart. It doesn’t feel like this, does it?”
Not even close. Worst of all, you weren’t even sure if Scott knew just how true it was. Other men may have excited you, but nothing compared to this — not you, not the others you took to your bed, not even the fantasy Scott you envisioned. You buck helplessly against him, eager for more, whimpering out some sort of half-reply as you grip his wrist in a pathetic effort to keep him there.
Scott just grins. “What’s wrong, baby? Am I going too slow for you?” When he softens his touch, your nails dig into his skin, leaving little crescent moon marks. Lips desperately search for his, your eyes half-lidded and hazy. “I knew you’d be greedy,” he hums, gripping you roughly by the chin, his thumb swiping over your parted lips. “Letting me play with your pussy like this, where anyone could walk out and see how much of a slut you’re being.”
You bite back a moan as you remember where you are, glancing frantically at the door like it might open any second. Your pulse skyrockets when he resumes teasing, circling your clit then dipping down to press at your entrance. Fingers close around the fabric of his shirt, meaning to push him away and only pulling him closer with another desperate whine. “Scott, please…”
“Fuck.” There’s a dark look that flashes across his face, voice rough and ragged, and you watch, with nothing to shield his gaze, as his control snaps.
Sliding his hand over your mouth, it’s the only warning you get before he sinks a thick digit into your weeping cunt. The growl that escapes him when you automatically clench around it only makes you wetter, paralyzed with lust as he works you into pliancy. You pant, chest heaving, as he finds a steady rhythm that makes your eyes roll to the back of your head, every moan muffled against the palm of his hand as you arch into his touch.
You cry out when he adds a second finger, rocking your hips desperately as he angles his hand just right to rub against your clit. “Harder— Please, more—” The words are strangled, spilling out of you mindlessly now, unable to think beyond the way Scott stretches you out. You grab a fistful of his hair as he groans against your neck, dragging teeth and tongue along your skin, freeing your breasts from your dress before covering your mouth again.
“So god damned sexy,” he growls, quick to lap at your hardened nipples, the flat of his tongue spilling another pretty sound from your throat. He curls his digits deeper inside you, the wet schlick of your heat loud in your ears as he sets a brutal pace, switching his attention to your other neglected nipple.
Breath hot against your skin, Scott relishes how you become putty in his hands, holding onto him for support as he strokes that burning fire in you.
“Perfect fucking tits. Perfect fucking pussy. Jesus, sweetheart,” he nips at your skin, soothing the bite with his tongue. “Is this what you like? Being used like my own personal fucktoy? What would the others think if they saw you right now, fucking yourself stupid on me like a bitch in heat?”
He slips his fingers out long enough for you to beg, his smile dark against your skin while you whimper in desperation — and then he’s pushing back into you, stretching your hole with every rough thrust of his fingers. “Hear that, sweetheart? Even your body knows it’s meant to be mine.”
Scott kisses you hungrily as he drops his free hand to your breast, pinching your nipple hard enough to make you scream. His fingers slick harder into you, his cock thick and grinding into your hip while you try to breathe against his storm, your own control slipping as you fist his dark curls in your hands, looking for leverage.
“That’s it,” he growls, teeth sinking into your bottom lip. “This is my fucking pussy, isn’t it, baby? You wanna cum for me? Let the whole bar know you’re my toy to play with?”
“Please, please, please—” You can’t think beyond the brutal pace he’s set, not even sure that your voice sounds human as you babble, eyes big and watering. “Wanna cum for you, please, I need it—”
“You need it?” You gasp as the pain on your nipple subsides only for him to pinch the other, something dark and destructive swirling heavy in his blue eyes. You shiver at the expression, the carnal desire written so clearly over his face, every word out of his mouth deep, commanding, leaving no room for debate. “I’ll tell you when you get to cum. This is mine.” Pressing the heel of his palm hard against your clit, he watches with glee as you clamp down on your bottom lip to keep from screaming, obeying his command even as your body fights.
Your knees nearly buckle at the growl in his voice. Every thrust of his fingers brings you closer to the edge, the heat overwhelming. How many nights had you spent with your fingers in your cunt, picturing scenario after scenario of him taking you in the van, in the bathroom, on his desk after hours? 
“Say it,” Scott insists. “Tell me you’re mine.”
You meet his gaze, the intensity of it nearly sending you over the edge. “I’m yours,” you say, caught between a moan and something stronger, your words choking off.
“Again.” His expression tightens, picking up speed. “Louder.”
“I’m yours!” Your body trembles with the effort to stay upright, writhing against him. The words feel like a vow, your grip on Scott tight as you sob them into him. “My pussy is yours, my body is yours— Just a pathetic, dirty, worthless hole for you to fuck— Fuck, Scott, please—”
Scott growls in response, fisting his hand in your hair as finds the spongey spot inside of you. His digits work you hard, the veins in his arms on display as you bite back a scream, waiting, begging, needing. “Cum,” he grunts, the sound of his fingers driving into you loud and damning, “That’s it, sweetheart. Cum for me.”
You fall over the edge hard and fast, crying out as all the tension from the night finally snaps. It feels like an eternity as he continues fucking you through it, every filthy promise spelled out clearly with his lips at your ear.
By the time you come crashing back down, you’re shaking and empty, blinking back stars as Scott steps back. “Oh my god,” you gasp, fighting to catch your breath, mind still a mess as you try to piece together everything that happened. “That was…”
You watch, mesmerized, as Scott sucks his fingers into his mouth, a groan of approval sounding deep in his throat. And when he squeezes at his bulge straining against his zipper, your core clenches tight at the thought of his weight on top of yours, fucking you into submission again and again until he gets his fill.
“Just the beginning,” Scott promises, stepping toward you to tilt your chin up, his free hand coming down to tighten around your soaked panties and pull. They rip easily in his strong grasp, his grin triumphant as he stuffs them into his back pocket. “You won’t be needing these anymore.”
“Why?” Your body tenses with anticipation, noting the defined dimple in his cheek, the kind of grin he only wore when he was about to be incredibly, infuriatingly smug.
“Because,” he hums, full of condescension, “I didn’t hear a thank you.”
Before you can fix your mistake, Scott silences you with a kiss, his mouth patronizingly gentle as a wicked laugh sounds in the back of his throat. “Don’t worry,” he says, dropping another chaste kiss to your mouth, your nose, the space between your creased brows. “It won’t happen again. I’ll teach you, sweetheart.”
Goosebumps rise on your flesh as Scott adjusts your dress to cover your exposed body, the act so gentle and unbecoming that you freeze enough to let him. The moment only lasts a minute, your eyes meeting as he squeezes the curve of your ass when he’s done, all that vulnerability you had seen locked away again, like he’s guarding himself as reality comes back to life.
A muscle feathers in his jaw as his gaze shifts from you to the back door you’d spilled from. You’ve known Scott long enough by now to know he won’t be the one to say what’s hanging in the air. It would be easier, safer, to walk back in like nothing had happened and return to the motel alone, hitching a ride with anyone other than Scott the next morning.
But if you turn away now, you’ll never see that side of him again: the side that stayed up with you when he could be sleeping, the kind that comforted you without words, the kind that lit your world on fire with every bruising mark he’d left on you. The chance of knowing the man behind the mask.
You don’t miss the way his muscles tense under your touch as you reach for him or the flash of relief that flickers through him. “You think I’m teachable?” You ask, turning big eyes up at him, begging him to see the way you lay yourself bare for him — hoping, praying, that he doesn’t turn you down even still.
“I’m not an easy teacher.” He says, low, still guarded. Still giving you one last out.
You shake your head, a laugh tumbling out. His throat bobs at the sound. “I don’t want easy.” The truth of that hangs heavy in the air, zipping between the two of you as recognition passes through his eyes. “Now are you driving, or am I?”
A faint smile tugs at the corner of his mouth before he presses his tongue into his cheek and takes a step back. “My van, my rules,” he says, his voice softer now but still firm, and you hear the familiar rumble of the Storm Par van coming to life. His keys jingle in his hand as he adds, “You should know that by now.”
You bite your lip, suppressing a smile, and follow him out of the alleyway.
You did know. And as you settle into the passenger seat, the scent of the van enveloping you — a mix of old leather and Scott’s cologne — anticipation crackles in the air. The night stretches ahead, full of unspoken possibilities.
You couldn’t wait to test how far those rules went... and just how much you both were willing to bend them.
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hilacopter · 9 months
What pisses me off even more than masking antisemites is antisemites in denial.
People who think there's no way they can be antisemitic because they don't wake up every morning thinking "I hate Jews".
People who think they're immune to the antisemitism integrated into society because they reblogged a post saying "this blog is safe for Jewish people" and go "punch a nazi" sometimes.
People who see Jews as "just another oppressed group" without putting in the effort to learn how and why we are oppressed.
People who go "pls correct me if I say anything antisemitic 🥺" but when actually called out for saying something antisemitic go "well akshually 🤓 it's not antisemitic you're just spreading le evil zioniste propaganda!".
People who go "I don't hate Jews! Just those evil zio scum 😡".
People who Love Jews™ but are more than happy to cheer for half of the world's Jewish population dying.
I could go on and on (and feel free to add more examples in reblogs), but the point is:
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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Realize where you belong.
Pairing: neteyam sully x female!dreamwalker!reader/female!human!reader
Chapter 4
CW: jealous neteyam, angst, restless neteyam, obsessive and toxic behavior, mentions of violence, neteyam's current mental health is not the best out there (let's put it that way), the word "bloody" being mentioned in someone's thoughts, TRIGGER WARNING for dubious consent and slight NON CON, angry thoughts, melancholic reader, hints of depression on reader, anxious reader, mentions of breeding kink, reader thinking a lot about neteyam, reader finds out she's crushing on neteyam, reader is afraid of neteyam + attracted to him, neteyam stepping over reader's boundaries, creepy yandere vibes, slight nudity, sexual tension, neteyam almost trying to have sex with reader (if you squint)
Not proofread… as always 😂 I'm so sorry PLS don't give up on me, my babies! My readers are my lil rays of sunshine! No false praising here, I'm way too much of an honest, and sometimes blunt bih to do that! Ahaha you guys have changed my life. Having you guys reading my stories, appreciating my art… I'm still speechless. I love y'all until the end! 🥲🥺🫀💕 when I'm sad, you guys cheer me up with your comments, reblogs, asks, likes… I'm forever thankful ✨ I'm sending A BIG KITH to everyone that commented on the other chapters! I didn't have enough time and mental/physical health to answer everyone bc I've been going through some tough things in my personal life lately. Like, REAL tough. But I always do my best to try and show my gratitude to all of you <3 hope you enjoy this chapter. Leave comments below if u wanna I LOOOOVE READING YOUR COMMENTS 🥰💕💕💕
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Chapter 3
Watching me, wanting me
I can feel you pull me down
Fearing you, loving you
I won't let you pull me down
Haunted (Evanescence)
Hours had passed since Neteyam Suli had appeared to you in the window of the kitchen you worked in.
It was late at night already and you should be sleeping but, you just could not stop thinking about what had happened. How weird it had been to see a real na'vi - not an Avatar - real close. How odd he looked in your eyes, massive in size and so, so blue...
You laughed alone in your small room in the back of the laboratory after taking a quarter of a second to realize that the thought you just had was actually really funny.
Neteyam looked like a huge and thick brushstroke of sky blue paint. Still, he was… incredibly beautiful. He was eerie, weird looking compared to the human guys you're used to, but… something about him made his face linger on your mind.
You did not know how it was possible that you were finally having to admit to yourself that you felt attracted to Neteyam Suli, even after he appeared to you only once and, let's not forget, he appeared completely unanticipated, saying he had seen you before, multiple times.
You knew that raised like a billion red flags. Yet still, even though you did not feel safe enough to trust him or let your hair down when he was around, he intrigued you immensely.
You woke up the next morning feeling anxious. You did not know what it was exactly, but, lately, you had not only been depressed, but anxious too. You knew you probably would be diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety if you cared to go to the mental health department of the laboratory, but the thing was… you did not care to. You did not want to. The real reason for your lingering sadness was already so familiar to you: you did not like the life you were living.
You looked to be free like the na'vi. To not have deadly boring obligations everyday, to not have to care so much about so many strict rules of what was socially acceptable and what was not. You thought your own race to be too complicated. Humans don't really say what they mean just so many times. Humans care too much about money and power when, in reality, deep down, we all know that's not what's gonna make us happy, what's gonna keep us warm in a cold night.
But you were never really like that.
Not to pretend you were a golden, precious jewel, so incredibly hard to find, so utterly different from everybody else but, in all honesty, as much as you did care about money and having a comfortable life - to some extent - you were never a greedy for riches kind of person. You had always felt perfectly happy and content to just have a few things to keep you cozy, like your earbuds, a good book, your favorite sweet treat… You liked it simple. Calm. Balanced.
You believed that everything needs to be balanced to work well.
Chaos and light. Pain and happiness.
People need all of it to learn, grow and live a good life, that doesn't get painfully boring and unbearable with time.
But humans lacked balance.
Too much greed, too little contentment. Too much hate, too little compassion. Too much selfishness, too little altruism. That's why your kind was, as unfortunate as it was, doomed to misery. The human race dug their own grave. God, they couldn't even respect and take care of their own planet, their own home, the place that kept them literally safe and steady in the middle of the immense galaxy, let alone being able to take care of each other, to consider other's feelings before their own because, sometimes, we all need to do it.
And that's one of the reasons why you admired the na'vi so much. They were so much more wise than your own race.
How many times you had wished, talking to yourself in the dark of the night, that you could have been born na'vi. Why was fate so cruel to you? You did not even believe in fate. But it is only an expression, anyway.
Neteyam was tossing around on his mat since he went back home from training.
Yesterday he was way too busy to try and go see you or at least watch you from afar.
Sometimes he truly felt exhausted from his hectic routine and just wished he could be like Lo'ak and the other Omatikaya young men and just be able to relax more, to have more free time to engage in hobbies or, Eywa... to have more time to sleep... Sometimes he went back home all sore. He was as athletic as one can be but it did not mean he could not feel jaded after pushing himself too hard.
But Neteyam tried to always keep in mind the noble, sacred reason why he did all that. He was going to be the next leader of his clan, a privileged position, blessed by the Great Mother. A position that so many wished to have and he was lucky enough to be waiting to take on.
He was the current Olo'eyktan's son. It was a gift, he should not be ungrateful. He felt bad for thinking that was exactly what he was being... His father, Jake, was Toruk Makto. He was brave enough to earn that title. Neteyam felt it was his duty to be as brave and fearless as his father, to honor him and all his efforts to defend their tribe from any danger, specially from the Sky People.
Everything was going as usual, if it was not for only one thing: Lo'ak seemed to be suspicious of the fact that Neteyam was out for so many hours, almost everyday (meaning, every time he was free to just do whatever he wanted and not training to become the next Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya) and nobody had a clue of where he was.
His parents seemed to be too busy being the Olo'eyktan and the Tsahìk to notice something seemed off about Neteyam's behavior lately. And it is understandable. It was anything but easy to be the clan leader and the clan healer and spiritual leader. Mo'at was getting old and had passed the position of Tsahìk to Neytiri a while ago. So, Jake and Neytiri already were making such a huge effort to be able to live up to their duties, be parents of a little girl, Tuktirey, three teenagers and still keep their sanity. It was a lot, indeed. But they tried as hard as they could to still be good enough for their clan, their family and for each other, as a mated couple.
Neteyam decided he was way too restless to be able to sleep that night. He could not stop thinking about the way that human male talked to you, looked at you... He wondered if he really was your mate. He was not sure but if what he thought when he saw you two together was true, he knew it would not be a problem. He hated to get violent, his natural self was calm and composed. But he was going to fight for you, and, if it needed to get bloody, then so be it.
He decided to go outside his and his family's home, to breathe some cold, fresh eclipse air. It helped him to calm down a bit but it was not enough. He missed you. Like crazy. Deeply. He craved your scent… your delicious human scent. He did not even believe he was saying that about the way a human smelled. But he would always insist in saying you were different. You had a na'vi heart. Just like his father, back when he was still all pink and small.
He decided he wanted… no, he needed to see you. And it could not wait. It had to be now. He craved you and that craving would not go away like that. It was stronger than his rational brain. You woke up his animal side more than anything else did. He wanted to mate with you as soon as possible. He dreamt about the day he would be able to breed you, have you carrying his offspring on your womb. He would make you so happy, give you everything you've ever wanted, everything you need. And while you were still not permanently living inside your Avatar body, he still wanted to have you, even if it meant having you in your demon form. You were a pretty, lovely demon. His cute, sweet demon girl. His yawntutsyìp. (little loved one)
You just could not believe it was really happening, how the hell you got into those circumstances.
Right before that moment, you were almost sleeping peacefully, finally (you know that state when you're not awake nor asleep?), after having been awake, tossing around on your bed for hours for the most ridiculous reason you could ever think of: you were undeniably crushing on that weird alien boy. Neteyam Suli.
Yes, he acted like a creep when he tapped on your window. You knew it was pathetic but… he just would not leave your mind. He was shamelessly living rent free in your brain. All cozy there.
But the worst and craziest part was: you were still afraid of him.
Ok, the na'vi were a peaceful, highly intelligent (arguably much more smart, interesting and wiser than humans) alien race but he was still almost 10 feet tall and was so freaking intimidating. You shivered at the thought that he could ever hurt you, even by accident, one day.
Still, you were now here with him. Outside the laboratory. Because he put his goddamn eerie but cute (the guy is a complete paradox) looking ocean colored fingers through the tiny gap you left open in your bedroom window - a passage you left for air to come in when it was really hot and dry, like it was that night - and that made a strange noise, enough to put you in alert mode.
Damn, what a bad habit… Leaving the window open, even slightly, was not even permitted by the people who took care of the lab's security norms. That could be dangerous. But you had always been a stubborn little thing.
You were now regretting your decisions, though. 
Neteyam approached your window being what he could be like a pro: a crazy stalker.
How you were still attracted to him… even though you were fearful of his na'vi build and strength… that was a question that maybe a mental health professional could answer. It was weird and problematic and you knew it. But you never imagined you would feel like this about Neteyam Suli. You really did not. When you first saw him, he seemed cute and handsome in your eyes, but he was still an alien. You had never considered being attracted to one. But now… nothing made sense anymore, things were getting weird.
Stupidity took over you when you were so sleepy and groggy and you saw it was his huge hand on the wooden window, so, you wanted to ask him why he ran away the last time you two spoke. You know when you're so sleepy, you make the most unimaginably silly mistakes? So… there you go. You dragged your heavy with slumber body out of your bed, grabbed your oxygen mask that was kept inside your closet and opened the window.
But why, though?
In the beginning, you two were having a trivial talk about mundane stuff, like how he learned the English language (his father, of course), he started to ask how and why you got an Avatar etc 
He acted suspicious but still normal-ish, for a na'vi. They always looked mysterious when interacting with humans. But then, when he was telling you about his little sister, Tuktirey, and your eyes were slowly falling shut, your body begging for some hours of sleep… you felt a change in the atmosphere around you.
Your eyes had closed for a while, on their own, and suddenly, you knew Neteyam was really close to you, now. He had been keeping a respectful distance in the beginning. But now… now he was inches away from your body. He had moved closer, his fleshy but toned blue thigh almost rubbing against your leg, as you were sitting sideways on the window frame, your legs hanging in the air, making you feel a bit cold because of the nighttime Pandoran air.
You woke up from your 5 seconds long involuntary nap really startled.
"Hey! Why are you… so close?" You looked at him, dazed and nervous, visibly shaken
"Sorry… Is it too much? You're just… so pretty…" Neteyam says, looking at you like he's looking at a graceful, otherworldly being.
"Yeah. It is." You warn him "Can you… step away a bit, please?" You said, looking into his eyes. Your gaze serious but amiable.
Neteyam respected your request and did what was decent. But you did not expect that he would soon change his demeanor, just like something was taking over him.
You were so distracted with your chat with Neteyam but so utterly sleepy too that you did not notice when your nightgown's thin strap slipped through your right shoulder, leaving your breast exposed, your nipple out for Neteyam to see.
It was like a beast had replaced that nice-but-weird-vibes guy you were previously talking to.
Neteyam had just lifted you off of the window with amazing ease, your feet now touching the ground and he got closer to you again. He had you with your back against the lab's outer wall, keeping you there just by being in front of you, looking at you.
His size was enough to keep you still. You did not want him to maybe get mad at you if you tried to run away. That could become terrifying in a heartbeat. You were brave since a child, but you were also realistic. Your height and body strength was nothing compared to Neteyam's.
He looked at your exposed breast with such desire, you felt like his amber gaze was scorching your sensitive skin.
"Neteyam! What-?"
"You're so… perfect." His breath was labored while he stared down at your nipple, hardened by the cold temperature of the eclipse air "Sevin…" (pretty)
"I'm so afraid of you, Neteyam... You're too big and honestly...scary. I'm so sorry. I'm always trying to pick up signals that may indicate you're gonna hurt me. I don't feel comfortable at all right now. Please, let me go" You said as your cold, anxious hands took your nightgown strap back to where it belonged, covering your boob again, feeling ashamed of the vulnerable way you had just been seen by Neteyam, ashamed of the fact that he, a boy you barely knew, had just seen your naked breast, even if it was only for a brief period of time
"My cute little 'emyu…" (cook, cooker) "You don't need to be afraid of me." He smiles at you in such a sincere way, trying to show you he means no harm whatsoever. 
Though Neteyam felt his heart tightening way too much inside his chest, hurting so much it was like you had crushed it when you said you're afraid of him, he was carefully trying to make you see he would never in a billion years harm you, his precious little yawne (loved one).
He wished so hard, even prayed to Eywa, in a millisecond, inside his mind, that you would soon realize he loved you so much he would kill anyone who ever hurt your precious, frail human body. He could not understand how you could think he himself would do such a horrible thing towards you.
When Neteyam saw you did not show any sign that you were beginning to trust him more, he said:
"Hì'i," (little, small in size) "please... I need you... I love your scent so much. I miss it everytime I'm away from you. I love the way your human skin smells. I do. I dream about you at night... " He gets closer to you slowly and carefully, caging you between the wall and his broad, crazily tall blue body, leaving no way for you to get away from him "C-can I touch you? Touch your skin?" Neteyam breathes, begging for you with his wide eyed gaze "Just for a little while, please..." He kneels down at the ground to be as close as he possibly can to your height "See? I'm not so tall anymore. Am I a little less scary now?" He smiles faintly, trying to cover his pain with a fake demonstration of joy.
Neteyam feels so insecure, without any guarantee that you will eventually let him in. But he will never give up on trying to be worthy of your love.
"You're always gonna be scary to me. Even when I'm in my Avatar, I think." Using a sharp na'vi knife to stab Neteyam's heart repeatedly would have hurt him less than that statement "I'm not as skilled as you are or experienced as you are when it comes to using a bow or anything like that. God, I can't even work a bow right. If you'd ever hurt me, even by accident I-"
"I can teach you." He interrupted "I will teach you everything I know about archery. I'm a great archer, you know? I like to call myself "Mighty Warrior". " He smiles, frowning a bit, trying to make a joke to make the situation a little lighter.
You seemed so afraid he was starting to not know what to do anymore to try to make you see you were safe with him. That he would defend you from any danger without any hesitation and not be the danger himself.
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that-one-paintbrush · 6 months
Hey, Paintbrush here!
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Recently noticed that a few others at Hotel OJ have made some tumblr blogs, so I decided to as well! Welcome to my blog, all :)
I'm Paintbrush (they/them) and I've competed on three seasons of Inanimate Insanity! Season three just ended and I've just been chilling at Hotel OJ for a while. Not doing much else, so I'll probably be answering asks frequently.
DISCLAIMER: this ask blog has (unintentionally) become an au
if you want to get the full context, feel free to scroll down certain lore tags or check out the archive! -mod
Tags of interest:
#painty yapping: Paintbrush answering asks, sometimes used for reblog convos
#painty posting: explained here!
#misc asks: Asks that don't particularly have anything to do with a plot line
#bristle blather: Asks or convos specifically related to Paintbrush's bristles
#burnt-out brush: Posts where Paintbrush aint doing so hot... also includes the mini arc where Painty ran away and Backgroundy temporarily took over answering
#magic anon: Temporary events that can be applied on the blog
#rough sketch duo: Posts that feature both Paintbrush and Animatic (from Animatic Battle), Animatic usually played by @animaticaskblog
#backgroundy: A character introduced through a magic anon event, backgroundy is a friendly face on the wall that occasionally shows up on this blog. ....or are they? friendly i mean. backgroundy clearly has a lot to hide, and becomes quite defensive upon being asked about their past
#torch/inner flame: angry paintbrush? wrong! a completely separate character!! torch is a secretive and smooth-talking individual that possesses paintbrush at seemingly random times. also narrates paintbrush's actions
#flooding memories chronicles: Posts taking a dive into Backgroundy's obscure past!
#rediscovering fire chronicles: Paintbrush has an inner flame now. WHAT!!! oh just kidding theyre just possessed. hi torch!! whats your backstory?
#painty yapping and yapping: posts where Paintbrush rambles for an extended amount of time, usually not dialogue
#animaticified saga: paintbrush gets ab animaticified. that's it
#art imitates life chronicles: paintbrushs past wasnt ALL sunshine and rainbows... if only they knew what happened!
#backfire arc: paintbrush makes a terrible no good absolutely horrible bad decision. they suffer the consequences accordingly!
#still waters runs deep chronicles: torch and backgroundy FINALLY talk things over like civilized adults
#history repeats itself chronicles: another life has been created via m!a,,,, waow
#mod kit: Posts from the mod! me!!
hey, mod here! (pandemonium, he/they/she)
there are a few things id like to mention:
this is my first ask blog. in the history of EVER!! so pls be patient with me
dont plan on including ships on this blog! but i dont mind ship-related asks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ please just dont be weird or mention proships
like i said, dont be weird in the asks! please no nsfw or fetish-y asks either
dont be an asshole pretty please- i dont mind jokes and sarcasm but if ur only here to be a haterade pls leave 🥺
yall can do magic anons if you want! please try not to send too many tho 😁
i made the paintbrush asset myself! pls dont use it or steal it :')
i may not answer asks immediately so please be patient and dont spam or pressure me into answering! i may ignore and refuse to answer any asks if im uncomfortable as well
keep in mind some of what i say may be personal headcanons or made up on the spot! ill stick to canon as much as possible but if theres an opportunity to add a headcanon, ill likely do so
thanks for reading!
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sosappyjoos · 2 years
Can i request something for Yunho since it´s his birthday?
sumn along the lines of orgasm denial+overstimulation+dirty talk maybe?
Feel free to say no and i hope you have a nice day/night <3
Absolutely! I ofc have to write a piece for my precious Yunho's birthday🥺 This was pretty fun to write, and so I hope you enjoy it, and have a nice day/night celebrating Yunho's birthday too.
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Birthday Boy- Jeong Yunho
↳Pairing : Jeong Yunho x f!reader
Warnings: MDNI! smut, making out, oral sex, (both m. and f. recieving), throatfucking, orgasm denial, overstimulation, tears, pet names (present, birthday boy, baby,) slight fingering, Yunho loves dirty talk once things get started, Yeosang, San Hongjoong and Seongwa are briefly in the beginning of the story, safe sex (wrap it up, everyone), brief mention of tears.
Word count: 2,576
Summary: After going to Yunho's house after a fun night out at the club, you help him have the best birthday of his entire life.
A/N: pls reblog! It helps a lot. Also this is NOT a part two to Good Kisser. I am working on that though;) but this is a post for Yunho's birthday! Be sure to go on any social media platform you have and wishing him a happy birthday, if not, just wish it in your heart :D
Yunho took another gulp of his drink as he watched you from afar. You were having the time of your life, dancing to the loud bass with everyone else in the club. You were dancing with San, Yeosang and Hongjoong, all of them all also having fun with some of the girls around you all of course. 
Seonghwa sat down next to Yunho at the bar, with a knowing look. “Are you finally going to make a move?”
Yunho tore his eyes away from you, now looking at Seonghwa. “Hm? What do you mean?” he asked.
“Don’t lie. Anyone here could clearly see you eye-fucking Y/N,” Seonghwa chuckling, grabbing the drink out of Yunho’s hand. “It’s about damn time you get out there and dance with her, make your move.”
“We’re just friends,” Yunho shook his head. 
“Yunho, the tension between you and Y/N has been absolutely unbearable for everyone else. You better make your move on her before any of the other guys get sick of waiting, or even worse, she gets sick of waiting,” Seonghwa, now pushed Yunho towards the dancing crowd, and Yunho gulped, mentally preparing to dance with you. Yunho finally made his way through the crowd of people, San slapped his hand on Yunho’s shoulder, happy to see him out here on the dance floor. Yunho finally was behind you. Thankfully he didn’t have to awkwardly tap on your shoulder, since you looked over your shoulder for a moment. Your face brightened when you saw him, spinning around. 
“So, the birthday Boy finally decided to join,” she yelled. Yunho smiled. She placed her hands over Yunho’s shoulders, having to reach since his figure was so tall. He placed his hands right at your waists as you both swayed and bounced along with everyone else to the booming music. You looked up every now and then letting out small giggles, making Yunho smile and shrug shyly. You had enough of the stale simple flirting and decided to spin around now, grinding against his crotch. Yunho stuck his tongue in his cheek at the move, and once again held your hips, letting himself also grind on him. You leaned back into him, swaying together to the beat. Finally Yunho leaned down to your ear. “Do you want to go to my place?” He yelled loud enough for only you to hear.
You spun back around to him, a glint in your eyes. “Yunho, I fucking thought you’d never ask.”
Yunho’s smile widened, he took your hand, and guided you through the crowd, leaving the club. 
Hongjoong, Yeosang and San all found their way to Seonghwa at the bar, watching you and Yunho leave. “It’s about fucking time,” Hongjoong mumbled, taking a sip from his drink. The rest of the boys chuckled, shaking their own heads.
Yunho opened his door for you, letting you inside the dim apartment. He led you to the kitchen. You took off the coat you were wearing, and placed it on the chair you sat down in. Yunho also took off his jacket, throwing it on the couch before going to his wine cabinet. He pulled out a bottle that looked expensive, but you weren’t really paying attention. You just watched his hands as he popped open the bottle, pouring the red liquid into two wine glasses. He brought them over, placing one in front of you, before sitting across from you. You gave him a short “thank you” before taking a sip of the wine. He did the same, savoring the taste. “Have you enjoyed your day then?” You asked him, trying to kill the silence. 
He nodded. “I have. It’s been… nice.”
You sighed, as he once again missed a perfectly good shot to say something cheeky. So you decided to do it for him. “I know what would make it a lot better,” you said, standing from your seat, sitting now on the table in front of him, seductively. You stuck your chest out, making your dress seem like it was bursting at the seams. Yunho looked for a moment, before shyly looking up at your eyes. 
“And what would that be?” he finally asked. 
You took the wine glass from his hands, placing it behind you. You then laid your arm over his shoulder, leaning closer to him. “I think it’s about time you grew a pair of fucking balls and fucked me like the big boy you are now.”
As you finished your sentence, Yunho finally stood from his seat, pulling you close to him as he kissed you deeply and fast paced. You quickly cooperated with the kiss, hungry for his attention and touch. He now stood between your legs, while you still sat on the table. His hands caressed your body, desperate to feel every inch of you. You quickly tugged at his shirt, anxious to get it off. He helped, pulling the shirt over his head. You didn’t waste any time, once again feeling his chest, and the hint of muscle definition there. He was perfect. You hastily pulled him at the neck to kiss you again. He kissed you hard, sticking his tongue into your mouth, and you let him enter easily. He separated from the kiss with a small smirk on his lips. 
“A bit hasty, are we?”
“Yunho, I’ve waited way too long for this to go slow.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll definitely be fucking you out tonight. I don’t mind taking my time,” he teased. You rolled your eyes, kissing him again. His hand, tickled your side, as he began to bunch up your dress at your waist, he finally pulled the dress over your head, admiring your lingerie you were wearing. You couldn’t help but blush a little bit under his stairs, and his touch wandering over your body. “You look perfect for me to fuck you tonight Y/N,” he mumbled. 
“Quite the dirty mouth you got there Yunho,” you smirked, trying to alleviate your slight discomfort.
“What? I can’t admire my little birthday present’s wrapping?” he said, letting his hands travel the insides of your thighs. You let out a small breath at the touch. He couldn’t help the smug expression that spread on his face at your reaction. His hands continued running up your legs, his thumb brushing your visibly wet panties. He kissed your neck, sucking hard at the skin, making you wince. He wanted to leave a few marks on his little present to let you and others know you were his present. He trailed kisses from your neck, through the line of your breasts, lingering a bit at the soft skin. He used one of his hands to reach behind you, unclasping your bra. He admired your breasts, kissing the nipple before sucking it. “Your nipples even know you want me,” he smirked at how your nipples perked at his touch. He sucked harshly on one of your tits, before releasing with a loud “pop.” He smirked at the small moan you let out. “Look what a fucking slut you are for me tonight.”
“Only for the birthday boy,” you affirmed, smiling at him. He now squatted down, level with your panty covered pussy. He quickly took the ruined panties off your legs, and you gave a light gasp at the sudden contact of the cool air. 
Yunho let his finger drag down your folds, as you sat on the edge of the table, anxious for more of his touch. “Patience. You’re supposed to wait for the Birthday Boy,” he said, giving a slight slap to your leg, making you cry out. He once again let his finger drag down your folds, before letting one of his fingers slip inside you. You let out a loud moan at the motion. He pumped you once before adding a second finger. You bit your lip, well pleased by the feeling. He then licked a stripe, starting from where his fingers were, up to your clit. You let out another moan, and then gasped as he began to suck at your pussy at his fingers. Your hips rolled at his fingers and tongue. 
“Fuck, Yunho. That feels so good,” you moaned. Then he curled his fingers a bit, pressing at your g-spot. You let out a strangled yell at the feeling. “Oh shit. Right there, Yunho. RIght there!” You exclaimed, your fingers now intertwining in his hair. Your hips pushed you closer into his mouth, and fingers, anxious to feel your release as your orgasm began to build. You pulled on his hair, throwing your head back. “I’m gonna cum,” you breathed, squeezing your eyes as you were right there. But suddenly Yunho took his fingers out, and moved his face away from you. You let out a gasp, as you felt your orgasm just dissipate. You looked at Yunho, your brows furrowed. 
“You don’t get to cum that easy, present,” he smirked. He helped you off the table as you pouted. He led you to his bedroom. “I want my little present to do its job,” Yunho said, sitting down on his bed. You hid a smile at his cheeky comments now. 
“You never say shit like that,” you chuckled. 
“I was saving it for when you finally were mine,” he smirked. You shook your head, sitting down between his legs. You squeezed the bulge in his pants, making him groan and roll his neck at the slight relief of finally being touched. While you continued to grope his dick through his clothing, you began to undo the button and zipper of his pants. You swiftly pulled down his pants and were able to see more clearly the outline of his dick in his boxers. He was absolutely massive. Even better, his girth was perfect, and you were so excited to have it in you tonight. You leaned down to suck at the clothed dick, looking up to Yunho. You both made eye-contact and your sparkling doe eyes made his dick harden a little bit more. He groaned from your wet mouth over his underwear, his mouth falling open a bit. You now pulled down his underwear and grabbed his dick in your hand. You admired the red tip, before giving it an excruciatingly slow lick. You giggled at his light whimper. You then licked it from the base up to the tip, before wrapping your lips around the tip. Yunho groaned, throwing his head back as you began to take more of his dick in your mouth. You then began to bob your head, up and down, making sure to drag your tongue along the vein on the bottom of his cock. He began to groan at the same rate your head was moving. He intertwined his fingers in your hair, making you moan.
The vibrations made Yunho’s eyebrows furrow. His hand on your head, began to push you to go at a faster pace. “Keep going baby, I’m gonna cum down your throat,” he growled, his low voice making your pussy wet all over again. He held your head with his other hand too now, controlling the pace of your head. His cock was now hitting your throat, and you fought your gag reflex, looking up at him again. He sped up the pace, breathing heavily, his release so close. Finally, he pushed your head all the way, your nose brushing against his stomach as his cum filled your throat and mouth. He finally released your head, and you quickly swallowed everything before gasping for air. He held your cheeks. “Open, so I can see,” he demanded. You quickly did, showing him how you swallowed his salty seed. “Good girl. You liked that, didn’t you?”
You only nodded, still catching your breath. Getting throatfucked by Yunho was a delusion you’d had many times before, but actually experiencing it was something else entirely. He then stood up, picking you up and guiding you onto the bed. His dick was still hard to your shock, as you watched him walk to his dresser, pulling out a condom. “You ready to cum on my dick tonight?” Yunho asked, rolling the condom down his dick. 
“I’ve been waiting to cum all night, Yunho. Now hurry up and fuck me,” you teased, pulling him by the hand towards you. You laid down comfortably on his bed as he hovered over you. 
“I’m not going easy on you, understand?” he said, lining his dick up with you. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Birthday Boy,” you shot back. At your response he quickly shoved his dick inside you, making you gasp. 
“Good,” he smirked, before pulling in and out at a quick pace already. You hummed in delight as his dick stretched you in the best way possible. “You feel so good for me,” he grunted, as his hips snapped in and out of you at such a quick pace. Fast and hard, just like how you liked it. 
“You’re so fucking big,” you moaned, grabbing at his bed sheets. He lifted your legs up, throwing them over his shoulders. Soon enough you were close to cumming from his quick pace. “Yunho, I’m cumming soon.”
“You’re already cumming, huh?” He teased. You quickly grabbed onto his arms, your moans speeding up as your release was so close. Finally, your long awaited orgasm washed over you, and You let out a groan, your body shaking a bit. Yunho’s pace continued, except now, he dropped your legs, and used his hand to now rub your clit. You began to wince and whimper as he played with your sensitivity. Your body jolted occasionally from the overstimulation. You bit your lip as tears pricked your eyes uncontrollably. But you absolutely loved it, and the way Yunho’s eyes squinted, his jaw slacking as his own release began to approach. His grunts began to get louder. “I’m getting close,” he told you between breaths. You nodded, and let out a sigh as he finally stopped rubbing your clit, relief washing over you. 
“Shit,” he moaned, pulling out of you, taking the condom off and letting himself cum on your stomach, his mouth falling open at the feeling. After he finished completely, you wiped a bit of the cum off your stomach with your finger, sticking it in your mouth as you began to sit up. He smiled, quickly grabbing some tissues. He squatted down beside you, helping to clean you up. He looked up to you with a warm smile, and you smiled back down at him. He wiped away the tears that you still had on your face, before he pulled down his sheets, helping you inside his bed. He threw away the tissues, and turned off the lights before he slipped inside the bed with you, pulling you close. 
“How was your birthday now?” you asked, smiling knowingly. 
“Absolutely amazing,” he chuckled. He hesitated a moment before saying, “But, what would really make it the best ever is if you agreed to be my girlfriend.”
You sat up a bit, now looking at him. “More than being asked to actually come home with you, I was worried you’d never ask me to be your girlfriend,” you laughed. He also laughed with you, covering his face with an embarrassed grown. You snuggled up to him once again. “Yunho, it would be an actual dream come true to be your girlfriend.” He leaned down kissing your lips, sealing the deal. “Goodnight Birthday Boy.”
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
hi!!!!! can i request a little skz reaction (if u aren’t too busy) to their s/o being super affectionate and full of pda in front of the other members?? i love the skzers sm ;-; thank you!!!!
stray kids reaction to their s/o being very affectionate
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genre: fluff, slight crack
word count: 0.7k
warnings: none
pls like and reblog if your enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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chan has literally no shame, we all know that by now. he's also very affectionate so it's a match made in heaven, really. he feels like his hurt is gonna burst because he just loves you so much omg. you guys are like touching each other 24/7. he has his arms around you whenever he can. the members groan every time they see you guys together because you're always cuddling or hugging or whatever. jeongin in particular has the tendency to through pillows at you both whenever you guys are watching a movie with him or something.
lee know
contrary to popular opinion, i think minho wouldn't mind having someone who is affectionate. i think being too affectionate and he might get overwhelmed and also he just likes having his space. but usually, he doesn't mind at all by the fact that your physically affectionate, especially considering the amount of time you are spent apart from each other. he likes feeling needed and wanted. of course, in front of the members, he would cringe out and push you away playfully, but when you're both alone, he's a fluffy mess and secretly wants to be cuddled :(
best-boy-binnie also loves any sort of affection so he welcomes you with open arms. there's nothing like being close to his favourite person, especially after a long day. if you are affectionate around the other members, changbin is ready to show it off. you'll hear comments like: "they just love me so much, what can i say?" or if the members tease you both: "hey, you're just jealous that no one loves you the same way." he's so petty it's so funny.
hyunne can get a bit overwhelmed with too much physical touch. i would say so long as you are gentle as you approach him, he's absolutely fine with it. he feels so precious and soft when you want to hug him all the time. he will also initiate affection too, wrapping both his arms around you in a side hug whenever he feels like it. he doesn't really mind if it's in front of the members, but he might get a bit giggly and shy depending on how much affection you give to him when they're there.
also the type to not be too keen about full-on physical touches. subtly is key. he doesn't want too much all at once. he wants to just enjoy your presence and share small amounts of affection at a time, like holding hands or shuffling closer to one another. if you guys are on the couch with the other members, idk watching a movie or something, if he feels you snuggling into him and wrapping your arms around his waist, he would simply melt inside, and would put an arm around you to draw you closer to him.
felix is just 🥺 he's a precious angel i'm gonna cry. anything that makes you happy will automatically make him happy. he will take any affection he can get, but he is most drawn to a partner who shows a lot of affection, simply because he has so much love to give anyway. he needs someone who is willing to reciprocate that love. and with this, he's fine with pda. he doesn't find it awkward in front of the member to be affectionate with you, because they know he's head over heels in love <3333
seungmin is more private. he's never really been too keen on pda anyway, so having a partner who is into pda and is really affectionate might take him some getting used to. it's not that he doesn't like affection; he just doesn't know how to deal with it. might just awkwardly stand there while you give him a back hug while the other members are there. he's not even embarrassed it's just hard for his brain to process the cuteness and fluffy feelings that are going on inside.
now, he's the type to get embarrassed. he's just a shy boy, what can i say. as he grows older, he gets more and more confident with just doing whatever he wants. so pda? he's fine with. but as soon as it's pda in front of the members?? he's whole face goes ready. of course, his older brothers will tease him relentlessly, and it's so funny to you that you decide to do it on purpose. you'll be overly affectionate, giving him a big smooch on the cheek while the members jeer on in the background. all the while, he's staring daggers at you be afraid
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larz-barz · 3 months
Blog Rules
1. Please don’t message me, I’m not allowed to dm
2. Don’t send me any nsfw stuff please, cause I’m a minor
3. No hate please
4. Please don’t tag me in lgbt+ content or ask me to make any, I’m uncomfortable with that as a Christian (keep in mind that I won’t be rude to anyone in that community, I just don’t support it)
5. Feel free to have fun in my inbox, it’s always open!:D
6. I love talking to you guys so please don’t be afraid to interact with me! (If you wanna be an emoji anon just lmk!<33)
7. I’m a multi-shipper so pls don’t get upset if i add a canon character that you ship your oc with to miki’s ship list, that’s gate keeping.
8. No dni, just don’t be mean
9. Respect my beliefs and I’ll respect yours, just don’t ask me to change my beliefs because you don’t agree with me
10. This is a curse word free blog, so pls don’t curse around me or reblog my posts with a curse word or smth, it makes me uncomfortable 🥺
I’ll add on if I need to but I think this pretty much sums it up:3
tagging: @hotelcaliforniaenbydancer @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @rosalinastan1 @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @pinkwisteria @nimmie-nugget @night-mince101
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boatslut · 11 months
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Hey all! I'm opening commissions bc I am... uh, currently unemployed with no source of income and I Need Cash Now! I don't currently know how many of these I'll take atm, probably depends on what kinds and how many, but we'll see!
Will Draw:
Human / Furry / Monster / Sonic characters & OC I guess.
Light to Moderate Gore
Body Horror (pls 🥺)
Shipping Art
Maybe Open to Discussion; Probably Will Cost Extra:
Elaborate/Heavy Detail Designs
Reference Sheets
Art Based Off Descriptions
Won't Draw:
Heavy Gore
Real People
Hateful/Bigoted shit
Feel free to DM/ask me here or get in touch via my Ko-Fi if you're interested in a commission! I've got more art examples in my art tag!
Reblogging is always appreciated! 🙇‍♂️
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kxedeharas · 1 year
Can you make wallpapers for Alcina dimitrescu pls 🥺
absolutely! ₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  ⇢ ˗ˏˋ  𝙖𝙡𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙖 𝙙𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙘𝙪 𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙥𝙖𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨  ˎˊ˗ ꒰ 🕸️ ꒱
✖ 〉.   ❝ like or reblog if you save / use ❞
♪ ! ﹒feel free to request icons / headers / wallpapers﹕❍
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pnkq · 1 year
please tell me all about Lennon
oh BOY oh BOY 😁😁😁
it's time!!! u are not safe from him!!! 😈😁😈
well this is him he is my lovely boy i romantically love him /hj:
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he's 18 and 5' 11" (don't call him short he's taller than me) he's the tallest of the group
his nails are paineted black because ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ HE'S PRETTY AND EMO-LOOKING AAAAAAAA
he's gonna have a villain arc eventually after all the revamps are done 😈😈😈 (but that might take a while)
i drew him in school and he was complimented (✿◠‿◠)
u can't see it bc it's under his sweater, but these are his bracelets + arm
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he is wonderful!!! def my fav of all of them like sorry Gwen and Savanna but he literally looks like a cartoon crush-
he uses he/they and is pansexual 💛🤍💜🖤 + 💖💛💙
he has social anxiety and autism
and that's all for now feel free to send me questions if u have any or headcanons if you have ideas for him!!
pls reblog this i've been waiting in eager anticipation for this very moment 🥺🥺🥺
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taegularities · 21 days
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okay, i really hope y'all love love loveee meraki. as always, feel free to talk to me once you're done reading — i loved writing it, so i'd love hearing what you think, too 🥺 also, clicking on the reblog with the rest of the fic directly might make reading easier; that way, you won't have to scroll!!
i still have a number of other (c&f/cmi etc) asks in my inbox, but wanted to focus on meraki today — i will get to them again asap, so pls feel free to keep sending whatever comes to mind. you don't have to stop, it's been fun 😁
for now good night and ily and happy kookie day!! 🐰🤍🥹
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queenoforeos · 9 months
Finally making an introduction post?!
Hi guys!!!! Almost every blog I’ve seen on this site has some kind of like introduction post or whatever and uh ig it’s about time to make mine!!
So uh how do i do this
Basic info!!
Name: Alex
Pronouns: he/him pls :)
(probably) transmasc!!!
I’m a minor so no heavy nsfw please :)
whatever you’d see on any other dni list ig
Racism, homophobia, ableism, transphobia, proshippers, etc
Project Sekai
Genshin kinda
Mystic Messenger
Keeper of the Lost Cities
School Bus Graveyard
Various arts and crafts
Stuff that feels kinda important
Sometimes i might accidentally use the wrong pronouns for akiyama mizuki so just feel free to reblog/reply and remind me!!
I am like barely active here
cats >>>>>
90% of the time I have no idea what I’m doing
Taking this opportunity to once again flex about writing the longest* Saki angst fic on ao3
*as of April 5, 2024 (i haven’t checked since then)
External links and other accounts or something
I have an ao3 so here ig (please check it out i put a lot of love into most of my fics sometimes maybe 🥺) https://archiveofourown.org/users/QueenOfOreos/pseuds/QueenOfOreos
also!! i run @daily-vitamin-honami go check it out!! (trigger warnings listed in the intro post)
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play-rough · 9 months
Cheerio, wishing you a pleasant afternoon from my side of the globe to yours. I'm aware you've talked of this topic before, but I was wondering specifically—would it be alright if I were to draw a comic of your Dazai regression fics? Credit will be put in the art itself, and links will be added to the post. I'll reblog and @ you too!! <3 Regardless I am enraptured by your work, and it's absolutely gorgeous. I not only relate to it but find comfort in it as well. You've done swimmingly with the writing, and I look forward to seeing more of yours.
Also, this bit is unrelated but I think the ACNH rabbit villager, Tiffany, bears similarity to Chuuya unironically and ironically and I wanted to tell you this considering you sparked my BSD ACNH internal house fire. I'm on the hunt for villagers that are like BSD characters now and I've got a sizeable list. 🐈‍⬛
100% totally fine, but I am humbly requesting that you send me wips 🥺 lakfkskx you don’t actually have to but I love comics and if i had the patience I’d make one myself and so I’m honored that you’d want to make one of my fic 🥹💕 pls feel free to dm me about this
Tiffany Chuuya made me spit my drink out akkdskks I totally see it 😭😂
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geets19 · 2 years
Hello everyone.❤️
It's been a while..👀
I've been very busy with university recently, but I am opening commissions cause it's urgent and i need money to buy some things i need. 👉👈
It would really mean a lot to me if you can reblog / like the post so it can reach people.
Pls dm me if you are interested and check out my bio for the link to my commission form 🙏💞.
Or you can access the link from here:
At last but not least, i would love to thank you all soooo much for your amazing support and the joy you bring to my heart when you enjoy my db content.
We finally hit 100+ followers!🥳🥳🥳
I've never dreamed of this! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 🙏🥺❤️❤️❤️
(this is my OC Lucas helping me out with presenting commission info 💞😅)
The link in also has other platforms where i post my art and there's OC content on my IG account in case you are interested 🙈❤️
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
hueningkai sfw alphabet
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genre: fluff
word count: 1.8k
warnings: none
song rec: astroboy by suggi
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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a - affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection)
all in small doses
he loves gift-giving and will get you cute little gifts whenever he feels like it (which tends to be a lot of the time) he likes spending money anyway, so now he has good reason to spend it by spending it on you!
other than that he can be quite awkward at first. expressing himself verbally doesn't come naturally to him but he does like a good old cuddle
b - best friend (what would they be like as a best friend?)
he has really random energy and that will totally rub off on you
once kai is comfortable with someone he can be loud af so be warned
it's just so fun being with him. he either wants to go and do something or he wants to just laze around and do nothing all day with you
c - cuddles (would they like to cuddle? how do they cuddle?)
bro is so cuddly and i can't stress that enough
at the start of the relationship, he was hella shy so he would very rarely initiate physical affection. but once he is close to you he just wants to cuddle you all the time
he's a fluffy boi
i mean his whole bed is filled with plushies so you just know he's a massive cuddler. just scoop him up in your arms and he's putty in your hands
loves to rest his head on your chest while you run your fingers through his hair i'm so soft rn don't touch me
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
oh yeah he wants to settle down
he feels once he feels mature in himself he would love to settle down with his partner. he's big on loyalty and commitment, after all
he likes to bake but his cooking skills might need a bit more work. as for cleaning, he's usually relatively clean but might just leave random things scattered around the house and forget they are there lol
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
it's so hard to visualise hueningkai breaking up with someone honestly
from two reasons specifically:
1. he loves commitment and doesn't think he should break up with someone over silly things or small arguments like other couples do
2. he usually dates people he can see himself marrying. he's not playing around, yk?
what i'm trying to say is breaking up with someone is a serious decision he doesn't take lightly
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quickly would they want to get married?)
obviously he would loveee to get married
but he will probably consider marriage way later on in his life. after all, he is quite young still and he wants to have time to grow himself before he makes that kind of commitment
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
very gentle
sometimes he can be playful, sure. but even when he is playful, he is never aggressive. he keeps the play fighting to the minimum because sometimes he is unaware of his own strength and he doesn't want to accidentally hurt you 😭
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
highkey wants to hug you all the time
like please hug him istg 🥺
he's so soft and when he is feeling down sometimes all he wants to do is curl up in your arms and hug you forever
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
it's not something he plans, that's for sure
he says it in sort of the spur of the moment, and all without giving it a second thought
he barely realises he loves you until he says it. then the pin will drop and he will suddenly realise what he has said
would probably be more shocked than you are, lol
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
i can see him getting jealous, but he doesn't strike me as the type to voice his jealousy
he will watch on helplessly from the sidelines rather than talk to you about it, which is bad because he's keeping all of his pent-up emotions inside instead of talking to you about how he feels
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
very quick pecks, especially on the cheek
honestly, in my humble opinion, he seems more like a hugger than a kisser
hugging comes more naturally to him and sometimes he can feel awkward when kissing you for the first time
but that's not to say he doesn't like it, obviously. he will usually want to kiss you when you guys are cuddling or something. but he gets super shy about it like
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
he's kinda awkward around children
just doesn't have much experience with them and therefore he has no idea how to engage with them or what to do with them
and is also super worried that they are going to hurt themselves or each other like this guy's nerves are shredded
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
he's a soft boi in the morning, as he is always
will go about his morning dragging himself lazily around the house, probably half asleep
he can barely think straight so if you ask him a normal question he's like "huh?"
it's hella adorable, as you can imagine
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
he literally wants to stay up all night watching something or playing video games
because of this, he claims he's a night owl
but in reality, as much as he wants to waste his night hours staring at a big, bright screen instead of sleeping, his brain doesn't allow him to do so
expect him to be passed out on the sofa by about 11 pm, tops!
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
kai is the type to overshare things awkwardly like on the first and second date
which, as embarrassing it is for him, is actually rather endearing
he's such a cutie-pie like-
but on perhaps more personal topics, he will be much less careless. he is not used to being vulnerable and showing his emotions, and it will take him a long time to feel like he actually can
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
hueningkai is basically never mad unless your name is MNET so there's no need to worry there
he is very considerate and mostly mild-tempered
the only scenario i can visualise him getting angry is if you absolutely annihilate him at a video game
man gets so frustrated with him hfbhdbjhfb
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
things fall out of his head a lot
but it's not surprising; he's got a lot on his mind. he does a physically and mentally demanding job and barely gets enough time to rest. so you can cut him some slack for sure
but he always remembers important occasions like anniversaries and birthdays, obviously
r = remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
moments where he turns to you for help or comfort
kai is very unlikely to express his emotions very regularly, preferring to keep them to himself
only sometimes, he can't bare the burden of his emotions by himself
and so the first time he turns to you for help or advice or just to have someone to talk to you, he realised how important you were to him
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
he's not really the protective type at first
and he doesn't expect you to be
he's just not outwardly protective like some of the others are. he will always make sure you're ok and overall he is basically more subtle
but after experiencing you protecting him in different aspects of his life, he realises that that's what he wants to make you feel like: warm and safe
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
he loves getting little gifts and nick-nacks for you uwu
gift-giving is a very common occurrence when you're dating hueningkai. he doesn't know how to express himself verbally most of the time so he's just like '... here, take my love in the form of gifts' and showers you with so many presents for no reason
a very generous soul <3
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
hueningkai doesn't really have many stand-out bad habits
sometimes he finds it hard to discern whether s situation is serious or when it is a time to laugh and have fun, which can lead to many awkward situations. he's learned the hard way lol me too
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
he likes looking good
and his confidence in his own looks fluctuates
like one day he will think he looks hot as hell and then the next day he will be crying and saying he's ugly
so give him a slap for me when he says that please and thank you 🥰
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
there are not a lot of people he has deep connections with
so you, being the person he has expressed his thoughts and feelings to the most and the main person he trusts, are always in the front of his mind
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
he loves clothes shopping with you??
it's a new thing he found out about himself recently; he likes it when you pick out some clothes for him that you think he would suit, and then he will do the same for you <33
he thinks it's a cute little couple thing that you both do now. so you make a day of it together, which he always looks forward to!
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
he hates people who take advantage of others
it's easy to see other people's weaknesses. but exploiting and taking advantage of those weaknesses? that's a whole other story
kai also hates being betrayed in any way. it stifles his trust in others even more to the point where he doesn't know who to trust
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
like i said before, he will likely fall asleep on the couch after an attempt to stay up all night playing video games
but other than that, his main habit it that he likes cuddling up to something when he sleeps
hence the avalanche of plushies on his bed
only now, he has you to cuddle <3333333
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wolficake · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 🤍🖤
ppl don't reblog stuff from me, but if anyone sees this and wants to do it pls feel free, ilu all sm and want to see your fave things, so here are five things that make me happy!
1. My spouse. We've been married since 2021 and I've never been happier. @vampicake is my entire world. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
2. Anything cherry flavored. Cherries are my favorite fruit and my favorite flavoring. Tho, weirdly enough, I am VERY picky about cherry pie. For some reason it always tastes bitter to me, not sweet or even sour. But I love cherries.
3. Farming games, especially Stardew Valley. I don't get a lot of peace and I could never afford to live on a farm, despite that being my optimal choice for living, on a communal farm with all my friends and family. (Who am I kidding, my friends are my family, I would also absolutely let strangers live on my farm.)
4. Plants and gardening. Seriously, I just gotta dig my hands in dirt. I need it. I need the soil. Give me dirt. Bury me.
5. People. I love people. I love this world so much. I love all of you. Like. I wake up every day with more and more hope than I have ever had in my life.
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