#pls dont feel obligated to do it! & lmk if you dont want to be tagged in these in the future ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“
inevitablestars ยท 26 days
HEY LINDS this is my Official Attempt to sway you towards perciver i hope you like it and that it doesnt turn you off them forever, now first off!
general relationship potential:
percy and oliver are in the same year and as far as we know they are the only boys in gryffindor in their year which makes them not only roommates but also the only boys in their room. for seven years.
percy is incredibly misunderstood by his whole family pretty much always, they all avoid him or are rude to him or just misunderstand him completely. with oliver's proximity its very likely hes the first person ever in percys life to properly observe him and understand him!!!
percy is the most career driven singleminded ambitious motherfucker in gryffindor.... second only to oliver!!! who is the most quidditch obsessed bitch on this planet and arguably has more solid career goals of anyone in that entire series. they are hyperfocused! they are girlbossing! they are not getting a wink of sleep bc they both get so lost in their work they forget what time is!
classic jock/nerd combo except oliver is a jock who is secretly a nerd (think of all the quidditch stats!!) and percy is a nerd who is secretly a jock (percy is a master spellcaster and nobody can convince me otherwise, that man fought multiple death eaters on his own at the battle of hogwarts and you do not get that kind of skill from just sitting behind a desk)
idk theres honestly a lot of directions one could take them but theyve just got so much chemistry and so much in common but also different and theyve got so much potential
(in my head they are the definition of autism/adhd solidarity but i know that not everyone hcs them that way which is cool too)
now for fic recs!!!
Twenty-nine - 85k - Endrina
percy weasley-centric fic that is honestly one of the most creative interpretations of him ive ever read, it goes deep into his past and his canonic decisions and stuff but theres a twist to it that is just gold, also its a whodunit where oliver's been framed for murder and only percy knows hes innocent its very very good and definitely played a huge part in me falling in love w percy's character
A New Life - 89k - AnotherAuthor, myroaringtwenties
percy and oliver meet post-war and help each other get their lives moving forward again, its very well written and very sweet but mind the tags its kinda heavy at points, it doesnt shy away from how hard the war was on everyone but the community that the weasleys and the quiddich players have is very warm and i love it
At least he has great abs - 12k - Irisen
this one is a cute shorter nonmagic soulmate au where oliver is a famous footballer and percy is a politician and they end up being soulmates, its very funny and light and i just enjoy it
(also i am technically writing a perciver fic rn its called Rely On Me and the first two chapters are up on ao3 but its my first fic attempt and i havent updated it all summer bc Life so pls dont feel obligated to read it i just felt like it would be weird if i didnt mention it)
anyway! i hope you enjoyed this if nothing else and if you read these or find other perciver fics or just wanna talk about em lmk bc i am always down to talk perciver i love them with my whole heart and soul <3
josephine hello. is this from literally ten months ago? perhaps it is. but i'm here now.... you mentioned perciver earlier and it reminded me that this has been sitting in my inbox for SO LONG
alright let's get into this
โ€ข iconic of them to be alone in a dorm for seven years together that already screams soulmates
โ€ข you're so right these two get their minds set on something and they're going to get it they're going to achieve whatever they want (tbh i already think they should put that energy toward like Getting Together but i distress)
โ€ข nerd jocks! a slay tbh
โ€ข i see the autism adhd thing i get it
โ€ข i also think like yeah i agree they have a lot in common when you dig into them but from one glance it's like ? these two? really? but then you see who they are at their core and it's like oh of course how could you think anything else (i have a lot of characters and dynamics that this sorta concept applies to i get it)
also love the inclusion of fic recs which i will check out when i am back to reading <3 consider myself convinced (it did not take much you already convinced me by just sending this ask)
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ahlovemp3 ยท 5 years
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- selfie tag -
thank you @nctream for tagging me ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“
tagging: @bchns @p1nwheel @ljhz @1wonu @hansolcafes @handsomevchwe @haofficial @dorkkyeom @jenocitizen @scoupsadaisy @junemyeon & anyone who wants to do it ๐Ÿ’Œ
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kolsmikaelson ยท 4 years
caiteeโ€™s 200 followers celebration
in light of recent events(the quinn & brock thing:/) ive decided to post this now. i havenโ€™t quite hit 200 but im only three away now and we all need something to keep our minds off of the recent news(at least i do) and so im really hoping yall will participate:) you all can send requests for the rest of the week for this(just if its in a few days lmk what its for) anyways on to the fun stuff !!!
okay chari gave me this idea! on my last milestone celebration, i did things like โ€œ๐ŸŒŠ- cast your mutuals as...โ€ and im doing the same thing just using hockey players names. & the names arent in any particular order, i tried to keep players with the teams theyre on but some i forgot and remembered like halfway through and added them towards the end.
if you have any questions about any of the names and what they mean just send me an ask and iโ€™ll explain it better! also! it doesnt matter if you do anon or not! if youre more comfortable sending an ask by anon then thats okay! but dont feel obligated to send any asks at all!! i just thought this would be a fun thing to do since i hit 200 followers and i didnt think iโ€™d get here:) and if you do participate please include the players name so i know which ones which:)
tagging moots!
@kempe @mxltifandoms06 @hymarners @calesykar @moritzseider @jackiesquinn @bestestbenn @vinceduhn @damndunner @dunnerbarzal @dunnwithlyfe @teenagekook
mat barzal-ask/tell me an embarrassing story
anthony beauvillier- ask me about anything (just please no political stuff)(it can be like โ€œwhere did you come up with your username?โ€)
anders lee- blurbs (chari will be helping me & i normally dont write anything so dont judge pls)
tyler seguin-send a number between 1-250 and iโ€™ll show you what picture that is in my camera roll
jamie benn- send your assumptions about me
jamie oleksiak- send me something youโ€™ve needed to get off your chest, wether it be anon or not doesnt matter
roope hintz- cast your mutuals( ex: cym with harry potter soulmates) (iโ€™ll do it with obx,harry potter&hockey players)
nolan patrick- moodboards(iโ€™ll look at your blog and make one i think would suit it, also you could send one for mine if you wanted)
travis konecny- spotify wrapped, pick a number say what the song in my 2020 wrapped playlist corresponds with your number
cale makar- abc game, if you dont send it anonymously iโ€™ll pick songs that start with the first letter of your username and so on(ex: anthonybeauvy iโ€™d go a-always you by louis tomlinson then n-no control one direction then continue like that)
tyson jost- ask me for any advice
nathan mackinnon- send or ask for a random storytime
matthew tkachuk-biggest fear(ask what mine is/ something im scared of)
vince dunn- if money wasnt an issue what would you buy(ask me what i would buy or tell me what youโ€™d buy)
elias pettersson-if the pandemic was magically over, we didnt have to worry about it anymore, what would you do, dont have to worry about money or anything(tell me what youโ€™d do or ask what iโ€™d do)
brock boeser- where would you travel if money wasnt an issue? (tell me where youโ€™d go or ask where iโ€™d go!!)
quinn hughes(now im changing it and if youโ€™d like please send sindey crosby instead <3)-where would you live, anywhere in the world , if you could!
mitch marner- whats something most people dont knoe about you? (ask me or tell me)
tagging some moots:)
william nylander-if you could only drink one drink for the rest of your life, what would it be?(ask me or tell me)
pierre luc dubios-favorite book?(ask or tell me)
andrei svechnikov-if you had to live in another time period, what would you choose?
erik johnson- if you had to choose a time period to live in, what would it be? why?
gabriel landeskog- tell me about about something youโ€™re passionate about?
andre burakovsky-if you could choose a fictional universe(ex:marvel,obx,harry potter,star wars) to live in, what would you choose,and why?
mikko rantanen- what are your three biggest pet peeves?
welcome to the appreciation part of this post. in gonna tag some of my closer moots and basically tell them how much i care about them:)))
@kempe weโ€™ve been mutuals for a while now, and im so glad i met you. you have been so so kind to me and weโ€™ve grown so so close! i hope to never lose you ever <3 i love you so so much also remember you are so stunning holy shit zoe youre the light of my life<3
@calesykar arianna babe i literally love you so much, im always gonna be here for you, wether you need help with a fic or something personal iโ€™ll help you!! youre so sweet and im so glad we met! and youโ€™re absolutely gorgeous babes
@hymarners im so glad tumblr let you finally get back on and you found my account somehow, you are so amazing and kind and i am so glad we managed to meet, i love you<3 i may not know what you look like but im sure you are insanely gorgeous
@vinceduhn you are such a kind person, youre an amazing writer and iโ€™ve been following you for a while, and im glad we started interacting ilysm<3
@moritzseider thank you for everything youre so amazing and i love you so so much<3 remember always youโ€™re gorgeous and im always always always here if you need anything bub
@mxltifandoms06 thank you so so much for helping me with this, and anything else youve helped me with!! i love you so so much!!
@jackiesquinn i really appreciate you, im do glad we are mutuals and im literally always here for you<3 remember youre STUNNING and i love you so much
@bestestbenn you are such an amazing author and a kind person bot to mention insanely gorgeous like?? i could never! but im always here to help with whatever you need and im super glad we met i love you<3
@dunnwithlyfe youre so sweet and i know we started talking after all my friend drama but im super glad we started you are amazing !!! ilysm!!!
thank you to anyone who may participate, if not thank you anyway! im super thankful for almost 200!!
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ahlovemp3 ยท 5 years
url playlist
thanks @hendiry for tagging me ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’—
j โ†’ jasmine - dpr
i โ†’ it takes time - loco (ft. colde)
s โ†’ save me - jero (ft. jimin park)
o โ†’ on my mind - tera kรฒrรก
o โ†’ other side of town - oohyo
t โ†’ tokyo inn - hyukoh
u โ†’ uto - oohyo
a โ†’ a-teen - svt ((catch josh on a-teen ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“)
l โ†’ like you - hoody
tagging: @mxroh @handsomevchwe @cafejuns @1ove1ies @19sgf @back2ugf @hyucafe @haechens & any one else who wants to do it ๐Ÿ’Œ
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ahlovemp3 ยท 5 years
thank you @henderybby for tagging me ๐Ÿ’Œ
Name: Evelyn
First letter of first name: E
A four letter word: Exit
A boyโ€™s name (not your own): Ezra
A girlโ€™s name (not your own): Eloise
An occupation: E-commerce manager
A colour: egg shell (???)
Something you wear: earrings
A food: egg
Something found in the bathroom: eye makeup remover (lmao idk)
A place: Edinburgh
A reason for being late: entered the wrong building
Something you shout: expecto patronum lmaoo
A movie title: ENDGAME
something you drink: espresso
A music group: Exo
An animal: elk
A street name: Evelyn Dr. (a real place in Arizona I think)
Tagging: @haechens @winwinprinceofchina @moonsjun @dorkkyeom @hyucafe @haofficial @ilyhao @hendiry @jnwonu & anyone else who wants to do it ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“
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