#pls accept my humble offering this is all i have for you😭
myloveforhergoeson · 2 months
ch 31 preview bc i feel bad for not posting in so long yayy
“Mr. Rocque, Kelly, please,” Roxanne pleaded, shaking fingers threaded, palms pressed together. She would’ve gotten down on her knees to beg if she, the band, and their two bosses weren’t already in the back of the limousine headed to Brand New Day’s album release party. “The Big Time Rush booking fee is for interviews and photoshoots, and- and millionaire’s birthday parties. Not for an advertising campaign for a band no one has ever heard of!” 
Though she winced at her desperate tone of voice, she hoped one final appeal would make the two adults change their minds. Despite spending the last 24 hours making similar statements since Gustavo’s call at the movie theater, neither of them had budged in their decision for the band to attend the party. She’d even taken the fight all the way to Griffin’s office, sitting atop the Rocque Records building and adorned in the strangest taxidermy the assistant had ever seen, hoping that even he would think it an odd request. 
Turns out that had been a mistake; Roxy had severely underestimated how much Griffin seemed to like her. America’s fourth most powerful CEO was no better than his money-hungry adversaries and deep down she knew that… She just wanted someone other than her friends to take her feelings into account just this once. 
With Griffin’s word as law, and whatever Gustavo was afraid of in Obdul’s briefcase when the tall man tapped on it, the band was set to attend the gathering and adhere to Brand New Day’s request. 
When Kelly sighed, shifting her gaze from the soft glow of her BlackBerry in the back of the dark limo to the writer, she just slowly shook her head. “You heard Griffin earlier, Roxy. They’re paying customers and Rocque Records has a contract to fulfil. As much as you dislike these boys-”
“These two,” The assistant automatically corrected, feeling James’ hand slide onto her shoulder as the limo turned a corner. “These two,” Kelly continued after a brief pause, “There’s a lot of money at stake here.”
That was the same answer the talent scout had given her all day - the same corporate talk about contract fulfillment, legal obligation, and reputation. Bullshit. 
 “Griffin said we have to,” Gustavo added in a flat tone, red glasses matching the tint of a neon sign zooming by outside the window behind him, suggesting that he wasn’t all too thrilled with the night before them either. “So we have to. Set aside whatever crap has you all up in a twist about this party! It’s only a few hours, okay?” 
With a huff, Roxy crossed her arms and pushed back into her seat, watching the endless stream of cars out the window beside the man’s head. Most of the time she and Gustavo were on the same page, especially when it came to breaking down emotional barriers in the writer’s room. If he was able to help her draw out the words to place on the page when she was struggling in the past, why was he so incapable of seeing her irritation now? 
“We’ll be okay, Rox!” From across the way, Carlos reached out to pat her knee, welcome warm contact on skin that felt as cold as ice. The charm from the bracelet she’d made him for Christmas jingled around his wrist. “The night will be over before you know it!”
Carlos’ optimism never ceased to amaze Roxy; She wished she could feel even a small portion of it at the present, but her confusing amalgamation of fear and anger had been too busy building up in her system all day. Too much time had already been wasted worrying about Mag and Dani since they’d moved to Hollywood. Past memories playing in her head like a bad movie plagued her dreams, causing her to reach out for James in the darkness of her room, only to feel the emptiness creep in when she remembered a few walls separated them in 2-H and 2-J. Horrible flashes of whatever may transpire tonight took hold of her imagination when she was awake, only fueling the fire of emotions rooted in her belly. 
And even that felt ridiculous to her because Mag and Dani were just people she used to be friends with, not the supervillains of epic proportions her mind was making them out to be. The hurt and confusion then mingled with shame for expecting the worst from them, dragging up situations in which they’d looked out for her at local gigs or sat up and listened to her complain on the phone all hours of the night while she tried to work out a new tune or melody. All the fun they’d had playing together, advertising for their band wherever they could, and drawing up big plans to hit the big time together.
Then, the cycle of emotions started anew, because if they were such great people, how could they so easily take her work and pass it off as their own? How could they be Brand New Day without her?
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Roxy tilted her head back into the hard headrest, focusing on the silence in the car since she’d been too fatigued to pick a radio station, and took a deep breath in an attempt to stave off the emotional overload.
Beside Carlos, messing with the material of his lap belt, Kendall nodded at his friend’s words. “Just a few photos for the news outlets and some social media posts saying how much we love the new album, then we’re so far out of here and everyone will forget about Brand New Day in a week.”
Though the both of them knew that last part probably wouldn't be true, Roxy wanted to believe it anyway. Internally, she cursed her past self for all the time and effort she’d put into promoting their band to friends, strangers, and whoever would listen, and all the wishes on shooting stars in clear Minnesota skies that one day they’d blow up and get to move out of their nothing town. 
Too little, too late, the girl thought, feeling the unpleasant sting of her nails cutting into her palm as they balled into tight fists in her lap. At least we all got what we wanted in the end.
James must have noticed her discomfort; The hand on her shoulder trailed down her arm to unwind the mess she might have made of her palm with her fresh manicure. 
“You also… Don’t have to come…” Logan tried to add but quickly winced when Roxy countered his comment with a nasty glare. 
“Are you kidding me? I’m the only one who knows what those two are like! This is all part of their big scheme to-” 
“Roxanne.” Gustavo cut her off with a grating exhale of her name. For a few seconds, the humming of the engine was the only sound heard between the seven. “Being in the entertainment industry means sometimes you have to do things you don’t like to do. Do you think I enjoy playing babysitter for the five of you? No! But if I want to stay Hollywood’s number one producer, that’s what I have to do!”
“Oh, stop it Gustavo, you flatter us too much!” Kendall said with a sarcastic smile in a clear attempt to ease some of the tension radiating off of his boss and assistant, which calmed Roxy only slightly. At least one of them was able to keep a level head at the present. “We all know you love us too much but simply can’t admit it - out loud or otherwise.”
Grumbling something under his breath, Gustavo turned to look at Kelly’s BlackBerry, signifying Kendall had won that part of the conversation for now. 
The frontman looked over to her too, for approval or something else she wasn’t sure, but she did catch the upward quirk of his lips. Momentarily, some of the tension left her body and she finally let her head rest on her boyfriend’s shoulder. If there was one thing she could count on tonight, it was her four friends. 
Like it or not, this was happening, so she might as well suck it up and be the bigger person. In public at least; The big tub of chocolate chip ice cream in her freezer and the floor of her kitchen were already calling her name no matter how hard she tried to ignore it. 
Even if it wasn’t his intention, Roxy found comfort in Kendall’s subtle smirk. As good as friends Mag and Dani had been to her in the past, their bond didn’t even come close to the one she shared with the Big Time Rush boys and her new friends at the Palm Woods. So, she took it as a sign. One that screamed “We’ve got your back, Roxy! Always!” in bright, flashy colors, big enough to rival the magnitude of the Hollywood sign looking out over the city they so loved. 
Maybe James had noticed it too, his hand tightening in hers before pressing a light kiss into her hair. The two savored the last bit of physical contact they’d have before the prying eyes of everyone at the party, because neither of them needed to add a potential relationship exposé to the list of things that might happen that evening. “Everything will be alright, baby. I promise.”
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mangoshorthand · 2 years
I know there’s a scene in season 3 where five is singing at diego and lila’a wedding and i’m so in love with that scene 😭 I wish there was more to it especially since drunk five is the best five so i wanna ask for one with what five would do for y/n while he’s drunk pls 🙏🏻🙏🏻 it can be fluff or smut just so the thing cute n schemxy from my mans five 🙏🏻🙏🏻 (some ideas:a wedding, party, worn out from work, a tiny date gone rogue 🤭)
I also love drunk Five. Please accept this as my humble smutty offering. There is a link to the song Five sings in the body of the text so feel free to listen along!
Boy Wonder | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader 2.7k words, Rated E
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Diego and Lila were long gone, off in search of somewhere where the floor buzzed along with the music. The bar you ended up in was only supposed to be a place for you to have a few drinks before finding somewhere higher energy, but you and Five found yourselves quite happily installed there, drinking and putting the world to rights.
“And another thing,” he slurred, finishing his seventh Guinness with a slurp, “academics never actually do anything. They just navel gaze.”
“I’m just saying,” you reply, “you’d know more about theoretical physics than the Professors. You’d have a lot to offer the world.”
“Hey, I’ve given the world enough already. I saved it-” he counted on his fingers and then stopped, his brow furrowed, “...actually, did I save it?”
He contemplated for a second and then shrugged, waving this away with a careless hand.
“Well, whatever. I don’t want to go into academia.”
“Fair enough,” you said, “just a thought.”
He returned his attention to the laminated book on the table and you took the cue to buy you both another drink.
This was all your doing, really. Well, not entirely, (you didn’t pour that amount of stout down his neck) but you at least contributed to the atmosphere that got him into that state.
Work was shitty, more than usually shitty, in fact. The only consolation throughout was the knowledge that it was Friday. When five o’clock finally rolled around, all you wanted to do was blow off some steam.
After a few hours at the bar, you were more than tipsy yourself, but Five could drink you under the table and you learned very early in your relationship not to try and keep up with him. He was looking down at the book with a serious expression, flicking through the pages. As you watched, he cast off his jacket and rolled up his shirt sleeves to the elbow, as if the mental energy needed to make his choice was making him sweat.
By the time you returned to the table, his tie was loosened and a couple of shirt buttons undone too.
“You not chosen yet?”
“I have if you wanna duet.”
“No!” you said, “I don’t know why you want to go up there.”
“Because it’s fun, obv-ously,” he replied, trying to sound reasonable but failing as a result of his slurred voice. 
“Come on,” he said, cajolingly, looking up at you with his most beguiling smile, “I’ll be John Travolta and you can be Olivia Newton John.”
“Honestly,” you wince, “I think I’d rather perform my own appendectomy.”
“Fine,” he said, “I’ll do it on my own. I’ll blow this shitty place away, you watch."
“Okay," you said, eyebrows raised skeptically, "but you’re up next so you better choose quick.”
He returned his eyes the the list of songs and leaned his cheek heavily on his hand. He scanned the list for a couple more seconds before a look of triumph spread over his face. 
“I got one! It’s gonna be great-”
“It’s My Way, isn’t it?” you said, cutting him off.
He looked at you disbelievingly.
“How did you-?” 
“Because that’s what every man over fifty chooses to sing at a Karaoke place.”
Five pouted at this, eyebrows lowering and bottom lip sticking out.
The expression, so out-of-character for him, struck your booze-clouded brain as funny, and you let out a messy peal of laughter, choking on your Guinness and indelicately spitting some back into the glass.
Five, watching this, began to laugh too. Disregarding the book, he leaned heavily against you, his shoulder shaking with chuckles as it made contact with your upper arm. Then, in a feline tribute of affection, he rubbed his head against yours. 
“I-love you,” he said, softly.
You closed your eyes and returned his caress.
“I love you too, sweet guy.”
“You’re my best friend- yknow that?”
You smiled and started to laugh a little again as he continued to rub himself against you, probably slightly harder than he intended and apparently oblivious to how strange he might look to an onlooker.  
“You’re my best friend and you touch my penis. It’s am-azing,” he said, voice dragging slightly. “You’re amazing.”
Laughing at this, you held him to you more tightly, stroking his firm bicep through the fabric of his shirt.
“You’re just as-bolutely perfect.” he added.
Though this warmed your heart, as the more sober of the pair of you, you were aware that the guy currently singing was limping his way through the final bars of Wonderwall.
“Come on, sweet guy.” you said, kissing his hair, “You gonna go up there and make everyone listen to My Way?”
“Nah.” he said, sitting up straight and pulling himself to an unsteady stand, “I got a better idea.”
With an overly-expressive wink, he wended his way over, weaving slightly. He took the mic from the last patron with a muttered word of thanks and cursed as he tripped up the single step up onto the slightly raised karaoke stage. You wince in sympathy, slightly anxious for what's to come.
After consulting the laminated song list one more time, he punched the number into the machine with a look of intense concentration as he tried not to let his finger stray too far from the keypad.
As the introduction began, filling the noisy bar with a soulful whine of guitar, he tried to fumble the mic back into its stand, but seemed to give up as the first line of the song came upon him.
Leaning close, he briefly closed his eyes as he began to sing.
“If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass, Can't think of anythin' I need,”
When his eyes opened again, they lock on you, messy hair falling in a curtain over one eye. 
“No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound, Nothing to eat, no books to read,”
Even as drunk as he was, he sounded good; his voice an unusual middle ground between tenor and baritone. Though the words themselves were a little indistinct at times, the notes flowed from one to another with a sweet, natural fluidity.
“Making love with you, Has left me peaceful, warm, and tired,”
His mouth twitched at this, and you smiled back. That exchanged look told you that your minds were similarly engaged, both recalling the same memories.
“What more could I ask, There's nothing left to be desired,”
His body moved, swaying gently along with the music, the smile still alive in his eyes. Though his posture was slumped, his movements were surprisingly graceful.
“Peace came upon me and it leaves me weak, So sleep, silent angel, Go to sleep”
As the chorus swelled, he again closed his eyes in feeling with the words he was singing. He leaned into the mic stand, tipping it slightly.
“Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe And to love you…” smut below cut
Finally back at home, you stripped off your dress while Five chomped his way mercilessly through a sharing bag of Ruffles. He was sitting at his desk in his unbuttoned shirt and underwear, having become distracted by the chips midway through getting changed. His hair was sticking up in all directions from all the times he ran his fingers through it.
“We’re going to be hungover tomorrow, aren’t we?” you groan, the slight spinning of your head notifying you of the fact.
“Not me!” he said through a huge mouthful, “I’m the fuckin’ boy wonder. Gonna enjoy this twenty-year old metabolism while I have it. I’ll probably sleep it off and wake up fresh as a daisy.”
“All right, don’t rub it in,” you grumbled, pulling on a short nightdress.
He chuckled blurrily.
“Drink that coffee, you’ll be fine, and finish these Ruffles,” he said, offering you the bag.
With one hand, you fanned yourself like a flustered debutante having just been asked to dance.
“I’m honored.”
“Well,” he said with ironic suavity, “I’ll get by without them. I got you.”
You took them from him and smiled. 
“You sure know how to treat a lady.”
“I happen to know you ain’t no lady.” he said, drunken grin broadening.
“Luckily for me,” he added, with a wink.
You rolled your eyes at him, sat down on the bed and pulled your knees up to your chest. Leaning comfortably against the headboard, you sipped your coffee and slowly ate the chips looking unseeingly up at the ceiling. You weren’t as badly drunk as you thought: it wasn’t even spinning.
After a few minute, a prickling sensation alerted you to his eyes upon you.
Five was always afflicted by a terrible case of rubber neck, and this intensified tenfold when drunk. Some days, all you had to do was walk past to turn his head, eyes following you with a salacious glower. You thought it probably had something to do with his heightened libido since de-aging his body combined with having spent most of his life without female company of the flesh-and-blood variety. Whatever the reason, his lust was very easy to inflame. 
His eyes were combing your upper thighs and the swell of buttocks just skimmed by the hem of your night dress. Not removing his gaze, he stood up and moved towards the bed. 
“You know…I’m not too drunk. Want me to show you how I treat a lady?”
Teasingly, you stretched your legs out, obscuring yourself from his view and forcing his eyes to find yours.
“You want your best friend to touch your penis again?”
He nodded and smiled mischievously. The sharp canines beneath his lips gave him the look of a tormenting imp. That look was all you needed. You slipped off your panties and shuffled down the bed inviting him to join you with a single tilt of your head.
He didn’t need further prompting, depositing his coffee on the desk and practically tripping over himself to join you. He was already half-hard beneath his underwear, tenting at what looked like an uncomfortable angle. His dick apparently already insisting on release, he pulled off the offending garment and let it out with a gentle bounce.
Stroking your thighs, he parted your legs to reveal your spread pussy.
“Mm.” he said, as he looked down at you, “hello.”
He let out an almost disbelieving exhale, cock swelling visibly as he drank in the sight. He took himself in hand and gave himself a long stroke before lowering his head and running his tongue down the entire length of your slit. With a s long exhale, he surfaced again. 
“Oh my god,” he whispered, voice heavy with lascivious satisfaction, “I don’t need ruffles when I can eat this.”
Despite the arousal, you couldn’t help laughing at this; at the seriousness with which he said it. Alcohol and dirty-talk was always a strange combination with Five. He was usually talkative during sex, but any amount of booze loosened his lips even more, throwing the few inhibitions he had out of the window. The result was sometimes hot, sometimes bizarre and most often a strange mix of the two. 
“It’s lucky they weren’t jalapeno flavor,” you quip.
Clearly not wanting to entertain any more joking around, he looked at you with a look of amused disapproval before repositioning himself. He straddled your shoulders and let his cock hang tantalizingly down towards your face. After another couple of moments stroking your legs and enjoying the view, he dove hungrily back between your thighs.
You raised your head to meet him and you groaned simultaneously as the length of his cock slid between your lips. His licks, pecks and sucks at your clitoris sent dancing flames outwards from the point his lips touched. 
It was hard to focus on pleasuring him when he was driving you so mad with his attentions. He was eating you as if he’d been starved for days. His tongue wormed its way inside you, seeking out the wetness he’d already produced and tasting it eagerly.
You moaned around his dick as your pussy gushed juice in time with his mouth. Even with the booze and with his far-from-precise mouth movements, every sensation felt magnified: every one of his appreciative little noises sent a jolt up your body, each twinge of pleasure he gave you like the sun on the petals of an opening flower.
His hair tickled your thighs, sending little shocks along your sensitive skin; his hands holding your legs open anchored you to the bed. As he lowered himself as far into your mouth as he could go, his balls came into gentle contact with your face. The clean, pheromone scent of him adding to the heady mix of sensation carrying you away. 
You caressed them gently with one hand as he surfaced again, hissing as he withdrew from your mouth. 
“Oh, you’re perfect,” he said, throatily. 
“So are you,” you whispered, gently rubbing the velvet shaft of his dick with your other hand. 
“Look at you,” he breathed.
He made a noise part way between a moan and a sigh as he stroked his fingers across your clit, dipping his fingers down to spread some of the wetness higher up.
Soon, apparently unable to resist, he was back with his head between your legs and his cock in your mouth. In time with his licks and sucks to your clit, his pelvis began to move in tiny little thrusts, fucking your face with gentle, measured strokes. You could feel his hot breath on you as his pleasure grew.
“Mmm!” you groaned, your voice muffled around his cock, so hard yet twitching in your mouth.
His tongue was causing flutters like wings across every nerve: overlapping flames absorbing all the air inside you, building ripples upon ripples until all was turmoil. At last, you let go and came into his mouth, your humming cries undulating and sending vibrations along his entire length.
As you rode out the waves of your orgasm, you could feel his body tensing as he edged closer to his own peak, slowing his hips to try to delay. You didn’t allow this, putting one hand on each of his buttcheeks and urging him to resume his movements.
As your muscles relaxed and warmth spread from the site of your orgasm outwards, Five’s pelvis resumed its neat thrusts, tight and careful not to make you uncomfortable. With your permission granted, he chased his own pleasure, growling like some desperate, cornered creature.
Coming to his aid, you bobbed your head in time with his movements, taking him to the depth he needed. After that, it only took a few shifts of your tongue around his shaft before it began pumping into you, stretching the tight press of your lips with each shot. His come hit the back of your throat, salty and potent as he let out a wavering cry. 
Slowly, tensing from the sensitivity, he withdrew. He clambered off you and knelt for on the bed, looking comically scruffy with his hair all over the place, (not to mention the fact he was wearing nothing but his shirt).
He blinked dazedly, staring into the middle distance. The rush of the retreating orgasm apparently interacting strangely with his intoxication. After a couple of moments, he turned his eyes to you, fixing you with a bloodshot gaze.
“That was really good, but I’m afraid I need to puke now.”
And then, he was at the window with surprising speed, lifting the sash and vomiting liquid and undigested potato chips heavily onto the fire escape. For a few moments after the retching subsided, he stayed that way, head out of the window with the cool night air whipping around his face, refreshing his lungs.
His hand fumbled for a water bottle by the bed and you passed it to him. With this, he rinsed his mouth three times and poured the rest outside to swill some of his puke away.
“Sorry about that,” he said, catching his breath and closing the window. 
“I’ll try not to take it personally.” you said, “you okay?”
“Sure. I just need to sleep now.”
You budged up, giving him room and he moved gratefully into your arms. He snuggled backwards into you, laying his head tightly against yours. You were spooning him warm and close. 
He sighed contentedly, as if right here was where he always wanted to be; the entire day having only served to deprive him of his need.
 “Whatever happened to ‘the boy wonder’”
Five snickered weakly.
“Turns out he tapped out around that sixth Guinness or so.”
You laid a gentle kiss on head.
"You feeling better after your shitty day?" He mumbled, sleepily.
“Yes,” you said, soothingly, stroking his messy hair, “but you need to go to sleep, darling. Just go to sleep."
Request Masterlist >> HERE
NOTE: Did I perhaps ruin the sexy vibes with the vomiting? Quite possibly. I regret nothing.
I take Five requests, I'm fairly versatile in what I write (fluff, smut, angst, psychological character study- I'll try it all) but I will consider them on a case by case basis. See masterlist for request status and more.
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thegamingcatmom · 2 months
I came across your fic, the sisters on Ao3 and the writing? Amazing! I binge read it in one go and honestly can't wait for more of the story.
Had a thought on that, like we get the vibes that kate will probably push Tanya's buttons with having MC's attention. And then the thought came of would Tanya be annoyed if Kate stole an indirect kiss 👀
Like it's not a massive thing, but could you imagine: they're feeding her, and she's got a drink with a straw or whatever, and kate gets this idea just eyeing the MC drinking who has no idea what's going on and just assumes oh Kate's just thirsty or whatever
The offer of, "You want a sip?" A cheeky grin from kate as she realizes this takes it just for the sole purpose of getting an indirect kiss, not even a kiss, but like just to have that small bit she can gloat over her sister. The confusion on Tanya as Kate takes it even if she doesn't drink it before realizing
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This is-
But WHERE are my manners:
Hi! 👋
And THANK YOU for your lovely words! They just put a huge smile on my face, truly. 🙈❤️
Now, to the good stuff:
Oh, Kate will push buttons alright, and not just Tanya´s probs. Girl lives for being a nuisance, so I think MC would be well-advised to stock up on those headache pills. 💊😅
As for your idea with that indirect kiss?? I mean-
I love that omg!!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Like, you have NO idea-
Okay so...what I´m trying to say here is:
"...it´s not a massive thing" is RIGHT up my alley. THAT´S what I´m talking about. Like, yknow, all those subtle things, that between-the-lines stuff. Like, YKNOW?? 🫣
God, I sound so unhinged rn-
OKAY SO, in my humble opinion, less is more when it comes to building up that tension and creating an atmosphere that manages to keep you on the edge of your seat, even if there´s little to no "action" going on, if yknow what I mean. It´s the little things that make you go absolutely bonkers because you´ve been suffering forever and you just wanna scream at them to just-
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But they won´t. Not now. Not for a loooong time. You hate it (and you hate that you love it). With every little interaction, the cup fills a bit more. The less action you put into those interactions, the faster the cup fills. (Yknow what I´m saying?) Until, at some point, a single drop would be enough to make the cup overflow. YKNOW WHAT I´M SAYING??
Ahhh, it´s just the little things, yknow? Idc about smut (I mean), GIMME THE TENSION. 😭
Also, can you imagine the LOOK MC´s gonna receive from Kate??? As she´s drinking from that straw??? Those lips??? Around that straw???
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Pls. That´s literally them in that exact scenario. I AM WHEEZING.
Meanwhile, MC´s just there like-
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Like, poor thing´s confused af and so innocent, but also kinda used to all that weird shit by now and she´s literally just woken up, trying to enjoy her breakfast, and Tweedledum and Tweedledee are already using up all her energy for that day and-
Is one sane day in this house too much to ask for??
If it hasn´t become clear enough by now: You have broken me with this. I can´t unthink this now. In fact, Imma go ahead and save that shit for later because there´s no way I´m NOT gonna use this at some point.
...Wait, can I? Like, is it okay if I use your lovely idea for my story?? Please?? 😭
If not, just lemme know. Send me another ask or dm me or whatever suits you best. ✌️😊
...If you fail to do so, however...
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Thank you so much for your ask! You´ve made my day (and my night) with this!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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Okay but Tanya getting back at Kate by not only taking sip, but a whole BITE??? Despite knowing it'll have to get outta there at some point later again because vampires aren't made for human food??? And Kate just looks at her like-
challenge accepted
-and then it's basically just the two of them taking turns snatching something from MC's plate, trying their hardest to keep their faces somewhat neutral despite the horrid taste and, in the end, MC's plate is empty, she's still hungry because those two idiots have swallowed it all, and said idiots-
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Well, looks like none of them is gonna get some now because 1) hooman's moody af because no food and 2) excuse them-
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
I'm literally obsessed with your work??? Like all of them???? I love you so much???? Can I marry you? I have a ring pop somewhere--hold on, lemme find it--
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You're so wonderful l look forward to seeing your content in my feed all the time 😭💙
omg I didn’t even see this earlier!!!!! BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 this was so sweet omg I’ve been feeling so down being on here so getting this message????? You’re tryna kill me !!! 🥺🥺🥺
but I humbly accept your ring pop marriage offer 😌 we are now one person so pls enjoy being attached to my hip for eternity <333
but seriously thank you so much love this was so so sweet to open up and find in my inbox!!! you made a good day great 🥺💙💙
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yamatossideboob · 1 month
ONE PIECE 1123 Spoilers!
This week's condolences:
Yes... teach the children well... this is how you combat transphobia
alternate title for this chapter: 'Vegapunk voice all according to keikaku'
I intially felt this chapter was mostly information we could have inferred, but tbqh the emotional perspective this chapter offers from Stella & co is really valuable. It goes a long way to giving them some much needed emotional spotlight on them that Egghead (imo) didn't offer enough of prior.
That sure is some selective conker haki if S-Snake and presumably Stussy and Kaku were spared. Maybe Haki Ancient-Style is a different kind of spice
Christ, all that and without any hostile intent... OP op
"THANK YOUUU!! GIANT ROBOOOO!!" my thoughts exactly, ty Luffy
Emet looks fairly kaput now... thank you indeed... this gives me a bad feeling though... we know Saturn is still present... what if he purloins Emet's remains and uses them for nefarious experiments? They're Ancient Kingdom tech, surely the spider bastard can extract much-sought info from this...?
the gay giants are right, let's vamoose from this debacle fellas
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I think even in a denser chapter, this would still be my highlight. Our future Brave Warrior of the Sea is FINALLY GOING TO FUCKIGN ELBAF BABES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also like the moment of solace with Bonney... she's earned this ; ;
Sanji might be onto something... we're not quite done with Vegapunk yet lads, even if Egghead is just about over. Just a gut feeling...
I love how VP immediately assumes the evil Satellite is responsible for the Mother Flame robbery lmao. Shows what you know humble genius!
Dummy memories and vid footage to fool the hivemind is a solid answer tbh. York is pretty cute smart after all
"Also forgive me Lilith!!" putting the humble in humble genius
Wow, York had been planning this for much longer than assumed, and was pretty thorough about it.
Ah ykw I guess we never did learn just HOW York got the Mother Flame to the WG without the rest learning. Fair dues Oda.
Okay. I actually really do appreciate this perspective of the Vegapunks accepting their impending deaths and facing it head-on with one final plan. To learn one is going to die, to be killed by those one served, and for the 'crime' of wanting to uncover the secrets of the past, hidden for (assumedly) malevolent purpose... and then boldly deciding to not let it be for nothing... that's fucking good. I'm a sucker for when characters die on their own terms, especially when it's at the expense of the enemy, and I love this example. I've had such mixed feelings wrt Vegapunk throughout Egghead, but this has really tipped me more or less over in favour of auld applehead. ily Vegapunks. rip mates
"We were thinking the same thing!!" 😭😭😭
They really were trying to think of everything before the final hour...
"But that is stays incomplete is my only hope..." 😭😭😭😭😭
"DEATH?? WHOSE, MINE??" I will forever love that there is always room for comedy in these dire moments.
The VPs wiping their memories feels. a little superfluous here, but I guess with York still present and the WG approaching, no chances could be taken for the ultimate You Didn't Win.
Man good thing Vegapunk is about to die or all those whats woulda given him a stroke
Poor Sanji... being told to let someone die just goes against so much of who he is :<
"I want your crew to be the ones who get it" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
pls put the pruned pirate king down fellas he needs a nap
god i'm so glad Egghead is over, this arc was immense but I'm beyond excited to see Elbaf after so many years of buildup!! AND a new chapter next week! On the road again nakama, I'll see ye all there! 💪✖️
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