#plot twist: the man han slept with is luke
darlin-djarin · 1 year
han: i mean i'm pretty confident that i'm straight because once i wasn't totally sure that i was, so i decided to have sex with a man and once we were done i was kind of like "yeah i don't think i'm gay after all. thanks though" and then i left. which i guess worked out for everyone in the end.
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I read your experience with canon being rewritten or forgotten in the case of Grievous and, honestly, I was both laughing and crying by the end. There's so much fucking potential when it comes to reylo and seeds are planted, but they could have chanted their minds somewhere in 2016 and now Rey is nothing but Luke's daughter and Kylo Ren is a moustache twirling villain. Whatch get OT-fans-watching-the-sequels-level mad. I don't want to be salty, but I may end up being salty.
I’m happy you were able to get some kind of laugh out of that post. XD
For me personally though, I don’t think I’d be upset if Reylo never becomescanon. Slightly disappointed? Yeah, everyone is a little bit disappointed iftheir ship doesn’t set sail, but that won’t stop me from shipping! I still shipZutara from Avatar: The Last Airbender even though the Kataang ship has longbeen sailing into marriage and beyond. Shipping is for fun, whether its canonor not, and should be done so for enjoyment! :D
However I will be immensely salty if they choose the Rey Skywalker route,not because oh no my ship sank, but because it’s so… Predictable. Boring. Expectedof the plot. Everyone (And I mean literally everyone) is expectingher to be a Skywalker. There is no suspense, no mystery to solve there. Itfalls extremely flat as a story, as everyone sees it coming, and Rey “keepingher identity a secret” from BB8 would be completely pointless. I think that’swhy a lot of Reylo shippers cling to their ship, because it means Rey andKylo’s stories will be much deeper than “what is on the surface is what youget.” And stories with no depth are so. Uninteresting.
As someone who has spent her whole life crafting and creating stories Iunderstand the importance of plot twists and big lead up reveals. And, to mepersonally again, I find it incredibly frustrating to have something leading upto something great, but then the writer takes it in a whole other directionthat makes literally no sense and makes the characters behave Out of Character toachieve it. (See: Felicity Smoak from the Arrow series)
As pointed out by @reylotrashtrash, to make Rey a Skywalker would mean the destruction of Luke Skywalker’scharacter. It would take this caring, compassionate, understanding and hopefulman and reduce him to either:
A) A man who ditched his own daughter on a desert planet and left her tofend for herself, having lied to her and telling her that he’d be back. Insteadof, you know, letting Leia take care of her in his place in much the way Leiasent Ben to Luke. He has family she can live with, you know.
B) A man who slept with a woman and never knew Rey existed, I honestly donot see Luke randomly sleeping with women for funsies and never ever committingto a relationship before hand. (This is assuming he is not following the oldJedi path of no marriage.) It just seems strange, and borderline uncomfortable,that Luke would fuck some random woman in a bar and leave.
Either route paints him in a horrible light, especially in the way they’vebuilt him up thus far. He supported and tried to help Ben to the best of hisabilities and failed, and that hurt him, because it had cost so many Jedi theirlives. He’s empathic, and cares deeply. He wouldn’t be hiding on an island,moping in sorrow, if that weren’t the case. (And if it’s not, we’ll certainlyknow his reasons in TLJ) And Leia and Han don’t know about her either? Doesthat mean Luke just never told them he had a daughter, if he knew? What kind of father is that? To take care ofhis nephew, but shun his own daughter so badly she never meets her aunt anduncle?
So I don’t want Rey to be a Skywalker for the soul fact that it would ruinLuke’s depth and make him out of character, and it would be so predictable it’snot even funny. Heck, even the crowd at Celebration were Dead Silent for ReySkywalker being called out on stage, but cheered wildly for Rey Kenobi.
But again. All it takes is one writer to say “no dude she’s totally aSkywalker” to make it so. Regardless of what it does to other characters,regardless what it does to the story. And I will be unbelievably salty from awriter’s perspective. There is no real way to have Rey Skywalker withoutdestroying Luke, the main hero of the franchise and an icon for generations, inthe process, and not in any good light or with any good story. And I don’t knowwhy anyone would want that. To watch Luke, a compassionate hero who fought tosave his friends and father, be reduced to ABad Father. And for Rey’s story to be the most predictable, foreseenfailure of a plot twist reveal in Star Wars history.
But all it takes is one writer. :/
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