#plot in source <3
tinkrbell · 1 month
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"i'm only going to say this once: you're a fucking idiot." carter was at his limit with the niceties. he wasn't a very nice person to begin with, but when it came to them, he typically had all the patience in the world. / @fcxglove
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dollieour · 17 days
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allí    en    medio    del    callejón    húmedo, penumbroso    y    vacío,    benji    no    podía    sacarse    la    imagen    de    la    cabeza.    aquella    escena    de    minutos    atrás    seguía    rondándole,    clavándose    como    un    espino    que    no    podía    arrancar.    lo    había    visto,    esa    sonrisa    que    el    otro    le    había    dado    a    ese    tipo    en    la    barra    de    aquel    bar.    un    gesto    insignificante,    tal    vez,    pero    para    benji,    era    suficiente    para    alimentar    sus    celos.
" ¿ qué    demonios    fue    eso ? "    su    voz    salió    tranquila,    demasiado    tranquila,    mientras    exhalaba    una    densa    nube    de    humo    que    se    disipaba    lentamente    entre    ellos.    avanzó    un    paso,    su    sombra    alargándose    bajo    la    luz    tenue,    sus    ojos    fijos,    penetrantes.    " ¿ crees    que    no    lo    vi ? "
la    llama    del    cigarrillo    parpadeaba    en    la    penumbra    del    callejón,    y    benji    dio    otro    paso    hacia    él,    con    ese    andar    despreocupado    que    solía    usar    cuando    estaba    al    borde    de    explotar.    la    sonrisa    que    se    formó    en    sus    labios    era    todo    menos    cálida.
no    necesitaba    explicar    qué    había    visto.    para    benji,    todo    estaba    claro    en    su    cabeza,    y    eso    era    suficiente.    el    veneno    de    los    celos    había    comenzado    a    correrle    por    las    venas,    nublándole    la    razón.    " no    te    hagas    el    inocente.    esa    sonrisa,    ese    maldito    cruce    de    miradas. "    benji    se    rió    amargamente.    " ¿ qué,    te    gusta    que    te    miren    así ?  ¿ te    gusta    jugar    conmigo ? "
sus    ojos    brillaban,    y    esa    sonrisa    burlona    volvió    a    aparecer    en    sus    labios    mientras    alzaba    una    mano    y    le    tocaba    la    mejilla,    pero    esta    vez,    su    toque    era    más    firme,    más    posesivo. "    eres    mío,    de pies a cabeza, lo    sabes,    ¿ verdad ?    "    susurró,    acercándose    aún    más    y    lo    tomó    de    la    barbilla,    obligándolo    a    mirarlo    a    los    ojos.   
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angelsdvsts · 6 days
˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ . ↪ closed for @unraptures ˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ .
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it was like a slap to her face, couldn't believe the words coming from their lips. eyes fills with tears, even though lilac tries her hardest to resist it. "it was more than a kiss and you know it..."
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swtsours · 17 days
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“   you   know   this   is   just   rebound   sex   ,   right   ?   and   you’re   okay   with   that   ?   ”   he   was   still   very   upset   ,   hadn’t   fucked   anybody   in   too   long   ,   and   they   were   so   hot   he   couldn’t   stop   himself   from   picturing   them   naked   .   “   it   doesn’t   mean   anything   .   ”
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lcvebirds · 2 years
exhaustion was taking over and no matter what she did, she couldn’t seem to calm her daughter down and she knew it had something to do with the loud music being played next door. she wasn’t the type to normally let it bother but she couldn’t take it anymore. sliding on her slipped, aria made her way out of her apartment with her baby in her arms and knocked until she heard the instrument behind the door stop, which thankfully soothed the four month old in her arms. her eyes met the others as she swung open the door and she knew she looked like a disaster. “uh, hi. look, it’s late. my daughter’s trying to sleep and i can’t get any sleep unless she sleeps so do you think, i don’t know, you could give it a rest tonight?”
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sweetrevenged · 4 months
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"sorry, you want to what?" a laugh spills from her lips. "the fake dating was one thing, but you wanna fake fuck in a closet?" / @capriholic
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pocketbible · 1 year
the last person he expected to be meeting him for a drink was his ex and the realization that they were going to be the one joining him made him lift the drink he’d already ordered to his lips and take a healthy gulp. “it’s been a while,” he started and took in a deep breath, “i suppose rachel didn’t tell you it was me just like she didn’t tell me it was you, not that i’m upset...” because he wasn’t but the two had already been through this. was it worth trying again? “so, do you wanna sit down?”
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boytrope · 1 year
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𓄹  ㅤ ࣪˖  ㅤ⌢  ㅤ‎‎✶    ❛   i   can   tutor   you   —   if   you   ever   want   to   get   together   after   class   or   something.   ❜ @illctaffairs
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malboraslihan · 1 year
                               ♡ @devilscherubs liked for a starter.
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gaze  lingers  on  the  female  for  longer  than  she'd  dare  herself  to  admit,  a  slight  shake  of  her  head  as  she  moves  closer,  against  better  judgment.  '  i  think  it's  safe  to  say  you're  as  surprised  as  i  am  '  smiles  nervously,  schooling  her  features  as  hands  tremble  behind  her  back.  '  i  don't  think  i  need  to  tell  you  we  shouldn't  talk  about,  '  a  pause,  a  quick  look  over  her  shoulder.  '  before  '
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illctaffairs · 1 year
꒰ ꔫ ꒱ — for @suchaehwas ft. hana !
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⠀⠀⠀"⠀you thought i knew⠀!?⠀"⠀she bites back an incredulous laugh at the statement, eyes sparkling as she takes him in.⠀"⠀sweetheart, i thought you were just nervous to show me your actual face⠀!⠀what, did you think i was joking when i said i thought i was being catfished⠀!?⠀"
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tinkrbell · 1 month
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"he's the one that wants you. go be with them." in a cruel and twisted fate, the next words out of his mouth is something he'd never think to say—at least not directed at them. "i don't want you. not anymore." / @canncnball
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toheavens · 2 years
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"   why   are   you   trying   so   hard   to   take   me   out   ?   whats   in   it   for   you   ?   "
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swtsours · 17 days
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“   wait   ,   what   if   we   film   it   ?   ”   fem   abruptly   breaks   off   the   make   out   session   they   were   having   once   the   idea   occurs   to   her   ,   still   sitting   on   their   lap   .   “   you   know   ,   for   fun   .   nobody   has   to   watch   it   .   ”   
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lcvebirds · 2 years
it wasn’t like he’d completely let the other behind. it was just that he’d received the opportunity of a life time and in that moment, for whatever reason, it wasn’t a good time for her to come with him. despite that, aj loved her and asked that she wouldn’t forget him and instead, wait for him because he would be back for her. he promised he’d be back for her. and he did come back. maybe not as soon as he would’ve liked to but regardless, she was his first stop. knocking, he hoped she still lived in the same place and that he wouldn’t be on a stranger’s door step and that was definitely his first thought, especially when a man answered the door. “i’m sorry. i think i have the wrong place.” he quickly apologized and then, a moment later, he caught her eyes and realized that maybe he was too late and that he wasn’t in the wrong place at all. “hey...”
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sweetrevenged · 4 months
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meeting her boyfriends family was meant to be easy, a quick hello and a little schmoozing to impress them and that was that. except what juno hadn't accounted for was an ex-something to be there as well. she was stuck between playing it off like they met at a party once and acting like she'd never seen the girl before in her life, tightening her grip on her boyfriends hand as she tried to figure it out. "you look so familar." she spoke, head tilting to the side and hoping her face didn't betray anything. / @bittcrsuite
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gatekepts-a · 11 months
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          ❛  gimme  that.  ❜   with  one  hand  he  snatches  the  phone  out  of  the  other's  fingers,  and  with  his  other  hand  he  pulls  them  close.  the  frustration  that  was  evident  on  his  face  morphs  into  a  smolder  as  grayson  finally  snaps  the  picture  they've  been  struggling  to  take  this  entire  time,  faces  perfectly  angled  off-screen  for  the  effortless  '  soft  launch  '  look. ❛  make  sure  to  tag  me  when  you  post  it.  ❜ he  hands  the  phone  back  to  other  after  pulling  away,  stuffing  bruised  knuckles  back  into  his  pockets  and  returning  to  his  cool  demeanor.   ❛  you  really  suck  at  this.  did  you  not  do  any  cutesy  shit  with  your  ex  when  you  were  still  together  ?  ❜ @boysgenuis
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