#pllos hayworthe
fabledenigma · 2 years
In the Source Link, you will find a gif pack of Chandler Kinney, in Pretty Little Liars Original Sin. Chandler plays the role of Tabitha Hayworthe, the daughter of Sidney Hayworthe.
This is a complete pack of the pilot episode.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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emisirrelevant · 2 years
HHHH OKAY SO I HAVE A THEORY IS THE REASON WHY TABBY FROM PLL ORIGINAL SIN IS NAMED TABBY BECAUSE STEPHEN KING’S WIFE IS TABITHA??? And we know Tabby loves film/horror movies. If so, I would love this little connection.
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manilafm · 2 years
Who is mw from PLL/PLLOS?
We do not have any characters taken from Pretty Little Liars or Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin in this RPG right now, so our most wanted characters from those fandoms would be Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Alison DiLaurentis, Hanna Marin, Emily Fields, Imogen Adams, Faran Bryant, Minnie 'Mouse' Honrada, Tabitha 'Tabby' Hayworthe, Noa Olivar, Kelly Beasley, and Karen Beasley from Pretty Little Liars and Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin !!
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disneydeb1928 · 2 years
PLL Original Sin: The Night of Karen's Party
The Sequence of Events that we have up to this point.
(Where this takes place chronologically: We know, from Imogen, that the Party took place in "March". In Episode 7, we see the flyers for the carnival have the year "2022" on them, despite the days of the week and the dates matching that of 2020. We'll just have to ignore that huge inconsistency for the sake of sanity. From the timing of how Imogen's pregnancy has been framed - it seems to indicate that the party was held in the later half of March. Therefore, from what we know that place's Karen's house party between March 15-March 30.)
Day 1 - Night - Kelly Beasley's House Party.
Karen loses her virginity to Greg. (1x02: Spirit Queen) -> Explanation: When they meet at the cemetery, Karen tells Imogen, that "earlier that night" from when they fought about her kissing Greg, Karen lost her virginity to Greg.
Imogen, Karen, and Kelly discuss the need for more alcohol, and Imogen volunteers to convince Greg to get more since he and Karen are fighting. (1x02: Spirit Queen)
Noa and Shawn are already at the party. (1x02: Spirit Queen)
Tabby and Chip arrive at the party. She tells him to get them some drinks. He approaches someone - it's SHAWN and asks where he got what he's drinking. (1x02: Spirit Queen)
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Imogen finds Greg in a bedroom to relay Karen's message about wanting more beer. However, he begins to make a move on her. (1x02: Spirit Queen)
[NOTE: We never actually see what happened. I feel like that's important]
In the kitchen, Karen is doing a shot when Kelly rushes over and whispers something in her ear about Greg and Imogen. Karen storms through the house and confronts Imogen, who tries to defend herself, but it’s no use. And Kelly supposedly saw them together. Karen calls her a slut and demands her to get out. (1x02: Spirit Queen)
[NOTE: Notice that the vodka that Imogen will later recall taking to the beach can be seen on the right side of the table as they argue. (I apologize for the photos qualities)]
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Imogen walks down the driveway and then pauses, cursing under her breath. She goes back inside the house. (1x02: Spirit Queen)
Imogen goes back inside the party for her sweater. However, when she does, she overhears Karen and Tyler in her bedroom. Imogen rushes to stop them. She covers up Karen and pulls her away from Tyler. Karen says she hates Imogen, which the girl says is fine. Imogen grabs Tyler phone and helps Karen out of the room. Imogen hands Karen off to Kelly and makes sure she’s safe before she leaves. (1x02: Spirit Queen)
Imogen grabs a bottle of Vodka on her way out of Karen and Kelly's home with the intent of going to the beach to drink it alone. This is the last thing she remembers. (1x06: Scars)
[NOTE: There is only about half left in the bottle.]
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At some point during these blacked out hours, Imogen is assaulted and conceives her child with an unknown man. (1x06: Scars)
Day 2 - Morning.
Imogen wakes up in pain. Her underwear is gone and there is blood on her dress. (1x06: Scars)
[NOTE: The Vodka bottle is still there. It does appear empty.]
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Interviews Touching on the Identity of the Perpetrator:
Lindsay Calhoon Bring, the show's EP confirms that Imogen's pregnancy is a "very important story". "You will know who the father is. It's important, not only to Imogen, but also to the female friendships in the show."
When asked if there had been any clues about the father's identity that viewers may have missed, Bailee Madison had this to say: "I mean, I wouldn’t consider them clues, but I can’t tell you what they are. I would just say pay attention. You really have to go back and rewatch things, and try to pay closer attention to people around them and things like that".
Suspect List:
If we go off what Bailee Madison said - to pay close attention to the people around them", then these are the best guesses:
Shawn Noble -> Was at Karen's House party that night - before he and Noa were dating - and he was drinking. Is a member of the football team, which does not seem to be a good thing in this town. He was also at the party in the woods behind Millwood High when Tabby was assaulted. Plus, in Episode 7, I feel like we've started to see a whole new side of him that isn't so pretty.
Greg -> Was at Karen's House party that night. Greg seemed like the most obvious choice in the beginning of the season. He came on to Imogen during the party and is the reason that she and Karen are no longer friends, as well as 1/2 the reason why Imogen was walking around alone that night (the other half being Kelly). That night was definitely an odd one for Greg. He and Karen supposedly have sex for the first time but then, by the night they're already fighting. I think it's too obvious to have been him, but he's still gross.
Chip -> Was at Karen's House party that night with Tabby. Did not appear to want to be there. Asked Shawn Noble where to get drinks. Was seen watching Karen and Imogen's argument with an interestingly dark expression on his face (seriously, it's weird).
Tyler Marchand -> Was at Karen's House party that night. Clearly is the type to take advantage of vulnerable girls. Was cleared of being involved of Tabby's incident. Currently deceased.
Masked Man/"A" -> Though I do believe these two are completely different people, it is absolutely possible in a world where Alison got pregnant with Emily's kids that they would pull something like that again. The only, is that it just doesn't really fit their M.O. It's all about making the parents suffer, but then killing Davie? Doesn't seem right.
Sheriff Beasley -> I think everyone agrees that he's a deplorable human being and disgusting enough to do it. However, according to Karen, her father and mother were off at a "church retreat". Therefore, that should eliminate him for now - unless new evidence suggests otherwise.
Questions About That Night
Was there something in the vodka or did Imogen just black out from drinking too much of it? -> Implications: Even if someone put something in the vodka, they would have had no idea that Imogen was going to end up with it. Whoever found her, this seems to be an act of opportunity than necessarily anything planned out. Even if Kelly stringed together that entire night and was working with "A" - Greg and Imogen, Karen and Imogen's fight, Tyler and Karen - there would have been no way of knowing what Imogen would do and when. I could be wrong, but it feels like - unlike Tabby's incident - this might not have been a pre-planned event.
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pllguy · 3 years
My Pre-release Thoughts/Mini-Theory of PLL: Original Sin
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Now this theory (the first of many) will cover what I assume will take place or be relevant to what will be happening in the Pretty Little Liars reboot Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin.
Based off of what has been released so far as of date of posting (August 19th, 2021) the reboot’s details that have been released are few but already say a lot about what will take place.
The synopsis of the show, in a statement released by HBO Max, follows below.
“Twenty years ago, a series of tragic events almost ripped the blue-collar town of Millwood apart. Now, in the present day, a group of disparate teen girls—a brand-new set of Little Liars—find themselves tormented by an unknown Assailant and made to pay for the secret sin their parents committed two decades ago…as well as their own. In the dark, coming-of-RAGE, horror-tinged drama Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin, we find ourselves miles away from Rosewood, but within the existing Pretty Little Liars universe—in a brand new town, with a new generation of Little Liars.”
So what does this tell us? The reboot will be set in a town near Rosewood which could potentially allow cameo appearances from the original show’s cast, though if that happened, it would need to feel organic. I’d love seeing the old cast reprise their characters for a special appearance but I think it would be best to keep the two separate from each other so as to not mess with the original show’s characters and what those writers and creators intended versus the new creators. Also this tells us that not only will this new group of Liars be getting into trouble and keeping secrets, but that their parents previously did something that someone is out for revenge for the past and present.
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Ok, so what are sins? In view of the Christian faith, there are Seven Deadly Sins and also what some view as the “Original Sin”. The Seven Deadly Sins are pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and laziness (sloth), while the Original Sin refers to the belief humans are born to sin through their genetics they inherited from the first man and woman, Adam and Eve who first sinned against God in the Garden of Eden. *(Other religions/faiths have sins but since this story will be set in modern-day Pennsylvania, I believe that if it has any religious allusions, it would be to the Christian faith - no disrespect to the others!)
It has been revealed that Bailee Madison, Maia Reficco, and Chandler Kinney, have been cast as Imogen Abel, Noa Oliver, and Tabby Hayworth, respectively (pictured below left to right as mentioned).
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Now THIS is what stood out to me… In a show entitled Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin, they created a character whose last name is Abel. In the Bible, there is the famous story of Abel and Cain, where one brother kills the other. To sum it up, Cain and Abel are the sons of Adam and Eve - Cain born first and Abel second. So Cain grows jealous of Abel for the favoritism being shown to him by God, so Cain murders his own brother, Abel.
*Note: the original Pretty Little Liars books even alluded to the story of Abel and Cain as that is the basis for the twins storyline of Alison and Courtney… notice the names have the same first letters, except Courtney is Abel and Alison is Cain (since she murdered Courtney).
Now how does this tie into my theory?
Well I believe that the original sin committed by the Liars’ parents was murder of a classmate/friend/enemy for one of the 7 deadly sins (or maybe it was self-defense?). Imogen Abel will either be killed by her (secret/twin?) sibling (like Abel) or she will end up the killer (like Cain). Since the books twisted the Abel/Cain story to make the killer’s name start with “A” (and ultimately be known as “A”), I think it’s fair to guess that Imogen could be the real killer and “A” in the reboot. Also her parents will definitely be involved in the “original sin” since their last name is Abel and Abel’s parents were Adam and Eve who committed the original sin.
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I’m unsure how much material the reboot will pull from the books and the original show in terms of storyline ideas or plot points, so who knows what to really expect! However, a few key staples of the Pretty Little Liars brand are things that some fans may be tired of but they are what have made the show and the books the phenomenon they are. They are:
1. a group of characters being targeted, harassed, stalked, and tormented by an unknown foe who is always a few steps ahead of their prey
2. the unknown stalker being connected to the group or a specific member of the group, and having their reason for their actions being tied to the group/individual in some twisted/straightforward way
3. the one thing some fans will be tired of but I personally *love* … TWINS. Yupp, there HAS to be twins at some point in the show, and it has to be crucial to the plot. It was the premise of the books’ storyline, and then in the last A arc storyline in the original show.
For the PLL reboot to feel like I’m watching a PLL-inspired show (since I know it’s all new content), there HAS to be the 3 plot points I just mentioned and I believe that will be factored into my earlier points about Imogen and her family. Imogen will be the new Alison, and she will be the one to have a twin or even be the new A.
Final thoughts/mini-theories:
- I’m pretty positive that twins will be involved in the mystery, to what extent I am unsure but I have strong feelings Imogen will be featured in that storyline.
- It’s possible that Imogen may be a twin, and if it’s not her, I believe it will be one of her parents, since their last name is Abel, tying back into what I explained earlier.
- The Liars in the reboot will be more proactive in figuring out the identity of their stalker and the underlying mystery, than their predecessors in the original TV series. *No hate to the OG Liars but it always felt like they never tried hard enough to get law enforcement or anyone to help them out until the later seasons instead of from the get-go.*
- I don’t want this reboot to be a faithful adaptation in the sense of using all the material from the books but applying it to new characters. I have mixed opinions on it being set in the same universe as the OG show but I’m glad they will have a new setting, characters, and plot. I do still wish they utilize the twins storyline because I personally LOVE twins and have always found the PLL Alison/Courtney storylines one of the best ever written in terms of the buildup to the reveal, the details dropped along the way, and just the way my mind was blown apart reading it the first time.
So that’s pretty much all I have at this point based off what has been released. Hopefully this show will bring back old fans, bring in new fans, and we can rebuild the PLL community here again! Let me know your thoughts/theories/comments about the reboot, or even about the original show(s) and books! ❤️
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fabledenigma · 2 years
In the source link, you will find a gif pack of Kristen Maxwell in Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin. She played the role of the 18 year old version of Sidney Hayworthe, whereas the adult version is played by Sharon Leal. The character is the mother of the main character Tabitha Hayworthe, otherwise known as Tabby.
Rules: I don't have any particular rules, if you use in crackships or gif hunts, please credit me.
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Source: FabledEnigma
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disneydeb1928 · 2 years
Yes, I know Wes is creepy AF, but also, is he just creepy? Because, maybe it's just me, but homeboy is trying a little too hard to keep Tabby working there. Creepy fascination can go far, but like, with how many connections this Masked Man has to the theatre? I'm suspicious.
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