#pll posters
hausofmoon · 1 year
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A Thrilling New Adaptation of the Hit Book Series ‘Pretty Little Liars’ Is Coming To Your Screens This October!
Starring Kiara Bellini, Jennifer DeLucani, Shenade O’Connor, Shay Feng & even more celebrity guest appearances, with an All-Star cast like this, it’s going to be a wild ride!
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frozen-heart · 4 months
Let's talk about Pretty Little Liars: Summer School, bc I have no one to talk to about my thoughts.
Pastor Malachai
My first thought was literally that this dude looks like Clanton. He's probably related to him and now is continuing, in a way, in his footsteps. Bloody Rose and Clanton/Archie both have a theme of killing sinners/punishing the guilty, with slight variations of going about it. Just look at the resemblance:
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Mrs Beasley looks just as guilty tbh. And this:
"It's safe to say that I believe you children are the future. Of our church, of this town and of the kingdom. '...' There's an activity we used to spearhead in years past. A celebration, and a purging that will help us expiate our town's sins. Shall I tell you all about the glories of Redemption House?"
Just sounds sus. I also don't think we ever saw other adult members of this church, besides the Pastor and Mrs Beasley, which I find really weird. I can imagine that someone connected to the church could be connected or be Bloody Rose, if it isn't Mrs Beasley or the Pastor. Could be an adult we haven't seen yet or one of the teenagers. Or both honestly.
Also, maybe there were similar killings years before the liars, which relate to what Malachai said about the activity they did years ago. Maybe the whole town was in on it.
"Twenty years ago, a series of tragic events almost ripped the blue-collar town of Millwood apart." I'm sure that wasn't just about Angela Waters.
Completely different thought, but maybe the church knows about Bloody Rose and that she's out to kill sinners, which is why they want to get as many followers as possible and purge the town of their sins, to save people from getting kiled off.
Principal Smithy
He's not my primary suspect, but I fear he or someone with power in the school might be involved as well, because of the whole summer school thing.
Dr Sullivan and Rose Waters
I feel like Dr Sullivan looks a bit similar to Rose Waters, but I don't think they'll end up being related. I feel like it would be out of character for Dr Sullivan to turn into Bloody Rose and kill teenagers. I could image there being some minor involvement, like in the original PLL when she dissappeared.
But I do think there is a possibility she knows Rose Waters, because we know she stayed in Radley until it closed. In season 3 when Spencer went to Radley Dr Sullivan worked there. Maybe Rose Waters was one of her patients.
Maybe it's also a possibility that they'll parallel the original PLL and Bloody Rose could end up being one of Dr Sullivan's patients, which she'll figured out later on as the show progresses. I also wonder what her flashback will add to the story.
I know she's dead, but I think she'll have something to do with this. When Imogen saw the shadow in her room and thought it was her mother and then Bloody Rose.. I don't know it gave me a weird feeling. Also, this teaser poster with the drawing of an angel being unraveled, leads me to believe that Imogen might uncover some more horrible truths about her mother. And now that she mentioned in her dream in ep 3, that she saw Bloody Rose AND her mother.. Seems suspicious
Some more thoughts about Bloody Rose
I could imagine Bloody Rose being a character we don't know yet, like with Archie. We didn't know Angela had a brother until the reveal lol.
I could imagine more people being involved, like a group of people coming together. Maybe even a scenario where different people pretend to be Bloody Rose and don't know each other's identities, but each have their reasons to mess with the liars or do so for fun.
We also know a teenager has to be involved, because Mouse's grandmother said one of her friends came to her. And we know someone who said she was friends with one of the liars before: Jennifer. Tbh I don't think she's Bloody Rose, but that just came to my mind, how she basically used Noah to get a job. I wouldn't exactly call them friends tbh.
Some unrelated extra
What the fuck happened here in Angela's room? Why is there a rope? I was re-watching and found this really weird and disturbing. The day Angela died it wasn't there.
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jaggedwolf · 3 months
pll rewatch 1x20-1x21
plot ramps up as we approach the finale. Caleb boards a literal bus, Paige gets on a metaphorical one, a new lesbian appears to go oh hell yes to Emily's face and as always: Spencer has a bad time
Spencer sounds most like a teenager when she whines "make them stop" to her mom about the cops searching her room. she is a sixteen year old, easy as it is to forget.
Hanna/Caleb are so domestic already - we will meet more queer women as the show progresses, but Haleb will beat all of them in the art of u-hauling by virtue of moving in together before getting together and oh god I just remembered another future Caleb line
Hanna has told the liars that she had sex with Caleb and Emily's first question is "have you had another opportunity" ok Emily
The girls all :eyes_emoji: at Paige and Sean having lunch together and Hanna reassures Emily, saying "it's okay, Sean's a good guy"
do the liars now think of Paige as Emily's friend or at least a neutral? Hanna's response here is quite different from when she called Paige a knob a few episodes back
Aria being the one to go "woah when did that start happening" cracks me up Aria you pay the least attention to your schoolmates out of everyone why would you expect to notice anything
She then accidentally sends an Ezra text to her mom instead. This bewilders me because (1) even phones of ye olde 2010 showed SMS threads by recency and I assume Ezra is at the top of Aria's list (2) does she have her mom saved as "Ella" instead of "Mom"?? (3) in a contacts list, Emily would appear between Ella and Ezra.
Ella is very understanding. and believes in giving Aria her privacy. She will not at all be rewarded for trusting her daughter. Poor Ella.
So, why does Sean think Emily would know whether Paige is dating anyone anyway? Gives Emily the opportunity to say "we swim on the same team" and that's all that really matters.
Sean describes Paige as "fun" a descriptor no one has ever used for S1!Paige. I kid, kid, she does seem more at ease and is probably less palpably full of turmoil outside of the contexts of Emily and/or swimming.
Emily's reaction to being handed a bag of full of Ezria totems is my reaction, this episode is Emily dealing with real or forced heterosexuality
Emily interrupts Paige putting up...swimming posters? Are the Sharks still recruiting team members? Anyway, here we get Paige saying "he makes me laugh" about Sean and unfortunately for our Ken Doll I think that comment is merely a trite recitation of what you are supposed to say about the boy you like
Paige tries to walk away from the conversation and Emily still follows her, like Emily, you have no reason to poke your nose into this. (Other than petty petty jealousy, but Emily would not admit such a thing when she can subsume it into generic concern.)
So what's up with Caleb not replying to any texts right when the liars tell Hanna he's sus and they all see the owl necklace/USB on Jenna? Does he know he's been caught out, is he trying to figure out a way to come clean, is he planning his bus trip out of here?
Regardless it gives Hanna time for her anger to build, and for her to figure out that 214 is Caleb's locker combination (Pick a better one, dude). This means Toby heard Caleb and Jenna mention Spencer's name. What's up with that.
I'd forgot Spencer's story about running away as a seven year old, and no one noticing. Sad little Hastings. The writers foil me by there being literally no Disney princess films released between 1999 and 2002, what re-release did she watch, and more importantly, what was each liar's favorite Disney princess as a kid?
Spoby right now are really bonding over being pariahs...Toby repeated the line about people crossing the street when they see him....my poor guy...
Hanna's slapping of Jenna felts way more violent than I remembered, those glasses flew!
At some point in this ring Aria is wearing a gigantic black ring with a pointy bit and all I could think about was how easy it would be to take someone's eye out with that
Aw, Paily's first scene in Emily's room, featuring the window seat of course.
And of course, the introduction to PLL's soundtrack of a theme literally called Guys Like Paige. Not the last time we'll hear it :D :D
Veronica is really good with Spencer this episode, helping her understand the legal circumstances, getting the police to back off, keeping Spencer in the loop...but she is still a C+ parent for not kicking Ian off her property imo
1x21 is all about the founder's festival where the people running booths range from the Ackard's church (what denomination are they, anyway), Hanna and Mona (don't even know what they're selling), and students from Sheridan Prep
+ Garrett lurking ominously in the shadows
Love the scene where Caleb tries to talk to Aria about Hanna and Ella mouths "HE'S CUTE" about Caleb to Aria. Caleb has now talked one-on-one with every liar and is the first love interest to do so. Ella is should interact with the teens instead of just her family, Byron or Ezra, it is actually pretty fun seeing her in that context
Paige is cute in this next scene, before it all goes badly. She grabs Emily by the arm because she's so excited, and she is so very smug that she got tickets to a sold-out concert and is treating Emily to them
We will never see Nick McCullers on-screen again but I'm trying to construct a picture of the type of stress-inducing parent he is and I don't think it's a micromanaging one or one who knows what Paige is up to every minute - she doesn't seem time-constrained at the karaoke or picnic dates, and he gets her these concert tickets via his connection.
Oh foolish foolish Paige. What you do is, you tell your dad you are going with your friend Pru, you go to the concert with Emily, you tell your dad that you are meeting Pru there and after, oh Pru's parents already picked her up. For bonus points, you ask Pru to cover for you without coming out to her, because the whole school already knows your dad is a homophobic douchenozzle about Emily and so it's not that weird.
Paige is too fucked up about herself to even contemplate logistics like that though, so of course she goes with bringing a guy. Though I assume Nick doesn't know the third ticket is for Emily anyway or else he'd be miffed so what's the point of insurance boy anyway.
"What even was your plan here, Paige" <- a question I will have many times
Paige I know you've been looking up how to come out to your dad but I wish you had also stumbled across how to excel at being closeted while still going on gay dates and not piss off your girlfriend lmao.
When explaining why she can't go over to Sheridan Prep's support group Paige mentions it is two (2) miles away and Emily nods understandably and I am left going wait does Paige not have a car. Did she pedal furiously on her little bike to the karaoke place. Did she fill panniers with picnic supplies for that date.
Tell me more about Paige McCullers' traveling logistics, show.
Keeping things subtle, Aria knocks Ezra's coffee onto his pants in the middle of a hallway at school and goes WOW I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT I AM SUCH A KLUTZ and. I hate this. I hate them. Just text like normal people. You are doing a worse job of hiding this than Paige is of her sexuality.
Aria then proceeds to be distressed because guys, she looked at his WEBSITE PAGE (...are they not allowed to say facebook anymore? because Aria said facebook in the second or third episode) and saw you know what? A woman! With a ring! In a photo with him! Egads!
All of the liars project on to Aria's concerns - Emily says to be honest and clear the air, Hanna says fuck it find out for yourself by befriending the girl in the photo, Spencer says sometimes people look guilty but they aren't guilty okay :(
S1 Spencer is more suffused with guilt than I expected....real guilt, false guilt, imputed guilt, all of it
Toby and Spencer negotiate no one wanting them to spend time together and being trailed by the cops, and instead of arranging to meet somewhere normal like a restaurant or a movie theatre or even in Spencer's car in a random alley, they arrange a rendezvous at the festival's creepy clown maze
Paige stands up Emily and Samara, once more causing her own problems, as Emily is intrigued by Samara and her handmade jewelry, Paige feels exposed and explodes, and it all goes to shit. Not the right time yet, kiddos.
You'd expect a scorched earth response from Ashley towards Caleb for hurting Hanna, especially considering how heartbroken Hanna sounded in the bathroom, but Ashley isn't mean to him at all, saying he reminders her of herself. Young Ashley probably hurt a person or two while looking out for numero uno.
Spencer gets fucked up in that festival maze, man, and that's before some traps her in some kind of enclosed turnstile and freaks her the fuck out. If she didn't have claustrophobia before, she definitely does now.
Spencer is so dramatic in choosing to kiss Toby in front of her family and Mrs Ackard, but well, Spencer's always had a romantic streak. She loved doing that.
Emily gets her first A text that refers to Paige - thoughtful of A to wait till it's over - leading to an Ali flashback. The day she disappeared, Ali gave Emily a snowglobe.
In that snowglobe is a key. The key opens a storage unit. In that storage unit is a Tweety Bird lunch box. In that lunch box is a USB stick. On that USB stick are videos of the girls in Ali's room.
Worst russian doll surprise ever.
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talknerdytome18 · 6 months
Ok but the fact that a lot of the fandom had casted Sasha Pieterse (Alison in pretty little liars) as Andie always makes me laugh because I can 100% see it…maybe it’s because of the original poster that a fan made 😭 I love the actress they picked to play Andie, but I wanted to know if when you read the book if you pictured anyone else? And anyone else that you pictured while reading.
Oooh good question! I definitely also see Sasha Pieterese as Andie mainly because of the fanmade poster. I haven't seen PLL in a hot minute but I definitely see her as Andie.
In terms of if I pictured anyone else as Andie when reading, I feel like India was pretty close to how I imagined Andie. It's like the casting team went into my mind and pulled out my interpretation of Andie and I love them for that. I don't think I really pictured anyone else except India (who hadn't been officially at the time when I read, so well done casting team!)
Thanks for asking! <33 - Em
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You like slashers have you watched new Pll
I have not. I watched the original show and sort of watched the spinoff of that. Honestly, don't know anything about the new one. I kind of thought it got cancelled until I was seeing all the posters and trailers for the new season. I didn't even know it was a slasher...
Is it any good? How does it relate to the original show, if it even does? I spent 7 years of my life on the original, if I'm potentially making that commitment again, it needs to be worth it. I'm kind of intrigued by it... only thing I know about it is that people ship 2 of the main girls together, literally know nothing else.
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formeroklahoman · 9 months
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Remembering Paul Butterfield who was an American blues harmonica player, singer and bandleader. After early training as a classical flautist, he developed an interest in blues harmonica. He explored the blues scene in his native Chicago, where he met Muddy Waters and other blues greats, who provided encouragement and opportunities for him to join in jam sessions. He soon began performing with fellow blues enthusiasts Nick Gravenites and Elvin Bishop.
The Paul Butterfield Blues Band, was certainly an awesome grouping of musicians to witness and hear.
The group, originally composed of Paul Butterfield, Michael Bloom- field, Elvin Bishop, Sam Lay (later replaced by Billy Davenport), Mark Naftalin, and Jerome Arnold, made true blues accessible to the growing youth counterculture, and in the process opened up the possibilities for what rock & roll could really be.
I was fortunate enough to attend several concerts at the Fillmore Auditorium and other venues back in their early days of performing here in the SF Bay Area.
Their albums are off the hook! Listen to the first album here and see what I mean…. Absolutely worth your time!
Dec. 17, 1942 – May 4, 1987
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hopper-miller-lvl6 · 1 year
Teaching Friendly Experiment (Illustration) - L02
Knowing I had to create an Illustration piece I picked (teaching + friendly - a poster advertising a friendly class to mean pll) because I think it would allow me to do some cartooning which is the only style of illustration that I have any background in, although its beens years sense I've done it.
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I chose to be a but tounge and cheek with the idea just for a bit of fun, here a rough sketch of the composition I wanted to go for.
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Heres my final result, I had a lot of fun with the drawing, although I forgot how tedious hand lettering can get. Its a bit rough around the edges but U think it goy my point across well. I think the actual composition of the poster could use some wrk especially with all the wording at the bottom, but as this was an illustrative based experiment, Ill leave it be and come back later if I have time. Overall this was a long overdue brush up on procreate and I think its opened me up a bit more to some less cooperate clean designs that I tend to stick to, Im sure trying something like this when Im in a rut would be a good way to generate some fresh ideas for what I'm working on.
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agents-are-dicks · 2 years
PLL (Pretty Little Liars) Rewatch Thoughts
Warning: spoilers, lengthy comments, that’s about it.
S1 E1:
Can we talk about Spencer when the girls woke up and both she and Ali were missing?! I know it could’ve just been shock or she thought it wasn’t that serious, but the way she says, “she’s gone. I think I heard her scream” is just so cold. Like should you not be even slightly freaking out a little?? I definitely considered her a suspect at first bc it was a little sus
Holly Marie Combs my beloved!! I swear I love all the moms in this show (Pam took me awhile tho)
Forgot that Aria’s brother (Mike?) played lacrosse. It’s funny considering Cody Christian was in Teen Wolf and they played lacrosse too. Is it really that popular in schools? (Did you know pll also stands for Premium Lacrosse League)
Byron (derogatory) Completely forgot about him cheating tbh. I just don’t like him or his vibes
Not Ezra saying he tried writing but didn’t get to far while the poster of Ali is up on the wall and he knows all about Aria bc of Ali and his book 🤢 l was really about to defend him this one time but then I remembered. It’s so predatory and 🤮
I miss short yet interesting intros like this
Okay but the way Emily says “we all know she’s Dead, right?” Like girl no wonder Aria looked at you like that acting all suspicious just like Spencer.
Aw. Aria assuming the rest of the group were still friends just gets to me somehow. It’s almost touching in a way.
Yeah “Holy crap” is right Ezra, but you still ain’t gonna learn , are you?! Ya creep
Not being able to see Mona in the shot just before first A text is just so *chefs kiss*
Ah, Melissa (derogatory)
Wren my baby. Poor thing has no idea of what’s to come.
“You know what they say about hope, it breeds eternal misery” by far one of my favorite/memorable quotes.
Oh Ezra, you should’ve just ended it right then and there.
The fat shaming in this show when the characters not even remotely overweight (I don’t think anyone should be shamed for their size in general but I’m making a point) is just so toxic. It’ll be a miracle if I don’t relapse.
Honestly the original Ian actor was so much more attractive than the one who replaced him
I know what I just said about fat shaming Hannah but having her causally pick the croutons out of her salad while talking with her mom is genius. It shows she’s still struggling with an eating disorder but doesn’t focus in on it. It’s subtle. Her eating disorder isn’t supposed to be known to the audience and yet this provides a sense of consistency. It’s a nice touch.
Emily saying she knew Alison was back and then the coroner coming about with the body bag is just so sad. My poor baby 🥺
Ezra you and I both know you have no right reason to be at that funeral. Also you know damn well she was a friend of hers. Just stop, turn around, and leave town now.
I can’t believe Ezria used to be my OTP. It’s so hard to watch now. She is 16 sir. Not to mention your student.
Such a dramatic ending to the first ep. Absolutely ICONIC.
Honesty this was fun. I might do more. It just depends.
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“𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗 𝚞𝚐𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝…”
Pretty Little Liars - series posters
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cidnangarlond · 2 years
building up a queue of things to watch when ffxiv goes into 6.2 maintenance
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And someone is about to crack. Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists premieres Wednesday, March 20th.
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pllguy · 6 years
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new PLL: The Perfectionists poster released today
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lukesreggie · 2 years
If anyone has any theories on Chip not being A please share😥
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jaggedwolf · 6 months
pll rewatch 1x03-1x04
this is happening, apologies in advance to everyone who did not experience pll-era jaggedwolf, including the two knuckleheads dragged into watching this show
I was so distracted by the horror of having to actually watch the Ezria of it all that I entirely forgot about Wren, and the Hastings family going "boo you whore" at Spencer for the audacity of being kissed by a grown man. What's the point of being lawyer parents if you don't threaten the fully adult man kissing your daughter instead of being mean to her.
but who are the Hastings if they don't pick the "Be Mean To Spencer" button whenever it appears? I forgot it started so early
other thing that starts early: A liar going, well, what the fuck do we do, Spencer?? and Spencer going ??? I don't know!!!!!???
First appearance of Noel's cabin! It has a foosball table. Noel did you have to spend money on that photo booth or did your parents have that lying around.
Here I contemplate the economic stratus of the parents of Rosewood (~7k population, along the Main Line, unincorporated?) and their frequent traveling for work, though here the Hastings are Out of Town for Melissa reasons.
I've never thought about Toby punching out Ben in the context of what we later learn about Toby, but huh. considering that.
you know, Sean did nothing wrong. Dude did not want to fuck and got his car wrecked for it. Just remembered the other plotline he's briefly involved in this season through no fault of his own and am laughing, he is here to be utterly clueless.
Hanna is still so good though <3
Group flashback time - when Alison tears into Hanna, it's Aria who speaks up. Something to keep track of, maybe, for the pre-disappearance dynamics
The first two episodes have Emily-Aria and Hanna-Spencer link up as pairs, the former feeling like outsiders to the town, the latter the shining stars on the edge of flaming out.
These eps have no Emily-Aria, each wrapped up in their own secrets, but we get a bunch of Hanna-Spencer. Spencer tells Hanna about the plagiarism first, Hanna talks to her about dad dinner outfits, Spencer asks Hanna when she needs a ride from the motel. ....Is S1 going to make me contemplate Spencer/Hanna? I have no complaints.
(To be fair, I'm not sure Emily has her own car at this point. We only see her with the bike and in other people's cars so far, which would make sense for the Fields. Am I going to start tracking proof of car ownership? Maybe.)
A's responses when the girls block unknown numbers are good. The missing girl poster, the frickin song dedication, the jungle red lipstick on a mirror! Can't wait for A to hit the girls up on Excel
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god does tom marin suck. and byron. and ezra. and wilden. let's stop there before I list every man in rosewood
except for toby, whose only crime these episodes is failing to make non-creepy expressions. then again, he spent a year in reform school wearing that terrible durag. that must do damage to a fella.
am reminded that Aria can be fun when she's not mired in Ezra bullshit (very insistent on the difference of gnats vs flies! utterly aghast that Spencer hasn't started a paper! decides to tell her mom too late when it shouldn't have been her problem from the start!). this week's fashion crime was an earring so big i thought it a shawl or part of her shirt until someone pointed out it wasn't
Emily's plot mildly stresses me out now that we've gotten past the locker room scene because I don't remember what happens when. I just want this kid to be okay! She's the only one still wearing the friendship bracelet, yeah? I don't remember how long it lasts for
mentions of writing on facebook walls...this show is so 2010...
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Okay so i haven’t watched PLL in a hot minute
But I was watching Mike’s Mic do a recounting of the show on YouTube and then I was watching other creators talking about it. Namely Serena Skybourne. So that got me thinking about it again
But I wanna say that I saw this scene…
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And it really made me think about things
So I’m of the opinion that it would have made more sense for Aria to be A. Either with Allison or on her own. If you want some more details on why I recommend Serena’s video. She goes into great details about why it makes sense for Aria to be A.
Before I get into that specific picture and my thoughts on it, lemme provide some background
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Okay so Aria wears this red and black striped dress in the season 2 finale. Someone tweeted about how the dress is ugly and Marlene responded with how the dress actually had like a meaning behind it or something. On a side note, I agree the dress doesn’t match with the other girls at all and really makes Aria stand out and look disconnected from them
Anyway, in the video i mentioned, Serena points out that Aria actually wears a lot of black and red striped clothing and just black and red in general. So we can safely say that it’s a running theme and kinda like her brand (nothing is really done by accident. Someone had to decide on that look and someone had to approve it) Which alludes to posters of the Black Swan. She also wears a lot of puffy skirts that are reminiscent of ballet tutus
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So now that we’ve established that (I won’t go much into detail about the symbolism of Aria being compared to the Black Swan, Serena talks about it in her video) we can go back to the first photo
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So Hanna and Mona are shown to be like the new It girls at the school. And Mona is wearing a black and red striped skirt while Hanna is wearing what she’s wearing (which kinda reminds me a little of Allison)
So my thought was that if Aria and Allison had been revealed to have been A the entire time, or at least after Mona, then this scene could have been like foreshadowing it.
In that scene they look like Aria and Allison and it could be taken as foreshadowing that Allison and Aria are much closer than previously thought and that they’re kinda running everything together
Anyway, that’s just the thought that I had when I saw that scene again but it doesn’t really matter because Aria and Allison weren’t A in the end
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