#plenty of people who don't run around with US flags and eagles splattered all over the back of their car
petit-papillion · 1 year
I just had a weird thought, but I would like an opinion on this 🤣🤣. If Charles was American and had the same amount of passion for his nationality as he does for being Monagesque, would he be flamed for it like Logan? Would he still be as likable?
You make a good point. I think maybe Charles gets away with it because his country is tiny and he is also very endearing about it. Being mistaken for French a lot, he's had to stand up for his nationality a little more than others as well. And speaking from experience, when you come from a small country that people confuse with other larger countries a lot, that gets old in a hurry.
But maybe even more importantly, Charles is not obnoxiously bragging about how his country is the greatest in the world. I think this is what rubs most people the wrong way about those Americans who overly display their national pride (and I say "those" because it is definitely not ALL Americans). I've literally had an American acquaintance tell me, "America is the best country in the world." and when I asked him if he had ever visited any other countries, he said, "No, but I don't have to. I know it's the best."
And personally I think it is when there is this attitude that it doesn't sit well with a lot of people. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being proud of your country and not wanting to live anywhere else. But when you proclaim it to be the best in the world, completely ignoring its shortcomings (like every country has), and you don't even make an attempt to educate yourself about what life is like in other countries, that comes across as both ignorant, and insulting to people from other countries/cultures.
That said, I have absolutely no idea about Logan, what he has said about being American, or how people are perceiving him, because I haven't particularly paid close attention to him tbh. From what I have seen, he seems like a nice enough guy, and I hope people are treating him with kindness regardless of his nationality.
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