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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 6 years ago
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It was cold and snowy yesterday after a week of nice spring weather. Life in the mountains. So #ladybugs were my choice. I was able to take some time and paint some ladybugs on my face. #REMEMBER #DialysisKeepsUSalive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #YouHaveToMakeItFUN #dialysissocks #dialysis #socks #sockfun #funsocks #sockgame #sockselfie #sockobsession #onecanneverhavetoomanysocks #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie #wigfun #makeupfun #jewelryfun #jewelry https://www.instagram.com/p/BwHu_6AB8EG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1iea80apmae1x
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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 6 years ago
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#Piglet costume with #ghost socks #Halloween #octobercostumes #REMEMBER #DialysisKeepsUSalive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #YouHaveToMakeItFUN #dialysissocks #dialysis #socks #sockfun #funsocks #sockgame #sockselfie #sockobsession #onecanneverhavetoomanysocks #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie #wigfun #makeupfun #jewelryfun #jewelry https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp5Fy3dnpRX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=iokujaeyxtvw
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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 7 years ago
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Wednesday's #lollipop socks with a bad picture of the beautiful #earrings my longest friend gave me. #amythest #diamond #too sweet #REMEMBER #DialysisKeepsUSalive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #YouHaveToMakeItFUN #dialysissocks #dialysis #socks #sockfun #funsocks #sockgame #sockselfie #sockobsession #onecanneverhavetoomanysocks #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie #wigfun #makeupfun #jewelryfun #jewelry
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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 7 years ago
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I forgot to press multiple pictures on my last post. Oops. 馃槈 #REMEMBER #DialysisKeepsUSalive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #YouHaveToMakeItFUN #dialysissocks #dialysis #socks #sockfun #funsocks #sockgame #sockselfie #sockobsession #onecanneverhavetoomanysocks #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie #wigfun #makeupfun #jewelryfun #jewelry (at DaVita Dialysis Center)
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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 7 years ago
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I feel sick. So I dressed up like a patient with my stuffed pig.( #ifyougiveapigapancake ) With matching headband. I'm also wearing my #spooniejewelry #socanyouguessmysocks? #REMEMBER #DialysisKeepsUSalive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #YouHaveToMakeItFUN #dialysissocks #dialysis #socks #sockfun #funsocks #sockgame #sockselfie #sockobsession #onecanneverhavetoomanysocks #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie #wigfun #makeupfun #jewelryfun #jewelry
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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 7 years ago
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The pictures probably don't show it clearly, but I was a quilt with quilt like socks from @societysocks a great company that #donates a pair of socks with every pair they sell. If you can join their sock of the month club. It's fun getting cool socks in the mail #REMEMBER #DialysisKeepsUSalive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #YouHaveToMakeItFUN #dialysissocks #dialysis #socks #sockfun #funsocks #sockgame #sockselfie #sockobsession #onecanneverhavetoomanysocks #societysocks #quilts #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie #wigfun #makeupfun #jewelryfun #jewelry
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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 7 years ago
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I've waited all year to wear this costume. It's from "A Christmas Story " Raulphie's bunny costume from his aunt who thinks he is a perpetual toddler. I'm wearing "A Christmas Story " socks MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!馃挏馃挏馃挏馃挏馃挏馃挏馃挏馃挏馃挏 #DialysisKeepsMeAlive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #YouHaveToMakeItFUN #dialysissocks #dialysis #socks #sockfun #funsocks #sockgame #sockselfie #sockobsession #onecanneverhavetoomanysocks #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie #wigfun #makeupfun #jewelryfun #jewelry (at DaVita Dialysis Center)
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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 7 years ago
#chesirecat Hope you all are having a great day!!! #DialysisKeepsMeAlive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #YouHaveToMakeItFUN #dialysissocks #dialysis #socks #aliceinwonderland #sockfun #funsocks #sockgame #sockselfie #sockobsession #onecanneverhavetoomanysocks #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie #wigfun #makeupfun
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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 7 years ago
I didn't know our Kitty Kat liked French fries. #DialysisKeepsMeAlive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #kittykatlikesfrenchfries #catfun #cat #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie
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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 6 years ago
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I did get one with the shirt #REMEMBER #DialysisKeepsUSalive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #YouHaveToMakeItFUN #dialysissocks #dialysis #socks #sockfun #funsocks #sockgame #sockselfie #sockobsession #onecanneverhavetoomanysocks #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie #wigfun #makeupfun #jewelryfun #jewelry https://www.instagram.com/p/BwvDwTnhN3-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bcw3nmk905vm
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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 6 years ago
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So yesterday was #wearblueandgreen for #organtissueeyeandbonemarrowdonationday Wearing and oldie but goodie pair of socks 馃槀 #REMEMBER #DialysisKeepsUSalive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #YouHaveToMakeItFUN #dialysissocks #dialysis #socks #sockfun #funsocks #sockgame #sockselfie #sockobsession #onecanneverhavetoomanysocks #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie #wigfun #makeupfun #jewelryfun #jewelry https://www.instagram.com/p/BwNb6jlhEku/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3cbsgpnqhchj
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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 6 years ago
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#sharetheirspare and #sharethispostifyoucan #REMEMBER #DialysisKeepsUSalive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #YouHaveToMakeItFUN #dialysissocks #dialysis #socks #sockfun #funsocks #sockgame #sockselfie #sockobsession #onecanneverhavetoomanysocks #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie #wigfun #makeupfun #jewelryfun #jewelry https://www.instagram.com/p/BwNa6KphvfU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=k918pjerweyb
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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 6 years ago
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#peanutbutterandjelly socks from @oddsocksentsltd #REMEMBER #DialysisKeepsUSalive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #YouHaveToMakeItFUN #dialysissocks #dialysis #socks #sockfun #funsocks #sockgame #sockselfie #sockobsession #onecanneverhavetoomanysocks #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie #wigfun #makeupfun #jewelryfun #jewelry https://www.instagram.com/p/BvKaTbcn43c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v4h8cxaf6toz
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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 6 years ago
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#Pokemon #gottacollectemall #meoweth #REMEMBER #DialysisKeepsUSalive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #YouHaveToMakeItFUN #dialysissocks #dialysis #socks #sockfun #funsocks #sockgame #sockselfie #sockobsession #onecanneverhavetoomanysocks #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie #wigfun #makeupfun #jewelryfun #jewelry (at American Fork, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtDHzGbng_-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qi0wkywzfox1
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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 6 years ago
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#r23po socks No costume that day. #REMEMBER #DialysisKeepsUSalive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #YouHaveToMakeItFUN #dialysissocks #dialysis #socks #sockfun #funsocks #sockgame #sockselfie #sockobsession #onecanneverhavetoomanysocks #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie #wigfun #makeupfun #jewelryfun #jewelry (at Davita Dialysis Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtDFXhUHeCh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q40bjnf2w50g
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dialysiskeepsmealive-blog 6 years ago
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#polkadotfun #polkadot #REMEMBER #DialysisKeepsUSalive #PleaseBeAnOrganTissueAndBoneMarrowDonor #YouHaveToMakeItFUN #dialysissocks #dialysis #socks #sockfun #funsocks #sockgame #sockselfie #sockobsession #onecanneverhavetoomanysocks #kidneys #kidneywarrior #PKD #neuropathysucks #spoonie #wigfun #makeupfun #jewelryfun #jewelry (at American Fork, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_etwkBz3V/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8t0v946cod39
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