#please this all started from wanting to see artem kick ass AND NOW ALL OF THEM CAN THROW HANDS
asaameshin · 3 years
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this started from customizing Lars into Artem because he refuses to come home in my account (i got his SR after this) but i ended up making the entire NXX team/Tears of Themis boys in Tekken out of affection
List: Marius - Bryan Luke - Leo Artem - Lars Vyn - Claudio
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Oof something new :-) This time I’m using my oc’s i made specifically for this tag hh please bear with me I’m not an experienced writer-
It was another uneventful patrol for Night eye. Ever since he captured and turned in his nemesis, all the other lower class villains had resurfaced, but none of them had the same thrill that Dr. Artem provided with each heist. And no, he wasn’t missing him, it’s not like that. Night eye, like any other superhero in Mendhal state, was assigned to a supervillain. And since superheroes weren’t allowed to ‘pick on’ another hero’s villain, Night eye got real bored real quick. He could intervene and help out another superhero in need, but the city remained quiet and asleep. As it should be, he supposes.
That is, until he set his honey brown eyes on someone sprinting down the sidewalk. Who in their right mind would go running around at this hour? Oh, right. He figured it was only a matter of time until Artem eventually escaped his cell, so Night eye wasn’t too surprised to see him making his way back, allegedly, to his base.
A perfect opportunity to find out where that scandral scurries off to each time their fights come to an end. Night eye took off in the same direction, carefully jumping across the rooftops, and not so gracefully landing on them. He can’t afford to slow down though-
oh wait he can, he realized, as Artem finally came to a halt. Or he thought he did, but his nemesis took a sharp turn around a corner and dashed down a shadowy alleyway instead. Because of course he would. Night eye figured he wasn’t careful enough when he decided to follow him.
He took a few good steps back and sprinted towards the edge of the roof before he leaped off and painfully landed on the building across the street. Thankfully the streets in this part of the city weren’t as wide, hence the reason he actually made it to the other side. He quickly recovered from the harsh impact and ran towards the other side of the building and searched the narrow streets, but he couldn’t see his nemesis anymore. He lost him. Night eye ran his hand through his brown locks, at a loss of what to do. Dr. Artem was probably a good number of blocks away at this rate.
Frustration began building in him, until someone tapped his right shoulder. Night eye whipped his head to the left and there he was, in all his evil glory, with that wicked annoying smirk on his face, Dr. Artem.
“My, my, I take a break for three days and you’re already this out of shape? We’ll have to work on that.” He managed to say, before ducking out of Night eye’s way so he couldn’t tackle him. Night eye growled. Damn this smug bastard’s lean figure, he’s always impossible to catch when he’s freshly escaped and so full of adrenaline and excitement. Althought, something seemed off in those light grey eyes, like that mischevious gleam wasn’t as bright like the ones during their normal fights.
He managed to get a few punches in but Artem was right, he was getting out of shape. With a few quick movements Artem nailed to land a kick to Night’s face, promptly knocking him to the ground. He groaned as he slowly half-sat up and propped himself up with his arms. Artem made no more moves to injure him, surprisingly enough, and sat down in front of him instead, seemingly satisfied with his work.
“You know, I think you should take a break too.” Artem offered, as he too ran his hands throught his shiny black hair, somewhat out of breath despite their short lived fight. But Night eye knew where this was going. “And let you pull one of your heists without a nemesis to kick your ass? Don’t think so.” Night was honestly impressed with his ability to speak coherently after that blow. He was also very bothered by the small distance between them, but hopefully Artem wasn’t in a teasing mood to emphasize it. “Aw, you’d really miss me that much?” His rival cooed, leaning forward with a mocking smile, which he got another growl to as an answer. Damnit, he was. “Fine then, enjoy another one of your sleepless nights darling.” Artem said as he slowly staggered up and dusted himself off.
He turned on his heel and was about to jump off when Night called out “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be killing me?” With a somewhat playful tone, which he now deeply regretted. So much for trying to lessen the awkward tension. Which he was seemingly experiencing alone. Artem stopped and stared for a bit, then answered “And leave myself without a nemesis to kick my ass?” with a small smirk. “Don’t get me wrong sweetheart, but I just came out to stretch a bit, not to pick a fight.” Yeah, sure, just broke out of a highly secured prison to stretch. Show off.. “Feel free to take this night off, I’ve had enough for now. I’m goin’ to sleep.” With that, he stepped off the edge and disappeared into the shadows below.
Night eye couldn’t will himself to believe that. He had to find out where this bastard was hiding!
And it looks like he soon will, after spotting one of Dr. Artem’s henchman hastily making their way to the old abandoned factory. Night froze for a second and scolded themselves for not having figured out the obvious earlier, before starting to make their way towards their new destination.
Heyy I hoped you liked this! Another snippet is still in the works but please feel free to send more hero x villain ficlet requests in my inbox!! Or if you’d like to read more about my boys, you can comment if you want a continuation of this!
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Part 4
We ordered the whole vip area to have freedom to fool around. Artem said looking on a road.
Wow. That’s some exclusive thing. You said, trying to sound more enthusiastic. You knew that Kostya was going to come to the club too and you felt nervous because you tried to avoid him for this last month. You were getting close too fast so you decided to keep some distance and you found many excuses to never come to studio with Artem.
I was so tired lately. We all were. I can finally have fun. You heard your boyfriend.
My cute babe. You said and caressed Artem’s cheek. You were doing great lately when you wasn’t getting involved in his work and you two have spent some quality time together. But for some reason you felt insecure when you walked in the neon door and saw big group of people down the hall.
You’re late, dorks. Artem’s friend said seeing you. What happend on the way? He added playfully and the rest of friends started to laugh. Except Kostya who shaked Artem’s hand and sat back on sofa. You wondered if he was still angry after last Vibir he took a part in. His hair was different. Half blond and half black but also shorter. Some of friends stood up to start to sing karaoke song. Dasha sounded good. Obviously, she was Kostya’s backup vocalist. You started talking with the rest of girls and finished first drink pretty quickly. For the first time, you felt shy around everybody, especially when Artem moved microphone to your direction.
Sing it!
No! You said and you covered your face. Artem started screaming lines of song with his pals. Then they turned to Kostya. He sang short part and moved away on his seat. It was strange because he was still wearing sunglasses in this dark place. You heard boys saying something about getting over Vibir to him and you already knew what was a reason of his bad mood. After few minutes or maybe hour you felt very relaxed and when you looked at karaoke screen, you suddenly wanted to sing too. When you stood up, you realise that you more drunk than you thought. You told DJ to start playing background music.
X! What do I see? Artem said, seeing you in front of screen. Everybody was looking at you.
I’ll sing Taylor Swift. You said proudly.
What? You said when music already started. You don’t like? I’ll sing Britney Spears too!
Shake it off, shake it off! You screamed and you probably was too late with following a speed of lyrics on screen but you didn’t care. You even danced to it. Girls joined you, laughing. They hugged you and it made you even happier.
I’m good, right? You said to microphone and you saw Artem clapping and laughing very hard. You went to his direction where he was sitting and started singing, imitating Britney’s voice.
Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know That something wasn't right here
When you turned to right, your eyes met with Kostya’s. He wasn’t wearing his sunglasses anymore and he was smiling.
When I'm not with you I lose my mind
Give me a sign Hit me baby one more time
You followed lyrics with girls but even being intoxicated didn’t change this strange feeling when you was singing these lyrics. You turned your back from sofa and continued singing, standing in front of screen. You came back to your seat and then Artem surrounded you by his arm.
I’m a manager. Do yo want me to help you with your singing career?
Shut up. You laughed and patted him. But you know it was good.
Sure. He said and kissed your cheek. Kostya leaned to table and poured Artem more wine.
It was really good song. You said and he looked at you. Wonder. You added.
I agree. It’s just that jury sucks. But it’s not the end of the world. Artem said. Kostya straightened up with a bottle of wine in nonchalant way.
And that’s why I’ll kick their asses someday. He said and winked.
He’s okay. You said and laughed. Bitch Melovin is back! You said loudly and took microphone from a table. Kostya turned to you. So now show us what you’ve got. I’m sure that your songs are on karaoke list.
Who said that I will sing? He asked you and you pointed at yourself.
Me. Because I want to listen to the best song on Vibir.
You moved microphone to his direction and you kept looking at each other. Kostya’s lips flinched like he stopped himself from smiling and you knew you was right because his eyes showed amusement. This fire inside when he was performing on stage. He took your microphone.
Please, play some music to Melovin’s song! Our star will sing now. You shouted to DJ. Kostya looked at you like he wanted to say unbelievable. The rest of friends clapped.
Melovin! Melovin! You joined cheering. He smiled shortly and added with serious tone:
Come on, I don’t need to read lyrics of own song.
He sat back on sofa and started singing Wonder. And damn, he sounded so great.
Yes! I love this voice! You said loudly and laughed. You definetly drank too much. Kostya leaned to you from his place and moved microphone to your face.
No! It’s your showtime! You laughed louder and tried to push him away but he sat next to you.
We wait, I wonder, can we, I wonder
He turned to you, singing chorus. You looked away, feeling his longer gaze on you. Everybody was looking at Kostya so at least they didn’t notice your reaction. You looked at Kostya when he moved his head to other direction. He looked back at you when he already finished his song.
Happy? He asked you, raising his eyebrow.
You wasn’t sure how many hours have passed but not so long time later, most of friends started leaving club. You felt sleepy and then Artem told you that barteneder said that they were closing soon. There was again you, Artem and Kostya.
You’re came here by taxi, right? He asked Artem.
Let’s come back by taxi together.
Yeah. No problem. Artem answered. You wasn’t sure if it wasn’t a problem for you. Somewhere in your delusional mind, you thought that Kostya did it intentionally. Just like sitting next to you and singing to you before. Artem went to locker room to take your coats and you found excuse to not to stay with Kostya and you entered toilet. When you looked at yourself in a mirror you felt so cool and probably even if you was wearing a sack, you would feel the most fashionable person at the club. It was so obvious that you drank too much. You came back to corridor. Kostya was already waiting there. It was a strange feeling. He was only leaning against the wall and fixing his leather jacket and he looked so hot. Especially when he noticed you and purple light moved on his face when he turned his head to your direction.
It was so much fun. You said cheerfully.
Don't get too used to this. Kostya said. We don't go that often to clubs.
Geez, this bitch.. You laughed and you suddenly lost your balance, grabbing Kostya’s sleeve. He laughed, exposing his cheekbones. Why did you liked his laugh so much? You moved away and leaned against the wall next to him.
Why are your eyes always so..
So..? Kostya raised his eyebrows. For a second when you was back to your senses, you stopped yourself from saying that his eyes were beautiful. It was dangerous to talk in such state to him but you couldn't stop talking. You kept looking at Kostya.
You can look at them and know that you're a tease. You laughed. He seemed confused at first but he smiled a bit.
I am a tease? Look who's talking.
I shouldn't drink. You murmured, meeting Artem's gaze at the same moment.
What? Kostya asked, not able to hear you in such noise. Artem appeard next to you two and took you by arm.
Let's go.
My head got weaker. It's been long time since I've been drinking. You said, leaning your head on his shoulder.
You woke up alone in bed, hearing Artem’s steps in another room.
Artem! You’re up?
Yup. You heard him.
Okay.. you said, confused when he appeard in a room. Do you have hangover too?
Some little headache. He laughed. I’ll make some fizzy drink for it for us both.
Great idea. You said and put your head back on pillow. It didn’t take too long because you heard your phone rining. Before you grabbed it from a table, it stopped. It was very short signal and it was a call from Kostya. Your heart skipped for no ceratin reason. You put your phone away but curiosity didn’t let you to ignore it. So you called him back.
Hey, X. I called you by mistake. Sorry.
That’s what I thought. You said.
How do you feel by the way? Kostya asked you after longer silence.
Could be better..
Can’t get any better. You heard him humming.
What? You laughed.What the hell?
It just reminded me a song.
What song? You insisted with amusement.
My song.
Will you sing me some part? You asked him shyly.
Why would I do that? Kostya asked in his typical, playful style.
Because your voice is so nice You said before you realised it wasn’t the safest answer. But you was honest. You heard his breathe and he started humming a song you never heard before.
Curtains down, I'm laughing at the trial. Help me to unravel.
You just imagined his lips close to your ear. His voice was so pleasant that your imagination leaded you to his arms and he was already kissing your neck, moving next kisses to your lips. You moved away your phone and took deep breath. It was so wrong but these were only thoughts.
The rest of song.. Soon. You heard Kostya and you moved your phone to your ear again.
What is it? I’ve never heard it before.
Because you exclusively hear it as the first one.
You gulped and forced yourself to say something.
Wow. What an honour. You murmured.
Who are you talking with? Sudden voice of Artem made you so nervous that you raised your bddy from bed.
Oh, I gotta go. Thanks for calling. You said to earphone and disconnected before Kostya could answer.
It was Mel. He wanted to know if I’m still alive. You told Artem, sounding quite chilled out.
Does he know now?
Good. He said and put your drink on a table. He turned away and left room. You followed him to kitchen. He sat on a chair and even didn’t look at you.
Why are you like this?
Like what? He almost growled. It was obvious that he was angry.
Come on, I see you’re angry. What’s up?
Artem looked at you with grimace. His dark, doe eyes lacked its old spark.
Why did you hang out so fast?
Because you came in. You said with heavy voice and you fixed your hair in nervous way. It wasn’t the best answer. I actually sounded very suspicious so you tried to explain it and you started talking quite fast.
I thought that you wanted to talk with me and it wasn’t that important conversation.. You said and sat in front of him, waiting till he will look at you. Artem, you’re reading too much into it. You’re making me awkward like I did something wrong.
But deep down you felt you was doing everything wrong.
Am I? Artem said and moved from his seat to stop in front of window. Maybe you're dating a wrong guy.
You stood up with shocked face.
What are you even talking about? You asked with weak voice.
You really don't see what's going on?! You don’t see it? Artem raised his voice, turning to your direction.
I felt that it can be annoying to you but why would it bother you? He's your best friend.
I just don't like that you're so comfortable with each other, ok? Artem said after a short pause like he was wandering if he should say about his worries. You're not even like this with me. It's getting awkward.
I'm sorry. You said and grabbed his hand. I didn't mean to make you feel this way. I won't be meeting him as often as before if it's gonna make you more comfortable.
Like it could change anything..
He moved away from you and took his laptop from table. Then he wore his coat and boots and walked to the door.
Where are you going? You asked him but the only answer was a sound of closed doors. You was close to crying. It felt so awful because deep down you knew that Artem was right. There was something going on. You started to feel sexual tension everytime when you was close to Kostya. It was even more embarrassing because you was dating somebody else and these feelings were one sided. But at least you finally admitted to yourself these feelings. You thought that Kostya was a cool guy and you wanted him so badly. You clearly wanted to have sex with him so it was only physical attraction and you decided to avoid him and wait till this temporary fascination will fade away.
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