#please tell me that’s actually a mario tag and I didn’t just tag some wild shit
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cowardlybean · 9 days ago
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here’s your downright diabolical multifandom post. I’m so sorry if this randomly comes across your tag scroll
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morizoras-cave · 5 years ago
Don’t Apologize (Request)
Sebastian Stan x gn!teen!co-star!reader, Anthony Mackie x gn!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Request Description: Hi🖐 Can I please request a cast x teen reader and there in an interview and she's quite shy and doesnt talk much and the interviewer knows that so they ask her all the questions but she cant and she starts to cry so the cast get angry or something. I love your writing♥️
Warnings: language, anxiety
(A/N): so sorry i didnt do this like i usually do my cast x readers, i only chose seb and anthony for this. i hope its still alright. and im back to requests again, although it’s been fun doing some of my own work (and also work with loz, that beautiful bastard) for a while :)
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“See you later, Bryan.. If you know what I mean!” Anthony yelled after the last interviewer, as he shuffled out the room with his list of unanswered. You and Sebastian were cackling, wiping your tears. You’d lost track of how many interviews you’d had to sit through of Anthony talking about his ‘round brown’. 
“Oh my god, how many of these do we have left?” Sebastian asked, calming down finally, and running a hand through his hair. 
“Why? You have something you want to tell me?” Anthony joked accusingly, looking from Sebastian to you. You shook your head silently, hoping to not be dragged into one of their never ending discussions. 
“Don’t- Don’t drag me into your shit, Mackie,” you mumbled. A wheeze escaped Anthony at your shy mumble. “Why couldn’t they just have paired me with Elizabeth again?”
Before Anthony could begin joking and making you and Sebastian laugh again, another interviewer walked in. She looked uptight and collected, wearing professional clothing and holding rather official looking papers. 
“Hello, I’m Yolanda,” she greeted Sebastian with a toothpaste-smile, and shook his hand firmly, before doing the same to you and Anthony. She was intimidating, not casual or approachable, but someone who had their shit together. 
She seemed interested in you right from the start. In her first few questions, she’d always look directly at you while asking. Her sharp gaze was anxiety inducing, even more so than all the other interviewers. Sebastian and Anthony ended up answering for you though, knowing that you were shy and uncomfortable with people. Yolanda didn’t seem satisfied with this though.
“Y/n,” now she was addressing you directly, spitting your name from her mouth like poison, “would you say that this movie is in line with you and your coworkers’ character arcs?” 
You were sure you could answer it. Well, if you were at home, talking to your pillow. Right there you could feel your heart beating painfully against your ribcage. Both of the men on either side of you definitely heard the way your breathing picked up.
“Uh. Well. Yeah, to a- to a degree. Some of them,” you choked out. Pathetically, you realized you were blinking away tears. No one had noticed yet, thank goodness. What a stupid thing to cry about, you thought. 
“Do you think it aligns with the comics’ character arcs? Do you think it’s good to diverge from the original story?” She asked intensely, eyes still boring into yours. You kept your gaze at the floor sheepishly, picking at your nails. 
Sebastian looked down at your hands in your lap, and quickly grabbed one in his hold, preventing you from picking your fingers. 
“Um.. Well, I think- I think that there are a lot of, you know, um, storylines and arcs in the, uh, the comics, so staying canon could mean a- a lot of things,” when you finished your sentence, you breathed out in relief. Your entire torso seemed inhabited by a wild, unresting anxiety, tingling and aching. 
A single tear slid down your face, and you quickly rushed the hand that was not in Sebastian’s to wipe it away. This definitely did not go unnoticed. You immediately felt Sebastian squeeze your hand and Anthony putting his arm around you protectively. 
“What the damn hell, lady? You’re stressing them out!” Anthony boomed, gesturing wildly with his free hand. You looked up and saw Sebastian’s jaw clenched and brows furrowed. Anthony had a similar expression, you discovered when you turned to him, a frown prominent on his features, and intense eyes. 
“What’s your problem?” Sebastian yelled. The woman seemed taken aback, mouth agape and on her chest like she couldn’t believe that they thought this was her fault. 
“It’s not my fault they started crying!” she said. Her voice shook quietly, clenching her hands around the bottom of the chair she sat on. 
“Yeah, it is your fault!” Anthony said. Meanwhile, you sat there uncomfortably, shaking. She was right, you thought, it was your fault for being such a baby, she was just doing her job. 
“I’m- I’m sorry, it’s not your fault-” you begun, finally raising your head to meet the woman’s eyes. Her gaze made you tremble. She was bristling. 
“No, Y/n, don’t apologize. It is her fault.” Sebastian cut you off, squeezing your hand once more, encasing it in his two. Anthony nodded angrily. 
“Alright, I think it’s best if you leave.” Another woman, whom you recognized as Anthony’s publicist, came racing into the interview. She put her hands on her hips, and nodded towards the door sassily. 
The interviewer huffed, and gave you another furious look. “You’ll hear of this on my blog. The world will know!” Then she got up and away, stomping all the way out. You breathed a sigh of relief, the moment the door closed behind her. 
“Are you okay?” Sebastian immediately turned to you, searching your eyes again. His heart broke at the way you trembled. You nodded. 
“Man, that woman was an asshole!” Anthony, too, could feel the way you shook under his arm on your shoulders. “That was not your fault, she was just a dick!” 
“Agreed!” Sebastian scoffed, hands still holding yours. 
Anthony’s publicist studied you three for a moment, furrowing her brows and chewing her lips. Then she looked at the filming crew, and the back at you three. “How about we say we’re done for today?” 
You all looked up, “Really?”
“I’ll handle the marvel dudes. You guys just take the rest of the day off,” she smiled warmly at you, a caring look in her eyes. A grin stretched on your face. Anthony and Sebastian exchanged glances when they saw your face, smiling.
“Back to the hotel then!” Sebastian grunted as you all stood up. You left and drove back to the hotel, and when you got there you ate sandwiches and chips. After that the three of you played Mario Kart together (something you’d taught them, and they’d absolutely fallen in love with it). 
“Fuck you, Stan!” Anthony spat, doing a flip over Sebastian’s kart and getting into 3rd place. You giggled from your place on 1st. 
“Oh fuck, don’t do this, Mackie, don’t do this!”
“Adios, Amigo!” Anthony cackled, disappearing far in front of Sebastian. The latter threw his head back in defeat. The round ended, you crossing the finish line on first, Anthony on second and Sebastian on fourth. 
“That was a shitty round, I demand a rematch,” he said, sipping his water. Anthony scoffed and shook his head. You did too. 
“Hey, by the way, N/n?” Anthony was looking at you from his place beside you on the couch. You nodded questioningly. “You know that wasn’t your fault, right? What happened back there with that lady?” 
You grew quiet, heat rising to your cheeks. Sebastian had a look on his face. You guessed they had talked together, that they would bring it up with you again. 
“Because it wasn’t. It’s not your fault you feel this way. It was that lady who should have been more mindful of you and how you feel. She was clearly trying to take advantage of your timidness to make you spoil something,” Sebastian continued. He still seemed angry, actually, clenching his hand. 
“So don’t apologize for that stuff, alright? That ain’t on you,” Anthony patted your back. You looked at him and then Sebastian with a smile, and then nodded sheepishly. 
“Alright, yeah. I guess you’re right,” you said softly.
“Of course we’re right!” Anthony was (unsurprisingly) immediately back to normal, “now back to the game, kiddos. Sebastian wants a rematch, he’ll get one.”
And then you played Mario Kart together for an unspecified number of hours, the thought of that asshole interviewer long gone. You felt right at home, at number one in Mario Kart and number one in their hearts. 
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun @deephideoutmilkshake @rae-is-typing @sophs-library @herecomesthewriterwitch @alicedanganh @eviemarvel @idk123906
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ozzdog12 · 7 years ago
2017- Top 7 (And 1)
Well as another year closes, so does another fantastic year in gaming. In fact, this could be one of the best in history!! You may say, Why only a Top 7 and there are two reasons. 1: Everyone does a Top 10 or Top 20, but nobody does just 7. It also makes the list more prestigious 2: I’m lazy. 
But I do give my biggest disappointment
Well lets get on with it. 
Biggest Disappointment: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch)
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Now I know you’re shocked and you’re saying things like “ This list is shit! BotW is the GOTY!” or “WHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT how?!?!” Let me explain. I don’t have the nostalgia for Nintendo that a majority of people have, so I can give a pretty non-biased opinion when it comes to Nintendo games. BotW is a decent game, but its not without its faults. Actually it’s a really bad Zelda game and an even worse ‘Open-World’ game. It’s an open world game made by people who haven’t played one in a decade. However, most alarming is the story, or lack thereof. I know part of the charm in Zelda games is creating your own adventure, but I found almost zero motivation, especially in the early hours to even progress forward. BotW is vastly different from previous Zelda games and takes a lot of risks. Some paid and most didn't. The game is gorgeous for a launch game and being able to play it both on my tv and ‘on the go’ is also a huge plus. The biggest complaint though is the controls are complete ass ( NOTE: I did not play it with a Pro controller, but I understand its much better) I get that with the way the controller is designed you're limited to certain buttons, but some of the controls are so counter-intuitive, that I constantly found myself looking or thinking about which button did what rather than naturally doing it ( I’ve been playing videogames for 25 years, so its not a user error, its a design error). All in all, its a Fine game and a lot of people love it, but its not the best game of the year.. it’s not even the best game on the system….
Number 7: Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice (PS4)
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Hellblade could be on this list for its impeccable sound design alone. Seriously, play this game in the dark with a good headset. While there is combat, the game is not predicated on heavy combat, its more about the deeply personal story told with a Norse mythology backdrop.The puzzles are simple, but unique. The game also looks incredible.The voice acting is superb. In a gaming environment littered with so many open-world games, a well-designed, linear story-driven game is great palette cleanser. Seriously, check this game out. 
Number 6: Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (Xbox One)
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This is in no way a political post, but in the current state of the United States, a game about killing Nazis is so refreshing. It also helps that its actually a really great game. While I do think The New Order is a more meaty, complete story and game, The New Colossus has more jaw dropping “HOLY SHIT!” & “WTF!” moments than any game I’ve played in the last 7-8 years.The game knows what it is and it excels greatly. The game takes some really creative plot twists. BJ isn’t just some standard FPS goon that murders Nazis ( well HE is that too, but you learn more about his past and find a very human side to him). Its also go violent and so satisfying taking an ax to the face of a Nazi. MY biggest gripe is right when the game really starts hitting its stride, it just sort’ve ends. You can go back and revisit previous locations to take of Ubercommanders, but unless you just want more of the same, there is no real incentive to so. I’m really looking forward a 3rd(4th?) chapter in this Wolfenstein story.
Number 5: Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)
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I’m not the biggest Mario fan and like I said above, I don’t have the nostalgia for Nintendo. As a person, who thinks Mario 64 is way over-rated and is a sub-par game, but loves Mario Galaxy, my biggest concern going in was that this was going to be more like 64. To my surprise, after getting used to the sensitivity of the controls, I found my self REALLY enjoying the game and constantly looking for moons to collect, even when I had enough to move on to the next world.The game is set up in a way to encourage you to revisit worlds even after you’ve beaten the game. I found it to be relatively short for a Mario game, but honestly there is enough there even if you don’t want to 100% the game. Cappy is a new and fresh introduction to Mario that the franchise really needed. 
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Number 4: Prey (XBONE) 
Man I have to admit something about Prey. I played the demo and didn’t like it. Finally played the full game and for the first 2 hours thought it was kinda dull, but I knew there was something there and I kept on playing and boy am I glad I did. Prey is THE BEST game seemingly nobody played. I fault a lot of that to the failure to market it correctly. Prey is such a unique experience and a game that is so different from anything our there, it has to be played to fully comprehend it. In terms of gameplay, it doesn’t reinvent the wheel but it’s one of those games that when I wasn’t playing, it’s all I thought about. When I was playing, I just wanted to explore every nook and corner within Talos 1. It also has one of the most unique endings/twist to a game I've experienced in a long time. I don’t want to dwell on too much because I’ll ramble into spoiler territory but do yourself a favor and PLAY this game!
Number 3: Injustice 2 (PS4) 
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As a massive DC fan and a massive Mortal Kombat, I was hotly anticipating I2, I was a little concerned with the gear system prior to release fearing it would cause imbalance (especially online) but it didn’t for the most part. In a gaming world, where loot boxes are all the rage, I think NRS handled it fairly well. At the end of the day, I wish it was all just cosmetic because i rarely looked at the stat boost and just went with what i liked cosmetically. The story picks up following the events of the first game. Its also very odd to me that NRS can make a better, more compelling story than Warner Bros can with their movies…but I digress. There are plethora of new and returning characters and all are different enough to fit your fighting preference. Some characters i would’ve preferred over others, but all in all, I think its a very impressive roster. With different towers/multiverses rotating in various intervals, its a significant upgrade to the S.T.A.R labs challenges from the previous game. I put in over 100 hours and thats even before all the DLC characters are out.  
Number 2: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)
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Being that Uncharted is one of my favorite gaming franchises, this should be no surprise. Goodbye Nathan Drake, Hello supporting cast! With Nathan Drakes adventures ‘completed”, I am all for more Uncharted with side stories for supporting cast. (Young Sully next please). Chloe (being absent from Uncharted 4) and Nadine (being a villain in Uncharted 4) is an interesting tag team set up. Personalities clash and deception and lying is ever present as you’d expect. As per the status quo from Naughty Dog, the game is graphically top notch and the mo-cap and voice acting is superb. There are several nods to previous games and even an appearance by a certain character. The game is shorter than previous Uncharted games and its honestly the perfect length for this style of story an price tag. More Uncharted is always a good thing!
Honorable Mentions: Pyre(PC), & Metroid: Samus Returns(3DS) 
Number 1: Horizon Zero Dawn(PS4)
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Man, what can I say about HZD that hasn’t been covered before. From the first trailer I saw, I had an expectation of what I wanted from this game and its surpassed it ten fold. An achievement in and of itself these days. There are a lot of great open -world games out there, but one of the biggest issues with all this open-world-ness is that story gets dumbed down or sacrificed ( see Breath of the Wild). Horizon Zero Dawn has a really great story that keeps you going adn trying to figure out “What is Zero Dawn?” Trying to uncover all the little secrets is so much fun, the collectibles make you explore this gigantic world. The (post-apocalyptic) )world never feels empty or barren ( unless that was the intention)  Even the side quests feel meaningful for the most part. There is a lot going on in this game, but its all organized and presented together well. My one gripe is that the game doesn't do a great job of telling you the differences and benefits to certain ammo types, you’re basically left to figure it out on your own. Fighting robot dinosaurs never gets old and with the addition of The Frozen Wilds, you get 3 new creatures and they are brutal as ever. Every fight with a Thunderjaw or a group of Scorchers feels meaningful and satisfying even when you hit level 60. While I don’t think its fair to compare Breath of the Wild and Horizon Zero Dawn, they are often compared ad nauseum. I will say that in my opinion HZD did almost everything better than BotW in the things they both tried to accomplish. Horizon Zero Dawn is not only my favorite game on 2017, its made its way into my Top 5 favorite games of All-Time!
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