#please pretend these tags are organized and make sense <3 lol
tsutsumi-kurose · 12 days
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some more thoughts on this art before we (probably) return to the red house tomorrow!!
i think what strikes me the most about this art is the difference in hanako’s and tsukasa’s tsueshiros. I love that tsukasa’s seem stable, whereas hanako’s look like they’re spiraling, or unraveling. I feel like that really represents their mental states/points of view: tsukasa, very sure of his choices and making progress towards the wishes he’s aiming to grant; vs hanako, who can never seem to know what it is he wants to do, and who can never find the right way to do it.
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even just in this moment alone, hanako vacillates so much, from love to heartbreak. he says he knows, but to me that face reads less like he’s sure of himself and much more like he’s coming undone. meanwhile, there’s tsukasa, keeping calm as hanako unravels above him, keeping his head and assessing the situation at hand.
i love the representation of tsukasa as stability and hanako as instability, especially given that tsukasa is the one who advocates for letting people and supernaturals be how they want, to break the laws of the world, whereas hanako supposedly believes in maintaining order in the status between the human and supernatural worlds.
these two pieces of art are also interesting, especially in the order they were released, because hanako’s left hand seems to go from holding his knife to holding tsukasa’s (notably, not super alive looking) hand to his own cheek. could this represent a choice hanako has to make? or maybe instead, a progression of events?
I also find it very interesting how this art makes hanako’s haku joudai look like smoke, given our impending return to the red house…
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darkelite020 · 3 years
Bad Batch thoughts & predictions Ep 12
Continuing these written reactions/predictions somewhere cause itd be fun I think to see what actually ends up happening and remembering what I thought at the time so im dumping it here, youre welcome. (Feel free to discuss if you want) if you want to keep up with it im gonna be tagging these as #jay rambles about bb
- So I sort of expected it by the end of last episode but it seems like last episode was a start of an episode arc about hera's family, which, for rebel's fans I'm sure it's cool and exciting and maybe answers some questions or will actually show things discussed in rebels maybe, but as someone who hasn't seen rebels yet, I really hope this episode and the next few have more bad batch screentime, cause we were a little robbed last episode lol (but in a way I do still enjoy this stuff too, because im sure when I DO watch rebels it'll make the experience better). -- I'm not disliking this arc or anything, but up to this point we've kind of had almost mandalorian style 'one episode one adventure' sorts of episodes, and personally I really hope we get more of that (which I think we will), because while this is all new content and everything, we all have to admit clone wars had some less interesting filler arcs here and there, and I just hope bb doesn't fall the same way (across all of its seasons, im not very concerned about it so far from what we've seen of season 1) because if there is filler, I'd rather sit through a couple of the one episode stories, rather than a 3-4 episode story that takes nearly a month to get through if im disliking it, mostly for the fact that even if we got those 1 ep fillers, its more stories and more likely I'd like at least one. ---kinda rambling about this unnecessarily atm cause while again right now I think bb is fine, I just want the future to be that way too. - fffff every time I see howzer on screen I think of that fucking audio thats "here comes the boy, hello boy~" and honestly can you blame me he is so precious like ugh I swear dave you better be nice to him -- YOU CAN TELL HE FEELS SO BAD AND GUILTY LIKE IT HURTS - hey admiral can you not be MEAN to howzer when he is trying to be fucking helpful -- ;-; BRO im saying it so much already but I feel so bad for howzer like dude someone help him --- imo it feels like its sort of setting up howzer for something more important in the show kinda, at least for his character. Like we can clearly tell he doesn't really agree with the empire and I think they're going to do something with that. He's probably undercover for someone against the empire but I get the bad feeling they're gonna pull a Fives and have him go against the empire and help everyone else somehow but then he will probably end up dead because we cant have nice things. - hello cross... bet you wont be saved this episode - Ok good, some more bad batch here already. -- ALSO GONKY BEING DEFECTIVE!!!! EVEN GONKY IS DEFECTIVE LIKE BB THATS SO CUTE! - uh, im not the only one getting the leia transmission vibes from hera, right? -- ok, again I haven't seen rebels so I dont know BUT if hera has the ability to talk to bb, couldn't she have done so in rebels? Yeah she's older and im sure better at fighting and defending herself and all that, but wouldn't it still be possible for her to have gotten in some kind of rough situation in Rebels to ask for bb's help again? I super doubt bb made any appearance of any kind in Rebels, so doesn't that imply that she lost communications with them? What happens to bad batch >> - bad batch not wanting to help but because omega really wants to you can see its making hunter soften up and I appreciate it - bruh what??? Taa is dead af, like theres no way the show is gonna pull some magic and be like 'oh yep here he is' thing??? Like this has to be a lie, but even then, what even is the plan here?? Saying "oh hes recovering" well he can't be recovering forever, how does that seem like a good plan to lie about that?? People are gonna find out?? - "Great just what we need" from Wrecker about crosshair MAKES ME ANGRY LIKE??? YES?? DONT BE MAD AT HIM ITS NOT HIS FAULT??? SAVE YOUR FUCKING BOY??? -- oooo then the rest of bb doesn't comment about it literally gsjrkgbdkfbg why do they not care about him???? Like it seems they legitimately dont care about crosshair, even though theyve been together for so long like even before the show came out they
had history together and were all really close. I know people argue "oh well its just difficult to save him and its unrealistic for them right now" but so what? Even if they aren't trying to save him they should at least CARE about him. --- Which is also like the thing with echo and fives!!!! Like Echo didn't seem to care much at all when Rex mentioned fives even a little! Or even about seeing Rex that much!! Dave I'm gonna need some answers my guy, cause you humanized these characters but then you dont make them act that way so like whats up. - Lucky hunters abilities came in handy - Back to crosshair for a second im predicting they 100% arent saving him this season. There was a poster released part way through the season and he's not even on it... makes me so sad. - "I'd do the same for you." ;-; that didnt need to get that deep - CROSSHAIR BETTER NOT START SHIT WITH HOWZER - Howzer helping Hera's parents or at least implying that is good but that also means im right so far and therefore worried >> -- HES GOING TO GET FUCKING CAUGHT I BET TALKING TO THEM LIKE THIS AT SOME POINT AND HOW MUCH DO YOU WANNA BET ITS GONNA BE CROSSHAIR THAT CATCHES HIM --- Cham stfu its literally so obvious that howzer is trying to be genuine, also if he's kind of undercover for him like what the fuck do you expect howzer to do if he has to play along with the empire to keep his cover?? "Won't make that mistake again" Fuck off like honestly. ---- #stopbeingmeantohowzer2021 - "A little help" and the gentle "Hey" ahh love it - I'm really enjoying this whole them fighting in the ships sequence - "Stay here and guard the capitol" SCARES ME -- Please for the love of god bad batch don't get howzer killed --- or plot B Bad batch maybe run into howzer but save him and take him with you at least temporarily ---- oh god.... bb is helping heras parents escape and that means howzers gonna get in trouble.../probably replaced by crosshair - Crosshair is smart but thats also badddd - The scene of howzer and crosshair looking at each other is killing meeeeeeeee - Ohhh is howzer gonna stop them before they go out the door? -- YES HE IS SEE WHAT A GOOD BOY HE IS - (please fucking listen to him I beg) - Aw dude I just had a thought that breaks my heart... howzer cares about his squad and "trying to get through to them" but what if his squad is clones as well and the chips... that hurts me so badly... -- Like we all know howzer is a sweet boy by now but ughhh like the thought that he doesnt want to leave them even though they are doing whats wrong shows just how much he cares and I really hope he doesn't get into trouble because of what he's saying to them, but you know he totally would do it because he seems to care about them so much and :( bad batch more like sad batch --- This is the kind of compassion I wanted from bb for crosshair hunter kind of looks back at howzer as they leave him and I doubt itll mean anything but I really hope that maybe seeing how much howzer cares will make hunter care a little too... - *sigh* howzer is getting left behind by them which we know why but yeah... now he's definitely going to be in trouble... I just hope they don't hurt him... - OH GOD HOWZER BABY DONT -- He's making a speech and I know he's trying to sway them but you know damn well this is gonna go so badly for him because of the chips and crosshair is watching so you know howzer is gonna get fucked here and I know what hes trying for but I really wish he didnt just do that because now its blatantly obvious he's gonna be against them ;-; - Wow ok im kinda shocked people are siding with him (I guess cause theyre not all clones right) but I feel so bad for themmmmm - Crosshair missed multiple shots? Uh what? I didnt think that was possible lol - bb please come back for howzer and the others at some point.... -- I guess maybe if hera's parents are going to organize rebels against the empire maybe they will help them but I somewhat doubt it... - Ok I know that crosshair requesting to hunt them was supposed to be this big moment and all but I
can't help but feel like its a little underwhelming (but dont get me wrong still cool vibes) because he's kind of already been doing that anyway?? Or has tried to several times?? So I don't get why its a big deal, however, I do have a possible prediction: We know that bb got their chips removed, (crosshair doesn't, I know that) and so that eliminates the idea that they will get caught and actually go bad like crosshair, but it does leave a possibility where maybe they get captured and then *pretend* to be bad? And that could lead to a better possibility of helping crosshair (they wont) or maybe howzer and the other rebels or something? Cause I also feel like its significant that they brought up how the war will eventually come to them and bb will be a part of it no matter what eventually, and it makes obvious sense theyd be on the rebels side of it, so maybe something like that goes on, idk.
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hannahindie · 6 years
We’re No Heroes - Chapter 2
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, sister!reader, Tony Stark Word Count: 2,169 Warnings: Adult language, crochety Dean, and Tony Stark. I think that’s enough warnings. A/N: So this whole Avengers/Supernatural idea I had got out of hand, and this is the second part to it. There is no timeline for either universe; it’s most definitely an AU. As far as the Avengers go, it’s obviously before Infinity War (for reasons I’m sure you can guess) and I think, generally speaking, we’re just ignoring that Age of Ultron existed. (Unlike a lot of people, I didn’t mind it...but that’s just whole other level of me trying to fit stuff in, and it already hurts my brain. lol) Also, we’re just going to pretend that Civil War either happened and turned out better or it just didn’t happen at all. The Supernatural part is set sometime after they’ve found the bunker. What I’m saying is, I do what I want, and I want all of these people in one spot, and there doesn’t need to be an explanation. Doesn’t have to make sense. Just...let it happen, and bask in it.
Beta’d by @pinknerdpanda, because she’s been my lifesaver as of late. Well, always, but especially here lately. Thank you, twinny. <3 “ I love grumpy old man Dean.”
As always, tags are at the bottom. If you’d like to be added let me know! This fic will, hopefully, be updated every Wednesday until it’s over. Hopefully.
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“So, Agent Springfield...Springfield, right?”
“Yep, that’s right.”
“Like Rick Springfield?”
“Yep. My friends call me Dick.”
“May I call you Dick?”
“Okay, Agent Springfield, what I’d like to know is why you’re in New York. I’ve spoken with the local authorities, and not one of them can tell me why you’d be called in. Not a clue.”
“Hmm. Well, the locals aren’t always included in federal investigations, so there’s your explanation. I don’t report to them.”
“I don’t think you report to anyone. I think you’re impersonating a federal agent, and at the same time, lying to one. You do realize that I’m part of the organization, right?”
“I don’t even remember your name, much less your job description. No offense.”
“Let me refresh your memory, Dean Winchester. My name is Phil Coulson, and I’m the reason you aren’t in a jail cell in a high security lockup. You’ve done some pretty heinous things, so forgive me if I’m less than patient with you. Now tell me, what in the hell happened out there?”
“Why don’t ask you ask your merry band of men in tights? I seem to recall they had a hand in all of it.” He leans forward and Coulson sits back slightly, his eyes wide. “They certainly didn’t seem to be offended by someone like me. Maybe explain why the heroes of the universe would associate with such a heinous individual such as myself? You call me a serial killer? Looks like maybe you should do your job better. I seem to recall a few casualties at the hands of,” Dean rolls his eyes as he air quotes, “‘Earth’s Mightest Heroes’. Now my bro…” he clears his throat and leans back in his chair, “my partner, he’s the true crime expert so he would know better than me...and correct me if I’m wrong...but that sounds a hell of a lot more like a serial killer to me.  And you just let them run around in high tech suits and without superversion…” he whistles and puts his hands behind his head, “Doesn’t sound like a good idea to me, although I guess the government has a lot of those-”
“They aren’t serial killers, and if I were you, I’d be very careful how far you step over the line. I’m not asking them, I’m asking you. What happened out there?”
“You’re not as much of a pushover as I thought you would be, Phil. What’s your last name again? Collins? I bet you can feel it in the air tonight, can’t you?”
Coulson glares at Dean, his knuckles white as he clenches them tightly. “It’s Coulson,” he manages to grind out, “and you’d do best to remember that. Now, tell me.”
“Awwe, I’m just having fun with you. I know your last name is Coulson, Debbie Downer. Anyway, it started about a day after we got to New York…”
“Well, that was a fucking bust, wasn’t it?” Dean grumbles as he takes his jacket off and tosses it in the backseat.
“Did you really expect it to go any differently? Since when do we ever actually get the answers we need?” Sam grabs Dean’s jacket off the seat, straightens it, then lays it gently on the bench seat with his own. “Maybe Y/N’s got something.”
Dean climbs into the car and shuts the door as Sam goes around to the passenger side, “Yea, maybe.” He starts the car, and after checking his mirrors, pulls out into the road and is quickly honked at by a taxi that seemingly appears out of nowhere. He sticks his arm out the window, flashes his middle finger, then continues into traffic. Sam rolls his eyes and sighs, and Dean looks over at him. “What?”
“Why don’t you call Y/N, see what she’s found?”
Sam is already scrolling through his phone, and he glances at Dean as he puts his phone up to his ear, “You know, you could go easier on her. She's an adult, and she grew up the same way we did. It's different with her, she can take care of herself.” He frowns when she doesn't answer and hangs up.
“No answer. She's probably researching. Let's head back to the hotel and see what she's up to.” He taps out a quick text and hits send, then puts the phone back into his pocket.
“I know she grew up like we did, but that doesn’t mean anything. We just found her, the last thing we need is another Adam situation.” They both fall silent at the thought of the youngest Winchester brother still trapped in the cage. “Anyway, I’m just saying, we gotta watch out for her. Her mom will kill us if something happens.”
“She’s not going to kill us.”
“Sam, she could be Ellen’s twin. She will absolutely kill us.”
“Dean, you’re being ridiculous.” They pull into the valet parking and Dean practically growls when he hands his keys over. “What is wrong with you?” Sam hisses under his breath as he grabs their jackets and his bag from the backseat.
“If she so much as gets a thumbprint on a window…” he glares at the valet as he climbs into the driver's seat, Adam’s apple bobbing nervously as he swallows thickly under Dean’s hateful gaze.
“She’ll be fine. What is with you today?”
“I just don’t see why we have to stay in this fancy ass hotel. We could have stayed outside the city for cheaper, and I could park my own damn car. Maybe gone to a bar where I don’t have to pay to just sit down.”
“You don’t have to...you know what, never mind. It’s only for a couple of days, anyway. We’re scoping it out, then we’ll meet up with Garth and see what we need to do.”
Sam smiles at the woman at the front desk, and she blushes furiously before ducking behind her computer. Dean rolls his eyes as Sam pushes the elevator button.
“Nothing, Mr. Universe, nothing at all.” They walk into the elevator and Dean jams his thumb into the thirteenth button. “Thirteenth floor. I feel like that's just asking for it.”
It is Sam’s turn to roll his eyes as they ride the rest of the way to their room in silence, other than the canned Muzak playing through the small speakers above them. The elevator finally slows to a stop and the doors slide open with a ding. “When we get to the room, please just...lay off her, huh? She's not a kid, she's a good hunter.”
They step out and begin walking down the hall. “Why don't you quit telling me what to do? As much as you're repeating it, it sounds like you're trying to convince yourself that she's fine.” He puts a hand on Sam’s arm and stops him outside their door, “She’s our responsibility now. We promised Alice that if she came with us, we’d keep her safe. Just being a Winchester is one strike, and I’m sure Y/N taking our last name is probably a second.”
Sam sighs, “Do you really think Alice would have let her come with us if she didn’t trust us? I mean, you’ve met her, right? She’s not exactly a pushover, and I’m also pretty sure she doesn’t care about the last name thing. Y/N did that before we even knew she existed. Nothing is going to happen to her, okay? Not everyone we care about dies.” Dean raises an eyebrow and Sam sighs again. “Alright, I see your point. She’ll be fine.” Sam unlocks the door and pushes it open, “Y/N, were you able to find anything-” He stops mid-sentence when he sees the that the room is empty and exactly the way they had left it that morning. “Y/N?”
Dean throws the bathroom door open, then walks into the connecting suite to find it also empty. He walks back into the living room, “You were saying?”
“I’m sure there’s a good explanation. Maybe she decided to work at the library instead of coming back here.” He pulls his phone from his pocket and frowns, “She’s not answered my text message.” He taps the screen, then quickly puts the phone to his ear. “Y/N, where are you? Call us back as soon as you can.” He hangs up, then looks at Dean, his brows knitted in concern.
“Okay, clearly no one came here...so somewhere between the police station and here, she went off course. It’s Y/N, so that’s not a surprise. And like you said, when she’s researching, she doesn’t pay attention to anything else. You’re probably right, she’s just at the library. Now, where’s that?”
“Do you realize how many libraries are in this city? She could be anywhere.”
Dean plops down on the couch and runs a hand over his face, “Yea, well, we have to start somewhere.”
“If you have a good idea, let’s hear it-” Sam is interrupted by his phone ringing and he quickly answers it. “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s me. Get anything?”
“Seriously? Where are you?!”
“Oh, yea, sorry, I got caught up. You’re never gonna believe-” A muffled voice in the background cuts her off, there is a moment of whispering, and then she comes back on the line. “Actually, can you meet me somewhere? It’s uh...it’s kind of hard to explain. But I think I’ve got some help on this little demon problem we’re having...well, not little. It’s not little at all.”
Dean grabs the phone out of Sam’s hand, “Where the hell are you? You were supposed to come back to the hotel room, what happened?”
“Like I said, it’s hard to explain. I need you guys to meet me at this address.” She rattles it off before Dean has a chance to answer and he grabs the notepad from the coffee table and hastily scribbles the information she gives him.
“But you’re okay, right? All in one piece?”
“Yes, Dean, I’m fine. Thank you for being worried. Now, hurry your asses up and get over here.” The line goes dead and Dean hands the phone back to Sam.
“She gave me an address, let’s go.”
“Where is she?”
“I guess we’re going to find out.”
Dean pulls up to the address Y/N gave him and slows to a stop, his eyes slowly traveling from the entrance to the top of the very tall building.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“What?” Sam asks without looking up from his phone. Dean grabs his face and turns it to the window and he looks up, his jaw dropping at the sight in front of him. “Are you... are you sure this is the address she gave you?”
“Yea, I’m sure.”
They both climb slowly out of the car, their heads turned upward at the sight, and close their doors.
“Mr. Winchester?” Dean looks down and sees a valet standing in front of him, his hand held out and smiling. Dean frowns and the valet laughs, “I’ve been told you’re very protective of...Baby. I promise, sir, she’s in good hands. I wouldn’t have this job if I wasn’t good at it.”
“He’s right you know, I don’t hire riff raff. Happy parks my cars all the time, top notch parking. As a matter of fact, he just parked my car, did it perfectly. Actually, we’ve got a deal, ideal parking in thirty seconds or it’s free.”
Both Winchesters snap their heads in the direction of the voice, their eyes wide. The man belonging to it walks casually down the stairs, sunglasses obscuring the upper part of his face. Dean drops his keys in the outstretched hand and walks around the Impala to join Sam. The man stops in front of them and pulls his sunglasses off, and Sam’s face transforms from disbelief to pure awe.
“You must be Sam.” He looks him up and down for a moment, “You sure you aren’t part of the super soldier experiment? I mean, you’re huge. What year were you born? And where? I’d like to know what they put in the water there, maybe use it for something here. Science, you know. And you,” his eyes travel to Dean, “you must be Dean. I mean honestly, Y/N said you guys were large, but I think our resident super humans are going to be a little jealous. I’m not, because I’m comfortable with what I was born with, but you know how superheroes can be. Well, genetically enhanced superheroes, anyway.” He holds his hand out, and both Sam and Dean shake it half-heartedly, still confused by what is happening.
“Y/N...is here?”
“Yea, funny story about that. Anyway,” he waves in the general direction of the building, “welcome to Avengers Tower. I’m your host, Tony Stark. Food and beverages will be provided. Now, I think we’ve got some demons to take care of. Shall we?”
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Forever Tags: @trexrambling @pinknerdpanda  @wheresthekillswitch @emilywritesaboutdean @arryn-nyxx @emptywithout @escabell @charliebradbury1104 @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes  @deanssweetheart23  @canadianjelly @super-not-naturall @aubreyreadsstuff @dean-winchesters-baby @melissaj616 @fandomismyspiritanimal @keepcalmandcarryondean @assbutt-still-in-hell @owllover123 @rosie-winchester @amionthetumbler @duubaduu @hiimaprofessionalfangirl @goldenolaf25 @authoressskr @nanie5 @mrssamfuckingwinchester @zincomms @kathaswings @crazynerdandproud @barbedwireandbubblegum @sandlee44 @boxywrites @justanotherdeangirl @smalltowndivaj @captainradicalpassion @myloveforyouxx @atc74 @mrsbatesmotel53 @there-must-be-a-lock @masksandtruths @thelittleredwhocould @jotink78 @amanda-teaches @ilsawasanacrobat @squirrel-moose-winchester @mjdoc90 @anticipate1003 @mrswhozeewhatsis @mogaruke @speakinvain @linki-locks11 @wildlandfox @rhochradel @lostnliterature @eternal-elir @spn-ficfanatic @polina-93 @lexiiiii28 @poukothenerd @emoryhemsworth
Dean Only: @akshi8278 @valkyrieslament @lavieenlex @highonpastries @wholelottajackles @imascio08 @adoptdontshoppets
Sam Only: @bunnybaby121115
We’re No Heroes: @xalgaliareptx @primenumberscanbeintimidating @aubreystilinski @impandagrl @ludo4 @nikkilaf @babyimp67 @smi727 @lexiiiii28 @rideandwritethings @trunk-full-of-ideas @a-sad-excuse-of-everything @hetaliameow @gingermimi1975 @carryonmywaywardcaptain @contemplatin @tinyvelociraptor2319 @paintballkid711 @smandrews3 @waitwhatsrealityagain @adoptdontshoppets @marvelskitten-999 @frostingsfics @bookworm104 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @kararanae23 @dreamwhisper87 @hooked-onfandoms @sleepymessxc
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zzizzigom · 7 years
Moonflowers — Hyungwon | 3
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Characters: Female Reader x Heir!Hyungwon, Minhyuk cameo
Genre/warnings: fake relationship, fluff, no warnings for this part 
Length: 4972 words
A/N: Sorry this took so long to put out, it’s quite longer than the other parts but I just don’t want the relationship to feel too flat so I tried to add a little more in-between the lines stuff but idk lol I’m also trying to balance between tumblr and ao3 now as well so, please for give me if things take a little longer now. 
I hope you all enjoy it and I apologize for any typos I missed.
Parts: one | two
You’re nose deep into your textbook when the chair across from you scrapes across the floor jolting you from your focus. Head snapping up, you have to reach up and push the glasses teetering on the tip of your nose back into position. In front of you, Hyungwon looks on with an amused and slightly apologetic look.
You thought he looked stunning in the suit at the party, but you’re shocked to silence when you realize he’s just as stunning in casual clothes. He’s wearing a plain white shirt with a long black cardigan and some black jeans. Instead of the gelled up look from the last time, his hair is now falling across his forehead, the ends slightly damp and curling. As he sits down, he places a black clutch bag on the table top and leans back in the chair, crossing his arms and legs.
“Sorry,” he starts. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
His husky voice pulls you out of your reverie and you blink away your wandering thoughts. “Uh...it’s fine. You’re late.”
Hyungwon’s expression drops the amusement and is full blown apology now. “I know, I’m sorry. I forgot to set my alarm, and if that thing doesn’t go off I will not wake up.”
“Oh,” you let out lamely. You open your mouth to say something more but close it, realizing you don’t know what to say. Suddenly awkward, you save your page in the textbook and shut it to shove it and your notebook back into your bag. Sensing your unease, Hyungwon leans forward to rest his arms on the table. He lowers his voice so nearby tables can’t hear. “I was serious, if you don’t want to do it just tell me.”
“No, I want to. I think.” Your voice is slightly shaky and by the unconvinced look in Hyungwon’s expression he doesn’t believe it either. Clearing your throat, you push up your glasses once more and look him in the eye. “I want to do it. I just have some things I want to ask you.”
Hyungwon nods encouragingly and leans back into his previously relaxed position. “I’ll answer anything you want to know.”
You nod your head and when your glasses slide down your nose at the motion you purse your lips and slide them off your face. The screws are starting to come loose, and you make a mental note to yourself to look up how to repair your own glasses before sticking them back in their case. “It’s more of a confirmation, I guess.” When you don’t continue, Hyungwon gives a small reassuring smile. You sigh and give an attempt at returning the gesture. “You’re not going to do anything weird, right? We’re just pretending to date to tick off your parents and in return you’ll...uh...you’ll give me some financial assistance?”
The corners of Hyungwon’s lips twitch but he nods. “Yes. That’s all it’ll be.” His tone turns teasing suddenly,  “Unless you want something more?”
You choke on your intake of breath and give him an incredulous look. Hyungwon returns it with a smile of feigned innocence, eyebrows raised. Regaining yourself, you click your tongue and roll your eyes at his sudden display of cheekiness. Deciding to bring the conversation back to its point you speak again.
“Listen, I don’t want to keep dragging this out, so I’ll do it. But promise me that if I want out, I’ll get out.”
Hyungwon immediately nods picking up on your no nonsense tone. “Say the words and it’s over.” You let out sigh of relief as a weight you didn’t realized had settled was lifted off your shoulders. Last thing you wanted was to be stuck in some weird hostage situation. Hyungwon seems to notice your change in attitude because he smiles brightly and holds out a hand.
“Well then, I guess I should formally introduce myself. My name’s Chae Hyungwon, it’s very nice to meet you.”
You give out a small snort and take his hand in your own, marveling to yourself how soft and secure his hand feels, before giving it a shake. “My name’s Y/N, nice to meet you as well.”
Hyungwon smiles and you feel his fingers tighten ever so slightly on your hand. When you meet his slightly lethargic, yet warm gaze, something akin to electricity sparks down your spine and you pull your hand away.
Awkwardly clearing your throat you blink and look away. “So when does this whole charade start?”
Hyungwon turns thoughtful. “It’d be better if it was soon so that the rumors from the party don’t die out too fast.”
Hyungwon nods. “Apparently we were the most interesting thing happening at the gala.”
“Oh my God…”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I promise you whatever they’re saying is going to die out pretty fast.”
“And then what? They’ll just keep talking about us when we come out as a couple.”
Hyungwon reaches out, this time with both hands and clasps yours in his own. You look down and stare at the gesture, his hands are so much bigger than your own. The motion once again has that shock going down your spine. “Y/N, I promise it’ll be okay. I’ll make sure nothing gets too out of hand.”
You take a deep breath and decide to trust him. “Fine...fine. Do you have a story you want us to stick to?”
Hyungwon’s face suddenly goes slack. It’s adorable really, the look that blooms across his face. Gone is the seemingly well kept, and slightly over confident lazy look. Instead, Hyungwon’s eyes widen a little as they focus on the wall behind your head and his jaw drops open slightly. He blinks, the blank look still in his eyes and you can’t help the short laugh that breaks through your lips.
At the noise his eyes focus back on you and he gives a sheepish smile. “I didn’t think a story would be necessary.”
“Well, unless we want our details to be all over, we should get one in place.”
“Okay,” Hyungwon nods in agreement. “Let’s figure a story out.”
It doesn’t take very long and Hyungwon does most of the brainstorming. Together, the two of you weave together the truth and some embellishments and have decided on this:
Hyungwon saw you at the party with Dongwoo. He fell head over heels for you immediately and was able to pull you away from your date. Having spoken with you for a long time that night, he decided that you were his ideal type. But he knew his parents would never accept a poor girl, so he kept you a secret since the party in a scandalous affair. And to show his love for you he’s been buying you everything you desire.
You read over what he’s written once more and frown with a slight tilt to your head. “Okay, but you haven’t been buying me anything. We should change it to something like, we’ve been spending time together secretly, or something more believable.”
Hyungwon puckers his lips slightly as he looks at the sheet of paper in your hands. He hums in thought for a moment before his eyes suddenly light up. With a grin, he snatches the paper from you and folds it into a small square as he stands up. You watch him tuck the paper into his pocket and then hold out his hand to you.
“Come on.”
Grabbing your bag, you hesitate for only a few seconds before placing your hand in his. His fingers tighten slightly around yours and then he’s gently pulling you up from your seat. You fumble for words as he leads you to the door and out of the cafe.
“Hyungwon where are we going?” You watch in bewilderment as Hyungwon leads you to a slick black town car and opens the door for you. He lets go of your hand and makes a sweeping gesture towards the interior of the vehicle. When you don’t budge he gives you an urging look of excitement. You reiterate your question, “Where are we going?”
“If you get in the car, you’ll see,” he smiles cheekily.
“No,” you say with resolve. Your arms are crossed and you’re shaking your head. “No, no, no. I’m not going in.”
Your eyes are latched onto the chic looking building across the street. Handbags line the display windows along with colorful decals and eye-catching designs. The name of the shop sits atop the door in shiny gold lettering. Everything about the store screams high end and expensive.
“All you need is one handbag, we can lie about the rest.”
“Why don’t we lie about the handbag too?”
Hyungwon sighs. “Because if we have one thing of proof that I’m buying you things, everyone will believe it when we say I’m buying you more.”
It’s your turn to sigh. “Okay, I can understand that, but can’t we just go to a thrift shop? I’m sure someone’s dumped a name brand purse at one.”
“A what?” Hyungwon frowns slightly in confusion. You turn and stare at him silently. He doesn’t know what a thift shop is?
“A thrift shop,” you say slowly. “You know, where you donate things you don’t want anymore and other people can purchase them?”
His frown deepens. “But why would you want to buy other people’s things?”
Your hands lift and you clap them together as if to send up a prayer before dropping them. “You know what? Nevermind, let’s just get this over with.”
Hyungwon smiles. “That’s the spirit!”
If you thought the outside of the store was lavish, the inside was even more so. Two giant crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling and part of you is impressed and another part of you wants to roll your eyes at them.
Multiple glass tables line the sides of the store, creating a sort of walkway through the middle. Each table showcases multiple bags, all organized by color and size. The white marble floors glint up at you and you cringe slightly at having to walk across them with your dirty sneakers. At the sound of the door chime, a store employee looks up from the front counter.
Her hair is slicked back in a tight ponytail, and she wears a dark grey skirt suit. Her golden name tag glimmers in the light from the chandeliers.
When you meet her eyes, she doesn’t bother trying to hide the surprise that flashes across her face. But she does do a good job at quickly neutralizing her features. Until she sees Hyungwon and you watch as her eyes widen in evident attraction. You give a little scoff but turn away to look at the bags as she begins to make her way over to you.
“Good afternoon!” Her voice is cheery and a little too loud as it blocks out the soft classical music that plays in the background. “Is there something I can help you find?”
You peek over your shoulder find the employee speaking directly to Hyungwon, not even giving you a second glance.
Hyungwon purses his lips and looks around the store. “Mmm, if we want one of the bags on the wall, we can ask for help, right?”
The employee nods, a little too eager. “Yes, of course!”
“That’ll be all for now then,” Hyungwon gives her a polite but final smile. The employee catches on and you feel a little bad when you see disappointment wash over her. But she nods and scurries back to her desk. Hyungwon turns to you and the smile brightens. “Okay, choose any bag you want.”
“I don’t know, Hyungwon. These bags cost more than my measly campus job paycheck.”
“How much is your paycheck?” Hyungwon asks curiously  as he picks up a bag and twists it this way and that to study it. He scrunches his face a little and sets it back down.
“My meal tickets.”
Hyungwon looks at you in confusion. You were beginning to become very well acquainted with this look. “Your job pays you in meal tickets?”
You nod and gingerly pick up a handbag, opening its front flap to inspect inside. “At the party, I told you I don’t qualify for a scholarship, remember?” Hyungwon nods and you set down the bag. “Well, despite that, I was able to get a campus job at the bookstore and it takes off some of the stress by granting me meal tickets so I can eat on campus.”
With Hyungwon’s lackluster response you look up with a quirked brow. He’s not paying attention to you however, instead looking down at a handbag with a thoughtful frown. You watch as he begins to nibble on his bottom lip as if he finds what you’re telling him to be truly troubling. Deciding he looks ready to hurt himself by thinking too much you pick up a random purse. “What about this one?”
He gives a little double take and then scrunches his nose. “Oh no, that’s a hideous green.”
You give a little pout, “I don’t know I kind of like it.”
“Don’t. Go look at other tables.”
You give a small giggle and diverge from him to go wander around. A part of you feels kind of fancy and elegant walking around the tables but then you remember you’re wearing ratty jeans, dirty sneakers, and the first t-shirt you saw. Near one of the tables there’s a mirror and you imagine yourself in another life wearing a prim dress and heels as you hold purses on your shoulder, or the crook of your elbow, using the mirror to gauge how well they match your outfit.
But that’s not the life you’re living and you become aware of that when you catch Hyungwon behind in you the reflection. Even in his casual cardigan, he looks like he belongs in this high-end world. His modelesque features carry a look of perpetual boredom that seems to shout “I don’t care about your problems”.
Your eyes drift away from Hyungwon’s tall form and fall upon a gorgeous purse. It’s a deep burgundy color that you love. The main pocket, a small but decent size to hold a phone and wallet, is clasped shut with a small golden rose. The strap matches the color of the purse and is lengthy enough that you can tell it would sit right at your hip. It’s so small and simple, but you love it.
Walking over to the purse, you flip over it’s price tag and feel your jaw drop. How is this small thing so expensive?! Hastily you walk away from the purse, figuring if you don’t dwell on it you won’t be too sad. You hesitantly walk over to the cashier counter casting looks over your shoulder to make sure Hyungwon isn’t paying attention to you.
When you reach the counter the employee barely glances at you before sighing. “Can I help you?” Her voice is now flat compared to the cheerful tone she’d used with Hyungwon.
“Um...you wouldn’t by chance have a clearance table, would you?”
The employee rolls her eyes but points to the back of the store. “Back right.”
You decide not to waste your breath thanking such a rude person and head to the back of the store. It’s obvious why the bags on the clearance table are there. Most of them are slightly damaged, as if they’d been bought and then returned after a use. You were never interested enough to know what was in and out of season, but judging by styles and colors the out of season purses were here as well. You find one you like enough to carry around and grab it.
“Hey, I found-”
You’re cut off abruptly as you turn and find Hyungwon standing behind you. He’s holding out a black bag with white tissue paper peeking out. When you get a better look at the bag you see the store’s logo on the front and realize he’s already purchased a purse for you.
“I thought I got to choose,” you laugh a little at his look of excitement.
“You did!” He grins and shakes the bag a little, prompting you to take it from him. With a suspicious look you sift through the tissue paper and find the rose clasp of the burgundy purse glinting up at you. Eyes wide you look at the man in front of you.
“But how did you know?”
“I saw you looking at it. The look on your face was the most intrigued since we’ve been here.” He looks around as if finally seeing where you are. “What are you doing in the clearance section? Who cares, come on.”
Thankfully it seems like the bag really is all Hyungwon will be buying for you. Instead of another store, he takes you to a small cafe for a late lunch. The two of you sit near the window and busy yourselves looking through the menu. Your leg begins to bounce nervously when you see the prices. They’re not terribly expensive, but it’s definitely enough to have you dreading pulling out your card.
“You’re here! Oh, who’s this?”
At the sudden loud voice you look up and see a tall and thin man walking towards you. He’s shorter than Hyungwon, but you know he’d still be taller than you if you were to stand up. His hair is dyed a striking blonde that contrasts well with his tanned skin. The smile on his face is brighter than any smile you’ve ever seen before.
“Yeah, sorry we’re a little late,” Hyungwon stands as he apologizes. The blonde man eagerly pulls Hyungwon into a hug and then pulls away with a shake of his head.
“That’s okay, we’ve been pretty slow today.” In a silent reiteration of his question the man’s eyes dart to you and then back to Hyungwon. Hyungwon starts to sit again and motions for the man to pull up a chair. You awkwardly scoot over a little to make enough room and the man smiles apologetically to you.
“Minhyuk, this is Y/N, Y/N this is Minhyuk. He’s one of my best friends.”
Minhyuk places a hand on his chest and gives an exaggerated gasp. “What?! Chae Hyungwon finally admits we’re best friends? Oh how my life is complete.”
Hyungwon rolls his eyes. “Don’t make me take it back.”
In response, Minhyuk laughs and then turns his mega-watt smile on you. “Nice to meet you, Y/N and welcome to the fruit of my labor.”
Your brows raise. “You own this place?” You look around at the dark wood accents and almost sparkling floor. “It’s a beautiful spot.”
If it’s possible, Minhyuk’s smile grows. “Thank you! I designed it all myself. The photographs you see hanging are also my own work. Well, mine and our friend Kihyun’s as well.”
You’re taken aback slightly by Minhyuk’s enthusiasm, but still find it cute how he begins to ramble about every bit of the cafe. Gently, Hyungwon places a hand on his friend’s shoulder silencing the latter.
“You’re scaring her Minhyuk.”
Minhyuk looks to you again with wide eyes and a sheepish grin. He reaches up and scratches the back of his neck. “Ah, sorry. It’s just I’m so proud of this place, I get a little carried away.”
You shake your head and give a smile. “You’re passionate. I like that.”
Minhyuk’s smile turns mega-watt once more. The three of you fall into easy conversation. After a while, Minhyuk, as if realization has smacked him on his forehead, offers if you want any food or drink. Hyungwon asks for only an americano and you go for a fruit smoothie, despite having been eyeballing the pesto pasta.
“Y/N wants something else,” Hyungwon says, idly scrolling through his phone, before Minhyuk can wander off. The blonde turns back to look at you expectantly. You gape slightly and look between the two of them. At your silence, Hyungwon looks up and nods encouragingly. “Go ahead. It’s on me, anyways.”
“Uh...the...the pesto pasta please.”
Minhyuk nods with a smile and leaves to pass on your orders. Once again alone with Hyungwon you look at him curiously.
“How did you know that?”
Hyungwon shrugs and sets his phone down. “You’re easy to read. I saw all the troubled looks you gave to the menu so i knew you must’ve wanted something else.” You open your mouth to argue it but Hyungwon speaks again, meeting your gaze square on. “Listen, Y/N, when you’re with me just tell me what you want. Don’t be afraid of the prices, okay?”
You purse your lips and shrug. “I just don’t want it to be me, like, taking advantage of you or anything.”
Hyungwon gives you an amused look. “It’s not if I’m telling you to choose what you’d like.”
You shrug again. “I guess not.”
“Should we take a picture together?”
The request is so randomly given you find yourself a little startled. You remember though that you and Hyungwon are supposed to be in a secret affair. You nod your consent and, Hyungwon twists in his chair, holding the phone up. In the screen you can see your face and you quickly make sure you’re presentable before giving a smile. Hyungwon holds up a v-sign and gives a small smile before clicking the shutter button.
“We should take more when the food gets here,” Hyungwon says with an oddly soft smile as he looks at the photo. He blinks as he suddenly realizes what he said and looks up at you. “Only if you’re okay with it.”
You nod. “It’ll be good evidence.”
Hyungwon grins in agreement. He goes back to scrolling through his phone, every now and then typing out things. When Minhyuk returns, he politely puts away the phone and helps his friend place the orders on the table. True to his word, Hyungwon begins taking photos of the food and drinks before having Minhyuk take a photo of the two of you. The blonde gives his friend a suspicious look but obliges nonetheless. You fall into silence as you begin to eat your pasta, letting Hyungwon and Minhyuk do most of the talking.
As you near finishing your dish, Hyungwon clears his throat a little awkwardly. “Hey Minhyuk, can I or we, I guess...anyway, can we ask you something?”
It’s in that moment that you realize Hyungwon is going to share with Minhyuk about your deal with him. A witness to your “shenanigans”.
Minhyuk nods, “Yeah, what’s up?”
“You see, Y/N is helping me get my parents off my back a little. So I was wondering if you could maybe “accidentally” let it slip to someone that you saw Chae Hyungwon and his secret girlfriend together.”
You watch as Minhyuk goes still and then his eyes widen. “You guys aren’t a real couple?!”
It’s a blessing no one is in the cafe right now aside from the employees, because Minhyuk’s shout is shrill and excited. You still look around and realize none of the employees or Hyungwon is at all shocked by the blonde’s shouts. You give Minhyuk a look of confusion. He thought we were a real couple...
“No, Y/N’s just my fake girlfriend,” Hyungwon explains. “But no one else needs to know that.”
Minhyuk blinks and shakes his head as he tries to wrap his mind around what Hyungwon is telling him. He lifts an arm and rests his elbow on the table to point back and forth between you and Hyungwon.
“You two are fake dating to make your parent’s back off you?” Minhyuk turns to you suddenly and narrows his eyes in thought. Suddenly his expression bursts in realization. “Y/N is the girl you met at the gala!”
The two of you nod.
“And we need more rumors apparently,” you mutter.
Hyungwon gives you a soft look and grabs your hand. He turns it so your palm is face up and he soothingly rubs his thumb on your palm.
“I promised it’ll be okay.” His voice is as soft as the circles he’s drawing on your hand and the combination has you giving a small shiver.
You take a peek at Minhyuk as he’s watching your hands with an intense, thoughtful gaze. He looks up and sees Hyungwon still watching you. Following Hyungwon’s gaze, Minhyuk meets your eyes and soon his face breaks into an almost conspiratorial smile. All too quickly he nods, “Okay. I’ll do it. My mom comes in tomorrow and you know how she likes a good story.”
Hyungwon grins. “Thanks man.” Minhyuk nods, the smile on his face making you worry a little.
As you two are getting ready to leave the cafe, Hyungwon announces he’ll be back and heads towards the restrooms. Left alone with Minhyuk you fiddle with the hem of your shirt before looking up and finding Minhyuk’s eyes already on you. You start a little, caught off guard by how intense his gaze actually is, and then decide to speak.
“You won’t make the rumors too big right?”
His eyes soften considerably and he nods. “Don’t worry about a thing, Y/N.”
Despite his words you don’t feel any more at ease than you did two minutes ago. You’re actually relieved when Hyungwon returns, not knowing how to act as Minhyuk continues to observe you.
You start to walk towards the door but Minhyuk stops Hyungwon from joining you. When you look over your shoulder you find Minhyuk whispering something in Hyungwon’s ear. The latter’s cheeks turn a soft pink and he looks at Minhyuk with wide eyes. Minhyuk grins cheekily and flashes a thumbs up before pushing Hyungwon over to join you.
“It was nice to meet you Y/N! Come back anytime.”
As you and Hyungwon leave the cafe, you come up to walk beside him and peer up at his face. He’s still a little pink in the cheeks but seems to be calm again. You debate on if you should ask him or not before you shrug away your internal questions.
“What did Minhyuk say to you back there?”
Hyungwon jolts slightly at your voice and his cheeks once again turn pink as he makes eye contact with you. “U-uh, nothing. He didn’t say anything important. He just...he just likes to tease, that’s all.”
“Okaaay,” you draw out the word, not at all convinced but ultimately decide to drop it.
When you return to the dorms, after waiting at the edge of the parking lot to see Hyungwon’s car drive off with him waving from the back seat, you flop onto the bed and place the bag holding your new purse on your bedside table. Lena immediately notices it and beelines for it. Before you can snag it back, she’s peering inside and looks at you with wide eyes and a bright smile.
“You did it, you sly fox.”
“Shut up.” You use your feet to slip off your shoes and then your socks before burying your feet in the fluffy blanket at the end of your bed. “It’s only to make our story work.”
“Mm-hmm.” Lena places the bag back down and reaches over to poke your side. “My precious Y/N is finally getting the attention and pampering she so rightly deserves.”
You scoff and swat her hand away. “Whatever. Like I said, it’s for our story.”
Lena continues to look at you, unconvinced. She sits down on your mattress and you scoot over so she can lay next to you. “So where else did you go?”
“He took me to his friend Minhyuk’s cafe.”
“Oooh, cafe extraordinaire Lee Minhyuk. Hyungwon does have his own little chaebol posse, maybe you’ll get to meet all of them. Find yourself a real suitor.”
“Pfft, as if. Once this whole charade is done, I want a peaceful life.”
“Or you’ll want to be the new Mrs. Chae.”
“Lena!!” You playfully shove her off the bed and she goes rolling to the floor with a bright laugh, bordering on cackle. When she stand back up, she sends a wink your way and then climbs onto her bed with a magazine.
“I’m just saying, don’t be surprised when you realize you’re no longer faking it.”
“That won’t happen.”
Lena gives an amused sigh and you grab your pillow to place over your face. When Lena laughs you give a groan.
It would never happen.
Hyungwon sits on his bed, flipping through paperwork his father had given him when he returned home. Despite his efforts in trying to concentrate, all Hyungwon could think about was you. Most importantly how your hand felt when it was clasped in his own. He liked how his nimble fingers almost completely devoured yours. Suddenly a whispered voice is moving through his memories.
“Maybe you should make your fake relationship real?”
Minhyuk’s words earlier had caught him completely off guard. Hyungwon would be lying if he said he wasn’t attracted to you, after all he was going to fake date someone it might as well be someone he finds to be a good person. But he would never actually pursue you, would he?
Hyungwon thinks about the first night he saw you at the gala. He had intentions on pulling your attention to him, but he wasn’t quite sure how far he would’ve taken it if you and him hadn’t begun talking by the flowers.
Hyungwon can’t deny he likes to be around you, he came to realize that more and more as they day went on. You two were from such different worlds, and yet your presence made him feel happy and light. Maybe that was infatuation, but Hyungwon couldn’t be sure right now. He figured he’d just have to wait and see.
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multifandombitxh · 8 years
Title: Devil in the Details (ch.5) Pairing: Cassian Andor x Fem!Reader Genre: Angst Warnings: None A/N: I’m not gonna lie, I hated the last chapter lol. I rushed myself too much and it could have been better. You never get better if you give up, though! So I put a lot of effort into this chapter. Hope it’s okay<3 Tag list: @badwolfandtimelords @the-glasses-are-my-disguise @geeky-girl-394  @princeofsassgard @wisestydia14 @seargantbcky @swviolinlorei @jedishrubbery Chapters 1-4: (tumblr) (AO3)
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V: Between A Rock and A Hard Place
True to his word, K-2SO was making an effort to “like” you, hard as it was. He was constantly apologizing whenever he made a snide remark, which would be nice if he would stop making them all together. Silver linings, you figured.
You found it pretty strange, though. It was like you were seeing more of the droid than you were of Cassian, but you passed it off as work getting in the way. He’d been especially busy lately so it was impossible to see each other for more than a few minutes at a time. Strangely, K wasn’t nearly as busy, so he kept you company whenever he felt the need. More often than not, he had messages from Cassian to deliver to you, which he hated reciting back. You, on the other hand, thought it was adorable.
“There’s something different about you, Y/N,” K2 said as he walked beside you.
“Different how?” you asked, power walking to keep up, like always.
“You’re glowing,” he replied simply, “Are you pregnant?”
You stopped dead in your tracks.
“I assumed that’s something you and Cassian have been up to. If I’m wrong, please correct me,” he went on.
You held up your hand to stop him. “No, you’re not wrong. I just… I don’t feel pregnant,” you said, looking down at your stomach.
“That may be something to consider,” he said.
“I’m not pregnant, K.”
“I still look forward to being an uncle someday.”
You rolled your eyes and opened the door to the infirmary. “I’ll see you later today. Give Cass my best, okay?”
“Before you go,” he said, making you halt your movements. “There’s something very important I need to tell you.”
You looked between him and the medical bay, trying to gauge how much time you could get away with. It was relatively empty that morning so you decided to humor him.
“Okay,” you said, letting the door shut. “Tell me.”
“When you first met Cassian,” he began, “He tried to kill you, didn’t he?”
You shrugged. “Kind of. He basically shoved a blaster in my face, so…”
“He was going to kill you when you returned him to me,” K said abruptly, “He changed his mind when he realized he’d forgotten the Intel we were there to gather.”
“Wait, what?” you asked, half chuckling at the statement. He had to be joking.
“He planned to gain the Empire’s secrets through you, because we were empty handed.”
Your eyebrows drew together as you tried to make sense of his words. Your Cassian, the man you’d fallen so deeply in love with, had lied to you from the start? If that really were the case, who was to say it wasn’t all a lie?
“However, he changed his mind again, that indecisive idiot. Cassian loves you, he never lets me forget. It’s quite disgusting at times,” he continued, “But he hid the truth from you to spare your feelings. I thought you should know if you’re really serious about him.”
“Thanks for telling me, K,” you said, lost in your thoughts. You turned to walk away when he stopped you again.
“Please, don’t hurt him,” he said, “He may be an idiot, but he is still my friend.”
You nodded and entered the infirmary, your mind racing. Needless to say, the whole conversation left you uneasy and made it hard to focus on your work. Doing the best you could didn’t seem to be cutting it, but it was all you could do not to dash out of the room to ask Cassian for the truth.
The way you saw it, when you did confront him, there would be hell to pay.
By the end of the day, you were itching the leave work to find out what was really going on. You believed K2, he wouldn’t lie to you like that. He was physically incapable of it, actually. Because of this, you began to question your judgement of Cassian and if you’d rushed into things too quickly with someone you barely knew.
He greeted you with his classic smile and embrace, both of which you returned half-heartedly. Sensing your discomfort, he grabbed you by the shoulders and caught your gaze.
“Are you alright?” he asked, searching your face for answers.
“I need to talk to you about something,” you said, swallowing the rock in your throat. “It’s important.”
Cassian nodded and led you back to the living quarters, his own anxiousness growing as well. The silence that accompanied the walk made him uncomfortable and suspicious. K-2SO wouldn’t have told you, he thought to himself. There was no way he would actually do that, not to him.
The door to your bedroom shut behind you and you took a deep breath, running both hands through your hair and letting them stop at the base of your neck. Your eyes were dropped to the floor and Cassian watched you pace, so he leaned his back against the wall and waited for you to begin.
“K told me something this morning,” you said, sitting on the edge of your bed.
Cassian felt his heart drop from his chest to his foot and onto the floor.
“He said that you really were going to kill me when we first met,” you continued, “Then that you changed your mind and wanted to get information out of me, since…”
“Since your mother is an Imperial General,” he ended your sentence for you.
You nodded and stared down at your hands. “Was he lying?”
He sighed and looked around the room, at anything and everything that wasn’t you. “No.”
“How long were you pretending?” you asked, your voice and hands shaking.
“One day.”
“Don’t lie to me, Cassian, please.”
“I’m not,” he said, moving to stand in front of you. “I fell in love with you in one day, barely even that.”
You sighed and dropped your head into your hands, your fingers massaging your forehead to keep the oncoming headache at bay. “I can’t believe this.”
“I should have told you,” Cassian sighed shakily, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I knew this would happen.”
A tense and deafening silence fell over the room as the two of you organized your thoughts. You thought for sure he could hear your heart racing in your chest through the silence, considering how loud it was in your ears. He couldn’t, because his was just as loud. The world could have been ending and neither of you would have heard it.
“How can I make this right?” he asked softly.
“I don’t think you can,” you replied, “Why couldn’t you have just said something? I would have understood, Cassian. Why did you have to lie to me?”
“I didn’t lie,” he stuttered, kneeling down in front of you. “I just… didn’t tell you the whole truth. I couldn’t, it would have crushed you.”
“I have been used my entire life,” you began, emphasizing your words. “I have been lied to, taken advantage of, made to feel small and insignificant and like I didn’t matter. You made me feel like I was more than what the galaxy thought I was. For the first time since my dad disappeared, I didn’t feel hopeless. Now I’m losing everything all over again because you don’t know how to communicate.”
Cassian sighed and ran a trembling hand through his hair. “You’re not the only one who’s losing something here.”
“That’s your own fault,” you hissed, narrowing your eyes at him. “I didn’t ask for this.”
He dropped his gaze to the floor and stood. “I know you didn’t.”
“Then why keep it from me?” you asked, “Look at me, Cass. Look me in the eye and tell me I deserved this.”
When his eyes locked with yours you felt your insides collapse in on themselves. It was a look you’d seen only once before that shook you to the core. It was the same look he had on his face when he stumbled into the infirmary and pointed a gun in your face. That same pained, angered, and afraid expression.
“You didn’t deserve any of this.”
“Then tell me why.”
He stepped closer, so you stood to match his height. His face was mere inches from yours as he spoke. “I never told you because I loved you enough to spare you the pain. You’d lost enough, and I was going to take even more from you. Be glad I changed my mind.”
“Now you want me to thank you?” you scoffed, pushing him back gently. “All you did was delay the pain, Cassian. It would have hurt less if you’d told me before any of this started.”
“So help me make it right,” he said, his tone softening. “Let me fix this, Y/N. I can’t lose you.”
“You want to fix it? Fine,” you said, pushing past him toward the door. “You can fix it by leaving me the hell alone.”
Cassian stared at you in shock, his heart hammering in his chest and his lungs malfunctioning. His worst nightmares were coming to life right in front of his eyes and he couldn’t stop them, try as he did.
There was no question about it. You wouldn’t forgive him, just as he’d predicted.
You opened the door and looked at him expectantly. Hesitantly, he began to leave, but not before leaning in and whispering a final, “I love you,” followed by an, “I’m sorry.”
Once he was gone, you laid in your bed, face down in your pillow and trying to piece your sanity back together. It was hard to tell where the pain began and the anger ended, so all of it melded together into one big haze of tears and tremors. You began to question whether or not you’d made the right choice as you slipped under your covers, the tears on your cheeks growing cold.
Was it really worth it? Was it really worth losing the man whom you loved and who was your only friend over? The line between right and wrong became blurry as you laid there in silence. Taking in shallow breaths and placing your hand on your abdomen, memories of your conversation with K-2SO that morning flooding your already troubled mind
If there was the chance that you were pregnant- which was very likely- it would need to be verified and addressed. You’d have to tell Cassian you were carrying his child, and you just weren’t prepare for that. A sick feeling settled in your gut as you imagined the outcome. You shook the thought from your head and turned onto your side, pulling your sheets up past your mouth and taking a deep breath through your nose. Things would only get worse, there was no denying that. At very least, you could get even a sliver of sleep while you still could, so you did.
When the door slammed shut behind him, Cassian truly felt the gravity of the situation weigh down on his shoulders. He’d finally found someone he could trust and open up to, and he ruined it, as always. There had to be something he could do to win back your trust, and he was determined to figure out what that something was.
An idea flashed into his mind as he wandered the halls. It was a glimmer of an idea that relied on odds that were against him, but it was the best he had. If he could pull it off, there would be no doubt in your mind that he could be trusted. As quickly as he could, he made his way up the stairs and into the meeting room where he found several of the rebel leaders, all of which gave him a disapproving look as he burst into the room.
“Captain Andor, this is a private meeting, what are you-”
“I need everything we have on Y/N’s father.”
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