#please note the lear gc im in was also just sending angsty fanart of lear during this so uh
staryarn · 2 years
I love this man Lear despite having no idea what he is like. Please, do tell us what he is like because I want to cherish this man and I love your explanations.
Under the cut bc my explanations may be long. Also he shows up like twice in the new events and it's only for a little bit so not much content (mind you ive only started pokemas ex recently so I can't account for all of his stuff. Please note I don't have him in game so that also takes away from me examining his character a bit). Disregard if I've spelt his name wrong I touch type and type really fast so yeah.
Please note that this literally spoils the entire main plot of pokemon masters ex so yeah. To explain what he's like I need to explain literally everything abt him so so sorry. If you want a better explanation literally bulbapedia (despite being down all the time) explains it much better.
Okay so so like. This is mostly me going off of the main story and trying to summarize that. My headcanons are slightly based off that and stuff so yeah but Idk if ill include them. Mostly because i have to replay canon etc bc my biased explanation is 'he's a whiny fucking pathetic clown (affectionate)' so yeah.
So to summarize his general backstory (general as in im going off of memory rn), he's the son of some King and Queen (no reigon is given its just an area that isn't really brought up in canon. So literally free space).
As a child (don't quote me on this I'm remembering from the game) he was relatively nice and caring to peopleand pokemon.
At some point in his childhood his mother dies (who I'm assuming he was close to because yikes) and his father decides to send him to a strict school (it's mentioned that he was both training and studying there). When he was sent to the school he wasn't allowed to see Rachel and Sawyer (his two retainers who are also his only friends) and was isolated from them (i think saying its for lear's own good and that the two will only make him weaker. I'll get back to this later). That's shown in a cutscene which also shows his teachers (?) Who are trainers (in game it's showed to have a pokemon ranger and an ace trainer so yeah). Theyre particularly strict and personally I find them mean.
At some point during his training lear meets Hoopa (mythical psychic ghost I think) on a beach (note lear meets hoopa because he ran away bc the training is literally too hard on him. Please note he is crying in the custcene). Young lear doesn't exactly want to become King and he doesn't know why his father is forcing him to do this (he assumes it's to become king.) He's incredibly lonely and desperately misses both Rachel and Sawyer along with his Mother. He meets Hoopa (who initially does scare him. In which he insists he's royalty and laying a scratch on him would cause his family to react and save him. Please note he says 'save me' after a bit of a pause so definitely some doubt.)
Hoopa then summons a whole ass pokemon for him, which promptly also scares him (to which he days he won't be scared of Hoopa's tricks anymore). Hoopa then gives lear a sync stone (tldr pasio uses sync pairs only and to form a sync pair you need a sync stone. And to use it you have to have some sort of bond with your pokemon. I'll get to that in a bit). At some point he asks Hoopa to be his servant which it promptly refuses. After that (and a pause of hesitation), Lear asks to be friends and Hoopa agrees.
Okay so Back to Sawyer and Rachel wanting to see Lear. They ask to see Lear because the two are worried for him and want to cheer him up. They can't see him anyways bc of the Ace trainer and Ranger who say no and that Lear is resting and that the two are far too soft for him. (Mostly bc theyre preparing Lear for the throne so yeah). Lear is then told to become a great king he must put in great effort into training (yknow,, the training that's like.. breaking him). At some point in another cutscene Lear just collapses (all is shown is the camera moving down and panting so uh). The trainers berate him for being exhausted already. They say he must be prepared to carry the entire fate of the kingdom on his shoulders (fucking yikes he's like a child - a teen in this like damn). They also tell him they don't want to hear his excuses and tell him to stop playing around ("Maybe if you stopped playing hooky all the time, you wouldn't be so far behind"). Theyre aware that Lear has been sneaking out (I'd assume visiting Hoopa) and missing his studies. And they say it's 'for his own good'. They literally move him to a different training facility do he can focus (and literally have no positive interaction like fuck).
The way he copes with losing literally anything and everything positive in his life (at the moment) is to say "why does it have to be so hard? Why won't anybody help me? No one understands. Not Rachel... Not Sawyer... who am I supposed to depend on? [Pause] No one's ever been there for me. I'm alone. Maybe... maybe I don't need anyone's help! There's only one person in this world I can truely depend on- Me! And only me!" (LIVE ADRIEN REACTION)
After this it cuts to current Lear and he kept that mentality for a bit. I'm assuming he trained extremely hard and overworked himself after that because fuck man.
At some point he's back home (in kingdom whatever etc where he is reuinted with Rachel and Sawyer, who are still his retainers.) and Red challenges him. Like out of nowhere. And fucking wipes the floor w him (I'd assume bc he holds grudge against both red and his "shoddy hat".) After that he fucking builds an entire island (out of spite???) and founded the PML (pokemon Master's League) on Pasio (the island he created from scratch.) The PML was founded in hopes that Lear would overcome his weaknesses and become the Champion. If it'd a success, Lear is promised to literally be the hier to the throne. (Don't quote me on this but as far as I remember if pasio fails the dude literally can't go home or like he might as well not go home considering it isn't 'home' any more).
I personally don't want to explain the entire events of the game because enough it's a lot. So here
Early on he treats pokemon and people like tools, saying that they're a bit burdensome (bc he quickly replaces his pokemon in some scenes). Over time he slowly accepts the idea of 'friendship'. Like he's shit at it but he's trying. Much better at insulting people but that's because of how he's used to it. He also can not use sync moves early on because he has like no bond to his pokemon (however later on he can use sync moves with hoopa who he does have a bond with). He believes friendship / teamwork is 'weak' and causes you to rely on others. He also thinks victory is the only important thing and that having fun is worthless. He is in denial if he is beat with the power of friendship.
Also at some point he is straight up kidnapped by Team Break (villain team on the island). So that happens. To be fair, because of this he learns the error of his ways and literally defeats team break with the power of both friendship and teamwork (he has some decent tactics so he's very observant).
In the end he does not win the Pokemon Master's League (the player does rip) but his dad says he's proud of him so there's that.
At some point he does have a rematch with red and loses. Though oddly he doesn't feel too bad for losing (HES HEALING WIN)
Anyways back to your question of what he's like. He's incredibly complicated and definitely has some issues (some sort of inferiority / superiority complex, abandonment issues, trust issues,etc). He has a bit of a hard time accepting that people do genuinely want to help and support him, along with the fact that depending on people doesn't make you weak. He's trying to recover and it hasn't been easy but he's trying his best. He's not too open to the whole 'friendship' thing but he still gives it a shot. Thankfully Rachel, Sawyer, And Hoopa are there for him. He's an incredibly traumatized character (very realistic in the process, mentality, and healing. At least to me)
Anyways he's pathetic and a tsundere. Like a clown but worse (affectionate). Like a chewtoy for a dog. Very arrogant and confident (kinda. He has doubts. Again superiority inferiority complex deal). Very fleshed out for being a spin off character.
Anyways let me copy paste all my headcanons about him. If you've seen these on twitter congrats.
some lear hcs bc im a clown
- Touch adverse with new people. He's not about to let his walls down that easily.
- Very bad at responding to affection. Less that he doesn't like it moreso that he doesn't understand how he should properly respond to it. Very awkward.
-considering his upbringing , I wouldn't entirely doubt that there's a lot of fear that he's not 'strong enough to become a King' etc. He pushes himself too hard.
-Very slowly getting better about the whole 'friend' thing. He's not healing fast but he's at least healing.
- sunglasses due to both light sensitivity and also it helps him mask his eyes.
-He has a fur collar and lives on an island so I'd like to assume he gets cold easily. Probably poor circulation or sometimes of the sort.
- if he wasn't a prince and had reputation I have no doubt that he'd fucking bite or throw hands with team break. Tbf the fact that they exist as a villain team is also his fault so eh. Clown on clown violence pvp enabled zone on pasio.
- he's trying to bond with his other three Pokémon. It's a bit awkward and embarrassing for him but it's worth it for a stronger and better relationship in general.
- actually showed in game but is getting better with teamwork and tactics. Can be very dangerous to fight.
-Tries to have confidence and pride in himself. Still a lot of self doubt from the whole 'me vs the world' thing but it's not exactly like failure is a choice so he just moves on. Still appreciates Rachel and Sawyers compliments.
- practiced smile and laugh. His actual genuine laugh is a lot softer + nicer and his actual smile is a $3 smile (affectionate but he no longer knows how to correctly smile besides his actual practiced one.)
- he has very little experience with anything outside of his 2 person circle of Rachel and Sawyer. Friends? Romance? Dude you'd kill him on sight that's how flustered / baffled he is. Defeat caught off guard but tries to play it off like he's cool.
- since his mother's death he was forced into training and studying. And sometime after that he got beat hy red and created pasio. He had had no time to grieve so it all starts to hit him after the first PML tournament. Has a somewhat tense relationship with his father.
- Rachel and Sawyer are both his best friends (though he doesn't admit that) and his only friends. He's known the two since his childhood and deeply cares about the two, despite his words. The same goes for Hoopa, a very strong bond that helps him grow as a person.
- He also deeply appreciates Cheren and the help he offered. Though he wouldn't exactly admit that theyre 'friends' (not yet at least) he still prefers him over any other random trainer. He's slowly starting to open himself up again and heal because of Cheren.
-outside of Pasio he tries to have a low profile. While being a prince is fun it's also incredibly tiring to keep that image 24/7. Also he doesn't know how to navigate a city as a pedestrian. Usually Hair down or tied up with different sunglasses. The glasses are a must.
- not a super fragile immune system but still poor in general. Seasonal allergies kick his ass and if he doesn't take care of himself he will get very sick. But with proper rest he gets over it quickly so it's usually fine.
- should he know physical defense? Yes. Does he? No. I mean he probably could fist fight team break with all his pent up anger but that's about it. Steel chair for defense otherwise his best bet is Hoopa or Rachel+ Sawyer. However would probably use his smarts as an advantage.
- slightly embarrassed about his height. The thought of lear in platform shoes is funny though.
- hates being picked up. He was fine with it as a child but absolutely despises it as of now. It makes him feel a bit weak.
- misses his family despite the tension.
- Cheren is like his only friend outside of Rachel and Sawyer. Lear calls him a 'pest' but it's just bc he's awkward. He appreciates Cheren's perspective on the situation. Two peas in a pod.
- realistically couldn't stand horror movies (he was scared by hoopa like) but I think its funny if he's just like, entirley unphased. Like he finds them horribly boring and picks out the inconsistencies. But also probably hates them lmao.
- his weak immune system is a family trait. So he definitely has to be careful and ensure strict rules around Pasio. (personal hc on how his mother passed away). Tries to play it off like he's cool but usually freaks out if he gets sick. He wears all those layers for a reason.
- not exactly a headcanon I go by but I just that it'd be funny if his sunglasses were perscription lmao
- decent spice tolerance vs low sugar tolerance. Sure he can eat spicy things but he's rarely had sweets (strict diets and stuff while training etc) so he's not really used to them. Has only had donuts because of Hoopa. He still likes it though, he just can't have a lot. Can deal with bitter things (black coffee, etc)
- only child and was incredibly lonely for a while (and still is). But definitely looks up to both Rachel ans Sawyer. The two are a bit older than him and through he doesn't admit it he fondly looks up to the two as older siblings. Also that doesn't stop him from being a brat.
- Lear, Rachel , and Sawyer all have matching earrings after the events of the PML championship. It's just a singular earring worn on either ear. Generally a red gem of sorts.
- decently long hair but puts it up for appearances etc. There's like three people who've seen him with his hair down and that's it (Rachel, Sawyer, and Cheren). Takes him over an hour to get ready rip lmao
- horrible sense of balance. Will fall down the stairs if distracted so like 🤝😔.
- while he likes being around people he genuinely dislikes loud and crowded events. Absolutely despises formal events he's forced to attend but has to keep up his role as prince and future heir. Dislikes very formal wear also because it feels very closed off.
- most of the time when he says 'friend' or 'teamwork' it's like he just ate a lemon. Still trying to get used to it but also internally cringes at it.
- not even a headcanon just a fact. He will bite you if you piss him off. That's a promise. He's like a stray cat and will attack if needed.
/hj, lh
- was taught how to make paper stars by his Mother. Still makes them to this very day and does so in his free time. (Another hc a user made that I latched onto)
- absolutely a perfectionist. If it isn't good the first time start over until it's perfect. He keeps the perfect ones sealed vs mishaped ones tossed in his room
- his room is relatively neat. Sure there are stars tossed around but he keeps after himself. When he was training his room had to be spotless so he still carries some of that mentality around. Force of habit really.
- his training really took a toll on him and he still carries the scars on him. Tries his very best all the time but is starting to get tired of it. Occasionally he has his quiet days. Not exactly sulking but moreso reflecting on his past. He does this on the beach at night.
- Still can be really rude and snarky. He's trying to be better and get out of those habits so it mostly comes out when he's frustrated. Just give him time to cool off.
- once he gets into it, he's very flirty and will be incredibly extra. Whether he does so purposefully is up to the situation. Though mostly it's just things he says that turn out to be flirty. You will know when he's flirting with you, that's a promise.
- has to break up Sawyer and Rachel from fighting. It's cute that the two care for him this much but also this is the fifth time this week the two have fought over 'who cares for Master Lear more and who he cares for more' etc.
- tries not to publicly or audibly cry. Just a thing he learned while training. Very quiet and curls up into a little ball. Hides away in his room unless something is very urgent and he has to attend to it that moment.
- has had to research about all the legendaries that appear on Pasio, along with Hoopa (both forms). He has to keep tabs on the legendaries, if they're in sync pairs, and what they're capable of (mostly to ensure Pasio's saftey)
- flirt with him and he dies on sight. It usually catches him off guard so it's mostly him sputtering out words and suffering. Occasionally he hides his face (as red as his shades lmao) or hides in his coat fluff.
- Thinks of both Rachel ans Sawyer as family. Not exactly his only family (bc his relationship with his father is... tense) but closer than anyone. He's an only child so they two were like older siblings to him who guided him.
- It was a horrible experience for him. To have his mother pass away and then be ripped from both Rachel and Sawyer. It deeply scarred him and though it made him 'stronger',, he still resents his father to some degree.
- He desperately wants to be king. At first to show his father that he's finally strong enough to be considered a proper hier and to be 'worthy'. As of now it's moreso to prove he can be a much better and caring king than his father currently is.
- Though he doesn't act like it, he deeply cares for those around him. He tries to look out for them without making it too obvious. Very bad with words of support so hopefully his presence can help. Stays quiet, mostly out of respect and fear that he'll say the wrong things.
- not used to physical affection and very not used to actual pda. He will explode. Suffers trying to keep his image while also desperately trying not to get flustered. Denies anything and everything. He's a horrible liar when ut comes to this.
- very mild and neutral when alone. He has no need to put on that act 24/7 so it's like a breath if fresh air. Catch him like that and you'll catch him off guard. Will be very flustered and immediately continue his normal act. Resting bitch face (same).
- extremely stubborn. His way until he's forced to accept help or try something else. Will rarely listen to others or accept their help (unless it's forced bc then he has no choice)
-besides the paper stars littered sound his room he has one hidden stuffed toy from his childhood. You can only guess who gave him that considering he doesn't have any others (rip)
- not exactly a headcanon but if you gave him bubble tea he would choke on the boba. A funny drawing prompt whsg
- has never had a snowball fight or actively been in snow. Hashtag Island problems. Would do great in a fight considering he can throw pokeballs well
(🤝 except unlike him I've been in snow. Just no fights rip)
- besides the steel chair he will just knock you out with a pokeball. Good throwing arms on that twink. (This is a joke this is a joke this is a j-
- has gloves because he keeps getting papercuts on his hands from folding paper stars. His hands might as well be covered in bandaids
-played with a lot of pokemon as a child and was raised with some. The three (as in Rachel, Lear, and Sawyer) would often run around w them.
As of now those are all my personal headcaons and opinions on him. So yeah
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