#please note that it took me so long to re dye them my roots actually grew since the moment i re bleached them
dreamtydraw · 10 days
Brb folks about to download my new pronouns ( i’m just finally dying my bleacher hair )
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 10 – Really Just A Whole Lot Of Dialogue (or: the Thanksgiving Prelude)
In which we finally get the Beautiful Murderous Snowflake content we deserve, the canonical gayness picks up speed, past predictions are confirmed, future ones are wildly formed and Neil discovers his new Powers of Persuasion.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
Hold yourselves – it’s not time for the epic Thanksgiving shenanigans y’all have been warning me about yet. Instead, we get a nice lil in-between chapter which really just consists of Neil talking to people.
Seriously. There is so much talking. This chapter is like 80% pure dialogue.
However, I am not minding one bit because –
Side note: I read this on the way to a convention while literally dressed as Renee. It was very, very surreal.
           “Last year Andrew took a few of us out to Eden’s Twilight one at a time,” Renee said. “You now know why Andrew invited Matt. He invited Dan to see if she was a woman worth following on the court. He asked me because he, like you, didn’t buy into this front.” She gestured at her face and rested her fingertips on her cross necklace. “He wanted the truth, so I told him.”
Oh, boy.
Oh, BOY.
Remember how I kept calling her my murderous snowflake earlier on?
Apparently, Murderous Snowflake was in some pretty deep shit in a gang in Detroit – and we’re not talking the cute, ‘maybe we’ll spray a graffiti here or there’, squad-type gang, but the violent, ‘each of us owns a private collection of butterfly knives’, ‘they’re pretty sweet actually’, ‘also we’ll kill your family and your dog’, ‘with our butterfly knives’-type.
Fortunately for her, she got caught, had a nice lil time in juvie and was then adopted by Actual Angel Mom Stephanie Walker, despite the fact that her rebellious ass has tortured over a dozen foster people before her.
Also she’s responsible for the death of her mom and her boyfriend by putting them in jail where they were beaten to death.
Oh, what’s that? Oh, guys, this just in: I FREAKIN CALLED IT.
Renee Walker, everybody - Murderous Snowflake, Cute But Deadly, Deliverer of Punches, Baker of Cookies, Owner of My Fucking Heart.
           Renee hadn’t exaggerated when she said she and Andrew were a lot alike. They had violent, unstable upbringings thanks to their mothers and spent time in both juvie and the foster system. Their paths split irrevocably after their respective adoptions. Renee let Stephanie shape her into a decent human being and atones for her past brutality whereas Andrew murdered his mother the first chance he got.
Ahh, it’s been way too long without any character parallels for me to cry over. <3
Speaking of shipping!
My boy Neil apparently hasn’t gotten the ‘platonic’ memo yet.
           “Why haven’t you asked him out?” (…)
           “What is all this about, if you don’t mind me asking?” she asked. “You’ve never seemed interested before.”
Why do I have a hunch Renee will fucking captain the Andreil ship.
Anyone fancy some spontaneous Fox Feels™ in between?
           Neil grasped for a good way to explain. He didn’t want to tell her he’d spent Friday night thinking about dying. He hadn’t wanted to think about a future he didn’t have, so he stood at the railing and thought about his teammates instead. (…)
           They’d never be perfect, but they were going to be all right. They’d come to the Foxhole Court as fractured messes but they were fixing each other one semester at a time.
And if you look to your right, you’ll see me crying in a fucking corner.
I love :’( my fox babies :( so much :’(( what the fc u k k kkkkkk !!!!!!
I’ve just spent all weekend with a beautiful Andrew and Neil, my emotional ass is fresh out of feels hell and this has dragged me right the fuck back in.
           “If you can say ‘no’ so easily to me, why haven’t you set anyone else straight yet?”
           “It’s complicated,” Renee said, “and we profit more from silence.”
Apparently, the Goalie BFFs are also the Scamming BFFs as they cash in on bets made on them with Allison’s help.
You guys have no idea how much this amuses me.
It’s scamming for a good cause, in Renee’s case. Still. What a bunch of lil savvy shits <3
And then – this.
           “When I said I wasn’t Andrew’s type, I meant it. It’s not about my looks or faith. It’s that I’m a woman.”
I would have a really sweet surprised freakout over this, except for the fact that Andreil being endgame was the only fucking thing I knew about this series before starting it.
So I’m not exactly off my socks about this dramatic revelation.
           “Oh. Then Andrew and Kevin – “
           Renee laughed and waved that off. “Oh, no. You’ll meet Kevin’s girlfriend later this year, I’m sure.”
Aww. So glad to hear he and Exy made it official <3
No but for real. Kevin has a GIRLFRIEND?!?!?!?!
           “Kevin doesn’t have a girlfriend. He’s under too much scrutiny from the press and his fans to hide that sort of thing.”
And he’s also probably got an Exy ball where his romantic heart is supposed to be.
Funnily enough, my suggestions of Orange Sportsball being Kevin’s girlfriend turn out to be not that far off – he’s dating Thea Muldani, an Ex-raven who is now playing on the national Court.
I’m sure she’ll appear at some point later. I don’t actually care much about this as of yet. Next!
          He didn’t know what [Renee] and Andrew talked abut when they stood off by themselves. Thinking it was Exy strategies was laughable. Imaginig them having a serious conversation about Andrew’s closeted sexuality was equally impossible.
They talk about boys, knives, the hottest new all-black clothes and how best to scam their teammates. Duh.
Also headcanon that Andrew is the one who re-dyes Renee’s hair when her roots start to show up. Don’t question it. Just imagine it.
          “If you are as like us as we first predicted you to be, perhaps one day you can also come to see me as a friend. (…) Andrew understands me, and I him. It’s comforting knowing someone else has been where we once were. If either Andrew or I can help you, please know we are here.”
Did I mention I love Renee a heckin’ hell of a lot recently??
Did I??
DID I???????
          “Maybe now that I’ve sated your curiosity you can help me. I need a boy’s opinion on gifts for Aaron and Andrew. For their birthday – (…) they didn’t celebrate it last year, and Nicky says they haven’t celebrated it since they moved in together, but hopefully this one is different.”
I wanna know what mystery gifts Renee got them. I need to know.
Also, I hope they’re throwing them a surprise party. I can see entirely no way this can go wrong in the slightest. Oh well.
However, it’s not birthday time yet – and it’s also not Thanksgiving time yet, which a lot of you have been warning me about.
(Seriously. Y’all are MENTAL over it. What the fuck is happening on Thanksgiving. It can’t be that bad.)
(I have a feeling I’ll be eating my words in a few days’ time).
First, it’s time for – you guessed it – even more dialogue!
          “I’m two seconds away from being dead,” Nicky said. “Mom just called to wish Andrew and Aaron a happy birthday.”
Considering the fact that Nicky’s parents are Prime Grade A Assholes, this is not exactly peachy news.
          “Why did she call, really?” Neil asked.
          “To invite us home for Thanksgiving dinner.”
Whomp – there it is.
Seriously. What will happen. I’m so intrigued.
          “If I go to Andrew with this, he’ll either laugh me off or pretend he doesn’t hear me. But he listens to you, right?”
Hell yeah he does.
Neil, you are gifted with the mythical powers of Talking Andrew Into Anything. You have Persuasion Powers, Neil. Use your powers for good, Neil. Become to hero Palmetto deserves, Neil. NEIL.
          “I know they think I’m a heathen doomed to burn for eternity, and I know I should give up on them, but I can’t. Maybe this call means they’re coming around. I have to know. Please, Neil? I want my mom back. I miss her more than you know.”
NICKY :’(((((((((((((((((( <3333
I’ll be your mom okay, I’ll cuddle you always, I’ll make you pasta and your bedtime is never.
Of course, even Neil can’t resist our chatty sunshine hurting like this, and so he goes over to the murder kitten for some Fun Andreil Persuasion Talk Times.
          “Today’s not a good day,” Andrew said. “Try again tomorrow.”
          “I wouldn’t crash your birthday party if it wasn’t important.”
          Andrew grinned. “Sarcasm from Neil? Your repertoire of talents is ever-expanding.”
Bitch, were you not there in the two (2) chapters where Neil absolutely dragged and sarcasm-WRECKED Riko Raven-Fucker? Seriously, how is this news to you.
          “Tick tock,” Andrew said. “You have my attention, now keep my interest.”
          “Nicky’s mother called.”
          “Oops, time’s up.”
No, you actually have no idea how hard I laughed at that part.
Tagged: Me dealing with my problems like.
However, Andrew does start talking sense after a few rounds of distracted bantering, and suddenly Fun Andreil Persuasion Times turns into Fun Andrew Story Times:
          “She was not my mother. (…) Cass, though. Cass? Cass would have been.”
So apparently, this woman called Cass Spear wanted to adopt Andrew – and yup, that’s the wife of the guy Higgins is investigating right now, which is of course not worrying at all.
This also means Drake apparently isn’t a surname. This just got even more interesting. WHO THE HELL IS DRAKE.
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Not you, Drake.
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Anyways, said Cass wanted to adopt Andrew, wanted to care for him and give him a good future, all that jazz. And Luther (aka Nicky’s asshole dad) was totally fine with it – except apparently Andrew wasn’t.
Yet he said both Cass and Richard never did anything bad to him – which brings me back to who the fuck is Drake, because the obvious answer now is that this Drake person did something to him.
And whatever fuckery happened, Andrew told Luther – who flat out did not believe him and called it a ”misunderstanding”, hence Andrew’s dislike for that word. Cool, cool cool, cool shit, what is h a p p e n i n g.
          “So did Luther not believe you or did he say you were wrong?” Neil asked. “There is a significant difference between the two.”
          “Oh.” Andrew half-turned to face him again. “Sometimes I forget you are sharper than you look.”
Ya boy Neil gets it. I don’t know why, but I loved this little exchange a lot. It just?? They begin to understand each other?? Also Andrew doesn’t think Neil is a complete idiot?? Good shit.
And now I begin to see why y’all may like the Thanksgiving chapter so much:
          “Maybe he’s sorry.”
          “You say that because you haven’t met Luther,” Andrew said.
          “Can I?”
          “It could be entertaining,” Neil said.
          “It could be,” Andrew allowed.
          “Let’s all go. (…) Imagine how uncomfortable Nicky’s parents will be if they have to contend with the five of us.”
Oh SHIT. This will be fun. This will be very, very fucking fun.
And just like this, Andrew agrees to Thanksgiving dinner with the Asshole Christians - if they don’t do it on Thanksgiving directly and if his monster squad can tag along. I am suddenly even more for this next chapter than I already was.
Neil, realizing his opportunity of having turned Fun Andreil Persuasion Times into Fun Andreil Honesty Times, can’t help but dash out another tricky question while he’s at it:
          “Did you really kill Aaron’s mother?” (…)
          “Guess she hit him one time too many. I warned her not to lay a hand on him, but she didn’t listen to me.”
I can’t say I’m surprised, but still – Andrew, what the frickely FUCK.
          “My first memories are of people dying,” Neil said. “I’m not afraid of you.”
          “That’s why you’re so interesting,” Andrew said. “How aggravating.”
          He sounded amused, not annoyed, so Neil said, “I’ll try to be more boring in the future.”
          “How considerate.”
Is this…….. Andreil banter……….. that I’m witnessing………. With my own two eyeballs………
And with that, the conversation is over, and the chapter almost is as well – except, obviously my baby Nicky is over the fucking moon.
          He yanked Neil into a fierce hug before Neil thought to dodge. “Oh, you might just be the best thing to happen to the Foxes.”
          “I doubt that.”
          “I don’t.”
ME NEITHER MY DUDE. <33333333333
Also, that was probably the first time anyone hugged Neil since his mother died. And that’s the thought I’m leaving y’all with today.
If you like what I do here and you want to help me continue writing, please consider buying me a coffee! Thank you so much <3
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