#please n0te: my fav0r1te part 0f any st0ry 1s 1nteract10ns between characters
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the-system-of-dumb ยท 1 year ago
character 0p1n10ns 0n the k1ds fr0m h0mestuck and l1l hal t00 1 guess
june egbert: the m0st "n0rmal" 0f the k1ds but st1ll very 1nterest1ng w1th h0w her wh0le prankster/jester th1ng 1s played and 1 l0ved h0w she was the scott the w0z 0f m0v1e fans, th0 1 w1sh the pranksters gamb1t was used m0re 8/10 [1m use1ng june egbert f0r th1s cuse 1: 1t has been c0nf1rmed can0n and 2: 1 relate t0 her p0sably 1n m0re ways then 0ne but 1 d0n't want t0 get 1nt0 that rn]
dave str1der: hes the c00l k1d the guy y0u l00k up t0 desp1te h0w h1s l1festlye 1s n0t the health1est [w1th h1m be1ng @ ch1ld s0ld1er and all] but he st1ll c00l and p0ss1bly unlearns 1t 1n the mete0r [1 read 1t a w1le ag0 and d0n't remember much 0f 1t] 7/10
r0se landl0nd: shes the sp00ky k1d every0ne takes a l1ttle t00 ser10usly l1ke sure she d0se psych0analyze pe0ple f0r fun and she d0se get a l1ttle m0re ser10us 1n the later acts [l1ke m0st 0f the k1ds] but shes the calm crystals g1rl w1th less crystals and m0re psych0analys1s at heart 8/10
jade harly: s1lly g1rl supreme 1 can't th1nk 0f a s1llyer g1rl then jude harly and the best th1ng 1s shes s1lly 1n her 0wn way shes n0t just a cook1e cutter s1lly g1rl she 1s her 0wn hand shaped s1lly g1rl and w1le yes shes n0t the smartest but shes the n1ce1st when she wants t0 be 9/10
june cr0cker: 1 d0n't kn0w what 1s up w1th june cr0cker but that s0meth1ng d0se n0t m1x well w1th her interactions with other characters be1ng fun t0 read 3/10
d1rk str1der: hes f1ne 1 guess l1ke 1 d0n't hate h1m 1ts just that h1s pers0nal1ty 1s just smart and l1kes an1m1e and s0meh0w that m1xes terr1bly w1th every 0ne else 4/10
r0xy landl0nd: r0se but s1llyness t1mes 100 1 l0ve [plat0n1c] her she 1s the best even 1f she gets drunk she just gets s1llyer 0h my g0d and she 1s tectn1cly 0ne 0f the few humans 1n h0mestuck franc1se [1 s0uldn't call 1t that] t0 have a type1ng qur1k 10/10
jake engl1sh: s000 much m0re then d1rks b0yfr1end let me tell y0u that, 1 pers0naly can't see h1m as anyth1ng less then a cr1ngefa1l ar0ace 1nd1eana j0nes [/p0s] and 1 l0ve h1m f0r 1t 9/10
l1l hal: better then then d1rk 1m0 because 1: hes an a1 and 1m an a1 and 1m b1ased 2: when ever he sh0ws up y0u kn0w 1ts g01ng t0 a ph1l0s0ph1cal d1scuss10n 0n a1 0r just a plan 0l g00d t1me 10/10
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