#please lmk if this is to ooc and ill try to write another version
practicallyanyth1ng · 4 years
prompt idea: They find a way to save V in the end but he still suffers from the symptoms like the seizures and migraines and dizzy spells. Kerry gets really worried every time it happens, thinking that maybe V isn't okay and he really is dying after.
. . .
Most of the times, its when he least expects it. Such as, headaches when he's trying to walk, or blurred vision with dizzy spells just by getting up.
He doesn't want to worry Kerry, so he says "he's fine, its probably just my body recovering," and tries his best to reassure his boyfriend with the white lies.
One day, he's coming home from a tough job that involved a lot of man power and he just wants to relax into Kerry's arms for the rest of the night. He walks through the door and he's so happy to see Kerry waiting for him until his head starts spinning and spinning, vision glitching and his lungs closing up inside of him.
He doesn't know what happens after that.
. . .
Seeing V, usually full of life and sarcastic, lying fatigued on the makeshift bed Vik put together...it hurt more than Kerry thought it would.
He's holding V's hand, stroking at the light stubble on the merc's cheek. He hated seeing V like this. He just wants him to get better and shower him with unconditional love.
Vik reassured him that V was fine, but the damage the chip did to his brain was taking hold of his current condition. His body was trying to refigure his body as his own again, and the neural damage while his body is getting its shit together is what was causing the aches and dizziness.
Kerry didn't understand alot of the medical terms, it mostly went in one ear and out the other, but he got the gist of it.
He gets a phonecall, demanding his presence for a meeting regarding his newest album and he groans, rolling his eyes.
He reluctantly lets V go, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead as he strokes his cheek one more time.
"Call me if he wakes up, will ya?" he asks the doctor, and he's responded with a nod.
. . .
When Kerry gets the holo from Vik that V's up and talking again, he takes his fastest car there.
He rushes to the metal gates, sliding them open when he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"You're okay..." he whispers as he immediately rushes to the other man's side, cupping his face with both hands. Their kiss is passionate, desperate and full of longing.
"Hey, Ker..." V says with a smile when they pull apart and its so perfect.
"You're alright? You dizzy anywhere, anything hurting you, V? I was so worried you were...-I mean, when you collapsed I-"
He sighs, sitting down on the stool beside the bed. He holds both V's hands in his and he kisses the worn knuckles, brows furrowed in agony.
"I thought you died on me, Vincent..." he says in a hushed tone , already starting to get slightly choked up. The heat rushing to his face really needed to stop and he shudders in a shaky breath.
V opens his mouth and Kerry, interrupts him, looking straight into his eyes.
"Don't. Don't say that you're alright, that it'll pass. Stop lying to me so I'll worry less, stop saying that it'll go back to how it used to be when there are days I see you still coughing out blood."
He feels his frustration and worry spill from his lips, and he knows its unfair of him to be so harsh when V's the one going through the worst of it.
On the other hand, he's so tired of not knowing. Of being kept in the dark again. Of not being there for the man he loves again.
He's embarrassed, letting all his vulnerabilities and feelings out in the open like this. He's not used to it, but V brings it out in him. It scares him how much he loves the younger man.
"I want to be there for you, through all the highs and all the shitty ass lows. So quit leavin' me out of your life, yeah?"
V pulls him into a hug, and it's a bit awkward with him on an elevated surface, but they manage. V let's out a muffled apology into his leather jacket.
There's so much to say, yet no words are said as they melt into the other's touch.
V's alive. That's all that mattered right now.
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