#please its auch a good fic
kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
oh ywah wveeyone should read deny it all by chocopiesou ao3 . btw .
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billluver0124 · 3 months
"fulfill your wish"
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synopsis: bill has always wanted a child, especially with y/n. will she give him such a blessing and make him a father?
WARNINGS: kissing, mentions of impregnating
A/N : i saw a jjk (jujustu kaisen) fic earlier today similar to this and it inspired me to make this story! i think ill make a pt 2 to this but idk, lemme know in the comments if i should! enjoy mwah!!
it was always bills dream to have a family of his own, it started when he was younger and he would see fathers playing with their children. he always thought to himself "i hope that'll be me someday"
hes 28 now, with a wife of his own. who he loves very much and holds so dear to his entire soul. they've been together for so long and he knows shes the one hes gonna spend the rest of his life with, he would love to have a family with her. they've mentioned it here and there, but hes never really asked her the question. does y/n want children with him?
every time they go out, bill sees a pregnant woman somewhere or a family spending time with each other. he cant help but imagine thats him and y/n. oh how he wishes to be a father..
the desire gets even bigger whenever y/n babysits her niece. her siblings had a child not to long ago and y/n babysits her often, sending bill little pictures of her and the baby while hes at the studio. seeing y/n with a baby makes bills knees go weak. the way her niece sits so naturally on y/ns hip whenever she holds her. its like y/n was born to be a mother, and bill was so willing to make that happen. imagine y/n with bills baby! that's his ultimate dream.
today, bill was at the studio and y/n at home, babysitting her little niece. she was cuddling with the baby when she decides to send bill a cute little text...
{image attachment}
me and the baby miss you liebe <3
i miss you both too, very much. ill be home in 30 <3
okay baby, be safe coming home.
ich liebe dich❤
ich liebe dich auch meine schatzi❤
when bill saw the photo, his heart fluttered immediately. god please make this woman the mother of his child. the desire to make y/n a mother was becoming unbearable. he needed to tell her how he felt. and he will do just that when he gets home.
he unlocks the door to see y/n on the couch. the baby no where to be seen. "wheres the baby liebe?" he asked, "oh her mom picked her up not too long ago" "oh okay" bill said, giving y/n a kiss 'hello' in which she happily returned. after a little while of peaceful but awkward silence, bill speaks again "schatz, can we go to the room?" he asked, gulping nervously "i-i wanna talk about something with you" y/n raised an eyebrow, confused on what he wanted to talk about. "yea w-we can go to the room" they both got up and walked together to the bedroom they shared. y/n sits on the bed as bill closes the door behind him "so what did you want to talk about?" she asked, bill was hesitant to speak at first but he ended up talking anyways "have you ever...wanted a you know..." he got nervous as he spoke, beginning to stutter "a-a family?.."
y/n thought about it for a moment "i mean, yea but i dont know if ill be a good mother.." bills eyes widen "are you kidding me!? youd be an amazing mother schatzi!" bill takes y/n to the bathroom, putting her in front of the mirror "imagine yourself with a little belly, youd look so cute" bill put his hands on her stomach, rubbing it as if she was pregnant. y/n smiled, imagining if she really was pregnant, if she had a little family with bill. she would love for that to happen, but still..what if she isnt good enough to be a mom?
"i still dont know bill, what if im not a good moth-" "schatz, look at me" y/n looks to bills direction, he places his hands on her cheeks. "ive seen the way you are with kids, especially your niece. you take care of them as if they are your own..." he gets on his knees, pressing kisses on y/ns stomach. "i know you will be a good mother, and i promise to be the best father of our kids" y/n smiled, running her fingers through bills hair. "you really think so?" "yes, ever since we started dating i knew i wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. its why i married you, lets start a family together. its what we both wish for right?" bills gets up, wrapping his hands around her waist. pressing lovely kisses on her face.
"do you really think we can do this bill?" y/n asked, still hesitant on the topic. "i know we can, ive been granted my two wishes of being with you and marrying you, may i be blessed with a child from you as my third wish?" bill had the eyes of a puppy when he asked the question. he really wanted this with her.
after a little moment, y/n nods "okay, we can try and start a family" bills eyes light up when he hears her reply, "really? we can?!" y/n giggles at bills reaction
"yes, lets fulfill your wish"
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nautiscarader · 7 years
New Year’s Kiss
Tristeva, Yumalia, T (though with some naughtiness Ankama got us used to), 4.9k (say whaaaa)
(masterpost which I still need to update from the november prompts shut up I know just use the tag for now) (Read on Ao3) (Read on FF)
Elely is sick watching Yugo and Amalia moping and doping about their on-and-off relationship, and decides to put a plan to tie the knot around them, whether they like it or not.
Happy New year everybody (especially my buddy @ninja-courtney)!
If you decide to start reading this fic at 23:45:33, then it will end precisely at bugger all because of time zones.
This fic takes place post-Season 3 and post-whatever Ankama decides to do with the heroes stranded in the Gods' dimension...
I just wanted to write some holiday fluff about Percedal family, because they are #bestfamily2k17 and out of all them Elely is #bestshipper2k17, as I have told in my episode "reviews". and you know me - Yumalia gotta prevail.
Wait, wait, I got a nice one: What do you call a christmas Yumalia fic? A YULE-malia! Eh? Eh? I'll shut up now.
- Open up, Tristegnon, the choo-choo is coming... - Evangelyne cooed to her youngest son, bringing the spoon filled with mushy cawwots closer and closer to his mouth. She smiled, staring into his surprised face, hoping that this time...
In a blink of an eye, Tristegnon smacked the spoon from his mother's hand, which smashed in the same spot on the wall as five previous ones, deepening the orange splash against the dark wood. His cries broke the seeming tranquillity in Percedal household kitchen, forcing Evangelyne to slump onto her chair, defeated once more.
- What do I do with you? - she groaned - You're crying because you're hungry, and then you won't even take a single bite, so you cry more! - Mom, let me do it.
Up until now, Elely, chopping cawwots at the other side of the table, patiently watched her mother's attempts at handling another Iop baby. She stood up, walked around the table, quite unceremoniously yanked the bowl from her hands and half-sat on the table to meet her brother eye-to-eye.
- That's how you should do it. - she instructed, taking the spoon - Hey there, Tristegnon! Look at that, it's a huge beam of cawwot energy that will kill all of your loved ones, and you're the only one who can save them by taking it! There goes a destructive beam of energy, there goes a destr... CHOMP! The small Iop eagerly clamped his mouth over the spoon, slurping the pulp, licking his lips afterwards.
- There, that should do it. - she jumped from the table, ignoring her mother's dumbfounded face. - Honestly, you and your brother sometimes give me nightmares! - she fumed, though slightly content that her littlest won't be hungry anymore - My sister warned me about having a Iop as a husband, and I can see why. I sometimes wish I didn't... Suddenly, the steady, monotonous sound of knife hitting the cutting board stopped, and the two met their eyes.
- Mom...? - Elely's voice quivered - What... What did you want to say?
At once, Evangelyne understood her mistake, and ran to her daughter, almost terrified that she might run away as she approached her. The avalanche of guilt swept over her as she hugged her, feeling tiny droplets of tears on her shoulder.
- Mommy, you-you still love us, right? And D-daddy, right? - Oh course I do, honey, of course I do. - Evangelyne whispered through her own tears, hugging Elely tighter She let her go, hoping to find a smile on Elely's face, and to her relief, she received much more, when her daughter placed a kiss, though not exactly non-teary one, on her cheek.
- I'm sorry, honey. - she wiped her eyes. - It's just... Sometimes love is difficult, that's it. And your brother, well, he's not exactly helping it. - How come? - Elely looked at her, curious - Love isn't hard at all. Evangelyne smiled and ruffled Elely's hair.
- Well, maybe to you, but once you grow up, you will learn it's a bit nuanced. That means "difficult". - No it's not! Love is easy. - she snorted, counting - You two spend equal time kissing, arguing... - That is one way of looking at it... - Evangelyne chuckled. - ...and doing the naked wrestling thingy. Not just the utensils, but Elely herself rose into the air when Evangelyne smashed her hand on the table.
- Elely! Have you been spying on me and your father when I specifically told you not to? - What's the big deal? - she asked back, gathering the scattered cawwots - If you like to play that way, it's your choice, you don't have to shout at us. - That's not the way to talk to your mother, young lady. - Evangelyne hissed - If your father were here... She looked towards the window, but through the steamed glass not much could be seen, and even without the obstruction, the snow outside wouldn't let Evangelyne locate her husband and her other son. She was about to say that once he gets back he will give them "the talk", but once she thought about it, she came to the conclusion that their father is not the ideal teacher for more delicate issues.
Trying to avoid any more arguing with her daughter, she slumped back onto her chair, and continued feeding Tristegnon.
- Grown-ups make all things complicated! - Elely grumbled under her breath, flowing her Iopish pent-up anger into her hand, utterly pulverising the cawwots in the process - Not just you and dad, even uncle Yugo and auntie Amalia act all stupid sometimes! - Elely, you mustn't call them that! - But they are! - Elely roared - They obviously love each other, but they act as if they didn't know about it! - I had the impression that you thought that kissing was gross and "icky". - Well, it kinda is... - Elely admitted - But it's makes me more angry to watch these two dumb-dumbs not doing it, even though they should!
Looking back at her daughter, Evangelyne's lips curled into a smirk.
- Well, as I said, love can sometime be tricky... - But in this case it's not! It's easy as chopping those cawwots! He loves her, she loves him, what's more to that? - she groaned, pointing to two bits of cawwots, one large and one small, using them as dolls - But oh, no, they have to pretend, and always use big words to talk to each other, as if they couldn't just explain this to themselves. You'd think that after they kissed it would be easy-peasy, but it got even more covno... conovo...difficult. - Again, Elely, I told yo-THEY DID WHAT? One more time the bowl of freshly chopped cawwots rose and fell onto the table, this time properly scaring Elely, lost in her own thoughts.
- Uh, what's that, mommy? - Did... did you say that Amalia... - Uh-uh. - Elely nodded. - And Yugo? - she inquired more, still utterly bewildered by her daughter's revelations. - Mhm. - Back in the Oropo's tower? - she added after a while, once she thought about it. Elely nodded again.
- That little... - Evangelyne grumbled under her breath - You'd think she would tell her best friend... Elely giggled under her breath.
- Maybe uncle Yugo wasn't good at it? Auntie Amalia didn't look very pleased afterwards... - Elely pondered. - And I assume you found out about it in the usual way? - Evangelyne smirked, raising her brow. - Yup. They didn't even see me, they thought I was in the glowing elevator thingy. Mom, I have an idea! - she suddenly rose to her feet - Why don't we invite them over and put them under a mistletoe? Then they will have to make up with each other and kiss! - Well, that is a plan. - Evangelyne sighed, taking fed Tristegnon into her arms to make him burp - I've been meaning to do that anyway, after we've rebuilt the house... She looked around the kitchen walls, patched with wooden planks that just a year ago were half-destroyed by Oropo's Pandawa henchman.
- We have spare bedroom! We can invite them for Kwismas! - Elely shouted, waving her hands eagerly. - Well, maybe not Kwismas, I think they would like to spend that time with their families... And so will we... But New Year sounds more doable, doesn't it? Elely cheered, but at the same time the rush of cold air invaded the warm interior, when Tristepin and Flopin opened the door, dragging something huge behind them.
- Look honey what our son caught!
Tristepin, or rather Rubilax, lifted the bag into the air and emptied its contents onto the floor, which turned out to be a carcass of an enormous boar, shot, seemingly with just one arrow sticking through his head.
- Oh, brilliant, more meat to prepare, as if the pantry wasn't full already. - Evangelyne sighed and rolled her eyes - If you want more jerky, then you will have to skin it and deal with it yourselves. - she pointed to her meat-loving daughter and husband. - Don't worry, dad, I will show you how. - Flopin nudged his father's healthy arm. - What were you two laughing about when we came back? Auch! - We've been talking about inviting Amalia and Yugo for the New Year's... - Evangelyne explained calmly, smacking Tristepin's hand with a ladle when he tried to taste the steaming soup from the cauldron. - Although Elely was a bit more... conniving about their stay. - Awesome! - Tristepin cheered, though his face frowned almost instantly - But what do you mean about that, uh, that other word? Evangelyne and Elely giggled, bringing more consternation to the men listening to the conversation.
- I will explain that later, honey. - she kissed him on the cheek - For now, why don't you make the table while I put Tristegnon to bed, hm?
Throughout Kwismas, the plan of inviting Yugo and Amalia, discussed primarily between Elely, Evangelyne and Flopin matured well enough to be put into action, and just two days after the kids sent their invitations, they got two affirmative replies.
One unexpected side effect of Elely's plan was how much more time the three spent with each other, trying to come with interesting ways of bringing their guests closer, though Evangelyne had to intervene whenever her twins' imagination went too far. Much to Elely's disappointment, her seemingly amazing idea of putting both Amalia and Yugo into one bedroom, was thwarted before Elely could even finish saying it. She grumbled about 'grown-ups' and 'spoilsport' for a good while afterwards. It was settled that Yugo will sleep in the twins' room for one night.
But a few better ideas were proposed: the amount of mistletoe doubled in the house, especially above the doorways and any vertical places one could sit on, to maximise the chances of the two finding themselves underneath it. Evangelyne would not dare to disappoint her children that the supposed rule is nothing more than just a tradition, seeing how eagerly the two decorated the house.
Whenever the three of them were not playing match-makers, under Evangelyne's supervision, she and Flopin prepared special arrows equipped with small sacks of exploding powder to be fired at the midnight, once the new year arrives.
A day before the New Year's Eve, the preparations to welcome the two guests seemed finished and that nothing could spoil it.
But the dawn of the new day rectified that, since from the moment Yugo's and Amalia's eyes met each other, as they stepped from the two Zaap portals over the hills, the two couldn't look more outraged at the other one's presence, though whenever Evangelyne turned her head to Yugo, she could see a longing frown as he marched behind the princess.
- Did you guys write that they won't be arriving alone? - Evangelyne whispered conspiratorially to Elely and Flopin, once their guests stepped into the house. - Of course not, mommy! - Elely eagerly answered - That was the whole point, otherwise they couldn't come.
Evangelyne sighed. If she had any hopes that the two would somehow make themselves comfortable in each other's presence, then the dinner time shattered it. Sure, Amalia was more than happy to talk with Eva, and Yugo was delighted to meet his best buddy and his wild children, but whenever the two met each other's eyes, it felt as if a cold wind swept through the room they were currently in.
The twins made sure to offer Yugo and Amalia matching seats across the long table, but to their disappointment, instead they chose the ones as far away from each other as possible, and only because the others chose their chairs quickly, Yugo and Amalia had to endure looking into each other's eyes throughout the feast. The monumental roasted boar made it a bit easier for Yugo to avoid Amalia's stare, but with Tristepin and Elely's hunger, the meat very quickly turned into bones, slowly revealing the disgusted face of Amalia, taking another portion of salad.
Not a word was spoken, and for once, Evangelyne thought it was for the better. Judging from Amalia's grimace, even the tiniest spark could set the emotional princess on fire, and she silently prayed that none such occasion would occur.
- So, what the two of you've been up to? I thought you guys would be so happy together, but you are dead silent, like there's something wrong! - Tristepin blurted out, swallowing a large chunk of meat - Eva, why are scratching your neck so funny? Amalia turned her head to spot Evangelyne moving her hand across her neck, failing spectacularly to cut her husband off. She faked a smile, and nearly stuck her face underneath the table, when Amalia gripped its edge, darted her head upwards and spoke, calmly at first.
- For your information, Tristepin, I didn't know that your friend would be here, and judging from his twisted face neither was he - she sneered, watching as Yugo's visage twisted into the very same scowl Amalia just talked about. - And if you could have made a worse faux-pas to invite a man that has broken, nay, shattered my heart, then... - And what about mine?
Yugo stood up, grasping the corners of his side of the table, mirroring Amalia's behaviour. - You don't think how horrible I felt when I had to leave you? - You didn't have to leave anyone, you spoiled egocentric immortal king, you! - Amalia leaned over the table, as if she wished she could get closer to shout at her sudden adversary. - Says you, who can live equally long life - Yugo roared back - Or maybe you don't, I-I don't even know how our relationship would look like, ever thought about that? - Well, if you think that we shouldn't be together, then we shouldn't be sitting at the same table. - You know, I think for once you are right. With his arms spread, Yugo suddenly moved them, forming a circle mid-air, and a flash of blue portal light hid him from the rest for a moment. Once the light disappeared, however, the part of the table with his seat was pushed as far back into the room as possible, and only the faint glimmer of light around its edge told the others that the furniture wasn't broken, but magically moved. In turn, Amalia fumed, grasped her end of the wooden table, who to Percedal's family surprise, rumbled, glowed green, and the wood grew under her magic, extending it and pushing her in the opposite direction, all the way through the long corridor.
Evangelyne, Tristepin and their kids turned their heads back and forth, trying to see if they can even spot their guests from their position, though to an onlooker it might have looked like they were watching an invisible game of ping-pong on a very uneven surface.
Just when Evangelyne thought the space between the two was an issue, Amalia and Yugo stood from their chairs, snorted, and walked in the opposite direction, joining at the stairs, towards their rooms upstairs, without even a word spoken. Two loud slams indicated that the two shut themselves off in their corresponding rooms.
Without their magic, both ends of the table broke, sending most of the plates to the ground in cacophony of shattered china, with only a few full plates surviving, thanks to the agility (and hunger) of Tristepin, Elely and Flopin.
Evangelyne let out a long, wailing sigh, that soon turned into a cry. Understanding her intentions at once, and foreseeing another storm coming from a mile away, the kids and their father rushed to the kitchen for brooms, cloths, and buckets of water.
Cleaning the living room took the three a better part of the evening, and while Tristepin visited the kitchen every once in a while to see how Evangelyne was holding up, after the nerve-wrecking argument, Elely and Flopin formed a new plan. It certainly helped that the twins understood each other's intentions almost wordlessly, and once they were done with gathering bits of broken wood, they grabbed the two plates of cake from the kitchen, under their parent's absence, and rushed upstairs, until they met the doors to the guest room and their own, turned into a temporary second one.
Elely pointed Flopin to the one on the right, while she gently knocked on the one on the left.
The floor rumbled under Amalia's roar, though that didn't scare Elely in the slightest. She turned the knob and peered through the door, hoping that if Amalia decides to attack her, she will at least be able to save the cheesecake.
- Auntie Amalia? - Elely asked, putting quite an effort to pull off a sing-song voice - I brought you dessert, I thought you might want it...
But instead of rampaging, angry, heart-broken princess, Elely found Amalia curled onto the guest bed, sitting in the unlit room, staring at the snow, falling outside the window. Unless Elely was very much mistaken, the same orange light from the lamp outside reflected in the tears in her eyes.
- Oh... - Amalia said softly, taking the plate from her - Thank you. She absent-mindedly put it on the table next to the bed. As if approaching a sleeping sabre-tooth tiger, Elely crept to the chair, and sat on it, clearing her throat. She found herself in quite unsettling situation, as her usual temperamental approach to solving problems simply wouldn't work, but fortunately help came from the very person she was going to persuade.
- I'm sorry, Elely, that I lost my control over the dinner. I should be there, helping you clean the room. - It's okay, we did it already. - Elely waved her legs mid-air - So... you and uncle Yugo... You're not exactly... uh... - It's complicated, I think is the safest to say - Amalia sighed longingly - It is plainly obvious he was in love with me for years now... But then again, he... As an Eliatrope... Well, he might have different plans for the rest of his life. And as you can see, it is difficult for me to... reciprocate the feeling.
She took the plate, and ate a rather large bit of the cake. Elely had the impression that the empty calories might be just what the needy princess wanted right now.
- Okay, so here's the thing, auntie... - Elely cleared her throat again. - And don't get mad about it... But you're dense as a brick. - What did you say?! - And that comes from a Iophead, so listen, now. - Elely jumped from her chair to the bed, almost pinning Amalia to the wall behind her - Uncle Yugo is crazy in love with you, and so are you about him. And I don't care about any silly grown-up rules, or manners.... - That is obvious! - ...but I know that you two should have been married like mom and dad for years now. Both of you said some horrible stuff about each other, and you should apologise. A kid tells you that. And I'm sure Yugo wants to apologise to you as well.
Amalia blinked a few times, staring at the surprisingly authoritative-looking figure of the little Iopess, and swallowed loudly.
- Well, perhaps you are right.
To Elely's surprise, Amalia stood up, walked to the door, and froze in place as she opened it. Elely didn't have to peek in order to know what happened in Yugo's room, but from the look on Yugo's face, her brother succeeded into making him apologise as well. The twins gave each other a nod, and scooted from the rooms towards the stairs, though neither Yugo nor Amalia, linked by a sorrowful, silent stare, wouldn't have noticed either of them walking past them anyway.
Neither of them shouted or argued, the two simply walked slowly towards each other. The twins moved another step back, peeking, while they leaned on the stairs, seeing only half of a scene that was taking place before their eyes, though in the silence that fell, they could hear every word.
- Ami... Amalia... - Yugo... Elely rolled her eyes, watching the two slowly stepping closer to each other, saying only the other one's name. Flopin nudged his sister, pointing to the mistletoe hanging just above these two. Suppressing her happiness, Elely nodded back to her brother, hoping that the long, mopy act they had to endure might actually end exactly like they planned, and the two eagerly watched Yugo and Amalia staring at each other in a silent trance.
But once the initial moment of enchantment was gone, the two knew something was wrong.
- Well? - Amalia asked suddenly, crossing her arms. - Well what? - Yugo asked back, raising his brow. - The apology, Yugo. You were going to apologise for your outrageous behaviour! - Me!? - he stumbled - I thought you were going to do that! - You are out of your mind! Elely and Flopin sighed. Yugo and Amalia's voices dissolved into a quarrelling mess, as the two tried to outshout each other. Defeated and despondent, the twins walked down to the room without exchanging ever so much a word, until Flopin stopped on the landing.
- Look at the clock, it's nearly midnight! - The fireworks! Two two took one last look at the still arguing couple, shrugged, and ran downstairs. As they suspected, their mom was already on the porch, holding what looked like a small sack of fur in her arms, though they knew it was their brother, coated in several layers of warm clothes.
- There you are, Flopin. I've been wondering what took you so long. Wait, where is Amalia? And Yugo?
Evangelyne looked inside the house, as if expecting to see the two, though from the frowns on her children's faces, she already knew what was the reason of her friends' absence. She kneeled, and still holding her newest member of family, patted the twins heads, sliding woolen hats on them.
- I'm sorry, kids, that your plan didn't work in the end. I wish Yugo and Amalia could find a common ground more than anyone else, believe me. - I think we made everything worse... I think. - Flopin mumbled, snorting. - Don't say that - Eva cheered him - You did everything you could to bring these two together. But sometimes... - she sighed - Now, who wants to see some fireworks? - she stood up, happy to see at least a slightly faint smiles forming on their faces - I know who definitely wants to see them for the first time, don't I? Tristegnon laughed at her mother's smile, wiggling his arms, though with the amount of protective clothing, the range of his arms was minimal. His father burst through the door, holding the long explosive arrows, a task Evangelyne wasn't sure he was up to, at least initially.
It was barely snowing anymore, and the night sky, glowing with Winter stars, seemed like a perfect canvas waiting for a bit of colour. Eva and Flopin took their bows, waited a couple of minutes, and when the first bells of a distant Xelor church rang, they shot the flaming arrows high in the sky, which exploded with a loud "bang", illuminating the snowy fields with orange that slowly turned into crimson red. From his father's arms, little Tristegnon marvelled at the miracles unfurling in front of his eyes, babbling ecstatically every time a new colour appeared seemingly out of nowhere: yellow, red, green, blue...
Just like the bells announced the beginning of new year's celebration outside, the first sneeze of Flopin sounded like a good time to end them, after already impressive tenth round of firework arrows. Elely called Flopin a "runny nose", and rushed to the door, knowing well he still had one explosive arrow in his quiver, and he won't be afraid to use it. But when she arrived at the door, she froze, turned around and waved eagerly at parents and brother to stop running and creep towards her.
Only when the rest of the Percedal family got closer to the window, they understood Elely's sudden giggling.
Next to the warm, inviting fire, two people sat on the cozy sofa, embraced in a tight, passionate kiss. While Amalia's loose hair blended with the green drubbing, Yugo's yellow Kwismas sweater and blue hat contrasted with it, and provided a clear indication where she begun, and he ended, as with the tangled mess of limbs it wasn't as easy as one might think.
- Well, what do you know... - Evangelyne whispered, trying to suppress equally girly giggle. - Yeah... - Tristepin added somewhat nervously - What? Aren't you happy about your best friend? - I am, but the weather is frightful, and that fire looks so delightful... - he spoke through his chattering teeth. Another sneeze, this time from her youngest, mortified Evangelyne, lost in mushy thoughts about her friend that has been through so much recently, and without any guilt, she opened the door, causing the couple, entwined in each other's arms to jump in place, when the sudden rush of cold air that made the hair on heir skin stand in an instance.
- So, who wants some cocoa before hitting the bed? - Evangelyne asked, getting a loud simultaneous cheer from the rest of her family.
Almost nonchalantly, she looked at the still flustered princess and her admirer, caught red-handed, and from the looks, red-lipped, and returned the well-earned smile that slowly moved the corners of Amalia's mouth up.
The next morning things seemed much different than a day before. Evangelyne, Flopin, Tristepin and Elely kept exchanging knowing, happy looks, while Yugo and Amalia were too absorbed, staring into each other's faces, sitting across the table at the first breakfast of the new year. Their plates were intact, and the two love-stricken had their faces so close to each-other, that their noses almost touched each other.
Only Evangelyne's less-than-subtle cough brought the two lovebirds back to reality, painting their faces crimson, preventing them from pulling each other into a fierce kiss. Amalia fixed her hair, and looked around, as if she didn't spent last few minutes gaping at her boyfriend.
- I'm going to forgive you, Eva, for the, uhm, scheme you put us through. - Amalia asserted, passing a bowl of salad, trying to evade her eyes - Though I can't say I'm too disappointed with the outcome, of course. - Oh, then you should be forgiving our kids - Evangelyne smiled, putting her arm around Elely's shoulder, pulling her closer to her - They were right saying that you guys were taking about half a decade too long to realise what's between you two. Flopin and Elely exchanged a loud high-five across the table.
- And I've got to admit to you, children, perhaps you were right. - Eva said - Sometimes love can be easy. - It sure is! - Elely shouted - You did all the things to do: you argued a bit... - ...then you kissed... - ...and then...
Evangelyne understood her children's intentions a bit too late to stop them, and she nearly lunged herself across the table, eyes-widened to silence them before they could finish, in unison, resulting in her almost falling onto the plate of meats.
- ...and then you did the naked wrestling!
Out of all the other listeners, only Tristegnon, sitting in his high chair couldn't understand the consequences of his siblings' action and only his cooing could be heard in the dead silence that fell in the kitchen, and stayed for quite some time, until Evangelyne and Amalia roared.
- I told you, mom, Elely saw some fireworks on the horizon, she dragged me out, so we can watch them, and the we heard them... Auch! - Snitch! - Children, I can't hear the dishes being cleaned. From her comfy chair, Evangelyne didn't bother to argue with her hyperactive children. She hoped that a few weeks of household chores should teach them a lesson, though perhaps the more informative one on the subject of biology was a proper torture already for their too eager minds. - You could have told us it's about making babies! - Elely groaned from the sink - It sounds so gross we won't sneak and watch you, it even if you'd ask us... - You know what, I change my mind, love is difficult as heck. - Flopin lamented, putting another cleaned plate on his side, with vague hope that this might end his bit earlier.
Elely and Flopin weren't the only ones to receive a punishment. Smiling, Evangelyne read Amalia's lengthy letter, describing not just the kiss she didn't mention to her, but also as the events of the New Year's Eve, and the first week of Yugo's stay at her castle. One of two things were obvious: either Amalia developed imagination and a literary talent that could very well swipe other cheap romance novels for lone housewives from the shelves, or Yugo's skills really were as fabulous as she wrote, and their future was looking rather bright.
Somewhere above the kitchen, Tristepin was desperately trying to put Tristegnon to bed, though from the sounds of it, his attempts at making his son sleep turned into another pretend sword-fight. Evangelyne stretched her arms, and got comfortable in the chair. She will need to save the two later, of course, but for now, the brave Cra enjoyed well-earned bit of peace and quiet. Until another quarrel, that is.
A/N.: The scene at the table, with Yugo and Amalia growing apart is definitely not stolen from a little movie called "Citizen Kane". Nope, no siree. No, but seriously, that was coincidental.
21 notes · View notes
calumcest · 4 years
hello my dearest helen. nen scheiß darfst du 😌 i might love you a lot but i will fight you about soulmate au's honour. (also if you think about abandoning this fic - or britpop - i will fly to the uk and scream at you until you continue)
i have been crying about your note for days. you're so kind and i'm very glad my fic comments could bring you some joy (i'm currently rereading britpop btw so expect a new one in a couple of days) and that you thought of me is like !! idek i can't explain it but existing in your consciousness outside of tumblr/ao3 is madness to me 🙈
und ich liebe es wirklich so sehr wenn du was auf deutsch schreibst und keine sorge ich weiß selber nich ob deutsch da groß oder klein geschrieben wird aber ich finde auch groß- und kleinschreibung sollte einfach abgeschafft werden. oh und deine handschrift ist sehr schön nur etwas schwer zu lesen 😅
i'm doing real bad tbh but just hearing from you gave me such a serotonin boost you really cannot possibly understand how nice it is that you're back 💕 how's your masters going? also what exactly is your masters? and how's life in general? i would like updates if you feel like it 😊
oh also since you reblogged that ask: i randomly remember the "all hell breaks lose" line from britpop simply bc even though i expected it to happen like that i was so mad about that cliffhanger and it still haunts me. also. every single time you referenced noel writing songs just is continuously at the back of my head bc i both hate and love you for that. and you can really expect me to be randomly thinking about soulmate au and holyverse at all times not specific lines but just those fics in their entirety -spoiler twin
ok firstly holy shit since when can asks be this long...this is incredibly sexy i love thsi for us also since when can u make text small in asks...please teach me this power (also i have 6k of the next chapter of britpop!! if i can get my shit together it will hopefully be posted in the next couple of days) 
!!!! youre SO cute of COURSE i literally adore you i cant even tell you on my big ol break from tumblr how many times i thought about you and when you started commenting on my fics again i was like !! like you do cross my mind you exist outside of these asks very much so <3 (also i am SO excited for that honestly...) 
!! sogar wenn mein deutsch so schlecht ist wie jetzt?? aber HONESTLY ffs es ist so BLÖD aus WELCHEM grund müssen nomen großgeschrieben werden. AUS WELCHEM GRUND!!!!!!!!!!! es ist aber irgendwie ganz nett mit dir deutsch zu sprechen? fühlt sich irgendwie wie eine geheime sprache obwohl wir nicht die einzigen deutschsprachigen sind skdjfbskdjf und DANKE ich weiß dass meine handschrift total unleserlich ist aber wenn sie auch schön ist dann kann ich damit leben <3 
:(( i’m so sorry to hear that is there anything i can do? (more wilde kerle au?) but honestly if there’s anything i can do for you at all i’m always here i really hope things improve for you soon <3 thank u for asking!! my masters...She Is Stressful. She Is. i’m studying history of science medicine and technology and i actually only wanted to be studying history of medicine so i already dont care about like half my course and secondly its FUCKING SO SCIENTIFIC and SO PHILOSOPHICAL we spent half an  hour the other day debating whether you can ever learn something if you dont already know it. WHATTTTTTTT i hate philosophy so much however ive made some really good friends here which has been really lovely! its been shite recently since we had lockdown 2 and the tier system so all ive really been able to do w people is go on walks but you know it be how it be 
!!!!!!!!!! mate i literally remember writing that line like HEE HEE that was the scene i was writing the entire fic for i got to that line and the scene after and then i was like Ah my job is finished the fic is over i dont know what to writ enext ksfjbjwhebfwe also !!!!! thats so cute i wkll possibly try and write more soulmate au over xmas but i cannot promise u anything but britpop is defnitely on the way 6k down 2k to go <3 
0 notes
Author Spotlight: KlaineShip2 Day 2
Day 2: Recs!
Because Klaineship is a translator, this is in two languages so it’s long and I’ve needed to put it under a cut tag after the first one. But I really recommend clicking through!!
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Please recommend 3 - 5 of your own translations.
Look under the cut: Being Kurt Hummel by @flamingmuse, Where there’s smoke by @itslaurastone and How Hard You’re Trying by @wowbright
Okay, so let me start with the translation I am most proud of. It's @adiwriting​ 's 'Hearing Verse' about Deaf!Blaine. I collected all her Tumblr and AO3 posts and one inspired work by @justasmallbloginabigklainefandom​ into one big 63-chapter-piece (over 150.000 words) It's called 'Musik nur, wenn sie laut ist' 
on AO3 and fanfiktion.de
What I love the most about this fic is, that it tells Kurt's and Blaine's story from their first meeting through their whole life until they are both old men. In the beginning there is a lot of struggling on both sides to overcome the differences between their lives and experiences as a Deaf-Hearing-Couple. Alongside Kurt I got a deep insight into a world I didn't know existed. It's called Deaf Culture. I had to do a lot of research to get everything right and I really love the German title that came instantly to my mind, when I'd started reading this Verse. It's the title of a song from the 80s by the German singer and songwriter Herbert Grönemeier , that tells the story of a Deaf girl, who 'listens' to music as loudly as possible (as does Blaine in the story as well) to feel the beats of the bass guitar and the drums vibrating through her body.
It's hard to choose a favourite part from such a long story, but I'd say it's already in chapter 3 called 'Versprecher' (Fumbling). I'll add the original part for those of you who can't speak German. ;-) (the ASL signing is written in CAPS LOCK) and if you want to check out why Kurt's fumbling here you may read the footnotes of chapter 3. ;-)
U-M-Z-I-E-H-E-N ? buchstabiert Kurt und nachdem Blaine ihm die Gebärde für 'umziehen' gezeigt hat, nickt er und wird ganz aufgeregt, als wolle er ihm eine richtig tolle Story erzählen. 
ICH ZIEHE IM AUGUST NACH NEW YORK. ICH GEHE ZU N-Y-A-D-A SCHULE . ICH STUDIERE SCHAUSPIEL ! Er gebärdet mit solcher Begeisterung, dass Blaine ihm noch nicht mal wegen seiner schlampigen Gebärden einen Vorwurf machen kann, denn sein Enthusiasmus ist einfach ansteckend.
WOW , gebärdet Blaine, er muss die Tatsache erst mal verdauen, dass Kurt tatsächlich zum Ende des Sommers auch nach New York ziehen wird. Die ganze Zeit hat er sich ausgeredet, Kurt auf ein Rendezvous einzuladen, weil er sich kurz vor dem Abschluss nicht an jemanden binden wollte, aber jetzt gibt es dafür keine Entschuldigung mehr. 
GRATULIERE , fährt Blaine fort, als Kurt ihm seinen Kaffee in die Hand drückt. ICH ZIEHE AUCH NACH NEW YORK . ICH BIN AN DER N-Y-U ANGENOMMEN WORDEN .
WIRKLICH ? Kurt strahlt übers ganze Gesicht und Blaine liebt diesen Anblick. Er fragt sich, wie es wohl wäre, mit Kurt zusammen zu sein und derjenige zu sein, der ihm jeden Tag aufs Neue dieses Lächeln entlocken kann. ICH WILL SEX IN NEW YORK.
Blaine ist so überrascht und schockiert, dass er sich an seinem Kaffee verschluckt und sich heftig hustend an der Theke abstützen muss. Kurt eilt vor die Theke zu ihm, klopft ihm auf den Rücken und schaut ihn betroffen, aber vollkommen unschuldig an, so, als hätte er nicht gerade gesagt, dass er Sex sucht.
DU WILLST SEX IN NEW YORK ? vergewissert sich Blaine noch einmal und betet, dass keiner seiner Freunde ausgerechnet jetzt durch die Tür hereinkommt. Sie würden ihn ewig damit aufziehen.
JA ? gebärdet Kurt, als wäre Blaine verrückt, weil er das so überraschend findet. Es ist nicht so, dass er sich Kurt nicht als sexuelles Wesen vorgestellt hat – seine Gedanken sind sogar viele, viele Male in diese Richtung gewandert, jedes Mal, wenn er die Duschen für sich alleine hatte – aber er hat Kurt nicht als den Typen eingeschätzt, der so offen darüber spricht.
ICH BIN ÜBERRASCHT DASS DU MIR DAS ERZÄHLST. ICH HABE ES NICHT ERWARTET , erklärt Blaine, und versucht, die peinliche Situation einigermaßen zu entschärfen. Kurt muss annehmen, dass er total naiv ist. Wenn er nicht vorher schon dachte, dass Blaine noch ein Kind ist, dann mit Sicherheit jetzt.
Ungefähr in der Hälfte von Kurts drolligem Versuch, einen richtig langen Satz zu gebärden, fällt bei Blaine der Groschen und es dämmert ihm, dass da wohl ein Missverständnis vorliegt. Er beginnt zu lachen. SEX ? gebärdet er und wartet, bis Kurt nickt, dann buchstabiert er es: S-E-X ? WAS ? NEIN ! antwortet Kurt, er schaut sich hektisch im Laden um und wird feuerrot. DU HAST S-E-X GEBÄRDET , erklärt Blaine, und kann nicht aufhören zu lachen. DU SAGTEST DU WILLST SEX IN NEW YORK . NEIN ! Kurt schaut entsetzt und Blaine findet die ganze Sache absolut liebenswert. A-R-B-E-I-T . ARBEIT , korrigiert ihn Blaine und zeigt ihm, wie die Gebärde richtig aussieht, und während er noch vor wenigen Wochen ziemlich genervt gewesen wäre, ist es um ehrlich zu sein ein Fehler, der jedem unterlaufen könnte, der es nicht besser weiß.
SCHON GUT . ES IST WITZIG , gebärdet er, als Kurts Gesicht immer noch keine Anstalten macht, wieder seine übliche Färbung anzunehmen. WITZIG NEIN . ICH VERSUCHE DICH B-E-E-I-N-D-R-U-C-K-E-N .Blaine versteht sofort, was Kurt buchstabiert, aber irgendwo vorher muss er wohl was falsch verstanden haben. Wenn Blaine schon zögert, mit einem hörenden Jungen auszugehen, dann hat Kurt sicherlich kein Interesse daran, mit jemandem zu gehen, der taub ist. MICH BEEINDRUCKEN ? WARUM ? fragt er und hält den Atem an. DU BIST SÜSS .
* * M-O-V-I-N-G? Kurt spells and once Blaine teaches him the sign for moving, Kurt nods and gets excited like he’s about to tell him some really good piece of gossip. I MOVE TO NEW YORK IN AUG. I GO TO N-Y-A-D-A SCHOOL. I STUDY DRAMA! He signs so excitedly that Blaine can’t even lecture him for his sloppy signing because his enthusiasm is just so damn contagious.
WOW, Blaine signs, letting it sink in that Kurt’s actually going to be moving to New York as well at the end of the summer. While he’d been talking himself out of asking Kurt out because he didn’t want to get attached to anybody this close to graduation, he didn’t have an excuse anymore. CONGRATULATIONS, Blaine continues as Kurt hands him his coffee. I’M MOVING TO NEW YORK, TOO. I GOT ACCEPTED INTO N-Y-U. REALLY? He signs, his face lighting up in a way that Blaine just loves. He wonders what it would be like to date Kurt, to be able to be the one to make him smile like that all of the time. I WANT SEX IN NEW YORK. Blaine’s so shocked and caught by surprise that he actually chokes on his coffee and has to hold onto the countertop while he coughs heavily. Kurt rushes around to stand beside him and pat him on the back, giving him a concerned, but completely innocent look like he hadn’t just implied that he was looking for sex. YOU OK? YOU WANT SEX IN NEW YORK? Blaine signs again, praying that none of his friends will chose this exact moment to walk in the door. They’ll never let him live it down. YES? he signs like Blaine’s somehow crazy for finding that surprising. It’s not that he’s never thought of Kurt as a sexual being — he’s thought of him that way many, many times, whenever he can get the showers to himself — but he didn’t like Kurt was the type to talk about it so openly. I’M JUST SURPRISED YOU TOLD ME THAT. I WASN’T EXPECTING IT, Blaine explains, trying to make up for the amount of embarrassment he just caused. Kurt must think he’s completely naive now. If he didn’t think Blaine was a kid before, he certainly will now. I WANT SEX IN NEW YORK? YES. WHY W-O-U-L-D I GO TO SCHOOL THERE, IF NOT LEARN HOW TO SEX?” It’s about halfway through Kurt’s adorable attempt at signing a long sentence that things start to click in Blaine’s mind and he realizes that they’ve probably had some sort of misunderstanding along the way. He starts to laugh. SEX? He signs and waits for Kurt to nod before spelling it out. S-E-X? WHAT? NO! Kurt signs, looking around the shop frantically and turning beet red. YOU SIGNED S-E-X, he explains, unable to stop laughing. YOU SAID YOU WANT SEX IN NEW YORK. NO! Kurt looks horrified and he can’t help but find the entire thing adorable. W-O-R-K. WORK, Blaine corrects him and shows him the proper way to sign it and while several weeks ago he would have been annoyed, it honestly is an easy mistake for somebody who doesn’t know any better. IT’S OK. IT’S CUTE, he signs when Kurt’s face shows no sign of going back to its normal color. CUTE NO. I TRY I-M-P-R-E-S-S YOU, Kurt signs. Blaine understands what Kurt’s spelling immediately, but he’s still sure that he’s misunderstood somewhere along the line. As much as Blaine’s reluctant to date a hearing guy, he’s sure that Kurt has no interest in dating somebody who’s Deaf. IMPRESS ME? WHY? he asks, holding his breath for the answer. YOU’RE CUTE. (If you want to know how Kurt could mix up the signs for work and sex, go and check the footnotes on chapter 3)
Tell us what inspired you to translate this I just had translated 4 or 5 works up to that time and I loved the story and most of the chapters are less than 2000 words so I thought it was a good chance to see if I could go through with such a big project. I started posting in July 2016 when I was 10 chapters into the story with translating and managed to post at least once a week, so by March 2017 it was finished. What me inspired the most was the real life aspect of the story. It's an up and down of happy, sad, desperate, funny and every day family life with everything in between. And Kurt and Blaine as Dads of three girls are just priceless.
The translation of @flamingmuse 's wonderful 26.000 words about Kurt Hummel 'Being Kurt Hummel'  on AO3 and  fanfiktion.de 
Tell us what else you love about the story, and what you love about your translation of it
@flamingmuse is one of my absolute favorite authors when it comes to canon compliant stories (though I also love her 'Near Misses'-AU). We share an endless love for Kurt E.Hummel and the way she describes him is 100 % my head canon. For me the translation has been a big deal because it was the first time for me to translate explicit sex scenes. I didn't have a beta back then and I think I edited it a thousand times before I finally dared to post it.
Quote one of your favourite parts
This is from chapter 3 (in opposition to flaming muse I splitted the story into 7 chapters)
Nur wenige Stunden später fällt es Kurt wie Schuppen von den Augen. Nicht wegen Blaine, der nach der Verkündung der Abschlussballkönigin im Schulflur unerschütterlich ist und unglaublich lieb auf der Tanzfläche, sondern wegen all der Anderen.
Menschen ändern sich nicht einfach. Er müsste es eigentlich wissen, denn er ändert sich schließlich auch nicht, aber er war so naiv gewesen, zu glauben, dass er auch in dieser Hinsicht anders wäre. Hoffnung kann so verführerisch sein.
Er betrachtet sich in seinem Ankleidespiegel, bevor er sein Abschlussball-Outfit auszieht und fragt sich, was seine Mitschüler sehen, das er nicht sieht. Ja, er trägt einen Kilt, aber das ist ein Kleidungsstück für Männer. Selbst wenn er das ein oder andere Teil aus einer Damenkollektion trug, war er darunter immer ganz klar männlich gewesen. Er hat niemals versucht, ein Mädchen zu sein. Er ist kein Mädchen.
Kurts Augen sehen Männerschultern, einen maskulinen Brustkorb, den leichten Schatten von Barthaar auf einem männlich markanten Kinn. Er hat die Frisur eines Mannes und seine sehnige Kraft. Er hat einen männlichen Adamsapfel, die Hüften eines Mannes und die ganz und gar nicht zierlichen Füße eines Mannes.
Seine Stimme, sein Stil und sein Herz machen Kurt nicht weiblich. Sie machen ihn nicht zu einer Königin, welchen Sinn man diesem Wort auch immer geben mag.
Aber wenn seine Umgebung ihn ansieht, wird ihm klar – erinnert er sich – dann sieht sie anscheinend etwas anderes.
* *
The scales fall from Kurt's eyes mere hours later. Not about Blaine, who is steadfast in the hallway after the announcement of Prom Queen and kind beyond belief on the dance floor, but about everything else.
People don't change. He should know that, because he doesn't change, but he'd foolishly thought that he was different in that regard, too. Hope is such a seductive emotion.
He looks at himself in the full-length mirror before he takes off his prom outfit and wonders what his classmates see that he does not. Yes, he's wearing a kilt, but that's a man's garment. Even when he's worn women's pieces, he's still clearly been male beneath. He's never once tried to be a girl. He isn't one.
To his eyes, Kurt has a man's shoulders, a man's chest, and a man's faint scratch of stubble on a man's jaw line. He has a man's hair, a man's height, and a man's wiry strength. He has a man's Adam's apple, a man's hips, and a man's in no way dainty feet.
His voice, his style, and his heart do not make Kurt female. They do not make him a queen in any sense of the word.
But when the world looks at him, he realizes - he remembers - they must see something different.
Tell us what inspired you to translate this
When I first read this fic I'd been instantly captivated by flamingmuse's talent in explaining what's going on in Kurt's mind. Through her eyes I could finally understand why he acted the way he did. His brittleness, his snarky way, his closed-off-ness (is that a word?). She let it all seem completely clear to me. So this is why it's been one of the first stories I'd felt the need to translate, but because of said sex scenes I procrastinated it a bit and it took me half a year to finally post it.
# 3: Translation of another AU I instantly fell in love with. It's  @itslaurastone 's  'Where There's Smoke'  on AO3 about Firefighter!Blaine
Tell us what else you love about the story, and what you love about your translation of it
I come from a firefighter background myself, so it's been interesting to compare German and American firefighter-specifics and explain them to German readers. On my German fanfic account I gave it a German title. There it's called 'Wo Rauch ist, ist auch Feuer'   .  This story had some tricky puns and quite challenging long nested sentences (can you say that? In German it would be 'Schachtelsätze') in a very poetic language that challenged my translating skills a lot and for those who know the story..... there is a poem I had to translate as well. Fortunately from chapter 11 on I had a wonderful beta, @klaine-rants, who also happened to be very knowledgeable about American Football and together we did quite a good job if I may say so. (including a hot shower sex scene  ;-))   an example:
Blaine got to his feet in one fluid motion, curling his body around Kurt's back to kiss and nip along the edge of Kurt's shoulder, giving Kurt a wonderful view of his long lashes, heavy with moisture and fanned out slightly across his cheeks. He felt his breath hitch as his heart clenched in his chest.
Blaine kam mit einer einzigen eleganten Bewegung auf die Beine und schmiegte sich an Kurts Rücken, um seine Schulter küssen und beknabbern zu können und er erlaubte Kurt einen wunderbaren Blick auf seine langen Wimpern, benetzt mit Wassertröpfchen und Fächern gleich auf seinen Wangen ausgebreitet. Kurt stockte der Atem und sein Herz setzte einen Schlag aus.
Quote one of your favourite parts
"Wenn du so in die Feuerwache hüpfst, werden sie dich für ein geistesgestörtes Rotkäppchen halten, Rachel."
"Oh, mich werden sie für gar nichts halten. Uns werden sie für dankbare Bürger halten, die sich den unbesungenen Helden von New York City erkenntlich zeigen."
Kurt schnaubte verächtlich und drehte sich auf dem Barstuhl um, um sich weiter mit ihr zu unterhalten, während sie sich die Haare vor dem Badezimmerspiegel richtete. "Du willst ja nur diesen Feuerwehrmann, der dich wegen", er deutete mit den Fingern Anführungszeichen an, " 'einer möglichen Rauchvergiftung' genauestens untersucht hat, mit deinen überragenden Hausfrauenqualitäten beeindrucken."
Sie lehnte sich aus dem Türrahmen und fixierte Kurt mit einem sartanischen Grinsen. "Oh, fängst du jetzt damit an, Kurt? Denn dann werd ich dir jetzt auch mal was erzählen." Sie schob die Hüfte vor und zeigte mit ihrer Haarbürste direkt auf ihn. "Du hast gesagt, du willst, dass er wiederkommt und dich rettet."
Kurt stotterte: "Das hab' ich nicht! Ich habe nur gemeint ...oh, Gott!" Er verbarg stöhnend das Gesicht in beiden Händen. "Hab ich das? Ich weiß nicht, was in mich gefahren ist, er ist einfach ..... Ich steh nicht auf dieses 'Jungfrau in Nöten Ding', überhaupt nicht. Es ist nur .... Locken! Und diese Hosen. Und sein Lächeln, bitte sag mir, dass dir sein Lächeln aufgefallen ist?"
Rachel schaltete das Badezimmerlicht aus, kam die paar Schritte auf Kurt zu und nahm ihn fest in den Arm. "Er war wirklich süß und er schien nett zu sein. Ich versteh dich ja."
Kurt fuhr sich ächzend mit beiden Händen übers Gesicht. "Ich kann dort nicht aufkreuzen. Ich kann einfach nicht. Wahrscheinlich wird seine kesse, wunderhübsche Freundin hereinschneien, sie werden sich vor meinen Augen küssen und er wird ihr genau dann und dort einen Antrag machen und es wird ein weiterer Beweis sein, dass ich die schreckliche Angewohnheit habe, mich immer wieder zu Kerlen hingezogen zu fühlen, die ich nicht haben kann."
Finn, Sam, der gutaussehende, verführerische Spanier aus seinem zweiten Jahr an der NYADA, der unglaublich heiße, junge Mann aus Wyoming mit dem zähen Südstaatenakzent und jetzt ein Feuerwehrmann. Footballspieler, ein Ausländer mit Oldtimer-Motorrad, ein Cowboy und ein Feuerwehrmann – jetzt fehlten ihm nur noch ein Indianer und ein Polizist und er hätte die 'Village People' komplett.
Rachel gab ihm einen Klaps aufs Knie. "Nein, Schluss damit. Es ist viel zu lange her, dass du überhaupt an jemandem Interesse gezeigt hast, seit der Sache mit Thomas. Du musst dich einfach der Welt stellen. Hör nicht jetzt auf, wo die Sache gerade erst ins Rollen kommt!"
* *
“You're going to look like a deranged Red Riding Hood skipping into the station house with that, Rach.”
“Oh, I am not going to look like anything. We are going to look like grateful citizens, thanking the unsung heroes of New York City.”
Kurt snorted and spun around on the bar stool to continue talking to Rachel as she primped in the bathroom mirror. “You just want that fireman that checked you over for,” he made finger quotes in the air, “'possible smoke inhalation' to see your amazing house-keeping skills.”
Rachel leaned her head out of the doorway and affixed Kurt with a droll expression. “Do you want me to go there, Kurt? Because I will so go there.” She jutted her hip out and pointed her hairbrush at Kurt's face. “You said you wanted him to come back and save you.”
Kurt sputtered, “I did not! I just meant...oh, god!” Kurt covered his face with both hands with a groan. “Did I? I don't know what has gotten into me, he just... I don't have a damsel in distress thing, I don't. It's just...curls! And those pants. And that smile, please tell me you noticed that smile?”
Rachel switched off the bathroom light, and crossed the small space to give Kurt a tight hug. “He was really cute, and seemed nice. I don't blame you.”
Kurt scrubbed his face with both hands, groaning. “I can't show up, I just can't. I'm going to see his beautiful, perky girlfriend bounce in, and they'll kiss in front of me, and he'll probably propose right then and there, and it will just be further proof that I have a terrible habit of being attracted to guys that I can't have.”
Finn, Sam, the handsome and alluring Spanish boy from his sophomore year at NYADA, the incredibly sexy young man from Wyoming with a drawl that was thick like honey, and now a fireman. Football jocks, a foreigner with a vintage motorcycle, a cowboy and now a fireman. Throw in a Native American and a cop and he'd collect the whole Village People set.
Rachel slapped at his knee lightly. “Nope, no more of that. It's been too long since you even showed interest in anyone since Thomas. You just need to put yourself out there more. Don't stop now when you're just building momentum!”
Tell us what inspired you to translate this
There are two aspects that made me love this story from the beginning.
One is the firefighter aspect. It required much less internet research than the Hearing Verse, because I am familiar with the topic.
Second is the wonderful mix of utterly adorable, sweet and funny moments with really tough and hurtfull stuff. Kurt and Blaine fall for each other right from the beginning, but it takes them 3 1/2 chapters to finally go out on their first date. Both of them have been deeply hurt in the past and are very careful of giving their heart away. And then there is some Burt and Finn as well and that is a treat I could never resist.
#4  is the translation of @wowbright 's  'How Hard  You're Trying',  Part 26 of my 'Best-Of-Missing-Scenes- Staffel 3', a collection of my favorite missing scenes written by different authors to fill in all the gaps and voids of logic.
Tell us what else you love about the story, and what you love about your translation of it
It deals with the fact that Mr Schue has been elected 'Teacher of the Year'. Though we all know that Will Schuester is far from a good and inspiring teacher, Glee always wanted to tell us how great he is. And Kurt, though rolling his eyes at almost everything Will says in Glee during all three seasons seems to be perfectly happy with him being 'Teacher of the Year' as well. This story tells in a very comprehensible way Kurt's thoughts and struggles concerning the voting.
Quote one of your favourite parts
"Weißt du", sagt Kurt und reibt die Nase an Blaines Schulter. "Vor einem Jahr hätte ich wahrscheinlich für Coach Sylvester gestimmt. Also – als Lehrerin des Jahres meine ich."
"Wirklich?", fragt Blaine. "Aber sie ist so schrecklich."
"Ja, ich weiß. Aber sie war die einzige Lehrkraft, die wirklich wusste, was sie tun sollte, als David mich gemobbt hat."
Blaine reibt mit dem Daumen über Kurts Ellbogen.
"Und außerdem – obwohl sie gemein und fürchterlich ist und auch nach drei Jahren immer noch nicht meinen Namen gelernt hat – hat sie mir zugetraut, die Cheerios zu einem nationalen Titel zu führen. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass Mr Schuester das je tun würde. So sehr er auch immer davon redet, wie toll es ist, anders zu sein, hat er doch keinen Schimmer, was er mit meiner Stimme anfangen soll."
Blaine seufzt. "Du hast so viel Besseres verdient, Kurt. Du bist der einzige von uns mit einem Stimmumfang über drei Oktaven."
Kurt küsst Blaines Schlüsselbein. "Als ich anfangs zum Glee Club gekommen bin, war ich voller Hoffnung. Wir waren nur zu fünft, und nur zwei Jungs, und ich – ich freue mich, dass die anderen Jungs auch dabei sind, aber es ist, als hätte Mr Schue sich in Finn verliebt und das war's dann. Also, nicht verliebt – aber du weißt, was ich meine."
* *
"You know," Kurt says, nuzzling his face into Blaine's shoulder. "A year ago, I probably would have voted for Coach Sylvester. For Teacher of the Year, I mean."
"Really?" Blaine says. "But she's so … awful."
"Yeah, I know. But she was the only faculty who really knew what to do when David was bullying me."
Blaine rubs his thumb over Kurt's elbow.
"And anyway, even though she's rude and horrible and still hasn't learned my name after three years, she trusted me enough to lead the Cheerios to the national title. I can't imagine Mr. Schuester ever doing that. For all his talk about how great it is to be different, he doesn't know what to do with my voice."
Blaine sighs. "You deserve so much better, Kurt. You're the only one of us that has a three-octave vocal range."
Kurt kisses Blaine's collarbone. "I had a lot of hope when I first joined Glee Club. There were only five of us, and only two of us were boys, and I – I'm glad that the other guys are in it, too, but it's just like Mr. Schue fell in love with Finn and that was that. Well, not in love – but you know what I mean."
Tell us what inspired you to translate this
Like the other parts of my Missing-Scenes-Collection this story remediates the fact that the Glee writers often messed up gloriously. Sometimes due to time restrictions, or to serve the plot or the dramatic arc (like making Blaine a junior all of a sudden) or maybe because they just forgot (like Blaine's Sadie Hawkins-trauma). I don't think I could love this show as much as I do, if it just was the Glee story and nothing else. It's fanfiction what made the Klaine story so precious to me. All the little glimpses into their heads and hearts, all the missing scenes, comprehensible explanations of completely unlogical actions ..... all the inspirational sparks those authors came up with.
I wanted to share this with my German readers and they like it quite a lot. There is a lot of discussion and ranting about plot lines in the comments for my translations.
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calumcest · 4 years
oh my god only TWO finished fics? and thank you very much i'll definitely use that right if it comes down to it 😂 honestly that sounds incredible 😅 i love longer fics and not even actual contact between them again yet with 9k? amazing. 🙈 i listened to schrei while getting ready for work today in the hopes it would help with getting rid of some aggression and thus being nicer to people 😅 (it didn't) still slaps though. (pt 1)
(pt 2) oooh yes i think that might be the fourth one? i think. maybe. my memory is very hazy but i think in the fourth one a new girl shows up 😅 also putting this here instead of in its own ask: you wrote bad boy ashton very well i loved him a lot like he was so sweet to luke but still seemed intimidating and yes loved that in its entirety especially the literature pieces.
(pt 3) also shame on me for forgetting the airport fic as a fav. did i ever tell you how much i love your airport fic? it's so sweet and i adore it. also the new fic you posted was so amazing. "Night, Ash." i died a little 🙈 -spoiler twin
I KNOW...its so bad thats why for the britpop au i want to (try) and wait until its fully written (its already 20k...YIKES) before i start posting because i KNOW what i’m like i just KNOW. but soulmate au is going strong in my soul i have to say i am invested in the concept so it’s looking good for her 
DID YOU!! oh my god ICONIC i love schrei so much auch wenn es weh tut schrei so laut du kannst 😌😌god i love tokio hotel literally unironically they ahve so many bangers im going to have to whip them out 
LSJDNFJKSNDF yeah i have literally NO idea my memory is so hazy it just consists of ‘i fancied jimi blue and they played football’ 
omg thank u!! i cant believe u actually enjoyed it that much i’m so glad u did honestly like what a compliment ALSO please i forget the airport fic 90% of the time it just completely flies under the radar although tbf most of my fics do but anyway. SLDFSNKDFJ I’M GLA DU LIKED IT me writing dumbass fic at 2am...thats just how it be in the calumcest household sometimes 
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