#please imagine me saying this with a slightly sinister amount of cheer
he’s BAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaack~
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kodzukenscorner · 4 years
Osamu dating Sakusa’s twin sister
anon asked: hello 💕 can i ask a scene for sakusa's twin sister dating osamu? 👉👈 thank you.
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a/n: asdghljl forgive me for not updating in a bit, I’ve hit a bit of a writer’s block 
wc: 1,476
✶   ✶   ✶   ✶   ✶
You are nothing like Sakusa Kiyoomi, Osamu thought to himself nearly every time he saw you. He knew you were twins and foolishly assumed you would share in your brothers touch-averse and semi germaphobic ways. Although to be fair, Osamu had never formally met Sakusa before, he only heard of him from Atsumu when they became (somewhat) acquainted at their last training camp. It wasn’t until a practice match was set up did he get to meet the Sakusa Kiyoomi in the flesh, along with the rest of Itachiyama. That of course, included their manager, you.
Your hair was dark and curly like your brothers, but not nearly as unruly. It cascaded into raven ringlets down your shoulders and Osamu could not keep his eyes off the way it bounced every time you nodded your head. Suffice it to say he was entranced by you and Atsumu was quick to notice.
“Bet she’s as prickly as her brother”
Osamu scrunched up his nose, he couldn’t imagine someone as angelic looking as you being so cold. Little did he know, Sakusa was having a similar conversation with you. It didn’t take you long to take notice of the Miya twins, your brother had told you about Atsumu who was a talented setter no doubt but a bit of a pain in the ass. Osamu was a mystery and you couldn’t help but wonder if he was like his twin or maybe he was like you, someone who was nothing like their own twin.
“The Miya’s, probably equally irritating” Your brother informed you as he stretched his wrist out.
Throughout the warmups and the practice match, you couldn’t help but keep an eye on the Miya twins. Atsumu seemed just as your brother described, talented and cocky but Osamu was a quiet force. He was good and paired with his brother, they could be unstoppable one day. It was on more than one occasion that you two made eye contact throughout the match and by the time everyone was relaxing afterwards you knew it wasn’t just a coincidence. You looked over once more to the Inarizaki team to catch Osamu staring at you, but this time he didn’t look away and neither did you. He offered you a sweet genuine smile, nothing like the slightly sinister one his brother has. You couldn’t help but smile back at him, a blush creeping its way up your cheeks which was easily noticed by Osamu.
Before your team had left, Osamu managed to finally get you alone, the words were almost lost in his throat when he finally got to see you up close. But he was still able to get your number and properly introduce himself before you went your separate ways. You knees went weak just at speaking to him for such a short amount of time, you had no idea how you survived to be completely honest. And true to his word, Osamu texted you that night when he got home, you texted back and forth until the sun came up the next morning.
How did any of this happen? He was just a rival athlete from another school, but now you were texting and calling him every night. Your heart fluttered whenever you saw his name on your screen and your brother couldn’t help but notice how attached you were to your phone. And now here was Osamu, standing at your front door, ready to take you on your first official date. Your brother loomed behind you, still wary of the Miya twin but you bid him goodbye and dragged Osamu away. You held his hand tightly in yours as you led him to your favorite onigiri shop, you had tried asking him what his favorite food was but he just kept saying it was ‘food’. 
Osamu was too caught up in the feeling of your hand in his to make any sort of conversation, and your heart was beating too loud to hear anything he might have said anyway. Once you made it to the shop, he had to reluctantly let go of your hand to properly order food for the both of you. Soon enough, you were seated across from each other with your food in front of you, neither of you had said much yet but when you looked up at the grey haired man in front of you the blush that had been permanently sitting on your cheeks threatened to take over your whole face now. Something about the way he had his chin propped up on his hand, and the dreamy far away look he had as he looked at you made you want to faint on the spot.  He reached over and grasped your hand in his once more, eyes never leaving yours.
“I’m surprised yer letting me hold yer hand”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Dunno, just thought you’d be like yer brother”
“I thought you’d be like yours” 
You both chuckled and comfortably ate your food, conversation finally flowing normally. You stayed in the small restaurant much longer than either of you anticipated but you both lost track of time. Osamu walked you home, hand intertwined with yours, his thumb rubbing light circles into the back of your palm the whole way. He stopped at your door, knowing your brother wasn’t quite comfortable with letting him inside just yet. You looked up at Osamu in anticipation.
“Well, ummm, thank you for everything, I had fun” You smiled at him sweetly.
“I did too, but it’ll be some time before I can come visit again so don’t get upset when I do this okay?” 
You didn’t have a chance to question what he meant because before you knew it, Osamu was leaning down cupping your cheek with his free hand, bringing his lips to meet yours. You clung to his shirt for support and immediately kissed him back. You had been daydreaming about kissing him since you first started texting but nowhere in any of your fantasies did you imagine his lips to be so soft. He was a slow kisser and he managed to make you completely melt under his gentle touch. You felt his tongue swipe across your bottom lip and just as you parted your lips to give him access your front door swung open.
Osamu pulled away slowly, making eye contact with your brother who was glaring at him. He offered a lazy smile while you still clung to his chest, he really managed to take your breath away with that kiss. Osamu moved his hand from your cheek and wrapped it lazily around your waist, bringing your body closer to his and planted a kiss on the top of your head.
“You should head inside before yer brother gets really mad, I’ll text you later sweetheart” Osamu said sweetly in your ear.
You finally stepped away, bidding Osamu a goodnight, entering your house where your brother promptly shut the door.
“Next time you’re wearing a facemask”
“How am I gonna kiss him then?”
You huffed and went to your room, listening to some music, remembering the feeling of Osamu’s lips on yours. Suddenly your phone buzzed and Osamu’s name popped up on your screen and you broke out into a wide grin reading his text.
“Hey, your brother interrupted us before I could ask but do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
You squealed into your pillow before replying.
“Of course 🥺 ”
You started cheering and kicking your legs up as you laid in the bed when your phone buzzed again. You quickly grabbed it, expecting it to be from Osamu but were confused when you saw your brother’s name.
“Did he finally ask you out?”
You scoffed and replied “He would’ve asked me out sooner if you hadn’t interrupted”
“Fine, guess you don’t want this picture then”
Sakusa sent you a picture of you and Osamu kissing outside your door and you almost died of embarrassment. But it was a very sweet picture and you were over the moon at this point.
“Love you Kiyoomi but next time I’m making out with my boyfriend please leave us alone or I’ll cough on you <3333″
“Gross” Was his only response.
You set the picture as your wallpaper and continued texting with your boyfriend for the rest of the night, you even sent him the picture Sakusa had taken.
“Babe why would you send this to me, now I’m gonna dream about you all night long”
“I don’t see how that’s a problem”
“So if I wake up with a “problem”, you’ll help me out?”
You choked on your own spit reading his text “SAMU!!”
“Kidding, kidding. Go to bed now sweetheart, I’ll talk to you tomorrow”
To no one’s surprise, you were the one to dream of Osamu that night, not that you were complaining. 
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datninjalyfe · 4 years
Stay, Part 1: Chapter 9
Chapter 9: The Talk
Their kiss broke apart after a few seconds.  It was their first kiss—their first real kiss.  It was so soft like kissing a cloud.  He felt that kiss through his whole body and when it was released, Katsuki finally let out a breath against Izuku’s cheek where his nose rested.  He had tasted Izuku at long last, the lingering flavor of citrus still upon Izuku’s lips.  He licked his lips, trying to decide what tasted better, Izuku’s lips or being able to say the words, “I love you” to him freely.  He did so once more, saying it through his lips that were still against Izuku’s skin.  They stood quietly, their foreheads leaning together.  “Say something, Deku.” 
“Kacchan.” Izuku pulled away from him.  “I—I don’t know how to feel right now.” Katsuki’s heart sank.  He straightened himself up slightly, crossing his arms.  “You don’t—know.” Katsuki repeated back to him.  He had let his mind wander so far into fantasy that when this reality hit him, it was almost unbearable.  Izuku didn’t know how he felt?  Of course, how could he?  You’ve been such a dick this whole time.  But it still stung.  The fact that he had confessed to him, gave his heart to Izuku, allowing him to play with it for a tender moment only to have it crushed within his grasp.  
“Kacchan.” Izuku said, but Katsuki wanted to hear no more.  He moved to leave, but Izuku pushed him back.  Katsuki could feel a tint of One-For-All and heat blazed within his chest.  He wondered if this was going to turn into another fight, but Izuku yelled, “No, stay!”  
He…wants me to stay?  But why?  Hadn’t he said enough?   Izuku placed a hand on Katsuki’s chest and he heard a small, little fluted cry from the amount of heat.  Katsuki couldn’t turn it off—not now.  Not in this moment.  The fire burned within him, but Izuku didn’t move his hand.  “Please, Kacchan.  Stay.” 
Anger still raged within him, though.  With Izuku’s hand plastered against his chest, he found it difficult to focus, shaking from the anxiety.  “I won’t stay just so you can get off on rejecting me.  Just spit out what you want to say and get it over with.”
“Dammit, Kacchan, I’m not rejecting you!  I just don’t understand.”  Izuku placed a hand on his cheek.  The anxiety didn’t go away, but allowed him a few moments to take in a deep breath.  “We share a lot of things, a lot of secrets, Kacchan, but I can’t figure out is if that means I love you back or not.  With the way school has been going: you sneaking out to see Camie, and now the whole Kirishima thing, not to mention you just woke up from the infirmary—,” 
With every word, it seemed like he was trying to find reasons not to love Katsuki back.  “I get it, nerd.” he growled.  His quirk moved in waves through his body, pulsating through him at an outrageous heat.  Get ahold of it, he told himself.
“No, Kacchan, let’s talk through this.  You got to say how you feel, and now so do I, but we have to talk or else it won’t work.” Izuku said.  
“It.” A tiny glimmer of hope.  Katsuki wanted to just get up and leave, wanted to move, but that word, that little, insignificant word forced him to stay.  Izuku moved his hand off of Katsuki’s chest and took a few steps back.  Katsuki’s breathing started to regulate and he rubbed his wrist where most of the heat had stored itself, allowing it to dissipate through his arm and his hand to keep his sweat from igniting.  His eyes tore away from Izuku’s gaze, but he gestured for Izuku to continue once he regained control of his quirk, crossing his arms across his chest.  
“I know I’ve had strong feelings for you because we shared everything growing up.  But you really seemed to hate me.  You treated me like you did at least.”  He was quiet, inhaling deeply.  “I don’t know if you actually love me because of the things we share or if you are just confused and are lashing out.  I don’t know, Kacchan…” 
Katsuki uncrossed his arms and leaned back.  “Guess that’s it, then, right?  You don’t want me.” 
“I didn’t say that.  Just fucking LISTEN to me.”  Izuku said.  “I said our relationship is already complicated.  Even without a label.” 
“So, what?  Do you expect me to chase you until you decide that I’m what you want?” Katsuki could feel the temperature from the heat in his chest rise.  No, no, no, no.  He tried to suppress it, but a spark came flying out of his hands.  “Fuck.” Izuku squared his feet, a glimmer of One-For-All running across his face.  He’s in a fighting stance, Katsuki thought, and he threw his head back in a maniacal laugh.  “What?  You’re going to fight me?”  
“I’d like to try and talk this out before that happens.” Izuku said.  
“No fighting.” They heard Aizawa’s voice outside the door.  “But please, continue.”  
They both exchanged looks.  Izuku laughed a little.  “Never get any privacy around here.”  He face grew serious and he whispered, “How?” 
Katsuki was quiet, remembering back to what Yoyo had said to him weeks prior, spouting the similar few lines at Izuku: “You’ll have to be more specific. You’re either referring to how I knew the answer to number 3 of my math homework or—,” but he couldn’t push out the words.   
Izuku asked it for him, reading his mind.  “Why do you love me, Kacchan?” he asked quietly.
“Fishing for compliments now?” Katsuki asked annoyed.  He opened his mouth to speak, but immediately shut it, his throat completely dry.  He nervously swallowed, thinking to himself, Now or never, asshole.  He pushed himself off the desk and took a few steps towards Izuku, stopping in front of him, looking down into Izuku’s eyes.  He wanted nothing more than to grab him, throw him against the wall,—STOP!  No more fantasizing.  But Katsuki couldn’t help his mind.  Imagination overtook him again, allowing his eyes to wander down Izuku’s bare chest.  Katsuki wanted to touch his glistening pale skin, tracing over his scars lightly.  The scars that Katsuki had memorized each, where they were placed and how they got there.  The dark ones that clasped his skin together on his arms; the lighter ones that sprawled out onto his stomach.  Izuku’s feet were still squared off in a boxer’s stance, but Katsuki knew unless he made the first move that Izuku had no intention of fighting.  Katsuki shut his eyes, but could still see Izuku’s shape outlined perfectly in the darkness behind his eyelids.  Katsuki cursed under his breath, trying to be free from the tension in this moment. Sweat dripped down from his hairline and he was unsure if it was from his quirk or the intensity at which Izuku stared back at him.  
Katsuki ran his fingers across Izuku’s cheekbones and knotted into his hair.  He grabbed it, hard enough that Izuku made a sort of squeal.  “Do I really need a reason?”  He released Izuku’s hair from his grasp and covered Izuku’s mouth, placing his index finger over his own, indicating for him to be quiet.  Katsuki whispered into Izuku’s ear, “I’ve always loved your eyes.  Sometimes when we lock eyes like this,” he stared directly into Izuku’s bright, light green iris’.  Chills shivered down his spine, but his body flared from his quirk.  He grabbed Izuku’s hand and held it, containing just enough heat that Izuku would understand.  Can’t you feel what you do to me?  Izuku cursed at the amount of heat Katsuki produced.  “My quirk can’t control itself.  It’s like there’s a fire through my entire body.  When you held me that night—,”
“You’re not supposed to be in each other’s rooms after 9.” Aizawa yelled.  
“You have got to be fucking kidding me, it’s only like 7:30!” Katsuki took a step towards the door, ready to blast it open, but Izuku stopped him, placing a hand lightly on Katsuki’s cheek.
“Have you ever looked at your eyes, Kacchan?”  Izuku placed a hand on Katsuki’s cheek, peeling his gaze away from the door. 
Katsuki could bear it no more: he bent down, smashing his lips into Izuku’s, this time with more certainty.  Katsuki was cognizant of his hands, careful to not touch Izuku anywhere inappropriate in case Aizawa decided to break through the door.  But he did push his body against Izuku’s, a hand tangled itself into Izuku’s hair once again, a little moan escaping Izuku’s lips.  Izuku’s head cocked back, exposing a pale jawline that Katsuki started to kiss.  “I love you, Deku.” Katsuki said, trying to pull him in closer.  He bit down on Izuku’s neckline, once again covering Izuku’s mouth in case he squealed again.  He paused, gazing deep into Izuku.  He clamped his teeth together in a sinister smile—Izuku’s eyes were wide with surprise, his face red, turning his freckles darker.  Izuku pressed his head against Katsuki’s chest.  He must’ve gotten used to the heat. Katsuki wrapped his arms around Izuku’s shoulders, but his hands needed more.  He ran light fingers down Izuku’s back, circling around his waist and up his back.  Izuku let out another small moan as Katsuki continued to kiss the nape of his neck, his shoulders, his jaw.  
But Izuku took a step back, putting his own index finger on Katsuki’s lips.  Is he really stopping this?  But Izuku gestured at the door and Katsuki understood.  It didn’t stop him from being slightly annoyed.  “Okay, Kacchan.  Here’s my deal: we’ll try it for a month.  If we decide we like it, then we’ll keep it going.  If not, then we tried.  In that time, we don’t break up for anything, but we also give it 100%.  Agreed?”  Katsuki watched him bite down on his bottom lip.  “Agree or not Kacchan!”  
Katsuki nodded.  “Yeah, nerd, I agree.”  He reached in for another kiss before a loud cheer came from behind the door.  “That’s it.” Katsuki said, heading for the door, but before he reached it, the door burst open and Aizawa entered, his hair stood straight up.  Katsuki shivered from the cold as the internal inferno was suddenly put out.
“WHERE THE HELL ARE YOUR SHIRTS?!” Aizawa said, pointing at the two of them. “Um, well, he didn’t have one on when he got here and neither did I, so—,” 
But Aizawa wasn’t listening.  “WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR DESK, MIDORIYA?!”  There was a burnt stain on the front of one of the drawers. 
“It’s my fault, I—,” Katsuki started, but Aizawa wasn’t finished.  
“Yes, sir.” they both said.  Some of their classmates peered in the room.  Faces were staring at them, some terrified, some incredibly happy.  
“Ohmigod, I can’t wait to plan dates!” Mina Ashido chimed in. 
He and Izuku just smiled at each other.  One month.  He had to prove himself for one month.  He winked at Midoriya on his way out before yelling at everyone else, “Why the hell can’t any of you shitheads mind your own business?!”
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dontcallmecarrie · 7 years
Your rambles have my imagination working. What if, in an AU TWIFFON, a Steve who is romantically involved with his Tony meets The one the regular Tony has to deal with?
…which one? MCU!Steve, or TWiFFON!Steve? Mind, there’s not much difference until later on in the fic [past the Civil War arc, or the Final Battle], but…hmm. For simplicity’s sake, let’s stick with post-Final Battle arc, because that’s where the crack takes the spotlight. Since I like messing with team reactions, let’s toss that in there as well, shall we? 
…also, misread this at first, so might not be as expected. Under the cut, because it grew on me. Again. Because my brain did a thing, and it might be continued at a later time. [Ha. ‘Might.’ Very funny, brain.]
Not sure if this counts as a minific or not, but here goes anyway. 
Steve’s doesn’t know what’s going on, but there’s an alarmingly familiar suit headed towards them, except it’s all black and gold, which, when contrasted to Tony’s red right next to him, means that something is most definitely off. [The slightly different skyline’s just a footnote, really.]
Clint rocks back on his feet when he points it out to them, and goes “remind me to punch the weirdo fucking around with the fabric of time and space when we get back,” which…Steve can’t even fault him for. Not when he doesn’t recognize where they are, not when they’re surrounded by what looks like a slightly more sinister version of the Iron Legion. [Thicker panels, unfamiliar turrets on the shoulders; where exactly were they?]
The Avengers, however, have learned to roll with it over the years, and it’s not like the Prank Wars of ‘14, so it can’t be that bad, can it? They’re ready for battle, but they’re in a place they don’t know, so diplomacy’s the way to go. They can do that, sure. [Doesn’t mean Steve doesn’t feel slightly anxious about Tony being the greeting committee/representative, though. And it doesn’t mean he’ll leave Tony’s side, for that matter.]
The black armor doesn’t falter, just calmly strides up to them, slaps Tony in chest with a metallic clang and him with…that’s a pamphlet, okay. He got hit with a pamphlet, that’s new. But even as he’s trying staring at its strangely specific title [Accidental Shadow Government? Really?], a cool and dispassionate voice says, “come with me.”
…that’s Tony’s voice. [”Yep, definitely punching that guy once we get home,” Clint mutters, and Steve ignores Natasha’s unsubtle smack to the shoulder.] Different universe, got it. With an Iron Man, though, so shouldn’t be that different, right? And yet.
“I take it you’re our greeting committee?” He finally asks, because this is weird and at his side Tony’s busier analyzing this new suit. He needed some way to establish rapport, some way to start the banter because this was weird even by his standards and—
The faceplate finally goes up, and Steve felt a rush of ice as Tony looked back at him, meanwhile his Tony went rigid, and he heard Natasha’s carefully measured exhale behind him as Clint hissed. [Goodness knew what Bruce and Thor were up to, but doubtlessly they were also gearing up for battle.] Steve didn’t blame them; after all, they were dealing with the Merchant of Death here, all sleek lines and sharp smiles edged with menace.
“No, just in the neighborhood when Jo sounded the alert. Come with me, we’ll clear this up. Your faces aren’t exactly welcome in some places, you know.” And it’s Tony’s voice, but the team’s never heard him that cold, apart from that one time with Ross and Bruce had a picture of the then-Secretary of State’s face on his lock screen because that had been a doozy. 
It’s Tony, and this should be familiar, but the way he’s acting is downright alien, because not even during the train wreck of a first meeting in the Helicarrier was he as frigidly dispassionate as he is now. In the back, he can practically hear Natasha’s mind frantically taking everything in, trying to catalog the differences while at his side Tony’s almost scarily silent.
“I think we’re in a different universe,” Steve offered, trying to break the silence that’d settled after Tony [the other Tony, geez this was going to get confusing] had said his part. 
But the faceplate simply went back down, and it’s a cool female voice from behind them that remarks, “we are aware of that, Captain. Please follow Dr. Stark this way, a call has already been made to the proper authorities and Dr. Strange is already reviewing possible ways to expedite your return home.”
He…doesn’t know what to say, to that. [”What the hell happened here?” Clint muttered, and Steve wishes he knew.] He bumped his shoulder against Tony, and felt a bit of relief when Tony nudged him back, a smidgen of familiarity in this strange universe.
Their Peter had been at school when their latest battle had happened, but it was still jarring to see him acting so warily around them. Especially since, not a day ago, he and Clint had been ‘applying the practical applications of physics’ [nice try, Clint, now put the nerf guns away] and joking around. And yet. 
Yet here, Clint got the cold shoulder, and why was Peter pretending Steve didn’t exist?
“What the hell did my counterpart do?” Steve couldn’t help but ask, and the scoff he got did not help his growing dread. 
At all. 
That his Tony refused to leave his side helped; the looks thrown their way whenever they saw the red-and-gold armor so close to him, however, didn’t. 
This Dr. Strange was apparently running late, and while the penthouse they were situated in looked nice, Steve was well aware that it was just like the one they had at home, to monitor possible threats while trying for a peaceful resolution. 
At least Tony had removed the helmet, though the look of dawning horrified fascination was not exactly comforting, as he read through the pamphlet he’d been given. 
Actually…that reminded Steve of the one he’d also gotten a copy of. The one he’d stuck in his pocket, and had forgotten about with the Merchant of Death’s appearance. Just what was stressing Tony out so much? Steve carefully started to flick through his copy, and—
…ah. No wonder Tony was freaking out so much.
“Well then. This is new,” he couldn’t help but say, after rereading it just in case he’d missed something, and reached towards Tony reflexively. 
The flash of gold that came out of nowhere was just the icing on the cake, really.
After the chaos that ensued with Dr. Strange’s arrival [quelled by the flicker of green in Bruce’s eyes], things started to make more sense than before. 
Even if nobody really answered Steve’s increasingly-unnerved questions as to just what the hell his counterpart had done, and leaning against Tony because force of habit was a thing, he got an idea as what went down.
It was in their faces when Tony had snapped “hands off my partner, asshole”, and in the way Vision eyed them oddly when Clint muttered about hell dimensions and ‘next thing you know I’ll have a wife and kids for maximum Twilight Zone bullshit’ and Natasha’s hovering near them with a quip to offset Tony’s stress even more because Steve could only do so much when he himself was trying not to freak out.
He didn’t know just what went down, for the Wasp to stare when Clint made a world domination joke, or just why this other Tony was even more guarded than before, if that was even possible when he was wearing nothing more heavy ordnance than a Tom Ford suit. 
Steve didn’t know what was going on, but he didn’t like it. 
Now, maybe Something Goes Down, or…actually, something that’d be pretty spoilery for what I’ve got planned re: TWiFFON, so let’s just make up an excuse for them to meet up, now, shall we?
Steve had been caught flat-footed for the past few hours now. This universe seemed to be out to get him, and JARVIS’ blunt briefing had been an eye-opening experience. 
On the plus side, at least his imagination wasn’t torturing him with possibilities of his counterpart being a Nazi, or something…but Steve wasn’t exactly pleased with hearing just what he had gotten up to, either. 
And he might’ve possibly been leaning on his team more than usual, but it was only par for course, when James had failed to hide his surprise at Steve’s ‘being an actual team leader’ [that had stung, even if this James wasn’t his Tony’s best friend]. 
All in all, Steve wasn’t exactly a happy camper. 
Neither was the rest of the team, for that matter; Clint hid his nerves with only-slightly-forced banter, Natasha’s smiles had an edge that normally meant she’d get first pick next movie night, Bruce was on his fifth cup of tea and counting, meanwhile Thor’s normally congenial nature had been dampened by all the wary looks thrown their way.
Not to mention his Tony.
His Tony, who hadn’t removed his suit since their arrival, who had become their spokesperson despite clearly wishing to be anywhere else and reluctant to let the team out of his sight even if he clearly wanted to talk to his counterpart.
So, when Steve got…forcibly introduced to his counterpart, things kind of went…sideways from the start.
…huh. He’d thought Dr. Strange’s face had been entertaining, when Tony’d pulled out the big guns and fake wedding rings, but if this was what he looked like when stunned, Steve didn’t blame Tony and the others for teasing him so often. [More entertaining than the other Tony’s face, to be certain.]
…didn’t mean he didn’t want to punch his other self, though. 
Actually, strike that; punching was most definitely on the table, nobody talked about Tony like that on his watch—
Suffice it is to say, JARVIS got some lovely footage of Captain America fighting Steve Rogers while defending Tony Stark’s honor, and it was as entertaining as it sounds. Breaking it up ended up requiring one Bruce Banner, two Thors, and an impressive amount of duct tape [good to know Peter’s rubbing off on you, Clint], among other things.
And that’s before Steve found out about Siberia. [If the team had known, they would’ve been cheering him on, and/or jumping in.]
…um. Dammit, brain! 
For some context: AU!Avengers crash-landed TWiFFON post-Final Battle arc. Their team dynamics are basically the ones from the Inception-y AU I Sometimes Want To Write, aka healthy, team-as-family, etc. 
This isn’t their first rodeo re: dimension-crashing, but it’s pretty close. Same with the TWiFFON crew; the encounter was surreal for them both.
Steve and Tony aren’t married, but they’ve been dating for quite a while, and the ‘fake’ rings Tony conveniently had on him were the ones he’d picked out because he was trying to figure out a way to propose but was having as much success in doing so as he was in telling Pepper he was dying, back in IM2. 
More to this, but I’ll continue it later on, in that one sequel/spinoff fic for TWiFFON, because this got pretty long as is.  
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