#please i am DYINGGG out here
starscelly · 9 months
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simeonstans · 4 years
HHHHHH THOSE CARRYING DRABBLES WERE SO CUTE I AM DYINGGG Can I ask for the same thing but with Belphie and Simeon?
of course!
Out of all the brothers, Belphie was the most mysterious. He never smiled when he was happy, he was always in thought, he always said he loved his brothers. He slept when he was sad but he also slept when he was happy.
Really, Beel was a way to know how he felt all because of the twin instincts they share, but sometimes even Beel didn't understand what exactly the reason was he felt some type of way.
And today, the bigger twin mentioned that Belphie felt rather irritated and that he was gonna go off to the store to make Belphie's favorite soup again.
As Beel went on about what each of the brothers could do to cheer up Belphie, the younger twin appeared at the doorway.
"Beel, I'd just like to be left alone." he responded to the whole ordeal, ignoring Beel's pleas to help him cheer up. He just grabbed an apple and turned to walk back to his room, rubbing his eyes as he obviously just woken up from his 5th nap that day.
You ran up behind him, picking him up bridal style. This sure woke him up as he dropped his apple, and now clung onto you.
As you entered your room, you dropped him on the bed, laying down beside him.
"You know, if you wanted attention you could've just asked." He pouted, hugging you closer to him and fixing his position so now your legs were mixed with his, his arms wrapped around your waist and his face in your neck.
You cuddled back and heard soft snores escaping his lips, placing a kiss on his forehead, you fell asleep with him.
Angels are probably the most patient beings, minus the exception of little Luke. Really! It takes a lot for an angel to lose their patience.
You don't know what happened but Simeon has been walking around the entire day of school so tense. He kept his smile and posture, but obviously you felt such a negative aura around him now.
So you decided to take a visit to Purgatory Hall to see what the hell was going on.
You made your way to his room, and he vented to you on how one of the residents in Purgatory Hall decided to prank him that morning and how it messed up his entire day.
Just as he was about to get up and exit, you picked up the angel and brought him to the bed. He didn't really freak out, it did catch him off guard but he didn't fight back.
"Ah is this one of those 'cuddle' sessions Levi goes on about with his pillows? It's rather nice. Stay here with me, please." He finally relaxed, letting you hold him and run your fingers through his dark hair.
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half-bakedboy · 5 years
Heyyy can you write a malec fic that takes place after Alec rescues Magnus from edom where the Clave have to thank Magnus for saving alicante because without him they would have all been screwed and how some of them look they are literally sucking lemons just to get through it (remember breakfast scene when Magnus was staying at the institute) and Alec is beside him and being the proudest fiancé to ever be. I have seriously been dyinggg to see this fic somewhere
That’s No Apology
Read on AO3
“Magnus, this is huge. For us, for Alicante, for downworlders. The Clave has never issued a formal thank you for anything good downworlders have done for them and they have asked for you to enter Alicante so they can do so,” Alec explained while Magnus sat on the couch, sipping out of his martini glass. Magnus lifted his pinky and swirled it around his liquor before sucking the small amount of liquid into his mouth. He stood up slowly, walking seductively towards Alec, snapping a glass into his husband’s hand.
“We’re on our at-home honeymoon, Alexander. There is no part of me that wants to think about the Clave when I should be thinking about kissing you…” Magnus sent an appreciative glance over Alec’s body, clad in only boxers, before resting his ringed hand on Alec’s chest. “And other things…” Magnus continued, leaning in to place his lips on Alec’s. Before he had the chance, Alec rolled his eyes, turning quickly to place his glass on the counter.
“You have to do this. You saved Alicante. None of us would be here right now if you didn’t leave me right after our marriage proposal to go to the depths of Edom,” Alec said. Magnus rolled his own eyes in return at the guilt trip Alec was throwing his direction. “You roll your eyes but you know it’s true, Magnus. Think of the step forward the Clave is taking right now. Think of what that means for us, for couples like us, for our future family,” Alec said, his voice more intense than Magnus had heard in a very long time. With a sigh, he rested his hands on his husbands shoulders. 
“Just say when, darling. You know I’d do anything for you,” Magnus responded. At Alec’s long and slow kiss, he had figured he said the right thing. 
Magnus took in his surroundings. He had only been in Alicante when demons were surging through a rift in the darkened sky and fire lit up the distance. He had never seen a place so beautiful. The air that filled his lungs felt like a glass of cold water after hours of thirst. The colors were vivid, like paintings he had seen in the most prestigious of art museums. The sunshine hit his skin and warmed his whole entire body like he had been cold his entire life. He felt Alec staring at him and shook his head in disbelief. 
“I didn’t expect… this,” Magnus started, eyes widening at the birds flying just above the skyline. “Downworlders swapped stories of prison cells and hidden visits, but no one has ever described it like this. It’s… surreal, Alexander.” Magnus heard Alec sigh and contentedness seemed to surround both of them. 
“When I was a child living in Alicante, I always wanted to get out. The world outside was a place where I wouldn’t feel so… trapped. Trapped in my own mind, not being able to live and love as I pleased…” Alec trailed off and only spoke again once Magnus squeezed their joined hands. “New York is everything to me. It’s where I found myself and where I found you. But Alicante looks better now that I’m who I was always supposed to be,” Alec finished with a sigh. Magnus nodded and took in the greens and blues of the surrounding forests and lakes. 
“You want to come back,” Magnus stated. It wasn’t a question, but Alec answered anyways. 
“Alicante is… was my home.” Alec turned toward Magnus and took his other hand. “The Clave may have let us in today, but I think they are a while away from letting me live here with my warlock husband. And I can live with that. Because my home is wherever you are, Magnus.” The sincerity in Alec’s voice had Magnus’ breath catching in his throat. Before he could speak, a bell chimed above them and they both jolted at the sound. 
“Is that for us?” Magnus asked, a sudden nervousness taking over his usually calm disposition. 
“That’s for us. You ready for your well deserved apology?” Alec asked, just a hint of a teasing tone in his voice. Magnus rolled his eyes and followed Alec into the white building Magnus could only think of as a castle. 
They saw Consul Jia Penhallow first. Magnus remembered her from many eventful occasions and her presence had a twinge of fear running down his spine. It immediately dissipated when he saw Aline standing next to her. Her serious demeanor was broken by a small wave at him and a wink at Alec. 
“Consul, Aline. We’re very glad to be here today. I’ve always wanted to show Magnus the beautiful sights Alicante has to offer,” Alec said with a threatening tone in his voice Magnus had not expected. 
“Alec, thank you for taking the time away from your… honeymoon,” Jia spat. The words must’ve tasted sour on her lips, Magnus thought as he saw the look on her face. Aline rolled her eyes which perked Magnus up just a little. Jia turned towards Magnus and looked him up and down, none too subtly. “If you’d follow us, Magnus, the Clave wishes to speak with you privately,” Jia stated. Alec either sensed the panic in Magnus or felt his own because he put a hand on Jia’s arm, much to her dismay. 
“Magnus and I will stay together in Alicante. He will not leave my sight,” Alec demanded. Jia’s eyes narrowed as she glared at Alec. 
“Don’t you think your warlock can protect himself, Alec?” Jia asked, venom dripping from her tone.
“I think my husband can do much more than protect himself. He’s proven it time and time again, especially after he saved the people the Clave swore to protect,” Alec challenged, his own eyes narrowing back. Magnus placed a hand on the small of Alec’s back, a small appreciation he hoped Alec understood. 
“I see. Then both of you can follow me,” Jia said sharply. She walked into a large room, tables lining both sides with shadowhunters seated at every seat. Magnus gulped audibly, catching the attention of the only other shadowhunter in the room he could stand. 
“It’s okay, Magnus,” Aline whispered, running a soft hand on his bicep. “Many of these people wish to thank you. But there are some naysayers,” she warned. Magnus tensed, a motion that did not go unnoticed by Alec or Aline. “Helen is waiting by the door if you need to leave, Magnus. We’re on your side, okay? But things are going to be fine. You have Alec and that’s all you need, right?” Aline assured. Magnus nodded and took a seat next to Alec at the head of the table. An older man, faded runes covering his neck like Magnus hadn’t seen before, spoke first. 
“Magnus Bane and Alexander Gideon Lightwood. High Warlock and Institute Head, married 2 weeks ago against the wishes of the Clave and here now expecting gratitude from us,” the man started. “I know many of us wanted you here. But many of us did not. We want you to tell us, Magnus, why we should show gratitude towards you?” Before Magnus could speak, Alec slammed his fist on the table. 
“I will not tolerate this. I was willing to give you all a chance. A chance to thank the man who saved our home. A chance to believe you realized the sacrifice Magnus made to do so. But you don’t believe it, do you?” No one had time to answer before Alec was kicking out his chair and standing tall in front of the most powerful of his people. “Let me break it down for you, then, shall I? Magnus came into Alicante, a place warded by the most powerful warlocks we have in our pockets, without an invitation. He removed the wards to let himself in and put them back up tenfold to keep hundreds of demons from entering the mundane world. That’s one,” Alec said. There was a fire in his eyes that had Magnus’ hands tightening their grip on the table until his knuckles were white. 
“Then, he obliterated dozens of demons before they could take any more lives, my sisters and mine included. Your daughter’s included, Consul.” Alec shot Jia a hateful glare and Magnus followed it, a hint of giddiness rushing through him at the paleness of Jia’s face. “That’s two. On top of those, he portalled into the worst Hell dimension we know of, where his kind is hated almost more than the Clave hates them, leaving his new fiancé and found family behind, to save people who have oppressed him his entire life!” His voice was rising now and Magnus sent out an invisible spark of magic to provide a sense of calm to Alec. Alec glanced over at him and nodded, immediately sensing Magnus’ power and seemingly appreciating the gesture. 
“Magnus spent days in Edom. You know as well as I do that days in Edom feel like years. He spent that time not knowing if he would ever be able to see his family or friends again. I spent that time not knowing if I would ever be able to see the love of my life again,” Alec said, his voice quieting to a whisper as he remembered the dark time. 
“Magnus and I came here under the pretense that the Clave had finally removed their heads from their asses and were willing to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifices he had made for my people. If that doesn’t happen in the next 10 seconds, him and I are leaving to continue our honeymoon in peace. Am I understood?” Magnus had never felt a silence quite like this one. Each second ticked by slowly, tension filling the air. Then, a man, younger than the first stood up. 
“Magnus Bane, I thank you for your sacrifice on behalf of the Clave,” he said, holding up a hand in salute. A woman, a practical clone to Jia stood up next. 
“Magnus, thank you for your sacrifices on behalf of the Clave,” she stated, bowing her head and saluting him as well. Magnus couldn’t stop his jaw from dropping open. He vaguely noticed Alec moving back beside him, a proud smile on his face as he watched each member of the Clave stand and thank Magnus for saving each and everyone one of them. At the end of the table, the first man who spoke stood up. He motioned for Jia to come closer and waited until she did so. 
“You have an opening for Inquisitor, isn’t that right?” He said, his voice a bit more frail than Magnus had remembered. Jia nodded, glancing back and forth from the man to Magnus to Alec. “Mr. Lightwood would be a great asset to the Clave, Consul. I want him to be considered.” Jia’s mouth opened and closed in surprise and Magnus couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. He glanced at Alec whose eyes were wide and whose mouth was hanging open. Magnus realized the unsaid implications of the man’s words but before he could say anything, Alec spoke once more. 
“With all due respect, I couldn’t, wouldn’t, leave my husband in New York. Where I go, Magnus goes, and vice versa,” Alec said simply. He moved closer to Magnus and took him by the hand. The Clave members around the room were still saluting, waiting for their next command. 
“Magnus has shown great sacrifice and good intentions, Mr. Lightwood. You are both allowed in Alicante whenever you please. If Jia makes the correct decision, as I’m sure she will, there will be a place for your… husband, in Alicante as well,” the man said. Alec nodded slowly and glanced around the room once more. Magnus blushed, just a little, at the satisfied smile he had on his lips. As Alec went to lead him out, Magnus pulled his hand away and walked toward the man. 
“Alexander will consider the position. He loves me, that much is true, but he loves Alicante. He loves what the Shadow World could be with people like him protecting it. So, thank you,” Magnus said softly, shaking the man’s hand. The man nodded before walking through another set of doors, the rest of the Clave members following behind him. Magnus turned toward his husband only to be enveloped in his embrace, the one place Magnus felt like he was home. 
“I’m so proud of you, Magnus,” Alec whispered as he covered Magnus neck in kisses, his arms squeezing even tighter.
“Of me?!” Magnus exclaimed, pulling back only slightly to look Alec in his beautiful eyes. “You could be the next Inquisitor. This is huge! For you, for your family, our family, for the Shadow World. Alexander, I am so proud of you,” Magnus responded, cupping Alec’s face in his hands. As he stared into Alec’s eyes that were filled with pride and hope and love, Magnus knew that every sacrifice he had made was worth that feeling. 
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btsbee · 7 years
I'm dyinggg, the last bit of your answer was so cute omg 💜💜💜🌻🌻🌻 and it's definitely not you when I don't text you, you can be sure of that! :D i'm happy to hear that your day was not as stressful as yesterday ! Oh & it's funny that you mentioned the birds, cause around 2 days ago I was sitting on a balcony and heard some chirping , so I looked around and saw a cute lil bird a few meters away from me 🙌 they went quiet once they noticed me, so I went back to my seat, so they don't get shy~
And it worked, cause the bird started again hahah! :D ah, there’s something I wanted to ask you: what would you say are your hobbies? Such a stereotypical question ahah😅 I finished reading “demian” yesterday, the book that influenced the wings era & it was SO good!! If you like reading, I can definitely recommend it to you ^^ - 💜🌻
sunflower im im sorry for the late reply,i have to study intensively these days :(( birds visiting you are always good news!!!!!especially when they come and sing to you ;; about my hobbies…😅 well..i do enjoy solving puzzles/enigmas…reading books?tho im extremely picky and usually go for detectives or about history of economics/topics about poverty/feminism…..learning languages?is that even a hobby???im learning spanish rn and hopefully will get my degree in russian soon…and photography!!!i do!!!have a very strange obsession with the sky!especially when it’s sunset hours!lke that colour scheme???i love IT!!!and try to capture it as many times as possible (even if most times are not successful😅) what else…crying in photoshop?or over animal videos?oh and i love working out!!this must be the only actual hobby here lol. Oh and you read demian????I am picky,but since namjoon and you mentioned it,it must be good so i’ll give it a try if i can find it here!!!But what are your hobbies???And im sorry for the rambling-too random reply,it’s late here and my brain isn’t………..working,but im looking forward to hearing from you and ofc if you have more book recs please hmu!!!!💜💜🌻💜 🌻🌻
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5x15 liveplurk
Yuè [glee 5x15|tw: mentions of assault] I just kinda wanna watch New New York again
Yuè I miss the previous episode Yuè I really do like the so here's what you missed at glee guy Yuè the song kinda sucks but the performance is touching Yuè I haven't watched this episode in like.. 2 years and over the past two years I've become more sensitive when it comes to homophobia so let's see what I'll do Yuè saying that Blaine looks good during a song like this is kinda offsetting Yuè yeah glee sure as fuck managed to not kill off its lgbt characters bt they still deserved better Yuè Rachel Yuè RACHEL Yuè Sydney is right there's a reason many people drop out when they get casted Yuè the Blamcedes apartment looks so good Yuè STAR WARS FANFICTION Yuè people say Puck is the SAW but uhm Sam had a lot of girls Yuè I love the potlucks Yuè this is so sad Yuè gosh the thing Blaine says during the potluck always hits me cause they all sound so bitter and hopeless Yuè "SONDHEIM" Yuè you know it kinda interests me how Blaine lives with Mercedes and Sam now and yet they arrived at the potluck and Blaine was already in Kurt's room Yuè Sam you once was homeless Yuè Sam what the fuck are you talking about Yuè MERCEDES JUST THREW A COAT IN THE RIVER??? Yuè uhm Mercedes doesn't Sam share a room with Blaine already or more like. .. he has his own room cause Blaine's always at the loft Yuè oooh Amber Yuè why is no one questioning the fact that there's a band in this wheel??? Yuè who are these people? Yuè HAPPY TO KNOW I WASN'T THE ONLY ONE WHO THOUGHT SHE WAS NAMED AFTER A CAR Yuè this is awkward Yuè Sam is soooo white right now it hurts Yuè SHIT SON I KNOW IT WAS AGAINST THE ASSIGNMENT BUT I LOVE THIS SONG Yuè lol Carmen's face Yuè I do not know how art schools work but I don't think you can just flunked students like that Yuè thank you Carmen Yuè RACHRL Yuè stop Yuè for once please stop acting so entitled Yuè Rachel maybe you should accept that you're not as great as you think you are Yuè CARMEN FUCKING TELL HER FUCKING END HER Yuè you didn't fight to get into NYADA you stalked her Yuè your dream role in your dream show??? HAHAHAHHA Yuè fuck yesh Carmen tell her Yuè RACHEL FOR ONCE ACCEPT THAT YOU CAN BE WRONG Yuè no you haven't cause guess who comes back running??? Yuè ladies you do realise it's 2014 and that America is in theory no longer segregated Yuè honestly I'm gonna skip this break up cause th e reason is so cringe worthy Yuè it was not the right thing to do bitch Yuè YOU WILL THROW AWAY THAT DREAM Yuè Kurt is a great friend and you are an awful person Yuè yes it is an opportunity of a lifetime and you will throw it away Yuè I literally do not care you are hurt Yuè FUCK OFF RACHEL Yuè FUCKING SCREW RACHEL Yuè REMEMBER THE PREVIOUS EPISODE THAT'S WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE A GOOD PERSON YOU WERE ACTUALLY A GREAT CHARACTER IN THAT EPISODE Yuè we needed more of Kurt telling Rachel to fuck off Yuè I can't express how angry I am Yuè also let's skip the attack Yuè "it's really hard to be a straight white male in america" Yuè Blaine: ....... Yuè speaking of own places... dude you don't live in the loft anymore Yuè I still can't believe this happened Yuè shit these camera angles Yuè OH SHIT Yuè Blaine sweetie Yuè OH AND NOW RACHEL SUDDENLY ACTS SORRY YOU FUCKING PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A FRIEND Yuè no Sam same Yuè gosh his face Yuè ohh gos Yuè OH GOSH Yuè OH HEJESI Yuè OH Y FUCKING LOTD Yuè THIS SONG Yuè whereas the album version is still wonderful it really should've been a solo Yuè shit y insiders are dyinggg Yuè (also that blue yellow contrast is unfair) Yuè THANKS MERCEDES Yuè shit the music in this episode is so great and this is even Amber's own song Yuè "call me White Chocolate" Yuè Oh man just like Quick I never really got into Samcedes but I still aknowledge them and man this is so emotional even I feel like crying Yuè WELL SHIT IF IT AIN'T PAPA HUMMEP Yuè "so did i" Yuè KURT I LOVE YOU Yuè well fuck in one season atog became canon yo ghostlanx Yuè THE GHOST OF NEW YORK CITY Yuè Oh god the scenes between Chris and Mike are always so amazing oh hh gucki ng hell the Hummels Yuè no one pushes the Hummels around Yuè OH GOD Yuè SOEAKI NG OF ATOG I FEEL LIKE I'M ON THE PHALANX ROLLERCOASTER Yuè i feel like cryin Yuè my boyfs Yuè Oh my boys Yuè I love you so much Yuè my son keep kissing boys in the street Yuè YEAH GIRL YOU BETTER APOLOGISE Yuè "college just isn't for me" what a load of bullshit Yuè just with NYADA you come back crying girl I am so done with you atm Yuè don't get me wrong I am happy you apologised and I know you aren't the best friend and that you're somewhat working on it Yuè OH BOY Yuè BLAINE TRYING TO KISS HIS MAN'S NECK Yuè AND YOU ACTUALLY COME IN WITH YOUR ROOMMATES AND ARTIE Yuè They're all right about the weird Samcedes history Yuè OH THIS SONG IS DEFINITELY ONE OF MY FAVE KURT SOLOS IF NOT MY FAVOURITE Yuè (also... sup Kevin's stand in) Yuè also Blaine's outfit is my aesthetic Yuè PAPA BURT SINGING ALONG Yuè Oh man Chris did the choreo of this song himself which isn't the most excessive choreo ever but it's soooo Kurt Yuè BLAINE THIS IS THE SECOND TIME YOU TRY TO KISS YUR MAN
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