#please forgive any whack phrasing i am a lil eepy šŸ˜©
psiimaid Ā· 2 years
What's your take on the vantas' with gills? I think it would give signless a really good perspective on things.
hrm the headcanon itself is one i could go either way on tbh? it comes from the freshwater limebloods headcanon, right?
iā€™d argue that signless has a.. different perspective anyway. at the very least, as someone who isnā€™t on the spectrum at all.
he didnā€™t live a traditional lowblood life. he canā€™t fully understand their experiences, or the experiences of slaves, or even those who have lost their lusus.
likewise, heā€™s never lived the life of a highblood and all that entails. he canā€™t fully understand them, either
he lived his life, an unconventional one, with an unconventional guardian, yā€™know
his views are unconventional, theyā€™re revolutionary, recognizing the oppression people further down the spectrum face while also standing solidly firm in his beliefs that say highbloods deserve kindness and love and freedom from the system, too. the part of ā€œequality and forgivenessā€ that people donā€™t like to hear.
he doesnā€™t need to have impossibly walked in everyone eversā€™ shoes for him to have validity. signless is similar to ye average lowblood in many ways, yes, but in this specific situation the gills seem like a way to counteract that? in a symbolic way? but donā€™t add much imho beyond appearance + ā€œoh yeahh donā€™t you just hate when they dry outā€ solidarity with seadwellers
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