#please forgive any typos or nonsensical tangents
elshells · 1 year
🌾 & 🌸 For Harley perhaps?
Oh, absolutely!! I'll talk about my Harley darling any day! :)
🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them
This was one of my favorite prompts from this list, so I'm glad this was included in the ask! I'll be describing Harley through Jade's perspective. As a fellow artist, I can totally picture Jade stepping away from the canvas and attempting to write sappy, flowery poetry or journal entries about her feelings to give her some form of closure and understanding. In the style of Agent Ace, this will be written from the third-person perspective (the thought process is long-winded and a lil messy, but that could just as easily be me 😅):
From the first time they met, Jade had always noticed the little things about Harley—the pattern of freckles across her nose, the way her bangs swept over her forehead, how her eyes were the exact color of sea glass. Her hands were cool to the touch, but it was the most grounding sensation Jade had ever felt. Heaven knew she fell too easily, but every time she thought she'd overcome her feelings, she sank a little deeper. Harley always had a strange gleam in her eyes; she never stopped thinking, even when she stopped paying attention to her own brain. She solved a hundred problems a day figuring out how to make her gadget of the month work, and thinking up solutions whenever it didn't. Her humor was just as bright as her mind, and optimistic in spite of every reason she had to look for the dark. They were friends, but maybe there was room for more. After all, it was impossible for Jade to ignore the way her heart skipped whenever Harley saw a creation of her own, with a look on her face like she had never seen anything more divine.
🌸 What are some of their favourite things and why? List as many as you can think of!
Alright, here we go!
The outdoors! As children, Harley and Sophia were always outside, playing in the woods behind their house or visiting the Arkley Bay Beach to look for crabs and fish in the tide pools under the docks.
Her family has always been important to her, even though her mother is the only consistent figure in her family. Harley never had the chance to meet her father, and while she still loves Sophia dearly, Sophia's strained relationship with her mother means she never gets to see her. It hurts her to see the people she loves so broken up.
Her favorite piece of jewelry, a bracelet made of strung-together wooden beads and green jasper stones. She bought it with her allowance when she was seven, along with an identical bracelet to give to Sophia as a parting gift when she left for Guard training. Sophia wears it just as much as her wedding ring.
Her best friends, Jade and Max. They were the ones she first met when she started attending the Westheight Institute, and they took her under her wing when she was all alone. There isn't much she wouldn't risk for them.
Music is the best fuel for her creativity. Whether it's dancing at a club or concert or blasting music through headphones while she works, it's invigoration that she can't get enough of.
Books. Harley is an avid reader, and spent much of her loneliest childhood days at the corner bookstore in Blumoore, getting lost in every story she could find.
Food! She'll try everything and loves almost everything she tries. Her mother's baklava is her favorite dessert, and she has a taste for sushi and barbecue—the spicier, the better!
Tinkering around in her free time. Harley is fascinated with discovering how the world around her works. Like Jade, she considers herself a creator, but she's more geared towards the sciences rather than the arts. She's a problem solver under pressure, and thrives off the trial-and-error of building new tools and gizmos and getting them to work.
On a similar note, anything related to robotics! She actually won a robotics scholarship for college, although she ended up turning down the opportunity to work under her uncle, Atticus Manalis, an underrated but genius inventor in his own right.
Once again following a related train of thought: I like to imagine that the show BattleBots exists in the Harmont Heroes universe, and that Harley, Jade, and Max all follow it religiously. The friendly competition of drawing up brackets and placing bets on which bot will prevail in each fight is what drew them together as friends in the first place.
She has an appreciation for art of all forms, since the most she can do herself are simple sketches. Her favorite art style is anything Jade makes.
Lastly, the city of Harmont, where she was born and raised. Even though her uncle's quiet, rural home has its own appeal, there's something charming and electrifying about city living, and she couldn't imagine calling anywhere else home.
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