#please excuse my writing i've forgotten how to do it afhds
byanyan · 2 years
@chronal-anomaly (x)
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​well, she was cheerful for someone whose expensive vehicle was being stared down like a meal, they had to give her that. they definitely bought that she wasn't afraid of anyone living in a part of town like this, there was too much confidence in the way she held herself for it to be a lie, but the teen still offered a bit of a disbelieving squint. grew up in a place like this, yet still willing to risk bringing a bike like that into such an area? either she was more confident than they were giving her credit for, or she was just fucking stupid.
" me? nah. always wanted to, though. "  hard to find any opportunity when you had no money to your name and no license to speak of. byan didn't offer any such elaboration though, their gaze once more lowering to the bike to continue taking it in. 
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" mostly just admire 'em. "  ...AND heavily consider stealing them, but again, they kept that to themself. a shrug of their shoulders, and they slip a hand from the pocket of their jacket to reach out, running fingertips along the side of the vehicle without bothering to ask if it was okay. wasn't like they could do anything with the owner standing right there anyway, so why bother? raising an inquisitive brow, byan's eyes flitted back up to watch the woman's face expectantly as they continued;
" never seen one quite like this, though. s'it custom? " ​
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