#please enjoy this space raptor boyfriend
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I did a quick Garrus in my current style.
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The Most Stressful Time of the Year.
A/N: Just a little something I thought up over these past few days that is pure fluff. (And my first hockey player one shot, yikes, so please be nice) Hope you enjoy 😊.
Word Count: 2.1k
“Aus, hey.”
Although your boyfriend was partially aware that he was being called, he was too focused on his phone to even bother giving whoever was talking to him any attention.
His brows furrowed as he read through his text conversations with you. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The two of you were talking about a possible date to the Toronto Christmas Market in the upcoming weeks before you wished him luck, and he had to put his phone away to get ready for the game in Philly.
It was a tough loss against the Flyers, and the entire team was in pretty low spirits because of it, but what threw Auston off, even more, was how when they were getting ready to leave the arena, and he finally looked at his phone again, there wasn’t a single notification from you.
He was almost positive it was nothing, but he’d grown accustomed to having at least one message from you as soon as he got off the ice. It was your thing. After every game, you would always say how proud you were and how much you loved him, regardless of the score. Auston appreciated it immensely, and although he had grown so used to such a small yet meaningful action, it still made the butterflies in his stomach flutter with affection. So, to not see a message from you after a game; made him worry a little bit.
You were in the midst of exam season at uni and up to your ears in homework, which was why you didn’t tag along for the trip to Philadelphia in the first place so that you could attend the game in Toronto the following night; maybe go to the Raptors game the night after. Before the game, you told Auston that you’d be up late finishing your assignments and would meet him at Pearson just like you usually did. What you didn’t tell him though, was just how exhausted you were with everything going on in life at the moment. Although he did ask you how you were doing on multiple occasions earlier in the day, you insisted that you were fine and made sure to not show how tired you were during a brief facetime call the two of you shared.
As soon as he dipped out of the dressing room, Auston called you. Again, it was something he always did after a game; but when he was instantly met with your voicemail… he was a bit confused. So, he sent you a text.
Heading to the airport now. Can’t wait to see you, x.
He couldn’t help but anxiously glance at his phone every time it buzzed with a new notification in hopes that it was you saying you’d gone to get a bite to eat or something. However, when the device dinged, and it wasn’t a message from you, his facial features would fall slightly, and he’d let out a sigh; gestures that didn’t go unnoticed by his teammates as they made their way through the airport terminal.
As everyone boarded the plane, Auston tried once more to call you, getting in the way of John and William as they tried to pass him in the narrow hallway. He didn’t realize at the time, but a few of the guys were watching as he began pacing and stressfully pushing his free hand through his hair once reluctantly hung up his phone after being met by your voicemail again. It was then they decided maybe someone should see what was going on.
Freddie was the one who decided to step up and ask what was up. But it still took him a few tries to actually gain his teammates’ attention.
Jumping at the sudden outburst behind him, Auston was quick in whipping around to face Freddie. “Woah! What’s your deal?”
“My deal? What’s your deal? You’ve been acting weird since we left the arena. Everything alright?”
Auston sighed.
“You’re going to think it’s pathetic.”
“More pathetic than I already think you are?” Freddie quipped. “I’m kidding. Clearly, something is bothering you. What’s going on?”
With another sigh, Aus explained the situation. He said how he didn’t want to think much about it because maybe you were just busy with schoolwork, but there was also this weird feeling about it all that he couldn’t shake. What if something happened to you?
Freddie was able to see where he was coming from easily. He knew of yours and Auston’s cheesy antics, having seen it first hand since the two of you started dating, and to be completely honest, even he found it a little strange that no one could get ahold of you… especially Auston.
“That is a little weird, not going to lie.”
“I know,” your boyfriend huffed as a flight attendant came by to say they’d be departing soon and for them to please take their seats. “I’m probably overthinking it, but, ugh, I don’t even know…”
“It’s part of your routine, man,” Freddie reasoned. “You’re worried cause you’re not used to suddenly not hear from her, any of us would be if it were our girlfriend. But, we’ll be back in Toronto in a couple of hours. I’m sure she’s fine and will be there waiting to pick you up.”
“You’re right, thanks, man,” Auston replied with a smile before getting into his seat and trying to relax for the flight home.
As soon as the plane landed and he was able to turn his phone off airplane mode, Auston stared at his phone, hopefully, thinking it would light up with just one simple message from, but still nothing. His face fell immediately, growing even more anxious as he gathered his things and exited the plane.
You ended up not being at the gate waiting for him, and that made him feel even worse. Panicked even. So, he tried calling you again to make sure you were ok.
All he cared about at that point was knowing that you were safe. He couldn’t have cared less about you not picking him up or texting him after the game; right then, all he wanted to know was that nothing had happened to you, and all would be fine. But yet, he still couldn’t get an answer.
“Hey, she’s probably at home asleep or at the library studying or something,” Mitch spoke up from behind him. “I just got off the phone with Steph, she was talking to her earlier tonight. Said she was exhausted but had a lot to work to do, I’m sure she’s fine, Aus.”
I’m sure she’s fine. No matter how many times he was told that it was becoming harder for Auston to believe. However, there wasn’t much he could do while stuck at Pearson and you somewhere downtown.
“Yeah, um, I think I’ll just stop by her apartment… Don’t think she’d be at the library this late. Think I could catch a ride with you and Mo?”
“Of course, let's go.”
The three men made their way into the city as quickly as they could with the odd late-night traffic. Your apartment was a one-bedroom in the Church-Wellesley Village. It resided above a coffee shop, and even with its small size, you never complained, despite it being in a rougher part of Toronto’s downtown core when comparing it to where Auston’s fancy condo was. You found it after your first year of university as you were moving out of student residence and had stayed there since. However, after dating Auston for as long as you have, you pretty much lived with him and had plans to not renew your lease in the spring so that you could properly move in together.
But your apartment was near your school, so it made sense that you crammed yourself up there rather than at Auston’s with how early some of your exams could be, and how much you hated waking up for them. Also, that’s where you said you were when you and he talked earlier in the day.
You liked your apartment, to put it simply, and although you’d never admit it… you much preferred being at Auston’s when he was there as opposed to alone because it didn’t quite feel like home just yet.
When Morgan pulled up outside of your building, Auston was quick in grabbing his stuff and bolting. He muttered a quick thanks and goodbye to his teammates, saying he’d keep them updated, before digging the key you gave him out of his pocket so he could use it to let himself in. He made his way up the dingy staircase to the second floor and walked down to the hall to your door, taking a deep breath before opening it and hopefully seeing you on the other side.
But your apartment was dark and empty.
Auston could see indications that you were there at some point when he switched the light on, but after a quick look through the space, he determined you were definitely not there. But where could you be? It was too late for the library to be open, he was sure someone would’ve known if you’d gone to a friend from school to study… but no one knew anything. It was as if you had vanished.
He raked his mind for ideas of where you could be, and the only other place he could think of was his condo. Again, although you never admitted it, Auston knew you didn’t love being at his condo alone. He was determined to make it feel like home for you and things were definitely progressing in that direction, but you still hadn’t moved in fully and he was pretty sure you wouldn’t want to be there on your own until that happened. But he figured there was nowhere else you could possibly be, so that’s where he headed.
It was a short Uber ride from your apartment down to where his condo was, but for Auston, it seemed like ages. He didn’t make very much conversation with the driver, just the basic hellos and how are yous, all while his knee bounced anxiously and, he wished he could just get there faster.
As soon as he arrived, he was rushing through the building's front doors and to the elevators. It took dreadfully long for him to finally get to his floor before the doors opened again and, he hurried down the hallway to his unit. He was quick unlocking the door and pushing it open, before letting out an audible sigh when he was able to see inside.
You were completely passed out. Curled up on the large sectional in the living room, surrounded by various notes and textbooks with your laptop still open on the glass coffee table. The blinds on the windows were still open, showcasing the nights CN tower light show in the distance, while Sportsnet's late-night reruns of NHL highlights played on the flat-screen TV.
Auston couldn’t help but chuckle at himself over how worried he’d gotten, but also at his relieved he was just to know you were safe.
With a slight shake of his head, he dropped his things by the door, took his shoes off, and made his way over to you. He gently scooped you up off the couch bridal style, smiling as you unconsciously nuzzled into his chest, and carried you to the bedroom. He tried so hard to not wake you, but struggled in opening the door while making sure to not drop you in the process; ultimately resulting in you being jolted awake.
“Aus?” You muttered sleepily while knuckling at your eyes. “W-when did you get home? What time is it?”
“Almost 3am,” he replied with a soft smile.
“What!? I- oh my god, I thought I set an alarm to wake me up if I fell asleep. I didn’t even see the whole game.”
“Trust me, you didn’t miss much. Was worried about you though, couldn’t get ahold of you regardless of how hard I tried.”
“Oh,” you said quietly as he laid you down on the bed and tucked you in before beginning to strip down to his boxers. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- oh shit, I was supposed to pick you up I-.”
“You have nothing to apologize for,” he chuckled as he switched off the light and crawled into the bed beside you. The loud yawn you let out as he pulled you into his chest didn’t go unnoticed by him, and he couldn't help his smile as you instinctively cuddle up against him. “I’m just glad you’re safe. Are you ready for your exam tomorrow?”
“I think so.”
“Good. Let’s get some rest then, yeah?”
“Deal,” you answered while letting your body gradually relax as you began falling sleep again. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he replied and placed a soft peck to your forehead before holding onto you just a little bit tighter than usual, and eventually let himself drift off into a peaceful sleep as well.
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ayma-nidiot · 4 years
“Don’t Speak Their Names” - Shrimpshipping fanfic Chapter 1
Link to this chapter on AO3 can be found here.
Summary: Seto Kaiba and Pharaoh Atem no longer reside in Domino City - or in this time period, for that matter. Rex Raptor and Weevil Underwood, with their newly awakened shapeshifting powers, jump at the chance to become top duelists once again. Not if a beautiful and cunning duelist by the name of Amber can help it! To Rex’s misfortune, Amber catches him in an embarrassing position at school. But this won’t be the last time he gets hot and bothered at school, and a suggestion from a former rival puts Rex in a rather… compromising position.
This is a sequel to my mostly-Pride fanfic “In the White Light,” which also features Shrimpshipping in the last few chapters. One main reason I wanted to write this fic is to not only give Rex and Weevil more attention, but also to write a Shrimpshipping fanfic with little to no Pride. Though “Don’t Speak Their Names” will feature a few elements from “In the White Light,” it is not 100% necessary to read “In the White Light” first. However, this fic will allude to that one on a few occasions. As always, constructive criticism is welcome!
Chapter 1 - “Oohs” and “Aahs”
“And that,” Rex Raptor propped his legs on the dueling table in a moment of pride, “is what I call sweet, sweet revenge.”
Weevil Underwood ignored the cheers that resounded throughout Domino High School’s rooftop. “Nah. That’s what I call sheer, dumb luck.”
After scooping up his deck, Rex gave the bug duelist a smirk right in his face. “And on my birthday, no less!”
“Okay, okay.” Weevil threw up his hands in defeat. “But insects are still the best. You Jurassic jerk.”
“Those insects were quite the pest problem. But I took care of them…” Rex leaned in closer to Weevil’s ear and whispered, “just like I’m going to do to you tonight.”
Before Weevil could slap Rex for saying something so vulgar at school, their club sponsor spoke as he entered the scene, “Speaking of problems, there will be a problem if you don’t get to class! First period starts in six minutes!”
“Pfft…” a girl snickered on everyone’s way to class.
“What’s so funny?” Weevil didn’t like the way this unfamiliar girl stared at him with her amber eyes.
“Man, oh man…” spoke one of Weevil’s buddies from the tabletop gaming club, which had hosted Rex’s “birthday tournament.” “That’s the last person you want laughing at you, Underwood.”
“Why, what’s so special about her?” Rex asked as everyone took their seats.
“You don’t know?” another friend chimed in. “She’s known around this school as a man-eater. Plus, I’ve heard she’s a sneaky - but awesome - duelist.”
“And wouldn’t I know it,” sighed Espa Roba, who had since moved to Domino City. “She beat me - me, the psychic duelist! - handily during that birthday tournament.”
“So, Mr. Psychic Duelist, what’s her name?”
“Uh…” Espa stared into space. “She was so beautiful that I never thought to ask.”
“And I suppose you bozos never thought to ask either?” Rex got no response to that except for a few dopey chuckles.
“Well, it looks like the sunrise with legs just walked in.” Friend #1 whistled as a girl with long, raven-black hair showed up to class. “Raptor, why don’t you go talk to her?”
“Wh-What? Me?!” Rex pulled Weevil out of his seat. “No way! Make him do it!”
“You’re the one who won the tournament, dino brain!”
It didn’t take long for the raven-haired girl to notice this lover’s quarrel. “A dino brain you are, indeed!” she laughed, completely nonplussed. “Not only to suffer such a humiliating defeat at regionals, but also to have the lowest grades of anyone in this class!”
As the girl laughed all the way to her seat, Friend #2 whispered to Rex, “Um… I guess that’s her way of saying, ‘You’re out of my league?’”
No kidding! Though Rex and Weevil had been in a relationship for nearly a year now, the dino duelist didn’t feel comfortable letting his jock friends know about it.
“She even knows about your oh-so-gracious loss at regionals!” Friend #1 chuckled. “Man, talk about-”
“WILL YOU STOP TALKING ALREADY?!” Rex nearly toppled his desk over as he sharply arose.
“I agree, Mr. Raptor,” spoke their homeroom science teacher. “Thank you for pretending to be the teacher, if only for three seconds. You may take a seat now.”
I’ll get you yet, you piece of shit… Rex glared back at the girl, who continued to giggle with her clique.
Rex had hoped that the teasing would stop in this period. To his misfortune, this girl not only teased him at every turn, but got away with doing it. He reckoned that it was because she had the best grades out of all the seniors and got to skip two years - or so she and her teachers claimed. Very few things annoyed Rex more than smartasses doing whatever they damn well pleased to (unless said smartass was Weevil).
Rex would not have to deal with this smartass for the last period of the day - gym class - as this class had two teachers who normally taught the boys and girls separately. But he did not enjoy the annoying “oohs” and “aahs” he got from his male classmates. Luckily, the gym teacher not only didn’t know the raven-haired girl, but thanks to his athletic abilities, Rex was on his good side.
“There’s a time and a place for teasing each other, boys,” the gym teacher paused before the boys were to jump the vault. “It’s called after school. You’re not in college yet.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Friend #1 as Rex prepared himself for his turn, and promptly took off.
“I suppose his is well-named,” Friend #2 remarked. “The kid runs like a velociraptor. His face looks like one, too.”
Weevil, however, could tell something was awry from the look on his boyfriend’s face. “Hold on, fartknocker. I know Rex better than any of you, and I can assure you he is normally not that exhausted.”
The gym teacher was the only other one to notice. “Mr. Raptor, go to the nurse,” he ordered immediately.
“No, Teach, I’m fine,” Rex insisted, but the gym teacher wouldn’t accept that answer.
“I mean it, Mr. Raptor. You’re having heat exhaustion,” the gym teacher spoke as he wrote Rex a clinic pass. “Go, now, before it develops into full-on heat stroke.”
This was the one teacher Rex really liked, and he knew better than to argue with him. Without looking at his teacher’s face, he took the hall pass and sauntered into the hallway leading to the clinic. He didn’t make it far, though, as even after stopping for some water, he felt even hotter still… in ways he didn’t want to at school. He thanked the gods that nobody in the hallway could see him in such a state.
“Why…” Rex wiped his forehead after making way for the loo. “Argh, why do I have to have a boner in the middle of class? And… and… What the fuck?!”
Rex didn’t expect to see his rabbit ears, paws, and tail come out - after all, he only recently discovered his ability to change into the Creepy Coney. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t retract his animal features. Unless… “There’s only one way I can make my bunny ears go away, huh…”
Rex took one final look around the hall, and locked himself in one of the stalls. Even though the loo was air conditioned well enough, his body still felt hot as he let his pants fall to his knees.
Gods… Rex felt paranoid at first, but as he caressed his own cock, any noise in that hallway - save for his own whimpering - proved insignificant. He had wanted for Weevil to join him in there, but of course the aspiring valedictorian had to jump the vault instead. Still… This isn’t so bad…
Rex had an experience with touching himself that he was unusually proud of, so it took him no time at all to reach a satisfying climax - and an especially loud moan. As he pulled his pants back up and exited the stall, he showed no shame - that was, until he heard a feminine chuckle from just outside the loo entrance. “Sounds like you had quite a bit of fun in there.”
“It’s…!” Rex easily recognized the raven-haired girl. “It’s none of your business!”
“Oh, I think after seeing you practically turn into a rabbit and hearing you masturbate in the bathroom, it is very much my business.”
“Shh!” Rex rushed up to the girl and covered her mouth. “Okay, what do you want me to do so you don’t tell everyone what happened in there?”
“Shouldn’t you ask a lady what her name is before you ask her for favours?”
“But… But…” Rex stuttered.
“The name’s Amber, by the way. And if you’re wondering what I’d like from you… Just let me follow you around whenever I’d like.”
“That’s, um… Odd. You do know I have a boyfriend, right?” Rex let it slip without thinking.
“I’ve known for quite some time,” Amber replied nonchalantly. “Or have you not heard of my sneaky reputation?”
Rex wanted to hit Amber for speaking that way to him, but he knew better. “...So you just want to follow me? Even on the way home?”
“Now that you mention it, yes.” Amber smirked when the bell to end the school day rang. “Right now, if you don’t mind.”
Oh, you bet I do, Rex thought as several jealous boys glared at him. You bet I do.
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Ok SO! I just watched the original 3 Jurassic Parks in succession and I have some things to say... (Long Post and Spoilers I guess?)
what was wrong with the sick Triceratops? Like they made a big deal of Laura Dern digging in poop and looking at the plants and whether or not they were eating something weird, and I thought it would come up again... it did not and I just wanna know what was wrong with the Trike?!
Then the whole viable embryo chamber that Nedry stole... I suppose the embryos just died but they did this whole thing where we watch it get covered in mud, and once again, was expecting that to be a plot point but guess not??
Otherwise great film, obviously having not seen it when I was younger, I don’t have any nostalgia towards the film, so no rose-tinted glasses to make it look prettier than it is... but really solid thriller, they captured the majesty of these creatures that don’t even exist anymore... I’ll dig up the full legacy of the film later, but easily the best of the three in my opinion... pacing was good, tension in each action sequence was great, the cast was really solid too... Laura Dern, every scene she was in, she was brilliant... she’s equal parts charming, witty but also isn’t here to take any shit... she has things to do, and she will get them done... so far the only female character in the first three movies that I could stand screaming... including Sarah Harding who had a couple moments... Sam Neill was a good gruff hero who we’re endeared to by his awkwardness around kids... Jeff Goldblum was Jeff Goldblum, weirdly underused the entire film??? Like he had that weird laugh-growl, all those great lines in the beginning, and ofc the iconic leads Rexy with the flare scene (which I was expecting to be more epic but Sam Neill kept telling him to drop it and so it came off like he was doing something kinda dumb??) but he busts up his leg and has no other purpose than “Must go faster”, the sexy wounded Goldblum, and “look up and follow the main cable”...
Contrary to the previous one, I feel like Jeff Goldblum...uhhh...is not an action star? His dialogue during action scenes, his movements, his general character all seemed awkward and out of place, and maybe that’s what he’s going for... he’s a scientist/mathematician dude who didn’t wanna be there, but the “choreography” of the action scenes just didn’t seem like a dude actively trying to save himself and the people around him... the entirety of the raptor scene in the power station felt stilted and stiff, him, Julianne Moore and his daughter... that gymnastics scene could’ve been cooler but everything was so slow? Like it’s the longest of the three films and idk if that’s a good thing... the end bit where the T-Rex ended up in San Diego felt more than a little goofy and sort of separate from the rest of the movie, like there was no transition from the natural end of the movie (them getting rescued) and the Rex wandering around the suburbs..
However I really did enjoy Vince Vaughn and I’m so used to him in comedic roles?? But like he seemed like such a grounded dude that was secretly a sort of guerilla environmentalist set to rescue animals from poachers... I kinda would’ve preferred him as the main character and have Jeff be a side character just with more to do than in the first film... Jeff is great as a foil to the action hero, witty banter was a check, running commentary is always great, occasional moments of his own death defying struggles but Vince’s character had more moxie... Sarah aka Julianne Moore was fine as the obligatory female character that wasn’t a dinosaur... though for someone who kept insisting on knowing what she was doing and hanging around multiple predators, her screaming right at Mom and Dad Rex when the key is to be still and quiet, and also not clueing in that the baby Rex blood on her vest would attract the parents to her after she specifically mentioned them having superior scent tracking was a little ridiculous... obligatory kid was fine, but they never really doubled back on the whole “you never keep your promises” problem they introduced between her and Jeff..
Uh so... there are just... pterodactyls canonically nested and presumably breeding somewhere else in the world, and I was just wondering if it ever gets addressed in JW or JW: FK??? Like I’ve seen Jurassic World but without prior knowledge of the previous films, so idk if there was a reference slipped in, but it is the same universe as the previous films sooo...just gotta accept that they nested somewhere and no one did anything to stop them flying off??
Also Laura Dern... how did she manage to rally the military and the navy??? Like where did she get the power/the connections to pull that off???
Also also... did they face... no consequences for entering those islands after having invaded a foreign countries restricted air space???
Compared to 2, generally better pacing, much better action sequences... tension was pretty close to the first film in snappy action... got Sam Neill back and he’s nice... apparently the third is not well-liked but without the nostalgia factor clouding my judgement? It was about the same vibe... more of the same, an arbitrary event pulling them to Dino land, it being a Terrible Very Bad Idea, and cue in the herbivore Dinosaurs, the slightly more dangerous dinosaurs, and The Big Bad Dinosaur... much scream, much death, then rescue....
they overused the classic JP theme a little, and in weird spots... like there’d be death and terror, and then all of a sudden the JP theme would blast and something cute or majestic would appear and it was quite jarring...the genesis of the Spinosaurus would’ve been nice to know, they made that an unecessary mystery but whatever...guess it was born from some precursor experiment to the I-Rex sort of thing that InGen had been cooking up...
Tea Leoni just kept yelling and screaming and it was so annoying istg like stop no... I get she was scared but she was hysterical off her head and it felt very classic horror film but jfc you come to an island to rescue your son from dinosaurs, not get eaten by one! They also kept trying to focus on the divorced couple rekindling their relationship in this dangerous situation but please no I do not watch these films for the love story I’m glad it was barely even acknowledged in the first film that Alan and Ellie probably had a thing going on and I kinda did not like that they made Jeff and Julianne be an established thing and have John Hammond use that as incentive to push Jeff to go back to the island... so yeah no shoo-shoo the romance away please... also the poor boyfriend who died?? Like no grief for him I guess??
Sam Neill getting angry at Billy was really mean, so glad he survived... there were actually less terrible people who didn’t realise they were terrible people in this film... the closest we got was Billy stealing the raptor eggs and that was him just being rash and young and wanting to help out...
Otherwise another typical dinosaur fest... it wasnt Spielberg direction, and you could kinda tell... not as smooth in just the general flow of the story... not quite as golden touch as the first one, but not as dragged out as the second one and it had better action sequences... so idk about y’all but I might just rank the third film above the second one?
Anyway yeah! Netflix took down Jurassic World so I’m bummed my binge watch got messed with but Fallen Kingdom is being put up this week so looking forward to that!
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j-wonwootrash · 5 years
#10 + 47 with Dino please. My birthday is in one week!!!
10. “just take my jacket! it’s cold!”
47. “happy birthday.”
prompt title: aggressively adorable
genre: fluff
a/n: oof yayy finally a dino request! aw bubs advance happy birthday to you! 💕🎂🎉🎊 hope this fits your liking~ enjoy reading! 😉
In all seriousness you wondered why your boyfriend had to be late on a planned date despite claiming to have a flexible schedule. His dance group was on break after winning first place in the inter-school championship. Chan promised to spend time with you since you both were busy in your own things.
Space was needed for the time being to be able to focus and be determined. It wasn’t that you considered each other a distraction, but it was rather an agreement you and Chan have decided on. And of course, the support was always there.
On the first phase of dating you were a girl so in love that you would spend most of your time with Chan. He did the same, except he was much clingy than you expected him to be. That alone was... adorable. His stage name was Dino, so he was like a tiny raptor, aggressive but cute simultaneously.
The cold wind made you shudder under the light rain. Not that it hadn’t made your clothes wet, but it was getting there. You sighed at the minutes passing by when at the horizon of the street upfront, Chan jogged to where you were, halting slowly as his figure nearly bumped into yours. “Hi y/n!”
You scoffed as you gave him a short-lived stare, later softening when he hugged you so tight you had missed his touch, the perfume he wore and just his whole being. “Hey.. I missed you so much.”
“I miss you too. We didn’t really see each other even at the finals of the semester. Wow imagine how busy we might’ve been when we’re in university.” he chuckled, caressing your cheeks.
“Don’t even get there. I’m already stress-thinking at the results of the exams.” you pulled away from him that your palms rested on his chest.
His hands crawled and snaked around your waist, interlocking his fingers that you wouldn’t fall over. “Babe, we have the time to ourselves! We can laze out, watch movie, go to a theme park and- Why are you wearing less?” he stopped talking as he realized when the dampness of your figure touched his skin.
You shyly smiled, cheeks blooming to a bright red color. “I guess I was excited to meet you that I didn’t take notice of what I wore?” you chuckled but there was definitely questioning tone.
Chan pursed his lips at the sight of you. “Tsktsk.” he clicked his tongue and removed the only one thing that kept him warm too. You kept on refusing, ignoring the fact he had the dinosaur feature, aggressively adorable.
“Yah!” he hissed. “Just take my jacket! It’s cold!” You flinched at his tone and laughed to yourself as a warm fabric enveloped your upper frame.
“Okay babe thanks for the concern but aren’t shivering too?” you pointed at his chest.
“I’m okay!” he sniffed. “Shall we go? I’m hungry.”
You both walked along the park where the trees’ leaves had fallen, indicating spring. Chan’s fingers found your palms, interlacing them and playing with them to add on the warmth. He took out his phone for a selfie, pulling you close to him.
As you mentioned and told him earlier, you were excited to meet that you didn’t notice your attire. But you realized how you could’ve put on light makeup to cover your dark circles and blemishes.
Chan saw how flustered and quiet you’ve become through the reflection of you from his phone. He saw you rummaged the insides of your purse bag, where the lipstick he got you appeared in view. “I’ll help you put it on.” he took the item, and you were surprised to see him apply the lipstick..
To himself?
Your held-in giggles bursted into a loud laugh, your stomach churning at the action you never expect your boyfriend would do. He doesn’t do these things, so why do it in public? You really had to know.
“Babe! What’re you-” you asked, but inhaled forcibly when he drew closer to you, cupping your cheeks and leaning for a kiss.
Well it was a kiss for the first three seconds before he smudged the applied lipstick to your lips, making you whine at the nearly short of oxygen.
He laughed at his behavior and looked at you. “Happy Birthday.” he greeted. “You look more alive now.”
“Hm thanks babe. Seems like you’re saying I look dead earlier.” you scoffed. “But hey, you don’t look so bad yourself.” you nudged at him, who looked more alive than you that he could be a replica of the nearby Mcdonald’s. You brought out your phone to show his reflection. Little did he know that you had taken a picture of him in that state.
“With or without makeup, you’re still pretty to me. Oh my- I didn’t know the smudge would be that messy.” he sounded surprised but there wasn’t a hint of embarrassment. He wrapped you in an embrace. “Do you have wet wipes? I think people are staring.” he scratched his head.
“I think I do.” you looked into your purse bag, but you thought it would be better to leave the stain onto him. Maybe let him feel the embarrassment, more than he did to you with the smudged kiss.
“Well?” Chan asked with raised eyebrows.
“I don’t have it.” you ran to go to the nearby cafe.
“Hey y/n!! You better take this thing off!” he chased after you, only to slow down when people stared to giggle at him. Phones brought out to capture the moment.
It was your birthday, a celebration of another year. But Chan embarrassing himself today became another celebration. You would remind and haunt him of the cursed picture, might as well make it an anniversary too.
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centeris2 · 6 years
Tor invites the friends to visit the music studio and they tag along for a photoshoot. Rebecca finds out that Dark Core is in the music business.
Initially the friend group wasn’t sure what to do about Scott in terms of living arrangements. The Bangalow was a safe place but it would be inconvenient for Scott to live there and have to hide whenever people wanted alone time. Tor offered a place in Jorvik City but Scott was opposed to accepting help from his friends. South Hoof was suggested, but the idea made Scott’s stomach turn. The mere thought of seeing Butter Hill made him anxious and pale, so the idea was scratched.
After a great deal of snickering from Ydris they finally asked what his suggestion was. He smirked as he explained the obvious thing was for Scott to create a place for himself.
It took a bit of magic to do but by the end of the day the Bangalow was connected to a series of pocket dimensions, little bubbles of expanded space that formed rooms around the Bangalow, one of which was now Scott’s room. For an extra touch runes were added that could indicate “do not enter” for the different rooms.
Scott’s stuff was organized into his room, a bed conjured (by a winking Ydris of course), and bookshelves added to the main area of the Bangalow so everyone could easily access the books on Jorvik myth and lore.
Once the unpacking and set up was complete Scott excused himself, very tired and wanting to be alone.
A few days later part of the friend group traveled into Jorvik City, invited by Tor to see the recording studio. Justin, Rebecca, and Scott stood outside the building, not going in just yet as they looked at the record label’s name.
“Dark Chord,” Rebecca muttered, a bit confused.
“Like… Dark Core?” Scott asked, noticing how Rebecca and Justin had tensed.
“I don’t remember any music stuff,” Justin mumbled, recalling his time on the Dark Core platform. Then again an oil rig was not a place for music production.
“Might be a revenue source for them, to fund their operations?” Rebecca suggested, pulling out her phone and texting Tor to let him know they had arrived. It was a serious business place, guards posted inside to make sure over eager fans and paparazzi could not get in. By the looks from the outside people couldn’t get passed the front reception desk without passing through security. That was a bit concerning, given it was possible a Dark Core operation.
Rebecca’s phone vibrated, Tor responding, and she glanced at her two boyfriends and nodded toward the front door.
“He let reception know he has three guests, and someone is coming down to meet us,” Rebecca explained, leading the way inside.
“Do you have an appointment?” the man at the reception desk asked without looking up.
“Yup, we’re here to see Raptor,” Rebecca explained with a smile, amused when the man looked up and was caught off guard. A tall pale man dressed like a cowboy, a young man who had clearly just been in a stable, and a woman dressed in all black complete with long sleeves and gloves was not who he had expected to see for Raptor’s appointment.
“Ah- yes, I’ll check and see if Samantha is on her way, please sign in,” the man indicated to a notebook and picked up a phone, asking for Samantha.
“I’m here!” a very tired looking young woman burst through the doors, the ‘intern’ badge explaining her vaguely frightened expression.
“Rebecca, Justin, and Scott?” she asked, looking at the trio with a similar expression as the receptionist. They smiled and nodded at her, following her through the doors past the guards.
“So, how long you been here?” Justin asked to make polite small talk with Samantha, surprising her.
“Oh, ahh, a week now! I’m really enjoying it there is just a lot to learn and a whole building to remember! So what are you guys, reporters?” Samantha asked, relaxing a bit at the friendliness.
“Nah, we’re friends of Raptor’s,” Scott said, remembering to not call Tor by his real name. Silly celebrity persona stuff.
“Really? That’s-”
“Sorry, Samantha,” Rebecca interrupted, blushing at her rudeness, “but where is a bathroom?”
“Oh it’s-” Samantha froze, realizing she wasn’t supposed to leave any of them alone in case they saw something that wasn’t released yet, but taking all three of them to the women’s room would be weird, “I, uh, I can show you after I get you guys to the room, so none of you get lost! Have you guys signed non-disclosure agreements yet?”
“Okay, thank you! And no, were we supposed to?” Rebecca reassured her.
“Yes! Oh, I must have some around…” Samantha fussed with her pile of papers, “Dark Chord Records has a strict non-disclosure agreement policy, as you can guess the music industry is very competitive, we don’t want competition getting their hands on our unreleased music!”
“Makes sense,” Scott said with a shrug, feeling uncomfortable when they got into an elevator and went up a few stories. The height wasn’t the issue, the small space and closeness of everyone was. But Rebecca and Justin kept from touching him, and once they reached the fourth floor they were out in a spacious hallway once more.
Samantha led them down more hallways and to a room, they could tell it was Raptor’s area because it was exclusively posters of him and his awards on the walls.
“Raptor will meet you here, please wait here,” Samantha gestured to the room, the boys going inside. Rebecca stood outside, crossing her legs.
“Bathroom?” Rebecca asked again, reminding Samantha.
“Oh! Right! I- oh, the non-disclosure agreements- bathroom- uh,” Samantha remembered both at the same time, frozen for a moment.
“I’ll take her,” a voice Rebecca had not expected came from behind her.
“Miss… Umbregina?” Samantha sputtered, surprised and a bit frightened.
“You still have to give them non-disclosure agreements, do you not?” Jessica asked a bit rhetorically, “follow me,” she instructed to Rebecca, leaving Samantha there in shock.
“Umbregina? As in umbra regina?” Rebecca asked quietly to Jessica, earning her a smirk.
“Bit on the nose, don’t you think?” Rebecca teased, following Jessica to the restroom down the hall.
“Darkprincess doesn’t make for a very threatening last name, unfortunately. Now, what are you doing here?” Jessica asked as they entered the restroom, Rebecca slipping into a stall.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Rebecca pointed out, retrieving feminine hygiene products from her back pocket, glad she had thought to bring some just in case her period started.
“I asked first,” Jessica inspected herself in the mirror, making sure she looked fierce and immaculate.
“Well I thought Dark Chord might just be some front to fund Dark Core operations, but with you here it must be more than that,” Rebecca reasoned, finishing and adjusting her clothes before she left the stall.
“And how did you get an appointment with Raptor?” Jessica asked, watching Rebecca as the human washed her hands.
“Now that I think about it, it makes sense. Music and magic are clearly connected, Aideen singing and playing a harp and all that. There so no reason why it would be exclusive to one side,” Rebecca ignored the question.
“Suspicious…” Jessica drawled, stepping close to Rebecca and moving hair from Rebecca’s face, “are you afraid I’ll get jealous?”
“Won’t you?” Rebecca asked with a smirk.
“Of a human? Ha! Never,” Jessica promised, letting her fingers trace Rebecca’s jaw, “I know how you get with humans.”
“So, what, you’re a music producer now?” Rebecca asked, curious, “seems strange that they’d send you to check on operations here, bit beneath a princess isn’t it?”
“You don’t keep up with music, do you?” Jessica teased, “I guess you haven’t heard of Sirens yet.”
“Sirens. Seriously?” Rebecca asked, eyebrow raised.
“It’s fitting and you know it,” Jessica rolled her eyes.
“I should get back,” Rebecca started toward the door, Jessica gently brushing against her arm.
“Sources say you sang in school,” Jessica commented.
“Are you trying to recruit me to your band?”
“Figured it wouldn’t hurt, were you any good?”
“Not bad, not the best either,” Rebecca said with a shrug, “take me back now?”
“Oh fine,” Jessica pouted, “but we haven’t had lessons in a while, I don’t like when my student slacks off.”
“I’ve been busy,” Rebecca didn’t explain, following Jessica through the hall.
“You just love your projects,” Jessica teased.
“I can smell the trauma on the ones you came with. The taller one was reeking with it,” Jessica explained, stopping when she opened the door.
“Thank you!” Rebecca chirped, hoping to enter the room before Justin could turn around and see Jessica.
“Jessie!” Tor called, waving to the dark haired woman in the doorway, Justin going pale when he saw her.
“Hey yo,” Jessica waved back, giving Justin a wink. But before Tor could invite her to join them she closed the door, leaving Rebecca with the boys.
“What the fuck!?” Justin hissed, rushing at Rebecca and grabbing her by the arms, “are you okay!? Did she do anything??! What happened!?”
“What.” “Huh?” Scott and Tor asked in bewilderment.
“I’m fine, nothing happened! Justin. Justin!” she got his attention as he slipped into panic, “they’re not coming after you or me. We’re fine.”
“Is she a bad guy?” Tor asked, confused. Jessica had been nice to him.
“She’s evil!” Justin sputtered.
“Maybe we should get started with the tour,” Rebecca suggested.
Justin calmed down once they were all moving, Tor giving them a tour and showing them the various details of the music business. They tried to avoid Tor’s manager, knowing he had a habit of wanting to manage all of Tor’s business, including personal.
“Mr. Raptor,” a sweet voice interrupted Tor as he was trying to get Scott to play piano. Not that Scott could play piano, but Tor was excited at the idea of teaching someone to play.
“Lauren nooo,” Tor moaned.
“You have a photo shoot in 20 minutes,” Ms. Dawnpoulos informed him.
“I made sure my schedule was clear for today,” Tor said, now confused.
“Ennio Rosiello arrived early, Mr. Bigcake decided to give you an extra session with Ennio Rosiello and Franziska Ironsaddle.”
“He knew I had plans-” Tor began, getting angry, when Rebecca interjected.
“It’s fine! Franziska is a friend, she wouldn’t mind us joining. Unless you two don’t want to meet a bunch of models,” Rebecca teased Justin and Scott.
“I don’t think-” Ms. Dawnpoulos tried to stop them but they were already leaving, Tor leading the way.
“Mr. Bigcake,” Ms. Dawnpoulos sighed as she stepped into his house a moment later, “Raptor and his guests are on their way to Ennio.”
“And guests?!” Mr. Bigcake sputtered, “he didn’t tell me he was having guests! I-”
“I’ll get their information,” Ms. Dawnpoulos said before he could ask. A few moments later he was reading over their names, annoyed that only first names were written down. How was he supposed to check them out if he only had their first names?
“Ms. Dawnpoulos,” he called to her, “I’m going to the photoshoot, I’ll need your assistance.”
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doomfisthero · 7 years
Peace Talks - The Brothers
Here’s the second RP Matty and I did, starring Keaton’s older brothers, Felipe and Champ! Enjoy!
I’m sorry I yelled at you guys and hung up. Are you free to talk soon? 
As Keaton looked down at the message that he’d sent his brothers a couple of days ago, shortly after his talk with Thuban, he found it inadequate compared to everything that he was trying to make up for. It was just so…short. It felt pathetic. The message he’d sent Raptor had been longer, but his sister was a different person – thorough and proper, and lacking, to Keaton’s knowledge, any awareness of his troubles. He’d spelled out his issues in much greater detail to her: his separation anxiety, his fear of abandonment, and his fear at the unfamiliarity of normal life. 
She hadn’t responded yet, but that was understandable. Her life as a pilot kept her busy. Keaton’s brothers, on the other hand, had replied within the end of the day. They’d both assured him that they weren’t upset at all, and that they were more than happy to talk with him. It helped Keaton to know that his brothers weren’t angry, but he was still ashamed. From what they and Thuban had said, he’d caused them a bit of worry. 
It weighed on Keaton, forcing him down as though forcing him into a space too small for him. His shoulders sagged, and his head tilted down without meaning to. 
A few minutes after the time they’d decided on, the video call begin to ring on Keaton’s tablet. As quickly as he could, the boy answered it.
A video popped up of Felipe and Champ in their dorm room. Champ was wearing a T-shirt and jeans instead of his cape, vest, and shorts, which was normal as of recently because of university dress code, but surprisingly, Felipe's hair streak was sky blue instead of its normal bright red. Had he re-dyed his hair? Another odd, awkward change.
"Keeto!" Champ thundered, a big smile on his face once Keaton came into view on their end. Felipe nodded and smiled as well, his pale eyes filled with warmth.
"Hey, guys," Keaton said, giving his brothers a small wave. "Felipe, I really like your hair. Any reason for the change?" Keaton's first instinct was that it was related to him somehow - sky blue was his color - but he didn't want to assume.
"Oh, this?" The Leo Ranger looked up at the streak and chuckled. "Well, your eighteenth birthday is soon, right? I wanted to dye it in your honor."
"I helped!" Champ announced proudly. He took a seat on the couch of their dorm room and crossed his arms, arching an "eyebrow". "So, what's up, little bear? Pops told us you were having some serious zarking issues a few days ago, but he said you'd tell us more." 
"Is it... related to that outburst you had?" Felipe fielded, sitting next to his older brother and angling the cellphone he and Champ were using to communicate so that Keaton could see both of them in the frame.
Keaton took a shaky breath and nodded. "Yeah," he muttered, feeling himself close off further. He forced his shoulders still. He'd already spoken with Papa, but this was a different feeling. He'd been scared then, a young boy in need of comfort. Now he was shameful. He'd done something wrong. This was his fault. 
"I'm...I'm sorry, guys," he murmured, feeling tears of shame pool under his eyes. "I'm so sorry I yelled at you, that I said what I said." He felt his chest tighten. "And I-I'm sorry I pretended to be busy for so long before so I couldn't talk to you. And I'm sorry our first meeting in a while ended with me reaming you guys out and hanging up. And I'm sorry I didn't take any of your calls after that. I love you guys so, so much, believe me. I just..." He bowed his head slightly as the tears began falling. "I'm just...having a really bad time right now."
The elder Chuan brothers looked to one another, then at Keaton. Felipe bit his lip. Champ tapped his hoof. Neither of them had expected Keaton to start crying because of what happened. However, they were his brothers. They had to do something. 
And so, something they did. 
"Keaton..." Felipe started. "Keaton, whatever is going on, it's... I can't say it's okay, but we aren't mad at you or upset with you for whatever the zark happened that lead to you freaking out." He sighed. "I have no idea what's wrong, but I want to help you however I can." 
"I do too," Champ rumbled in a softer, more sedate tone than his ordinary one. "Little bear, whatever you gotta let out, you can let out with us. Tell your big bros what's up."
Keaton shook for a moment, then nodded and murmured, "Okay." He looked up at his tablet and wiped away his tears. "There's, um, a lot of stuff I've been talking about with Papa, just stuff in general, and then there's...some stuff specific to the two of you. I'll start with the-the general problem." He took a few deep breaths. His brothers were here with him. He trusted them. "I miss you all," Keaton began. "A lot. We were always...together on the Asclepius, and now it's just me and Papa, and I'm not used to that. It's...different. And you're all...off doing amazing things with your lives, now that Hyperspace has fallen, and I...I don't know what to do with mine. Papa's been teaching me how to act, and I'm learning a lot and I know you guys think I'm going to be great, but I...I'm scared that if I can't...keep up with you guys, I'm going to fall behind and, I don't know, lose sight of you all."
"Baloney!" Champ blurted out before he could stop himself. "Kee, you're only just turning eighteen! None of us really have it together except Shaula, Solomon, and Raz, either- whaddaya think Feli and I are in college with Liz for?" 
"Champ, have a little tact, please?" groused Felipe. He cleared his throat. "Uh, I'm no good at this either, but Keaton, Champ is right. We really... aren't doing that amazing, not even Shaula. We're all just on the path to... hopefully finding success, just like you." He shrugged, shifting a little uncomfortably. "And I know you must be lonely with only Dad for company, and... we can't really do too much about that, but all of us are here for you in spirit." 
Champ butted in again, pushing Felipe slightly off to the side- to his credit, the Red Ranger took it with the knowledge that he didn't mean anything by it. "You don't hafta figure out what to do with your life right away, either. Felipe actually only just decided he wanted to go to college since he never thought he could. He had to drop out of high school, for crying out loud!" 
"Yes, dredge up that unfortunate little tidbit, why don't we," Felipe said with a dry smirk. "Ze'ev dropped out too, after he had to leave his friend Mr. Levenson and hide out on that vine-choked nightmare of a planet where we found him before you came along. We're all taking small steps towards our goals, little bro. It's alright to be a little lost, because we're all together to help one another along, even if it isn't physically, and we're all... bouncing back from all the crap we've had to deal with."
"That's..." Keaton thought for a moment and sighed. "I hadn't thought about it like that," he admitted. He'd only seen that everyone in his family was doing something. He hadn't much opportunity to see what they were doing, through their eyes. Maybe he and his family were on a much more even level than he'd expected. "I just..." he debated his next words for a moment, then said them aloud. "I didn't...really have an opportunity to live, to be a person, y'know?" He rubbed his forehead. "I've always been an heir, or a prisoner, or a Ranger. I've always been fighting against my family. What if I'm...too used to that?" That was his deepest fear - that his final birthright, the poison within him, would keep him from happiness for the rest of his life. "What if...I can't do anything else because...I never had the chance to be anything else? What happens then?"
"Keaton, that's the biggest load of crud I've ever heard come out of your mouth!" snorted Champ. "That ain't gonna happen. You're getting that chance right now! Hyperspace is gone, you're hanging with us, and life is finally better than it was!" 
"Tact!!" hissed Felipe, facepalming in exasperation. "Ugh, what the Steel Steer over here is trying to say is that things are different now. I never thought I'd be anything more than a taxidermied head mounted on some Malicetrate's wall when I became a fugitive. I never thought I'd actually have people who fought for me, who taught me how to fight and how to believe that this world is worth fighting for, and helped me get over the worst parts of my depression and trauma. You don't need to be one of those things anymore, buddy... you can be an actor, a friend, a spacefarer, a little brother, a boyfriend, or anything else you want to be. And no matter what, you'll always have us to turn to, no matter what goes wrong." 
"And you're a hero now, Kee," Champ added. "You helped kick Hyperspace out on its fascist ass and saved the universe from an eternity of tyranny. We aren't just our background. Otherwise I'd still be nothing but a fighting machine and Felipe would still be Mister Mopey." 
"Plus, we're technically in the same boat as you," Felipe pointed out. "All of us are from Hyperspace famiglias by birth. But we're past that, and we're getting written about in news articles and history books as heroes!"
Keaton chuckled. "Yeah, I guess that's all true," he said. "It's...I don't want to say funny, but serendipitous that you mention our birth. That...sort of ties into the other thing I mentioned, the thing I've been going through specific to the two of you. Why I lost my mind at you two. I, um, don't mean to bring down the mood, since it's gotten better, but should I...?"
"Go right ahead," both of his brothers chorused. It was funny hearing them speak in such perfect unison.
Keaton chuckled again. "Okay, so...none of this is your fault. I want to make that clear. Nothing that you have said or done or been is responsible for how I've been," he stated. "I have always thought of us as equals. Not just because we're brothers, or our signatures on the adoption papers, but because we came from the same place. Hyperspace. But we've all overcome that. We're the same." Keaton formed a triangle out of his thumbs and index fingers - equal on all sides - and held it up. "This is us. Let's say I'm the point on top, and you two are on the bottom. The space between us is equal, and so are we. 
"But now - and again, I swear this isn't your fault - you guys are not only gone like everyone else, you're together. You can...do things with each other that I can't. You can share experiences that I have no place in. And I know, believe me, I know that this is petty, but...I feel like I'm drifting away from you guys." Keaton slid his thumbs past each other, and the equilateral triangle became isoceles; smaller on the base, but equally far on the sides. "And when we used to talk, I started to realize that...I didn't understand what you two were talking about. What you were laughing about. I wasn't... equal like you guys anymore. And that hurt." Keaton lowered his hands. "That's why I stopped talking to you guys for a while. I thought that-that if I isolated myself from you, I could make myself feel better, but all it did was make me even lonelier. And when I came back, I still didn't understand, and it still hurt, but now I knew that I couldn't leave without it hurting too, and I..." Keaton's voice cracked, but no tears fell. "I didn't know what to do. And I feel terrible telling you guys this, but...it's how I've felt for a while now."
Both boys on the other end of the connection became progressively more wide-eyed as Keaton's explanation went on. They sat in silence, staring quietly, but the silence was broken soon by a sniffle from Felipe and a soft, involuntary whimper from Champ. Oily tears were leaking out of Champ's eyes, and he lifted his shirt up to wipe them, getting stains on it. "Keet," he said softly, "I- I never knew you felt that way, bud.."
"Neither did I," said Felipe. "We... we should've tried to make you feel more included. All those stupid inside jokes and ga'ak like that... we had no idea you felt excluded because you didn't understand." He looked down in shame. "We should have asked if you were okay sooner. I- I mean, you don't want us to feel like this is our fault, I know, but... we still could've at least tried to bridge the gap for you..."
"It's not your fault," Keaton said reassuringly, shaking his head. "I didn't want to tell you guys anything because, well, you're just living your lives. You're finally living your lives, now that Hyperspace is gone. And I was...scared and confused, and I didn't want to speak up because I didn't want you to feel bad about that. I love hearing that you're happy, I do. It's my problem, not yours."
"It's all of our problems if anything..." Champ looked like he was restraining himself from bawling. "Keaton, we've missed out on so much with you, too! Don't take everything on yourself!"
"You should be able to live your life too, Keaton." Felipe managed to choke his own tears back briefly. "We should have made a better effort to connect to you and keep you updated." As he spoke, he wiped his eyes repeatedly, his forearm becoming wetter and wetter with each try. "And we miss you too... It isn't the same without you or Dad around, i-it really isn't."
"Hey, it's okay," Keaton said, wiping fresh tears from his own eyes. "Don't hold anything back on my account. Let it out."
(Next segment skipped to avoid drowning of both role-playing parties in a flood of fictional and real tears. Insert whatever you like into here. I, for one, like to believe it involved many tearful declarations and reassurances of love, and a number of recent happenings shared between all characters.
Resuming in progress...)
"Alright, you guys okay?" Keaton hiccuped. The last of his tears dried on his face, but even with the trails there was no denying that he was in a better mood. "Ah, that felt good. I missed doing stuff like this with you guys. I didn't realize you guys were feeling lonely, too." A thought occurred to him. "Actually, that works out really well, because now I have some really good news." Keaton smiled. "For a while now, I've been thinking about enrolling in college with college with you guys. It was meant to be a backup plan, but now more than anything, I think I was trying to run away from my problems." He waved it away. "Anyway, I brought it up with Papa, and he was really supportive. He said it could be nice for me to have you guys and Liz around to support me. Nothing's set in stone, but there's a visiting day coming up, and I'm thinking of attending. So...maybe I'll be seeing more of you guys soon."
The boys smiled at that news. "You're really thinking of that?" asked Champ. "Well, hey, that'd be great! We can show you our dorm and everything!" 
"Y-yeah, that'd be awesome!" Felipe nodded exuberantly. "And you'll get to see my new 'do up close, too." He flipped the dyed portion of his hair and grinned. "Keaton, it's so good to be able to talk to you, you know that? You're the best little bro anyone could ask for."
Keaton smiled, the expression every bit as warm as the fuzziness growing inside of him. "Aw, thanks, guys. I wouldn't trade you two for anything either. I can't wait to see you again. I'm gonna give you two all the hugs."
"We'll be sure to return them in spades!" Felipe pumped a fist in a very Champlike attitude. An alarm dinged somewhere in the distance, and both of their eyes widened. 
"That'll be the pizza we were making," Champ said. "Better go get that out of the oven before it burns. I wish you were here to share it with us!" He wiped a few more stray tears away, and made a motion like he was trying to air-hug Keaton. "We should probably go for now, but take care, alright? We love you, baby bro, and don't you ever forget it!"
"I love you, too," Keaton grinned. "I'll see you guys soon! It's gonna be great!"
"Yeah! See you real soon!" Felipe waved goodbye, and the call cut out on his and Champ's smiling faces, full of love for their little brother.
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forestwater87 · 7 years
I laugh at that name every time, and I’m not even sorry.
So I haven’t touched the 2 latest episodes because I’m lazy, but this was so much fun that I had to devote some time screaming to it! So get ready kids, because there is screaming (and spoilers) below the cut.
Though first: someone who’s never seen Camp Camp tell me what’s going on in this picture:
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This episode has my favorite people. As in, Gwen and David. Yeah, there’s gonna be a lot of them in this post, and I’m not even sorry.
But first! Have some squished Nikki:
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I love her.
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. . . Moving on.
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Can we take a moment to appreciate Max’s sassy little wrist flip?
Also can someone explain to me how Camp Campbell won anything athletic against the Woodscouts? That seems to defy logic.
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There are so many good things going on in this picture, but the most exciting is that GWEN IS SMILING! ACTUALLY SMILING FOR REAL!
Don’t believe me? Look at this saucy little zoom in:
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LOOK HOW HAPPY SHE IS! Also, if we can indulge me for a moment (and I’d like to see you stop me): She’s not smiling because of the game. She’s not smiling because the kids are happy.
That smile is 100% aimed at David.
Girl’s in love, is all I’m saying.
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Nikki, what the fuck are you doing?
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A lot of this is going to literally just be a dumping ground for pictures I think are cute, because I still don’t really understand what a “masterpost” is. So in that vein, Max is cute. Space Kid, in the background: also cute.
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Man, they kinda look like they’re reenacting a super low-budget version of West Side Story, huh? 
But I feel like it needs more ~camp.~
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THERE WE GO! Thanks, David. Always there to sparkle things up when I need you.
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One of the reasons I can’t stand Pikeman — besides the, y’know, all of him — is how he makes David sad. Look at David’s sad sad face and tell me you don’t wanna punch this twerp just a little bit.
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Then again, he also makes Max make this face, and this is a great face.
Allow me to deposit in front of your eyeballs some Davids:
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There we go! Aren’t we all feeling a little bit better now?
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Honestly, “Gwen desperately trying to stop David from doing something really stupid” is one of my favorite dynamics. They continue to be everything I need in life. Looking at this picture caused 75 new Forestwater Gwenvid stories to appear in the AO3 feed. (Ha, no. Wouldn’t that be awful?)
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She so badly wants to save him (and her, let’s be real) from himself and I love it.
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And that’s the moment you realize David is an incurable idiot. (Who totally gambles because Mr. Campbell does it and he wants to be like dad.)
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I don’t even have anything to say, I just love this picture to pieces. Every expression is gold.
Here are some cute Davids:
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I’m not sure what’s the best thing about this: Gwen’s face, how proud David is, or the fact that literally everyone is just d o n e with his bullshit.
(Just kidding. The answer is always Gwen.)
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I have a moral conflict regarding her, because on the one hand I want nothing more than for her to be happy, but on the other . . .
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how great
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her angry faces are.
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Also take a moment and appreciate David. I think something valuable gets broken in his brain this episode, because he makes this face for a solid 45% of it.
Though I mean . . . I’m not complaining. It’s a damn cute face, and he looks like a sad kitten.
(Do I relate all things I find adorable to kittens? Mayhap.)
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1) Gwen is precious. I feel like this is a given at this point but will continue to point it out because I have a need to.
2) What is up with David’s center of gravity? Am I the only person who wouldn’t be able to balance like that?
Let me show you: an emotional breakdown in 4 pictures:
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This is not a well woman, guys. She’s not holding on to her chill even a little bit.
(Also the way David looks down at his chest after she pokes him in it, like he’s saying “me?” I love him so much, guys. He is kitten.)
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Davey trying to win the family over with sweet dance moves and a charming smile.
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It doesn’t work.
Though Lordy, I literally made a goose-like honk at Gwen’s face.
(It’s at this point, at 11 p.m. on a work night, that I decided not to break this up into separate parts like I did for the first episode. This might be a terrible idea.)
(Editing this at almost 1 a.m. on a work night: It was a terrible idea.)
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These 3 pictures are less than 2 seconds apart. I fucking love the animation on this show.
(And hey, it’s my icon! Hi icon!)
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Why is beat-up David so attractive? Is it me? Am I just a monster?
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Not a single face here isn’t great. These beautiful babes.
So the general plot of this episode (not that you come here for plot synopses. You come here for pictures and lots of screaming) is that everyone at camp has to be nice for 24 hours or they have to surrender their best camper to the Woodscouts.
It . . .
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. . . doesn’t come naturally to them.
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Wait, no. This is the picture I want described by someone who’s never seen Camp Camp before.
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I cropped out what they’re reacting to in this shot.
That’s because I love you.
(Starting to regret this whole “not breaking into parts thing.” Will I be weak enough to cave? Who knows?)
(Editing note: Nope! I wasn’t! Oops!)
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Is it me, or is Max more expressive this season? Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention previously, but it seems like his faces are way more entertaining in these most recent episodes.
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In an epic battle of who can be the most charming while leaning, Nikki goes for a classic jazz hands approach that’s sure to impress the judges, Neil opts for a safe routine with minimal leaning but excessive raptor arms (points for originality), and Space Kid brings home the gold because he looks like an old-timey farmer holding up invisible suspenders/overalls, and that’s not easy to accomplish while wearing a space suit made out of cardboard and underwear.
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Observe: 3 Very Angry Beans. You can tell they’re Very Angry Beans because of their Very Angry Mouths. Approach with caution.
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I would die for David. Just wanted to throw that out there.
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I wish I didn’t find Max’s suffering so adorable. (Editing note: I also wish I used a thesaurus. Oh well. Hope you like variations on the word “adorable!”)
Then again, I wish I was asleep and also I’d like some carrot cake, so it’s just an evening/early morning of disappointments.
Why golly, is it time for more Gwen faces?! I believe it is!
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shut up I think I’m funny
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David’s making The Face. The Face that makes me think something’s broken inside him, because he makes it throughout this entire scene with very few exceptions.
But again, it’s a great face.
(Also look at Nikki and Gwen sizing each other up. Isn’t it cute?)
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I think my favorite thing about this episode is, like in S2 Ep. 3 — which I’ll get to eventually! — we see Gwen genuinely does care. This is more than just a paycheck for her; she wants the kids to be happy and respect each other, she wants them to learn and even have fun (provided that fun isn’t ruining her life). She’s worried about Jermy, and she trusts and respects the campers to understand what she thought they were doing that was uncool and why.
She’s actually good at her job, and at any other camp she might even enjoy it to some extent. She’s just been very beaten down by the Campbell kids to the point of apathy and, ahem, “crippling anxiety and regret.”
Basically Gwen’s what happens when Max succeeds at what he was trying to do to David all season 1.
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Pfft. Cute. I love Jermy just for the suffering he inflicts on the mains. (Also he’s surprisingly aware of what a disaster he is, without being depressed about it. I can respect that.)
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David’s making that face again.
Why does he keep making that face?
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David’s brain might have gone all Blue Screen of Death, but Gwen’s actually sets on fire:
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I feel like maybe I should take back what I said about her being good at her job. She’s still not great with kids, okay? 
But she cares. That’s the important part.
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I don’t know if Petrol will get the credit he deserves for this episode, but he’s just pure comedic gold. Every time he shows up it’s fucking funny.
The Most Important Things in Forestwater’s Life Right Now: A Triptych
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David’s face
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David’s moonwalking
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Gwen’s face
(Also: Petrol. Continuing to make me giggle way too loud and disturb my neighbors.)
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If you’ll forgive me a little shipping (and if you’ve scrolled this far, I think it’s pretty clear you’ll forgive basically anything): Look at her soul-crushing despair. That is a face you give someone when you’re close enough to communicate to them without a word.
Okay, I mean what she’s communicating is “kill me,” but I still think it counts. You don’t give that kinda eye contact to a casual acquaintance, is all I’m saying.
I feel like I haven’t properly communicated how much I love every expression this woman makes.
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Is that clear yet?
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Look how proud David is that his babies are participating!
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This is entirely for @hopefullypessimistic84, who could always use a cute Nerris in her life.
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My favorite part about the next few pictures is how you can clearly see every thought in Gwen’s head as she’s thinking it.
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“All right, you’ll be fine. Just think positive! Be David!”
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“Okay no, don’t be David. Never be David. But remember how much you like not living with your parents! Do it for the rent money!”
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“Yeah, look at you, girl. You got this!”
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“Please don’t let David or Max fuck this up.”
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“Oh, Christ.”
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“Literally no one else is gonna take care of this shit. This is your job. You HAVE to.”
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“Still better than living with your parents. Technically.”
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Petrol continues to be very very good.
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Max pulling out his hair in frustration at having to be nice is a beautiful thing and I want more of it.
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He is an angry elf.
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NURF! BABY! Why are you sad? You did such a good art! You should be so happy!
Please don’t cry, Nurf. I love you.
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This shot is also for HopefullyPessimistic, and I hope she appreciates it because it was really hard to get. Nerris was onscreen for like 2 seconds and the cup was in her face for most of it.
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He somehow became one of my favorite characters? How the fuck did that happen?
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This show is sometimes just so pretty, guys.
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Some brief Preston appreciation, because I don’t pay him enough attention. With an appearance by Petrol.
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1) David is pure and beautiful.
2) Gwen is fucking done. With everything, but especially David.
3) QM is . . . what’s he doing to his hand? Because it really looks like he’s ripping off his fingernail. That’s . . . I mean, I don’t wanna tell you how to live your life, especially since I’m pretty sure you’re older than most municipalities so clearly you’re doing something right, but I feel like that’s not a great idea, my man.
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I didn’t know that Max slowly losing his mind was my aesthetic, but apparently it is because these pictures make me laugh my ass off every time I see them.
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Nurf has Sassy Eyebrows. 
(Editing note: My thoughts started deteriorating around midnight. You might be able to tell by the quality of my commentary.)
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I’m sorry. I know Dolph is a super controversial character and all . . . but goddamn it, he’s cute as fuck. I can’t help but like him.
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*Daniel neck crick*
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Max is such a force to be reckoned with that a dog pile must be created to contain his rage. 
Also I’m not sure where Ered or Harrison’s heads are in that nightmare, but it can’t be comfortable. That’s some serious dedication to the cause, kids. Nikki’s clearly having the time of her life. And Space Kid . . . uh, good effort, I guess?
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These are pictures of a fully-grown man mocking a child who has been put under his care. Does that make them any less adorable?
No. Such is David’s terrifying power.
Tremble before his cuteness, bitches.
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“I’m an asshole!”
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But he’s a daggum lovable asshole, isn’t he?
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Max’s relief at finally being able to call David a moron and tell him to suck a dick . . . I don’t wanna say he looks like a happy kitty.
Just know I’m thinking it very very loudly.
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What a sweet child.
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Final Petrol appreciation: he still has the whistle in his mouth. He is a good and loyal boy.
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It’s The Face.
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(Gwen is lovely. As usual.)
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Look at this smug motherfucker. He even makes this little “hmm” noise which is so cute, like everything worked out the way he’d planned it. Anyone who says David isn’t a dick isn’t watching the show closely enough. He’s a selfish douchebag a lot of the time and it’s one of the best things about him.
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Yes, Gwen. That is the appropriate reaction. (Also she backhanded him. That was no open-palm affair; that’s knuckles in his cheekbone. Gwen’s cold.)
Oh, and sorry about the volume slider. If it wasn’t 12:30 in the morning I’d totally fix that.
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David makes a sad little “eunghh” sound when she hits him. It is also too precious for words.
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Look at his hair floof! Look how it floofs!
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(there is a nervous giggle here. I melted)
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I once saw a man so beautiful I started crying?
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Something these pictures will never be able to accurately communicate:
1) The way there’s this lovely light 1980s-sitcom Very Special Episode music playing in the background, like David’s going to impart a moral. (Spoiler: he doesn’t)
2) The way Miles’ voice kept cracking like a fa — a bunch of pine birch sticks this whole episode. You might be surprised to find that I think it’s adorable. I’m not sure how you possibly could be surprised by that, but you might be.
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“Maybe I AM an asshole.”
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“Just . . . sometimes, okay?! Sometimes!”
The best moral and possibly my new favorite line to randomly quote.
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Even if I didn’t love every minute of the episode leading up to this (and I do), these last 5 seconds would absolutely skyrocket it to one of my favorites of the entire show. Just look how fucking cute this is. Look at it!
David is bad at being a person and we love him for it.
And here ends the longest, stupidest thing I’ve ever written. I’m genuinely curious to see if anyone made it all the way through. If you did . . . you deserve a cookie or something. Definitely mention in the tags or send me an ask saying you did, because I wanna know who’s almost as nerdy and lame as I am!
558 notes · View notes
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0 notes
rosegrl18 · 7 years
Writing Challenge
So, I wrote this for @justsomewritingprompts‘ writing challenge. Prompts used are listed at the top. Also, just a warning, but implied smut. I ghosted over it, but wrote a bit of the aftermath.
12. Cold Night, No Heater
14. “Sweetheart, I cannot even begin to tell you how much you mean to me”  
14. Blankets
Night had just fallen, though in space, it was a little more difficult to tell what the time of day was. Everything was quiet on the bridge of the Orion and several of the Kyurangers had already retired to their rooms for the night. Balance had offered to watch the controls and scanners so Raptor could have some time to herself. She stayed up for what seemed like countless hours managing the ship’s controls and scanning systems, scanning for galaxy-wide reports of Jark Matter sightings, and barely got any time to herself for her troubles. All of a sudden, he heard the automatic doors slide open, so he turned to see who it was. It was his best friend, and partner, Naga.
“Naga, didn’t you go to bed a while ago?”
“I did, Balance, but I’m beginning to feel a chill in the air. It feels colder than usual aboard the Orion.”
“Now that you say something about it, it does seem a bit cooler in here. I probably didn’t think much of it since I was playing around with the scanners and the controls.” Balance said, taking a sip of coffee from his mug resting on the control panel.
The only downsides to having a human body now is the fact I bleed and get cold like everyone else. Bleeding isn’t so radical and neither is freezing to death. Balance thought to himself.
“Naga, do you have any idea why it could be getting so cold in here?”
“Balance, I think something might be wrong with the heater.”
“Let me grab my tools and see if I can do anything. I probably won’t be able to do anything if we need any special parts, since I probably can’t get them right away.”
Naga nodded and waited for his best friend to get his tools so they could go and investigate the heater.
Meanwhile, a dark, silent figure walked down the hallway where the bedrooms were located. The figure walked up to one of the doors, which immediately slid open, and walked inside the room. Inside the room was a double bed, in which the outline of a person was visible, a desk, which contained a holo-pad, as well as a holo-laptop, a chair, a closet, a small dresser, and some shelves, which contained many books and various small knick knacks, which were probably brought aboard from home. The sleeping figure slept on the side of the bed closest to the window, so the side closest to the door was free. The shadowy figure quietly slipped under the covers on the empty side of the bed, hoping the sleeping figure wouldn’t wake up. Unfortunately, luck wasn’t on anyone else’s side but Lucky’s as the sleeping figure woke up. The sleepy figure was male, and he was now bleary-eyed and very groggy as he looked over and saw the form of someone else sleeping next to him. As he looked at her through bleary, tired eyes, he began to think of why she came there, to his room.
Why isn’t she in her own room? She looks so peaceful now, so I don’t want to wake her, but if anyone finds her here, it’ll be very awkward and I don’t think either one of us are ready for the others to know yet. We decided to keep our relationship a secret for now until we both felt comfortable saying something to the others.
“Raptor, Raptor, please wake up. I really hate to do this to you, amore, but you need to wake up for a minute.”
Raptor stirred a bit, half-asleep. She curled up underneath the covers of the bed, but, to her, they felt like they still weren’t doing their job. Her bedmate, her boyfriend, shook her gently, feeling bad for doing so.
“Amore, please. It’s just for a minute, then you can go right back to sleep, I promise.”
Raptor stirred again, and this time, she opened her eyes. She looked into the chocolate brown eyes of her boyfriend, her amber eyes pulled into a glare.
“Why did you wake me up? I was just starting to get warm again and fall back asleep.”
“What do you mean, ‘get warm again’?”
“You don’t feel how cold it is? I think the heater must be broken, because it feels like we’ve landed on an arctic planet. I thought if I came in here and stayed with you, you’d keep me warm. Do you have any blankets anywhere? I feel like I’m going to freeze to death.”
“Yeah, I think I have a couple in my closet. I’ll get them for you, mi amore. The last thing I want is for you to freeze to death because of a broken heater and a cold night in space.”
Spada climbed out of bed and walked over to his closet. He turned on his closet light before beginning to search for some blankets. He looked up, down, and side to side throughout his closet before locating a large blanket given to him by his mother when he was a young boy. He shut off his closet light, closed his closet door, and climbed back into bed, draping the blanket over him and Raptor.
“Are you warmer now, amore?”
“I’m getting there.”
“Amore, I cannot even begin to tell you how much you mean to me, but I thought we agreed to keep our relationship secret until we were ready to tell the others. What if someone saw you?”
“Everyone else is asleep, I doubt anyone saw me. Now, I’m tired and I’m going to go to sleep. You can either join me or do as you wish, but goodnight.” Her voice was serious, but was tinged with audible fatigue.
She pulled the covers and the blanket a bit tighter over her, finally beginning to feel a bit warmer. She shifted onto her side, so she was facing the door, her eyes closed, and she drifted off. Her breath escaped her lips in small, soft puffs.
“Yeah…goodnight.” He said, softly, as he decided to try and follow her example.
He sunk lower beneath his half of the covers and closed his eyes, trying to fall back asleep, though he found himself unable to. He reopened his eyes and stared up at his ceiling, as if he was hoping that would help him get back to sleep. He stared for what seemed like hours before he turned onto his side, facing Raptor, and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Snuggling into her, he closed his eyes and finally fell back asleep.
Meanwhile, in another room, further down the hall, another couple was lying in bed together. The two were pressed together under the blankets, having just come off a post-coital high.
“That was…”
“Yeah…” A male voice replied, a big smile on his face.
“I just hope no one heard us. That’s going to be awkward to explain in the morning.”
“At least we’re warmer now.”
“Mou, I still have goosebumps, and the sweat is cooling, which isn’t helping.”
“I’ll keep you warm, Hammie, don’t worry. At least, until it gets warmer in here. Why is it so cold in here, anyway?”
“Mou, Lucky, it’s because the heater must have broken down. We’ll probably have to go to Rebellion HQ so the ship can be fixed, unless Raptor can fix it herself.”
“How about we just get some sleep and worry about the heater in the morning. We’ll talk to the Commander about it and we’ll get it fixed. Plus, we have each other for warmth for right now. Just enjoy this.” He told her, his voice taking on that more serious edge.
“Alright.” Hammie nodded her head and snuggled into Lucky’s chest, closing her eyes in hopes of getting some sleep.
Lucky pulled the covers, and blankets, over them, then wrapped his arms around Hammie, closing his eyes and falling asleep.
Down with the heater, Balance and Naga were tinkering away with the machine. Balance had retrieved his tools and the two men had gone to investigate the broken machine. In looking at the broken heater, Balance determined he could probably fix it himself, though it would take awhile. With Naga’s help, Balance worked late into the night fixing the heater and making sure it worked, putting out the heat everyone came to expect from the appliance. When everyone woke up in the morning, hopefully they’d find they were a lot more comfortable and warm.
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ayma-nidiot · 4 years
“Don’t Speak Their Names” - Shrimpshipping fanfic Chapter 5
Link to this chapter on AO3 can be found here.
Chapter 5 - Takoyaki and Ginger
~29 April~
“Ngh…” Rex awoke after yet another sleepover. He wasn’t all too ecstatic that Roach, Weevil’s father, had summoned him home early that morning. Besides the obvious fact that he loved his boyfriend spending more time at the mobile home than his own house, one great thing about Weevil staying over was that his moms tended to cook more. 
Which, of course, brought him to the copious amount of takoyaki that took up at least a quarter of the fridge. And, for that matter, a decent-sized bottle of chocolate syrup that he now unashamedly began to pour over a mountain of takoyaki.
“Wow…” Rex took a bite of the chocolate syrup-takoyaki concoction and decided he liked it very much. “This is the shit, man…”
The dino duelist proceeded to take the next batch of takoyaki from the fridge, and sprinkle that with more syrup. Then the next batch. Rex paid no heed to his flabbergasted mother who caught him indulging in this food, and simply greeted her with a, “Hi, Mom!”
“Oh, don’t you ‘Hi, mom’ me!” Ptera Raptor seized the very last batch of takoyaki from her son, which only had a few pieces left. “I was going to take some of this to my friend’s house today! Do you have any idea how long it took to make all of this?”
“Uh… An hour?”
“Try five! ” Ptera sighed as she started on the mountain of dishes that Rex made. “I mean, I appreciate that you like my cooking, at the least. Just turn all that energy into improving your grades.”
“It’s not that easy, Mom. Even when I try, school is way too hard for me.”
“So…” Ptera turned off the kitchen sink and stared into space. “Was all the work I’ve done in the past… for nothing?”
Now Rex truly felt bad for distressing his mother. “...Mom?”
~19 years ago~
“I don’t need you anymore, Spinos.”
“But… But Ptera!” The young paleontologist ran after the trainee, not caring what the other paleontologists thought. “Please, at least let me help!”
Ptera sharply turned around. “I’m just one of many random trainees that you decided to fuck in the bathroom! You didn’t actually love me! I can raise this child on my own, thank you very much!”
“Is… Is that really what you think of me?”
“Oh, there are far worse things that I’d like to call you, but I’d hate to waste my breath on you any longer. Good day, you snake.”
So were Ptera’s last words on her way to her car. She did not once stop to look back at the archaeological site nor at the man who broke her heart. But she did have to stop in front of a family-owned restaurant to upchuck her lunch into a loo. 
“It’s… It’s okay.” Ptera exited the stall with her hand on her belly. “Everything is going to be okay, little one. I’m going to raise you to be a fine adult, unlike that idiot man who-”
“Um…” A young woman with spiky blue hair bumped into Ptera before she could leave the loo. “Are you okay? You have been in the bathroom for a good 15 minutes.”
“It’s nothing…” Though Ptera had never seen this woman before, she felt that somehow, she could trust her. “It’s the child.”
“Oh, gosh… Well, the least I could do is treat ya’ to lunch. That is, if you can stomach it.”
“That’s awfully kind of you…” Ptera could feel her appetite return, and gratefully took a seat at the bar.
“Hey, barkeep!” the young woman called. “Get a non-alcoholic ginger tea for this pretty lady!”
“P-Pretty?” Ptera had always been self-conscious about her looks (and her ability to do anything, for that matter); she had never been called that word before, not even by Spinos.
“I wouldn’t be telling you that if it weren’t true!” The young woman noticed that Ptera appeared even sadder. “A-Anyway, I’m Tricera. How do you do?”
From just hearing the young woman’s name, Ptera lit up. “So, you’re named after a dinosaur, too?”
“I’m Ptera Raptor. Well, pterodactyls aren’t dinosaurs, but ya’ know.”
“This… This is actually the first time I’ve ever met a fellow fan of dinosaurs!”
“I would say ‘touché,’ but…” Ptera fell silent as their drinks arrived.
“But…?” Tricera took a sip of her peach schnapps before stuttering, “I-I’m sorry. If you don’t want to talk about it, then-”
“No, it’s okay.” Ptera drank some of her tea; despite how spicy it was, she quite enjoyed it.
Tricera still felt wary of asking Ptera anything personal. “...So what’s the story with the baby, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“It all started when I graduated from college. I had just started my doctoral work on paleontology… Then I met him. Spinos. He was the first person I’ve ever met who loved dinosaurs… or me, for that matter.”
“...” Tricera didn’t like the direction this story was heading in, and sipped her schnapps nervously. 
“Or so I thought. One night, we went with some fellow paleontologists to a club. That was when Spinos and I had a one-night stand in the bathroom, as several of our colleagues had a habit of doing… Except two months later, I discovered that somehow, I was the only one of us to get pregnant from such one-night stands.” Ptera slammed a half-full glass on the bar counter, spilling ice everywhere. “But right before I could tell the ‘father,’ I caught the bastard cheating with another one of my colleagues!”
“Oh honey, honey…” Tricera tried to calm the now-crying Ptera down. “Barkeep! Another tea, please!”
Ptera took a thankful sip of the first glass before moving on to the second. “Thank you. I… I thought I loved him… I really did!”
“That’s in the past.” Tricera rubbed Ptera’s back. “You don’t need that dickhead in your life. What matters most is that I help you find a new job.”
“You’d be willing to do that for me?” Ptera stopped crying.
“Heck, it’s easy for me, one of the best employees at this joint!” Tricera swung an arm around Ptera’s shoulders. “Stick with us , and you’ll be raising the finest child this country has ever seen!”
  “And I toiled day and night, dealing with cat callers and entitled rich people, just so I could make enough tips to make you happy. Your mama did, too. Let’s not forget that you wouldn’t have placed second at regionals if we didn’t train you and pay for your cards.”
“M-Mom…” Rex was in a fit of tears by the end of this story. “I’m… so sorry.”
“I don’t want you to be sorry, I want you to work your ass off at school.” Ptera smiled, that was until she realized that something wasn’t quite right with her son. “Rex? You can stop crying now.”
Rex started clutching his stomach and crying even harder. “It hurts…”
“This is why you shouldn’t make the stupid choice of pouring chocolate syrup over your takoyaki… then eating 2 kilos of it.” Ptera put leaves of her restaurant’s signature tea in the teapot. “Go rest for the day, and while you do, think about why you shouldn’t have done that.
“O-Okay…” So spoke Rex as he returned to his room, where he spent the rest of the day trying to ward off a fit of bloating.
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