#please dont leave me // gilbert gray
beastie-anon · 9 months
The boat finally arrived at the beach, Oswald, Ashley and Gilbert backed away from the area the boat arrived at.
Adams final moments were finally approaching.
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"...Dad whos.. Adam?"
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"Nobody, Sweetheart. He's a bad man."
Keith slowly walked Adam off the boat, Adam was shaking with every step. Strangely enough, He wasn't putting up much of a fight. Strange, But not surprising. Pathetic and weak men usually accept their fate.
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Ashley smiled the entire slow walk, Watching as his feet stepped onto the sand. Every step for him was now one closer to his death, One near everyone was rooting for.
Adam suddenly kicked Keith hard in the stomach, Pulling away and running a distance away before falling to his knees and pressing his hands together. He placed them to his forehead and began to pray and beg.
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"Please god- P-Please if you hear me god please save me get me out of this please!"
The others had given chase, About to grab him, But when Oswald saw he was praying, He stopped the other two.
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His sobs and begs for saving became incomprehensible from his heaving, Sobbing and shaking. Keith roughly grabbed his arms, Oswald finally helping, Both having to restrain him as he fought and kicked.
They dragged him away, Screaming and sobbing. Gilbert was shaking and hiding behind Ashley, Holding onto her tightly. Adam was a broken down mess, The reality finally setting in.
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beastie-anon · 9 months
kill GOD? uuhh wouldn't be the first time but, what GOD are you talking about? I know you said that its the one that caused all of this but, does that mean there's more than one for this world?
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"You know the one I mean. The real one."
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"The o' wh' m' all of 's. The one who m' th' bl'g."
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beastie-anon · 9 months
prooobably best if I don't ask how... and huh... surprised the ocean made it through despite all the stuff that's been happening to the world
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"The oceans the only thing that nobody could touch.. It's as beautiful as ever.."
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beastie-anon · 1 year
13 Favorite memory of this past summer
For Oswald and Gilbert
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"We had found a pool that.. Was actually pretty clean and full. It was in a town that had only recently gotten taken over... And I got to relax with one of the still cold drinks that were in the fridge."
"A-And I got to swim!"
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beastie-anon · 9 months
In that case you're lucky, my job is pretty much just killing people I don't care for.
*Ẍ̶̯̱͕̩̰́̇̈̓̂̀̂̊͗̐̿̚͝͝ unholsters a shotgun, cocking it and causing it to make an audible click*
One last question: Do we go now or later?
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"...Keith is pulling the- aaAAAAA-"
The ship suddenly stopped, And Adam hit the wall hard. His neck made a loud, Audiable snap. He was definitely unconscious, If not dead. Thank god.. He wouldn't shut the fuck up. With him out cold, Nothing was stopping the glitching from happening again. X's gun glitched and disappeared, And so did he. He was put on a beach, Three people there.
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"Your wings are really pretty, Mrs.Ashley...!"
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"Thank you sweetie, You're very cute too."
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Oswald noticed X, And stepped in front of both Ashley and Gilbert. The other two didn't notice him.
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beastie-anon · 9 months
ah... well I dono about a "plan" but I did hear some nit picks about "4 people" or something... and something pink, I think?
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"Like the girl who keeps following us?"
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"A.. girl?"
The world glitched out, And once again Techy was placed somewhere else.
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A guy in a mask was beating someone, They were already unconscious. At that point, They were just making the person unrecognizable. He didnt seem to notice Tech as he continued to pound his fist into the persons face.
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beastie-anon · 9 months
hooo shit oswald is that YOU? when did you get... so goopy?
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"Dunno. It started off as just my ear, But it started spreading and.. Now its like this."
He stopped at the edge of the ocean and just sat down.
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"..Now we j'st.. wait."
It seemed like his slurred words weren't as often, And he could actually talk normally more often than not not.
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"The ocean is really pretty.."
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beastie-anon · 9 months
I thiiiink I arrived too late to what's going on -
Suddenly the world glitched out, And the scene changed around him. It was almost as if someone was pulling strings to change the person he was interacting with.
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"N'body arrives 't' late' t' do s'mth'."
Oswald spoke out, Holding Gilbert still. They were walking towards a large ocean.
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"I've never seen the outside of the wall before.. I've never seen the actual ocean so close.."
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beastie-anon · 9 months
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Oswald was holding Gilbert close to him as he walked, His eyes darting around as he walked mindlessly. He just had this gut feeling of where to go. It wasnt long before he reached The Wall. It was around the entire state he resided in, Due to the corruption. He walked along the wall until he found a hole in the wall. He woke Gilbert up and gently helped to put them through the wall before slipping through the cracks himself.
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"We're gonna be okay Gilbert. I'll make sure of it."
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beastie-anon · 2 years
He let Gilbert rest while he kept searching for an escape, It wasn't long until Gilbert woke up.. And they were hungry. So was Oswald. Oswald started to go as far as contemplating tearing a chunk of his skin out for Gilbert, Until two plates of food appeared out of nowhere. On one plate was macaroni and cheese, The other was salmon. Oswald was disgusted by salmon, But Gilbert was deathly allergic to it. So, He slid the mac n cheese over and ate the salmon himself. He cared too much about Gilbert to let him get sick, Especially since there was no guarantee of safety here. He sanitized his hands in the corruption, Before a loud voice could be heard.
"Test beginning now."
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beastie-anon · 2 years
It had been calm and wholesome, But that time was over. It was time to find a way out, If such a thing existed. From what Oswald could tell, The entire room was solid concrete.. No way to enter and no way to exit- So how did they get in? The only apparent answer was the anons, Which meant he wouldn't be getting out any time soon. He grumbled and sighed.
"...Dad? Why do you hurt people that you don't have to?
It was so out of the blue, But Gilberts questions usually were.
"...H...hhhAhah- Are you feeling tired buddy? Let me get your-"
"NO DAD! I don't want the headphones please just answer me for once!"
Gilbert tightly covered their ears, Seeming really upset this time.
"...Gil, Come on calm down.. I really think you need a nap okay? It'll help pass time-"
"STOP TREATING ME LIKE A BABY! I can handle the truth okay?! I'm tired of just being put to sleep every time I ask a question you don't know how to answer or don't WANT to answer!"
"Hey don't-"
"Don't what?! I just.. I want to know.."
Gilbert started to shake but also.. Yawned?
"You c..ant keep... Hiding things....fro...m.....me..."
They laid down against Oswald and seemed.. Tired? Did Oswald know he was sleepy or about to be?
Oswald gently stroked their hair.
"..Because even though sometimes it seems like it's unneeded, It is.. You'll understand some day.. Now sleep okay..?"
It wasn't much longer until they were fast asleep, Oswald watching over them... How sweet
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beastie-anon · 2 years
M!A Oswald and Gilbert are stuck in a room together
They were both pulled from the corruption, Being placed in a room (Which for reasons had stopped time in it)
Gilbert collapsed on the ground, Shaking and crying as he rubbed his neck, Hurting his leg as he let himself fall to the floor. Oswald fell back, A horrible migraine coming on from the sudden change in his head, Corruption leaving his mind. Despite the horrible condition they were in, The anon had saved them from horrible fates... For the time being.
It took Oswald a moment to even be able to see without everything being a blurry mess, Before quickly making his way to Gilbert. He couldn't even make out his face but could tell it was him.
"G-Gilbert? Are you okay..? What happened to you..?"
"I-I got a-a-attacked! I-I-I was so s-s-scared!"
Oswald took them into his arms and gently brushed their hair with his fingers to calm them. It took a while but Oswald never got upset or impatient.
"It's okay.. Whatever happened back there, It's over now.. Your safe."
They sniffled a little and wiped their face onto Oswalds shirt, Before Oswald kissed them on the head. Gilbert tried to stand but fell, His leg still hurt from when he collapsed.
"Hey- What happened?- Sit back down let me fix it-"
Oswald inspected it and found it to be nothing more than a sprained ankle, So he pulled off some of his (Controlled) corruption and wrapped it tightly around their foot to keep it straight and in place.
They seemed comfortable together, Oswald gently patting their head.
(If you'd like to see or read more send in [Continue] if you'd like it to end send it [End])
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beastie-anon · 2 years
All of the empji thing asks for Mark, Ceasar, Chriz and Sonikchu?
I'm adding the two new boys too bc fuck you that's why (/lh/nm)
Also its under the cut it's looong
👁: What is a secret your muse is hiding/hasn't told
Mark: He doesn't really have any hidden secrets except for his past. He hasn't told anyone, But his father killed him.
Chriz: Chriz grew up with... Horrible things happening to him
Ceasar: He thinks every day about the baby he could've had
Sonikchu: It doesn't like Cereal
Oswald: [redacted]
Gilbert: He saw everything.
💬: Muse says direct confession
Mark: I.. Miss Ceasar. A lot..
Chriz: I never met my parents..
Ceasar: I know I shouldn't have said what I did to Cesar.. But I just.. Don't. Care.
Sonikchu: I ate all the chocolate.. hehehe
Oswald: I wish I could've killed all of them myself.
Gilbert: [redacted]
⚪️: Small things that mean a lot
Mark: A kiss on his forehead
Chriz: Hand holding
Ceasar: A small smile
Sonikchu: Head pats
Oswald: Telling Oswald that your proud of him will literally make him break down into sobs
Gilbert: Hugs
🔴: Big gestures that mean a lot
Mark: Mark feels like when you defend him it means a lot
Chriz: Giving him something that means a lot to you
Ceasar: Giving up something that meant a lot to you (not an object but family, Social life, Your literal life ect ect)
Sonikchu: Taking a hit for it
Oswald: Watching his back
Gilbert: [redacted]
👌: Quirks
Mark: Mark licks his teeth a lot and gets embarrassed when someone points it out
Chriz: He makes shows with his fire when bored
Ceasar: His tail thumps on the ground when he's focused
Sonikchu: Sonikchu fidgets with its paws a lot
Oswald: Oswald can't hold still and can't really stay in one place long
Gilbert: He doesn't like to move much
💦: Manerisms when shy/nervous
Mark: He hovers slightly above the ground and looks down
Chriz: He tends to stay quiet
Ceasar: She hovers around people but doesn't say much and won't ask for things
Sonikchu: 🚫
Oswald: He will simply try to leave
Gilbert: He will hold onto whoever he knows and won't leave them
💢: Manerisms when angy/sad
Mark: Mark will refuse to look at anyone and his nose will twitch
Chriz: He'll just leave and stay locked in his room
Ceasar: She'll go to the person they love for comfort
Sonikchu: It just cries
Oswald: Oswald will hide it and pretend he's okay if sad, If mad Oswald will let it be known
Gilbert: He just pretends he's okay
🙌: Manerisms when extremely happy
Mark: He gets twitchy and bashful
Chriz: His flames get brighter
Ceasar: He smiles and tries to calm himself
Sonikchu: Sonikchu will stim a lot by having its knees pressed to its chest and arms close to its chest, Squeezing itself in excitement
Oswald: He will have a small smile. That is it thats all you get from him
Gilbert: Gilbert jumps in excitement and squeals a bit
🤞: What impulsive thing would they do
Mark: Jump off a mountain for thrills and forget how to fuckimg fly
Chriz: [redacted]
Ceasar: Eat his fucking tail
Sonikchu: Eat everything
Oswald: [redacted]
Gilbert: [redacted]
☠️: Do they fear death
Mark: Mark welcomes it
Chriz: Not anymore.
Ceasar: No
Sonikchu: No
Oswald: Yes
Gilbert: Yes
👻: Recall one (or more) time(s) they have been the most scared/fearful
"...Dad? Hey what are you doing I-I'm in the bath you shouldn't be in here!"
His father had a toaster in his hands, Plugging it into the wall and looking down at Mark. Mark's eyes widened and he struggled as he tried standing up. He wasn't fast enough as his dad threw it into the bath. Mark felt his heart beating faster as he electrocuted and almost fried completely. He was having a heart attack as he tried to grasp onto anything, In intense pain and unable to see anything but red and black.
"D..da....d.... P......le.a......se......h........e.......lp....."
He felt two hands wrap around his neck, Slowly tightening until he couldn't breathe. He could feel himself being moved under the water. No.. Nono- Please!- He tried to beg but as he opened his mouth water flooded in, Reaching his lungs. He tried to thrash out of the grip but.. Most of him was immobile. His nerves, Veins, Muscles... Fried. Destroyed. He had no choice but to...
Let go
Mark Heathcliff found dead in his home. It has been put to rest as a suicide.
He was cuddling with his parents, In between them in pajamas. He couldn't of been more than 3 or 4. He was woken up from the sunlight and got excited, Sneaking away from them and falling off the bed with a light thump. He snuck away from the room and crawled down the stairs quickly- He wanted to play outside with the bugs and animals he could find! The door was locked so he squeezed through the doggy door. He stood himself up, Wobbling as he looked for any worms that came up to breathe. Of course, He didn't know that worms came up after rain to breathe, He just knew that the water outside meant worms were somewhere! Looking around, He finally found one. He liked to tear them into little pieces to make many many worms! His papa showed him before! Being a toddler, He didn't notice a van slowly creeping up to him.. The men came out and he was alerted by the large shadow over him. He sat down and looked up, His mouth open a bit with surprise. The men grabbed him and he shrieked, Starting to cry. He didn't like being picked up. He started to sob real loud and scream as they put him in the van and drew off.. He didn't know who they were. He never saw them before.
He would.. Never see his parents again
AMBER ALERT: Be on the lookout for a [redacted] car and 4 [redacted] men. The child has orange hair, Freckles, White eyes and was last in dinosaur pajamas.
..That couldn't.. Of been right. It.. Wasn't him was it? He didn't kill them. He didn't.. HE DIDNT FUCKING KILL THEM- It wasn't him- He didn't..
The truth repeated in his head over and over. He couldn't feel himself in control anymore, At all. He couldn't see a thing.. Then he was back. Back when he was a teenager. He wanted the humans to pay.. They were his food, Not his friends. He fucking hated humans.. But... He didn't know. He didn't know his family was inside.. Why were they in there? They should have left by then.. The screams, The... Bloodshed. He went inside with a smirk, An evil smile. He wanted to see their suffering, Maybe even eat some of the roasted flesh... But when he walked info the door...
His sister. No.. Her tail was blown off of her body, Her organs spilling out. He dropped the detonator, He felt sick.. He couldn't breathe, Tears already spilling out as his throat knotted up. Her intestines were being dragged as her eyes searched for him and their parents.. She couldn't see them, But he could. They were right behind her, All over the wall..
"C....eas...aw...? Hel....p.... whe...wes.....mommy an....d....dad...dy...?"
He broke into sobs and fell to his knees, Holding what remained of his barely breathing sister.. He hadn't even started school yet... This couldn't be fucking happening...
"Was...dis....you..?... w...why.... why would...you huwt me....big bwo....?"
"No- No I'm sorry I didnt- I didn't know! I didn't.. fucking know.. I'm so sorry.."
Her breathing was slow, And.. Getting slower. He could hear her fucking heartbeats slowing down..
"No- Please I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'll fix it dont die- P-Please!"
"..d...do you... weawwy hate me.... so much dat.... you had to..."
She couldn't finish her sentence, Her eyes closing.
And that silence... Is all he could ever hear again.
...Only 3 fatalities found. 32 hospitalized and on their way to a full recovery
He felt his dad's arm around him, Reading him a fairy tale quietly as he started to drift off to sleep. He jolted awake when he heard a women open the door, Beginning to speak in a booming loud voice.
"Mr [redacted], The chamber is ready."
Sonikchus father stood and put the book to the side.
"Well squirt,, I'll see you after work.."
He frowned, Knowing that wouldn't be for a few hours. He couldn't sleep without his dad there...
He perked up, Already excited and happy that there was another option.
"You'd want to come with me? You can even help with this exciting experiment!"
"O-Okay papa!!"
Sonikchu was more of a proper, Quiet child. He was only 6 years old afterall. His father picked him up and began to walk. He had never seen outside of the room before.. The walls, Tiles, Ceiling, Lights.. All white. It was hard on him since he had been in a dark room his whole life. When his eyes adjusted enough he could finally see the things he never could. Cells lined up on the walls, And from the sounds, People were inside. Everyone looked.. Weird. They had things wrong with them.. Sonikchu cowered a little, Shivering in fear and from the freezing temperatures in the halls. In his room he always felt safe, But out here had a different.. Feeling. He was kind of scared.. His father gently patted his back, Waiting for the woman to open a door with some kind of pass code and card. It opened with a loud noise that made Sonikchu hold onto his father tighter, Shaking slightly. Inside the room, There were a few teenagers. Some were barely breathing, Equipment hooked to them. Some were disformed, And some looked mostly fine despite scars and stitches along their bodies. All of them standing tall in a single file lineup. This just scared him more.. Who were they? He was lead closer to a box looking room.. He looked up at his dad, Who was nudging him closer. He went inside just to see that it was.. Huge. What he didn't know was his father and a scientist were going inside too, With a few tools..
He felt someone grab his wrists and push him onto the ground. He felt the stabbing horrible pain as they started to use a dull knife to carve open his back.. He screamed in agony, Begging them to stop. He wore out his voice to where even when he screamed, Nothing came out. Tears stained his fluffy cheeks..
Years went by inside the box, While only a couple days passed outside of it.
Oswald: [Redacted]
Gilbert: [Redacted)
😠: Something they hated/hates
Mark: Ceasar
Chriz: Scientists
Ceasar: Being alone
Sonikchu: Knives of any type
Oswald: Company, Demons, Alternates
Gilbert: Ghosts
🏹: Would your muse kill/why would they kill
Mark: The only way he'd kill is if he or his friends were in danger
Chriz: [redacted]
Ceasar: They'd kill if 8 or anyone else he relies on to stay 'sane' told him to.
Sonikchu: They'd die before they killed anyone or caused anyone to die
Oswald: In a heartbeat if he was suspicious at all
Gilbert: If he had to to protect himself or his friends
💢: What would make them annoyed
Mark: Taking advantage of his no free will
Chriz: A wrench being thrown into his plans
Ceasar: Being without the person who tells him what to do
Sonikchu: No ice cream for dessert
Oswald: Basically everything
Gilbert: Basically everything
👍: Good traits
Mark: Good hearted
Chriz: Incredibly caring for his family
Ceasar: Obedient
Sonikchu: Wouldn't even harm a fly
Oswald: Incredibly caring for people close to him
Gilbert: Incredible memory
👀: How jealous are they?
Mark: Not very
Chriz: Incredibly. Possessive, Too
Ceasar: Incredibly
Sonikchu: Very
Oswald: Most jealous and possessive person to exist
Gilbert: Somewhat
🖤: How selfish/Selfless are they?
Mark: Incredibly Selfless
Chriz: Pretty Selfish
Ceasar: Mid
Sonikchu: Selfless
Oswald: Selfish
Gilbert: Mid
❓️: How indisicive are they?
Mark: 2/10
Chriz: 1/10
Ceasar: 9/10
Sonikchu: 7/10
Oswald: 2/10
Gilbert: 5/10
🙈: Can they be blindly loyal?
Mark: Yes
Chriz: No
Ceasar: Yes
Sonikchu: Yes
Oswald: No
Gilbert: Yes
❌️: What would make them be petty/say smth hurtful
Mark: If your brought him to his breaking point
Chriz: Hurting people he cares about
Ceasar: Either if you said something to him or the person he relies on
Sonikchu: By hurting or saying something to or about his friends
Oswald: Existing
Gilbert: If you killed everyone he has left, But by then it'd be too late for you anyways.
🙊: Has your muse ever stopped themself from saying something? What was it?
Mark: "You know what Ceasar? You haven't fucking changed. Your still the same kid who killed your parents and sister in cold blood. Your a pathetic piece of shit and you don't deserve love.. You don't deserve anything. I feel sorry for you."
Chriz: "I'm so tired of you. I'm tired of taking care of you. I'm tired of having to take care of your messes when every day when I have to go back to that fucking lab and SUFFER! FUCK YOU [redacted]! I HOPE YOU SUFFER THE SAME FUCKING FATE.."
Ceasar: "It really hurts.. I don't think I can do this anymore. I can't.. Be with you if you don't love me. I can't be with someone who doesn't care.."
Sonikchu: "I'm sorry for being a bad kid dad.. You deserve a better son.."
Oswald: He has never held a single thing back ever
Gilbert: "Osweld I still.. Remember everything.."
💥: How reckless/paranoid are they?
Mark: Slighty Paranoid and reckless
Chriz: not recklace at all, Not really paranoid
Ceasar: Mid for both
Sonikchu: Super reckless, Not really paranoid
Oswald: Not reckless, Really paranoid
Gilbert: Super paranoid, Super reckless
🔷️: How good at lying are they?
Mark: Horrible
Chriz: Amazing
Ceasar: Amazing
Sonikchu: Horrible
Oswald: Mid
Gilbert: Amazing
🤔: Are they cynical, Realistic, Optomistic or just naive?
Mark: Optomistic
Chriz: Cynical
Ceasar: Naive
Sonikchu: Naive
Oswald: Cynical
Gilbert: Realistic
🤚: How rude/friendly are they?
Mark: Incredibly friendly
Chriz: Super friendly
Ceasar: Mid
Sonikchu: Super friendly
Oswald: Incredibly rude
Gilbert: Mid
🤝: Are they a people pleaser?
Mark: Yes
Chriz: Yes
Ceasar: Yes
Sonikchu: Yes
Oswald: Absolutely not
Gilbert: No
😔: How insecure/self assured are they?
10=self assured
Mark: 6/10
Chriz: 2/10
Ceasar: 0/10
Sonikchu: 9/10
Oswald: 1/10
Gilbert: 4/10
🎭: Do they try to compensate for something?
Mark: No
Chriz: Yes
Ceasar: Yes
Sonikchu: No
Oswald: No
🤜: How protective are they?
Mark: Very
Chriz: Incredibly
Ceasar: Incredibly
Sonikchu: Mid
Oswald: Incredibly
Gilbert: Kinda
⬛️: What are some flaws/bad traits they have?
Mark: Naive sometimes, Easily trusting, Dumb
Chriz: [redacted]
Ceasar: Dependant, Depends on others for his self worth, Hates himself
Sonikchu: Over confident, Dumb, Childish, Repressed memories
Oswald: Angry, Rude, Aggressive, Self conscious
Gilbert: Scared, Freezes up, Hates violence.
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beastie-anon · 2 years
YYYUP - MINDLESS ONE - *he immediately surrounds his right hand in scalding hot plasma and just punches the tendril coming at him to make the demon stagger, then booking it back to the library, dammit this thing was WAY too big for him to effectively kill easily, he thinks he'd need like... a bomb to go off in its stomach to take it down*
Unfortunately going to the library lead the monster there. Beastie was welcoming two new guests into the library..
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"Sure, I believe you. Now with or without marshmallows?"
She did not believe him. I guess the guy isn't a complete piece of shit after all..
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beastie-anon · 2 years
okay that's it, are you a dick to literally EVERYONE you meet? if your gonna be hostile then get the FUCK away from my library, thought this conversation wouldn't turn into a shitfest but I was wrong
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"Didja think I planned on fuckin' stayin'?!! Yer ta one who kept me here longer than I want'd te be!"
He picked up Gilbert and started to run off. Less than a minute later he started running back towards the library, Cursing loudly.
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beastie-anon · 2 years
actually yes I am dense, I'm a robot *techy was currently just messing with them* and demons? OH, RIGHT, shit I completely forgot about the world going to shit from that portal opening and the gates of hell literally opening... *man, he almost forgot about bob, seems like things will never again get better, but eh, techy and his family are safe here* by the way I live here so, that's an answer for another one of your probable questions
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"I dun give a fuck where ya live! I dun have any fuckin' questions for ya, I wan' get me and Gilbert somewhere safe!"
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