#please ask me more I want to writeeee
beabnormal24 · 6 months
How old are you? Fave f1 ship? How did you get into writing? :)
Uuuuh, people won’t take me seriously anymore after I say my actual age.
No but really, I’ll be 21 in a week! 24 of March, precisely, hence my name (lol).
Fave F1 ship, I guess it’s pretty obvious since I plaster them everywhere: Charlos Charlos Charlos Charlos Char-
I got into writing maaaaany years ago.
When I was in middle school I was admitted into extracurricular classes for writing and me and the other students actually published a whole book where there are featured two of my stories and a poem. You won’t find it anywhere, but let me just tell you that at the young age of 12 (I am a year early in school) I was already very philosophical.
That got me a lot into writing, I wouldn’t say that I have a talent because it’s not my place to tell, my readers can judge much more objectively, but it surely spurred me on.
That adding to the fact that of course I read 1D fanfics (Ziall, if you must know, always a lover of sun/moon combinations).
I stopped writing during high school because I focused on my studies but when I started university I needed something to unplug. My boyfriend and my uncle got me into F1 a while ago and I slowly discovered the whole world of F1 fandoms and decided to take part in it and bite the bullet and I started writing for them.
I’m so happy about that decision.
Hii whoever asked me, if you want to take off anon I can ask you questions as well (no pressure of course)
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