#please I'm somewhat begging people to start using it because it's my favourite fucking dumb ass meme
lesbxdyke · 15 days
One of my all time favourite jokes/memes is one that really only exists between me and my husband, so I'm going to share it with y'all:
I don't know, Harold! The train's going too fast!
We use it whenever we're confused by a thing.
It came from watching my husband play Train Sim World. A game which he is woefully bad at. And he shot right through a station he was supposed to stop at and then had to stop, get out of the drivers cabin, walk to the other end of the train and drive backwards. As he walked, he passed these two old people who we named Harold and Margaret and came out with:
"Wasn't that our stop, Margaret?"
"I don't know, Harold! The train's going too fast!"
Now I have given you context, go forth and tell people that the train is going too fast!
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