#please I'm in a vulnerable state she's taking advantage of me it's not my fault
lovelaceisntdead · 6 months
Oh I do unfortunately think I will watch the new mean girls film.
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saltynsassy31 · 10 months
WAHH ok ok late but here i’ll ask some random more specific questions! DX i’m not very good at coming up with them tho
what’s the relationship between Fishsticks & Hagi in specifics? :7
how did Skipper and his friends form a band again? i think i forgort
how did Emp & Skip realize they liked each other ;3? hehee
what was he like before? like before losing Marcy or getting outta the Octarian army
i’m happy to listen to anything about ur guys so if u feel like saying more please do :3
Oooooh yes! Okay that makes it easier for me to answer XD
Just- gimme a sec cuz it's gonna be LONG hope you don't mind XD
The two's relationship is kinda funny actually lol, it started as a joke as all things does with my fucking ocs lol
Hagi doesn't like Fishsticks, like, at all, and to better understand why I'll talk a little about Fishsticks
He started out as a villain in the story, he is more of an antagonist now? But isn't a full blown villain, but he still does a lot the same as before. He's bad, no doubt about it, his mindset is of that "as long as I am honest about my intentions, it isn't my fault if people decide to take on the offer"
He is honest with his work, he doesn't lie to get people working for him, brutally honest guy
He knows his work isn't good work, but it's honest work, he is a very respected man on his buisness, especially since he is willing to show mercy and care more for his workers than other bosses, which makes him attractive to work with, but just because he treats em better doesn't mean he's always a good boss either, he shows favouritism and isn't shy about it either, he still talks bad about some of them and isn't scared to show his disappointment, he doesn't punish them though, unless they try to conspire against each other or him.
He roped in Skipper in his lowest moment, he had been chasing the boy since they met and took the opportunity he was abandoned and alone to recruit him, he treated him better than his other boss after all, and he doesn't seem to notice that he took a liking to the boy a little more than he bargened for until much later.
Since the two first met, Hagi took a dislike de him, they were married and divorced the first second they met XD
They have this dynamic of annoyed X flirtatious, Fishsticks is head over heals for Hagi and loooooves to annoy him ever chance he gets and Hagi has never hated a man more (that's a lie, he hates Skipper's first boss more), he kinda begrudgingly hangs out with Fishsticks for his son, they do grow fonder over time, but he still doesn't like the work Fishsticks does, but has come around to help his lackies after a rough work day when he is called upon (being a doctor and all and the buisness they do putting them at risk if going to a public hospital)
Fishsticks recruit those in need, taking advantage of their vulnerable state, but Hagi can't deny he's also done good working considering how poor the Splatlands are and many needing work, Fishsticks determination to change the system and all, even through not so... favourable means
He's not good, but he's not bad either
As for Skipper and his friends, well, i think you already know Cherry, her being the first he met since she was working with their old boss way before he joined, she helped him a lot
The other two, El he met after Cherry "died", having been fond of their music, after they suddenly stopped producing music, with Skipper publishing a goodbye song visibly lacking his band mate, he went searching for answers. Now I don't know if he goes to Cherry or Skipper first, but I'm leaning on the idea that he met up with Skipper first, asking for him to start his band again and that he's willing to do Cherry's part, he refuses saying that no one can replace her. Some time later he finds Cherry and tells her she knows where Skipper is and reunites them, at that point he's willing to drop the band idea, but to his surprise they start up again and invite him in
He offers them protection and to help keep their anonymity being a very popular hacker in the underground community
Ame, she is found when they were looking for a drummer, no one auditioned except her, but because she was still a child they refused since they didn't want her getting involved in their work, but she persists and eventually they let her in, especially since she is good on the drums, it's inevitable she gets involved but they do their work to keep her as safe as possible
How they realised they had feelings? Honestly it keeps changing depending on what sad romance song I'm listening to XD
But for the most part, I'm pretty sure it's Skipper who does first, breaking their friendship once it starts getting a little too close after he realised that in his line of work, he'd get hurt, but he still longs for him, noticible in the type of song he writes
He still wishes for Emperor to love him regardless, he's created this version of him in his head that if Emperor knew the type of work he did, found out of what he has done, he'd leave him, he doesn't want to face that reality and leaves before any heartbreak on both ends
But Emperor chases him regardless, especially after finding out how much he truly loved the guy
But I also like the idea that Emepror loved first, and when he found out what Skipper does he is mad and they have a huge fight, making Skipper's worst fear come true and he leaves
After a while Emperor tries to forget him, they cross paths a lot, unknowing to him, and eventually get tangled up together and are forced to help each other out, still feeling bitter, but after a while, they actually talk it out and realise they still love each other, Skipper tries to part ways again once Emperor got hurt, but Emperor keeps chasing him regardless
Idk, I really like enemies to lovers and I've been trying to do that with them but it's a little hard, what I wrote is prone to change a lot, I'll be honest, I wish I had a little help with it but my friend that usually does help me with this stuff knows nothing bout splatoon lore and the manga, so it's a little hard-
And now for how he was like before? Well, he was still a very violent little thing XD he worked hard to be where he is now, my personal interpretation of splatoon is that females are the dominant species (which they are btw! It is stated several times by devs that the girls are stronger lol and even irl, female octo are the dominant ones, idk bout squids tho) as we can see being that there are only female octolings fighting
Of course there are exceptions, as we see with DJ Octavio, but I feel they have to work a lot harder to be in those positions
Which is the case for Skipper, for him to be a seaweed octoling at such a young age, he was basically a prodigy! And he loved it! He loves the adrenaline that comes with working as a soldier, he loves being seen as strong and doesn't like it when it is implied otherwise
Massive ego, but also pretty caring towards those he cares about, he wasn't afraid to show affection or show that he cared (which you can see isn't the case anymore as his old boss made him believe that showing he cared was a weakness, showing he cared for Cherry got her killed after all, and he already had some hesitancy as he had lost people he cared for, he was scared to get close again), he was pretty curious too and loved to learn about people's anatomy thanks to his dad being a doctor, as well as plants and sometimes alchemy, which led to him later be known as the guy with poison
He didn't change all that much besides being weary and depressed and having major PTSD lmao, personality wise, it's still mostly intact, he still likes to look and dress the way he does and still loves music
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iammarylastar · 7 years
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9. Corinne
“Daaaddyyy!” The little girl bursts into laughs, gasping for air.  “Jaaack! Please don’t stooop!” She cries, happy tears running down her chubby cheeks.
Jack keeps tickling his daughter, stuck into his grip, wiggling and giggling like a worm under the sweet torture. Laughing out loud, Jack glances lovingly at Shade, snapping some pics of this father-and-daughter’s moment with her phone.
“She sounds like her mother this morning so much!” John mocks the young couple, exhilarated.
“JOHN!” Both Jack and Shade scream, blushing.
“Oh oh calm down kids. Not my fault if the walls of the motel were so thin.” He jokes. “I’m the one who’s supposed to blush. There are things a father would rather never hear, I swear!”
John lifts his hands in front of him, looking innocent and shocked.
To tell the truth, Jack and Shade haven’t really been careful about the noises they made, making love again and again until the crack of dawn.  John has checked they were asleep and decent before letting the little girl entering her parents’ room, jumping on the bed to wake them up. Shade was spooned into Jack’s arms, his face buried in her neck, their legs intertwined under the sheets.
“Mom! Dad! Wake up! We brought you breakfast!” Anna sings, climbing on the sleeping forms.
Jack stirs up, a huge smile of satisfaction tapped on his tired face. He’ll get used to this kind of wake up, his love safely curled up against him, being called Dad by the little worm pecking his cheek at this early hour of the day.
“Morning lovebirds!” John knocks at the open door, his hands full of cups of coffee and brown bag of croissants and other French pastries he bought at the bakery near the motel.
“Morning John!” Jack never remembers feeling happy to see his dad.
Covering her bare skin with the white sheets, Shade sits up in the bed, welcoming Anna in a morning hug.
“Thanks John. For the breakfast. And for Anna.” She smiles genuinely.
“You’re welcome Honey. She slept like a rock all night and we had so much fun since we got up.”
“Don’t call her Honey, John. You don’t know the troubles you’re getting into.” Jack warns his father, gently stroking Shade’s cheek and Anna’s curls in the same movement.
Anna climbs on Jack’s lap and rubs his stubble with the palm of her tiny hand.
“Jack! You’re so itchy!” The little girl laughs. “Can I call you Dad?” She asks without hesitation.
“Of course you can darling.” Jack feels his heart growing heavy in his chest.
“Dad, have you kissed Mom yet?”
“I guess I can say yes, so many times.” He chuckles, winking at a blushing Shade.
Oh yes he had. Endlessly and on every piece of skin he could.
“Why do you ask?” His eyes follow the little girl settling down between them both.
“I told grand pa you should kiss Mom, so you could stop being sad and grumpy.” Anna states.
“You told that to Grand pa ?” Jack quirks an eyebrow, throwing an amused look to the unbreakable cop standing in front of him, a stupid happy smile on his face.
“I like the grand pa thing. Don’t laugh at me guys. You know how it is. I never refuse that pretty lady. ”
“Dad, when will we arrive to the vacation home? Grand pa promised me to take me fishing! Do you know there’s a river near the house?” Her eyes are sparkling in excitement.
“Yeah, great plans. I could teach you rowing a boat and swimming then. Let’s go! Just give us time to eat that delicious breakfast and we’re ready to go, darling!”
They’re now settled in the safe house, a wooden cabin, lost in the middle of nowhere on the shores of the Bear River. They head to Corinne, Utah, a tiny town one hour north of Salt Lake City, and were more than happy to get out of the car to enjoy the fresh air.
John laughed out of loud when seeing the sign saying the nearest City was Honeyville.
Releasing the little girl, his daughter, Jack holds Shade by the waist and pulls her closer, buried his face in her belly then settles her down on his lap.
“Tell me. How do I look as a Daddy?” He shows off with pride.
“I have to admit you’re doing great son. Look at her face, she looks so happy!” John says.
Jack shares a knowing and̀ amused look with Shade, who can’t help but smile, then kisses her lips, hugging her tight.
“I was talking about Anna, kids behave for God’s sake! ”
“Daddy! ” Anna sings from afar. “Come and find me, I'm hiding!”
“Let’s play hide and seek!” Jack stands up and kisses Shade before running to his daughter.
John looks at his son running away and sighs. “I’m happy for you Shade. I’ve never seen Jack so happy before. That’s something pretty unusual for a McLane.”
“I’m happy too John. And that’s pretty unusual for me as well.” She smiles.
“What’s that shit with Varela? How have you manage to gather clues, he’s known to be very careful and untouchable. ” John inquires.
“His love for sweets and Coke got the better of his pancreas and arteries. He’s been suffering from severe diabetes and renal failure for years. His condition got worse and he needed a live-in nurse and I applied for the position.”
“You’ve been hired?” It sounds too easy.
“I had sewed so many stitches and dressed so many wounds I made illusion. And you can’t imagine the power of a nurse blouse a size too small…” Shade tightens her arms each side of her chest, emphasizing her amazing boobs.
“Ouch! I totally could understand Honey.” John has the harder time to look back at Shade’s eyes.
“Don’t call me Honey McLane. Or I’ll kill you, grand pa or not.” They both burst into laugh.
“Shade?” Jack walks through the bunch of trees that separate the house from the boardwalk.
“Shade?” He asks again when nobody answers.
Where the fuck is she?
“Shade! What do you…” he stops in his tracks while seeing an almost naked Shade, standing at the end of the boardwalk, wearing nothing but black panties and a lustful glance.
“I thought a little swim would be nice and relaxing.” She says, sounding innocent.
Dammit, her pupils black with desire are screaming another story.
“ It’s a shame I forgot to bring my bikini with me…” she teases, slowly hooking the hem of her panties with her thumbs and pulling them down her thighs and legs.
Jack swallows hard, and follows the trip of the garment down her endless thighs until it pools on her feet. Stepping outside of the unnecessary cloth, she crosses her arms before her breasts, playing shy.
Jack steps forward, dead set to cover her naked body with his, but she jumps into the water before he could catch her.
“Shade!” He wanted to laugh but the tightness in his pants makes it sound different.
Shade laughs hard before his face and teases him more.
“You should come with me… it could help to cool you down! ”
Jack doesn’t think twice before he throws his clothes off.
“Holy shit! I can’t dive with this pole!"  Jack looks down his obvious desire for Shade.
She bursts into laughter as he cups his crotch in his hands and shyly jumps into the water.
"Come here. I’m sure I could help you to get rid of that embarrassing hardness.” She offers, her gaze unnecessarily teasing him.
He swims towards her but she doesn’t let him catch her, swimming and turning away from his grip.
“So what’s your plan McClane?"she asks, splashing water on his face.
"I was thinking of chasing you and making love to you. If you don’t mind of course…” Jack drowns his head halfway into the water, like a crocodile ready to jump on its prey, swimming slowly towards her.
“Sounds great! I meant what are your plans for me and Anna? For the future?” She hopes he would follow her, now and forever.
“Shade I love you. I love Anna. I don’t want to live without you. Would you still marry me after all that shit ends?”
“It depends on how much you love me.” She swam backwards, escaping his touch.
“God I love you Shade. I’m crazy about you.” He sounded desperate, desperate to have her back, desperate to touch her.
“You won’t go again?” She teased him.
“I swear I’ll stay glued to you forever.” Jack finally caught her and crashed her naked body against his. She’s the one who locked her thighs around him and grinded widely her waist on his shaft.
“Do you love me Cupcake?” Her lips were oh so slowly brushing Jack’s.
“I do love you Boo.” He grunted his heart on his lips.
“Show me.”
Jack stares hungrily at her, before stealing her lips in a passionate kiss. Her long legs wrapped around his waist, her feet crisscrossed behind his butt, Shade is eager to feel him deep inside her.
Lost in each other’s exploration, they dangerously sink into the water, but none of them gives a shit.  Jack slides two fingers inside Shade’s body, making her arch her back violently. He takes advantage of her offered neck and chest to buryhis face between her breasts and placed open mouth kisses around her nipples.
Jack manages to swim them back to the boardwalk, kicking only his legs, his hands busy to pleasure Shade. Leaning her against the pillar, their bodies colliding, Jack attacks her neck and jawline. Using the pillar as a leverage, he bucks his hips to enter her, their moans muffled by their kisses.
“Stay with me Boo. I’ve never stopped loving you.” He whispers between his groans.
Shade tightens her grip on him, no way she could let him go again.  “Show me. Show me how much you missed me.”
Jack doesn’t have to be asked twice and enthusiastically shows more of his love and devotion to her.
Exposed and vulnerable, they stay lost in each other, unaware of the danger coming up. If anything it would be the worst moment to undergo an armed attack.
Their dance of love gets deeper and faster until none of them could hold back neither their cries nor releases.
“YES !” Shade screams out loud as she comes violently, covering Jack’s grunts of release.
Panting, he rests his forehead against her and asks: “Is that your answer?”
Her eyes shine with happiness. “Yes Cupcake. Yes I do.”
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