#playing w his hair cracking his knuckles for him asking him to spar with him etc etc
hcnnibal · 5 months
how does a1 feel about a2’s hair? does he get weirded out when/if it gets long? and the opposite too actually how would a2 feel if a1 just buzzed all his own hair off lol
well a1’s only ever known adult a2 with that haircut so it might weird him out :0 mostly bc a2 has that haircut for practical and sensory reasons and is also kinda highly resistant to unnecessary change. a1 on the other hand, changes his hair constantly to go with the trends, so i think a2 would miss it but it wouldnt like.. surprise him
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shadow--writer · 3 years
I Light up Like a Sparkler, Feel it Getting Warmer
title (this is one of my fav bands lol. they released the end of their newest album and it was all I could listen to for a week asdf)
Maeve x Lucas. Let’s try this one again (again). 3.9k
TW: none!
The Raven was boisterous when they entered, both making her gut sink and heart flutter a little. 
While she loved how loud it was, with people laughing so hard they bent over themselves. 
It meant more…
...of Eli. He was a regular patient at her clinic. And a total dumbass. A loving one, sure, but a dumbass.
“Ya gonna play for us tonight, hermosa dama?”
She rubbed her temples, cracking an eye open to look at him. She wasn’t very fluent in the language he spoke, but she’d heard it enough to guess what he was saying. 
“I need a few drinks before we go that far,” she replied, keeping her voice flat.
Eli laughed, raising his tankered at her. 
Lucas chuckled, kissing her cheek. “Well you’re popular.”
“Mmm. My dream.” 
She cracked an eye open to look around. Some of the people sitting by Eli paled they looked over at her. 
No...they weren’t looking at her. It was Lucas.
It was strange seeing it, like they had seen a ghost. Or something from the past. It wasn’t normal to pale like this. Sure Lucas was…well Lucas. She wouldn’t lie and say he was a small man.
Lucas shifted nervously, looking down at the ground. At their feet. Her legs. Anywhere but at the Raven falling quieter.
She frowned, turning away from the group. 
She’d ask him about it later. 
“We’ll just…get a place at the counter and wait for Amani, okay?” she said softly, shifting away to move to the counter.
She hated killing the mood by thinking, but something was just off. Or something was happening and he wasn’t telling her. Or it was both.
She chewed the inside of her cheek, rolling her eyes. He didn’t have to tell her anything he wasn’t comfortable with. Just as she kept things from him. 
But why did this feel bigger than whatever secrets she might’ve had?
She winced, thinking back on Nicolas as she sat on a stool. The fact she was thinking his name again was a good sign. 
After years of not. Was she healing?
…the nightmare she had pleaded the case of no. 
She let out a sigh, tangling her hands in her hair. Barth chuckled as he cleaned a glass, almost reading her mind. “We got a new shipment of gin.”
She peaked through her fingers. “I’m listening.”
Lucas sat next to her, hunching over a little as he pressed his shoulder against hers.
She reached over to pat his knee.
“And the usual for you?” Barth asked, throwing the rag over his shoulder and settling the glass down. 
She smiled a little, banishing all thoughts of Nicolas. Ugh she was never going to get over his name. Saying it, thinking it, it was all the same.
“Oh no. Mo stór will have a glass of water.” Oops she said that a little…loudly.
Lucas groaned, burying his face in his hands, the tips of his ears going red. 
There was a snort and a wheeze and Lucas looked like he wanted to melt further.
Ah. So it seemed Amani arrived.
She slowly gathered her wits up, mulling over what the fuck to say to her as Barth slid her a gin. And a water. 
“Thanks my love,” she said to him with a smile that was more of a grimace. Yeah. She was fucked. Nothing was quite like the wrath of Amani. She just hoped a peace offering would at least help a little. 
“Water huh?” Amani asked, walking over and throwing an arm around his shoulders, rubbing her knuckles into his hair. “Surprised you even knew it existed!”
Maeve hid her smile in her glass. Okay. Less fucked. “He lost a wager. No alcohol for a week.”
Amani perked up, plopping herself in Maeve’s lap. She let out a startled choke, giggling. 
“Ooh is that gin? Don’t mind if I do.” Amani plucked the glass from her hands, taking a swing. “Mm! That new, Barth?”
He nodded, chuckling to himself. 
Oh they were causing a scene.
Maeve smiled, resting one hand on Amani’s hip and the other on her knee. 
She liked it.
“Mmm this is really good!” Amani said, lighting up. She offered the glass to Lucas, her smile growing mischievous. “You should try it- oh wait!”
He pouted and Maeve pursed her lips to keep from laughing harder. 
“So. What’s this wager that my loving dumbass lost?”
“Amani,” he whined.
“Well,” Maeve said, smiling and letting out a breath. “He took me out on a date.”
“Oh fuck! Really?!” 
“Why are you surprised,” Lucas asked, pressing his cheek against the counter, sulking at the water.
“Well didn’t she fuckin dump ya? And your ass was pissed!”
“Mmm. Yeah. And you still owe me a lot of repairs.”
“Psh repairs reshamers.”
“…my broken stools would like to say otherwise.”
“Eh, what's a little property damage between friends!”
She liked that Amani considered them friends in that one sentence. But yeah she didn’t deserve it.
“I um…don’t think I’m worthy of being called a friend,” she murmured, her arms going slack. She fucked up pretty badly. Maybe not for the long term.
But she did hurt him.
Amani looked over her shoulder with a withering glare. “You’d better shut your bitchass mouth before I do.”
“Amani please don’t kiss my partner.”
“Hey wasn’t talkin bout kissin but she does have a nice mouth when she doesn’t run it on bullshit.”
Lucas’ lips quirked up in a tiny smile.
She wilted.
Oh no they were ganging up on her.
“It is a nice mouth.”
“And here I thought we were teasing you,” she replied, her tone miffed. She took her glass back from Amani and looked away from them as she bitterly took a swing. 
He chuckled, and she knew he saw the tips of her ears burning red.
“But eh, fuck it. Ya seem to draw this ass outta his shell a little more and make him happy and all that. Just don’t dump him without a good reason and we’re good.”
“But I-”
Amani pressed a finger to her lips with a grin. “Please, inviting me out here was a peace offering. I can see right through ya.”
“…well, yeah.”
“‘Preciate it. But I’m just glad I talked sense into ya. Also Lucas shared a smidgen of the blame. Sure, dumping him was harsh.” Amani’s eyes shone with understanding, she wasn’t going to mention why Maeve did it.
And she appreciated it, relaxing a little. 
“But hey. Guy’s gotta go through the stages of pining and hurt at lighting speed somehow.”
“Now tell me about this date ya went on.”
“He lost a wager we made. And got me bit by an eel.”
His head shot up. “I did not! You fell in all on your own!”
“Yeah! After you startled me!”
“It was an accident!”
Amani snorted. “Isn’t this the second person you’ve gotten bit?”
“I know right! The eels must flock to him thinking he’ll lay out their next meal!”
Lucas turned away from them, messing with his glass as they giggled.
“So. Wager?”
“We did a bit of sparring.”
“…always a good choice on a first date.”
“He called me shortie, and if he wouldn’t defend my honour I had to.”
“I said it because it’s true,” he mumbled.
“Well compared to you I might be, but I still kicked your ass so don’t you forget it.”
“You won’t let me.”
“Oh right, no alcoholic drinks for a week. What’s my poor darling supposed to do? Drink literally anything else? The horror.”
“So you banned him from drinking?”
“Oh great,” Lucas moaned.
Amani chuckled, throwing her head back and nearly making them topple off of the stool they shared. “Oh you are evil! I like it!”
She took a swing of her gin, finishing it off as Amani ordered her own drink. 
“He made his bed now he must lie in it.”
“You sparred for this?”
Amani squinted, looking at her. She tilted her head, the gold paint around her eyes shimmering a little. Maeve looked over at Lucas for help, and he was, of course, none. 
“You...sparred with him?”
“Is it that hard to believe?”
“And won?”
She smiled a little, giggling. “What, like it’s hard?”
Lucas looked over at them and smiled at her. “It was awesome.”
“What’d she do?”
“She kicked my nose.”
“And your ass. Literally.”
He snorted, taking her hand off Amani’s knee and holding it gently. “Flipping me over your shoulder is nothing to sniff at.”
“Holy shit she flipped ya? That is fuckin awesome!” Amani said, looking back at Maeve. “You’ve gotta show me how to do that.”
“...good point.”
“Destroy my bar and that’s even more on your tab,” Barth added, making Amani laugh.
“You know I wouldn’t.” He raised an eyebrow and she wilted a little. “...wouldn’t much.”
Maeve snorted, squeezing Lucas’ hand. “I’ll teach you later,” she told the woman who was still on her lap. Barth slid an amber liquid over to them and another gin. 
“Then what did you do?”
“Well everyone has pressure points tucked in our biceps. Press them hard enough and your arms will go numb. Hurts like a bitch but it’s good at taking down someone who is…” she smiled a little, looking at Lucas. “Bigger.”
Amani snorted. “With you two? That’s an understatement.”
Maeve giggled and Lucas blushed a little. “He wounded my pride so I had to stand up for myself.” She tweaked his nose. “And got his ass banned from alcohol. Tired of water?”
His eyes turned pleading. Reminded her of a puppy. “Yeah.”
She leaned over and kissed the tip of his nose. “They might have cider. I could order you some.”
His face fell and he made a face at her. “I’m not a kid. I can order my own cider.”
She sipped on her gin, hiding her smile in her glass. “Ah, of course. I hear the cider is very good though.”
“Better than water.”
She gasped in mock offense, holding a hand to her chest. “Slander water and I will throw you over the counter.”
He snorted, fighting back his smile. “Yes because you would risk that.”
She fluttered her lashes. “I can claim I was just simply...drunk and you said a comment that landed poorly. I must defend my honour after all, and I have quite the reputation.” Two gins in? Hardly enough to get her buzzed. 
She was quite proud of her alcohol tolerance. She could best even the largest of people in a game. It made betting fun. 
“Reputation? For what?”
She winked, letting out a tiny hum. “While I might be a lady I can cause a nuisance if I so pleased.”
“Oh? And how do you do that?” Amani chimed in, tease alight in her tone. 
“I’m not known as ‘Songbird’ for nothing, my sweet lady.”
Lucas snorted. “Lady.” Amani glared at him and stuck out her tongue. Maeve giggled, pressing her lips together to stifle the sound. 
“She does put on a good show if it pleases her,” Barth said with a smile. “She’s almost as bad as Julian.”
Maeve blew a raspberry. “Oh please I only sing.”
“Either way it draws people in,” he said with a shrug. “Plus you look like you have fun.”
Her cheeks reddened. She did have fun when she sang on top of the tables. It was energetic and she liked being the life of the party for once. 
But she hadn’t done anything...like that in front of Lucas. He might not like her doing it, or he’d see her much differently after the fact. She might’ve been vulgar and open (most of the time) but this was almost embarrassing. 
Nicolas didn’t like it because she made a fool of him when she did it. 
She bit her lip. Damn why did she keep thinking of him? He wasn’t here anymore. If she could go back to ignoring all that happened she could get on with her life. 
She nervously looked over at Lucas. He looked interested. 
“Do you play any instruments?” Amani asked. 
“I um...no.” She wouldn’t meet Amani’s eyes. “I...don’t have any to play if I wanted to.” She did have a fiddle of her own. Well, she used to have a fiddle. It had been a gift from her Seanathair, but she…
Her face fell. 
She left it with Nicolas. 
“And no one would want to hear me play! Besides, I don’t have a fiddle to play!”
“You can borrow mine, hermosa dama!” Eli offered from where he sat, waving his bow around.
Amani cocked an eyebrow with a smirk.
She wilted. 
“It’s just one little song, wouldn’t it be fun?” Amani said sweetly, batting her eyes. “Playing music again after so long!”
“...you’re good at this.”
“I’m an expert guilt tripper, that's true.”
“But I don’t think…” she looked at Lucas again and bit her lower lip. He wasn’t Nicolas but he might not like it either. She didn’t know, and after her major fuck up? One she still agreed with but regretted? Yeah. She didn’t want to risk it. Him liking her was already a miracle in itself. She was a disaster in heels. “No one wants to see me play. I sing, I dance, and I arm wrestle over confident people.”
“That I’d like to see. But.” Amani hopped out of her lap, dragging her to her feet. “I wanna see Miss-Prissy-Lady-Pants get rowdy.”
Nerves fluttered in her gut as Amani tugged her over to Eli. Lucas had sat up, intrigued. 
Amani caught her gaze and laughed softly, handing her the borrowed fiddle. “He loves this stuff, don’t worry. He may have the musical talent of a rock, but he likes music. Besides, he likes you.”
She held the fiddle gently, staring at the polished wood. “But I’m out of practice!”
“Let’s see what you remember!”
She sighed, holding it up to her neck and testing a note with the bow. It was tuned and the note came out clean. 
She really wasn’t getting out of this. 
“Besides,” Amani whispered. “Who doesn’t like to get rowdy once in a while?” She shoved Maeve forward, making her stumble over herself. Her heels clicked on the floor and the Raven quieted. 
She shot a glare at Amani, who had settled back onto the stool with her rum in hand.
Lucas mouthed ‘you got this’ with a dorky smile and she sighed again. 
Ugh peer pressure. 
She stood on a chair and stepped onto the table Eli sat at. He was grinning wildly. Breathing in once, she closed her eyes. She knew this tune. It had been burned into her memory from playing it so many times. 
It was different each time. 
Allowing herself to smile, she tapped her foot and played the first note.
The jig was quick, picking up from the first little note as she skipped around the table. Around the glasses and people laughing at her antics. Normally she would sing, picking up her skirts and allowing her voice to raise to the roof and lifting her higher. 
Now she was playing a familiar tune on an unfamiliar instrument. 
Her heels clicked as she spun, giggling a little to herself as she opened her eyes. 
People clapped, keeping the beat and keeping her on track. As she turned, she met Lucas’ eyes. 
He was grinning at her, clapping and cheering a little. His cheeks were rosy and he looked so...perfectly happy. 
She winked at him, bending down as the tune’s pace quickened. She flubbed a few notes, ignoring them. No one seemed to notice. 
No one knew the jig like she did. 
She grinned up at the ceiling, feeling lighter than air as she played the last note. It rang through the Raven for a heartbeat before Eli started wildly (and frankly, drunkenly) laughing. 
She laughed with him, bending over herself and shaking as she laughed. She was shaking and nervous. Sweaty but laughing so hard she was snorting. 
Lucas got to his feet, moving closer to her while holding out his hand, getting to her feet and tucking the fiddle under her arm, she kissed him softly. He was grinning like a loon as he helped her hop down from the table. She landed with a click, handing the fiddle back to Eli. 
Walking back to Amani, her legs shook. She collapsed on Lucas’ stool, him muttering about how he had to move down one. 
She buried her face in her arms, trying to stifle her nervous laughter. Lucas set a hand on her lower back, gently patting her back. 
“See! That wasn’t so bad!”
“I h-h-hate you,” she stuttered through her giggles. “N-N-Never gonna d-do that a-again.”
She could see Lucas’ brows creasing in worry. She never really stuttered. Last time she stuttered it was after…
She stopped giggling. That dream. 
She looked at Amani. “Happy now?”
Amani only smiled back. “Well, kind of. Now that I know you can play~”
“Yeah. Play with what?”
Her smile grew wicked. “I know a couple places to get something for you.”
“Let me guess...you’re going to steal it? Oh! Borrow without returning?”
Amani gasped, holding the back of her hand to her forehead. “You wound me! I would never steal anything! Stealing is a crime and I am a simple law abiding citizen!”
Lucas snorted, shoulders shaking as he laughed. “Name one law.”
“...don’t kill people?”
Maeve snorted. “You set the bar a bit low there, darling.”
“...that I did.”
“Ooh I see we’re at pet names now,” Amani teased. 
“We’ve always been at pet names,” she replied. 
“The question is if they’re nice or not,” Lucas said, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer. The stool rocked and she let out a tiny squeak. He ruffled her hair, kissing the top of her head. 
“T-They’re always nice!” she said, trying to push his face away. He only nuzzled her fingers, making her chide him softly. “You’ve just never gotten your head outta your ass long enough to understand that. They could be sickening sweet for all you know.” And they were. It’s why she liked them.
“Ugh you two are sickening sweet,” Amani groaned, making a face. 
“You know Firefly, I think Amani is jealous,” Lucas said, Maeve squishing his cheeks to make his lips pucker a little. 
She giggled. “Oh? A nickname for me? You really think of me as a bug?”
He glared at her, it was hard to take him seriously when he looked like a fish. She kissed him lightly, still smiling. “It’s because you glow,” he whined. “And even if you were a bug you’d be a cute bug.”
She snorted. “Wow you really know how to woo a girl.”
“Well you’re lucky he’s going with ‘firefly’ instead of ‘hairy spider’,” Amani said, making Lucas snort. 
She giggled, smoothing out the creases around his eyes. 
“Would you rather I call you my lightning bug?”
“Annnd you’re back to being disgustingly sweet.”
They ignored Amani’s whining with soft laughter. 
“Well, it’s not so bad,” she finally admitted. “It’ll grow on me.”
“At least you know what it means.”
She giggled, smiling a little smugly. “If you learn my language you’d understand it!” she sang
“Or you could just tell me,” he sang back. 
Err well, tried to.
She burst out laughing, letting go of his face and wrapping her arms around his neck as she laughed. “You’re terrible.”
He kissed her cheek. “I could say the same about you, Songbird.”
“You’re never going to let me live that down.”
“You were lovely when you played. Why don’t you do it more often?”
“I can’t afford to. I’d play all the instruments I grew up with if I could…afford to have them.” Nicolas probably destroyed her fiddle anyways. 
She missed playing. 
“I did offer to steal some!”
She turned to look at Amani. “Ah! So you admit to it!”
Amani stuck her tongue out and they giggled.
Her lips twisted and she smiled. “Let me think about it.”
Amani winked. “Take all the time you need, it’ll be fun!”
Lucas sighed, resting his chin on Maeve’s shoulder. “Just don’t get caught.”
“Me? Get caught? That hurts even more than you thinking I was a criminal!”
Maeve stage whispered to her. “If it makes you feel any better I’m a wanted criminal.”
Amani gasped. “Miss Prissy Pants? No way!”
She giggled, pressing her hands to her mouth as she nodded. Maybe Malory having the guards chase her every time she went to the market was good for one or two things. 
“Ya gotta tell me this story.”
“Well part of it has something to do with Lucas thinking I hated him with a nickname for a specific story.”
His eyes lit up. “You were a spitfire!”
“And I’ll be one again if you push me,” she said with a smile, but her tone was dead serious. “You haven’t pissed me off just yet.”
She kissed his temple, smiling and launching into her story.
The Raven slowly quieted as the candles burned low, Amani yawning through her tale about stealing from some demon. Again. 
While it was entertaining, Amani was dead on her feet. And quite frankly, maybe even a little drunk. 
“You should get her home,” she said softly, leaning against Lucas’ shoulder. 
“She lives in the Flooded District.”
“Mmm that is a bit far. Can you take her to your home?”
“Yeah. She’s going to have quite the headache when she wakes up.”
Maeve chuckled. “Nothing a good cup of coffee won’t fix. Want me to help carry her?”
“You also have to get home. You live a ways away from me. In the opposite direction.”
She hummed. That was true. “We’ll just walk until we need to split up then?”
“Yeah. I can’t visit you tomorrow since I have to pick up another shift.”
She smiled, getting to her feet. “I don’t mind a day without you. Make it up to me later?”
He chuckled, kissing her forehead and getting to his feet. “Or I could visit you,” she said with a smile. “Won’t make lunch but I might bring a present.”
He smiled, gently waking Amani and lifting her up on his back. She grumbled incoherently and fell back asleep. 
“You don’t have to.”
“Ah! But I must.”
He sighed but his smile didn’t falter. It fell into a comfortable silence as they walked down the street. It was dark and kind of gloomy, but she had a happy buzz making her body warm.
They soon came to where they needed to part ways. She jumped a little to kiss his cheek.
“Goodnight,” she whispered, tapping his nose once before moving to walk away.
“Thumbelina, wait.”
She turned and was quickly swept into a kiss. He couldn’t do much with Amani on his back, and she let out a tiny ‘mmph!’. It was a different kind of kiss. Sweetness replaced with desperation. It was needy and all encompassing, leaving her skin burning hot. 
He wouldn’t meet her eyes when he pulled away, cheeks red with embarrassment. 
She stood shocked for a moment, touching her lower lip. She started to giggle, biting her lower lip. His eyes quickly snapped up to meet hers as she laughed. 
“S-Sorry it’s just.” She pursed her lips with a smile, standing on her tiptoes and tangling her hands in his hair. “I um. Didn’t expect that.” She kissed the tip of his nose. “You kiss goodbye like it’s going to be your last.”
His ears were red as she rubbed her nose against his, still giggling. “Goodnight Giant. Get home safe.”
“Y-You too.”
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creators-novel · 3 years
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Later that day, Saturn and Koto watch Red and Straus have a sparring match. The two munches on snacks that Straus and Koto… “borrowed” while watching Straus and Red trade blows.
“What are they fighting about, miss?”, inquires Saturn, who hadn’t seen the start of this training session.
“Oh-!”, Koto swallows before continuing, “They’re just fighting for fun. I don’t consider myself much of a fighter, so I’m just watching.”
“Hmm…very nice…”
Koto appears nervous, “mmm- you seem- … more timid compared to your wife.”
Saturn sighs, “Don’t worry, I am no longer bound to her.”
“Oh-! …Oh…Ok…!”
           Meanwhile, on a familiar beach, a man with pale green hair wakes up, covered in sand. “HUH-!?...Whu-?...Where- am I? …Who am I…? Oooowww-!”, Then man covers his head, “…my ears are ringing…and I feel like I got punched…hard…”
           The man gets up and tries to remember where he is. He thinks back, and a blurry memory resurfaces of himself charging at two individuals he’d never seen before. He then hears someone say “NO”, before everything turns white. As the man walks through the area, people maintain their distance. As if they’re afraid of him.
“Queen Jupiter’s merc? Here?”
“Oh gods, what did we do?”
           The man looks away from the crowd, “(What’s everyone’s deal with me? They’re looking at me like I’m going to kill someone…”) He takes his leave and decides to scope out the nearby Spaces. When he eventually comes across a bright indigo Space with two Worlds orbiting it, he feels compelled to enter. As he approaches, he sees more memories of the two individuals from before, a boy in a black coat and a girl with a pink scarf; perhaps they’ll know what happened to his memory?
           He enters the Space and comes across the people from his faded memories having a chat, with some others he didn’t recognize. The boy with the black coat turns to look at him, “Oh? Who’s ther-…”
Everyone goes silent.
           The girl with the pink scarf hides behind the boy as he transforms; his hair becoming pure indigo as nine fox tails form from his back. He rears his head back as he begins to charge a laser from his mouth.
The man steps back as he sees a memory of this attack appear, “W-Wait! WAWAWAWAIT-! Hold on! I don’t know what’s happening!”
The girl peeks out and looks confused, while the boy continues to charge up, “Don’t play me like a fiddle, MURDERER!!”, he shouts.
“Murder-? Wh-? WAIT NO! HOLD ON, PLEASE!”
A girl with fiery hair steps up, “Wait…Straus stop.” A very tall man stoops down and puts a hand on the boy’s shoulder, “Hold on there a second, boy.” The boy stops charging, “But- he-.” The tall man speaks, “Look at him…he’s confused and quivering…” The fiery girl smirks, “I think I hit him too hard. Man, I’m good!”
           The girl with the pink scarf comes out of hiding, “What do you know about us?”, she asks. The green man responds, “…Nothing. Just that I was involved with this place and you people. And by the looks of it, I did something to make that nine-tailed person upset…” “Yeah, there’s plenty reason for that.”, he says, standing defensively in front of the pink-scarfed girl. She asks another question:
“…Does the name ‘Jupiter’ ring any bells?”
“I recall people calling me her ‘merc’ on my way here… Why are they scared of me?”
The tall man presses his fingers against his temples, “Oh boy…The people are more scared of her than I thought…meaning the situation’s only gotten worse.”, he faces the green man, “Listen, son. I am, or- was, King Saturn. My ex-wife Jupiter made you using our daughter Gaia’s DNA to be her mercenary in order to enforce her ideals of… ‘Purity’. But Red over her stopped you just in time from killing these two, Straus and Koto… and it seems you suffered amnesia because of it.”
“I try??”, Red says with a glint of pride and a smidge of flattery.
The green man is taken aback, upon hearing this explanation his memories begin to fall back into place. Synthis looks back up at Saturn, “I…I see…It’s a bit fuzzy, but I see it… Jupiter made me do horrible things and I never questioned any of it…”
“Being under her control isn’t fun…”, Koto chimes in.
Synthis looks at himself, “She made me using Gaia’s bio make-up…I’m…just a copy…”
Koto, though still slightly afraid, offers encouragement, “…It’s not too late to change that, Synthis.”
Synthis think about his time with Jupiter, and doing so disgusts him. “I will not stand for this…!”. In a swift motion, Synthis alters his appearance, giving himself a cyan color scheme and shattering the gem on his collar, the symbol of loyalty to Jupiter. “Hence this day forth, I shall side with you, King Saturn.”
Saturn chuckles, “Now, now. There’s no need to call me as such. Please, call me Saturn.”
“As you wish, Saturn. I shall also assist you all in- …Uhm- …whatever it is you all do.”
“Well, technically Ms. Pandora and I have formed a certain something in secret. But I wanted to beat her in ‘spilling the beans’, as they say.”
“Hey-!” Pandora shouts, “Oh- fine. Spill away.”
“We’re calling it a Resistance, to Jupiter’s rule that is. I’m afraid that her obsession with power and Purity has gone to her head.”
Straus coughs, “morelikerottedhermind- “, and coughs again.
“She wasn’t always like this”, Saturn continues, “She was very capable of herself…but also incredibly complicated. My question is, will you join Pandora and me in this Resistance?”
“Join it?”, Straus ponders.
Synthis nearly shudders at the thought, “If we do, we’re risking our lives…”
Koto puts her hand over her heart and salutes, “I’ve died because of her influence once…I’m not going to let it happen to me again. Or anyone else for that matter!”
Red puts her hands on her hips and grins, “I’m no longer afraid of fighting her…and I’m done blaming myself for things that were her doing.”
Straus smiles, “Join it?” He clicks his fingers and summons all of his Incarnates.
“We will join.
And we will win.”
DarkClaw wraps his arm around Straus’ shoulders, “For my bruv right here, I’ll show that oldie why I’m the best in the business.”
“I’ll show her that our faith in Straus won’t falter”, Azura promises.
Nathaniel cracks his knuckles, “She’ll know why I’m the King.”
“I’ll show her no mercy”, Amadi grimly assures.
Ex hops on his toes and punches the air, “She’ll never know what hit her!”
Ajax bows, “Straus already has my allegiance, for he is my friend.”
Saturn laughs heartily, “Well then! I see you’re keen on it, Straus. I knew you had the spirit for it!” Straus turns and faces the others with a confident smile.
Today is the day the Resistance begins.
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lovelyparkers · 4 years
training to the max
i meant to post this last night but totally forgot lol
summary: you and peter are training partners on a particularly hot day, making peter very flustered. romanoff!reader, requested <3
warnings: fluff and spice, flustered peter, fighting but like play fighting kinda, 1.6k words
"parker! let's go!" natasha yelled at the boy laying on his stomach watching tv.
"it's training time!"
"not to be...rude but, i'd rather not train with you?" he said getting up, but it came out more so a question. there was no denying the fact that natasha made peter visibly scared sometimes. she was strong, stronger than him even, and she beat him up a lot.
she scoffed, "i'm letting you train with y/n today."
peter jumped out of his bed, scurrying to the door where she stood. but nat started off towards the gym, peter stuttering behind her. "wait w-what? y/n? as in your sister? i—"
"yes my sister...who else?" she spat, walking quicker.
"i don't know if that's such a...good idea either." nat turned quickly to the boy at his words, giving him a questioning stare causing peter to abruptly stop.
"why wouldn't that be such a good idea?"
"because! well, i don't know...i'm, awkward around her," he answered.
nat just rolled her eyes, "you teenagers really stress me out. you're training together, let's go, there's nothing to worry about. she likes you plenty much."
"wait what?"
"let's go!" nat continued speeding off to the gym where you already were waiting. your hands were wrapped in white tape, your hair was a mess, and your face was slightly red. the heat was practically unbearable, even in an air conditioned gym.
"where is her?" you asked.
"he's coming. just went to go change, get up."
you got up, stretching, preparing to spar with peter, something you hadn't done before with the boy. he was shy and awkward but it made him adorably cute. he stuttered and blushed when he talked to you, and you were flattered. you liked him to say the least, but that didn't mean you wouldn't beat him up during training.
you were wearing comfortable training clothes which consisted of a sports bra and tight athletic shorts, both in black. it was your color, as was your sister's, and you took after her.
"y/n, don't go crazy alright. i know you want to but he was on edge about sparring with you."
you nodded your head, slightly smirking at the fact that he was on edge. then peter walked in, wearing a tight grey t-shirt and black shorts. he waved at you lowly, taking in your state, standing in the doorway. nat walked over to peter in the doorway, "go on, she won't bite." she nudged peter toward you, causing him to almost trip over his own feet. and as she walked out the door to leave you two to it, she yelled,
"play nice y/n!"
there was an awkward silence, your hands were sat on your hips as you stared at peter, waiting for him. he just shifted his weight from foot to foot, staring at the tiled floor.
"so, wanna get to it?" you asked.
"oh...yeah," peter answered. he set down his water bottle and watched you crawl into the square sparring ring before following after you. you stood there, resting your arms on the stretchy bands of the border of the mat. peter stood in the middle, cracking his knuckles against the silence of the room. you rolled your eyes and walked up to him, making him take a step back.
he shook his head 'yes' and you stood in your fighter pose and gave him but a second to get ready before throwing your first punch. he blocked it, senses helping him out of course. he stood, ready to fight as well, but nervous to hit you. he knew you could take him down easily. he has seen you in battle and even sparring with your own sister. it was intense. you were intense.
you hit him next with a roundhouse kick, which he dodged then went right at him with a left jab and right hook which he ducked. then you surprised him with a powerful sidekick and a grunt which he almost took but spun out of the way at the last second. you took a second to compose yourself, waiting for peter to make a move but he didn't. watching you fight, especially with him, was on a whole other level. it was intense and it got him feeling a certain way, seeing you focused and muscles straining and in that outfit.
you quickly threw a double jab and right uppercut which peter again ducked and dodged. you became frustrated and brought your dominant fist back and slammed it forward at him. and to your surprise he caught your wrist and gripped it tight, unable to pull from him. you threw your other fist at him and he caught that too, throwing you off guard and sweeping your legs out from under you and letting you fall to the mat. peter took a break, running a hand through his sweaty hair which gave you enough time to sweep out his legs, grab his wrists and pin him down on the mat. you ankles were pressed into his shins, also keeping him down and he grunted at you.
"hey! nat said—"
"i don't care what nat said," you whispered, getting down closer to his face, "you're making this difficult."
"y/n," he breathed out heavily, "it's just sparring."
you knew that, but you had frustrations, ones that you wanted to let out on him. you sighed, watching peter panting underneath of you. you loosened your grip, allowing him to get up and keep fighting. you decided to attempt one move that your sister taught you: a slide in between the enemy's legs then grabbing them and pulling them down with you. every time you tried it, you failed, as it was on your sister who knew how to stop you. but peter didn't know. so you quickly slid under him and pulled him down successfully, knocking his back onto the mat with a loud thud. peter groaned but got right back up and started throwing punches and kicks at you which you also happened to all dodge. you let him go at you, figuring you would tire him out eventually to take him down again.
he threw one last punch at you, which you caught in your own hand and tilted your head at him, "nice one."
peter pouted and panted a quick "time out." you both hopped out of the ring, all sweaty and tired from fighting and the high temperature. peter trudged over to his water bottle, taking a long sip while staring at you. you were watching him. his grey t-shirt was littered with sweat stains and water droplets that fell down his chin. it was sticking to him uncomfortably, so what better way to fix that than just pulling his shit right off? nothing. so he did exactly that, pulling it over his head almost dramatically, knowing you were definitely watching. he balled up the damp shirt and tossed it on the bench, now staring back at you. you just smiled innocently at the boy who was glistening with sweat and curls that stuck to his forehead.
you pushed your loose hairs out of your face and unscrewed the lid to your water bottle. you took a sip then slowly held the bottle above your head and tipped it so some spilled on your face. you screwed your bottle back up and shook your head to get the excess water off, all while making eyes contact with peter who was leaning against the wall now. his entire face was flushed red and you couldn't tell if it was from the heat, fighting, being flustered from you, or all three. it was mostly from you.
"ready to go again?"
peter nodded and let out a breathless, "uh huh."
the two of you jumped back in the ring and lazily sparred for another ten minute set before peter wanted another break. the vast amount of skin on skin contact between the two of you was apparently too much to handle. "aren't you like superhuman? why do you need all these breaks?"
"because," he said, turning away from you and sipping his water.
"because why?"
"because of you!"
you laughed, acting like you didn't know what you were doing to him, "what?"
"shut up."
"don't tell me to shut up," you snapped, walking towards the boy. you placed a hand on his shoulder, gripping tightly and spinning him to face you. "what's got you so bothered?"
his face was mere inches from yours now, you could feel his hot breath in your face, chest heaving from the heat. "you do. you're-you're like, testing me, i don't know! waiting until i snap or something. like you come in here looking like this," he gestured to your outfit, "and then you're all, sensually pouring water on your face! what are you doing?"
you laughed again, "peter this is perfect normal sparring-wear." you placed your hands on his shoulders and stared right at him, "what's the problem with that? can't handle yourself?"
his jaw tensed as he stared back, then looked down at how close your bodies were. you followed his eyesight, grinning. "maybe i can't handle myself," he finally agreed.
"yeah, looks like you need a cold shower. i can join you if you want."
"knock it off," he said, picking up his things, cheeks even redder. you giggled and started to walk out the door of the gym, turning to look at him hopelessly staring you down.
"later parker. still up for that offer."
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zenyattayatta · 7 years
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@nutmeg030 asked:  Hey so I had a fic idea that's a pre fall gabe x chubby reader. It was just an idea but I was wondering if the fic could just be short one where the reader is training and the other recruits start making fun of her with out knowing one gabe has a crush on her and two he's right behind them the rest I didn't think of but it's just an idea
You adjust at the waistband of your workout leggings before moving to the ends of your Blackwatch hoodie. Your sneakers squeak lightly as you shuffle outside the door to your commanders office. Though, you’d much rather have him seeing you nicely dressed. It was more convenient to stop by his office before heading to the training hall.
You fuss over the stray hairs on your head before deeming you presentable enough to be in front of your boss. Your knuckles tap at the door lightly, a small ‘come in’ heard from inside.
“Commander Reyes, you wanted to speak to me?” You announce walking through the door of his office. The Commander sits behind his desk, smiling expectantly when his eyes land on you. They trail momentarily at the curves of your body before back your lovely face.
You don’t notice his ogling as McCree sits at one of the chairs before him, leaned back and arms crossed. You maintain eye contact with him as he gives you curt ‘howdy’ followed by your name. Bowing your head forwardly, you do the same.
Reyes calls you, pulling your attention back to the matter at hand. He clears his throat. “I just wanted to congratulate you on the success of your mission. It’s very rare we have little to no difficulties when obtaining information.”
You’re a bit surprised at the praise before beaming at him. “Oh, it wasn’t that hard, Commander.” You assure him, waving your hand dismissively. “Though, I’m not one to turn down praise. By all means, keep that coming.”
Reyes roars in laughter. “Aren’t you a humble one?”
“Learned from the best.” You shrug, a smile playing the ends of your lips. “Is there anything else you have for me, commander?” McCree snorts a bit at the implication that it could be taken as. However, the two of you ignore it.
“No, that was all but you’re more than welcomed to stay.” He offers you the empty chair next to McCree. As tempting as it is, you decline.
“I was hoping to train today.” You rock on your heels a bit sheepishly. “Maybe another time, Commander.”
He seems a bit crestfallen but nods. “Don’t let me keep you then.” His half smile breaks your heart but you salute him, taking your exit shortly after.
“Ya know, I’m pretty sure you ain’t suppose’ to have favorites around here.” McCree smirks, watching the door close before turning back at Reyes smugly.
“You jealous you ain’t the favorite anymore, McCree?” Reyes switches back to view at the notes of his holoscreen. Paying no attention to the younger man.
The cowboy laughs, “Yeah no.” He takes his hat off to run a hand through his hair. “Quite frankly, I think yer crush is cute and all, Commander. Can definitely see why you like ‘em,” Gabriel pauses to look at the underling dubiously. “but yer just beating around the bush at this point.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, son.” Gabe retorts.
“Sure alright, Boss” McCree sits up, cracking the kink of his back from leaning backwards. “Just don’t think I’m the only one whose noticed the special treatment you give ‘em.” Reyes watches as McCree stands, rolling his neck before walking towards the door. “They’ll probably at the training hall for a while. Go surprise ‘em, talk to ‘em, do somethin’. Getting tired of you dancing circles around ‘em.”
Gabriel is stumped. McCree takes his silence as his answer and decides to leave his boss to his thinking.
Gabriel puckers his lips in a frown. He hates it when McCree is right.
The hall is filled with its usual inhabitants when you arrive. There is a number of empty machines and weights that have yet to be in use. You place your bag near the treadmill before stepping on it. Finding your balance you set the interval at a decent pace before working your way up. It’s rather quiet for the first few intervals, the music of the gym blasting over the sounds of machines in use.
You grow accustomed to it before you hear chatter behind you, light giggles and chuckles, not too far off. Perceptive as you are, you can see the culprits as a small group of 3, two women and one man, eyeing you before continuing their chatter. You roll your eyes, adding more speed to the treadmill.
If they want to get a rise out of you, they need to try harder. You drown out the noise, deciding to concentrate on the task at hand. However, the hushed laughter and whispers become more prominent the more you try to ignore it. Your ears are trained, something you learned for gathering intelligence, and you can begin to make out more and more of what they say the more you concentrate.
“They’re the one the Commander likes?” One asks but is hushed by their peers.
“They probably kiss his ass like no tomorrow to get all that attention.” Another remarks.
There’s a fit of laughter before another comments. “Oh please, have you seen them? Commander Reyes could do so much better.”
You’re not one to give in to such comments. Quite frankly, in another situation you’d laugh at them. Though, you would be lying if you said you didn’t like your commander more than a coworker. You felt self-conscious when it came to such feelings, shrinking into your hoodie as your steps slowed. Though, that was your business and not anyone else’s to make remarks about.
You turned off the machine, just about ready to give them a piece of your mind until you heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. Turning you could see the faces of the recruits pale as their commanding officer stands behind them. Arms crossed, shoulders squared and visibly pissed.
“How disappointing.” He states, staring daggers at the three. “As adults and graduating recruits of Blackwatch, I would have hoped these petty rumors and useless gossip was past you but it seems not.” He looks over to you as they straighten out in front of  their Commander. “My business is my business and I don’t appreciate it being discussed in such a manner.” He states, “I’m sure you’re fellow agent would say the same as well.”
“Sorry, sir!” The three yell in unison. You step down from the treadmill, leaning on one of the handles with amusement. “It won’t happen again!”
He taps his foot impatiently. “Damn right it won’t. 100 laps around the gym. Now.” It almost makes you laugh at how they stumble over each other nervous at the anger of their boss.
He saunters over to you, becoming visibly relaxed as he nears.
“Nice tongue lashing.” You hop off the machine, steadying yourself on your feet. “Was less of the hell I was going to give them.”
Reyes frowns, eyes watching as the said recruits ran their laps. “No one talks shit about my favorite agent and gets away with it.” He turns his attention to you, catching your eyes. His lips pull into a soft smile as he winks. “And you don’t tell anyone I have favorites, alright?”
A blush covers your face as you nod.
He smirks, teeth and all. “And don’t believe anything they said, alright? You’re very beautiful, I’m sure anyone would be lucky to have you.” He looks back to the offending agents, affirming they are still doing their punishment. “Even me.”  You feel your heart race, being left speechless. “I should leave you to continue training.” He uncrosses his arms, dismissing himself.
“W-wait! Um, Reyes?” He turns at your call with an eyebrow raised. A small questioning hum as you giggle at the silliness. “I’m sure you’re busy and all but I would really appreciate a sparring partner?”
He bites his lip, mulling over the idea.
There’s a meeting he reluctantly needs to attend but he considers the chance of having your body pressed against his. The thought of sitting for hours discussing over the same mission details or the possibility of being held captive in a head lock. The lush of your thighs wrapped his waist, he smirks, or better yet his neck.
There’s no doubt of his answer.  
Gabriel nods, decision made as he motions his head over to the training ring set up for sparring. You smile, hopping into the ring one step at time. Gabriel following shortly after. He stands on one end, waiting for you to do the same before he takes a defensive position.
“Don’t go easy on me.” He offers a sly smile, a chill running up your spine and through your shoulders.
You refuse to let him distract you. “Oh, I didn’t plan to.”
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