#playing RPGs as Lucien once again
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fierling · 1 month ago
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Got the whole team together! I’ve been a bit slow with the new Dragon Age, but this week I got hooked and I’ve been playing it every day.
And most importantly my Lucien Rook is very cute. I like his personality. 🥹
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hlfmoonshine · 1 year ago
hey, sometimes i get remarkably sad when i think about the pairings that once were. the partners that were the best part of my day. the worlds i'd built with someone else. there's a reason this blog is themed after taylor swift's song 'clean'. there's a reason why 'when the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst' is featured on my about me page. i am haunted by the writing, the muses, the partners that i've lost along the way, to life, to the breakdown of friendships, to protect myself.
so raise a glass to lincoln and taylor. to banoi island. to margotofrph. to alex and honey. to frank and tyler. to my baby girl natalee. to the writer's garden. to maeve and alec. to magdelena and kit. to you, you know who you are. to juno and noah and salem and sawyer and caine and hanna and thea and silas. to the endless town rpgs. to 2011-2014. to dollwrites. to eleanor gallagher and the glass cage. to all the plot bunnies i've tried to make again but no one ever loved quite like you did. to theo and thadd and dia and nate and noah and pennyshore and ivy and noah and nash and lucien and nash and hana. to graceland. my beautiful graceland. to anakin and graceland. richard and graceland. to emmalee and hazel. to lucy and winnie. to andrew and lila. to eleanor and desmond. to sera and luis. to decker and millie. to asher and nellie. to that one harvest moon rpg in 2009, my first rpg where i totally got kicked out for never having played the game the characters i'd picked to write were from and thus didn't canon shit. to the couple who faked being together to go to a wedding. to standing on their doorstep in the pouring rain because even though they are terrible for each other, they cannot stay away. to finding out your girlfriend had your kid and you missed the first four years of their life. to meet cutes in the park where a kid throws something at you. to atlas and poppy. to evan and greer. to nighthawke and dragon. to caleb and winter. to cj and greer. to alex and greer.
there's a graveyard of ships in my heart. and i know none of these people will ever see this post. i want to send it out into the world though. even if no one reads it, no one visits a grave of ships anyway. i love you. i hold you in my heart. you still matter to me and i cried like a baby while writing this. i miss you. more than you'll ever understand.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years ago
fable 2 xbox 360
fable 2 xbox 360
Fable 2 cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Fable 2 cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Fable 2.
Genre: Role-Playing, First-Person Action RPG
Developer: Microsoft
Publisher: Microsoft
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: October 21, 2008
Best Sword In The Game!
You can only look for this sword if you have beaten the game. OK this is what you do:
1. Go to Brightwood Tower.
2. Go to the top of the tower where the teleporter is.
3. There should be a ledge where you can vault off of.
4. Jump into the hole and go through the area.
5. When you get to the top, there will be a door.
6. When your outside, go to the right and there will be a chest. Inside will be your super mega awesome sword!
Really Easy Experience
When you first enter bowerstone market you can go down the alley that theresa makes you go down. when your on the side of the bookshop you will notice an alleyway. If you go down that alleyway you will find a house called “monster manor”. that house gives you “troll face” and “bodybuilder”. If you buy that house (somewhere around 10000 gold) and sleep in it, you will get 1 star on physic. That star will never go away until you sleep again. Sell that star and it will still be there! Keep selling it until you have 1 million general experience. (1 million experience will come around in seconds. then buy every single power up for strength, skill, and will. This will make the game a lot easier.
Another Reason For Hating Reaver
When you’re facing Lucien at the Spire for the end of the game, if you listen to him for a while, Reaver will hold up his pistol and kill Lucien himself and will say: “I thought he would never shut up. Oh, I’m sorry, did you want to kill him? “
Fable 2 Silver Key Locations!
1. A key can be found on the small island which has the entrance to Bower Lake Tomb on it – You’ll get this as you follow the story at the beginning.
2. Gypsy camp – enter the camp and head to the right side of the camp – there is an opening in the fence which leads up a dirt track. If you follow this path you’ll see a ruined tower. The key is on top of the tower. (note the fence opening won’t be available from the start of game).
3. By the second largest lake (the one on the right side of the map) if you walk to the end of the platform that goes into the water and the turn around to face the way you entered. Walk alongside the rocks on your left and behind the first tree is a key.
4. Inside the Tomb of Heroes (Rescuing Charley mission unlocks this area) – you’ll enter an area with a pool of water in the center of the floor. Simply walk through the area into the arched doorway follow the path until you meet Charley. Simply look behind the pillars on the right.
1. As you enter Bower Lake Tomb you’ll jump down into water. Enter the next room (you drop down) and you’ll be attacked by beetles. Walk through the cavern until you reach the doorway. Before going through the door, on the left side of you behind a rock is the key.
1. In the cellar of the Furniture shop (first shop on the right as you enter from Bowerstone Lake – shoot the glowing orb to unlock the door.
2. As you first enter Bowerstone from the Lake entrance, there is a gate doorway on your immediate left – however you need to enter a dive entrance to access it. As you enter Bowerstone from the Lake entrance, you cross a river. Simply climb into the river and swim to the corners near a dock platform (it’ll be on your left or right depending on which side you entered the water). There is a dive point directly under the platform’s steps that takes you to the key – thanks to Airdweia for heads up.
3. There is a small alley by the side of the inn at the main square. Enter the alleyway and your dog will find a dig spot at the end with a key inside. You need the dog and perhaps maxed out with the treasure skill. Buy books from the shops to increase this skill.
1. The Invisible hand house there is a key up stairs on the outside. The house is near the exit to Rookridge to the North of map.
2. In the cellar next to the house called the Helping Hand. This is next to the Gift and Food stalls and is located following the path straight ahead as you enter from Bowerstone Market.
3. In the Old Town Warehouse behind some crates under the stairs. The warehouse is located up the 2nd set of steps next to a crane. It’s near the Rookridge entrance at north of map.
1. In Bowerstone cemetery as you progress through the mission you’ll come to an area which has a broken down shed, a stove and a man tied up. It’s the top left area of the map. The key is in the broken shed.
2. The next key is in the 2nd to last turning at the bottom of the Bowerstone cemetery map.
3. Go to the top of the Cemetery mansion and the key is here.
4. Shelly Crypt – You’ll need to have purchased the Cemetery Mansion and then enter the crypt. Go down the spiral stairs and drop down. You’ll enter a room with coffins, if you walk up the slopes by the coffins you’ll see a crack in the wall. Smash this open to find the key.
1. Archon’s Knot – to get here you need to climb up Brightwood tower to the 1st floor with the teleporter. From this level if you walk to the sides near the teleportal, the camera view will auto change and show a hole you can vault into. This leads into Archon’s Knot. Once inside you’ll go past a spiky floor puzzle and then onto a second puzzle with a statue. You need to evil laugh at the statue then go up stairs and the key is on the left side of the spiky floor.
2. On the road to Westcliff heading west just before the sharp slope/turn in path there is a turning on the left with a key. This requires the locked gate from Brightwood Tower to be opened. If not opened yet, then simply head to the bandit camp which is the South part of the map between the broken bridge and the lake with the tower. Follow the path to the locked gate and the key is on the right in a small turning.
3. A collapsed bridge (SW of map) , the key is on one side (on Westcliff road. It’s SW of the map).
4. In between two horse statues at the NE path of the map. If you’re coming from Bower Lake it’s the first left turn near the signpost.
5. Inside the Giles farm cellar there is a portcullis that needs a key. You need to buy the property to get the key from the upstairs drawer. Once inside there is an area with statues, pillars and a key.
1. On the south part of the map there is a ruined camp – inside the wooden hut is a key
2. Inside the tomb (Howling Halls – west of map) you’ll come to a spiral staircase. At the top in one of the alcoves is a key
3. On the beach to the right behind some crates.
4. In the same water where you can enter the Old Tin Mines, this is near the archway entrance to Howling Halls – it’s the left part of the middle body of water on the map. Swim along the water and you’ll see a key on a raised grassy section along the rock face.
1. As you enter Oakfield for the first time coming from Rookridge, the second house on the right has a key inside.
2. As you return to the Abbot from Oakfield, if you look at your map you’ll see a small lake on the right side of the map. Follow the path here and you’ll see the key next to the path by the lake.
Echo Mine
3. As you enter and follow the path to the open room Follow the path to the right and you’ll see the key on your right
4. Go through Oakfield until you come to the Scuplture’s workshop by the waterside area. The house next door to the scupture’s workshop is called Porridge Cottage. If you go inside and up the stairs you’ll find a key. The house lies at the northern tip of the land next to the sea in the middle of the map.
Wellspring Cave
5. Once you enter the cave with Hannah and go through door one of the three and are required to both stand on the panels as part of the mission (to fill the jug with water). You’ll see a key behind the platform you stand on. Or as you enter the circular room with the chains, take the left hand door and once you reach the room with the statue, it’s behind the raised platform and steps.
6. After the scene at the planted tree and the end of the mission with Hammer, follow the path and by some bails of hay there is a key. It’s the west side of the map next to the sea. The bails are near Luminous Cottage.
1. Traveling along Bowerstone Road South part of map, you’ll be attacked by bandits. Just past this area and following the road, you’ll see a wooden walkway with a statue at the end. There is a key at the base of the statue.
2. You’ll be tasked with taking out the bandits in Rookridge. From the exit from the Rookridge Inn, follow the path to reach the old station. The path goes past a wooden shack next to a rail track. If you follow the track to the end (to the right) next to the shack you’ll find a key.
3. Hobbe Cave – Inside the cave in a narrow area there is a dig spot next to the path/entrance with a key inside (the dig spot looks like a black mark on the ground). It is just after (or before) depending on which way you’re coming from; the large open room with stone walkways, fire torches and a misty bottom. This room is just as you enter from Rookridge (down the ladder) or the last room if you entered from the Gemstone Grotto side. – You will need to make sure your dog skill is at least level 3 otherwise the dig spot won’t appear. Buy or find books to increase dog rating.
4. You’ll exit the Hobbe Cave and come to an area which is other side of the broken bridge you dived off earlier. You’ll see a yellow and brown house with a path that leads around it. Follow the path and there is a key behind it.
5. Gemstone Grotto (Far NW of map – go through Hobbe Cave and swim across lake – or just after you have dived off the broken bridge swim to the far left and follow path) – Once inside: Follow the pathway and you’ll come to a single chest before you drop down. In the room Just before the chest there is a path to the left with a visible key in front of a statue.
6. Inside the Temple of Shadows – Follow the Left pathway (inside the room with the dial) to the main chamber (a room with a misty floor) there is a key behind the chair and desk.
1. In tunnel under the main manor – you can get here by going under the stairs.
2. Lady Grey’s Tomb – after dropping down and making your way into the main chamber, upon exiting this area you’ll enter some tunnels and then a set of stairs, the key is on your right. This is just before the huge set of stairs you climb.
1. Inside the abandoned farm building on the top floor. Just after crossing the lake. Its the first building on left as you approach the second lake with the well in the middle.
2. As you make your way through an area with buildings you can’t enter, there is a pool of fog before you with several statues and coffins around it. On your left is a key.
3. After the water area where you defeated the 2nd banshee you’ll enter another flooded area with a green hut. There is a path next to this hut that leads to a key its the right path if you’re facing the huts steps.
4. Inside Twinblades tomb once you navigate the puzzles to reach the coffin room there is a key inside this room on the right of the coffin.
5. Inside twinblades tomb there is another key in the coffin.
6. As you exit TwinBlades tomb (after destroying wall in coffin room) there is a key directly ahead
7. There is a 7th key in the Shadowcourt making the total 51 keys. During the fight in Wraithmarsh, when you have to meet with the Shadow Court, in the room were you have to fight various Shadows (Hobbes, Bandits, ect. ) there is a fake or cracked wall on the back left side when you enter the room on the way to the shadow court. (thanks to FBI Casualty).
1. As you enter Bloodstone from Wraithmarsh, you’ll see a crypt on your right with a statue – perform the blow kiss move and a crypt door on the right further up opens for you. Inside is a key.
2. As you enter the SInk hole there is a key in front of the drop down point. You wont be able to reach it until you finish the related quest and raise the water level. Once you return to Salty Jack go back inside the Sink Hole to now reach the key.
3. The SInkHole – after you take the ship to find the 10 bits of treasure you’ll drop into a water area around a large tree. To exit this area you need to climb up the grassy areas near the waterfalls. As you ascend and before you enter the stone archway there is a silver key on a lower ledge, you need to drop down to reach it.
4. Inside the cellar next to the Furniture shop – kick of hit the orb to open the cross door. The shop lies at the east part of the map.
5. Go to the waterfront and follow the docks all the way to the end where there is a crane (far west of map). Jump in the water below the crane to find a dive spot. The key is in the dive spot.
1. There’s not much deviation here so about halfway down the path on the left. It’s before the path turns back on itself on the map.
Easy Money
Have a rental of at least 19,000 Go to the crucible and have your ranged and melee weapons equipped with the lucky charm and the golden touch augments if you only use those weapons and do the infinite money glitch after every round then you will have about 15,000,000 gold by the time you finish 100% worth your time.
Temple Of Shadows: Maelstrom
When you first enter the temple of shadows one of the members will tell you to sacrifice tons of Villagers you have to earn 2000 loyalty points to actually get the chance to earn the great evil Maelstrom. To get this Evil weapon get 2000 loyalty points and finally at midnight sacrifice one of your spouses and three temple of light monks, and finally the Maelstrom is yours. The maelstrom does more damage to Guards and civilians than any thing else. So enjoy your evil and probably the executioner achievement.
Gargoyle Guide To Get All Of Them
There are 50 Gargoyles around Albion and are stone carvings attached to houses and buildings. You need to use a fine aim and shoot them to destroy them. The first one gives you a map. The gargoyles are the Scottish sounding guys you hear, if you hear one slagging you off, there’s one nearby. You return to Gargoyles Trove in Bowerstone (in the water under bridge) to. unlock the treasure for each 10.
Treasure for each 10 the doors here unlock.
10 GG gets you Dog Tricks Growl book 20GG gets you Potion of Life 30GG gets you an Emeraldx3 40GG gets you 10, 000 gold 50GG gets you the ultimate treasure.
-Upon entering from the lake entrance, before crossing the main bridge into town, go down to the waters edge. Go down the slope and under the bridge. On your right above two arches is a GG. Upon entering from the lake entrance, before crossing the main bridge into town, go up to the ramparts and follow the path to the end. The GG is at the end on top of one of the spires. To reach the spires the entrance is to the left and slightly behind the statue of the person riding a pig.
-Before crossing the main bridge from the bower lake there is a carraige area. The Gargolyle is in the carriage parkOn the top floor of the furniture shop. Next to the door.
-behind the scuptor’s house.
-Opposite the Sandgoose Inn there is a small footbridge over the stream. The gargolye is on the side of the bridge, you can aim and shoot from the path.
-You need to swim across a pool of water to reach the Oakfield Cemetery (area of water on right side of map). As soon as you exit the water look up to your left on a ruined pillar/arches and there’s the blighter.
-As you enter from the cemetery side, you’ll see steps leading up and an arch on the left, There’s a water tower above. The GG sits on the water tower.
-Inside the house called The Felling Residence on the staircase. The house is located just on the right before you get to the large tree dead end. SW of map.
-Facing the statue that is bent over, follow the path up the steps and the veer to the left as you reach the top. You’ll see an area with some tombs. If you look on the right of the largest tomb you’ll see the GG on the roof.
-At the top of the cemetery is a large crypt if you stand on the steps and face away from the door way, you’ll see a building on your left. The GG is on the roof here.
-Following the path upwards from the bend over statue (facing it) you’ll reach steps going up. keep going up the second flight of steps and immediately look sharp right, on the roof of the large tomb is a GG. Smoke his sorry ass.
-In the cemetery mansion area to the NW of the map there is a locked gate that requires buying the mansion to acquire. Well you can ignore that for now and simply hug the tree and bookcase on the very right of the gate. If you fine aim and look up to the tower on your left between the trees, you’ll see the Gargoyle.
-Shelly Crypt – gain access here you need to purchase the Cemetery Mansion. This gives you the key to the locked gates outside the mansion. Once inside you’ll follow a single path as the quest plays out. Once you enter a room where you shoot the orb switch to light the invisible walkways. before you exit this room at the doorway turn right and you’ll see the Gargoyle on the rocks. he is quite hard to hear.
If you go to the edge of the largest lake , You’ll see some arches in ruins. Its directly opposite the door of the hut that is in the center of the lake. Inside the arches on your left up high is the Gargoyle.
-Inside the OLD TOMB (center of the lake) Work your way until you reach an area with water and ruins. Follow the path upwards and you’ll enter above the water and next to some stalagtites. Drop down once on your right and the look upwards from where you jumped from to see the GG.
-On the east side of the map there is an exit point and slighty NW of there is a a ruined archway. If you look up the GG is on the right up high.
-On the same archway in the south east part of the map there is a ruined archway, with a GG above the arch.
-Coming from the gypsy camp if you follow the path you’ll come to a bridge which crosses the river. On your left there is a waterfall. If you follow the small grassy area before the bridge that gets you closer to the waterfall just on the rocks above the fall is the GG he’s on the right side. He will be quite far from here so you’ll need to aim carefully.
Rescuing Charley Mission opens Tomb of Heroes
-Inside the Tomb of Heroes – you’ll enter an area with a pool of water in the center of the floor. Simply walk through the area into the arched doorway at the end and turn around to look up at the opposite side of the door.
-In the SE area of the map there is a large lake with a ruined tower in the centre. Go behind the tower and the GG is there.
-Archon’s Knot – to get here you need to climb up to the teleporter on Brightwood tower and jump off into a circular hole. This leads into Archon’s Knot. As soon as you drop down into the water there is a GG behind you
-On route to westcliff you’ll see three ruined arches that you can walk through and a small pond next to them. The GG is above the arches This is before the SW exit.
-Inside the Forsaken Fortress. As you enter the castle grounds there are two staircases on each side of you as you enter the outdoor area, take the right hand stairs to the top. The GG is at the end at your height on a ruined pillar. It’s opposite one of the circular indentations on the path’s wall.
-The last is in Brightwood tower once you instigate the quest by buying it for around 240, 000. The Gargoyle is at the top , in the room with a bed just outside one of the windows, shoot them out and you’ll find it. (thanks to i_706_i )
-From the docks as you make your way up the cliff you can see the GG on the cliff face.
-Howling halls – As you make your way down, you’ll come to to a room with a spiky floor, immediately on your left as you enter is the GG on the wall behind a pillar. Although if you come from another direction it’ll be on your right.
-Outside the entrance to Howling Halls where there is a large archway. Go to the Halls doorway but do not enter. Turn around and look up at the arch on the left and the GG is there.
-The SE part of the map (south of the river) there is a ruined tower which you can climb. On one of the edges you can dive and the other vault. Use the vault option to drop down onto a raised section with a chest and gargoyle.
-At the very south pathway on the map you’ll see some stones and a stone archway before a wooden shack. With the shack in front of you turn left and you’ll see a stone archway in the trees and a treasure chest. The GG is on the stone archway as you turn around from the chest.
-Above the main building doorways up high. You’ll need to stand back a bit to see.
-Lady Grey’s Tomb – you’ll have to start the quest that allows you to enter here Love Hurts. Once entered follow the path until you need to vault. Before jumping the GG is directly ahead of you.
– There is another in the FairFax mansion but you have to beat the story before you can buy the mansion for 1, 000, 000. Once you buy it, head inside to the library, The Gargoyle is on the wall above the entrance you walked in. (thanks to i_706_i )
– inside the small house at the start as you enter here for the first time.
-After crossing the lake there is a house with a shed in front of it. The shed has a wheel on it. Around the side of the shed is the GG.
-After crossing the old Oakvale bridge, follow the path ntil you reach some old ruins. On your right there is a path which leads to a chest go to chest turn around and you’ll see the GG on the ruined arch.
-As you make your way through an area with buildings you can’t enter, there is a pool of fog before you with several statues and coffins around it. Progress ffrom here and you’ll reach some ruined tombs, the GG is on the last tomb on your left. This is just before going under a large arch.
-Inside twinblades tomb once you navigate the puzzles to reach the coffin room at the top there is a gg inside this room above door.
Once you have taken the seal to the doorway you’ll enter the SHADOW COURT tomb and follow a set path until you descend the two stairs. You’ll see a corridor with spikes coming from the floor. Run past these and do a u-turn to look behind you. The GG is above the doorway where you entered the spiked floor room.
-Head to the boathouse where a boat is being built, before going in through the door, look between the boathouse and the house on the left, the GG is rested on the side.
-At the waterfront where the large ship is moored, swim into the water and head to the only sandy area against the rocks (it’s just big enough to stand on. Opposite, facing out to sea you’ll see a GG on the rocks.
-Head along the waterfront until you come to lots of huts and a large crane. The GG is on the crane.
-The SInkHole – after you take the ship to find the 10 bits of treasure you’ll drop into a water area around a large tree. To exit this area you need to climb up the grassy areas near the waterfalls. The second waterfall has a GG on the left of it.
-Go upstairs of the Rookridge Inn and follow the rail tracks and work your way to the second set of tracks by following the path – work your way to the end and on a top of the pulley tower on your right is a GG,
-Inside the Hobbe Cave as you enter a cavern with wooden beams and chains the GG is on the wall on your left.
-At the entrance/exit by the sea there is a GG on the cliff face viewable from the beach.
– At the entrance to the Temple of Shadows (NW of map), before going down the spiral stairs, walk to the large windows where there are two statues and lots of arches. Facing the windows, turn right and you’ll see the Gargoyle perched up on the wall beyond the arches.
-Inside the Temple of Shadows – Follow the Left pathway (inside the room with the dial) to the main chamber (a room with a misty floor) and there is a Gargoyle above the doorway opposite the chair and desk.
-In the main ruins of the bandit camp at the west of map there is a gg on the ruins up high.
-Before you reach the ruins you can drop down on the path to the left where there are two flags and a small wooden platform, follow a narrow path to a doorway, enter this door to find a chest and GG on the left in a hole in the wall.
How To Get Alot Of Money
First thing you do is go to Old Bowerstone and purchase the weapon stall. Then buy everything from it that you can afford. You will get a discount because you are the stall owner. Once you hae enough weapons, go to Fairfax Gardens. Sell all of the weapons you bought at Old Bowerstone. You will get alot of money because the traders buy your weapons for alot more than you bought them for. NOTE: You don’t have to sell the weapons to the trader that has the words “weapons trader” over it. Any trader related to weapons like a pistol trader will buy your weapons. Also, sometimes there are no weapon traders in Fairfax Gardens. If this happens sleep in a house for 24 hours. The traders should be back after you sleep.
Infinite Experience
1)The first thing to do is get enough points to level up your Character
2) level the character up
3) use a second controller to start a co-op game without signing into any profile
4) using the second controller press start and go to the player abilities
5) discard all of the abilities and use
The second controller to quit the game.
They should ask you do you want to give the hero your points select yes and keep repeating the process until character is maxed.
Easy Good Morality Points
To get from completely evil to completely good all you have to do is find a beggar, and give him a gift. The gift has to be money. The more the better. If you want to be good fast give him 1 million or more. If you give him 1 million gold, you’ll get 1000 good points.
Legendary Rifle
The legendary rifle is located in the area Terry Cotter’s cave, which is behind the demon door in wraithmarsh. The demon door requires you to bring him a large audience. You need to have received the Celebrity achievement in order to have enough people follow you. While it might seem like the best way to do that is to transit to the drowned farm in wraithmarsh, the best way to get them there alive is to transit to the brightwood tower in brightwood, then use the cullis gate.
Easy Evil Fufilment
First make sure you have a few k ($1000) and at least a level 4 or 5 fire spell.Go to anytown and start by locking onto a villager and just keep doing all ur positive gestures eventually you will have a big crowd gathered than wen you think you have enough just take off safety mode and use the level 4 or 5 fire spell with them all around you it will quickly launch your evil with 30 evil points for each kill, you will either have to pay off the debts of all the slain villagers or do a small bounty hunter mission if you do not have the money.
Banshee Slaughter
To easily beat a banshee get close and charge up a level 4 spell to take out the minions then charge really quick to a level 4 spell target her then flourish or shoot her quick enough to beat her one one turn.
Master the Longsword
Even thought it is not the best sword it is one of the best and is not to hard to get. You can’t buy it but you get it from a demon door. First you will need to buy a lute from a merchant. Then go to the demon door near the town that has the hero of skill and then play the lute next to the demon door and it will open. Then go inside and follow the path until you see the cottage then go inside and go upstairs and open the chest and now you have the Master Longsword!
Unlimited Experience
First, go to the town square in the Bowerstone Market then facing the bar take a left then another left into the first alley. You’ll see the deed to a house called the Monster Manor on the door where you buy the house. You’ll only need about 12, 000 gold to buy the house so start saving your money. Once you buy it sleep in the bed upstairs you’ll then get an upgrade to your physique thats permanent. Once you get the upgrade just keep selling it to get experience. But the physique will never go away.
Location Of The Perferator
Location of the Perferator
This legendary turret gun is located in the demon door in Wriathmarsh.
Just bring about ten people with you and transport them to the drown farm, kill the Banshie and run to the door.
He will say a speech, the door will open and there will be a house.
Up the stairs is terracotta room and his final journal entry. The weapon itself is through the back door of the house and through a gate.
The gun is all the way in the back of the army in a chest.
Villagers will be afraid of it, even when it’s not out.
The Hammerthst
To get the hammerthst you must marry someone in front of the demon door in oakville. Inside is a free house. The legendary hammer is in the windmill.
The Diachi
To get the Diachi, you must complete the journey to bloodstone. Once you do that return to brightwood tower. Go up to the teleportation pad. Once that done, look around the ledges. You will see a broken ledge. Go over to that ledge and stand on the edge of that broken ledge. Your view will change to above you, and to a large hole right in front of you. Jump down that hole, and you will be in a place called “archons knot”. Complete its very simple challenges, and you will see a chest that has a cursed warrior augument. Follow the way to out side, and there will be a stone ledge. On that ledge is an old chest that has the most powerful katana in albion. Its special auguments include killwatt, bewitching, and barkskin auguments.
The Rising Sun
As soon as you get the donating to the light mission go to the temple and donate 5000 gold duh. Finally in between noon and 1 pm give them 10,000 gold for the rising sun which does extra damage to evil enemies.
Get Easy Money
*Note you cannot be connected to Xbox Live for this glitch to work*First Buy a few properties, Then save your game and go to dashboard. Once at dashboard go to Settings and advance time one year (If you up the prices while in game and go back you will be corrupt if you lower them you will be Pure)After that load up the game and wait about 10-15 seconds. You should see numbers in triple Digits at the least show up over your head. (note: The more property you have when you perform this glitch the more money you will get) And Viola! This glitch can be performed whenever you are low on money.
Get The Expressions
To get some expressions go to Bowerstone Squareand next to the house in the middle of the right side when you come through the bridge, there is a potion and book store. Go to the book store and buy books and after your done you go to your menuand go to the book section and press A on the one you bought for expressions and for your dog too.
Skip The Perfect World
When you do the perfect world mission, you don’thave to kill any beetles or kick any chicks, orshoot any bottles. Instead, just fall back tosleep then you can leave.
Easy Complete Corruption
First, go buy a few stalls somewhere (they can be as cheap/expensive as you want) and then put the prices at 100%. Then go to the dashboard and change the date forward as far as it’ll go. Then go back into the game and you should have complete or around complete corruption (this may or may not work for purity, if you want to try it just put the prices down as far as they’ll go and do the time-change).
The Broken Spire
At the Spire I suggest that you listen to the Commandant otherwise you loose experience or even stuff that you have learned like toughness.
Once you can do the Rescuing Charlie quest I suggest you do it. In the cave after you speak to charlie there will seem to be no end to the undead zombies, but you still can kill them all. If you kill them all you get a lot of experience!
At the end of the game when you are given a choiceof what you want your wish to be if you picktreasure you will have to travel to guild cavewhere you will receive 1m or 1,000,000 coins.Yesthe castle in fairfax is worth 1m or 1,000,000 aswell. I chose to buy the castle but you can alsobuy a ton of other stuff with it as well.
(If) When you buy the castle with your winning there will be a part where u have to kill banditsand hobbes in a secret passageway. At the end ofthe cave there will be a potion you can choose todrink it or leave. NOTE= If you leave withoutdrinking it you can not get it back and you willnot be able to change. Also If you choose to drinkit you will not be able to change back so choosewisely. The potion turns your gender from male tofemale or female to male. After you finish that sofar there is no more secret passageways.
Infinite Experience Points
Warning: Having all of your skills up will cause the NPC�s in the game to be extremely difficult.You will need two controllers for co-op story mode. When you have player one and player two on the same screen push start on the second player�s controller. Next go to abilities and select Strength, Skill, or Willpower, which ever one that has been leveled up. What ever one is leveled up return it so you get experience. Then make player two quit and you get his experience.Ex. Player one buys level one physique for 600 experience points, then uses the second controller to bring player two into the game. Next uses player two�s controller to go into the abilities to return experience points from level one physique and receives 300 back. When player two quits, player one receives his experience points. Repeating this will give you 300 experience points every time unless player one buys more so player two can return more.
Quick Large Real Estate Payments
After buying and renting out property save the game then go to the Xbox dashboard and change the date to about 2 months ahead and you should get 100 times as much gold, this will also work if you set the date back. This will not cause any harm to your game except your family will dislike you because they are set to real time as well.
Don’t Give Him/Her Choclate
If you give your kid chocolate your wife/husbandwill leave you.
Money Cheat
Earning money has never been easier:
1. Play the game until you can buy a couple shops. The more the merrier.
2. Save and quit. Then go to the dashboard go to settings and change the date you should be abae to go to 2025 at the most if you have xbox live you’ll have to take your cable out for it to work as xbox live will set the right time and date for your box.
Go back in the game and get your money!
Buy everything you want, more shops, bigger houses and repeat process
note: if you put the date to say 1/1/2005 then go on to the game and save then go back to the dashboard and put the date to 31/12/2025 you’ll get a lot more money that’s the date my xbox will go to after your happy with the money you’ve got you can put your xbox live lead back in. Have fun and I hope it works as good for you as it did for me.
Unlock the Enforcer
First do the mission before the hero of will two stop the bandits from killing an old man named Gile. Return the bandit for good points or kill him for evil either way this results in the same manor. After returning from the hero of will mission go to Gile’s farm, Complete the blind date mission so you can buy his farm ( this is suggested so it gets you closer to the “Ruler of Albion” achievement) and the top there is a cupboard holding a key, or you could steal the key Go to inside the farm in the back right corner is a Cellar door enter the door open the gate and find your way to final room their are hollow men in-between were you start and the enforcer your dog should find the dig spot and finally you have the best ranged weapon in the game. P. S . There is a silver key in the room behind the dig spot just turn around.
The Menace To Society Achievement
To get this achievement strip your character of their clothing and use the vulgar thrust expression (If you do not have vulgar thrust it is in the bowerstone market bookstore and is titled “The Perv’s Handbook”) and they will most likely cal the guards on you, so get ready to pay a fine, but still worth the achievement.
Unlock the Chopper
To get the Chopper you must finish the mission “The Cruicible”.
Unlock the Red Dragon
Get the red dragon by getting a high score at the West cliff Shooting Range (Must get 175pts) The Red Dragon is a Clockwork pistol used in dueling.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Fable 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Stuck In Perfect World Glitch
Kicking one of the chickens into the hay at the corner of the bar will cause it to be stuck in a fall. It will never come down and you will be stuck in the perfect world until you turn off your 360.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Fable 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
DLC Achievements
The Nutcracker (10) Score 25 groin shots, or see another Hero do so.The Paramour (10) Make love 25 times, or see another Hero do so.The Concierge (30) Open all the Demon Doors in Albion, or see another Hero do so.The Visionary (50) Take a look into the future, or see another Hero do so.The Con Artist (25) Find all 10 of Murgo's statuettes, or see another Hero do so.The Howler (10) Scare five people while dressed as a balverine, or see anotherHero do so.The Ghastly Jester (10) Make five people laugh while dressed as a hobbe, or seeanother Hero do so.The Repugnant (10) Disgust five people while dressed as a hollow man, or seeanother Hero do so.The Gladiator (30) Score a total high score of 20,000 points or more in theColosseum, or see another Hero do so.The Multiplicator (20) Achieve a multiplier of 10 or more in the Colosseum, orsee another Hero do so.The Combatant (20) Defeat the necromancer in the Colosseum, or see another Herodo so.The Fowl Player (10) Dress as a chicken and kick five chickens during theColosseum battles, or see another Hero do so.The Colourist (15) Collect the dyes hidden in Murgo's magical items, or seeanother Hero do so.
New Achievements
The Collector 25G Acquire all the mystery items in The Box of Secrets shop, orsee another Hero do so.
The Meteorologist 50G Bring all of Knothole Island’s weather problems undercontrol, or help another Hero to do so.
The Bibliophile 25G Find all the books detailing the history of Knothole Island,or help another Hero to do so.
Unlockable Achievements
The Archaeologist (5)Dig up something the dog has discovered, or see another Hero do so.
The Archmage (10)A Hero must kill five human enemies with one spell.
The Artisan (10)Succeed at one job to Level 5, or see another Hero do so.
The Bigamist (10)Get married a second time, whilst already married, or attend the second wedding of another Hero.
The Black Knight (10)Shoot the weapons from a hollow man’s hands, blow off his head and then kill him for good!
The Celebrity (50)Reach 50, 000 renown, or see another Hero do so.
The Chicken Kicker (5)Kick a chicken a good distance, or see one getting kicked.
The Cliff Diver (5)Cliff dive 500 feet, or see another Hero do so.
The Companions (10)Perform a perfect co-op expression.
The Completionist (50)Get all expressions, pet tricks and abilities, or see another Hero do so.
The Dog Trainer (5)Teach your dog a trick, or see another Hero’s dog learn one.
The Dollcatcher (10)Collect all the Hero dolls, or see another Hero collect them.
The Double Threat (10)Get a co-op combat bonus.
The Duellist (10)String together a full-speed chain attack, or see another Hero do so.
The Egomaniac (25)A Hero must choose ‘The Needs of the One’.
The Executioner (10)Sacrifice ten people in the Temple of Shadows, or see another Hero do so.
The Extremist (15)Reach 100% purity or corruption, or see another Hero do so.
The Family (25)A Hero must choose ‘The Needs of The Few’.
The Gambler (10)A Hero must win 500 gold at a pub game in one sitting, having tried each game type at least once.
The Gargoyle (25)Find the gargoyles’ legendary treasure.
The Goth (5)A Hero must dye their hair black, and wear a black outfit and black makeup.
The Hero of Many Names (5)Change your Hero’s title, or see another Hero change theirs.
The Hero of Skill (100)Complete The Hero of Skill.
The Hero of Strength (100)Complete The Hero of Strength.
The Hero of Will (100)Complete The Hero of Will.
The Hoarder (25)Collect every silver key, or see another Hero do so.
The Hunter (5)Kill a sweet, innocent, fluffy bunny rabbit (remember, safety’s off! )
The Illustrated Hero (5)Tattoo every part of your Hero’s body, or see another Hero do so.
The Menace To Society (5)Commit an act of public indecency, or see another Hero commit one.
The Muse (5)Inspire the Bard to compose songs celebrating your great deeds.
The New Hero (50)The terror of Bower Lake must be defeated.
The Paragon (15)Reach 100% good or evil, or see another Hero do so.
The Parent (10)Have a child, or be there for the birth of another Hero’s child.
The Party Animal (10)Get five villagers drunk in under three minutes, or see another Hero do so.
The Persuader (5)Convince a villager to give you a present, or see another Hero do so.
The Philanthropist (10)Send a gift to an Xbox LIVE friend, or watch another Hero send one.
The Pied Piper (10)Start a party where at least five villagers are dancing, or see another Hero do so.
The Pooch Pamperer (5)Play fetch with your dog, or see another Hero’s dog play.
The Property Magnate (10)A property must be sold for twice the price it was bought for.
The Rogue (5)Steal something undetected from a building while there are people nearby, or see another Hero do so.
The Romantic (10)Take a villager on a perfect date, or tag along to one. Location and expressions are all-important.
The Ruler of Albion (100)Amass a 2. 5 million gold real estate empire, or be there when another Hero does.
The Sacrifice (25)A Hero must choose ‘The Needs of the Many’.
The Sharpshooter (10)Hit three enemies with one shot, or see another Hero do so.
The Show-off (5)Impress a villager with a perfect expression, or see another Hero do so.
The Spouse (10)Marry a villager, or attend the wedding of another Hero.
The Swinger (5)Take part in a debauched bedroom party with several participants.
The Teaser (5)Make bandits respond to expressions with fear, anger, mirth, and confusion. During combat!
The Whippersnapper (25)A child Hero must collect five gold pieces.
The Workhorse (10)A Hero must achieve a high-enough chain while performing a job.
The Bibliophile 25GFind all the books detailing the history of Knothole Island, or help another Hero to do so.
The Collector 25GAcquire all the mystery items in The Box of Secrets shop, or see another Hero do so.
The Meteorologist 50GBring all of Knothole Island’s weather problems under control, or help another Hero to do so.
The Colourist (15)Collect the dyes hidden in Murgo’s magical items, or see another Hero do so.
The Combatant (20)Defeat the necromancer in the Colosseum, or see another Hero do so.
The Con Artist (25)Find all 10 of Murgo’s statuettes, or see another Hero do so.
The Concierge (30)Open all the Demon Doors in Albion, or see another Hero do so.
The Fowl Player (10)Dress as a chicken and kick five chickens during the Colosseum battles, or see another Hero do so.
The Ghastly Jester (10)Make five people laugh while dressed as a hobbe, or see another Hero do so.
The Gladiator (30)Score a total high score of 20, 000 points or more in the Colosseum, or see another Hero do so.
The Howler (10)Scare five people while dressed as a balverine, or see another Hero do so.
The Multiplicator (20)Achieve a multiplier of 10 or more in the Colosseum, or see another Hero do so.
The Nutcracker (10)Score 25 groin shots, or see another Hero do so.
The Paramour (10)Make love 25 times, or see another Hero do so.
The Repugnant (10)Disgust five people while dressed as a hollow man, or see another Hero do so.
The Visionary (50)Take a look into the future, or see another Hero do so. Easter Eggs
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