teddybeartoji · 1 month
wolf!suguru pretending to bite reader's neck just to feel you tremble and squirm in his arms... pushing at his chest... maybe letting out a quiet little whimper..... all that for him to pull away with a sly grin, his teeth on full display as he coos at you teasingly,, telling you that he would never hurt you.....................
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shy-girl04 · 2 months
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mrsoharaa · 15 days
"Tell you what, pequeño conejito" he leans forward closer to you, both hands holding his burly weight, nestled between the open gap of your legs dangling from the ledge of his monitor station. Hot breaths fanning along your skin, as you make imminent eye contact with the looming, 6'9 man.
"If you can run and hide very well from me in the next five minutes, I'll let you go" he offers with a daunting smile, noting the confusion permeate along your pretty face.
"And If you catch me?" you test wryly, never breaking eye contact with him, noting the meaningless smile on his face twist into a devious grin, lidded irises of dim garnet glancing up and down the tempting treat sitting before him, meeting back up to your curious, oh so oblivious and adorable eyes. He chuckles lowly, deeply, raising his left hand to gently cup your chin and brush his thumb along the supple surface of your pliable skin.
"I guess I will finally know what rabbit will taste like on my tongue"
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cherriep0p · 7 months
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a good girl awaiting her punishment
happy hump day
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spindle-and-nima · 7 months
Both my bunnies know the command "inside!" Where when I say inside they know to toddle back to their pen and retire for the night. However spindle has a track record of making a game of it by obediently running to the pen door, binkying, then bolting the opposite direction until he decides the game is over and he goes inside.
I found out today Nima has also picked up this exhausting game and it's now like herding mischievous goats around my room until they both go the heck to bed 😭
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shyfoxten · 1 year
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ask-mark-stuff · 8 months
If you could be an animal, what animal would each of you choose?
I want to be a bunny! They're so cute!
I agree, Mark! Bunnies are adorable :)
(A few moments later)
It's dinner time!
(Billy hands Mark a plate of a single piece of carrot)
I don't...like carrots. Can we eat something else?
No silly, you wanted to be a bunny. Bunnies love carrots :)
Go on Mark, eat it.
(Mark sadly eats the carrot)
I would choose to be a wolf! They're caring, intelligent, playful and friendly! :)
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kanene-yaaay · 1 month
hello hello! teeheeeee i am humbly requesting a snippet 🌹 im totally not foaming at the mouth you can totally trust me to be normal about this
- @squeaky-n-blushy
May I offer you some giggly smol Lan Juniors in these trying times?
“How can I even distract Xichen-ge?”
Lan Jingyi opened his mouth, but the voice that answered his friend wasn’t his. “I think I might have an idea.”
The kids squealed and jumped in surprise, Xiao A-Yi turned to look at him with wide eyes and A-Yuan pressed his hands on his mouth, as if to take back the loud noise. Before he could get that guilty expression in his face, Lan Xichen scooped him in one of his arms and started his most successful distracting technique. An even louder squeal was pried from his nephew. 
“Gege! Xichen-ge!” A-Yuan squirmed in his hold, kicking and trying to push his hand away as it began to squeeze his side non stop, playful, restless fingers spidering and pinching every inch of ticklish skin the ticklish spot. His high squeaky laughter began traveling across the air and the younger one wiggled and wiggled until he could turn around and shove his face in his shoulder, melting completely on him as his entire body shook with his giggles and crackles.
“Yes?” Lan Xichen nuzzled the top of his head, happily. He would have to move him soon, both to be sure that Xiao A-Yuan was breathing properly and to see that delightful smile in his expression. “No need to get shy, little bunny, I think you’re doing a wonderful job at distracting me. I even forgot what I even came here to do.”
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Muahahaha I chase you >:D
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I RUN !!!!!
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toxicboi-qt · 4 months
Embracing my inner bunny
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In 2024 we are gonna have a rumble at the Awards in the Animation Field,
DreamWorks with Kung Fu Panda 4
Pixar with Inside Out 2
And our surprise entry that hasn't been seen in the animation field in about 20 years
Warner Brothers with The Day the Earth Blew Up, their very first Looney Tunes film to be fully animated.
If Disney's unnamed project is revealed we may for the first time in over a decade may have Disney VS Warner at the awards show
But having all the animated titans possibly clashing ohhhh boy is this going to get interesting fast.
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rosicheeks · 1 year
thinking about kidnapping you and asking what kind of pet you want to be… maybe an adorable kitten 👀💖 or a soft, eager puppygirl… or a sweet breeding bunny 🤭🥰 i’ll lay out a bunch of tail plugs and cute outfits and animal ear headbands, and have you choose~?
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dcwnrisen-aa · 1 year
❛ here, let me help you. ❜ //for Gioia
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On the weeks that she did doubles, Gioia was understably exhausted. So doing simple things like opening jars, or lifting boxes of books, or supplies that she would send back home ? Well, she truly didn't have the strength. And Giovanni had plans so he couldn't make it like he was supposed to. So calling Nezumi seemed like the best option, and she had missed him immensely this week ! Gosh, who knew she'd lament her work when she couldn't see or talk to her friend ?
There's a subtle pout on her lips as he hefts the heavy box and places it in the trunk of her car. He does so with the next two before she finally closes the trunk. ❝ ━ You have t' give me your workout routine. My arms feel like jello when I was carryin' tha'. ❞ She chuckles, leaning against his side as they leaned against her car's trunk. Letting out a sigh through her nostrils, amber eyes settle on the darkening sky, aware of the hunter at her side, ❝ ━ Don' know if ya have a few hours t' spare, can I treat ya t' a late dinner ? My treat, it feels like forever since I saw ya last. ❞ She doesn't have to worry too much about the hypervigilance that had it's claws in her for the last month, no she actually felt safe enough to go out and just have a bit of normalcy. ❝ ━ You can say no, you're a busy guy, and I wouldn' want to take up all your time, ❞ Gioia teases. / @nezumivc103221
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queen--kenobi · 2 years
Listen, I feel like Elayna would win in a fight against Cersei I just know it. Cersei starts trying to run the Lannister playbook, and Elayna just holds up the back half of the book like “Missing a page?” And then fucking demolishes her
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fanfantulip · 2 months
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Hunny bunny 😈🔥🐰
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spindle-and-nima · 9 months
I feel so bad for my sweet lil guy he's not feeling active at all he's so sleepy. He took his meds like a champ despite not liking the flavor. I'm just so surprised I literally clean their enclosure daily and I'm careful about vacuuming and not using scented items near them. I wonder how spindle even got ill
He also gave me the bunny butt after I gave him his meds so I feel so sad he's upset
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He's resting now
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