#playboyy ep14
mygwenchan · 7 months
That's Nuth's movie script...
Because when the last page gets printed... 😭
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Not that scene in the park ;A;
And I even made a post about it back then to say that it gives off "Make our days count" vibes, cause the video clip is the sort of thing you'd watch after a loved one has died. WHY?! I don't want to be right about this ;;
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I hate it here 😭
No wonder they filmed the flower watering scene with that sort of dreamy look and the fog machine... They did that to throw it at us now and really make it hurt! Fuckers...
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Phop, you idiot
Stupid boy, don't do this ;;
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He's doing it.. Ah fuck
And to make it hurt even more, they're now giving us a Nuth hallucination 😭
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Phop bb, please listen to halu!Nuth
Don't go...
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God, I hate that I was right about this...
Nuth's movie script became both a self-fulfilling prophecy and Phop's farewell letter. It was truly meant for Phop...
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And he's gone 😭
Phop, darling, you deserved a better ending. Even though I knew this would happen, you really deserved something else
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And here's the last page of Nuth's script
In the end it really is quite poetic, because Phop did manage to turn Nuth's dream into reality. But at what cost...
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And now I need therapy or a group hug or something ;A;
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scarefox · 7 months
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Isn't that a whole mood for the LGBTq+ community at the moment :/
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singto-prachaya · 7 months
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Playboyy EP14 gifs
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blmpff · 7 months
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When sex brings mysteries needed to be solved, a group of friends go explore the wicked world of young adults, expose shady business and discover their deepest darkest desires through chaotic sex and relationships. 18+
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-> favorite shots per episode:
EP1 - EP2 - EP3 - EP4 - EP5 - EP6 - EP7 - EP8 - EP9 - EP10 EP11 - EP12 - EP13 - EP14
-> favorite scenes per episode:
EP1 - EP2 - EP3 - EP4 - EP5 - EP6 - EP7 - EP8 - EP9 - EP10 EP11 - EP12 - EP13 - EP14
-> extra:
AobPuen appreciation posts Puen appreciation post ep7 title cards
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mygwenchan · 7 months
Well, at least in retrospect Zouey is aware of the fact that he fucked up...
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Sorry Zouey, but are you seriously telling Nant he should continue to make his twin brother (!!!) believe that he is dead? That's a pretty cruel request, if you ask me. And I'm starting to think Zouey isn't such a great friend. He basically fucked Nant over. Damn...
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Why does Nant have to go to the States without telling anyone beforehand? Just tell the twin's dad and Nont the truth and let them handle the whole thing? This is really sus! Normally you'd get Nant out of there quickly and then call his family as soon as possible, right? Also if that were me, I would've asked the twin's dad to send over some guys from the police for protection. But instead Zouey is all "we must keep this a secret"...
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I'm kind of suspicious about this whole thing. Zouey is really rushing Nant and doesn't want him to contact Nont. Also, who decided that Zouey gets to make all the decisions in this situation?
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The clothes switching thing is sus as well. I don't really get the point of it. Just let Nant wear a face mask and you're good to go? Because rather than not wearing his own clothes, showing his face would make it far more likely to get caught.
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Oh boy... Nant, sweet Nant, I have a feeling this one isn't a true friend of yours 😔
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Sorry Zouey, but in what world would that plan have worked out? Either you're really THAT stupid, or you actually hate Nant
Like honestly, what was Zouey's plan exactly?
Make Nant pretend he is dead rather than letting him expose Jason Lee's wrongdoings (thus traumatizing his whole family and friends... nice one, Zouey...)
Betray Nant to Jason Lee and let him get captured by Jason's men (thus endangering Nant's safety and potentially getting him raped as well...)
Not telling anyone that you know very well where Jason is hiding Nant (btw how did Zouey even get that information? The whole nation was looking for Nant, but apparently only Zouey was able to find him in that VIP room? SUS!)
Prevent Nant from contacting his family for whatever reason and make him continue to pretend he is dead (if Zouey actually wanted Nant dead, this would be the perfect way to do it!)
Get Nant out of the VIP room, but let him wait the whole night before someone may or may not give him a car ride to the airport the next morning (why didn't Zouey stay with Nant? Why couldn't they go to the airport right away? Why wait and risk Nant getting caught?)
Regret that sadly Nant didn't make it and someone killed him that night (No shit! What a surprise that this perfect plan didn't work out! 🙄)
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And as the end credits roll, we still don't know how Nant ended up dying from an overdose 😅
One thing is clear though, at least for me: Zouey wanted Nant gone. And I mean gone gone! As in, he wanted Nant dead. There is simply no other explanation for this fuck up. Well, I guess Zouey turned into the villain after all. Don't understand why, but it is what it is...
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mygwenchan · 7 months
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Dinner with friends :3
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mygwenchan · 7 months
Predictions for the last ep before watching it:
Zouey actually isn't the villain, he does have a secret though
Teena will wear clothes for once (what a shame XD)
Jason will be an idiot and he'll die in the most ridiculous way ever. Alternatively, he'll run right into the arms of the waiting police
Tutor will look gorgeous as always and he'll get to write his news article about Jason
Phop and Nuth might die ;; That is if Nuth's movie script is really a prediction of their future (on the last page it said they die). If they have to go, it'll probably be a drug overdose and it'll all be very poetic
Puen turns out to be pretty badass and he'll protect Aob
Jason gets kicked in the balls (deserved)
Last scene will be the baddie bunch being happy and having tea time in the gardens kind of like they did during Zouey's birthday party in the beginning. Nant will be there in spirit :3
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mygwenchan · 7 months
From one boy who's lying on the floor we go to the next, but this one is still alive thankfully
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Someone is having fun with ice cubes, eh? 😏
Hmm, somehow I really think the kink stuff went from First and Porche over to Zouey. Next thing you know, that boy's gonna dress up in full leather while cracking a whip XD
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Make out session went from the gardens (exhibitionist much?) to the art studio
And as you may notice, that mystery painting is still there covered up in the background. Can we get a peak at it now, I wonder?
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Yeah ok, now I actually get why Zouey is so adamant about having that nude portraits exhibition
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And Teena continues to be the best boyfriend ever 🤗
But the question is: If Teena finds out about whatever Zouey is hiding, will he still be all cute and lovey dovey with him?
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Uh oh! Here we go!
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Well fuck... so that painting actually showed Jason. I thought it was Nant!
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mygwenchan · 7 months
They really better give us a second season of Playboyy, because there are so many unanswered questions 😭
Plus, I already miss hanging out in the tag with everyone
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mygwenchan · 7 months
Ok, so after some shower thoughts, I think I figured out why Phop killed Nant?
I'm fairly sure Nuth told Phop that the suicide clip was fake and that Nant was actually hiding from Jason for the time being, meaning that Nant might eventually return. We've also learned that Nant's sexual misadventures, the drug addiction and him being obsessed with Nuth was real and not just a façade Nant put on to investigate Jason (he only started investigating Jason well after making those unfortunate decisions).
So given those things, it's fair to assume that on the night when Zouey released Nant from the Playboyy lounge VIP room, Nant contacted Nuth and asked to meet up with him to say goodbye. But instead of Nuth, Phop was the one who read the message and arranged that meeting with Nont.
In the evening, Phop tells Nuth that he's got to go out for a drug delivery, but that's not the truth of course. He leaves the house to go an find Nont instead, who is already waiting for "Nuth" somewhere nearby. Maybe Phop only wanted to talk to Nant, maybe his intention was to kill him right from the start, who knows. Either way, the moment Phop sees Nant he decides that Nuth's ex needs to go for good. He can't risk Nant will continue to show up for fear that Nuth might get back with him after all.
Phop's emotions take over and he attacks Nant, killing him in the process. Yes, he feels terrible about it, but he still manages to cover his tracks by giving Nant a drug overdose (maybe Nant was still alive at that point?). Then Phop carries Nant's lifeless body to a little forest nearby, unclothes him and leaves the corpse there (in the news report about Nant's death you can actually see the result of being choked to death, but for some reason the police went with drug overdose).
Then Phop continues on like nothing happened, but deep down he feels the guilt of this murder eating at him. Now fast forward to Nuth getting arrested and looking at a 5 year prison sentence and combine that with Phop, who was ready to commit murder just so he could stay together with his boyfriend + the guilt of said murder and... well, that's pretty much the reason why Phop couldn't take it anymore and killed himself ;;
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mygwenchan · 7 months
Post credit scene~
Wholesome Nuth and Phop to make us hurt even more ;;
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Another drug delivery, but since this happened before Nuth went to jail, at least we know that Phop won't get caught (in the end he's still dead though, so that probably doesn't matter anymore ugh)
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Damn that is Nant!
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WHAT? Phop, what are you doing? Why are you attacking Nant?!
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NOOOO Don't choke him OMG
Well damn, so Phop was the one who killed Nant? And I guess he injected him with drugs and placed him in the woods to make it look like Nant died from an overdose
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Why did Phop kill him though? I'm slightly confused...
Let's see about the time line: The post credit scene happens during ep8, so that's right after Nont has barged into Nuth's flat and has threatened to kill Phop, if Nuth won't tell him what happened to Nant. The three of then end up having a more or less normal conversation about Nant and Nuth shows Nont the suicide clip.
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Later on that day, Nuth and Phop are all happy again in the kitchen, doing their laundry. Phop even says that he's not mad about Nant. The post credit scene of ep14 continues these events.
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So now that means on that particular day, Phop must've thought Nant is already dead, right? Since he thought the suicide clip was real. Which then means that Phop mistook Nant for Nont in that dark alley? Did Phop actually intent do kill Nont, maybe to protect Nuth? Or maybe Phop was really angry at Nont for the whole "being held at gunpoint" thing?
Another possibility is that Phop mistook Nant for Zouey. After all, Nant was wearing Zouey's clothes at that time. Then the question is, why would Phop want to kill Zouey?
And in case Phop recognized Nant and was aware of the fact that the suicide clip was fake: Maybe he wanted to kill him because he feared Nant would try to get back with Nuth? Since Phop was already super attached to Nuth, he decided that Nant had to go for good?
Or: Someone hired Phop to commit this murder? As we know now, Phop has large amounts of debts. So maybe someone forced him to pick up this kind of work. Wouldn't be too weird, since Aob pretty much did the same dirty work in the past. But who hired Phop? Jason? Zouey?
Either way, the guilt about this accidental (?) murder must've contributed to Phop's own suicide. Ah damn...
We still don't know more about the clip Phop gave to Nont though. Phop said it's the real reason why Nant died. So... What's the reason?!
I need the second season ASAP ;A;
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mygwenchan · 7 months
Nont and Phop meet up and I think it's nice that Nont apologizes to him. But sadly an apology won't get Nuth out of jail... Maybe Nont's dad can help?
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Yes! That's the spirit :)
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Oh, right! There's still that clip with Nant that we didn't get to watch yet. And since both Phop and Nuth say it most likely shows the real reason for Nant's death, I'm really curious about it
So Nuth feels guilty, hm? The questions is, why...
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Come on, show us the clip already! Argh
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Yeah, strange how things can turn out sometimes. A random stranger can become someone very important in your life 😌
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Why do I get the feeling something about Phop is off? Is he ok? 😨
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mygwenchan · 7 months
Hi Jump :3
Good to see that this one is still alive!
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Ah, they're playing the "do you remember when we first met?" game! Tbh, I'd totally lose at that game, cause I can't remember shit 😅
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See, Jump did like Porche right from the start, I knew it! Ok, it wasn't love at first sight, but he did feel attracted to him
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Seeing Porche like this really makes me wonder how much of that little master persona from before was actually him and how much was just Porche pretending to be a tough guy 🤔 It's kind of the same with First. It's cute when they're all lovey dovey with their boyfriends, but what about the spice? What about the kinks? What about the pet play, hm Porche? Where did that go? 😭
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There, Jump is asking the real questions now! I wanna know as well
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Hmm, was it really only because of Jason though? I mean Porche must have certain dom tendencies regardless of what happened with his daddy, right?
Also "act cute like Zouey" he says... Meanwhile I'm thinking about Zouey railing Teena on the billiard table lol
Oh! Guys, maybe that`s it? The ones who were harsh and kinda dom are cute now and Zouey who was sort of shy and subby might turn into a full on dom 👀
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Now I'm the one who feels shy
Don't look at me like that! 🙈
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And of course Jump is loving it and they have a bit of a bj session going on :)
Side note: Don't smoke on the bed, kids. That's dangerous. Also your bed linens will smell like cold cigarette smoke juck
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mygwenchan · 7 months
We aren't allowed to enjoy the happy moment for more than a few seconds though, because the scene quickly changes to Nuth who is currently sitting behind bars. I'm fairly sure that he was carrying a large amount of drugs during his arrest, which means he'll probably be in jail for a while
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Let me do a quick google search to see how long he might have to be in jail...
*back from my search* So.. turns out you can actually get a death penalty for drug related crimes in Thailand. Even if it's not that severe, Nuth is still looking at several years in prison. Meaning his dream of making a movie and living happily with his boyfriend is pretty much over and done for
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Ugh, so Nuth only did this whole drug trafficking thing because he wanted to earn extra money to pay off Phop's debt. Well that sucks...
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Of course Phop is angry at him, because they won't be able to be together anymore
And yeah, if the one in jail would've been First or Nont, things would look much different now. Pretty sure their fathers would've gotten them out of there in no time. But Neither Phop nor Nuth have those kind of connections... (nice criticism against the Thai justice system!)
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Hmm, ok so if Nuth spills the tea about Jason being behind the whole drug deal, he might get his sentence reduced. That would be the ideal solution! And as I've researched just now, Jason would definitely get the death penalty, because he's the big boss behind this drug business
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But Phop doubts that Nuth will tell the truth about Jason. And he is right unfortunately ;; Nuth has no intention of bringing Jason to justice, because that would mean putting Phop and his family in danger. Yeah, Jason and his men would definitely retaliate against Phop. Argh, we're really in a pickle now 😭
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Ah, so Nuth only gets 5 years in prison. That's actually not that bad. The info I found said that it's 2-20 years or the death penalty in severe cases. A 5 years prison sentence sucks, but it's still doable
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Phop is still devastated though. My poor boy ;;
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mygwenchan · 7 months
Ah these two... There's always something they quarrel about. But some couples simply are like that
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I guess having a steamy secret affair with each other is much different from dating officially. Before it was ok for both of them to seek out other people, but now they're getting jealous af at the mere thought of it. Yeah, they might want to have a proper conversation about trust and such things...
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Poor Tutor didn't get that D 😭
But that's for the best. I think the less he gets involved with the Playboyys and twinks the better
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First isn't convinced though. Probably because of that stupid watch alarm heart rate thingie 😔
The thing is, I can kind of understand both of them. But they really need to get their shit together, or their relationship will always be this stressful
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Oh boy...
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Well, at least he didn't go through with it and he's honest rn. That's a start
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I mean, they can always have an open relationship 🤷‍♀️
But maybe they're both too possessive and jealous for that (one day we'll get a BL that features an open relationship and poly relationships that work out!)
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Awww, ok. Maybe things aren't so bad between them after all. That's good!
Here's to hoping that they'll find a nice place, preferably with a spare room, so they can turn it into their own private bdsm dungeon :D
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mygwenchan · 7 months
Nont, sweetie, you might not want to walk around alone at night rn... That's kinda dangerous!
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Told you so 😔
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And there he goes, shoved into a van. Great...
Jason's men got him after all, which means we might lose the second twin as well ;;
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