#playable kuon also needs to be a thing
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The Sealed Treasure Spear: Izayoi
A Legacy Weapon possessed by the Magick Association.
This spear-like weapon with two floating blades requires a special permission from the association before it can be used. It was given to Kuon Glamred Stroheim for detention of Drei, Sechs, and Acht of the Ten Sages.
It has the ability to seal all of the magical abilities of its chosen target, turning a conjurer into an ordinary person. By releasing the power of the Izayoi, a special barrier is created that is impossible to escape from.
Its price of use is blindness.
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So, let’s go through each of the BBTAG fights in the 4 o.g. story modes and see which ones are necessary for character stuff. I may not want to use a fight if there is another fight with the same characters I want to interact but doesn’t have a dumb joke assigned to it.
Now I know Tag Team means tag-in-tag-out stuff, but I am just going to look at these fights as two on two fights with a designated opponent for each fighter.
Episode Blazblue
Ragna and Rachel vs Waldstein and Linne: Initial fight so kind of necessary. Linne and Rachel having some banter, maybe Rachel being able to find out about Linne’s curse, meanwhile, you got Wald tossing around Ragna before Ragna goes Grim Reaper on his ass.
Ragna and Gordeau vs Ruby and Blake: 1. I like Ragna and Gordeau’s interaction, 2. Have members of RWBY learn of Gordeau and Ragna’s Soul Stealing Powers and 3. Really you can switch up who fights who, because with Ragna vs Ruby and Gordeau vs Blake you got similar color schemes, but the other way with Ragna vs Blake and Gordeau vs Ruby you got actual Sword vs Sword and Scythe vs Scythe.
Ragna and Chie vs Hakumen and Carmine: Obviously Ragna has to fight Hakumen and Chie against Carmine b/c Hakumen would CRUSH Chie, plus this is where Ragna could earn some point with the I.T. by helping Chie. Of course, since this is post-CS/Pre-CP Ragna he’s a bit more gruff, blunt and not as nice with it, but he’s still helping kind of. Kind of like how Shinjiro was with Minato (yes I use that name STFU), Yukari, and Junpei when they were about to get mugged in P3.
Ragna and Waldstein vs Kanji and Azrael: Like I said, ignoring this one. Dumb joke, no good interactions, and I prefer Ragna and Kanji’s interactions in Episode P4A.
Ragna and Nu-13 vs Aigis and Vatista: As much as I don’t want Ragna to suffer this, this is the only way for him to have any contact with Aigis, the Shadow Operative, so she can report it back to Mitsuru when this is all over.
Ragna and Noel vs Hyde and Linne: This meet up is necessary since this is where they talk about plot stuff, Ragna’s hostility here is understandable considering everyone before his was all like “LET’S FIGHT!” without using any brain cells. While it starts out hostile they do become more amicable over the course of the conversation.
Side note: I do like it when Ragna says Observer, of course either meaning an overseer or the Blazblue term as one who makes things reality by acknowledging them, and Linne sees the term as “Supervisor”. It’s just stuff like that in crossovers that I like, the clashing terminology and stuff.
Ragna and Hazama vs Weiss and Orie: Weiss and Orie becoming aware of Ragna’s bounty, thus allowing some tensions during later meet ups. Although IDK how this will affect Hazama trying to act all friendly with the other worlds when Weiss and Orie saw him all chumy with Ragna, plus if they later see both Ragna and Hazama activating their Blazblues, with the similar activation codes, and they learn that Hazama/Terumi made the Azure Grimoire, with Ragna’s being a prototype in a way. That might not work out for him.
I’m skipping the Es fights since IDK if I’d even add Es in this.
Episode P4A (most of these I feel like should be kept since this is the only fight where almost the entire faction all joins up)
Yu and Yosuke vs Gordeau and Carmine: initial battle, so necessary. Could be someone different, since these itneractions don’t really matter.
Yu and Chie vs Tager and Makoto: Electric vs Electric and fist vs foot, since I’m trying not to flanderize them, Makoto and Chie won’t immediatly be all “KUNG FU *WATCHYA*!” so I’d tone that down a bit considering the situation.
Yu and Yukiko vs Hakumen and Rachel: Like I said before, I’d like to see how Hakumen, and maybe Rachel, reacts to the Wild Card. Since in Arena, Yu’s Wild Card Power of Friendship aura made Elizabeth, aka the one who oneshots Erebus (the manifestation of mankind’s desire for Death) every other month, step back. So imagine how Hakumen, mr. Power of Order/killer of the Black Beast would react to that.
Yu and Chie vs Jubei and Platinum: Kind of wish Kanji was here since this is his intro in the episode, that and Platinum needs to get smacked, but making it a girl on girl fight is fine I guess. Then you have maybe Jubei’s reaction to the Wild Card and Yu’s truth powers (I wonder if the Orb of Sight could reveal Terumi’s true form like Jubei’s Sekigan?)
.....wait is Kanji just not playable b/c he was DLC at the time, okay then screw that noise.
Yu and Yosuke vs Linne and Orie: Okay Naoto has no excuse for not fighting here like Kanji excpet for maybe beign DLC at the time, so Yu and Naoto vs Linne and Orie. Come on seeing Orie’s Thanatos clash with a Persona would be cool. Or at the very least the Persona characters assuming she has a Persona, it wouldn’t be a stretch for them.
Yu and Ragna vs Weiss and Ruby: Should I keep this in? Since it is a moment where people call Ruby and Weiss idiots for blindly trusting System inspite of being the one who summoned them. Plus a lot fo stupid lines from Ruby. The ony thing this does is give Ragna a chance to prove himself to the I.T.
Ignoring Es fights like I said but I do want to keep the offscreen fight of Ragna and Kanii vs Hakumen and Rachel (Kanji’s lighting resistance against Rachel, HA!). Also they were playing Naoto’s theme from the Arena games at the time, so that was kind of off for me.
Episode Under Night In-Birth (half of these is just Hyde’s “Must Save The Girl” tendencies coming in)
Hyde and Waldstein vs Rachel and Naoto: No good interactiosn outside fo seeing how Hde and Wald fight as a team, like maybe Wald pulling a fastball special with Hyde.
Hyde and Ruby vs Yosuke and Chie: Stupid reason to start with Hyde thinking they were bullying Ruby when it was a mistake, and well all know that even if Ruby is like a year or two younger tha Hyde she’d kick his ass. But I know people want to have Ruby be amazed at the Insulator, but I won’t have her be all “YOU HAVE COOL WEAPONS! LET’S FIGHT!” Like I wanted RUby to have more of a personality, but this is too much.
Kind of a side note, but when Ruby brought up weapons with Jaune in Volume 1, she wasn’t all in his face about it immediately, they were apparently talking for a while before bring it up naturaly in a conversation. It felt more....real, to me.
Hyde and Gordeau vs Makoto and Blake: Only here for the Makoto and Blake interactions.
Hyde and Weiss vs Azrael and Carmine: no one here should be fighting with, against, or near Azrael. This is just here for Hyde to play knight in shining armor to Weiss. You Hyde/Ruby shippers might want this so he can earn points with Ruby for protecting her BFF.
Hyde and Yukiko vs Platinum and Noel. More bad cooking jokes, that all of a sudden make Yukiko good, but I think that’s just to make Noel the focus of the joke since this is BLAZBLUE Cross Tag Battle. More Hyde saving the girl in a way, but I’m slightly more for it since Platinum suffers. And hey, System said the losing TEAM had to eat it, so maybe Noel eating her own food can result in her getting better.
I mean seriously, Yukiko apparently got better at the end of her Social Link in Persona 4 (If I recall) and I THINK that there was one line about Fuuka improving in Arena or something (someone please help me on that, I know she gets better in P3P as part of her SL there, but I really don’t think one should cook, even if they like it, if they suck at it), taking that away from them is kind of insulting.
Hyde and Yu vs Jubei and Jin: Insulator vs Musashi (the swords that cut through anything) and Power of Friendship vs Power of Order. I got asked a while ago on what would happen if Isnulator and Musashi clashed and this would be a good chance to explore that. Plus Jubei seeing both the Wild Card and the Insulator would be interesting.
Also, Jubei with Jin goes with Blazblue canon, as at this point (between Cs and CP) Jubei is training Jin on the Power of Order).
Ignoring Es fight
Episode RWBY (this’ll be hard b/c I am TRYING to tone back the anime bullshit with RWBY)
Ruby and Weiss vs Noel and Makoto: System didn’t intervene here and they were just like “We have to fight over the Keystone”, considering RWBY’s themes of unity and such you’d think they’d try and be amicable, before System jumps in. Weiss could even TRY and be civil with the apparent Faunus in front fo them dressed rdiduclously (seriously IDK who else in RWBY during Vol 1-3 wears shit like Makoto who, as Kokonoe said in one of the HMPK segements “Is a strong breeze or a cough away from a major wardrobe malfunction”).
But still Weiss and Makoto on the front with Ruby and Noel as long range support wiht their guns.
I do think Weiss saying they should split up is dumb though.
Ruby and Hazama vs Hyde and Carmine: Alowing Hazama to get some connection with Ruby so he has someone to vouch for him at Beacon when/if he tries something there.
Ruby and Rachel vs Vatista and Platinum: Rachel landed on Ruby, gave her snark, because Platinum and Vatista were trying to ask her questions about the situation, Ruby is TRYING to be cool-headed and ask questions, but Rachel is being a butt and forms a tag team with Ruby just to shut Vatista and Platinum up. This could be used as a way to make Rachel seem untrustworthy.
side note, Vatista asks if she “should switch to a beefy, macho, muchle-type body...” So....can Vatista shapeshift? I mean we know she had an older looking form before she gave up one of her wings to give the Insulator to Kuon in UNI’s backstory. SO does that mean she doesn’t have to be a loli and maybe this form is just o conserve energy or something?
Ruby and Waldstein vs Hakumen and Tager: Hakumen attacks Ruby and Tager tries to intervene, Hakumen says smething interesting “This world may be jeopardized if elements from conflicting worlds interact” in this case Ruby and the keysone.
And like....seithr, ars magus, personas, EXS, and Dust and aura coliding WON’T cause things to fuck up? Especially Hakumen, who has kind of a messed up existence at the moment.
and whe Ruby brings up what Rachel told her, Hakumen gets all on the offense, once again maing Rachel seem untrustworthy. Or at the very least not willing to be cooperative.
Hakumen begins to do his thing but Wald pulls a Hyde and comes in to scold them for attacking a little girl.
I would like to see Hakumen sense the Silver Eye power lying dormant in Ruby, and then lay down some cryptic words here though.
Like comparing the Silver Eyes to the Power of Order is interesting b/c the SIlver Eyes work with love and protection, unlike the Power of Order which is mostly used as a weapon.
Ruby and Weiss vs Gordeau and Orie: scythe and scythe vs rapier and rapier.
1, Orie blowing her cover by saying she is with Licht Kreis, although given the circumstances I doubt that matters. Also she kind of fights on Hyde’s behalf for Ruby getting Hyde’s keystone, and speaking up when she heard his name.
2, Weiss being all too eagar to fight, IDK if this would be in character for canon Weiss.
3. Orie mentioned a restriction. Didn’t System just say there was a punishment? Is it both?
4. Once again Weiss being all too eager to mock and fight. But maybe she is in a bad mood because she has also been having to deal with neandertha;s who don’t care about the situation and are just like “FUCK YEAH, FIGHTING!”
5. Now I may not be too up to date on UNI’s Chornicle Mode, but I don’t know if Orie being THIS against working with Amneisa would be what she would be like.
6. Gordeau is being amicable, but him saying “hate the monk, not his robes”, makes it sound like he is still a member of Amnesia. But if I recall, he quit. Does him working for them as a mercenary count?
7. Orie saying she is devoted to her mission with her ego being secondary should be kept in mind when characters want to be major assholes and make demands of people instead of being nice.
Okay I’m done with that
Ruby and Es vs Yosuke and Yukiko: with that stupid Ninja and Geisha comment, plus I already said I was ignoring Es.....yeah I’m going to skip this and the next one, even though by that logic Ragna won’t meet Ruby. I can fidn some way for this to work, sionce Ragna saving Ruby gets him points with Yang and the RWBY characters.
Alright that seems to be all. Blake got a few fights in but no Yang. What fight would you guys want to see her in that I could add onto here?
#blazblue cross tag battle#bbtag#blazblue#persona#persona 4#persona 3#persona 4 arena#p4a#p4#p3#persona 4 arena ultimax#p4au#under night in-birth#rwby#unib#uni#crossover#character interactions
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