#platonic yandere scaramouche
hi!!! Idk if you take requests!! But if you do can you MAYBE do Yandere platonic harbingers x Shy!Child!Reader? If not then ignore this!!^^
After the festival
Platonic! Yandere! Harbingers x GN! Shy! Child! Reader (+ Slight! Platonic! Yandere! Tsaritsa)
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Description: Festival is over. Now it's time for a clean up. What... What's the kid are doing here?
Warning: English is my second language. OOC. Platonic Yandere. Took place before events of the game.
Snezhnaya was a cold nation. But, sometimes, something happens, that makes people feel warm.
Today, something like that was happening. First, from multiple festivals for kids' from the villages were was in the capital city. Tasty food, sweet beverages, games, performances, prizes and lots of people. A nice celebration to lift children's spirits.
Childe looked around an empty hall. Festival ended few hours ago, all invited kids were on their way home. The festival was a blast! Childe even managed to have fun with Anthon, Tonya and Teucer, who came from Morepesok to the capital city. Childe was happy. But now, it was time to have some rest.
Childe was ready to leave for his chamber, when he heard a quiet sneeze. He immediately perked up, and slowly moved where the sound came from.
Someone was hiding behind the giant colorful cube with cat faces painted on it (someone from House of Heath helped with decorations). Childe looked behind the cube.
Blue eyes met with [e/c] ones.
A quiet, shy voice filled the room.
"Mister... Can you, please, help me?"
"So, let me get that straight... You were too shy to ask where one of the carriages, that will bring you back to your village, are?" normally, Childe would deal with the scared lost kid by himself, but the situation quickly got complicated, and he had to tell about the kid to other harbingers. Right now, he and some of his colleagues (Arlecchino and Pulcinella were called by Childe, Dottore and Columbina invited themselves) gather in one of the cabinets (one of the cozy ones). Right now, [Y/N] were sitting on the couch, with Columbina's coat wrapped around them, while Arlecchino was questioning them.
Kid gave a tiny nod, hiding their face in coat's fluff.
That moment, Fatui Harbingers, for the first time since they started to work together, have one similar thought.
Columbina, who sat between Childe, and Dottore, leaned closer to Doctor, and whispered.
"If you ever thought about laying a finger on [Y/N], I will kill all of your segments."
Childe, who also heard her whisper, shivered. Arlecchino sighs.
"So, you were waiting in the corner. You tried to gather all your courage and ask for help, but you can't do it. Right?"
[Y/N] nodded again and hide even more behind the coat. The sounds of the roaring winds were muffled by the window.
That was The Complication. The snowstorm started. And, it seems, that storm will last for a few days. That, plus, the time to clean up the roads...
Kid will stuck in Zapolyarny Palace for a week at least. Childe can't just keep kid in his chambers for that duration! They will be found, and both them and Childe will get into trouble.
Arlecchino spoke again.
"And you stayed in the corner for a few hours, until you sneeze and were found by Childe." It wasn't a question, but kid nodded.
"Yes... I am sorry for describing him." [Y/N] looked down in shame, and hide deeper in the coat.
On second thought, Childe could simply bring kid to his chambers and said them not to leave it. Kid would probably stay there for a month.
Arlecchino rubbed her eyes. The situation was... Something. Still, they need to think what to do with the kid, if Pierro, who was updating Tsaritsa about them, won't be able to convince Cryo Archon to let [Y/N] stay in the palace.
Pulcinella tapped his fingers against the table. He cast a quick glance at the kid, who, at that point, were in a coat cacoon. Only a pair of eyes and small nose were visible from under the hood. An encouraging smile appeared on Pulcinella's face.
"Don't be nervous, young one. You aren't in trouble."
[Y/N] mumbled something, but, otherwise, stay quiet.
The door opened. Pierro and Capitano walked into the room. Number Fist of Fatui Harbingers walked straight to the couch, where [Y/N] were sitting. He was towering over the kid.
Capitano looked straight into the kid's eyes. Suddenly, he slowly and carefully, pressed his finger against their nose.
The room were silent. Did Capitano just... Booped kid's nose?
Capitano nodded, hummed and stepped aside. He glance over his shoulder to Pierro.
"They aren't dangerous."
Pierro cleared his throat. Detector's voice was calm.
"Her Majesty allowed them to stay."
And The Stay begun.
Day 1 - Childe and Arlecchino
[Y/N] tilted their head, looking at the food, that was put before them. Steak Tartare, or, as Arlecchino called it, at Hearthfire's Trail and at Calla Lily Seafood Soup, or, as Childe called it, at A Prize Catch.
Kid didn't know what to do. They weren't picky and were fine with eating the soup. But to eat tartare... [Y/N] didn't want to eat it, but they also didn't want to offend Arlecchino.
A pair of harbingers were sitting not far away, casting glances at the kid.
"Is it me, or thet looked like a sad kitten?" Childe whispered to Arlecchino, without looking away from [Y/N]. Arlecchino nodded. She can understand kid's dilemma. With a quiet chuckle, she stood up, went to the [Y/N]'s table, and picked up a plate with Hearthfire's Trail. Immediately, kid spoke.
"Miss Arlecchino, I will eat it, I pro-" she gently pressed a finger against their lips. A rare smile appeared on her face.
"Don't worry, child. It's on me. I should have realized, that not everyone is found of raw meat. I will simply cook it, so you can enjoy your Hearthfire's Trail."
Without another word, she left for the kitchen.
[Y/N] bit their lip, put soup closer and start eating it. It was tasty. [Y/N] hummed in delight.
Kid didn't notice Childe's proud gaze.
After a few more moments of observation, Childe stand up from his seat and walked to [Y/N]'s table.
"You like it?" he asked with a grin. Childe waited for the kid to nod, before asking the next question. "By the way, what is your favorite dish?"
[Y/N] chewed their lip, before mumbling.
Kid answered right when Arlecchino returned with cooked Hearthfire's Trail.
[Y/N] ended up enjoying it.
Arlecchino and Childe spend half of the night baking pancakes for [Y/N].
Meanwhile, agents from House of Hearth and Childe's subordinates investigated the village, where [Y/N] lived.
Day 2 - Sandrone and Scaramoushe
[Y/N] looked at the plush otter with big sparkling eyes.
"Wow! So cool." whispered kid, trying not to disturb the silence of the room. They looked at Scaramoushe, who tried to keep a neutral expression on his face. "Thank you, Mister Scaramoushe."
Scaramoushe just waved his hand.
"Yeah, don't mention it. Just, go to your room and play with your new toy."
[Y/N] nodded, thank him again and leave the room.
In a few minutes, Sandrone looked inside the room. With an amused expression, she asked.
"So, our great Number Six has a soft spot for kids?"
Scaramoushe growled.
"I did it, so brat won't bother me, that's all!"
Sandrone raised an eyebrow.
"So, instead of buying a toy, you sewed one?"
Scaramoushe clench his teeth, but, before he can say something, Arlecchino's loud yell echoes through the corridor.
"[Y/N]! Get down from Sandrone's robot! You will get hurt!"
Scaramoushe immediately ran past Sandrone. Boy could get hurt! Sandrone followed after him, loudly proclaiming.
"Don't worry, Arlecchino! I let them do it, they are safe!"
Next second, Childe's voice joined the screaming match.
"Well, others didn't allow [Y/N] to take a piggyback ride on your robot!"
Scaramoushe barked over his shoulder.
"So, you are trying to win over a kid with your robot? Back off, I will be their favorite!"
Sandrone gave him a nasty glance.
"We will see, puppet!"
The next morning [Y/N] get a bunch of handmade plush toys a mechanical toys.
Meanwhile, Sandrone, with help from Scaramoushe's subordinates, through Katherine and [Y/N]'s neighbors, collected information about the kid.
Day 3 - Dottore and Pantalone
"Hmm..." Dottore has been examined kid's finger through the magnifying glass. "Are you sure, that they have been hurt?"
Pantalone stopped going from one corner to another and modded.
"Yes! I saw a drop of blood on their finger, after they touched the mechanical toy."
Dottore rolled his eyes under his mask and looked at [Y/N]. As usual, they were quiet, looking at the floor.
Dottore sighed. The kid probably slightly pricked their finger. Nothing happened, but, here we are, Pantalone is fussing over that like a worried mother hen.
Dottore tutted and asked kid.
"Is it true? Were you hurt?"
"Mmmmm...!" kid hide their face behind their hands.
This again... Kid, when they were really frightened, made that sound. Like a cat trilling. Corners of Dottore's mouth go up.
"I will take it as a 'yes'."
Dottore picked up one of the band-aids he kept on his table, and put it around "hurt" finger.
"Here we go. You can continue playing."
Pantalone already was next to the kid, holding a lollipop towards them.
"Here, it will make the pain go away."
Kid shyly took the treat.
"Thank you, Mister Pantalone. Thank you, Mister Dottore."
[Y/N] then quickly left Dottore's office, not wanting to disturb grown-ups even more.
Dottore and Pantalone looked at each other.
"Adorkable." said a pair of harbingers in unison.
That evening, Pantalone bought a lot of child clothes.
Meanwhile, Dottore's segments picked up all necessary adoption documents.
Day 4 - Pulcinella and La Signora
"And that's how you solve that math problem." Signora circled the right answer, while talking to [Y/N]. The kid nodded with a thoughtful expression on their face.
Pulcinella quietly chuckled at the scene. For some reason, Signora decided to tutor the kid. She shut down Dottore's attempts in teaching kid something new. 
It was an endearing sight. Signora looked happy, while she spent time with the kid.
"Did I do it right?" asked kid, solving the next exercise. Signora nodded, ruffling their hair.
"Great job, [Y/N]."
They smile shyly. Pulcinella chucked again. He should bring some pantries to the child's room later.
That day, [Y/N] had a whole cake for a dessert.
Meanwhile, La Signora was talking to Tsaritsa, trying to get her permission to remake one of the palace rooms into a classroom.
Day 5 - Columbina and Capitano
"Miss Columbina, are you sure, that it's okay?" whispered [Y/N]. Columbina nodded, while trying to get into a more comfortable position.
"Yes. Don't worry. It will be just a little interesting trip!"
Harbinger and child were hiding in one of the big travel carts among tents. Earlier today, Columbina offered [Y/N] to take a secret trip to Natlan. Her plan was to hide in one of the carts, that Capitano and his subordinates will take with them.
Suddenly, the tent cloth, that Columbina and [Y/N] were hiding under, was removed. A big hand carefully grabbed [Y/N] by the collar of their sweater.
In a second, Capitano hold [Y/N] and Columbina by their colors. Duo looked like a pair of kittens.
But, while Columbina just smiled, [Y/N] looked extremely guilty.
Capitano put [Y/N] down, let go of their sweater, and, instead, put their hand on the top of a child's head, ruffling their hair.
"You supposed to be more serious." Capitano nodded flatly, still holding Columbina in the air. She just laughed.
"I was bored."
Capitano breathe in.
"You suppose to be an example for [Y/N]."
Another laugh.
"They already have Signora as a good example. I am a fun one."
Capitano shook his head.
"Okay, go away, you two."
He put Columbina down and gently nudge [Y/N] towards the exit.
Columbia grabbed [Y/N]'s hand and ran away with kid in tow.
That night, Columbina sang a lullaby for [Y/N].
Meanwhile, Capitano ordered Fatui solders to keep an eye on the kid.
Day 6 - Pierro and Tsaritsa
Pierro looked directly into Tsaritsa's eyes. He spoke with a genuine smile.
"It's over. We did it."
A small smile appeared on Tsaritsa's face.
It was easy.
It was easy to get everything they need to make Zapolarny Palace a good place to raise a kid.
There will be no need for [Y/N] to go outside. Everything they need will be delivered in the palace.
They won't be need to go to school. Harbingers will tutor the kid.
[Y/N] will be there. Safe and sound. Under Tsaritsa's protection.
She and her Harbingers will be their family.
Tsaritsa's war with Celestia will start soon.
She will do everything to succeed.
And, if they could keep one child safe... If she could become a mother to [Y/N]... Her future victory will be a real triumph.
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Yandere!Platonic!Scaramouche x Child! Reader
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Let me be clear, Scaramouche isn't the worst platonic yandere among the harbingers, but he will treat those yandere who mercilessly trample your mental health, nerves and self-esteem. So...
The danger of this platonic yandere-7/10
Common features:
It is difficult for Scaramouche to define his yandere side, but it seems to me that he is conscious. He knows in advance that you will leave and it's not about escape, but about your mortality. Sooner or later it will happen, because of this, he will try to avoid and ignore your existence. However, the longer he does this, the worse he keeps himself in control.
The first time you meet, he will make you cry on purpose. And, at first, he will be pleased with the result, but then, when he remembers your tear-stained face, he will be, to put it mildly, unpleasant. Honestly, it surprises him. Does he feel sorry for you? It's ridiculous... However, whatever it was, he achieved his goal. Now not only is he trying to avoid you, but you shun him like a fire.
I can imagine that the fatal moment will be when one of your loved ones swings at you and he, arriving in a rage, simply will not be able to restrain himself. He didn't want to have anything to do with you because he didn't want to get attached and see your stupid death, but he wants to watch your suffering even less. In the end, after he deals with the objectionable person, he will just grab you painfully and drag you along, periodically throwing you something like: 'Don't break out', 'Shut up', 'try to hit me/bite me again and I will do the same with you as with (Name the abuser)'.
A special feature:
What makes him truly special among other yandere and even among ordinary people is his ability to learn. And I'm not talking about everyday things now, but about his ability to change his behavior towards you. He needs a lot of time and effort, but the progress he ultimately shows is huge. His grip is no longer as painful as it was in the beginning, his angry words about your weakness and pathetic are more like a grunt or a way to tease you.
BUT don't let that fool you, he's still yandere and if you don't notice it the first time, you'll definitely notice it after he takes you to Dottore and demands to make a potion of immortality for you.
An adorable feature:
He always holds your hand, it doesn't matter where you are, what his mood is and whether you want it. He will hold your hand. In the first days, he will hold out his hand to you and after a few seconds of waiting, he will order you to take it, and if you continue to stand in a stupor, he will simply grab your hand himself. It may be silly and strange for you, but it makes a huge difference for him. To know that you are there, that he has control over the situation, is of great importance to him.
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kentstoji · 4 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ BLESSED , part 1.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤparing. platonic scaramouche & nahida.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤsetting. genshin impact.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤtype. headcanons (tw. impostor au, mentions of violence, ooc nahida, terrible worldbuilding.)
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"Did I do something?" Before he could suppress his thoughts, the question spontaneously flowed from the Wanderer's lips, capturing the Archon's attention.
Nahida's green eyes, accentuated by long white lashes, left the pile of scrolls—courtesy of Alhaitham, the detestable scribe—to analyze him with interest.
"Sorry, I didn't understand." She granted him her characteristic smile, warm and genuine.
He swallowed hard, wondering if it was worth expressing the insecurities growing within him. Clearly, he was motivated solely by the initial emotion. The shadow of his traumas manifested, making him act impulsively.
His porcelain face, pleasant and unchanging, was adorned with red hues. Nahida bit her lower lip to keep from smiling. Frankly, seeing him shy was fascinating. Adorable.
"You've been studying me since you took me in," the puppet replied, irritation marking his voice, always accompanied by a strong Inazuman accent.
"Oh? I hadn't noticed." It was never the Lesser Lord's intention to revive his past. Keeping him in the same cycle was never part of her plans, as it would be minimally cruel. However, there was truth in his words. Nahida was indeed examining him.
He was admirable, unique.
"I'm sorry, Wanderer. I'm not being transparent with you." The apology was sincere, and he could relish the honesty that accompanied it. "I'm working on a thesis, and you are indeed my inspiration."
The Puppet's lips curled in disdain.
"Tell me more." It was ironic and brief. He demanded the truth. He felt he had such freedom to address her informally. Their relationship, although recent, was built on sincerity.
"Well, it might seem stupid, but I have reasons to believe that you are an acolyte of the Creator." Kusanali replied, as if it were simple.
For her, an individual pliable by logic, facts, and evidence, her revelation was easy to digest and accept. All the parameters she used to reach this conclusion were plausible.
"What are you talking about? Only Archons can be Acolytes." The Wanderer retorted, harshly. In another life, if the Electro Archon wasn't a selfish goddess, he might be on his knees before the golden throne, living off the Creator's crumbs.
"Not necessarily. An Archon is just another, victorious in the battle Celestia waged among the gods. Merely a title." Little Nahida shrugged. She took a deep breath and continued with her explanation. "You, however, possess a suspicious particularity."
Still unconvinced by the conspiracy, he asked, "What would that be?"
"Power. And I don't mean elemental power, but your growth." The Lesser Lord sat on her swing and stretched her legs, seeking a brief moment of relaxation. "Perhaps I'm talking about blessings. I thought this whisper of power existed only in the Traveler, but you were consecrated."
"I still don't understand." With a calmer voice, the Puppet approached the young goddess, intrigued.
"You have something that neither I, nor Baal, nor Rex Lapis possess. The Creator's grace." Nahida explained calmly as he approached. "However, when we visited them in Liyue, they didn't even recognize you, which makes me wonder if the one sitting on the Throne might be a impostor.”
(Nahida needed to be honest, to respect her own feelings. To validate her thoughts, even if they might be treacherous. She felt nothing in front of the Creator. No spark or connection.
Staring at the person comfortably seated on a throne of gold and gleaming jewels, she wondered if she would escape with her life if she cut them, solely to examine the color of their blood.
It had to be golden, like the gold that Liyue flaunted — and Rex Lapis would bring her eternal judgment if she succumbed to the darkness of her desires. But the thought was seductive, malicious.
By the gods, she was becoming as sadistic as the Dottore, yet the image before her was not pleasant to contemplate. If she closed her eyes, she would be back in the Cage the sages of Sumeru locked her in, where she could be saved by her subjects' dreams and their faith.
She was still fervent. But that person did not awaken hope in her.
And Kusanali's instinct dictated that she should flee. Take the Wanderer, and run.)
"You still don't understand. And I don't expect you to comprehend it now." The goddess of wisdom sighed, gathering the strength to continue her monologue. "But one day you will. Until then, I hope you know just how lucky you are.”
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shallyouobeyme · 1 year
Platonic!Yandere Wanderer x Reader (GN)
Summary: It wasn't just his mother who betrayed him fairly early on in his life, it was also his sibling - the only person he had been close to at that point in his life. At least that was what he thought. But once he had changed into the wanderer, some new information came to the light...
! Minors Do Not Interact !
TW: Probably not canon compliant with Wanderer's backstory since I don't have his character (sadly), Lumine is the Traveller in this one, kidnapping, dark content, obsession, kind of dying (but like not really), I do not condone this - this is all fantasy
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As the story is told the archon of Inazuma, Goddess of Eternity, created a puppet which later became the feared Fatui Scaramouche - but that story isn't quite complete. One fateful fact that the story omitted was that the 'betrayed' puppet wasn't the Raiden's first attempt. Before him, she had breathed life into her very first puppet, a prototype of sorts, which had many faults from which the archon learnt. With the knowledge gained from them, she successfully created the wanderer and later the puppet she still uses to this day.
After his creation, the wanderer was left in the care of his predecessor as the archon attended to her duties and the two grew close due to their shared nature. In fact, the wanded soon realized that his sibling - as humans would probably call them - meant more to him than anything else in the world and he looked forward to spending eternity together with them and their mother. But Destiny had something else planned for him.
And so the story continued, but it wasn't just his mother who betrayed him, no his sibling stood by her side when he was cast out, ignoring his pleas to come with him, to stay by his side. So all throughout his travels, through joining the Fatui, through trying to achieve Godhood, his anger at those he had considered family stayed constant. He had to admit to himself that somewhere very deep inside of him he still felt a longing to be by his sibling's side and even though he would never admit it, he knew that once he'd become the god he was always meant to be he would give them another chance. A chance to leave behind the woman who had created them to join him, to stand by his side as they were always meant to.
While during his time as a Fatui, the wanderer heard many things about Raiden through the many spies in Inazuma or just general news, he never heard any news about his sibling, not even from the most dedicated spies. And so their fate eluded him which was the reason that after his defeat by Lumine and Nahida, and after he changed into who he was now - the wanderer, looking for a new purpose - he was especially curious when Paimon started talking about Inazuma and local affairs.
Especially when you were mentioned. His sibling. The person who had not left his mind for the entire time he had been gone. And what he heard Paimon say changed everything for him.
"We met up with Ei recently - I hope you don't mind us talking about her, we know you're still bitter about that whole deal - and she brought one of her puppets along. They kind of reminded Paimon of you, they didn't look like the Shogun at all and they had their own personality, just like you. I think Ei said their name was Y/N-" Paimon rambled on, Lumine walking beside them, used to Paimon's constant chattering by now and not needing to pay much attention anymore. Usually at the first mention of his mother, Wanderer would have interrupted her snarkily to stop her talking, but at the slight chance of hearing news of you, he had to let her keep talking, "-They were really, really nice. They even told us about when they were made. Paimon wonders if that's similar to how you were made."
Paimon did not wait for him to respond, instead happily continuing talking the aspect of not being interrupted for once: "What did they say again? Oh, yes, they were also made to hold the Shogun's Gnosis, but they weren't strong enough, Ei said that she gave them consciousness so that they could help care for future Puppets. So they even took care of you, right?" Wanderer didn't bother replying, instead working through the fact he had just heard. His mother had given you consciousness? Somehow he had always assumed you were just like him, that you had gained consciousness when your mother had attempted to place her gnosis in you.
"Oh well, seems like they grew on the shogun because even after they made their successful puppet they kept them around. It's all the better for it though, knowing what would happen when Ei'd leave them behind," Paimon sighed and for the first time, Wanderer intercepted.
"What do you mean? What would happen?"
"You don't know?" Paimon looked at him surprised, she must've expected him to know all about your time before he was made, "Because Ei was the one who gave them life, she also became the source of their life, if they ever leave Ei's surroundings, they'll turn back into a puppet. At least that's what Y/N told us, but they're so nice, I don't think they'd lie."
That changed everything for the Wanderer. If what the little flying Imp was saying was true, then you had never betrayed him. You had no choice. You were bound to your mother, unable to leave even if you wanted to - which you must have. Suddenly his life had a new meaning. He'd free you, so that you'd finally be able to spend eternity by his side, under his protection. You'd finally be siblings again, just like you were always meant to.
Without giving any care for his companions, Wanderer took off in a different direction. More specifically, the direction of Sumeru's harbour. He'd do whatever he had to to get to you, to free you, to save you. He stole a boat - may or may not hurting the owner in the process - and made his way towards his old home, a place he had sworn only to return to once he had become a god, but now there were new priorities in place. He still knew many secret spots surrounding the Archon's home and luckily for him, given his mother's personality, not a lot had changed in the past years.
It was easy for him to secretly make his way into the chambers you and him had shared after your creation - it was only now that he realized that the reason you had shared was that Ei hadn't bothered to give you your own since you were already a failure in her eyes. And what a sight to behold he found there, you were sitting in the window nook you had already loved when he had still lived there, reading a book. You hadn't changed at all, time had not touched you.
As he stepped closer, a shadow was cast over you that made you look up. Your eyes widened, but he saw the happiness in them. Had you missed him as much as he had missed you?
"You're back!" you shouted happily as you jumped up and ran towards him, embracing him in a hug that he gladly reciprocated. Oh, how he'd missed that - but now he'd never have to go without this happiness again. But as quick as the happiness had set in, it diminished when you turned back and looked at him worriedly. "You-You can't be here, Mother will- She can't know you're here, you have to leave."
Anger built up in him - of course, even when he was here to save you, his mother had to make things difficult for him. But he wouldn't let her ruin this, not as long as he had to fight for you.
"She will never find out, we will leave right now and we'll be off this island before she'll be any wiser. Don't worry," he told you to calm you down as he took your hand in his and pulled you with him - he was always the stronger of you (for reasons that were now obvious) so even though you tried to get him to stop, he just pulled you harder.
"We? I can't leave Inazuma, I need to be close to Mother," you tried to reason with him, but he just shook his head and disagreed with you. "She only makes you believe that, you don't need her, I can be your new source of life, we only need each other."
"But that's not how this works-" you tried again, but then there were guards shouting and running after the two of you. But because of your resistance, you were slower than usual - if it kept on like that, they'd catch up to you and you knew that if they were to try to capture your brother, something horrible would happen - either to him or to them - and you couldn't allow that to happen. So, even though you knew that it would mean your end, you took up the pace and ran along with Wanderer.
The two of you quickly arrived at his boat and he hoisted you into it before using his vision to bring quite some distance between the boat and the shore. He didn't notice you sitting on the other side of the boat looking back at the island with a sad kind of desperation. You knew that your life would end any second now, but you didn't mind all that much, after all, you had already extended the span of life you should have had. And now your life would end protecting someone you love, so you could die without any regrets.
"Brother, I want you to know that what will happen now isn't your fault, nor is it Mothers. Please, just be free, live your life in peace, and be happy," you called out to him, causing him to turn to you in confusion. He wanted to ask what you meant, but before the word could leave his lips, your body fell limp. Quickly, he rushed towards you, hoping you had just fallen unconscious, but as he turned your body to lie in his lap, he realized that the worst had come to pass. What he turned wasn't his sibling, it was a puppet of wood and wires. Gone was the animation in your face or the faux skin on your body, instead it was all just wood and paint. A puppet.
As Inazuma disappeared behind the horizon, he found a new reason for his existence. You had asked him to be happy, but how could he ever be happy if you weren't by his side? He'd move Celestia and the abyss if he had to, would make deals with whatever creature was out there and willing to help, if all else failed he would even return to his mother - everything to bring you back...
A/N: Thank you for reading the eleventh entry into my Yandere Writetober - I hope you enjoyed and you may want to comment and reblog, who knows. Tomorrow's word is 'Spicey' so I hope I'll see you again in my notifications
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arisewanekosuki · 1 year
Imagine that you suddenly woke up in Teyvat, the Traveler of your choice found you and took you around the nations. You met up with all the characters, all of them are surprised because “how it’s possible for you to be here?” but still, they enjoy the time they can spend with you. The characters you have in game, are more clingy in their own way. Wanting to show you around, let you taste their specialty foods, protecting you from the danger, giving you some gifts, playing cards or even teaching you, how to use their weapons. They just love being in your presence, after all, you’re the one who made them stronger. But after some time you started to miss your home. Everyone, even if they don’t want you to leave Teyvat, they know, that they can’t hold you against your will in here. They don’t want you to be sad. So they tried, for you, to find a way, how to send you back home. The Archons, scholars and alchemists, working together to find solution, while other characters are trying to comfort you and enjoy the rest of time with you until you leave. At some point, you vanished. Everyone was searching for you but then, they came to conclusion that somehow you managed to come back to your world. But why is that, that you still didn’t logged into the game? Did they do something wrong? They thought you had fun with them, so why? They were sad, not knowing that one of them know the reason why you didn't log into the game. While nobody was looking, that one character took you somewhere, where nobody can find you. They are too selfish, they can't stand the idea of you leaving their world. After all, they were the one who managed to bring you to the Teyvat.
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iloveyanderes · 2 years
Sagau idea(taken by the themes of sumeru and a whole bunch of other sagau fanfics I've read), new thing yandere god reader x lumine(kinda yandere), and yandere everyone else.
Warning sexual themes and a little itty bit of smut.
Third pov:
Imagine a long time ago when teyvat was just fill of emptiness and they're was no life to be seen anywhere, a god was born.
This god bared no form simply being nothing but yet everything, this god brought life to teyvat, creating the plants, humans, and even other gods.
It was then that this god took a form that replicated that of a nature gods, nature stemmed from life, the humans dubbed her the goddess of life worshipping her intently.
The gods however fought over each other to get her attention, creating wars and deciding only the best is capable of being in her presence.
Eventually celestia, another one of the gods she created grew pride full, think themselves to be better then the god that created them, with a bit of manipulation they convinced the human that the goddess of life was a cruel oppresor.
No wanting to live under the reign of an oppresor the human race gathered up to kill her, only those of kheanri'ah being smart enough to not attack the one who created them, sticking back but eventually facing celestias wrath for not obeying, a certain golden braided traveller help them and plotting against celestia.
Not wanting to destroy her creations the goddess of life tried to flee, getting caught and (pulling a Xie lian) being stabbed a hundred times but yet she somehow did not die, the endless amount of torture drove the goddess insane, to the Point of praying for death, anything to get rid of this endless pain.
It was at that time two golden twins had came to teyvat, seeing the danger of this world who's residents attack they're own creator they tried to flee but not before the female of the twins took pity on the goddess and set her soul free, allowing the creator to finally die, completely unaware of how much the creator would become obsessed with them.
Apon their exit they were stopped by an unknown god from celestia, angry that they had stopped the creators eternal agony, she sealed lumines memories of what happened and sent the twins into slumber.
500 hundred years later your ghost form who cannot remember any thing meets lumine on a beach, not knowing who you are, what you are, or how you got here you agree to help lumine with her journey, at this point you weren't even aware you were dead.
Saving cities was okay, it was all to help lumine find her brother, what bothered you was how much people talked about the creator and how much they loved her.
They didn't deserve to talk about you, they didn't deserve to sing praises about you after what they did-
Smacking your head you suddenly forget what you were thinking about? Startling the people of mondstadt when you slapped your head so hard.
Meeting childe was a weird experience, unlike most people who just look at you normally this man looked at you with utter devotion, he didn't even know you!
Hiding behind lumine you feel safe behind your golden haired knight l,the star blessed traveller, the only one that mattered.
The adepti also worshipped this creator, zhongli practically making entire novel series about her.
One person that did interest you in a good way was kazuha, he was a free spirit not being bound by blind obsession, he also said you smell like life, how odd...
Then came the time you actually met lumines brother, staring apon the twilight sword you couldn't help but feel sympathy, you didn't know where it came from but it was there.
Lumines brother aether was intimidating, he stood blank face and went on a speech about how they had a war with destiny, though when he looked at you his face was the complete opposite of blank. After dainsleif left lumine started to cry, helpless at the fact her brother didn't want to see her.
In that moment you couldn't help it, you really really couldn't help it, without thinking you kissed lumine, getting surprised when she kissed you back.
By inazuma you were completely and utterly in love with lumine, your mind wasn't any help, constantly putting images of doing things to lumine, instantly making you red when you looked at her.
Then came the resistance, teppei was a wonderful person, you immediately felt anger when he died, all due to those... Delusions. Disgrace to life itself.
Meeting scaramouche was exactly like meeting childe, those same eyes filled with devotion and obsession, disgusting.
By the time you finished saving a third nation, lumine looked dead inside, your heart physically hurt, how dare they hurt the love of your life.
Sitting in the teapot you think about kissing her again, last time it worked so it'll definitely work again.
So you do what you thought about, pressing you lips against her you relish in her divine taste.
Anyone can imagine your surprise when she pins you to the bed and makes out with you, she tastes better then any sort of wine, a few kisses led to neck kissing which led to deep dark Hickey's and eventually sex.
That night was the best of your entire life, you want to do it again, lumine seemed alot happier after it so you definitely will do it again.
Sumeru felt like a fresh breath for both of you, it was so green and the air was untainted by pollution.
Though if you could go back in time you would have never stepped foot in that place.
Immediately lumine passes out and you have to get the help of a guy with the largest ears you've ever seen, getting stuck in a timeloop inside of your head was torture, finding out sumeru locked there god was even more of torture.
But the one thing that you could never have prepared yourself for was meeting dottore, walking onto a crowd of people cheering for you was a shocker.
But then they started touching you, hands wrapped themselves around you waist, people grabbed your hair from all sides and practically yelled about how soft it was, people cupped your cheeks.
Then dottore showed up, claiming you as the creator, nahida who'd been right beside them realized he was telling the truth, immediately made you run away.
A whole bunch of stuff happened that I'm to warn out to write about but coming back to nahida you learned three things.
1. You were dead
2. your the creator
3.. This world forsaked you a long time ago
All of a sudden all of your memories came back to you, the pain the suffering, everything this world did to you.
Without a second thought you kidnapped lumine to your shared teapot, it took a lot to convince her to stay but when you did, you lived happily with her, spending the rest of your immortal lives together, not caring as teyvat burned without your presence.
After all this world forsaked you.
So now you'll forsake them back.
The end.
Sorry if the ending was rushed but I got burned out by the end.
Hope you enjoyed.
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thetreefairy · 1 year
the puppet's heart
Warnings: angst kinda? swearing, Reader is great at hiding their feelings, wanderer be using his vision to unintentionally scare Reader, Reader is an anemo healer, dottore is a warning on his own but hes actually nice in this one, Reader is an esteemed alchemist
this is my first time for writing for genshin in a platonic sense, so I really need advice
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Reader was over their head, a weird man was following them, claiming to be their brother.
"My heart, can you truly not remember me?"
Oh, how scared Reader was.
To the point they would even give their body to dottore in exchange for protection.
"You are a fool." Dottore chuckled. "Why would you give up your body for simple protection?"
"You are less scary than the man hunting me down." Reader admitted to Dottore. "Perhaps, I have a better trade." he grinned, causing Reader to tilt their head slightly. "Become my assistant."
Reader agreed, as long as he would protect her from Scaramouche.
But how angry the wanderer was for Reader's choice.
The traveler told him: "Dottore will destroy them, even if Reader thinks he's better than being around you. So save them, and prove them wrong."
And that is exactly what Scaramouche did. He hunted down the fatui agents, and Reader was getting paranoid. Dottore tried his best to comfort Reader, after all, they are his prized assistant.
But that comfort was shattered the moment that Scaramouche had find them and Dottore. They were testing out reader's anemo vision together with some plants when Reader was suddenly snatched up.
reader screamed, Dottore taking out his weapon ready to attack. But he couldn't see as to where they were. Reader could fight yes, but they were better at healing.
Reader was in the air, the man who they so desperately tried to run away from comforting them. "Such a pathetic fear of height you have." Scaramouche mumbled. "Don't worry my heart, I am here."
reader head-butted him, trying to do anything possible to make him drop them. Failing desperately. "Shh, you're save now."
"Stop it, I don't know you, what do you want?!" Reader shouted, as they tried to fight them the best. "Oh, my heart, I am your brother."
"You are even crazier than Dottore." Reader hissed, causing Dottore to gasp loudly as he tried to get to Reader. He was kinda amused by the air fight, but he would prefer to not lose his assistant.
"Now now, you shouldn't speak to me that way, you wouldn't want your precious Dottore to die."
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consider tipping me on my ko-fi I am still working on content for that, so please excuse the bare look :)
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mayullla · 2 years
Title: His Name
Character(s): Scaramouche (Genshin Impact) Warnings/tags: Haunted doll au: Fem!reader, drabble, dark themes, sensitive themes, obsession themes, tw horror, violence, there is no romance in this au Note: Since Scaramouche drip market has been released~ here you go~!
Haunted doll au masterlist
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"Don't touch me!" His shriek was painful to your ears, echoing. His face was cracked, so close to breaking and his eyes were hostile toward a small child that stared at him in both fear and worry.
That was all you remember from your dream when everything went black as something or someone held you so tightly. Your shoulder wet from tears all gone the moment you woke up that morning.
Scaramouche technically had one owner your grandfather recalled. A young man kind and artistic had grown interested in the doll on the shelf and bought him at a high price. Your grandfather had thought that this particular doll had found a true home but much like many dolls some return back to him. This was no different... except he came back a little cracked and a little broken.
Your grandfather wanted to fix the doll but it was difficult when he started to have horrible migraines when he was anywhere near the doll so in the end he placed it in storage and left. He thought that he could just come back and fix the porcelain doll when it calmed down and feels better again.
Who would have thought that it would disappear the next day as if it was hiding from him?
Your grandfather looked at the doll on the table as your mother started cleaning your face from the dust you collected on your face and clothes. 
You went back there again it seems.
Your grandfather had noticed that you would sometimes disappear to the second storage room he rarely goes in unlike the first. The first time you went there you found a doll you nicknamed Childe. The next time you went there you found a doll he named La Signora long ago.
He went back there again hoping to find dolls that disappeared from his sight. Yet it seems they still wish to stay hidden from his eyes for all he found were empty boxes filled to the brim with dead shells of what was once supposed to be beautiful.
All he saw was a wall of black.
Yet it seems they have become rather curious about you. Seeing that you would come back always with another doll in your hands. They were curious about some more obsessed than others but they all follow the same path.
You were not looking, when your grandfather reached for the doll only to stop when he felt a sting on his finger. Pulling his hand away he watched as a drop of liquid fell to the floor leaving red.
So much resentment was already built up it seems. Any closer and he was sure that it would be his neck next.
"Grandpa?" A small innocent voice called out to him. Your grandfather's tired eyes looked at you who was staring at his hand.
"Hmmm? What is the matter?"
"There is red liquid on your hand. The same color as that time I tripped on my knees at the playground." You stated, walking closer to him.
"I see.. that must have hurt." Your grandfather's voice was solemn without a hint of worry but you didn't realize it as you continued to stare at the blood on his finger. Looking at your grandfather in his eyes you grinned "It hurt a lot!"
"It must hurt for you too." Your focus was back on his hand again, looking at his cut finger he wondered what to say but instead looked at the doll.
"So where did you find that doll?"
"Hmmm?" You looked at the doll that was on top of the table staring at you two. Watching you hop towards it your grandfather wondered what will happen. Grasping the doll placing it in your arms almost babying it.  "I don't know... I don't remember." Your face squinted as if you were thinking hard about where you found this doll but your mind was blank.
"He is a very pretty doll."
"Yes... he is very beautiful."
"Do you know his name?" Your grandfather asked, this answer you must know when your face brightens. 
"His name is Scawamosh!"
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Aquarius’s Genshin Impact... MASTERLIST?!
☕️ Tip me an iced coffee?! :O
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* = IMPOSTER AU = NOT dark/yandere!
* = Art made by me for the post!
Turn on the background music?
(sorry about reformatting again guys...)
Your Birthday! (ft. cute platonic Bennett)
...Whatcha listenin’ to Player?
You’re a walking speaker (sounds from ur memories)
Latino! Reader, You're feeling a little homesick... (mostly Zhongli scenario!)
You introduce Teyvat to the lovely music of KPOP (check the reblogs!!)
You made your babes gifts! ALL Characters/PART 1 - Travelers/Dainsleif, Pyro, Electro, Anemo
^ PART 2, of the gifts!! ^
Childe reacts to his voice actor's song covers
O Aquarius, dead stars you are, what is my horoscope today?
Razor, best boy.
Bennett, ft. Razor (part 2-ish!)
Qiqi, best girl.
Headcanons of an Avatar AU (the fantasy movies)
TCG Genius Invokation... wait, they're your Favorite Card???
* Imposter! AU while parenting Razor (non-yandere/not-dark version)
* Possession AU! - you can still control your characters, but by possessing them! PART 1
* Possession AU! - PART 2
Neurodivergent!Reader, Ganyu my beloved!
* Strawberry Scarameow.
You're an Army Veteran and you brought the gun
Minecraft AU!! :D ⛏️
Costa Rican Reader spreads their culture <3
* Possession AU Fanfic, only AO3 (Ongoing)
Language Shenanigans!
OG Blunt Language in Teyvat AU! Post :) (check the reblogs for that post for awesome add-ons from followers!)
Blunt Lang. AU! Colorful Cussing
Blunt Lang. AU! Vine Boom every time you speak (+sprinkle of bilingual)
Blunt Lang. AU! Actually you’re just having to learn Teyvatian lang. that’s why ur blunt
Blunt Lang. AU! with a dash of Neurodivergent! Reader, your trying to be flowery... it’s not working...
Blunt Lang. AU! You're a writer! ...well now it's an ancient artifact and a bestseller.
Some more Blunt Lang. AU! fun AND more blunt lang. AU! fun :0
Paimon being rude in Sumeru
Audio Processing Disorder (Reader with APD) Shenanigans, (mostly Diluc scenario!)
Neurodivergent! Reader stims! ...and Teyvatians thought that was your language...
Neurodivergent! Reader is a child/different ages randomly ft. Non-native English speaker
Teyvat’s countries have the Simlish versions of Japanese, German, etc.
Your Native Language is holy... except you mostly cuss with it
Slang words don’t translate well... or texting lingo
Tumblr / 2023 Slang doesn’t translate well...
...Teyvat is trying to make your slang words translate...
You’ve yet to realize that Teyvat has multiple languages (looks at hieroglyphics) ...is this Loss. the oldest record of language... “sus”
You know sign language and help out a lost kid, Teyvat melts AQUARIUS got isekaied?! with my followers??!! (check the reblogs too!) Nobody wants to tell You (god) that you’ve mixed up some words... You’re really out here just speaking gibberish, ya trickster god
You sound like an Animal Crossing character to Teyvatians
Godly game of charades scenario
You give up translating and just start running around (encoded/cipher! post)
You're an Eldritch God of Teyvat... so ofc no one understand you (check the reblogs too!)
You know French. You use this power appropiately.
Reader only writes to talk!
You're multilingual! ...Alhaitham is outside your door.
You're Brazilian, Teyvat is calm about this.
Ancient tablets nice... oh god its a hurt/no comfort fic.
*Eldritch God Reader Fanfic (thanks for 1000+ followers!!)
^^ part 2 of the above, also an ao3 link!
Teyvat doesn't write novels, but you do lol
☆Taglists ☆
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
Possession AU! ONLY
@justlostintheinternet / @assassinsnake101 / @sun-wokung
Wanna join a taglist for something? Just message me:
" pspspspssss tag me (insert taglist here) !! "
Hmmm... I wonder what you'll get if you send an ask saying "aquarius, oh dead stars, what is my horoscope today?"...°.•☆•.°?
Safe Travels,
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yandollies · 7 months
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Hello, pretty things <3 My name is Naaji and I'm a hypersexual writer, writing to get some of my thoughts and feelings out instead of letting them sit. My pronouns are he/him and I'm a gay trans man, so most of my writings will either be male reader or gn reader. That being said, anybody regardless of gender or sexual orientation is welcome to interact :3
I don't take requests, but you're free to leave thirsts / brainrots anytime! If I find the concept interesting I might write a little drabble or some hcs about it ^_^
WARNING : This account will contain smut and possibly disturbing topics written by a minor. I don't care who interacts with me, but if you're uncomfortable with this please leave for your own sake <3
Moving on to more of what I'll write...
I will be writing smut and dark content such as: yanderes, underage sex (between two minors), large age gaps (18 & late 30s / 40s ?), threesomes, character x reader, character x character
(PS: I might also add some of my own hcs to the writing just because I love my hcs and I want everyone to know)
However, I will also write fluff or familial relationships (platonic) every once and a while! (And maybe angst if I'm feeling it)
Some fandoms that I'm into and may write about are: Bungou Stray Dogs, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Reverse 1999, Final Fantasy, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Heaven Official's Blessing, Pokemon, Omori, The Legend Of Zelda, Devilman Crybaby, Fairy Tail, The Summer Hikaru Died, Project Sekai, and Alien Stage
Some of my favorite characters to write for are: Kaedehara Kazuha, Shikanoin Heizou, Scaramouche / Wanderer, Freminet, Neuvillette, Wriothesley - Fukuzawa Fukichi, Oda Sakunosuke, Nakahara Chuuya, Atsushi Nakajima, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Osamu Dazai, Edgar Allan Poe - Blade, Dan Heng, Aventurine, Gepard - Pavia, Зима, Shamane, Horropedia, Forget Me Not - Adaman, Volo, Bede, Gladion, N, Kieran, Guzma - Till, Ivan (The boyfriends..,.,..) - alot more I can't list all of them
Some of my favorite ships: Kawoshin, Ivantill, Soukoku (specifically 15!skk), Kazuhei, Wriolette, Kazuxiao, Suntan, Sunflower, Cactiflower, Sunturine, Sunhill, Akiryo
I will also likely write about some ocs of mine or just unnamed character concepts.
Some things that I will NOT be writing: minor x adult, smut containing young children (1 - 12 yrs old), r-pe, SA, noncon, stepcest / incest, kinks containing bodily fluids or anything like that (piss, scat, vomit, sweat, etc. Sorry.. just not into that)
Masterlist coming soon !!!!
Reminder that I am a minor and I do have school and other things going on in my life, so posts might not be that frequent .. Sorry lovelies </3 Goodbye for now !! ^_< ♡
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
Yandere! Scaramouche x fem!reader. College AU (by request of sorts from @that-one-gay-writer1227. They really said they really liked College AU Scara) Smut. Halloween themed. Chase in the woods. Obsessive behavior. Possessive!Scaramouche. Choking. Praise. Degradation. Outdoor sex at night. I think I covered it all.
Tagging @xxventiswindblumexx cause smut soulmate <3
When you asked him to go to the haunted attraction the campus set up every year for Halloween with you, he'd told you it was stupid. He asked you what the point was. You said the idea was to have fun and get scared. He'd been all set to shut you down and spend the night watching horror movies with you.
Until you said that Halloween was your favorite holiday.
Now Scaramouche couldn't say no.
So here he was, standing in line with you and one of your friends, who came with her boyfriend from the campus choir class. At least that was what you told him. He didn't expect the gaggle of geese that followed you around the equestrian facility to come along. Uninvited.
Scaramouche had a glare reserved for each one of them. They were intruding on his time with you. He even considered paying off the stupid brats so they would leave. Your friend and her boyfriend were going to leave you alone since this was a date for them too.
Putting arm around you, he pulled you against him, inhaling your scent. He'd taken great care in making sure your clothes smelt like him, unmistakable to anyone breathing near you. He sprayed your perfume on your clothes to, mingling the two scents together. You even smelt faintly of *sweet fresh hay.
Even making sure it smelt faintly like cigarettes, weed and leather. It was a further sign of possessive dominance.
All scents you loved and made you feel comfortable. Damn it, he really does love you.
It started off exactly like he knew he it would. People jumping out and trying to scaring everyone. Screaming people and shrill laughing. Scaramouche swore he thought his ears were going to bleed. Until he watched how you were acting.
You having fun, but not in the way everyone else was. No, you were having fun in a different way. A way that captivated him. And excited him.
Scaramouche watched you approach someone who was overacting. He thought he recognized from some classes or another but he couldn't be sure. He was dressed as the stereotypical chainsaw welding horror movie characters. It was easy to see where they got the inspiration for the costume, seeing as how he watched a few movies from the franchise with you. You were picky about your slasher movies. You preferred more supernatural horror than anything.
You calmly approached what's his name, smiling somewhat at him, completely unfazed by him being in character.
He loved that you seemed so fearless and unfazed. Of course, why would you be easily rattled? You navigated a very hateful creature who outweighed out by a thousand pounds at least around a course of jumps with more than five or six feet in height. He'd never seen anything like it before. Your posture always perfect and straight, your eyes focused ahead but around you at the same time, looking for anything that might disrupt you. The tedious multitasking almost seemed unreal to him everytime he watched. Watched more often than not with jealousy. Jealousy that you weren't riding him instead.
Scaramouche enjoyed seeing you act this way. But here is where it got unfortunate for the other boy. He knew no one was supposed to touch anyone during this. But Scaramouche still felt threatened. No one was allowed to touch you. Ever. Only he was allowed. Platonic hugs with your friends who were girls were the only thing acceptable to him.
So when Scaramouche felt that this poor unfortunate fellow got too close to you, his life flashed before his eyes. He couldn't decide who scared him more. Not only was he unnerved by your reaction to him, but Scaramouche was staring into his eyes with a look that he had never seen before.
One that made his blood run cold. It was a dark, possessive look, one with cold rationality. It said if you even think about touching what's mine, I will end you.
Scaramouche put his hands on your shoulders to further push his point. Mine. Not yours. All mine.
He suddenly felt an interesting reaction that quivered through your body. He felt it vibrate against his fingers like electricity. Scaramouche had startled you. And you smiled, like you were aroused.
He had to be sure. Scaramouche could read your body like a book. But he wanted to test his theory. His fingers itched to. He waited for you to relax and continue passing everyone trying to scare you by, giving them a wave or reminding some of them that a paper was due in a few days. There was that disgusting consideration for other people showing again. Why were you like that? He didn't understand.
Scaramouche capitalized on your letting your guard down when you came to a room with a wooden owl on the table. "Aww, look at the cute owl!" The girl jumped out from under the table. You screamed, blushing embarrassed but you were only startled.
Not scared.
"Boo," he whispered in your ear, suddenly wrapping his arms around you. You jumped, giggling. Since it was dark, the air hanging cloudy from a fog machine and flashing lights, Scaramouche groped you discreetly, making you whimper. "You are getting off on me scaring you, aren't you," he whispered, his fingers brushing against one of your nipples for a moment before anyone noticed.
Why not wind you up more? Make you cave a little faster before he fucked you tonight.
Rinse and repeat until you reached the end of the of the maze in the woods. He scared you a little more each time. You were wet by the time you said goodnight to everyone and started to walk back to the dorms with him.
"You wanna try something that I think you'll like, and one I will enjoy?" He poised the question with anticipation.
"Oh? What do you have in mind?" You replied, feeling suspicious. Scaramouche had made it evident that he was only tolerating tonight because you enjoyed Halloween. So why wasn't he grumbling about how long it took or how stupid it had been?
"Let's have some fun. Why don't I chase my little kitten through the woods and catch you. I'm sure you know where this is headed, now get moving. I'm not giving you a headstart," laughing as he tried to grab your hair.
You giggled and yelped, darting around him and running into the woods.
"Here kitty, kitty, I'm coming for you. Your body looks extra soft today, pliable in my hands," Scaramouche called out when he saw you cut a hard left, looking over your shoulder for a moment to see how far behind you he was. Your heart was pounding. The more he called out to you into the night, saying he was getting closer made you feel even wetter. But you weren't going to make it easy for him.
And Scaramouche didn't want you to either. He wanted you to run fast. He knew you were fast. You had to be to deal with horses, especially thinking fast. Which is what you did.
You danced away from him with ease, making it feel impossible for him to reach you. And it turned him on. "Run, run, slut. My hands are going to wrap around your pretty throat when I catch you."
When you showed one second of fatigue, your ankle rolled out from under you, making you trip. You tried to scramble to your feet but you just weren't fast enough. Or maybe you wanted to be caught.
"Gotcha!" Scaramouche exclaimed, laughing as he grabbed your ankle, dragging you back down onto the ground. Pinning you down, he put a knee between your legs.
You mewled, your body immediately going limp underneath him. "Ha! You were always the best at submitting to me in every way," he rubbed his knee roughly between your legs, feeling your arousal dampening against your pants onto his knee. "I knew you were getting off on me scaring you. You are absolutely wet and no doubt throbbing for me."
Scaramouche pressed a thumb down on your windpipe, smirking when you struggled to moan as the air was cut off from your lungs gradually. He unbuttoned your pants and thrust two fingers inside of you. "You really are a slut for me! I don't have to prepare you. Your pussy is going to swallow my cock well, you are that wet."
You moaned, grinding desperately into his fingers. He held your legs open when you tried to close them around his arm for more friction. Your fingernails clawed at his arm, your body twitching from harsh stimulation.
Scaramouche took his thumb from your windpipe, his hand tearing your shirt and your bra as he did away with your pants and your panties. He shivered when he saw just how wet you were. Your slick was shining wet in the moonlight. He licked his lips.
"Go on, kitten! Tell them all who pleases you like this! And you'd better call me Master, slut. I own everything about you!" He glared down at you, his eyes hazy with a feral lust.
You cried out in pleasure when Scaramouche roughly thrust inside of you, snapping his hips to bottom out against your cervix. "Go on! Say it! Tell them who is fucking you dumb! Did I stutter, slut?!"
AH! AH! It's you, Master! It's you, Scaramouche!" You cried out, digging your fingernails into his back.
Grunting, he moaned huskily in your ear, his pace ruthless and rough. His fingers dug into your hips. Each thrust practically made you see stars. He kissed you roughly, growling as he licked inside of your mouth, curling his tongue around yours.
Scaramouche grinded his teeth harshly against your lower lip as he reluctantly pulled away. Panting, he squeezed your throat, making your body jolt with with pleasure.
His thrusts remained frenzied, but they turned sloppy the more your walls clamped around his cock. The more he squeezed the tighter you felt. Hissing in pain, he pried one of your hands from his back. He put it against your clit. "Rub yourself while I cum inside of you," he ordered, his eyes transfixed on his cock sliding in and out of your cunt, your fingers circling your clit desperately trying to chase the high you felt building up in your core.
"Fuck, I am cumming.." Scaramouche babbled, releasing his hold on your throat. His cock twitched inside of you. You gasped when your felt his cum spill inside of you. The feeling of him cumming and rubbing your clit ushered in your orgasm.
Snatching your hand, he licked your fingers, fucking you through your orgasm. When he was satisfied, he collapsed on top of you, burying his face in your neck. You stroked his hair to calm him down.
"You tore my shirt and broke my bra," you giggled, making him scoff against your neck as he nuzzled his cheek against your jaw.
"So what? You threw your jacket over there," he pointed in the direction where it lay a few feet away without picking his head up.. "I would've taken off your jacket myself. I don't want any assholes leering at what's mine. You belong to me, remember."
"Of course, dear. That fact will never change," you replied, rubbing your fingers against his scalp.
Scaramouche laughed softly, lifting your body so he hold you against him, his fingers stroking behind your ear. "Damn right it won't."
*fresh hay smells really good.
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lynx-of-skies · 9 months
~Welcome to Le Café Chat Endormi~ (Closed For Now)
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What would you like to order?
Fandom : Genshin Impact (Preferably Males Only)
*Disclaimer : All children will be platonic and all orders will be GN so that everybody can enjoy reading it! Also, the maximum amount of characters per order is 3 and the maximum of orders is 3. THERE WILL BE NO NSFW*
Examples of orders :
Can I have a Green Tea and some Honey Cake for Xiao, Scaramouche, and Albedo?
Tip : 15%
I would like a Black Coffee for Zhongli and Macaroons for Lyney please.
Tip : 5%
----------------------------- Please place your orders in the comment section and I will get to them shortly. I will be doing the oldest orders first so please be patient for your order. Also, new items may appear on the menu, some may be permanent, some may be a holiday special, even if your holiday special may be late, I will still complete the order. If someone has made the same order as you such as; Green Tea for Kazuha, Tip 0%, I will skip over that order. *Kabukimono, Scaramouche, Wanderer will be counted as separate people*
Tea :
Green Tea (Where they like to hangout)
Jasmine Tea (Their favorite activities to do)
Mint Tea (Embarrassing moment for them)
Sweet Tea (How you guys met)
Coffee :
Black Coffee (When your injured heavily)
Iced Coffee (How they protect you)
French Vanilla Latte (How they sleep)
Food :
Muffin (Their Hobbies)
Croissant (Least favorite person)
Avocado Bagel (When your sick)
Sweets :
Cupcakes (How their crush on you developed)
Macaroons (How they confess to you)
Apple Pie (Where their favorite place to kiss you)
Red Velvet Cake (How they like cuddle you)
Honey Cake (Favorite pet names)
Boba :
Caramel Milk Boba (Their hidden talents)
Pea Butterfly Milk Boba (How they comfort you)
Cash or Credit?(Tagged or not Tagged?) Tip? (Au? Ex. Sagau, Yandere, etc.) 0% - No Au (Reg. Genshin Impact) 5% - Modern Au 10% - School Au 15% - Yandere 20% - Sagau (No yandere/cult/imposter/isekai/etc.) 25% - Idol Au 30% - Aus not on this list (Tell me the Au) We hoped you enjoyed your stay at Le Café Chat Endormi, please come again soon! Masterlist
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kinoshita-asuka · 2 years
happy holidays, from THE FATUI HARBINGERS
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winter time is here, and is tradition, time to exchange gifts with people they hold dear. what would the feared (warranted) fatui harbingers give their loved one?
harbingers x reader (minus pierro, la signora, and scaramouche) pulcinella is platonic 1.25k words; yandere undertones for some (they are harbingers) i do not condone yandere behavior
author's note: oh please let me remember to publish it on time.
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pierro, no. 1
pierro is off at the moment, but he will send you one soon (aka i don't know how to write for him)
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il dottore, no.2
the doctor would give you an invention of his. if you wanted to, he'll even gift a segment of him to you, they would appreciate it. but the gift he would most want to give you is an immortal body, so you could stay with him. he is an expert at biological matters, like his segments and collei… he would modify your body to never die, he would even make more bodies for you. if you die, you could just have another body. that would be his definition of staying with him forever and his solution to your mortality. on the other hand, the segments would gift you different things based on various periods of dottore's life. one might give you a mechanical bird while another might gift you a mindless servant, a former fatui member you've seen around.
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columbina no. 3
columbina's gifts would be quite sincere and innocent. she'll give you a pretty white dove in a golden gilded cage and say, "look at this! it's so pretty, right my dove?" you should love her gifts, they're so pretty and she picked them out, all for you. she'll give you the same accessories as her own, such as her trademark lace blindfold and the feathers behind her head. or she gifts you things that she thinks resemble you, like the dove, or maybe a cute cat with a nice collar on it. she'll cuddle you and sing songs as you sleep, her eyes tracing the collar on your neck, matching your beloved cat's, with bell and all.
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il capitano no. 4
the captain's gifts are clumsy, but sincere. he would pick whatever best he can think of for you (from his side). what would you get from him? a weapon, of course. for a non-combatant. he'll spend hours contemplating, observing you, to see which weapon would be better for you, can you use a bow or do you have the strength to swing a sword around. hey, maybe not the best gift for the holidays, but it's sincere from his side. his mindset is very combat-oriented. of course, he is one of the most effective combatants for the tsaritsa. he thinks that you should be prepared to battle, no matter when or where. better to be ready. he tries to teach you how to fight, to protect yourself. who knows who would come after you..
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pulcinella, no. 5
pulcinella, the mayor of the nation. he would have the most heartfelt gifts, after childe. he has experience with gifts, as he always gives them to tartaglia's family and takes care of them, even if childe is too oblivious to realize the very obvious hostage situation. pulcinella would treat you like his granddaughter, he would gift you a scarf to keep you warm and money to keep you afloat. his financial support has helped you a lot. all he asks of you is to keep in close contact with him, which is an easy request for you. his old age and experience in the fatui have caused him to want someone close to him and someone he can spoil. just don't worry about a few fatui soldiers cruising across your small town, looking for a few "threats" that have tried to harm you..
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scaramouche, no. 6
this seat has been left vacant for centuries. how could somebody give a gift to you if they didn't exist?
"hmm? there used to be one? i can't seem to remember."
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sandrone, no. 7
this girl only works on her puppets and machines most of the time, so don't expect much gifting-wise. she wouldn't give you food or clothes, she would give you a mechanical invention of hers, but not her unfinished works. no, her most polished puppet, made with the best materials and tuned to perfection, will be given to you. like dottore, don't expect heartfelt gifts. these two run purely on logic and what is most practical to gift to you, which for sandrone, is her specialty field. as a plus for sandrone, this was a good time to test the puppet she made to see if it needed any improvements or if it works well. Her gift is programmed to watch you and report your movements at all times. it is a test run of a new surveillance robot she's been working on…
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la signora, no. 8
"the fair lady? she should be deceased, so she can't give out presents unlesss.. you have a way to manifest her back into the world."
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pantalone, no. 9
known as the richest man in snezhnaya, so of course, he would only have the most decadent gifts picked out for you. he might be the living incarnation of "i'll buy everything from here to here" and point from the start of the shelf to the very edge. there'll be the biggest diamond you've ever seen, inlaid on an indent in the center of a gorgeous silver necklace. he'll have the entire collection of famous designers from liyue, mondstadt, or any other nation. or you'll find yourself with a little coat, made of what seems to be the fur of a white fox, only for pantalone to inform you it's a mythical beast, and it is like the one stolen that was to be gifted to the tsaritsa. money is best spent on the most valuable individuals, whether to cherish them, chain them down, or both. he's spent so much on you, so stay with him.
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arlecchino, no. 10
this woman is quite the piece of work. described as "there isn't a sane bone in her body", she is surprisingly… sweet to you? you don't know what you did, but you somehow fell in love. she wouldn't know much about gift-giving, but she does have some experience picking out gifts for the children of the "house of the hearth". the knave would give out sentimental but practical gifts, something like a comb or a hairpin, something of very high value, emotionally and materially. she would pick something you could use in everyday life or wear on yourself that she could see. like pantalone, she likes seeing you in things she's bought, but with a different motive for it. it signals that you are hers. you'll be the only one that allows her to show her darker side, so in exchange, you should stay hers, right? you'll be the only one to not disappear when you see her dark side.
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tartaglia, no. 11
tartaglia would get you warm and heartfelt gifts. whether it be a batch of cookies made by his family or a warm scarf personally knitted by his mother or even himself (he would learn to knit for you). if childe did not get you some kind of gift like the above, he would use his saved-up mora to buy you something luxurious or comfortable, like nice coats and delicacies imported from other nations. he can do at least that much. while not as wealthy as pantalone, he is still immensely wealthy. he is very empathetic and would know what to gift you, it's a skill you acquire when you have to get gifts for a whole family. that extends to you, you are his second home, and he'll be damned if he doesn't spoil you. he shall cherish you, just like how he cherished his family after his near-death experience in the abyss. another little gift, he'll protect you with everything he's got, just like the icy grave of a certain aggressor buried in the thick snow who thought that he could fell the battle-hungry childe with his beloved.
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worked on for 2 days
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belphiesreverie · 1 year
HEYYOO! Hope your doing well! I really enjoyed your platonic yandere scaramouche post ! I can't get it outta my head- Keep up the good work!
But I was wondering how would he react to the reader just straight up rebelling ? I'm talking ignoring him, refusing to eat stuff ect..
(sorry if this is a bit too vague)
Aaaa tysm!!!! Here’s your request, I hope you like it!! 💕
TW: yandere behaviour, starvation
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He doesn’t take it well to say the least
You’ve both had mini rebellious phases where you’ve refused to talk to each other over small arguments, but those bouts are normally solved after a bit of time to cool down and an apology
But when Scara humbles himself to apologise to you after being unable to take the separation any longer and you still refuse to talk to him? Oh, he’s mad
He doesn’t start by taking it out on you, instead targeting anyone who you talk to in the span of time you’re ignoring him
If you’re not going to talk to him then you’re not going to talk to anyone. He’ll be so aggressive with those you interact with that the best case scenario is them never wanting to even breathe the same air as you for the rest of their lives
He’s truly hoping that the utter isolation from everyone will finally make you crack. He’d never admit it but being ignored by one of the only people he dared to ever consider a friend is a torture worse than death for him
However, his treatment of others only makes you more upset at him. You’d hoped to finally set some boundaries in your friendship with him by ignoring him but it seems that he’s still up to his usual tricks, meaning you’re going to have to try harder
When you refuse to leave your room and stop eating all together, it sends a wave of panic through him
But being the stubborn person that he is, he’d never outwardly admit to that, so he resorts to hurling insults at you through the door to the effect of “starve in there for all I care” and “I never even wanted to see your ugly face anyways”
Yet not even 3 days pass before he’s screaming at you to eat something. To eat before he kills you himself
And by the 5th day, he’s torn the door off the hinges and is begging for you to eat something, spewing apologies left right and centre
It’s such a contrast to anything you’ve ever seen from him before, so contradictory to how you view him that you can’t help but pity him in this state. So you begrudgingly accept his apology, despite knowing he probably doesn’t know what he was supposedly so sorry for
For the next week or so afterwards he insists on making sure you’re eating all of your meals, and despite seemingly being in such a mood with you that he doesn’t want to talk to you, he still insists on asking you a simple question every hour or so to make sure you’re not ignoring him again
As for him learning his lesson, he truly hasn’t seemed to change his ways at all. And if he can’t fix his possessive ways after such a scare, then maybe you’ll just have to accept that’s just the kind of friend he is
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iloveyanderes · 1 year
Which yandere is the best:
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thetreefairy · 1 year
I'm tempted to make a platonic yandere wanderer/scaramouche. So another poll :)
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