#platonic yandere lance alvers
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I have come, with something!
So, imagine reader is a young adult instead of the teen. They already gone through the system, was never adopted, so they have a lot of resentment to parents and such. And they actually work in the school as an assistant teacher. The team thing happens and when reader realizes they were being used, they quit, and after, cut out anything showing they鈥檙e a mutant. Maybe filling the claws way down to look like normal nails, or if it鈥檚 like wolverine鈥檚, they use a rock to break it.
How would everyone react to seeing reader after that, either fresh from their self mutilation, or some days after?
Thanks for reading my rant!
Oooooo... Okay, okay, that's interesting! I still plan to have Reader as a teen in the main au, but Reader as a young adult? Not bad, if I say so. I'm going to count this as an au of the Smilodon AU, because I have an idea for how Reader finding all of this out goes, but... I really like this ask. So good job! Let's do it-
If the others, the X-Men and Brotherhood, saw Reader like that... I think they'd feel nauseous. Light-headed. Sick. Because their... whatever Reader is to them, is missing parts of their mutation, the parts that were part of them. Their claws... they're filed down, hardly there anymore.. Their fangs... not near as long or sharp as they used to be. And the small bits of fur or fluff that used to dot their arms and legs... they're gone, leaving the skin underneath. This isn't what they wanted. They wanted Reader as their, well... okay, they had used Reader. They didn't want to, in the end, and the teens wanted to stop it, but- They just couldn't. They tried. The adults... they feel remorse. A bit scared. Because now they know Reader can and will harm themself (and likely had before). When Xavier looks deeper into Reader's thoughts, he sees their inner-self, and it isn't a monster or a beast or an evil person... it's a scared, lonely, hurt child, who wants love, but has been denied it so long that they don't trust anyone. And after what all they've done... Reader doesn't even trust them anymore...
Xavier, Scott, and Jean would try to speak rationally with Reader (their version of rational). It goes out the window real quick when Reader's thoughts turn darker, sadder, spiraling. Scott wants to know why Reader did what they did, because he's sorry, and wants them to know they care. He wants them to see it their way. But he mostly wants to make things better between them. Jean wants to help Reader, and comfort them, but now there's a literal mental wall between them, full of bitterness. She wants to reach them,, to stop them from doing this to themself... Xavier wants to convince Reader they meant no harm, and to give them and the X-Men a proper chance to make it up to them. He knows that Reader will be hard to convince. But they have to hold out hope. If worse came to worse... they can try and move Reader in with them, albeit unwillingly. It might be the only way to keep an eye on them and their health...
Kurt, Kitty, Ororo, and Beast regret getting Reader's hopes up, only for the truth to come out about why they started trying to befriend them in the first place. Seeing Reader remove parts of their mutation, leaving them almost defenseless... Kurt feels scared. He has a visible mutation as well, and while he hid his with the holo watch, Reader didn't have something like that. And they got rid of parts of themself! It's... it's so hard to look at... Kitty wants to hug Reader, wants forgiveness. She's so sorry about what happened, she wants them to know that! But... why would Reader hurt themself? Are they hiding any other wounds? What If they hurt themself again?... Storm is doing her best to stay calm and motherly, which sadly doesn't get her very far. She knows they've hurt Reader, and it doesn't feel good, for Reader or for them. But they need to own up to it. The best they can do is apologize, and hope Reader forgives them, or at least doesn't hurt themself further. Perhaps getting Hank to talk with them would be better... Hank would try and help them, would try to talk with Reader. He wants to provide therapy, or at least get them to have a medical exam. He needs to know how bad they hurt themself. But they're not budging. He doesn't want Charles to force Reader. No. But if they want to help them, they need them under their care. And sadly, Reader does not want to be under their care or protection after everything...
Rogue, Evan, and Logan feel guilty. They know they didn't trust Reader at first. That they didn't want to give them the benefit of the doubt. But seeing how bad it's hurt them, that they'd rather hurt themself than them... It's a tough pill to swallow. Reader already had trust issues. They already didn't have a high opinion of themself. And they just made those a whole lot worse. Rogue is truly sorry, wanting to have Reader stay with them so they don't hurt themself or disappear. She's scared that if they look away from them, they'll be gone. That Reader will leave, or worse, be dead. Evan wants to apologize, but he also wants Reader to give them a second chance. Even his aunt is in on it, and maybe Reader would believe two of them over just one? He really wants them to not give up on them... Logan knows he hasn't handled knowing Reader very well. He knew about some of their past, and wrote them off as a bad influence. And they weren't. They're the cub of his "brother" (he doesn't know if that fuzzy maniac is his brother or not), but they've never even met the guy, let alone know who he was. It wasn't fair of him to get mad with them, to treat them as a potential threat. Seeing them harm themself though... It makes him realize that they had every chance to go after all of them, but instead they turned on themself. And for that... he realizes he shouldn't have been been hard. So cold.
The Brotherhood teens want to throw up. Their favorite assistant teacher, the one who tended to see the best in them, is missing parts of themself, or has cut them down. And it scares the cr*p out of them. This is their favorite teacher! Their go-to adult in school when things go wrong or people won't leave them alone! And they've. Hurt. Themself. They didn't want to use them! They swear! But... they're not sure this is an easy fix. This isn't as simple as saying sorry. This had consequences, and they've (mostly) learned that one has to own up to them, no matter what they be. Lance doesn't want to imagine Reader leaving them. They're the one adult he trusts. And now they're scared, or at least wary, of all of them. The X-Teens are in the same boat, so while he hates to say it, he might have to work with them to get Reader to stay, and hopefully heal and regrow their claws and fangs and fuzz. Todd feels sick. He didn't realize they could do that. They could actually remove parts of their mutation? Just like that? Thinking about it gives him shivers. Who would give their powers up? Who'd willingly hurt themself? He understands why they'd do it, he just wishes they hadn't. Fred wants to hug Reader and cry. His favorite adult (who's only a few years older than all of them) just hurt themself. And is upset with them. And is sad. He doesn't want them to be upset! Or hurt! He's trying to apologize, and is on the same boat as Lance to get the X-Teens help in apologizing, if it means Reader might forgive them. Pietro knows what they did. He knows it was wrong. Is he sorry?... Yes. But he still wants Reader with them. Seeing them they way they are... he still thinks they should be with them, even more now. They need help. His dad can get help, okay? H*ck, if they have to, they can pull Sabretooth in, okay?! He just... he doesn't want Reader to hurt themself even more. They're nice, and pay attention to him and his sister, good attention. How can they let them hurt? Wanda is asking Reader why they did it. She wants to know Reader's perspective on this, on why they did it, how they feel about them all. She doesn't want to hurt them, and she won't, but Reader needs help. She will not have her favorite adult die on her or hurt themself, so they'd better hurry up and go to her father or Xavier and get them involved, otherwise, they're going to have a problem. Mystique feels for Reader. Being distrusted by everyone. Having mutations that single them out. It hurts. It hurts her even more knowing she has hurt Reader with her actions. But this proves to her Reader needs a team. A group. She's grateful Reader hasn't taken their anger or hurt out on them, like their father might have. She knows they deserve it. But... she isn't sure if they should turn to... the X-Men... blegh... or to Magneto... who she's mad with... And unfortunately, those are her two options. The joys of being an adult, being responsible... Hopefully they can reach Reader before it could be too late...
#honeycomb thoughts#platonic yandere marvel#yandere platonic marvel#platonic yandere xmen#yandere x-men#platonic yandere marvel x reader#platonic yandere xmen evolution#platonic yandere xmen evolution au#platonic yandere scott summers#platonic yandere jean grey#platonic yandere charles xavier#platonic yandere kurt wagner#platonic yandere kitty pryde#platonic yandere rogue#platonic yandere evan daniels#platonic yandere logan howlett#platonic yandere wolverine#platonic yandere storm#platonic yandere ororo munroe#platonic yandere beast#platonic yandere lance alvers#platonic yandere avalanche#platonic yandere toad#platonic yandere fred dukes#platonic yandere pietro maximoff#platonic yandere wanda maximoff#platonic yandere mystique#Smilodon AU
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In the Lovesick AU, Reader seemed to others the ideal, non-stereotypical yandere: a new age version. They were calmer, more down-to-earth, slow to anger, less territorial, and great with advice and sharing. They seemed like a darling's or yandere's dream friend or partner... Of course, Reader wasn't interested in romance, either, so that helped many see them not as a threat, but as a friend or buddy, a person that helped rather than stole from them or mocked.
Reader was an easy friend for Scott to make. They helped him after Duncan beat him up, they bandaged wounds, they even called Duncan out on what he did. And Reader just- they seemd to understand, having to the bigger person. Even when you didn't want to be that. And they seemed to enjoy listening to him, or offering him a hand when he had a project, or just mediating between the teens of the school who needed to calm down. They were refreshing. Nice. Trustworthy. (He never meant to bettay their trust, he was just worried about them-)
Rogue found Reader to be open-minded. They tried to stand up for others, even when it meant facing possible backlash. They had new ideas, such as letting darlings not register their secondary gender, or saying out loud how past treatment of darlings throughout history was vile, shortsighted, wicked, even when it made close-minded teachers or students glare at them. Yet Reader still tried to be nice. They weren't as abrasive as some thought. They brought candies to class to share, they made friendships as easy as a kindergartener would, tend tend accepted her as she was, not wanting her to change or hide. It felt nice.
Kitty and Kurt and Evan liked this kid. They were fun! They had funny jokes, sarcasm, clever one-liners, and when they were blunt, it was hilarious! But they also were serious when it came to treating others with respect. They tried to be polite, they were obedient (most of the time), and they didn't rile up anyone or start petty arguments. They just seemed to try to make things easier for others. It wasn't hard to like them.
Lance found it hard to like them at first. Someone who was that nice, or seemed to have nearly everyone not dislike them? How was that even real? Except... they didn't use it to hurt others. H*ll, they'd even snip or snarl at someone if they tried to joke cruelly about him, or fight him. They didn't have to. He wasn't helpless! But... they also didn't expect anything in return. They never did. So maybe it wasn't too hard to try and keep the peace around them, then...
Pietro liked this person. Oh, they're quite the odd one! They have confidence, or so it seems. They don't get in his or his team's way. And they even are a mutant, too! Ha! Too perfect! Except... fine, the X-Men also like them. But that isn't a big problem. He's not so sure though, that they're so perfect... Something just tells him, that maybe it's best to keep an eye on them...
Todd's cool with them. They like art, they compliment his art, they'll wax poetic about things like bones or ashes or mud, and he finds himself realizing they're right. He appreciates them noticing the smalle lr things in life. He likes how they find beauty in everything. And hey, they share snacks, so that's awesome, too. Maybe they're not so different...
#honeycomb thoughts#platonic yandere marvel#yandere platonic marvel#platonic yandere xmen#yandere x-men#platonic yandere marvel x reader#platonic yandere xmen evolution#platonic yandere xmen evolution au#platonic yandere#platonic yandere x reader#馃挃lovesick au#platonic yandere scott summers#platonic yandere rogue#platonic yandere kurt wagner#platonic yandere kitty pryde#platonic yandere lance alvers#platonic yandere pietro maximoff#platonic yandere toad
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In the Bleeding hearts and missing parts au, the Brotherhood teens didn't really know Reader before they dissappeared. They knew of them, but kinda lumped them in as another annoying X-teen. When they went missing, they all felt kinda bad. They didn't like the X-teens but they didn't want anything terrible to happen.
Of course now the X-men have Reader back, but no one knows, so legally they're still missing and will probably stay that way.
Lance is the second one to meet Reader post-transformation officially (the hauntings they did don't count, the Brotherhood doesn't know that was them.)
Since they go to a normal school in Evolution (I think), they sometimes have to deal with crappy teachers spewing anti-mutant crap. One teacher does this and Lance breaks in her classroom after hours with a bucket of paint to prank her. Breaking the lock to get in, he surprised to see Reader!
At least...he thinks it is?
He doesn't exactly have Reader's looks down to complete memory but he's pretty sure they didn't have glowing eyes, freddy kreuger hands, piranha teeth, and fading scars all over. They look kinda scary.
And they're...stuffing the desk with frogs?
See, Reader also heard the teachers bullcrap, so they decided to mess with her too. Starting with filling her desk with frogs and mice. (live one this time. Don't worry Scott)
Reader looks at Lance's bucket of paint, gives him a thumbs up and then just...fades away.
Leaving poor Lance to figure out how to tell Kitty (who he has a crush on, if I remember) 1. That her missing friend/sibling/teammate/roommate (he is honestly not sure if the X-teens are related or not) is dead, likely murdered and 2. That their ghost is haunting the school and potentially the Brotherhood house.
The first one to meet Reader is Todd an hour beforehand, when they made accidentally made eye contact when they were both collecting frogs. They just nodded at each other and went about their day. Todd decided that it was #notmyproblem.
Bwahaha! I love this, @sugar-soda!
Lance was unsure how to break to his maybe girlfriend/maybe crush/kinda friend that he saw their dead sibling or roommate or teammatw or whatever Reader was, and that they're haunting the school and their house. He wasn't even sure what their mutation was, but their ghost is freaky as h*ck! Sharp, deadly teeth, clawed hands to put Freddy Krueger or a bear to shame, scars all over and fading into their skin, amd those eyes... those haunting, bright, glowing eyes... And they're stuffing mice and frogs and roaches in their anti-mutant teacher's desk drawers...
Well, someone had to do it! Who cares if it's a ghost?!
He wants to tell Kitty so bad, especially since he's pretty sure now that Reader is dead... but he wants to investigate first, make sure they truly are dead and that the ghost is truly them... and if it is... he might need to get some help sending sending back to their peaceful rest...
Todd, when he saw Reader, catching toads and frogs in the rain, high-fived them, collected his own pet frogs and toads, and went about his merry way. Look, if they're a scary, ghoulish mutant, who cares? It doesn't bother him, and they don't eat frogs or toads, so he's cool with them. Not his problem, not his concern. Of course, awhile later when he sees Lance, the guy looks like a nervous wreck covered in bright green paint smears, looking like he saw a ghost-!
Eh, oh well.
As long as paint isn't in his food and it doesn't clog the drain, then Lance can do him amd Todd can do Todd.
And on Friday morning, Ms. Snobbskey, the annoying and brutal teacher of English class, finds her classroom dabbled in bright grass green paint, her drawers full of hideous (cute) little mice and frogs, and roaches and a wasp nest in the corner and vents of her classroom. Suffice to say, her class is canceled for the day for everyone, and that classroom deemed a health hazard until further notice...
(This was so cute, @sugar-soda ! Ask any questions or share any ideas if you want! I love them!)
#honeycomb thoughts#platonic yandere marvel#yandere platonic marvel#platonic yandere xmen#yandere x-men#platonic yandere marvel x reader#platonic yandere xmen evolution#platonic yandere xmen evolution au#馃珋bleeding hearts and missing parts馃拤 au#platonic yandere lance alvers#platonic yandere avalanche#platonic yandere toad#platonic yandere kitty pryde
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Yandere Brotherhood (X men Evolution) and preteen fem reader who has Prehensile Hair and can talk to animals and is being fostered by Mystic.
Oooo, yes, more Brotherhood! I can do that, but I keep the Reader gender-neutral, or as the Reader's gender (which means for each Reader, it is whatever they are). Cool mutation idea! Let's try this out:
Your new guardian was pretty weird.
Not just because she was a mutant and a principal (and maybe evil?).
She had other kids at the Brotherhood home, and so far-
There wasn't anyone your age.
Your powers were pretty cool, with prehensile hair, in the shape of tentacles, that curled and grew long, wriggling when you were uncomfortable or curious. Your other power was even cooler, being able to talk with animals, and have them understand you.
It meant you made a lot of friends amongst the natural world...
But it also meant you earned quite the interest from the older teens.
You're looking at a little frog, who's wandered close by after the rain, and are approached by Toad, or Todd, as you try to call him.
"Yo, little teen, what's up?" he asks, squatting next to you in the grass. His tongue flicks out for a second, snatching a mosquito.
"Nothing much. Ribbit-Croak-Plip-The-Third here says he's never seen an amphibian as big as you. Yeah, I know, little guy, he pretty cool. Did ya want to say hi?" You pick the frog up, gently holding it so it can look at Todd. "See? He's kinda like you!"
"It- he... can understand you? And you understand him?" Toad asks, scratching at his hair.
"Yep! And he says he would like to be your friend!"
"That's... That's pretty cool. You're cool, little frog man," he replies, and taps his knuckle against the frog.
"He said you're cool... Okay! Ribbit-Croak-Plip says you're cool, too, and that he knows where some good worms are. If you want, he can show you," you translate.
And that's how you helped Toad and your frog friend make a new friend.
Lance and Fred learn you can lift things with your hair- tentacles- hair-tacles, when you're trying to cook dinner one night.
Two thick strands hold up the mixing bowl as three thinner ones add in herbs, milk, and creamy chicken soup. A few longer pieces are setting up the pan with rice, while the rest dice up the chicken meat. It's busy, enough so that you don't notice them come in right away.
"And that's what Toad said he heard from- Woah! Your hair's moving!" Fred exclaims, and you turn to look at him, as well as Lance, who'd he been talking with. You wave at them, as well as one your hair-tacles.
Lance's face turns pale, then a little green. "I... um. I think I might need to sit down a minute," he mumbles, plopping down into a chair by the chipped table. Fred only comes closer, looking at them and the ingredients.
"Whatcha cooking?"
"Chicken and rice casserole."
"Does it taste good?"
"... May I touch one of your... thing-a-ma-jigs?"
"Sure," you say, turning back to the bowl, now being filled with the diced chicken, the now-free strands opening up the oven as you pour the mixture into the pan. You feel a light touch on one of the tentacles, gentle and shaking. With a quick curl, it bumps the hand. "Boom, hair bump," you chirp, adding in some rice and stirring it into the mix, and once it's settled in the pan, you pop it into the oven.
"So... it's not snakes?" Lance asks weakly.
"No... It's like a little octopus," Fred says in quiet awe, bopping another one with a finger, earning a small bop back.
"Oh... So... An Ursula version of Medusa?" Lance says, then looks at the nearest tentacle. It boops him on the nose, then ruffles his hair. "Hey, leave the hair alone!" That only gets a giggle out of you as you wait for the casserole to cook.
Pietro isn't much issue, and neither is Wanda, both accepting g it without much problem, especially once you gift them a kitten, one who happily purrs the moment you plop it into their hands.
"This is Potter, they love people, they're an orphan, and they saw you, Wanda, and wanted to know if she needed a mouse catcher and loyal guardian. They also saw Pietro and said he'd like to nap on him, that he vibrated and so he must purr so much and be happy," you babble, stroking its small head with slow ministrations.
"... I will guard them with my life," Wanda says firmly, petting the kitten as it only purrs louder.
"... And I guess we could use a mouser. But it's not sleeping with me!" Pietro mutters.
(The kitten ended up sleeping with him, and would do so every night after, never being kicked out no matter how much Pietro acted mad) (He wasn't, the kitten, Potter, said it was cooed over and cuddled and given so many kisses that they couldn't help but give the purring mutant and the powerful guardian all the kisses it could give)
Mystique didn't cause as much mischief when you were part of a mission, but that didn't stop her from setting you up in odd situations.
"Why do I have to pretend to be your child?" you asked, looking up at the currently-disguised mutant.
"Because, my dear, it is imperative we catch Xavier while his guard is down," she practically purrs, then pulls you into a hug. "Now, let's try to get closer; I think I see our opening."
The two of you walked around the park, enjoying the pond and nature around you, even getting ice cream together. It was the perfect act, enough to let you two spy on the X-Men's older leader/guardian (it wasn't an act for Mystique, she just wanted to spend time with you and show you off to Charles).
It was pretty nice, overall, being with the Brotherhood.
You just had to keep away from the X-Teens, or otherwise you ended up grounded.
#honeycomb thoughts#platonic yandere marvel#yandere platonic marvel#platonic yandere xmen#yandere x-men#platonic yandere#platonic yandere x reader#platonic yandere marvel x reader#platonic yandere mystique#platonic yandere lance alvers#platonic yandere blob#platonic yandere pietro maximoff#platonic yandere wanda maximoff#platonic yandere toad#platonic yandere fred dukes#platonic yandere quicksilver#platonic yandere scarlet witch#platonic yandere avalanche#platonic yandere Brotherhood
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For the Hidden In The Dark馃拤 AU once everyone has escaped and readers with them, would everyone just live together?
Yes. They would, actually. They all have trauma, some of them having been kept alone or in the dark or have been wounded (or watched Reader get wounded)... so none of them want to lose each other. They want their friends, they want their kids, they want their parents, and they all want Reader. So, why not live together? Xavier has a giant mansion, a few of the adults are rich enough to repair it if there's damage, and all of them don't ever have to leave, ever! Some of them already have plans: sleepovers, movie nights, cuddle piles, eating as much food as they want, so many hugs and blankets and warmth...
So, yes, they all plan to live together. Will it work? At this point, that's their only plan. They can worry about roommates and if any of them are related to Reader AFTER they've gotten to safety. Now if they can just get their little sibling/friend/child to calm down, and to let them take care of them and find them...
#honeycomb thoughts#platonic yandere xmen#yandere x-men#platonic yandere charles xavier#platonic yandere magneto#platonic yandere wolverine#platonic yandere storm#platonic yandere sabretooth#platonic yandere mystique#platonic yandere beast#platonic yandere scott summers#platonic yandere jean grey#platonic yandere kitty pryde#platonic yandere kurt wagner#platonic yandere rogue#platonic yandere evan daniels#platonic yandere lance alvers#platonic yandere toad#platonic yandere fred dukes#platonic yandere pietro maximoff#platonic yandere wanda maximoff#馃寫hidden in the dark馃拤 au
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X men Evolution. Yandere Duo Lance and Kitty and future child reader who has both of their powers.
Ooooo, the Rocky Road and Kit-Kat couple! They're funny together, so their kid is likely the one who's serious (as serious as someone younger than eight can be). Let's do it:
Okay. So. This wasn't planned.
They hadn't even got to the kissing stage, let alone having a BABY.
But, here they are, staring up at them with a serious look and clutching a rock in their hand.
"Hi, Momma. Hi, Daddy. You look weird young," they say, then sit down and start messing with a handful of loose stones.
To say they're shaken is an understatement.
"Uh, kid, I hate ta break it to ya, but we're not your parents. We don't have kids," Lance says, hissing sharply when Kitty elbows him in the ribs.
"Lance! Don't be rude!" she chides, then squats down to be eye-to-eye with the child. "Like, look, kid, we can't possibly be your parents. We aren't even, like, dating."
"We aren't?" Lance pipes up helpfully.
Kitty facepalms, groaning. "Why am I the only one with a braincell?" The kid nods, still serious as ever. Well, there's one way to figure out what's going on... "So, who ARE your parents? And why do you think they're us?"
The child sighs, then holds up the rock they'd previously held in their hand. She stares at it, then back at them.
"Um... kid... that's, like, a rock."
With an irritated sigh, the child throws the rock at Lance, who catches it, fumbling as he tries not to drop it. "Read what's ON the rock," the child says, then stares at them with a scrunched up face.
The two look at the rock, which has a scribbled-on message in sharpie:
Dear past me-
Yes, this is our kid. Yes, they're from me- we- and Kit-Kat. Don't punt our kid into yesterday, or I'll crush you with the Hulk-
Signed- Future Lance
I- We- join Shield. Deal with it.
The two teens look up, then sharply down at the small tot, who is staring at them boredly. They share a quick look with each other, then bend down to talk with their apparent kid from the future.
"So... um. Hi, I guess," Kitry says, holding out her hand. The child shakes it, then their hands passes through hers. She feels herself freeze, until the child pulls their hand back, picking up a pebble.
"Oh wow... Our kid has powers..." Lance whispers, and his eyes are full of awe.
A rumble comes from beneath them, then cracks begin to form.
"Found it," the child says, then sticks their hand into the fissure, pulling out a chunk of crystal. "Here you go, it's a present." They deposit it into Lance's hands, almost sending him tumbling over.
"They're definitely ours..." Kitty groans, and goes to help her (kinda) boyfriend drag the crystal cluster inside. "What did you say your name was, kid?"
"I'm Reader... That was the one name you two could agree on without tossing the other out of the delivery room," they inform her, then crack a wry smile. "You better remember it, Momma. You too, Daddy! Uncle Hulk said if you forgot, he'd drop you off the Helicarrier!"
Both teens wince, and decide they'll make a reminder. They really don't want to deal with whatever a Hulk is, let alone be tossed around like a ragdoll by him...
#honeycomb thoughts#platonic yandere marvel#yandere platonic marvel#platonic yandere xmen#yandere x-men#platonic yandere#platonic yandere x reader#platonic yandere marvel x reader#platonic yandere xmen evolution#platonic yandere lance alvers#platonic yandere avalanche#platonic yandere kitty pryde#platonic yandere shadowcat
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X Men Evolution. Yandere Lance with little sister reader who has the ability to control air.
Aaaaawwwww! Siblings! Let's see if we can't give the rock guy a sibling! (I do gender-neutral Reader). Let's give you something good:
Being in the foster care system was tough.
It made Lance a rougher, harder person, hard to break and tough to crack. His powers only made him stronger, able to cause earthquakes and control the rocks underfoot. But he did have a soft spot for one person:
You were his little sibling, his good luck charm, his Blarney Stone, the one person who could make him feel better with no effort at all. Just look at you:
You were perfect.
Not to mention your powers complimented his.
Air manipulation. The ability to control the air and use its full force, creating strong gusts of wind, cool breezes in the heat, and a powerful current capable of toppling someone thrice your size over.
Wind wears down rock, rock stands through wind, erosion and sediment and all of that.
Point was, you were the (literal) winds beneath his (figurative) wings. Where he went, you came with, and wherever you went, he wasn't far to follow.
That being said-
He hated having to share you with others.
The Brotherhood was okay. Not great, but a lot better than other places. He was more or less the leader, and the others (eventually, if not immediately) followed orders. They could fun to hang out with, each with their own unique gifts and talents (usually causing chaos with them). They were pretty alright with him.
Except for right now, when they were hogging you from him.
"C'mon, Lance. They're sweet as pie! Plus they say they can make it!" Fred told him, while Pietro was talking a mile a minute with you.
"Yo, man, they're a good one. Why can't we hang out with them more? Aren't we their friends too?" Toad wheedles, sitting atop his perch on Fred's shoulder. He almost acts like a parrot, or hawk, or some bird that isn't far from its falconry friend.
"And you've bothered them enough. Reader, come on! We're taking a ride somewhere!" Lance calls, and that catches his little sibling's attention, while earning him an annoyed look from Pietro. Yeah, look, he gets it, his sibling is awesome and listens to everyone and tries to be inclusive. But they're HIS sibling, and that means HE should be able to hang out with them without the others stealing them away every five minutes.
"Okay! Where're we going, Lance-a-lot?" you ask, using the nickname you gave him. The other teens snicker, until you turn and give them a sharp look. "Stop laughing! NOW!" The air in the room goes freezing cold, blasting sharply at them, earning a small shriek from Toad and Pietro. "Hmph!"
"Good job, squirt. You're my dragon in shining scales," Lance praises gently, and the Teo of you leave to head to his Jeep. "Oh, and guys? They're my sibling."
That earns a few shocked looks as well as questions, but the two of them are out the door and soon sitting in the old Jeep, picking out a destination. "So, what's it gonna be, squirt? Where do you wanna go?" he asks, giving his sibling a soft smile.
"McDonalds!" you cheer, a wide grin on your face. "That way we can share the chicken nuggets!"
"Okay, to McDonalds!"
Man, he loved being your brother...
"Hey, Lance, hey, kid. Can we get slushies?"
"Oh, hi Wanda!"
Well, at least it's just Wanda...
"How did you get in my Jeep?!"
"I slept in here."
"Can we still get McDonalds?"
He sighs.
"Yeah, we can still get McDonald's."
"Oh yeah, man, can we come too?"
"Stops screaming Lance and drive," Pietro orders from the back.
"Yeah, Lance! They have Ty Beanie Babies in their Happy Meals!"
... Well, at least he gets to spend SOME time with his sibling... Plus his friends. At least he doesn't have to fight the X-Teens over them...
#honeycomb thoughts#platonic yandere marvel#yandere platonic marvel#platonic yandere xmen#yandere x-men#platonic yandere#platonic yandere x reader#platonic yandere marvel x reader#platonic yandere lance alvers#platonic yandere avalanche#platonic yandere xmen evolution
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