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chemartsblog · 5 years ago
For Love of Sassy Brunettes
Pairing: Steve/any sassy brunette, BrOTP Steve & Bucky
Summary: Bucky knows there’s one thing that get’s Steve’s engine going: Sassy Brunettes.
For the Love of Sassy Brunettes
If Bucky could pin it on a singular event, he’d say that Steve found his fondness for brunettes when a nine-year old Chloe Dayzula saved his pasty ass from the local bullies. The girl was fierce with brown curls, tanned skin, brown eyes and a mouth that’s not afraid to sass anyone out. Normally, Bucky could easily take out Donald Stump and his crew, but he wasn’t there that day and those bullies tried too advantage of it.
Fortunately, Chole was, and she did not like seeing those bullies beating down the sick kid with asthma. From the way Steve and the other kids tell it, that spitfire literally kicked Donald Stump’s ass to the ground. Then she got in-between the bully and Steve, put her hands on her hips and yelled, “My dog’s got bigger balls than you, Stump. Go play on the train tracks if you wanna show off your manliness.”
That right there…that image of a strong sassy brunette defending the weak was burned into Steve’s memories forever.
When Bucky got on the scene, Steve was a stuttering red mess as he tried to thank the girl. “I-I don’t know how I could thank you, Chloe.” Steve mumbled, shifting slightly on his feet.
Chloe had grinned and batted her eyelashes prettily. “You could get ice cream with me.”
Steve looked like he just found gold on a well-trodden road. He smiles eagerly, “Y-yeah of course—em sure yeah!”
Bucky has to bite his fist to stop himself from laughing, but at least Chloe found it endearing. She laughed and took his hand, taking him towards the ice cream shop. When Steve looked back, Bucky gave him two thumbs up and mouths a ‘good luck’.
Steve and Chloe ‘date’ for a month until she had to leave with her parents to go to another state. It’s the first time Bucky sees Steve cry over a girl.
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Over the years, Bucky starts seeing a trend in Steve’s crushes. Almost all of them are brunettes and who usually show a hint of fire in them. As far as Bucky knew, they were all girls until Yin Pothong transferred to school. The fourteen-year-old boy was tall, lithe and very very handsome. Even Bucky couldn’t stop his double glances at the teen’s exotic features. The wavy tussle of dark brown hair rested neatly on his head, his eyes a deep dark black that makes all the girls (and boys) melt.
They said his parents were mixed, which is why he looks so damn good. Bucky can believe it, and Steve definitely believed it.
It was probably the third time Steve tripped over his legs when Yin passed by during gym, and Bucky’s had enough of his friend’s painful mooning. So he does the ‘good friend’ thing and calls Yin over to them during break. The tall amiable boy smiles brightly and waves at Bucky and Steve.
“Hi Bucky.” Then he turns his brown eyes to his red quivering friend. “Hi Steve.”
Steve is a statue. A very red gaping statue.
Bucky clears his throat, “Ahem, y’know Yin, Steve is also a big fan of the Brooklyn Robins. We got tickets to one of the games on Saturday, but I can’t make it…” he hints.
Yin grins. “I’d be happy to; if Steve’s okay with it?” He answers glancing to the still statuesque teen.
Bucky discretely grinds down on Steve’s foot, and somehow snaps him out of his stupor.
“Y-yeah yes—well—I mean—that is—!”
An exasperated Bucky delivers another quick jab to the stuttering teen’s side, and Steve manages to get himself together to string a coherent sentence.
“Yes. Yes. I definitely wouldn’t mind. Love to have you there, Yin.” Steve finishes lamely.
It doesn’t seem to discourage Yin, which is a good sign. The handsome brunette takes out a piece of paper and writes his address and home number on it.
“Here, call me if anything comes up. Otherwise we should meet up at my place before the game. Probably 12? My mom probably would want to make lunch for us.” He says.
Steve takes the piece of paper like it’s the most precious artifact in the world, and looks at Yin with wide eyes. “Y-yeah 12 is good.”
“Great! See you then, Steve.” And Yin takes off, heading towards another group of people.
Bucky grins, “Smooth dude.”
“Shut up, Buck. You were the same way with Mellissa.”
“That’s because I got lost in those massive tits.”
Steve slaps his friend’s arm playfully. “You’re an animal.”
“Never said I wasn’t.” Bucky grins.
They pause and Steve asks carefully, “So you’re okay if I’m…a little queer?”
Bucky grins and ruffles his friend’s hair. “Tits, pecs, dicks, vag’s. Doesn’t matter to me. You’re still the most awkward fucking dude I know.”
“Ha-ha.” Steve retorts, but there’s a relieved grin on his face.
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One of the strangest things Bucky starts recalling during his imprisonment is all the faces of Steve’s crushes. For whatever reason, the drone of the names and faces going through his brain are enough to keep him relatively sane during the kooky doctor’s experiments.
If some of the guards give him weird looks every time he starts listing the names of Steve’s sassy brunette crushes, well…he’s too tired of Nazi shit to care.
In fact he’s just in the middle of talking about Yin when lo and behold Steve comes barging through the door. Well he thinks it’s Steve, but this Steve is waaay bigger than the Steve he remembers. Is this a hallucination?
“Who’s the sassy brunet who saved you on the playground when Donald came after you?” Bucky asks suspiciously. Big-Steve snorts and answers, “Chloe Dayzula. My first crush.”
Bucky looks him up and down. “Huh. What happened to you?”
“I joined the army.” Is the easy answer.
Whatever, Bucky’s too tired to complain or think too hard on it.
The moment Bucky recovered and laid eyes on Elizabeth ‘Peggy’ Carter, he knew. He didn’t even have to look at Steve standing beside him. Peggy is the whole package, and he’s going to gloat at their wedding.
Honestly, Bucky gets it. Peggy is hot, dangerous and has the look of someone who’s not afraid to kick your ass. He’d be jealous if it was anyone but Steve. As it was, he’s more than happy to play wingman to the dork. And Steve really needs it. The two idiots dance around each other like nobody’s business. It’s one of the worst cases of pining Bucky’s ever seen. The air around them tense and sizzling with unsaid promises. Every eye at the bar on the two, asking will they? Are they?
It’s kinda cute how Steve’s changed so much but still retained that awkward boyish attitude when it comes to women. Bucky would have laughed if he hadn’t seen this same dance for the past eighteen years. Still, it’s cute that Steve found a dangerously hot brunette in the army of all things.
Bucky puts down his drink and sits across from Steve, eyes gleaming and smirk sharp.
“So…Peggy.” He starts.
Steve sighs, “Bucky…”
“What?” he asks innocently. “I’m just stating the name of our very pretty, very brunette, and very spicy lady.”
“If she hears you say that she’ll fill you with lead and then turn you inside out before doing it again.” Steve retorts.
Bucky shivers. “Yup you’re right about that, but what if you said that?”
“She’d have to use the bigger guns.”
“Alright, fair enough.” Bucky acquiesces. “But seriously, it’s like I wasn’t even there. Did you forget that I was standing next to you?”
Steve chuckles. “I could never forget you, Bucky.”
“Better not. I snagged you that hot boyfriend, Yin.”
“No you didn’t.” Steve denies.
“Yes I did, Steve don’t even start. If I hadn’t dropped in with that whole, ‘oh no. I can’t go to the baseball game’ schtick, you’d have been mooning over him until he moved.”
The larger man sighs, “Yeah you’re probably right. He was something.”
“Like a Peggy something?” Bucky grins.
Steve pushes Bucky, and this time, it actually topples the man down.
“Oh shoot, I’m sorry Buck!” Steve cries as he helps his friend up. Bucky waves him away.
“Eh bound to happen someday.” He says. “But you owe me.”
“What do you want?”
“I call best man.” Bucky grins.
Steve laughs. “Win the war first; then we can talk about weddings.”
(Bucky’s last thought as he falls is: Damn I’ll miss my best friend’s wedding.)
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Seventy years would change everything and nothing. Steve convinced him to stay after the whole Hydra debacle, and they were able to rescue his mind with Stark and Shuri’s help. The first thing he does after staggering out of the pod is hug Steve, holding onto his brother and best friend tightly.
“Sorry about Peggy.” He mutters.
Steve smiles sadly and pats his back, “It’s okay. She lived a good life.”
“I’m glad.”
Of course, Stark isn’t really one for sappy reunions and snaps at the two. “Uhhh…why don’t I see any loving for the two amazing geniuses that recovered your brain?” he sasses. “I’m just saying that we saved your brain. With our brains and a lot of cool science stuff.”
Bucky glares at the man and then turns to Steve. He leans close to his ear and whispers, “I swear to God Steve if you’ve got a boner for that guy…”
The silence and tension in his shoulders is all he needs to know. Bucky groans and drops his head against Steve’s shoulder.
“Uuuugggghhhh.” He intones dramatically.
Steve pats his head. “Sorry, buddy.”
“You owe me so much for this.”
At least Steve makes good on his promise and gives Bucky the honor of best man. Take that Sam!
Bucky raises his glass in a toast and grins. “Tony, of all the sassy brunettes that Steve has liked over the years, you would be the last one I thought Steve would marry.”
Tony sends him the middle finger, but Bucky just laughs it off and continues. “But you really stepped up and showed that you’re the best one for my brother. So best of luck to Steve and you. You’re probably the only two people who could marry each other without going insane.”
The dining hall is filled with laugher and applause as Bucky bows and takes a seat. After the wedding ceremony, Steve comes up and gives him a hug and a playful punch. Stark actually does the human thing and gives Bucky a proper hug too.
“Wow is the world ending?” Bucky jokes.
Tony rolls his eyes. “You weren’t funny seventy years ago and you aren’t funny now.”
“Rude. Steve are you going to let your husband talk to your brother-in-law like that?”
Said man rolls his eyes in response. “I’m not getting in-between your weird play-feuds. Just don’t have another Poptart incident.”
“Hey that was all Thor.” Tony complains.
Bucky nods vigorously, “Yeah we hardly had anything to do with it!”
“Clint, Bruce and Tasha think differently. Even Thor thinks differently.”
“Figures.” Bucky mutters. “They always blame the class clowns.”
“I’m more of a class genius.” Tony retorts.
Before the two can get into another bickering session, Steve hauls them towards the photographer. They get one good picture, and then Bucky somehow gets cake all over Tony and it’s just pandemonium from there. Steve is fine with it. It wouldn’t be a Stony wedding without an impromptu food fight.
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Bucky should have known something like this would happen. Steve is the biggest sap he knew and Tony is no better. Especially when it comes in a cute seven-year-old package.
Steve saved this tiny child from a bombing in Queens. Unfortunately, poor Peter lost his aunt and uncle during the attack, leaving the child with no home to go to. Steve only had to give the authorities his best, Captain America look before they’re handing him the paperwork to take the child into his temporary custody once Peter’s been cleared by the doctor’s.
Bucky should have known it would be anything but temporary.
And it got worse when Tony found out the child’s potential genius. The two children were busy playing in the lab all day, and Steve just looked over them like a proud mother duck. Bucky would have torn his hair out if it wasn’t so damn cute.
Of course, Tony and Steve filed for adoption within a week of knowing Peter, and soon they’ll have a newly minted Peter Parker-Stark-Rogers.
Bucky sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, while Steve gives him the biggest puppy-dog eyes as he tucks Peter close.
“Steve.” Bucky says.
His friend looks at Steve then at the small child in Steve’s arms and honestly, Bucky’s a stupid sap too because he gets it.
“I call godfather.” Bucky replies.
“You’ll have to fight, Clint, Thor, and Bruce for that honor.” Steve answers.
“What about godmother?”
“You’ll have to fight Tasha and Pepper for it.”
“I’ll try my hand at godfather.”
“Good idea.”
Bucky shakes his head in amusement. “I always knew you had a weakness for sassy brunettes, but this wasn’t what I expected to come out of it.”
“Because I married Tony?” Steve asks.
Bucky shakes his head and looks meaningfully at the small child who’s building some kind of spider robot with Legos.
Steve looks offended and gasps. “Peter is not sassy.”
“Yeah Uncle Buck, I’m not sassy. I’m an angel.” Peter…well sasses.
His old friend only has to give Steve a look and the sheepish man just shoots Bucky a wry grin.
“What can I say? I have a type.”
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