#platonic!sam winchester x gn!reader
toadspondofwhimsy · 27 days
Ain't No Apple Pie – Winchester Brothers
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SUMMARY: You got out, left the life, but you’re miserable and looking for a way back in. 
PAIRING: Platonic!Sam Winchester x gn!Reader, Platonic!Dean Winchester x gn!Reader.
WARNINGS: Reader insert, swearing.
A/N: divider cred: thecutestgrotto
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Being a reformed hunter wasn’t easy. Every person you came into contact with you were suspicious of. You checked their teeth for fangs, checked their eyes for glimmers, and always kept a silver blade on you. 
You were out. Living the apple pie life, as an older friend of yours would say. With the way your mind worked, were you really out? You searched for a supernatural explanation in every strange occurrence. You’ve even picked up that phone and dialed his number a few times. One last hunt together, yet every time you set the phone back down and decided against calling.
You clawed yourself out, why throw that all away so readily? To be frank, you were miserable. There is not such thing as an apple pie life for a “dead” felon. You worked days at a nondescript business, off the books. They didn’t ask questions and neither did you. Especially not when you were handed that wad of cash for your first “pay-check.”
You rented a shit-hole apartment, the bathroom walls were stained with mold and when you first moved in you swore it was haunted. That was the first time you almost called him. You decided to do some digging first, you didn’t want him to come all the way for nothing. So, you dug and you came up with a load of crap. Literally, all you found was rat shit. The super determined they chewed through some electrical wires. Also, the heater in your unit was shot to hell. Great. No haunting, you should be happy, but why do you feel disappointed?
Next time you almost called, you suspected your boss was a vampire. No surprise there, you were wrong, over vigilant. Though, you cannot blame yourself, you’ve lived the life of a warrior. Being hyper vigilant saved your life, it saved your friends lives, multiple times over. You can’t just turn that part of your brain off. You need to learn a new way of living. You need help, but there isn’t exactly a hunter support group outside of a roadhouse. 
Currently, you were sitting in an all staff meeting, bored out of your mind as your boss droned on about increasing sales and customer engagement. You drifted off in thought as you picked at your cuticles. The sounds of your coworkers voices becoming like a hum. You envisioned the whole company as a legion of the undead and you storming in with your best friends flanking your sides, machetes at the ready. You let out a fierce battle cry as you swung your weapon and decapitated your boss in the middle of his speech about turning more undead. 
You were pulled from your thoughts by the sound of your name and all eyes were on you. Your eyes scanned the room jumping from face to face. The one person that you’re friends with at work, and you use that term loosely, said, “what do you think about making changes to the front area? Do you think that’ll draw more people in?”
You smiled at her and mouthed your thanks before answering the question, “less clutter for sure. Other than that, I’m not sure.” You had plenty of ideas but you weren’t about to give them out to these corporate leeches for free. 
Your boss scowled or that was just his face, sometimes it was that hard to tell. He begrudgingly thanked you for your contribution and continued to drone on about looking alive and friendly. You internally groaned, you did not get paid to be friendly! 
Finally, the meeting was over and you practically ran out of there. You made a stop at your local dive bar with a crew from work, one of them including your “friend.” You were certain she was a nice person and you could get along, but old habits die hard. You were intent on keeping her at arms distance lest she be endangered by your lifestyle. The lifestyle you don’t even live anymore. Though everyday of this apple pie life seemed harder than your toughest nights hunting and crashing in some abandoned building. Seriously, some of your squats looked like a 5 star accommodation compared to your rental. 
You drank a few beers and made polite conversation. When the chatter turned to office drama and other work related topics you decided to dip out. 
The next day at work you stood up front with your boss talking about some possible upgrades to the entrance, which really means he was talking and you were vaguely listening. Your already divided attention was tore away from him when through the window you saw a black ‘67 Chevy Impala tear into the parking lot. Your boss said something about classic cars and you simply ignored him as you exited your workplace. You knew exactly two people who could be driving that car and you could only think of one reason why they’d find you. You started walking towards the vehicle, praying to heaven above that both brothers exited that vehicle. The driver side and passenger side door opened at the same time. You felt your breath catch in your throat at the anticipation. A bright smile was brought to your face when you saw both brothers, though it was quickly wiped off when you saw the seriousness on theirs. 
“What are you guys doing here?” You questioned tentatively. 
Dean looked over at you with a guarded expression. “You know we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t bad,” he said in a gruff manner. 
“Seriously, we’re sorry to do this, but we need to ask you for a favor,” Sam said, his tone more sympathetic than Dean’s. 
Though you understand Dean is just grappling with feelings of guilt right now. He promised that if you got out, he wouldn’t drag you back in. He tended to keep his promises, especially ones to you. Whatever it was, without them even saying yet, you knew it must be worse than they’re letting on. 
“Let’s go somewhere else to talk,” You said while walking towards the backseat.
“No, we can talk about this later when you get off,” Sam protested.
“Yeah, we’re already interrupting your life,” Dean added, not quite meeting your eyes as he spoke. His jaw set in a familiar clench, you knew he was grinding his teeth. A bad habit he got whenever he was stressed, angry, or down right upset.  
“Really, I’ve been looking for a reason to come back. Ain’t no apple pie out here, not a damn crumb for me,” You added, your tone laced with bitterness and a hint of regret. 
The brothers shared a look, confusion passing over both of their faces. 
“We can talk about this later, now let’s go,” You spoke up as you noticed the shared look between the two. 
All three of you clambered into the car and Dean began to drive out of the parking lot. You started giving him directions to your apartment. While doing so you peered out the window and saw your boss watching with a dumbfounded look on his face. The sight of his utter horror brought a devilish smirk to your face as you flipped him the bird. Sam chuckled at your antics and Dean sped off, the roar of baby’s engine broke the peaceful quiet of the afternoon and her tires kicked up dust. 
You sat back in your seat and threw your head back laughing. The smell of leather filling your nose, paired with the sound of baby’s familiar purr, and the sight of your two favorite boys, filled your heart, mind, body, and soul with a happiness you’ve been lacking.
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mxltifxnd0m · 2 months
cereal-lized ✫ winchesters
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summary: a morning after a rough hunt
pairings: dean winchester x gn! reader, sam winchester x gn! reader, platonic! dean winchester x reader, implied sam winchester x reader
requested: yes/no: by anon! thank you for requesting this, i hope this is what you envisioned :)
words: 745
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warnings: no use of 'y/n', smidge of angst, fluff, none really
a/n: thank you again to the anon that requested this! also i couldn't resist having sam and the reader together since they're besties with dean 🤭. also sorry for the bad pun for the title, i couldn't resist lol
𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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You managed to pull yourself out of bed this morning, detangling yourself from the arms that were wrapped around you. You trudged through the halls of the bunker to get to the kitchen, where you found Dean in his 'dead man' robe, sitting at the table. He was practically slumped over his bowl of cereal, his head in his hand as he chewed slowly, staring at the wall blankly.
The hunt for the three of you was a rough one, not only on your bodies but also on your minds. You never liked going on hunts when they involved kids, and you guys had to deal with changelings. It took you guys a lot longer than it should have to try to find where the mother changeling had the kids, and by the time you guys found and killed the thing, it had fed on over half of the kids it took.
It hit the three of you hard as the drive back to the bunker was dead silent. No music, no conversation. Just the rumblings of the Impala and the low noises of breathing coming from you, Dean, and Sam.
Your sock-clad feet led you to the shelves that held the tableware, and you grabbed a bowl, then looked in the silverware drawer to grab a spoon before sitting across from Dean and pouring cereal and milk into it.
Usually, whoever got up first in the bunker would make breakfast for the three of you, but it was always either you or Dean since Sam would go on his morning runs and come back after you had just finished cooking breakfast. But this morning was different for obvious reasons. Sam didn't go on his morning run, and Dean made cereal instead of the typical eggs, bacon, and toast he would make for the three of you.
Dean made eye contact with you as he chewed his food lazily and nodded at you in acknowledgment.
"Morning." You rasped out before diving into your breakfast. You usually had an appetite in the mornings but you were not feeling it this morning. Regardless, you still need to eat something and cereal was your safest bet.
The two of you ate in comfortable silence, content with just being in each other's presence as your spoons clinked against the porcelain of the bowls the two of you ate out of. You and Dean found solace in each other's company, whether it be in silence or the random conversations the two of you would have when avoiding research for a hunt. Sam would complain when the two of you would procrastinate and tell you two to shut up (even though you saw the slight smile on his face when you and Dean would get into petty arguments).
You had a good rapport with the eldest Winchester, being able to match his stubbornness and sarcastic responses with your quick wit and level-headedness when it came to tense hunts you guys would be working. You eventually broke through his tough exterior and became each other's best friends. He was able to confide in you in ways that he couldn't with his brother.
A couple of minutes had passed before Sam made his way into the kitchen, still in the sweatpants and black t-shirt he wore to bed, and went over to the fridge to grab a water bottle.
"Morning." Sam greeted the two of you as he closed the refrigerator door.
Dean mumbled something that sounded like 'morning,' but you couldn't tell because his mouth was full. You heard Sam bustling about the kitchen behind you before sitting down beside you with a bowl and spoon and planting a kiss on your head as he did.
You smiled at him before going back and eating your cereal slowly. At this point, the cereal was kinda soggy, but you didn't mind.
Dean grunted something, sleep still riddling his features as he shoved his bowl towards Sam, a couple of spoonfuls left in his bowl.
Sam's eyebrows pinched in confusion as he looked at his brother.
"Have the rest. I'm done." Dean said before getting up, his robe swishing behind him as he padded out of the kitchen and down the hall.
You and Sam stared at the doorway that Dean left through, puzzled. You shrugged it off before going back to your now very soggy cereal. Meanwhile, Sam scoffed and shook his head before grabbing the cereal and pouring it into his bowl.
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prentissluvr · 6 days
the impala, 4:00 p.m. — sam winchester
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cw : gn!winchester!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, sam & reader are twins, dean's implied to be dead/gone (you choose which time lol), unedited, 608 words. requested ! for my 800 followers event [ closed ] .
summary : sam lifts your mood with a book on a sort of somber day in the impala.
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for months now, it’s just been you two. sort of like how it was when sam was at stanford. you moved near campus to be close to him at nineteen. the year apart beforehand had been hellish sometimes.
but these days have this odd liminality to them. there are no crappy college kid apartments or girlfriends or parties. just the impala, the road, monsters, and each other. you miss dean. some days you almost don’t.
lots of days you miss what you and sam could’ve had, but it feels too late now. it’s sort of nice, though, because you don’t hunt all the time. you and sam take breaks. you help where you can, then you visit southern california for a taste of hot weather and salty air. last week, you stopped for a few days in a midwestern national park. it was stunning, and perfectly suited to yours and sam’s tastes.
today is an in between day, no plans and no hunts on the horizon yet. you’re behind the wheel, your mixtape playing through the speakers. as for the way you feel, everything there is an in between too.
you’re tired, but painfully aware. mourning, and oddly at peace. it doesn’t quite feel bad, but you don’t feel good.
oftentimes, your mood aligns with sam’s. you guess it could be that cliche twine telepathy, but to you it feels more like a deep understanding of each other paired with so many sort of insane and mundane shared experiences.
but today, sam is good. he’s not great, because it’s sort of hard to be more often than not these days, but the two of you are slowly figuring it out. sam very easily senses the way you feel. today and every day. he thinks you’re teetering on the edge enough that he can steer you in the more pleasant direction.
he’s going to offer to switch to the drivers seat in a bit, but he’ll do a few other things first. before interrupting your quiet time with the music and scenery, he’s going to find a good place to eat. not an american diner, but somwhere with better food. he hopes he can find a thai place with good reviews.
then he pulls out a book. you don’t look over at the movement at first. you can see the book in his lap through your peripheral vision, and don’t blink because he’s always reading when he get’s bored in his passenger’s seat. but then he turns down the music and shows you the cover with an unspoken question.
the fellowship of the rings.
you had forgotten that sam carries the lord of the rings books around with him. it catches you by complete surprise, the sight of the worn copy you two shared as kids and the question in his eyes. you grin. he’s asking if you want him to read it aloud to you, to fill up a bit of the gaping hole in this car.
“i forgot you had that,” you say, eyes turning back to the road, but your smile sticking around. sam grins back at you.
“what, you think i go anywhere without a copy of this?” he says lightheartedly, half teasing himself by saying something so nerdy.
“as you should,” you shrug, shutting the music all the way off. “go on, then.” you hear the creak of the spine, and the rustle of pages. then sam’s voice, a sound that melds in perfect familiarity with the rumble of the impala.
“three rings for the elven-kings under the sky, seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, nine for mortal men doomed to die…”
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gothfleur · 18 days
home again - sam winchester
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pairing : sam winchester x gn!reader/vampire!reader ➖⟢ genre : angst, hurt/comfort, fluff ➖⟢ cw : features dean x reader (platonic), near death experience, injuries, blood mention, animal death mention, swearing, so much pining, petty dean, crying, guilt, poorly edited, lmk if i missed something! ➖⟢ wc : 1.5K summary : after being turned into a vampire, you struggle to face sam again.
prefer to read on ao3? read it here!
note: this is my first time writing in a long time, and i'm trying out a new style... this is also my first time writing for sam! pls be kind and enjoy!
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It’s been fourteen days since the vampires took you away as you slept in a dingy motel room with the Winchesters. Twelve days since they turned you into one of them. And seven days since you wasted them all.
The vampires had turned you, kept you, and starved you. Ensuring you would be driven into a bloodlust-fueled frenzy when they gave you something alive. 
And when they did, you couldn’t help yourself. Soon, there was a crumpled human body at your feet, red pooling in a puddle beneath it—her. Thus leaving you a full-fledged vampire, bound to this way of life forevermore. 
When you came to, mind clear now that you had been fed, you were careful in making sure none of them would hurt you ever again. Or… anyone else, for that matter. 
You found Sam first. Asking around for you not far from where the vampires had taken you. 
Sam felt as if he was running out of time. He had been worried sick, hardly sleeping or not sleeping at all. How could he rest if he didn’t know where you were? If you were even safe? He didn't even want to entertain the thought that you could be dead. You were out there, and he was going to find you. 
You ultimately swore off seeing Sam and Dean ever again. You would just have to forget them; you were what they hunted now. You couldn’t face them, a monster in the perfect likeness of their friend. You were afraid of what they would think and what they would do. Would they forgive you? Would they turn you away? Worse yet, there was a possibility they would kill you, right? You were a vampire now, after all.
So, you tried to keep it low-key before you could get your shit together and get out of town, leaving your old life behind. Feeding only on animals and staying away from the humans around town. But when Sam and Dean caught wind of some mysterious blood-sucking disease affecting the animals, they knew they were close to finding the vampires who had something to do with your disappearance. 
Little did they know, they just found you. 
You had your teeth buried deep in the neck of a rat when you felt a blade press to the back of your neck.
“Fine dining out here, huh? Rats, yum.”
Dammit, Dean. Always with the sarcastic comments.
Your vampire instincts said to attack, but your human heart said to flee. You didn’t want them to see what you’d become. 
“Answer our questions, and this blade won’t have your head rolling on the ground.” 
He didn’t sound like himself. He sounded desperate, worried, and at wit's end. If threats were going to be the quickest way to find you, so be it. He hoped this vampire would listen, that violence would be a last resort. This isn’t how he likes to go about things, but with someone he cared about in danger, he didn’t want to waste time.
Hunger stabs at your stomach at the smell of them. Blood is pulsing beneath the fragile layer of their skin. You can hear it sliding along their veins, and you fight back a gag. These were your friends, not something to devour. 
You move, trying to stand and run, but the blade at your neck presses into your skin. You yelp, and a hand turns you and pins you to the ground, back pressed against the damp grass. You squirm in an attempt to free yourself, but you're weak and untrained. Your vampire strength can’t and won’t save you now. 
You watch helplessly as their faces strain and relax in realization. Morphing from surprise, relief, then to some emotion you can’t place. Something tells you it's somewhere between anger, fear, and denial. Probably some fucked-up human mix of all three.
“Y/N…” Sam murmurs, his eyes softening as he looks at you, the blood drying on your lips. You can hear his heart slow; he’s relieved to see you, despite everything. 
Dean removes his hands immediately, realizing it’s you who he’s hurt and pinned to the ground. 
Sam takes a step forward, crouching in front of you and reaching to pull you up. You can’t help but shirk away, scrambling backward away from him. Sam winces at your reaction, and he bites at the inside of his lip.
“I’m so sorry, you guys. So sorry… I,” Words tumble from your lips before you can stop them. If your heart was still beating, you’re sure it would be leaping out of your chest right about now.
“Shh, shh. Y/N, we aren’t… we won’t hurt you,” Sam says, his voice soft and sweet like it always was. It’s only been two weeks since you saw him last, but so much has happened since then. It felt like a lifetime had passed between then and now. You were a completely different person now, on an entirely different level of existence. 
“But what if I hurt you?” You cry, twisting your fingers between blades of grass as you lift your gaze to them. “I can’t trust myself. I’m so scared; I don’t want to hurt you.”
Dean has his hand hovering above his knife’s sheath, and you don’t blame him. You’re grateful. If you can’t stop yourself, maybe he will. 
Sam swallows, glancing back at Dean to steady himself. He wasn’t expecting this, and if he was being honest, he didn’t know what to say or to do. But this was still you. The person whose coffee order he’d memorized, whose smile he’d tease out with compliments and stupid jokes, whose eyes he'd find himself lost in more times than he could count. You might be... different, but you’re still Y/N, and he’s going to make you remember that. You’re not a monster, and you’ll never be, at least not to him. 
“Hey, hey. It’s okay, you’re going to be okay,” he assured, his voice as gentle as possible. He reaches out again, his large hand coming to rest on your shoulder. It’s warm against your eternally cool skin, and you realize you’d forgotten what his warmth felt like. 
“Sam,” You whisper, eyes flickering down at his hand, then back to his face. He’s handsome as always, his hazel eyes shining in the moonlight. You search them, scanning for any fear or disgust. There’s none of that. Instead, you find acceptance and concern. Your breaths come easier, and you swallow. Everything is easier when he’s by your side. Tears well in your eyes, and you realize that under all of your fear, there is comfort in seeing him again. 
Sam watches as your eyes flutter shut, a tear rolling down your blood-streaked cheek. He wants so much to hold you, to wipe your face clean, and to tell you he’ll always be here for you. You’ll always be his Y/N. 
“Aren’t you scared of me? Scared of what I’ll do? Of what I am?” You whine, looking up at Sam and Dean with a pleading look that crushes their hearts. 
“You’re still you. Changed some, but still you.” Sam nods as he speaks, his inner brow raised worryingly. His words make you want to burst into tears. You were so scared of rejection, of them leaving you—all that makes you feel kind of silly now. 
Dean sighs, his hand falling to his side as the other reaches up to rub his temple. 
“Just keep your teeth to yourself, you hear?” He jokes, but you know he’s partly serious, too. 
“Cross my heart and hope to die.” You chuckle, sniffling and wiping the tears from your cheek. You feel the dried blood crack on your face, and you wipe at it, scrubbing hard as it flakes off. Overcoming your sanguine urges would be hard, not to mention the fact you’re likely facing eternity. But maybe with these two by your side, it won’t be so bad. 
Sam pulls you close, wrapping his long arms around you. He missed you. He missed hearing your laugh and breathing in your perfume whenever you walked past. He wasn’t going to let you go again. 
You hesitate to hug him back at first, your vampiric instincts firing at full blast. But when you finally hold him, that all melts away. You feel human again, for a moment. And strong enough to beat this thing. After all, you’d met vampires who were able to resist their urges. 
Sam strokes the back of your head once, feeling your hair under his fingers before breaking the hug. He smiles at you, and as he stands, he brings you up with him. His warm hand holds yours, and you never want him to let go. 
“Jesus, you two,’ Dean rolls his eyes and motions back towards baby, ‘let’s just get back home. Y/N, you need a shower.” 
“I missed you too, Dean.” You smile, and the three of you start back towards the car. 
You breathe in the cool night air. You’re home again.
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delulu4dean · 1 year
Mainly just supernatural… mainly Dean.
Last Updated: 12/10/2023 <3
Wattpad: _itsafangirlthing_
Twitter: delulu4dean
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✰ Younger Sibling Winchester ✰:
• Withdrawals(Sam and Dean x younger sister!reader)
• No Doctors(Sam and Dean x younger sibling!reader)
• Emergency Room(Sam and Dean x younger sister!reader)
• Audio-Therapy(Dean x younger sister!reader)
✰ Dean Winchester ✰:
• Dean’s Not Dean(Demon!Dean x female reader)
• Animal Pt 1(Dean x female reader)
• Animal Pt 2(Dean x female reader)
• A Game Of Angels & Devils(Demon!Dean X female angel!reader)
•Written Porn(Dean Winchester)
• Daylight(Dean Winchester x female vampire!reader)
✰ Castiel ✰
• Five Gum(Castiel x gn autistic!reader, platonic)
✰ Destiel ✰
• Bring Me to Life(Castiel X demon!dean)
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ghoastixx · 6 months
Welcome To My Blog
I am a fandom writer, some names you can refer to me by are Casey, Ghoast, Theseus, Ri,
Some things you should know about me are that fact that I beg for asks then ignore them. I’m sorry if I never get around to writing them, but I really try. I go on huge hiatuses. I’m sorry. Please don’t urge this to not request at all. I’m getting better.
My blog is 15+
My pronouns are he/they/ (she maybe)
What I’ll write:
X reader (self inserts)
Gn reader
LGBTQIA+ themes
Angst no comfort
Angst with comfort
Parental figures
Age gaps (legal)
Au’s (no alpha omega I’ll kms)
What I refuse to write
Underage relationships
Abuse as a kink
Anything with piss, shit, or vomit
Self harm as a kink
Huge age gaps
Real actual people- (I think it’s personally weird.)
The fandoms I write for/ characters
Sweeney Todd:
Sweeney Todd
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Tatum Riley
Sidney Prescott
Ghostface (masked)
The Lost Boys
Micheal Myers (original)
A nightmare on elm street
Freddy Kruger
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Dr. Frank N’ Furter
Adam & Barbra
House of 1,000 corpses trilogy
Otis Driftwood
Baby Firefly
The Boy 1
Creep 1
Hazbin Hotel
Charlie Morningstar
Lucifer Morningstar
Helluva Boss
To Kill A Mockingbird
Atticus Finch
Gravity Falls
Stanford Pines
Stanley Pines
Bill Cipher
Jareth the goblin king
Guardians of the Galaxy
Peter Quill
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack sparrow
Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure
Veronica sawyer
Edward Scissorhands
The Hunger Games
Haymitch Abernathy
Effie Trinket
President Snow (Coriolanus)
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
The Outsiders
Sodapop Curtis
Darry Curtis
The silence of the Lambs Franchise/ Hannibal
•Doctor Hannibal Lecter
•Clarice Starling
Hannibal NBC
Will Graham
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derelictlovefool · 1 month
Author: Achilles, he/him & they/them pronouns
Status: Hobbyist, low writing activity
Writing: OC x Canon, Reader Insert, Original Fiction
Requests/Suggestions: Open
note: i'm a full time student so any requests I get will be done when and if I have time and they spark my interest!
Active in regards to fandoms & characters simply means most enthused about and interested in writing, inactive means least interested in writing but still willing if the idea sparks my creativity.
active | inactive | semi active
Far Cry 5 | Supernatural | The Last of Us | Marvel | DC | Doctor Who | Sweeney Todd | The Witcher | Dying Light 2 | Z Nation | Inkheart | Bridgerton | Slashers | Outlast | Resident Evil | Overwatch | Undertale/Deltarune | Ib | Motor Crush | The Arcana
active | inactive | semi active
Faith Seed | John Seed | Joseph Seed | Jacob Seed | Sharky Boshaw | Hurk Drubman Jr | Adelaide Drubman | Jerome Jeffries | Mary May Fairgrave | Eli Palmer | Grace Amestrong | Joey Hudson | Staci Pratt
Dean Winchester | Sam Winchester | Castiel | Charlie Bradbury ||| Joel | Tess ||| Wade Wilson | Tony Stark | Pepper Potts | Bucky Barnes | Steve Rodgers | Thor Odinson | Bruce Banner | Natasha Romanoff | Clint Barton ||| Harley Quinn
The Doctor (4, 9-15) | Jack Harkness | Rose Tyler | Donna Noble ||| Sweeney Todd | Mrs Lovett ||| Geralt of Rivera | Jaskier/Dandelion | Yennefer of Vennenberg ||| Hakon | Aiden | Lawan | Frank ||| Alvin Murphy | Roberta Warren | Addison Carver | Cassandra | Sarge | George St Claire
Mo | Dustfinger ||| Penelope Featherington | Benedict Bridgerton | Anthony Bridgerton | Colin Bridgerton | Eloise Bridgerton | Violet Bridgerton | Kate Sharma | Edwina Sharma ||| Jason Voorhees | Michael Myers | Bubba Sawyer | Brahms Heelshire | Thomas Hewitt
Eddie Gluskin ||| Ethan Winters | Karl Heisenberg | Alcina Dimitrescu | Donna Benniviento | Slavator Monreau | Mia Winters | Chris Redfield | Leon Kennedy | Ada Wong | Claire Redfield
Jack Morrison | Gabriel Reyes | Cole Cassidy | Genji Shimada | Hanzo Shimada | Mei ||| Sans | Papyrus | Asgore | Undyne | Mettaton | Queen ||| Gary ||| Calax Gothard | Domino Swift | Lola Del Carmen | Sonoya Vernilion ||| Asra | Nadia | Dorian | Portia | Muriel
OC's: David Thorn (Slasher), Z (God Symbiote), Xander (Robot)
Tropes I enjoy writing:
Variations of the Enemies to Lovers/Friends to Lovers | Childhood Friends | Neighbour across the hall/street | Mutual Pining | Devotion and Obsession | Making each other worse | Making each other better | Romance in Violence | Ride or Die Friends | Royal Guard/Gardener x Royalty | Crime Boss x Bodyguard | Dog Coded x Cat Coded | Fuck Love Triangles Make it Poly | Fake Dating | Meet Cute and more!
❝​🇼​​🇮​​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— male/trans/enby/gn!reader (I'm here for the guys and gays)
— oc x canon, oc x oc, canon x canon, reader x canon, reader x oc
— sfw & nsfw
— platonic, queer-platonic, romantic, familial, etc.
— headcannons, one-shots, multi-parts
— AU's, crossovers
— gore, violence, toxic relationships, death/angst
❝​🇼​​🇴​​🇳​❜​🇹​ ​🇩​​🇴​❝
— fem!reader (There's thousands out there already y'know)
— genderbends
— pregnancy related topics
— self harm topics
— incest, paedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia and any of that nasty crap
— non-con
— infidelity
— Characters I really don't know or care about </3
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starlvenus · 8 months
Supernatural oneshots :p !!
Hii!! :3
Got into writing again :p and supernatural fics are what i want to write right now!! Im not the most experienced writer so some things may be out of character but i try my best!! Request some stories and ill probably eventually get to them :3 Ill write for almost every character (maybe not John Winchester :p) I write for men and women (ill write for readers with social anxiety as i deal with that as well :3)
If you want a specific gender for the reader just put it in your request (idm writing for any gender :3 + if there is no specified gender it will b gn :p) I will also write platonic stuff whenever its just friends or siblings, or even family stuff (like dad dean etc.)
For things that i wont write are any NSFW, no pregnancy, incest+stepcest, birth related stuff, i also wont write any three ways with the brothers (ex- sam x reader x dean), huge age gaps (1-5 years are fine, a bit iffy on anything else :3), no perverted readers or characters, and just basic gross stuff!!
But yeah anything but those things ill basically write anything!! A sam x reader is currently in the works :3 soo there will be something coming out soon :p
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of-many-fandomss · 2 years
Request Rules:
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Will not write:
-NSFW material
- Male!reader (sorry)
- Parings with non- x reader
I will write:
- x reader
- Romantic Pairings
- Platonic (familial, friendship, etc.) Pairings
- Female!reader
- GN!reader
- AU’s
Fandoms and characters:
- Bullet Train
• Ladybug
• Tangerine
- Supernatural
• Sam Winchester
• Dean Winchester
- Avengers
• Bucky Barnes
• (Tasm) Peter Parker
• Pietro Maximoff
• Matt Murdock
• Shang-Chi
• Loki
• Kraven the Hunter
- Golden Era
• Cedric Diggory
• Harry Potter
- Marauders Era
• Remus Lupin
• Sirius Black
• James Potter
• Regulus Black
- Top Gun
• Rooster
• Hangman
• Iceman
- Outer Banks
• JJ Maybank
• Rafe Cameron
- Star Wars
• Poe Dameron
• Din Djarin
- The Walking Dead
• Daryl Dixon
- The Boys
• Soldier Boy
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aayo-whatt · 2 years
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I posted 1,615 times in 2022
That's 1,615 more posts than 2021!
76 posts created (5%)
1,539 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 617 of my posts in 2022
#spn - 71 posts
#supernatural - 60 posts
#castiel - 49 posts
#dean winchester - 48 posts
#destiel - 47 posts
#dean spn - 43 posts
#my question has been questioned - 38 posts
#castiel spn - 37 posts
#destiel spn - 34 posts
#spn incorrect quotes - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#you're actually too powerful interesting and vocaloid to be dated by anyone. you're eternal and godly and no one can own you. you're a star
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Pirates Of The Caribbean - Will Turner x Reader (platonic)
Request: (from @gay-destiel ) ooh could you do a potc sibling!reader x will? mb the reader could have injured themselves doing something stupid and will is patching them up or something? dunno.. gn!reader used a/n: sorry this took so long, and it's still really short 😭😭 was this what you had in mind? it's how I took your idea, I hope you like it~
"Again? Really?" Will sighs, as he cleans the scratch on your face.
You give a lopsided grin, "Well, what can I say? I know how much you love when you get to patch me up."
He sticks a bandage to your face, "What did you do this time?"
"Someone didn't think I could jump from the tallest mast of The Black Pearl and not be injured."
You stay silent, "Me. It was me. I had to prove a point to myself."
Will chuckles, "Your an idiot."
"Ya know ya love it." You stretch as you stand up, and before walking off you turn to your brother and say, "I've got a few more points to prove to myself."
12 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
just harassed my friend into watching supernatural, feeling good
18 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
~got bored so i put the winchester gays and their angel "buddies" in an incorrect quotes generator~
Adam, ordering coffee: I’d like a light roast. Dean: You're kinda ugly.
Cas: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter a. Michael: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory. Gabe: Fuck you.
Sam: Oh my Gabe. Dean: Don't you mean 'oh my god'? Sam: You worship your god, I'll worship mine.
Michael: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined. Dean: Heck. Michael: You're on thin fucking ice. Michael: Oh no-
Michael: If I had a face like yours, I'd put it on a wall and throw a brick at it. Gabe: If I had a face like YOURS, I'd put it on a brick and throw a wall at it.
Michael: What's my sexuality?! I don't fucking know! I'm not straight, and that's all that matters. Well, maybe that's unfair to the straights. Some of my best friends are straight! Well, one of them. Well, I know them, and Dean is perfectly tolerable person in small doses!
Cas: Dean, you're an asshole, man. Dean: You are what you eat Cas.
Michael: A mouse! Dean, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you. Gabe, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal! Adam, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy. Cas, gasping: It's Ratatouille! Sam: His name is Remi, dummy. Michael: I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
Michael: *standing at the top of the stairs* What are y'all doing at the bottom of the staircase? Cas: I accidentally fell down. Gabe: DEAN PUSHED ME down the stairs because I refuse to pay THEIR part of our rent! Sam: Cas bet me fifty bucks that I couldn't reach the bottom of the stairs faster than they did falling down it, so I slide down the banister to get my money. Adam: I don't know how I got here. One moment, I was sleeping in my bed, three floors up, and then suddenly I was waking up here, just in time to get crushed by Sam.
Michael: So... who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon? Cas: We're chopsticks! Michael: Well... that's cute! Michael: Does that mean you two snuggle together perfectly? Dean: No, it means that if you take the other away, the only thing the other is good for is stabbing.
Dean: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like ‘look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.’ Sam: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
*Dean dies in a game with ships* Cas: This ship is no longer a ship of love, it's a ship of vengeance, a gavel of justice against all that is wrong in the world, showing no mercy, as no mercy was shown to us. Cas: The spark of love will now fuel the fires of destructive glory as I wage my war across the world with righteous fury. Gabe: Legend has it that Dean still haunts the ship, stealing my fucking drinks. Dean: Of course I do.
Adam with a gun to Sam's head: What happens if I pull this trigger? Heaven? Sam: Bold of you to assume I'll go to Heaven.
See the full post
56 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
got bored so i put the winchester gays and their angel "buddies" in an incorrect quotes generator here are the highlights-
why is there so much of gabe- ALSO THE GENERATOR SHIPS SABRIEL-
*out grocery shopping* Castiel: *takes a free sample twice* Castiel: Robbery and Fraud. I am a Rebel.
Gabriel: Why do you think I don’t like you? I do. I would kill for you. Gabriel: Ask me to kill for you. Sam: ...First of all, calm down-
Michael: The odds of this happening by coincidence are vanishingly small. Castiel: I would say infinitesimally. Gabriel: And I'd say teenily-weenily. We all know words.
Sam: You know, Gabriel, when you generalize, you tell general... lies. Gabriel: ... Gabriel: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns.
Gabriel: I am not a lunatic. I have the psychiatric report to prove it. A slender majority of the panel decided in my favour.
Gabriel: Wait you like me? For my personality? Sam: I know, I was surprised too.
Sam: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon? Dean: I'm a knife. Castiel, from across the room: He's the little spoon.
Gabriel: There are some things beyond our understanding. We must accept them and learn from them. Because these moments of crisis are also potential moments of faith. A time, when we either come together or fall apart. Nature always has a way of balancing itself. The only question is, what part will we play? Sam: Did you just make that up? Gabriel: No. I read it in a fortune cookie once. Sam: Gabriel: A really long fortune cookie.
Adam: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life. Castiel: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind? Adam: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die. Gabriel: Edible.
Adam: Go big or go home! Michael: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home. Adam: I'm going big!
Sam: That's not funny. Gabriel: I thought it was funny. Sam: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on Facebook.
there will almost definitely be a part two-
@gay-destiel ?
69 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Stranger Things -- Robin x reader
non-binary!reader used a/n: idrk what i did with this but yeah, its really short also this was my first time writing something like this, so i hope you like it! ^^
Robin sighed, walking into your room. She flopped over to the bed where you were lying, and sat down on your legs.
"Rough day?" you ask.
"Mmf," Robin smooshes her face into the crook of your neck.
You wrap your arms around Robin's waist, pulling her closer to you, "I'll take that as a yes, then."
requested by @alonezz on a blog by lyralit, not sure if this is what you wanted but I tried.
72 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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toadspondofwhimsy · 25 days
Charlie Bradbury
Wildflower - SUMMARY: Cas and Dean can’t stand to see their best friend single any more, so they set them up on a blind date with their other friend, Charlie.  PAIRING: Charlie Bradbury x gn!Original Character
Winchester Brothers
Ain't No Apple Pie - SUMMARY: You got out, left the life, but you’re miserable and looking for a way back in.  PAIRING: Platonic!Sam Winchester x gn!Reader, Platonic!Dean Winchester x gn!Reader.
0 notes
Masterlist #2 Updated 06/09/2023
One Shots
Stepdad Hemsworth @waywardinfluencervoid — Stepdad!Chris Hemsworth x stepdaughter!reader (platonic)
Part 2 to a Cancer Fic I Wrote @huntective-kyeo — Marvel Cast x f!reader (platonic); pt. 1 @storiesbystarlight
Adopted Hemsworth (requested by anonymous) — Hemsworth family x adopted!reader
Iron Dad (requested by anonymous) — RDJ & Chris Evans x reader (platonic)
Happy 21st @youre-amazing-say-it — Marvel Cast x reader (platonic)
Shaving the Head (requested by anonymous) — Chris Evans x daughter!reader
Trying (requested by anonymous) — Marvel cast x teen!reader
Teen Spirits @supernerdycookietrashblr — Danny F. x Reader
Who Am I? Masterlist — Chris Evans x Younger!Sister!Reader (in progress)
Dead to Me Masterlist — Daryl Dixon x Reader (in progress)
Crimson and Clover Masterlist @idk123906 — Chris Evans x Undercover!Female!Reader (in progress)
A Silent Voice Masterlist — Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader (in progress)
High Hopes Masterlist @kj-1130 — Marvel cast x actor!gn!reader (in progress)
A Tale of English and Math Masterlist inspired by @aescapisms and company — English Professor!Bucky Barnes x Math Professor!Reader/AU!Marvel (in progress)
Til It Happens To You Masterlist — Bucky Barnes x F!Reader (in progress)
This Year’s Love Masterlist — Sam Winchester x Half Demon!F!Reader (in progress)
California Dreamin’ Masterlist (requested by anonymous) — Marvel cast x gn!teen!reader (in progress)
The End of Something Masterlist — Rick Grimes x Reader AU (in progress)
Every Beginning Ends — Pedro!Joel Miller x OC!Mary Hernandez (in progress)
Prompt List
50 Dialogue Prompt List
100 Prompt List
300 Prompt List
I Was Bored Prompt List
A Tale of English and Math: Where It All Began
Masterlist #1
Permanent Tag List:
@rvgrsbrns @sugarrushblondie @rororo06 @crimeshowtrash @parkers-thoughts @nerdy-thespian-10 @wastefulsushi @aworldwideapart @supernaturallover2002 @mystoragehatesme @change-the-world-someday @natasha-danvers @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @hera-the-writer @herecomesthewriterwitch @unbelievablefandoms @its-izzys @peggycarter-steverogers @buchanansebba @utterly-in-like @sevenmorningstars @pachiibatt @seabassstanfan @badgercerealsupremacy
368 notes · View notes
prentissluvr · 4 months
need sam winchester biblically and its such a crime i can't be binging spn rn, but that does mean i will be thinking about him all the time without spending said time watching him which means i will have thoughts about him which means i will have time to write for him which means that folks should send me sam requests i promise i'm nice and a decent writer heheheh
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Status: CLOSED
Alright, requests for all of my fandoms are open. Send some in while you can, they will not be open long!
Writing Prompt List #1 *210 prompts (fluff/romance; angst/emotional; Misc/Humor; & Scenario Prompts)
Writing Prompt List #2 *200 prompts (fluff/romance; angst/emotional; Misc/Humor; and Scenario Prompts)
Sensory Prompts #1 *125 prompts (nature ambiance; fluff/relationship; angst/sad; scary/horror; comfort; and Misc.)
Sensory Prompts #2 *around 130 prompts (nature/outside ambiance; relationship/fluff; angst; scary/horror; comfort; and Misc.)
Rules Page *Basic Rules: - I only write 'x reader' inserts; no ships or oc inserts - GN!Reader only - I do not write specific body types, or for other specific physical characteristics, since I try to keep my inserts as neutral as possible - No nsfw; no pregnancy/children, no readers/character fics below 18
You can request for fics/oneshots or headcanons.
You can send in your own plot, and/or 1-3 prompts. Feel free to mix and match from the prompt lists!
Full Fandoms List Below Cut:
9-1-1 (FOX show)
Evan “Buck” Buckley Eddie Diaz Det. Lou Ransone Howard “Chimney” Han
The Boys:
Serge “Frenchie” Hughie Campbell Billy Butcher
Anthony Bridgerton Benedict Bridgerton Simon Basset Colin Bridgerton *maybe others? 
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Spike Angel
Criminal Minds  (I have only watched seasons 1-11)
Spencer Reid Aaron Hotchner Derek Morgan
Doctor Who
Ten Eleven Twelve
Sherlock Holmes *I have not watched the whole series so I wont write much for in-show plot points
Malcolm Reynolds Simon Tam
Lark Rise to Candleford
Daniel Parish Fisher Bloom Sir Timothy Midwinter Alf Arless Mr Rushton
Eliot Spencer Quinn Alec Hardison
Magnificent Seven Tv Series (1998-2000)
Chris Larabee Ezra Standish Vin Tanner Buck Wilmington
The Mandalorian + TBoBF
Din Djarin Cobb Vanth Boba Fett (prefer platonic)
M*A*S*H (Tv Series)
Hawkeye Pierce BJ Hunnicutt Trapper John
Merlin (BBC)
Merlin Arthur Gwaine Percival Lancelot
Moon Knight
Steven Grant Marc Spector Arthur Harrow
Person of Interest
John Reese Others; platonically is preferred
Prodigal Son 
Malcolm Bright Gil Arroyo 
Shadow and Bone:
Kaz Brekker Matthias Mal Alexander/Kirigan ?
*I have read the Grishaverse books, so I am willing to write around that plot. But the characters will be in character for the show, and the characters will be written as 20+ as their ages are not stated in the show but it feels as though they are aged up in the depiction. 
Sherlock (BBC)
Sherlock Holmes Greg Lestrade Jim Moriarty
Star Trek: Discovery
Christopher Pike Gabriel Lorca (willing to write for an alternate ‘Prime’ version of Lorca) Sarek Spock **I’m in the process of watching Disco and am currently on Season 3. I will be watching Strange New Worlds when I can. **please make sure to specify which Spock you are requesting for (Disco or AOS.)
Star Trek: Enterprise 
Captain Archer Trip Tucker Malcolm Reed 
Star Trek: Voyager 
Chakotay Tom Paris
Stargate Sg-1
Jack O’Niell Daniel Jackson Jonas Quinn Cameron Mitchell 
Stargate Atlantis
John Sheppard Carson Becket Ronon Dex
Supernatural  *Have only watched seasons 1-9
Sam Winchester Dean Winchester Castiel Gabriel Gadreel Balthazar Crowley Lucifer Caine
Teen Wolf 
Derek Hale Peter Hale
Vampire Diaries & The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson Klaus Mikaelson Damon Salvatore Kol Mikaelson Lorenzo “Enzo” St John Finn Mikaelson
**Never watched The Originals’, so I only know the Mikaelsons from TVD.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - Franchises/Movies - - - - - 
Original Avengers:
Tony Stark  Steve Rogers Thor Bruce Banner Clint Barton Natasha Romanoff
Bucky Barnes Sam Wilson Helmut Zemo Loki Heimdall Vision Scott Lang Peter Parker (Garfield and/or Hollands; aged up) Dr. Stephen Strange T’Challa Agent Ross Shang-Chi Peter Quill
*** Feel free to ask about other MCU characters; I will write for most (depending on if I like the request as well) ***
Original Timeline Movies:  Logan/Wolverine Scott Summers Kurt Wagner “Nightcrawler” Viktor Creed “Sabertooth”
First Class Timeline: Charles Xavier Eric Lehnsherr Hank McCoy Alex Summers Azazel Peter Maximoff “Quicksilver” Warren Worthington III “Angel”
**Many of the younger characters ages are not obvious in the First Class movies, so everyone will be written/suggested as 20+
The Eternals
Druig Ikaris Kingo
Venom (1 & 2)
Eddie Brock
Deadpool (1 & 2)
Wade/Deadpool  Ajax/Francis Cable Domino
- - -
Star Wars Universe
Episodes I-III
Anakin Skywalker Obi Wan Kenobi
Episodes IV-VI
Luke Skywalker Han Solo
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Han Solo Lando Calrissian Dryden Vos
Episodes VII-IX
Finn Poe Dameron Ben Solo/Kylo
- - -
The Hobbit/Lotr
Thranduil Thorin Kili Fili Bard Legolas Aragorn Eomer Faramir Elrond
- - -
Fantastic Beasts:  ((JK Rowling is a bigot and anything I write regarding the wizarding world is of my own imagination and a continuation of a world I want untainted by her bigotry)) 
Newt Scamander, Percival Graves *So far I have only seen the first movie
**I will possibly write for characters from Harry Potter or Marauders, such as the Weasley twins, Malfoy, Cedric, Remus, Sirius, etc. But if I do, it will be after they leave Hogwarts and are 18+.
- - -
Star Trek AOS
Cpt. Jim Kirk Dr. Leonard McCoy Spock Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Pavel Chekov Hikaru Sulu Khan *please make sure to specify which Spock you are requesting for (Disco or AOS.)
- - -
The Outsiders
Darrel “Darry” Curtis Maybe: Sodapop Curtis Dallas Winston ^^Aged Up
- - -
Pirates of the Caribbean (1-4)
Captain Jack Sparrow Will Turner James Norrington Elizabeth Swann/Turner
- - - 
Magnificent Seven (2016) 
Joshua Faraday Billy Rocks Goodnight Robicheaux Vasquez Red Harvest
- - -
Maleficent I & II
Conall, Borra, Diaval, Maleficent
- - -
The Man from U.N.C.L.E 
Napoleon Solo Illya Kuryakin
- - -
Kingsman: The Secret Service and The Golden Circle
Eggsy Unwin Hamish Mycroft “Merlin” Jack Daniels “Whiskey”
- - -
Jane Austen/Period Movies: 
Pride and Prejudice (1995 & 2005) Characters: Mr. Darcy and Mr Bingley (other characters if requested)
Mansfield Park (1999 & 2007) Character: Edmund Bertram
Sense and Sensibility (1995/2008) Character: Edward Ferrars 
Emma (2009 & 2020) Character: Mr. Knightley
Persuasion (2007) Character: Captain Wentworth
- - - - -
Outside Characters: 
Actors who have multiple characters outside of the listed fandoms that I am willing to write for!
Charlie Hunnam:
Arthur (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword) Raymond Smith (The Gentlemen) William “Ironhead” Miller (Triple Frontier) **Will also write for Ben Miller
Oscar Isaac: 
Santiago “Pope” Garcia (Triple Frontier)
129 notes · View notes
・*:.。.─_*✧.。.:*・# ゚𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 ミ
This is a list of fandoms and characters that I write for, I might add more later or take away some, but for the moment I write for all of these
I will always write for Marvel, Superntaural and Star Wars
Requests are always open If you want to request you can either private message me or just write in my inbox
I write: teen!reader, gn!reader, platonic!reader, sister!reader, adopted!reader, brother!reader, son!reader, daughter!reader,
I also write for lgbtq+ so you can request with anything from that
I can also write romantic but I usually prefer platonic
I can write nearly everything except I do not write smut so if that’s what you want it’s better if you go somewhere else
*✧.。.:*・# MARVEL ミ
— (overall all characters from marvel but below is the ones I prefer )
— avengers [ steve rogers, tony stark, clint barton, natasha romanoff, bruce banner, thor ]
— sam wilson
— bucky barnes
— baron zemo
— moon knight [ marc spector, steven grant, jake lockley, layla el-faouly, konshu ]
— kate bishop
— yelena belova
— loki
— guardians of the galaxy [ peter quill, gamora, rocket raccoon, drax, nebula, mantis, groot, yondu ]
— daredevil [ matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page ]
— punisher [ frank castle, billy russo ]
— venom [ eddie brock, venom, anne weying ]
— miguel o’hara (spider-man 2099)
— jack russell/werewolf by night
— x-men [ logan howlett, erik lensherr, charles xaviar, deadpool, scott summers, alex summers, x-23, mystique, beast ]
— marvel cast [ all cast members from mcu ]
*✧.。.:*・# SUPERNATURAL ミ
— castiel
— dean winchester
— sam winchester
— crowley
— lucifer
— jack kline
— gabriel
— the supernatural cast [ all cast members ]
*✧.。.:*・# STAR WARS ミ
— prequel [ obi-wan kenobi, ahsoka tano, anakin skywalker, cody, rex, fives, fox, wolfee, waxer, boil, kit fisto, darth maul ]
— bad batch [ hunter, tech, crosshair, wrecker, omega, echo ]
— star wars rebels [ kanan, hera, sabine wren, ezra bridger, zebb ]
— reva sevander
— cassian andor
— mandalorian [ din djarin, grogu, bo katan ]
— the book of boba fett [ boba fett, fennec shand]
— sequel [ poe dameron, finn, bb-8 ]
— Pedro Pascal
— Oscar Isaac
*✧.。.:*・# TOLKIEN ミ
— lord of the rings [ aragorn, legolas, faramir, meriadoc brandybuck, peregrin took, samwise gamgee, frodo baggins, boromir, gimli, elrond, gandalf ]
— hobbit [ bilbo baggins, thorin, kili, fili, bard, tauriel ]
*✧.。.:*・# THE WALKING DEAD ミ
— rick grimes
— daryl dixon
— glenn rhee
— maggie rhee
— aaron
— gabriel stokes
— jesus
— mishonne
— carol peletier
— carl grimes
— judith grimes
— negan
*✧.。.:*・# THE ROOKIE ミ (will come more soon)
— tim bradford
— lucy chen
— angela lopez
— wesley evers
— tamara collins
*✧.。.:*・# CRIMINAL MINDS ミ
— aaron hotchner
— spencer reid
— derek morgan
— penelope garcia
— david rossi
— jennifer Jareau
— luke alvez
— emily prentiss
*✧.。.:*・# HANNIBAL NBC ミ
— will graham <3
— hannibal lecter
*✧.。.:*・# HARRY POTTER ミ
— golden trio era [ remus lupin, sirius black, harry potter, hermione granger, luna lovegood, fred weasley, george weasley, oliver wood, neville longbottom, draco malfoy ]
— fantastic beasts [ newt scamander, young albus dumbledore, gellert grindelwald, theseus scamander ]
*✧.。.:*・# OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH ミ (will add more later)
— izzy hands <3
— jim jimenez
— edward
— frenchie
— stede
*✧.。.:*・# SHERLOCK ミ (not taking requests for at the moment)
— greg lestrade
— sherlock holmes
— john watson
— diego hargreeves
— klaus hargreeves
— ben hargreeves
— viktor hargreeves
— number five
*✧.。.:*・# HEARTSTOPPER ミ
— nick nelson
— charlie spring
— isaac henderson
— imogen heaney
— tao xu
— elle argent
— darcy olsson
— tara jones
*✧.。.:*・# ARROWVERSE ミ
— arrow [ oliver queen, thea queen, roy harper, felicity smoak, john diggle, slade wilson ]
— flash [ barry allen, harry wells, harrison wells, HR, cisco ramon, caitlin snow, leonard snart, wally west, eddie thawne ]
— legends of tomorrow [ john constantine, sara lance, rip hunter, captain cold, nathan heywood ]
— john constantine
*✧.。.:*・# GOTHAM ミ
— jim gordon
*✧.。.:*・# THE SANDMAN ミ (not taking requests for at the moment)
— corinthian
— morpheus
*✧.。.:*・# DOWNTON ABBEY ミ
— thomas barrow
— tom branson
— matthew crawley
— sybil crawley
-*✧.。.:*・# DRAGON AGE ミ
— dragon age origin [ morrigan, alistair ]
— dragon age II [ hawke ]
— dragon age inquisition [ dorian pavus, cole, iron bull, sera, varric tethras, blackwall, vivienne, cullen rutherford, cassandra pentaghast, leliana, josephine montilyet, solas ]
*✧.。.:*・# FATE: THE WINX SAGA ミ
— saul silva
— beatrix
— stella
— musa
— riven
— sky
— andreas
*✧.。.:*・# ONCE UPON A TIME ミ
— killian jones
*✧.。.:*・# PEAKY BLINDERS ミ
— alfie solomons
— thomas shelby
— ada thorne
— arthur shelby
— john shelby
— polly gray
— michael gray
*✧.。.:*・# THE LAST OF US ミ (only platonic for now)
— Joel Miller
— Ellie Williams
— Pedro Pascal
-*✧.。.:*・# NEW AMSTERDAM ミ (only platonic for now)
— Max Goodwin
*✧.。.:*・# THE RESIDENT ミ (will be adding more)
— conrad hawkins
*✧.。.:*・# WALKER ミ
— liam walker
— cordell walker
— stella walker
— august walker
— trey barnett
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makeadealwithdean · 3 years
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"It's not going to be like this forever, you know?"
for your drabble game!
One Day
Pairing: Sam Winchester x gn!Reader (Platonic or Romantic)
Tags/Warnings: none really, just some angst (a few hopeless thoughts) and Sam being comforting, fluffy hurt/comfort
Word Count: 397
a/n: thank you so much for submitting this! you’ve helped so much with my writing process, you have no idea! hope you enjoy this pure little blurb <3
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The doors of the impala creaked as you slam the door closed-- not too hard though, or Dean would give you a look-- and followed the brothers into the motel room. Dean dropped his duffle bag on the floor next to the table and chairs, said, “I’ve got first shower,” and disappeared into the bathroom, leaving you alone with Sam.
You sighed dramatically as you dropped onto the bed and shrugged the now monster-gut covered flannel off your shoulders, leaving you in a simple undershirt. You flopped backwards onto your back and heaved another loud sigh.
Sam eyed you worriedly, sitting down gingerly beside you, “You okay, Y/N?” He placed a hand on your arm-- his way of providing needed comfort, while still making sure you felt like you had space to breathe.
“Ugh, yeah. I’m just-- tired, Sam,” you sighed, staring up at the ceiling. “Tired of this,” you gestured with a hopeless flick of your hand, “hunting, driving, crappy motels, almost dying,,, being scared. It’s all too much, Sam. This isn’t the life I want to have. I know it’s not the life any of us want, I just-- I’m tired.”
“I know,” Sam leaned back on his hands, his head parallel with yours. “You, me, Dean-- we all deserve a better life than this. And it sucks that right now, we can’t have it. But honey, it’s not gonna be like this forever, you know?”
“Yes, it will, Sam!” you cried, so exhausted you were close to tears. “You’ve said it yourself: it’s impossible for hunters to leave the life!”
“That’s because most hunters try to be half in-half out. They never truly leave, so the crap never leaves them, but I promise you, Y/N, one day, maybe not soon, but one day, we will get out. We’ll leave this craphole of a life behind, you’ll see.” Sam laid the rest of the way down next to you, pulling you into his strong arms in a horizontal hug. 
You blinked the tears back, and his thumb came up to swipe at the one that had escaped your eye. You sniffled, trying not to face him; you didn’t want him to see you cry, but eventually you gave in, curling against him, face buried in his chest. His hand stroked your hair gently, soothing you until your breath evened. 
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Forevers: @downanddirtydean  @deanwanddamons @katelyn--renee @zooaliaa @jensengirl83 @superfanficnatural @deangirl93 @that-one-gay-girl @wonder-cole @flamencodiva
SPN: @meeshw777
Sam Winchester: @watermelonlipstick
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