seismology550 · 6 years
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#RiversOfinstagram #PlatanoRiver #RioPlatano #RioPlatanoBiosphereReserve #MosquitiaRegion #Honduras🇭🇳 #UnescoWorldHeritage #Rivers @unesco Recognize this river? 😉 A World Heritage site since 1982, Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve in Honduras is a conservation gem with archaeological and cultural values with numerous Pre-Columbian sites and petroglyphs found in the Mosquitia region. Many indigenous people such as the Pech, Tawahka, Miskito, and Garifuna call this biosphere home. The protection of biodiversity is also a protection of cultural heritage as many indigenous cultures around the globe live in high biological diversity regions. Many of our animal friends, native to this area, are endangered species such as the West Indian Manatee, Jaguar, Great Green Macaw, and the Guiana Crested Eagle. In its mountainous landscape sloping down to the Caribbean coast, over 2,000 indigenous people have preserved their traditional way of life. Indigenous peoples in the Mosquitia continue to have a close relationship with their natural environment expressed in myths, beliefs, practices, and knowledge. During @UNESCO's Latin America week, help us celebrate Latin America and the Caribbean's unique cultural and natural heritage. #UNESCOseria #HondurasRiversSeria #BiosphereReserveSeria #CentralAmericaRiversSeria #PlatanoRiverSeria #RioPlatanoSeria #RioPlatanoBiosphereReserveSeria #MosquitiaRegionSeria #HondurasSeria🇭🇳 #UnescoWorldHeritageSeria #RiversSeria . #01June2018seria #01JuneSeria #2018JuneSeria #2018saturdaySeria #SaturdayJuneSeria #SaturdaySeria (Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve)
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