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joselyndumas · 6 years ago
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Africa Climate Week.
Thank you all for being here today. It is an honour to be here with you in commemoration of Africa Climate Week. Francois Hollande said brilliantly: “we have a single mission: to protect and hand on the planet to the next generation.” Now I ask, “can we confidently say that we are creating a better world for the children of today and those of tomorrow?”
With deep passion and concern for the future of underprivileged children in Ghana, I launched the Joselyn Canfor-Dumas Foundation six years ago. Since then, we have spearheaded initiatives and supported existing efforts to improve the lives of many Ghanaian children, because I believe in the future of today’s child. In education and health, we’ve done some great work, notably the ‘X Cholera Project’. But the success of our efforts is evidently at risk, if we don’t change our attitude towards our environment.
One of the biggest environmental challenges of our current existence is Climate Change. Rising temperatures and sea levels, extreme weather conditions, diminution of aquatic life, gas emissions that threaten ecosystems, reduction in agriculture produces are some of the urgent calls to why we need to pay close attention to the subjected issue and take immediate action to avoid what we can prevent today from happening tomorrow. The lives of many are at risk, and children are unfortunately the most vulnerable.
Sadly, in Ghana, we have also experienced the devastating effects of climate change and its rippling effects. It has negatively affected health, food supply, economic growth, security and quality of life.
There have been many fatal cases of flooding across the continent, and a common denominator remains the amount of plastic waste these countries generate. Disappointingly, this waste is poorly disposed of; it is in gutters, blocking drainage systems and dumped on makeshift landfills out in the open. When we throw plastic waste indiscriminately into our gutters and unto the streets, let us remember that the rains will eventually come, which can cause flooding, and wreak havoc in our communities and on our future.
On June 3rd, 2015, our nation suffered a tragic loss because we failed to act before then. That day will be remembered as one of the saddest days in our history of natural disasters when 154 people died after a severe flood. Those who survived will always have their scars to remind them of that night. We need to ensure that it never happens again.
Infectious diseases like cholera, caused by poor sanitary conditions, including plastic pollution, are highly sensitive to climate conditions. When it rains, or worse, floods, these diseases will spread and affect more people, especially our children. Some of us will live through its effects, but many others will not.
This is a call to action. We can all do one small thing that will make a big difference and it begins with us – in our homes, schools, workplaces, places of worship and in our communities. Let us ask ourselves:
• What can I do differently today?
• How can I keep my environment clean? Not just for me, but for everyone around me
• How can I educate my family, friends and colleagues about reducing, reusing and recycling plastics?
• How can we come together to battle the effects to climate change?
Mr President, thank you for making a commitment to back efforts that tackle climate change. I truly believe that Ghana can be an example for the continent if we all come together and commit ourselves to the cause, and active policies are put in place to drive this objective. I, for one, pledge to do my one small thing, and ask all citizens of Ghana to pledge with me.
When we neglect our environment, let us remember that we are denying many children the opportunity to a healthy, bright and happy future. Every child deserves a safe space to learn, play, grow and thrive. Climate Action in Africa is a race we can win if we all resolve to be the change we want to see.
The time is now.
Thank you.
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joselyndumas · 6 years ago
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.....Good morning and thank you all for being here today. I am extremely honoured to be addressing this morning’s gathering.
We are all here because we have a common goal, to make this world a better place, but in order to do that, we must address with urgency, the very issues that threaten our survival. Around the world, nations are uniting to fight climate change and its devastating effects, but in Africa today, another problem remains, PLASTIC WASTE.
Africa has been described as a continent “drowning in plastic waste” and for many decades we have battled this canker and failed. Take a quick walk on the streets of Accra, or Lagos or Nairobi and you will find, densely littered along the streets and in gutters, varying amounts of plastic waste products. Africa does not produce the highest number of plastic products in the world today, but we consume the most. A sad, but deadly reality.
Plastic waste is a leading cause of climate change in the world today because plastics are manufactured from fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas, which are the primary causes of climate change. So, when we continue to use plastic products every day, we are worsening the climate change situation, and destroying existing efforts in solving the climate situation.
Our inability to manage the plastic waste that we produce has caused immense damage to our environment, society and livelihoods. Plastic waste ends up in our oceans and rivers, killing precious aquatic life and depriving many struggling Africans access to clean water. Plastic pollution heightens the presence of infectious diseases like cholera, caused by poor sanitary conditions. When it rains, or worse, it floods, these diseases will spread and affect more people. This means that many more people, already burdened with poverty in Africa, will die from cholera and other diseases, especially children. Perhaps the most terrifying of all these effects, is the number of lives that have been lost to aggravated flooding caused by the presence of plastic waste in our gutters and drainage systems. In Ghana and Nigeria, every year, there are many fatal cases of flooding, caused by choked drains and gutters.
The negative impact of plastic waste on developing countries in Africa is huge but not unsolvable. Rwanda, has shown itself as a beacon in the fight against plastic pollution. The country completely banned plastic bags in 2008, eventually creating a clean, plastic-free country. So, if a once struggling nation, saddled with a genocide that crippled its economy and wiped out it’s youthful population, can lead the way boldly and successfully, this is a sign that if other African countries put in the effort, we can protect lives and save the environment.
If we must end the plastic waste problem in Ghana, then it behooves on us to use every resource available to us. We must be relentless in securing a permanent solution. Thus;
We must begin by educating the entire populace, formally and informally, on sustainable waste practices. In our school curriculums and in our learning materials, we must teach the 3 R’s of the environment, ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’, and then we must teach our students to practice what they preach. In our market spaces, and towns, we must ensure that intensive popular education is carried out in local languages so that every citizen is fully equipped to contribute to a better Ghana. We must adopt newer, environmentally friendlier lifestyles like shopping with Paper bags, using paper straws instead of plastic straws and encouraging supermarkets to only use paper bags.
When we have educated the populace, we must strive to provide them with available resources to practice the education that they have received. This is where governmental efforts must be at the highest in ensuring that commercial recycling plants become a reality, eventually creating jobs. The presence of waste bins all around the country and in commercial centers should be encouraged and promoted, so that citizens are not forced to carelessly dispose off waste in our gutters and on the streets at night. Regular sanitation exercises must be duly enforced to rid our gutters and drains of any plastic waste, especially during the rainy seasons.
When government has done all, it can to ensure that plastic pollution is curbed, we must have, enshrined in our laws, severe penal charges for offenders of the country’s plastic regulations, and eventually, we must push for a plastic bag free Ghana. Rwanda, has proved that it is possible, and successful. We can, and we must minimise and eventually, eliminate the use of plastics in our everyday lives. There are healthier, and safer ways to live.
We must remember, that this is not merely a fight against climate change or plastic pollution, we are fighting for our lives and for our future, and we all have a very important part to play.
#EarthDay 🌍
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joselyndumas · 6 years ago
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With Chargé d’Affaires /Chief of Mission Christopher J.Lamora at the @USEmbassyGhana attending the “Plastic Waste Pollution on Earth” Meeting where we discussed possible solutions & activities to combat this menace. Glad to know the great work the US Embassy in Ghana is doing to contribute to a cleaner & Plastic-free Ghana. #togetherwecan —————————————————— #EarthDay 🌍 #PlasticWastePollution #PlasticWasteManagement #PlasticRecycling #CleanAfrica #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #EnvironmentalProtection . . Thank you @yunizaah for my lovely dress 👗 (at Earth Day) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwxO2bkF4K8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bomna61k0hti
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joselyndumas · 6 years ago
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We take plastic bags for everything, even the very minor items. Our Lands & Seas are choking with plastic waste. 🚩Refuse plastic bags . 🚩Go Shopping with your jute bags/baskets. 🚩Lets push for the General use of Paper Bags in Ghana & Africa. We ❤️ Africa, We ❤️ the World, doesn’t mean anything if it’s drowning in Waste! Reduce , Reuse & Recycle ♻️ It’s a Collective Effort. —————————————————— #EarthDay 🌍 #PlasticWastePollution #PlasticWasteManagement #PlasticRecycling #CleanAfrica #ClimateChange #ClimateAction #EnvironmentProtection (at Plastic Waste Solutions) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bww6xtiFXl6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1in9nixwr2yem
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joselyndumas · 6 years ago
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The Joselyn Dumas Foundation supports #SDGoal Four. #EducationTransformsLives ......#QualityEducation #UNESCO ...... #SDG4 ___________________________________________________ At #JoselynDumasFoundation (Formerly known as #JCDFoundation ), it is our commitment to support existing efforts at enhancing the lives of #Children of #Ghana and #Africa at large. A responsibility and contribution towards making a great and strong haven for the future of #NeedyChildren . (Visit our website in bio for more information) #JoselynDumas #ViolenceAgainstChildren #ChildAbuse #ChildrenHealthCare #ChildrenEducation #ChildrenSafety #ChildDevelopment #ChildrenInNeed #ChildNeeds #ChildSocialCare #ChildProtection #ChildrensRights #EndViolence #EndPoverty #ChildrenWithIllness #PlasticWastePollution #XCholera #YouthEmpowerment #EmbrasingPossibilities #ForEveryChild https://www.instagram.com/p/B2fSfQdJaGy/?igshid=12ulbxllf9gzt
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joselyndumas · 6 years ago
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Educated women improve their lives and the future of their families.... Education gives hope for a better future...... #EducationTransformsLives ......#QualityEducation ___________________________________________________ At #JoselynDumasFoundation (Formerly known as #JCDFoundation ), it is our commitment to support existing efforts at enhancing the lives of #Children of #Ghana and #Africa at large. A responsibility and contribution towards making a great and strong haven for the future of #NeedyChildren . (Visit our website in bio for more information) #JoselynDumas #ViolenceAgainstChildren #ChildAbuse #ChildrenHealthCare #ChildrenEducation #ChildrenSafety #ChildDevelopment #ChildrenInNeed #ChildNeeds #ChildSocialCare #ChildProtection #ChildrensRights #EndViolence #EndPoverty #ChildrenWithIllness #PlasticWastePollution #XCholera #YouthEmpowerment #EmbrasingPossibilities #ForEveryChild (at United Nations Headquarters) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2NLJJGJvCn/?igshid=l0mlndbxxick
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joselyndumas · 6 years ago
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We celebrate you @joselyn_dumas Happy Birthday again! We love you 🥰 ___________________________________________________ At #JoselynDumasFoundation (Formerly known as #JCDFoundation ), it is our commitment to support existing efforts at enhancing the lives of #Children of #Ghana and #Africa at large. A responsibility and contribution towards making a great and strong haven for the future of #NeedyChildren . (Visit our website in bio for more information) #JoselynDumas #ViolenceAgainstChildren #ChildAbuse #ChildrenHealthCare #ChildrenEducation #ChildrenSafety #ChildDevelopment #ChildrenInNeed #ChildNeeds #ChildSocialCare #ChildProtection #ChildrensRights #EndViolence #EndPoverty #ChildrenWithIllness #PlasticWastePollution #XCholera #YouthEmpowerment #EmbrasingPossibilities #ForEveryChild https://www.instagram.com/p/B14QcjoJPqO/?igshid=1jeqd4bk3ad1p
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joselyndumas · 6 years ago
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We told you #August is our favourite month and this is why! Please join us in wishing our founder @joselyn_dumas a very happy birthday. For all that you do, and for all that you are yet to do, we say thank you and it is our prayer that favours and strengthens you to move your vision forward into the right direction. We appreciate you. Happy Birthday 🥳 ___________________________________________________ At #JoselynDumasFoundation (Formerly known as #JCDFoundation ), it is our commitment to support existing efforts at enhancing the lives of #Children of #Ghana and #Africa at large. A responsibility and contribution towards making a great and strong haven for the future of #NeedyChildren . (Visit our website in bio for more information) #JoselynDumas #ViolenceAgainstChildren #ChildAbuse #ChildrenHealthCare #ChildrenEducation #ChildrenSafety #ChildDevelopment #ChildrenInNeed #ChildNeeds #ChildSocialCare #ChildProtection #ChildrensRights #EndViolence #EndPoverty #ChildrenWithIllness #PlasticWastePollution #XCholera #YouthEmpowerment #EmbrasingPossibilities #ForEveryChild https://www.instagram.com/p/B105GwoJuKJ/?igshid=78jz93889sgk
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joselyndumas · 5 years ago
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World Teachers' Day (#WTD) - 5th October Held annually since 1994, in 2019, World Teachers’ Day will celebrate teachers with the theme, “Young Teachers: The future of the Profession.” The day provides the occasion to celebrate the teaching profession worldwide, to take stock of achievements, and to address some of the issues central for attracting and keeping the brightest minds and young talents in the profession. With the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goal 4 on #education, and the dedicated target (#SDG4 .c) recognizing teachers as key to the achievement of the Education 2030 agenda, WTD has become the occasion to mark progress and reflect on ways to counter the remaining challenges for the promotion of the teaching profession. World Teachers’ Day is co-convened in partnership with #UNICEF, #UNDP, the International Labour Organization, and Education International. Source: https://en.unesco.org/commemorations/worldteachersday #WorldTeachersDay #WorldTeachersDay2019 ______________________________________________________ At #JoselynDumasFoundation (Formerly known as #JCDFoundation ), it is our commitment to support existing efforts at enhancing the lives of #Children of #Ghana and #Africa at large. A responsibility and contribution towards making a great and strong haven for the future of #NeedyChildren . (Visit our website in bio for more information) #JoselynDumas #ViolenceAgainstChildren #ChildAbuse #ChildrenHealthCare #ChildrenEducation #ChildrenSafety #ChildDevelopment #ChildrenInNeed #ChildNeeds #ChildSocialCare #ChildProtection #ChildrensRights #EndViolence #EndPoverty #ChildrenWithIllness #PlasticWastePollution #XCholera #YouthEmpowerment #EmbrasingPossibilities #ForEveryChild https://www.instagram.com/p/B3PAn6Ppofx/?igshid=y0rf3o0nv9un
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joselyndumas · 6 years ago
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At #JoselynDumasFoundation (Formerly known as #JCDFoundation ), it is our commitment to support existing efforts at enhancing the lives of #Children of #Ghana and #Africa at large. A responsibility and contribution towards making a great and strong haven for the future of #NeedyChildren . (Visit our website in bio for more information) #JoselynDumas #ViolenceAgainstChildren #ChildAbuse #ChildrenHealthCare #ChildrenEducation #ChildrenSafety #ChildDevelopment #ChildrenInNeed #ChildNeeds #ChildSocialCare #ChildProtection #ChildrensRights #EndViolence #EndPoverty #ChildrenWithIllness #PlasticWastePollution #XCholera #YouthEmpowerment #EmbrasingPossibilities #ForEveryChild https://www.instagram.com/p/B2jNz5Ip3PH/?igshid=1qxun271ctiwz
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joselyndumas · 6 years ago
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#EducationTransformsLives .....#QualityEducation ..... #SDG4 ___________________________________________________ At #JoselynDumasFoundation (Formerly known as #JCDFoundation ), it is our commitment to support existing efforts at enhancing the lives of #Children of #Ghana and #Africa at large. A responsibility and contribution towards making a great and strong haven for the future of #NeedyChildren . (Visit our website in bio for more information) #JoselynDumas #ViolenceAgainstChildren #ChildAbuse #ChildrenHealthCare #ChildrenEducation #ChildrenSafety #ChildDevelopment #ChildrenInNeed #ChildNeeds #ChildSocialCare #ChildProtection #ChildrensRights #EndViolence #EndPoverty #ChildrenWithIllness #PlasticWastePollution #XCholera #YouthEmpowerment #EmbrasingPossibilities #ForEveryChild https://www.instagram.com/p/B2SPXO3JS_b/?igshid=ddwq4lwtmzt0
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joselyndumas · 6 years ago
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No thank you! We were honoured to be a part of your special day 💙 ___________________________________________________ At #JoselynDumasFoundation (Formerly known as #JCDFoundation ), it is our commitment to support existing efforts at enhancing the lives of #Children of #Ghana and #Africa at large. A responsibility and contribution towards making a great and strong haven for the future of #NeedyChildren . (Visit our website in bio for more information) #JoselynDumas #ViolenceAgainstChildren #ChildAbuse #ChildrenHealthCare #ChildrenEducation #ChildrenSafety #ChildDevelopment #ChildrenInNeed #ChildNeeds #ChildSocialCare #ChildProtection #ChildrensRights #EndViolence #EndPoverty #ChildrenWithIllness #PlasticWastePollution #XCholera #YouthEmpowerment #EmbrasingPossibilities #ForEveryChild https://www.instagram.com/p/B187CZqpHjq/?igshid=urz6ml4yab58
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joselyndumas · 6 years ago
On @joselyn_dumas ’ birthday, she also participated in the @empowermentworshipcentre Life Check 2019 Community Outreach Event. #ewclifecheck19 #giveback #itsmyturn #onemorevision #WhereGodLives ___________________________________________________ At #JoselynDumasFoundation (Formerly known as #JCDFoundation ), it is our commitment to support existing efforts at enhancing the lives of #Children of #Ghana and #Africa at large. A responsibility and contribution towards making a great and strong haven for the future of #NeedyChildren . (Visit our website in bio for more information) #JoselynDumas #ViolenceAgainstChildren #ChildAbuse #ChildrenHealthCare #ChildrenEducation #ChildrenSafety #ChildDevelopment #ChildrenInNeed #ChildNeeds #ChildSocialCare #ChildProtection #ChildrensRights #EndViolence #EndPoverty #ChildrenWithIllness #PlasticWastePollution #XCholera #YouthEmpowerment #EmbrasingPossibilities #ForEveryChild https://www.instagram.com/p/B16Bq_nn6x2/?igshid=18jvdzzqkvmoi
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joselyndumas · 6 years ago
For @joselyn_dumas ’ birthday, in collaboration with @jollofraveofficial and @zerohungerghana , packs of Jollof Rice, Drinks and Birthday Cake was shared to female head potters and street children in Tudu - Accra. @couldyoucup was also with us! 🥰 ___________________________________________________ At #JoselynDumasFoundation (Formerly known as #JCDFoundation ), it is our commitment to support existing efforts at enhancing the lives of #Children of #Ghana and #Africa at large. A responsibility and contribution towards making a great and strong haven for the future of #NeedyChildren . (Visit our website in bio for more information) #JoselynDumas #ViolenceAgainstChildren #ChildAbuse #ChildrenHealthCare #ChildrenEducation #ChildrenSafety #ChildDevelopment #ChildrenInNeed #ChildNeeds #ChildSocialCare #ChildProtection #ChildrensRights #EndViolence #EndPoverty #ChildrenWithIllness #PlasticWastePollution #XCholera #YouthEmpowerment #EmbrasingPossibilities #ForEveryChild https://www.instagram.com/p/B14OY77neR-/?igshid=1q2xo6a3a9nj2
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joselyndumas · 6 years ago
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At #JoselynDumasFoundation (Formerly known as #JCDFoundation ), it is our commitment to support existing efforts at enhancing the lives of #Children of #Ghana and #Africa at large. A responsibility and contribution towards making a great and strong haven for the future of #NeedyChildren . (Visit our website in bio for more information) #JoselynDumas #ViolenceAgainstChildren #ChildAbuse #ChildrenHealthCare #ChildrenEducation #ChildrenSafety #ChildDevelopment #ChildrenInNeed #ChildNeeds #ChildSocialCare #ChildProtection #ChildrensRights #EndViolence #EndPoverty #ChildrenWithIllness #PlasticWastePollution #XCholera #YouthEmpowerment #EmbrasingPossibilities #ForEveryChild https://www.instagram.com/p/B1yMQhYpkju/?igshid=1a35zmgo4wdw1
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joselyndumas · 6 years ago
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At #JoselynDumasFoundation (Formerly known as #JCDFoundation ), it is our commitment to support existing efforts at enhancing the lives of #Children of #Ghana and #Africa at large. A responsibility and contribution towards making a great and strong haven for the future of #NeedyChildren . (Visit our website in bio for more information) #JoselynDumas #ViolenceAgainstChildren #ChildAbuse #ChildrenHealthCare #ChildrenEducation #ChildrenSafety #ChildDevelopment #ChildrenInNeed #ChildNeeds #ChildSocialCare #ChildProtection #ChildrensRights #EndViolence #EndPoverty #ChildrenWithIllness #PlasticWastePollution #XCholera #YouthEmpowerment #EmbrasingPossibilities #ForEveryChild https://www.instagram.com/p/B1tcWjNpc6s/?igshid=znj7yhkd2ggg
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