plasmaheatshipping · 22 days
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just got my ych commission from @buffbele !!! i super recommend commissioning her if you're considering it!
this is my favorite thing ever i'm going to be looking at it and smiling all day....... and DEFINITELY will be my new icon >:3
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hadalzonee · 3 months
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one ref for art fight down, *counts on fingers* 6 or so to go
(azureon belongs to goldmouse on toyhouse)
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vellichorsdesire · 20 days
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all the selfship autumn ychs i’ve done!!! thank you so much to everyone again 🫶🫶
in order of commissions, @glitchofevents @beastren @qilinkisser @lunasong84 @pwdre-ser & @plasmaheatshipping !!!! 💗
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plasmaheatshipping · 21 days
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i also got this amazing ych from @vellichorsdesire !!! also highly recommend commissioning him :] it makes me sooo happy it's so soft and warm and love...... i got a couple transparent versions too so i'm going to set up a desktop blog theme with one of those on it :D
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plasmaheatshipping · 26 days
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we went to the farmers market and got fresh strawberries! it was too crowded at the actual market to stop and set up a picture though lol
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plasmaheatshipping · 28 days
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drew this as a cover for my plasmaheatshipping playlist :)
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plasmaheatshipping · 1 month
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yay i did one of these :D sorry if my handwriting is dogshit lol
template by @plinko-selfships !
notes: yes i left n’s occupation blank on purpose. idk what his job would be. also the ages are like, not super important? n is 22 in canon but universe main-1 takes place post canon (and also at various points in time)
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plasmaheatshipping · 15 days
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wanted to do the classic “stuck in a box” drawing hehe
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plasmaheatshipping · 27 days
2, 5, & 7
2. Who sleeps in and who cooks breakfast?
i am Not a morning person so definitely i sleep in haha. if n didn't already make breakfast by the time i get up, though, then i make it for both of us since i like cooking :) (he always makes me coffee before i get up so it's ready for me right out of bed, hehe)
5. How do you spend rainy days together?
i like staying in and watching the rain, but n likes to go out in it and take a walk - it's the perfect time to do so, since nobody else will be around so everything is nice and quiet. the compromise is we go out for a walk together, and then come back in and cuddle up under a warm blanket to watch the rain through the window!
7. How do you + your f/o(s) deal with appliances that need fixing?
first i try and look up how to fix it, because i like doing things myself. if i can't figure it out from that (or god forbid, make the problem worse), we have to ask someone else to fix it 😅 neither of us is particularly handy so this is usually the case lol
thank you for the question!!
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plasmaheatshipping · 1 month
argo I wonder why you like the idea of going on an amusement park date and riding the ferris wheel with n? like I really have NO idea and I need you to talk about how it'd go :)
ehehe... i would LOVE to talk about it :)
n and i are a big fan of nighttime dates, so we'd start out in the evening, when the sun is starting to set. the first thing we'd do is scope the place out, see what we most want to do (of course the ferris wheel goes without saying). we'd go play the carnival games and try and win each other the biggest prize we could -- n winds up doing better than me and gets me a gigantic plushie that's almost a little cumbersome to carry around but it's worth it. we would have to go on a roller coaster! i loveeee roller coasters, and though n wouldn't like them as much as i do, that just gives him an excuse to hold onto my arm the whole time ;) if there was an arcade we would definitely go there! and have the most competitive air hockey match ever, because i cannot play that game halfway. after all the most energetic stuff, we'd go and grab a bite to eat (hopefully with funnel cake, i love that stuff). and then, once the sun has gone down and the stars are out, it's time for the ferris wheel.
we'd hold hands across the cabin, watching as the ground disappears beneath us and everything that felt so big in the moment becomes smaller and smaller, fading to twinkling lights and dots of people down below. when the cabin comes to a stop at the top, we'd look out -- at the park beneath us, across the scenery, and up to the stars -- before turning back to each other and sharing a kiss. even when we come back to the ground and to reality, that floating feeling doesn't leave, and when we leave the park, hand in hand, our hearts are full.
thank you for giving me an excuse to write all this down eeeeee i'm smiling so big right now
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plasmaheatshipping · 1 month
most people make their anniversary with their f/o the day they found them, but like. i've known n for so long that i literally don't remember when i met him. i wrote my first self insert story with him eight years ago, and even then i'd known about him for much longer since i've been a fan of pokemon for pretty much as long as i can remember.
that does leave me the freedom to choose literally whichever date i'd like, but DAMN choosing a meaningful date is difficult. i really like 12/31 as an anniversary date, but that's so close to my birthday that i don't really want to lol
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plasmaheatshipping · 14 days
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okay i drew rhis
wouldn’t probably normlly publish thisbut i am jn fact drunk
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plasmaheatshipping · 25 days
i also wanna write a whole engagement-wedding planning-wedding-honeymoon fic/art series. at some point. i've wanted to do this for a while hehe
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plasmaheatshipping · 26 days
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i was gonna do two different versions of splatoon us but. i got tired and did not want to draw the other one lol. anywayyyy i may not have an idea for a splatoon au but i can draw it anyway :)
n-emone is inspired by a piece of art i saved and was unable to find the artist from reverse image search :(
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plasmaheatshipping · 29 days
hi i haven't posted something i've written publicly in uh. four years according to ao3? but i wrote this at work and haven't really proofread it but i'm posting it anyway.
this is from the isekai universe, describing my and n's first meeting.
warning: it's written in second-person perspective so if that's not your thing then probably don't read lol
Pokémon battling came more naturally to you than you thought it might. It didn’t take long for your new Swirlix to warm up to you, and before you realized it, you’d passed the beginners’ instruction. Likely helping matters was that these “sync pair” matches were greatly simplified compared to the battles you’d played in the games – with only one Pokémon to keep track of per opponent, your mind was freer to focus solely on what was in front of you, rather than having to strategize around what the opposite team might next send out.
In terms of adjusting to your new life, it was surprisingly smooth-going as well. For those who had chosen to stay on Pasio long-term, a set of dorm-style apartments had been built, and you moved in free of charge. It wasn’t that much different than living alone had been before. And it seemed as though you weren’t the only one who had been abducted from your past life rather suddenly and without any of your things, so the fact that you had no identification documents nor proof you had ever existed in this world before posed little problem – you just got new ones, with everyone taking you at your word that you were who you said you were. You were just... accepted into the fold like it was natural.
So you supposed it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that you were expected to join the Pokémon Masters League and its upcoming tournament once you’d landed on your feet.
“Eh? Me? Join the PML?” The question was sprung on you in the middle of your lunch, a bite halfway to your mouth.
“Yeah!” Rosa answered. “Why not? You’ve been doing really well with battling, especially since you’ve never done it before coming here!”
“Well, I mean...” You looked away. “There are going to be a lot of way better trainers there than me, right? I wouldn’t get very far.”
“So what?” When you set your food down, Rosa took your hands in hers. “It’s for the fun of battling! Getting closer with your partner Pokémon, forging new friendships with your teammates, learning more about yourself... It would be like a mini Pokémon journey! Doesn’t it sound fun?”
You had to admit, with the way her eyes were sparkling and the romance with which she described it, it did sound a little tempting... But you still weren’t sure. After all...
“Don’t you need to have a team of three to participate?” you asked. “And it’s close enough to the start of the tournament that I’m sure everyone else has a team by now...”
“Sure, plenty of people do,” Rosa shrugged. “But there are also plenty still looking! Why don’t you try putting up a flyer on the team-seeking board? You never know!”
So that was exactly what you did. Late at night, when the Pokémon Center was mostly empty, you snuck over to the big post board labeled “LOOKING FOR TEAMMATES?”. Your small, handwritten flyer didn’t have a whole lot – just your name, your partner Pokémon, your skill level, your Poryphone number, and a time and place to meet in person – and it didn’t stand out much from the crowd, aside from the little doodles you’d dotted the page with. With a few deep breaths to calm your nerves, you stapled the paper to the board and dashed back to your apartment.
To your great surprise, you’d already received messages from a few interested parties when you woke up the next day. Nothing in the way of names you recognized, but you tried not to dismiss them out of hand just because, like, Diantha or Red hadn’t hit you up. There were only so many famous people to go around, and you assumed most of them were already in a team, if they were participating at all. So you chose to meet up with some of the potential teammates, try a battle or two.
A few days later, you hadn’t been particularly impressed. Maybe you’d underestimated your skill level on your flyer, or maybe these people were all trying to hit above their skill level, but... Prospects so far weren’t great. Their partners didn’t really cover for your weaknesses, either, or even at least complement your strengths. You started to wonder if you should try seeking others out, instead of waiting for a great teammate to come to you.
At the end of your first week of searching, you weren't meeting anyone, but still you showed up. Daydreaming about winning the PML turned to an unintentional midday nap, right where you had chosen to hang out for in-person meetups with prospective team members. Nobody had messaged you today, and the mid-afternoon sun hit you just right to lull you off to sleep. Your light drowsing had almost turned to full-on slumbering when a voice jostled the back of your mind.
“Excuse me?” It was faint, you couldn’t really hear it. “Pardon me?” Mm. They must be talking to someone else. “Excuse me, are you Xavier?”
Hearing your name, partnered with the hand you unexpectedly felt on your shoulder, jolted you awake. You looked around wildly for a few seconds trying to gather your scattered mind, before turning to the left and just about having a heart attack.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were asleep!” That voice. That face. That hair...
“I-i-it’s alright,” you managed to stutter around your thundering heartbeat. “Y-yeah, I’m Xavier! H-h-how can I help you?”
“I saw you were looking for a team.” It couldn’t be. This couldn’t be real.
All you could do was swallow and nod.
“My name is N.” The words you’d been hoping to hear since your life turned upside-down. “I wanted to try out.”
You had to stop yourself from fainting. Here N was, in the flesh, he was real! You could reach out and touch him! And he’d already even touched you! But you had to act normal. He couldn’t know how you already felt about him before even meeting him. And also you had to reply instead of just staring into his (bright blue) eyes.
“Oh!” You scrambled for the Poké Ball you kept Swirlix in. “Sure! Right now?”
“I can give you a minute to get ready if you need,” N laughed. Oh god, what a wonderful sound. You were now sure that you had died and Pasio was actually heaven.
“No, no, I’m good!” No sooner than the words had left your mouth did you jump up off the bench. “Uh, who’s your partner Pokémon?”
“I actually have two.” Clipped to N’s belt was a pouch that, upon N opening it, revealed two round objects – one Poké Ball, and—oh shit, was that the Dark Stone? “I haven’t yet decided between battling alongside Zoroark and Zekrom.”
“Z-Zekrom?” The question left your mouth before you could stop it. You had always thought N was the Hero of Truth, but... maybe you didn’t know him as well as you thought you did.
“That sort of reaction is exactly why I’m not sure,” N sighed. “I’d love to battle alongside Zekrom, but most people find fighting a Legendary Pokémon to be... intimidating.”
“No, no!” You waved your hands in front of you. “I’m fine battling a Legendary! Well, I mean, I’ve never done it before, but I’m sure I’d be alright. So, you know, do whatever you want to do. I have a type advantage either way. N-not that that means I think I’m gonna win! I know type advantages aren’t everything, I was just—”
“It’s okay, I got what you meant.” N smiled at you and you may as well have died on the spot. “Still, you said you're a beginner, so I’ll partner with Zoroark for this battle.” He had such a beautiful smile...
“Yeah...” Your voice came out as a murmur before you caught yourself being a weirdo again. “I-I mean, yeah! Let’s do this.” You and N found a nice, clear space to battle, released your Pokémon, and began.
N absolutely handed your ass to you. Not only did the type advantage not matter in the slightest, but evidently you betrayed your every intention before your commands even reached his ears. He read you like a book.
“A-alright, alright, Swirlix, that’s enough!” Before it quite ran out of energy, you recalled Swirlix to its Ball, giving it a little kiss. “You did great.”
“Here,” N tossed you a Potion, and you released Swirlix again, spraying its wounds down. It trilled happily and headbutted you.
“Thanks, N.” Wow, saying his name out loud... Even though you lost the battle, you were on cloud nine.
“That was a great battle.” Walking over to your side, N returned Zoroark to its Poké Ball. “Even though you were at a noticeable disadvantage in terms of raw power, you still made every move count.”
“Oh, you flatter me...” You shook your head. “You had that battle in the palm of your hand from the start. Don’t give me too much credit.”
“Sure, but you didn’t battle like it,” N shrugged. “You didn’t just give up and give the bare minimum. And the way you pushed Swirlix – just enough for it to be satisfied with the battle, but not so hard it got hurt. I’m seriously impressed. You say you’re a beginner, but you battle like you’ve been doing this a long time.”
“Ahaha, well...” Shit. Was he onto you? “Maybe I just have good instincts.”
“And innate respect for your Pokémon.” N held out his hand. “If you’ll have me, I’d like to team up with you.”
Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. It was really happening. You looked dumbly between N’s face and his hand before your brain rebooted enough for you to take his hand (probably a bit too hard) and shake it.
“Yes! Of course! Thank you!”
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plasmaheatshipping · 1 month
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hi i'm argo and this is my self ship blog ✌
you may have seen me around the self ship community before, i've had a few blogs that i all abandoned after a few months oops. i'm hoping that by putting this blog on my main account instead of being on a separate account i won't abandon it.
i'll probably mostly keep to myself here, but you're more than welcome to follow if you like. if i do follow you back, it'll be from from @/hadalzonee. this blog is mainly to have a place to talk about my self ship, because i think about it literally all the time lmao
the only f/o i'll be posting about is n from pokemon. i don't like sharing, so if you ship with him i'll block, sorry. our ship name is plasmaheatshipping (hence the url).
a little bit about me... i'm in my mid-20s, bisexual, a nonbinary trans man (he/they/it pronouns), grey-asexual and demiromantic, i have a degree in marine biology, and i'm an amateur artist and writer.
i'll put my tagging system below, with more tags added as becomes relevant. i have a lot of aus and the tags will be the best place to keep track of what goes where
main tags
#talking: text posts
#plasmaheatshipping: anything related to the pairing
#argo art: my art
#argo writing: my writing (as in drabbles etc.)
#not self ship: anything not related to the self ship, including me being a gay idiot over n if it's not in the context of the ship
#reblog: reblogs
#my love: others' posts with/about n
#prompts: art/writing prompts
#imagines: self ship imagines
#universe: main-1: a universe where i meet n after the events of bw2. this is the main universe i'll be posting about; unless otherwise specified, assume i'm referring to this universe when i post about the ship.
#universe: main-2: the original incarnation of my self ship, where my self insert takes the place of the bw protagonist.
#universe: real world: a universe that takes place in the modern day real world, where my self insert takes the place of me. has mafia au-ish elements.
#universe: isekai-1: a universe where i'm transported to the pokemon world, specifically into pokemon masters ex. this happens somewhere around mid-2021. in this version, i retain all my memories of the real world.
#universe: isekai-2: a universe where i'm transported to the pokemon world, specifically into pokemon masters ex. this happens somewhere around mid-2021. in this version, i lose my memories when transported.
#universe: botw: an au that takes place in the world of the legend of zelda: breath of the wild. n and i have to take over link's quest after he becomes mortally wounded short after awakening.
#universe: acnh: an au that diverges from the real world universe, and takes place in the world of animal crossing: new horizons. along with the anthropomorphic animals of animal crossing existing in this world, my self insert wins the island getaway package, and later invites n to move to the island.
#universe: touhou: an au that diverges from the real world universe, and merges with the world of touhou project. during a vacation in japan, n and i cross the border to gensokyo, but an issue causes n to turn into a youkai against his will, forcing him and i to stay in gensokyo.
#universe: sdv: an au that takes place in the world of stardew valley. my self insert is the farmer, and n is an outcast loner that i slowly befriend, causing him to leave his old, restrictive world behind. i'm making a sdv mod to make this one real :)
#universe: superhero-1: a universe where some people are born with superpowers, leading to the existence of superheroes and supervillains. in this instance, i am a villain and n is a rogue hero.
#universe: superhero-2: a universe where some people are born with superpowers, leading to the existence of superheroes and supervillains. in this instance, i am empowered but neither hero nor villain, and n is a villain.
#universe: other: anything that doesn't fit into an established universe
#universe: all: whatever goes in this tag can take place in any universe without (much) editing
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