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rozhka · 1 year ago
cute plantix
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sweetsweetsaturn · 1 year ago
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milkie2 · 2 years ago
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sweetsweetsaturn · 2 years ago
A little fun fact about this blog; this is my old one!! I just had to deal with fam stuff and didn't really come back to it :'3
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I appear to have forgotten about my Blog, Apologies!
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computerfeeler · 1 year ago
Oc dump!
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Anglo (panther + angler fish hybrid)
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Names:lenora (plantix + poodle moth + silk moth + angel), sero (fashui + angel) emmoez, (pseudo shork), and mimeat! (Panther + mignyan and yes you could draw them, just no NSFW, bcs they're all teenagers)
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kaijublogg · 1 year ago
To Azarue
What do you think of plantix?
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~ ~ ~ "To be fair..Plantix was pretty, but i see that didn't help with their disappearance.." "But if it's not about appearance, they're okay. Figs constantly gibbers about them since they left."
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ak1w1i · 2 years ago
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Plantix stimboard!!
x . x . x x.🌸. x x . x . x
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brainrotgobrrrr · 2 years ago
Kaiju lays in the sun to make his crystals brighter, so does Carneline
the sprinklekits have to be put inside a cooler, or they melt :(
Shork would be friendly around kids, chasing them around and let kids ride around their tail
Lemon Shork would bury themselves in in some sand and growl at passing kids or adults
Lantern Shork would lurk at the bottom of the lake and purposfully grab plants at drag it by kid's legs for the shits and giggles of it
Kawaii Shork would be hanging out Shork, they give kids rides on their tails together :)
Jammer plays the music, they make sure to play kid-appropriate music, considering the goos don't know much about human music, they might play lofi (they don't knows songs can have lyrics)
Shades would be sunbathing or making a sandcastle with the Pups and Hounds
A pup would bring karens over, thinking they were nice (the goos were made fun of and told to take of the stupid costumes)
Plantix would be eating grapes or fruit, or making food and passing it around when the goos got hungry
Mochi would be eating icecream, or the food Plantix made
Fed would be sleeping like a dad with his hat over his eyes
Ghostfox will not go into the water, as they will eletrocute anyone within a 10 ft radius.
Hazzy would wear their hazmat suit like it was a wetsuit and flex on the kids about how far they could swim out
Figs would be helping Plantix make food :) (they are besties)
Both protogens would try to not get sand on them, but they would hangout with kids and be nice
Watermelon Shork would get chased by kids because their 'flame' on their head was cool but the kids wanted to put it out
Toxicrabbit and Nuclearrabbit were left home, they were too busy hanging out
Witchbrew would fly around, playing catch with kids in the water or drinking soda
Nightcrawler would play tag with kids, using their pursue abilities (they would turn off the pursue if they weren't the tagger)
Sinox has no idea how to swim, so they are sleeping
Buck and Catte are making Sandcastle with the pups
Panther hates people, so they too are sleeping
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candikin · 2 years ago
What Your Favorite Gootraxian Says About You! Part 1
I was planning to do this on a different blog, but I know I won't post about Kaiju Paradise outside of this so I don't want too
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You have probably played since the start, and don't want to change your favorite. You know when to be chill and when to fight
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You just want tokens and to chill. You don't like to fight, but you will if someone attacks first
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You just want to be seen as cool, that's all
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You probably just wanted to pick a rarer one without being obvious. Doesn't mean you don't like them, because you definitely do
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Ghost Fox
You play to fight, but aren't really the best at fighting without being this goo. You also like ghosts and horror
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You're probably shy and sweet in real life, and a roleplayer. I have never seen one of you guys try to fight
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You're a human main, or prefer to use weapons instead
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You exist? Man...
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You like the natural colors more. You probably use the grab function to put players in puddles
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You're an artist and you really like to draw them. Can't blame you, they look fun to draw
(not entirely accurate, please don't attack me, some of them are a bit screwed because I only met a few that favored them)
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leafpawthefoxhawk · 1 year ago
orange: Mao
Grey: marshmallow
Pink: pinki
Green: picklez
Purple: bunz
Black: gentleman
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You guys probably don't know ppicklez, pinki , and Mao so ill explain :3
Picklez is a trans and lesbian plantix!! (Plantix is from kaiju paradise)
Pinki is a demonic living plushie. ( smiling critters oc hahaha -- also smells like rose 😥)
Mao: based off muo, ( Muo is a mod from kaiju paradise) but just different clothing and a bunny!
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thatrandomtigershark · 7 months ago
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Oh how I miss the old times…
Just a draft of a gmod pm that’s probably never going to be directly made by me due to my laziness and lack of patience with blender
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sweetsweetsaturn · 1 year ago
Kaiju Paradise has gotten rid of the infection animation, leaving you to practically metamorph into the infected.
They have removed Plantix, but have added Azarue.
KP has cosmetic crates now! At the cost of 1500 creds!
Azarue & Plantix
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fahrenheit-aqua · 1 year ago
Ratings + Insights on the Kaiju Paradise gootraxian redesigns
So the 3.1R update came out and gave me a bunch of furries to brainrot about. And as an enjoyer of Furry Character Design myself, I felt like reviewing most if not all of them.
Know that these are all personal opinions and art is, as always, subjective and disagreeing is okay!
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Originally a pretty good design. Average "gozilla-esque" look, the redesign is essentially a polishing so it fits more with the newer gootraxians. Looks cute, looks cool, still looks iconic. 10/10
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Once again, just a polishing of the original design, I like the whiskers, they're cute! Though I'm not sure if I'm a big fan of the washed out colors, and the bucket standing straight on their head. The one ear sticking out was cute. 8/10
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A design polish. Which is the treatment that the whole Wolf Quartet as I like to call them got. Well at least now I know that they're wolves. Still a pretty plain design, though the eyes look cool. 5/10
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Can't get more "just a polish" than that. Fig is a pretty anecdotal gootraxian in itself... The texturing of the fur is a nice addition. 10/10
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At first I thought it didn't really need the polishing treatment. Until I got another look at its render and yeah, lol. Their face looks weirdly elongated, and the tails have become wispy, likely to emphasize the 'ghostly' look. Though I very much preferred the old fuzzy tails that emphasized the death by electrocution. But I guess it's one or the other.... 6/10
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Formerly known as Feizao, as it's more of a replacement than a redesign (because I'm including them too. Why not?)
Aside from the obvious design having to derive completely from the original, I feel like Glubby is cute and interesting! But it is dragged back completely by how poorly it translates to the 3D roblox models, making it look.... ugly. Unfortunately. 5/10
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A really good redesign, holy shit!! I used to really dislike Hazzy because of how plain it looked and it was a pain to unlock it. But the buff not only made it grow on me a bit, the redesign made it actually top tier to me haha...
The hazmat suit patterns, stitches, fucked up and evil attitude are all incredible additions. 11/10
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A gootraxian that was in dire, dire need of a redesign holy shit lmao. Well it certainly looks more like a rabbit now, but once again, why the desaturated colors...? There's also not much of the evil gremlin energy is used to have. 5/10
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I started playing Kaiju Paradise, honestly, kind of late... So I didn't exactly experience Conekat firsthand. What I can say from what I see.... Sprinklekit is so much more superior, sorry Conekat fans.
Though I've heard Conekat could merge and have 3 heads so... points goes to them. I do like the sprinklekit variants though, strawberry is my favorite. 10/10
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Ah yes, the slimepup. Simple but effective and cute design, the lime color is actually my favorite! The floppy ears definitely makes it look more like a pup. Its artwork is reeally cute! buuuuuut, the design really doesn't translate well to roblox models, unfortunately.... 6/10
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The slimehound looked super cool in artwork.
3D model had me disgusted.
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A very plain design that desperately needed an upgrade. And that is a good upgrade indeed! It's still shork, but at least it's not... boring. 10/10
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Another one of the wolf quartet. Shade is a little cooler than Fed to me. Its redesign is pretty good, it has its own color coding now! Congrats on losing your achromatic palette, Shade! 10/10
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Just a polish, and a very straightforward one too. The new tail looks really cute, I could play as plantix just to look at the flowers on it. 10/10
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Mochi is. Very forgettable to my eyes, sorry Mochi fans...
The redesign makes it look more goat-like, I like goats. Oh, and the fur pattern resembling latte art is a really neat touch. Now I know it's a coffee dragon! Mochi/Mocha is boring to me, but it's undeniably a good design. 10/10
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Congrats on her transition!
More seriously, I think all the shorks have had the best redesigns haha. I always liked lemonshork design-wise, but the redesign actually looks like it smells and tastes like lemon. True advertising! 11/10
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Carneline was... my favorite gootraxian among them all. Its design was cute, effective and unique, its color palette was really good and balanced. I understood it being cut from the game so I wanted to welcome Manic with open arms.
But the design just... didn't translate well. It's also so... Monochromatic, so much redder. And the eyes have a busy design. The cyan sclera with fuschia irises is a simplistic yet perfect design. The purple fur contrasting with the red crystals was real neat too.
Manic doesn't look bad, it's just... not as good as Carneline.
....At least Manic's hot in its concept artwork... 2/10
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Just like with Glubby, gotta push the drama aside. I really like raptors so there's bias there... People think Dagoda's ugly, I personally really like it! It's no Fashui (one of my old favorites), but it's no big downgrade either.
Although I wish it at least had a few glowing features, given it's a power outage/blackout gootraxian, and that's what made them special. The little lightbulb tail on Fashui is what made it cute...
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Okay, I said all the shorks had the best redesigns... BUT.
Melon shork has... the opposite problem of toxic rabbit!
Why are the colors so saturated??? It looks closer to an actual watermelon, but it just looks... not that great. The pastel colors were much nicer. Maybe some thicker, more abundant stripes would make it more melon-y? I don't know...
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Now THAT is a redesign I fell in love with instant-fucking-ly. This might actually be the best redesign, if not just my favorite!
From a plain pink shork to this absolute murder gremlin, who bleeds gatorade and laughs at death. The asymmetrical fangs are a really cool touch too.
Top tier/10 Would make this my fursona.
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Okay, I respect Carneline and Panther's creator to have stepped down and dissociated from the whole concept but daaaamn why were those designs so good...
Panther was peak, unfiltered edginess that was still somehow cool.
And just like with Manic, my issue is the eyes... Hebi doesn't look like a shadow-lurking predator, but more like... a goth clown. Don't get me wrong, it's a really good design on its own! But compare it to Panther?... Man, I miss being edgy.
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Why is it red?
Why did they make it red?
It's a blackout gootraxian, not power outage. Why is it fucking red?
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Ooooh the blackout wolves... They have been done dirty. The new patterns and fur colors look nice but Jammer looks too... silly. Too cute... I miss the cool attitude it had! And the outline glow really doesn't look nice either. It feels out of place, it doesn't feel like the Jammer is actually glowing!
no VIP variant can salvage this.
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I don't have much to say about this. It's just like Jammer. The blackout wolves were done dirty. At least Nightshade kept its original vibe. 2/10
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Absolutely nasty. And I mean it as a compliment. That rabbit will give me every disease and call me a slur. 10/10
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I didn't have a big opinion on Sinox until I actually saw it in a blackout ingame. And thought "omg it's fucking gorgeous!"
The back is super sparkly, on top of the particles it sheds. Sinox has been given so much more personality, and really went all the way with its concept! That being... a glowstick in a rave. 11/10
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Same creator as Carneline and Panther, and somehow the original design is so.... bland and uninspired. How? That shork doesn't feel very "lantern" to me. On top of looking quite plain.
Wisp brings justice to that idea. This shork is indeed lantern!! Also I really dig the bones. Is it see-through flesh? Is it just not there? Who knows! This design bangs
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idontknow-anymore11 · 1 year ago
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plantix stimboard!
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saltedsolenoid · 2 years ago
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THIS IS THE PLANTIX! its a commom gootrqxian that you can ger anytime Basically
you cant really see them clesely in is but they have bug wings
theyre peaceful and friednly and their flowers are their life source though tbh you arw very unhinged
i think its perfect for you ebcause Plant
they also haave a sibling!!!! Their name is Figs
oh how silly!
chopping them up. into salad
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hiiragikiraifanblog · 2 years ago
What Gootrax I Think The Color Series Would Play As
anyways completely out of context from anything i've posted in the past (aside from maybe the minecraft post,,?) i would like to say:
Zaika = Protogen, Plantix, Gootraxian main Hyouga = Carneline, Lanternshork, Human main unless there's an event (BO/PO) Rinen = Witchbrew, Nightshade, Gootraxian main Misaki = Hazzy, Mochi, switches between Human and Gootraxian gameplay Lila = Figs, Ghostfox, Human main Ruka = Jammer, Gootraxian main
and that is all
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