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suprememastertv · 1 year ago
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Join over 120,500 others and sign the Plant Based Treaty - now! @plantbasedtreaty
🔸What is the Plant Based Treaty? The Plant Based Treaty is urging individuals, groups, businesses and cities to endorse this call to action and put pressure on national governments to negotiate an international Plant Based Treaty as a companion to the UNFCCC Paris Agreement.
The treaty would put food systems at the heart of combating the climate crisis, aiming to halt the widespread degradation of critical ecosystems caused by animal agriculture, to promote a shift to more healthy, sustainable plant-based diets and to actively reverse damage done to planetary functions, ecosystem services and biodiversity.
For further insights into the significance of the Plant-Based Treaty and to sign up, visit www.plantbasedtreaty.org
💗 Please join Supreme Master Ching Hai to sincerely thank God Almighty for World Vegan, World Peace and souls’ Liberation 💗 Every day at 9:00 PM Hong Kong time 🙏
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vegansforfuture · 9 months ago
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PlantBasedTreaty fordert, dass das Catering der COP29 auf pflanzliche Gerichte setzt und Tierprodukte von den Speisekarten streicht. Wir unterstützen diese Forderung natürlich und legen Euch die zugehörige Petition ans Herz.👍😎🌱
Hier könnt Ihr diese unterschreiben: 😊 ➡ LINK
Weitere Details dazu aus dem Inhalt der Petition: "Zwischen dem 11. und 22. November 2024 werden die Vereinten Nationen ihre 29. jährliche Klimakonferenz in Baku, Abseron, Aserbaidschan abhalten.
Wir fordern das Rahmenübereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über Klimaänderungen (UNFCCC) auf, beim Klimaschutz eine Führungsrolle zu übernehmen, indem es die Gastgeber der COP29 dazu ermutigt, eine 100 % pflanzliche Verpflegung anzubieten und eine Richtlinie für künftige Klimakonferenzen zu entwickeln, um eine 100 % pflanzliche Verpflegung anzubieten, idealerweise mit regionalen, veganen, biologischen (veganen) und agrarökologischen Produkten.
Darüber hinaus fordern wir die Vereinten Nationen auf, dafür zu sorgen, dass ihre eigenen Gipfeltreffen und ihre Cafeteria in New York City eine 100 % pflanzliche Verpflegung anbieten, ganz nach dem Vorbild der Initiativen von Bürgermeister Eric Adam, New York City zu einer pflanzenbasierten Stadt zu machen."
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ksmaggie · 3 years ago
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Happy World Vegan Day! Here is to hoping that the leaders at COP26 will take the Plant Based Treaty to heart <3 The characters are Moby’s Little Idiot and his dog. You can see Moby talk a bit in the video below.
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luigicassandra · 3 years ago
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#Repost @climatesavemovement · · · · Non abbiamo lasciato la scelta per questo piccolo !! 💔 ⠀⁠. ⠀⁠. Salva alberi, salva una casa 🙏🌱⠀⁠ ⠀⁠. #planttrees #savetreesavelefe #earth #govegan #switchtoplantbased #globalwarming #nature #animalagulture #plantbasedtreaty #vegan Ripubblicato da @pfciindia tramite @bhopalclimasave #AmiamoRispettiamoProteggiamoOgniSpecieAnimale🐵🦁🐯🐱🐶🐺🐻🐨🐼🐹🐭🐰🦊🐮🐷🐴🐸🐲🦎🐉🐢🐊🐍🐁🐀🐇🐈🐩🐕🐅🐆🐎🐖🐄🐂🐃🐏🐑🐐🦌🐘🦏🐒🦍🐪🐫🐿️🦇🐓🐔🐣🐤🐥🐦🦉🦅🕊️🦃🦆🐧🦈🐬🐋🐳🐟🐠🐡🦐🦀🦑🐙🦂🕷️🕸️🐚🐌🐜🐝🐞🦋🐛🐗🦄♥️🇮🇹 https://www.instagram.com/p/CS9mc_Yjlpz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jasonpeters · 2 years ago
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So, we have a small and very gorgeous #appletree in our #backgarden … my Dad wanted it planted so he could see it growing outside his bedroom window ... It is a #ChampionApple variety ... a hybrid cultivar of domesticated apple developed c. 1960 in the Czech Republic from crossing a Golden Delicious and a Cox Orange Pippin! 🍎 Anyway, this year the tree has produced a bumper crop! 💯 So many #apples!! 🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏 I've been gorging myself on them but my family aren't really very interested in them ... I know that they can be stored in various ways and I will do that for many of them but I thought I'd put all of the best ones out the front of the house to see if people would take them ... Sharing is caring and all that ... Community love! 🥰 And people really loved it ... I wasn't watching all of the time but I caught a few people when I glanced out the window taking one or two with big smiles on their faces, or sometimes nervously, glancing from side to side. 🫣 Sometimes I saw people hesitate, wanting to take one, but not being brave enough. 🙈 A group of usually quite boisterous kids walked passed and they all excitedly took one each, smiling broadly ... I heard one of them saying, "we should only take one each so that others can have one too!" ... So cute!! 💚 Anyway, it was a lovely feeling ... Sharing the #applelove. There were just a few runty ones left in the end, which I'll happily add to the imperfect ones kept for myself. ❤️ Joy. 😊 . #anappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway 🍎 . . . . . . . . . . . 🍎 #apple #garden #gardenproduce #freefood #fruit #sharingiscaring #communityspirit #lovethyneighbour #comunitylove #naturesbounty #HaywardsHeath #plantbasedtreaty 🌱 #vegan #vegansofig 🏳️‍🌈 #gayvegan #gayman #scruff #scruffy #scruffygay #hairy #beard #greybeard #beardedgay #gaybeard 🧔🏻 (at Wildlife-film.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChhWq9os3Pu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bazarnatural · 2 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @plantbasedtreaty More research is emerging all the time, leaving no doubt that our animal companions can be healthy and thrive on a balanced plant-based diet. But did you know about the environmental implications of the companion animal food industry, the significant impact it has on the climate, and the fact that animal agriculture itself could not exist without it?⁠ ⁠ Swipe to learn more 👉️ and let us know in the comments if you'd like clickable links to the sources. https://www.instagram.com/p/CoMOu-_OCAq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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art-nature-animals-poetry · 3 years ago
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Shared from @plantbasedtreaty #howyoucanhelp #ukraine #animals https://www.instagram.com/p/CajEHFfNm6s/?utm_medium=tumblr
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suprememastertv · 2 years ago
IPCC climate expert urges for global veganization to survive ❗️
Launched on April 30, 2021, the @plantbasedtreaty, a nonprofit initiative to put food systems at the heart of solving the climate crisis, has three core principles, namely, to stop the expansion of animal-people livestock raising, to change current policies to promote a plant-based food system, and to revive ecosystems and reforest the Earth. To date, the advocacy group has obtained the endorsements of at least 42,000 individuals, 1,400 businesses and organizations, as well as 16 cities and states to implement the treaty as a companion to the Paris Agreement.
Plant-Based Treaty endorser Dr. Peter Carter, an expert reviewer for the @ipcc, stated, “The science is definite, global climate catastrophe cannot be averted without the elimination of meat and dairy in our diet… Ethically, all unnecessary methane sources have to be cut as fast and far as feasible. That means global veganization is now a survival imperative.”
🙏🏼 Our sincere thankfulness for your advocacy work, Plant-Based Treaty supporters, Dr. Peter Carter and all involved. May everyone turn vegan now to save planet Earth and its inhabitants, in Heaven’s upliftment.
🌿 Be Vegan, Make Peace 🕊
#SupremeMasterTV #IPCC ##ClimateJustice #PlantBasedTreaty #ClimateChange #Climate #Vegan #EndAnimalAgriculture #PlantBased #Environment
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vegansforfuture · 1 year ago
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Auf der COP28 hat PlantbasedTreaty einen neuen Bericht vorgestellt, der sich mit den planetaren Belastungsgrenzen und der Notwendigkeit der Agrar- und Ernährungswende beschäftigt! Wir sind begeistert, dass das Thema Ernährung auch endlich von vielen Menschen und Orgas auf der COP thematisiert wurde! 👍😎🌱
Plantbased Treaty über den Report: "Der Bericht "Safe and Just" verdeutlicht die Dringlichkeit, sich mit der Überschreitung der planetarischen Grenzen über die kritische Klimakrise hinaus zu befassen und die Alarmglocke für zusammenhängende Kipppunkte zu läuten.
Wir sind auf dem besten Weg zu einem Zusammenbruch der Systeme und Gesellschaften der Erde, wenn keine mutigen Maßnahmen im Bereich der Ernährungssysteme ergriffen werden. Die verheerenden und sogar apokalyptischen Auswirkungen der Tierhaltung auf die planetarischen Grenzen der Erde - von Landnutzungsänderungen, toten Zonen in den Ozeanen, unaufhörlichen Hitzewellen und schmelzenden Eiskappen bis hin zu verheerenden Waldbränden - erfordern umfassende Lösungen für die Umstellung auf eine pflanzliche Ernährung, die Schaffung von Ernährungsgerechtigkeit und die Wiederbelebung der Erde.
Indem wir uns den Rahmen der veganen Donut-Ökonomie zu eigen machen, nutzen wir einen ethischen, wissenschaftlichen und sozioökonomischen Systemansatz, um das wissenschaftliche Mandat zum Handeln mit den zukunftsweisenden Prinzipien, Politiken und detaillierten Vorschlägen des Plant Based Treaty zu verbinden und uns auf einen gerechten Übergang zu konzentrieren, der jeden einschließt."
Quellen: ➡ LINK 1 ➡ LINK 2 ➡ LINK 3 ➡ LINK 4
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concienciasolidariaong · 3 years ago
¡Mañana Martes 31 de Agosto inicia en todo el mundo, en más de 80 ciudades en simultáneo el Acuerdo Basado en Plantas!
El #AcuerdoDeParís es silencioso sobre la agricultura (agronegocios) orientada para la crianza de ganado destinado a la faena. Incluso si hoy terminamos con la utilización de combustibles fósiles, no podríamos parar la catástrofe climática sin virar a un sistema de alimentación basado en plantas. Recuperar la conexión con la tierra y las prácticas milenarias de agricultura, consumir orgánico y local, disminuir la huella ecológica, alimentar las economías regionales y respetar las comunidades originarias, campesinas, animales y todas las formas de vida, es el camino.
🇦🇷 En Argentina vamos a encontrarnos en:
🌱CABA - 14 a 18hs - frente a la sede del gobierno porteño, Uspallata 3169.
🌱 Mar del Plata - 12hs - en la cátedral.
🌱Rosario - 14hs - en Cuatro Plazas, frente al kiosko de revistas.
🌱 Paraná - 16hs - en San Martín al 1000, esquina España, Plaza 1 de Mayo.
🌱Puerto Madryn - 15hs - monumento a la Galesa, Av. Roca y Belgrano.
🎶 Va a haber música en vivo, degustación, verdurazo y muchas cosas más 🔥
✊🏽Vamos por
✍🏼10 millones de personas
🙌🏽10 mil organizaciones
🏡10 mil negocios
🏙 50 ciudades de todo el mundo
🌿 Digámosle NO a los acuerdos de crueldad y SÍ al #acuerdobasadoenplantas
🌱 Te invitamos a revisar la web desde el link en la bio y seguir a @plantbasedtreaty 🐝 ¡Si te queres sumar vos, tus amigues, tu orga o empresa podes hacerlo desde la web en la bio!
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muckraker169 · 3 years ago
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christineelise · 3 years ago
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#Repost @roadogs ・・・ I know a lot of us feel helpless watching what’s happening in Ukraine. War is always so devastating and it breaks my heart that it’s innocent people and animals who always suffer the most. I saw this on @oxdad and encourage all animal lovers to give a little if you can today to one of the organizations listed. 500 UAH is just $17. Swipe to learn more from this slide by @plantbasedtreaty 👉 https://instagr.am/p/CaglaL6Lymf/
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