brisksunrise · 1 year
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Here we have Brenda’s initial 10 forms.
Supernewtual: The first form that Brenda turned into. As an Uxorite, Supernewtual has access to a variety of powerful psionic capabilities. Her head tendrils and tail are prehensile, allowing her to easily grab hold of things and use them as a method of attack. She also possesses a long, sticky tongue that can be utilized when needed as well. Though her body can be considered to be relatively weak to physical attacks, she can use her psionic powers to augment herself.
Tetra-Nova: Brenda’s Tetramand form. Initially she was put off on the idea of turning into a large, hulking form, but gradually came around to the strength and power the form gave her. Being a female Tetramand, Tetra-Nova boasts even greater physical prowess.
Hide ‘N’ Seek: Brenda’s Merlinisapian form. Possessing the ability to disappear from site and become invisible, Hide ‘N’ Seek boasts excellent stealth capabilities allowing her to sneak around obstacles and get the jump on opponents. Her vision allows her to see a variety of different spectrums, and her tail conceals a poisonous barb, which can inject a range of toxins produced within her body. She is particularly fond of paralysis toxins.
Sweet D’ Lights: A Majin-based form. The Majins of this universe are a mostly peaceful species with an intense love of food. They can often be seen taking positions and jobs as caterers and restaurant owners. As a Majin, Sweet D’ Lights has an amorphous body that allows her to shift and reshape herself. She has the power to create and manipulate sweets and sugary constructs, and can even temporarily transform other things into candy. Sweet D’ Lights has access to some magical potential, as well as the ability to unleash energy blasts.
Circuit Breaker: Brenda’s Fulmini form, based off of Shock Rock from the reboot series. As a Fulmini, Circuit Breaker boasts powerful electrokinesis, as well as the capability to form energy constructs out of her own body’s energy. She is capable of absorbing and redirecting energy, and has some degree of weather manipulation. Overall, Circuit Breaker is a very strong and capable form, but can be difficult to keep under control and takes a good deal of practice.
Tinker-Devil: Being a Planchakule, Tinker-Devil is a superb mechanist, capable of disassembling and reassembling constructs and improving upon things, even on the fly. She is capable of observing a device and figuring out the ins and outs of it after a few moments. Tinker-Devil seems especially fond of grabbing any kind of tool she can find and using it as an improvised melee weapon. Brenda isn’t exactly fond of turning into the form.
Flame Ring: At one point in time, there were tails of a being, or even a group of strangely identical beings, that possessed the ability to create dimensional portals to almost anywhere. They were only known for a brief time, but it seemed that in that short amount of time, Azmuth had managed to obtain a genetic sample. Flame Ring possesses power over flames and portals. The portals she creates can allow her to travel between the places she has already been. She can also travel to random locations and even dimensions. Flame Ring is also capable of replicating herself and creating identical clones. Strangely, it seems that she also possesses the ability to create and utilize scissors of varying sizes as weaponry.
D’Nyle: Brenda’s Thep Khufan form. As a Thep Khufan, D’Nyle’s entire body is made up of nothing more than bandages, allowing her to dodge and weave quickly without suffering any actual damage. Bandages that are destroyed can be regenerated easily, and are strong and durable enough to be used to restrain others. She possesses some magic capability, and could even learn some curses if given enough time in the form.
Swiftroach: A Pheromosa, which normally hails from a planet outside of the Milky Way. As a Pheromosa, Swiftroach possesses blinding speeds and exceptional strength, though she isn’t quite as fast as a Kineceleran... initially. Swiftroach’s base speed and acceleration have the power to increase based upon the number of opponents she is dealing with. As such, if she is dealing with large groups of opponents, each person she defeats will cause her to get faster and faster. Despite her exceptional speed and power, however, Swiftroach can be knocked aside rather easily if caught off guard. Swiftroach also seems to have an intense obsession over cleanliness.
Trackalope: A Viera. As a Viera, Trackalope is an excellent tracker with highly advanced senses of sight, smell, and hearing. Due to being a Viera, which are largely known to inhabit forests, Trackalope is also capable of sensing the ‘voices of nature’. She has some magic capability, and is also able to briefly summon nature spirits.
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rubykgrant · 2 months
Hmmmm, the multiple omnitrixes idea is pretty interesting. Though for alien ancestry, I wonder what others would have. I'm thinking Sarge could also have Planchakule cuz of his crazy inventions. I just don't have ideas for Simmons, Doc, Donut, Tucker, Church, and Sister.
Simmons would WISH he'd be something like Greymatter or Upgrade (and he has technically been able to change into those forms with an Omnitrix), but his actual alien ancestry comes from... Goop. He turns into living slime (he has trouble concentrating enough to change shape/stay somewhat solid)
Donut is part Whampire (he is... not very good at using the persuasion/compelling powers at first)
Doc is part Wildvine (he loves being able to grow all his own plants to make herbal remedies and such)
I like Tucker being all extra special as an Anadite
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calculovo · 3 years
My Ben 10 OCs (more art over on @eggalculator-b10)
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From left to right:
Wrench (Male)
Zeno (Male)
Spork (Female)
Blanque (Female)
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calculovo-ben-10 · 3 years
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Gender: Male (he)
Species: Planchaküle
Age (Human Equivalent): 16
Height: 3' 3" (99 cm) + spiky hair
Personality: ESFP
Wrench is an upbeat teen, and the team's youngest member. He is the life and the humor of the team, though he can be quite scatterbrained if he gets bored. He spends a lot of time working on machinery, and likes to play pranks.
Wrench used to be a tech smuggler in order to survive, but, after finding and fixing an destroyed Omnitrix from a galvan junkyard, caused too much noise trying to sell it away and got arrested and sent to Vulpin. Though after meeting the rest of the team, an escapade soon followed.
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Allie is a Planchakule from Aul-Turrhen. Another reason she moved to Earth is to be with her grandmother, who had come to Earth once she was sure Allie’s mother would be alright without her.
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aprilbrowines · 6 years
Bette “Beebo” Binkilx
Name: Bette Binkilx
Alias: B, bebe, Beegee, Beebo
Species: Planchakule (Juryrigg’s specie)
Gender: female
Sexual Preference: Lesbian
Age: 19
Birth-date: August 28
Birthplace: Aul-Turrhen
Alignment: Chaotic good
Occupation: mechanic
Skin tone: light red
Hair: frizzy, black, pixie cut
Eyes: Yellow
Distinguishing Features: A missing left hand lost due to a fall. Now has an interchangeable robot hand
Personality: A restless individual; she’s always doing something to satisfy her nervous energy. Generally, can wind up in a frenzy if not active and productive
Clothes: Black baseball cap with googles, brown coverall jumpsuit
Weapons: Monkey wrench 
Proficiency: mechanical engineering 
Strengths: knowledgeable, stable, and an idealist
Weaknesses: Recklessly impulsive, inflexible, and petty
Backstory: She's quick, impartial and dauntless. But there's more than meets the eye, not surprising for somebody with her horrifying past. She was born and grew up in a loving family in a poor capital, she lived in peace until she was about 9 years old, but at that point life changed drastically. She lost her family was they were split up after a power outage and was becoming an outcast. With a new found friend she had to survive in a criminal world. But with her ingenuity and cunning, she managed to overcome all odds and conquer all fears and doubts. This has turned her into the woman she is today. But only time will tell; she is currently looking for a place to truly call home. She feels like there's more to explore in this world. Luckily she has plenty of resources to support her.
Interests: space exploration, pyrotechnics, and pocket watches.
Trivia: I based her on Beebo Brinker
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calculovo-ben-10 · 3 years
Had an idea on the shower to start fleshing out character interactions, ended up with this
Probably isn't going to be a regular comic series, but I think it came out pretty good
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calculovo-ben-10 · 3 years
Compared to Juryrigg, how good is Wrench at not dissembling and reassembling stuff?
Not much better, just targeted at different stuff...
Wrench often uses the Wrenchtrix or a few mechanical parts he carries on his pockets to fidget with in case he needs to take it out on something.
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