#plan kids birthday parties in nyc
bee-in-motion · 24 days
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I Love You
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[pairings]: Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
[Summary]: After all the hell you've been through, you find peace in a certain brunette who has turned your life life upside down
[warnings]: Kissing, making out, swearing, Scream VI spoilers (not much)
12 years ago your 7 year old self would never have believed you if you said that you were here. In New York, in college and having a beautiful girlfriend. But how would she? When 12 years ago was the day it all changed. That day or night when you could’ve just turned around and went back to the Sheldons’ place to that boring birthday party. But instead, you went home and almost got butchered by your sister’s best friend. Of course it wasn’t planned for you to come home and all, but they still needed to go on with their plan so they tried to finish it all up.
Although you weren’t dead for even a second-unlike your sister- it sure felt like it. The pain that you felt that day. 7 stab wounds and a bullet in the leg. The doctors said it was a miracle. But for you it wasn’t, couldn't really walk for a month and the kids at school made fun of your scars whenever you were changing for PE.  It was a curse and for a long time you wished it had gone a different way, but eventually you got home-schooled and then went to college in New York.
You never kept in touch with anyone from Woodsboro. Well expect Kirby, your sister but that was kind of impossible. You and Kirby’s parents gave you lots of money whenever they went on a business trip. You never really needed anything then some food and clothes so there was a lot of money left in your bank account. You eventually got bored in your shared dorm at campus so you bought an apartment. Maybe it was a little too big for just one person, but you went with it anyway. 
Then, you met Tara Carpenter. Obviously you knew what had happened the year prior and all, but you could care less. You guys started dating after her being in NYC for 4 months. Which means that, you had to deal with another killing spree, only this time you were able to protect yourself. Even though with multiple bleeding wounds, you made it out alive. Kirby and you were always close, but because of her job you guys rarely talked.
After that you and Tara got closer and her friends and sister still didn’t know about you two. You understood completely as to why. Her friends were obviously protective over her, and not to say her sister.  Kirby was like that too. 
A couple months later you were still together and still a secret. Neither of you really cared anymore, but somehow the group still didn’t know.
You were walking towards one of the classrooms in the hallway when a strong grip appeared on your arm and you quickly spun around to see your girlfriend smiling cheekily at you. “ Hi, Y/N “
“Hi Tara. Aren’t you supposed to be in class? “ You asked and raised an eyebrow at her. She rolled her eyes and slowly shook her head.
“Nope. Last class got dismissed. “ You nodded and started walking again. This time Tara by your side, her hand sneakily found yours and intertwined your fingers.
“ Well, I happen to have one so… “ Trailing off, you looked at her and smirked slightly.
“Ugh, I don't care. You are coming with me. “ As she finished her sentence, she gripped your hand tighter and started running down the hall until she found an empty classroom and pushed you inside.
“ whoa, what are you-” You tried to say, but were immediately shut up by the pair of soft lips on yours. You closed your eyes after a couple seconds and put your hands on Tara’s cheeks, pulling her closer to you. You were soon backed into a desk as the kiss got more and more heated. Your senses were lost and the only thing you could feel was her. Only thing you could taste. Her hands gripped your shirt tightly in her hands on your sides as she pushed her tongue inside your mouth and the battle for dominance was soon started. As soon as she had won, she bent her head down to your neck and started leaving dark hickeys on it. 
You groaned and your head fell back, giving her more access. She wanted to kiss you everywhere. So she simply started by your jaw then slowly went lower and lower. When she got to your sweet spot your hands went up into her hair and gripped it. 
But the moment was soon ruined by the door slamming open to reveal Chad, Mindy and Anika (let's pretend she is alive). You and Tara jumped apart and they slowly took in your appearances. Messy hair, messy clothes, red lips and the marks on your neck. 
“ I fucking knew it! “ Mindy shouted as she started dancing around. Chad huffed and gave each of them 5 bucks. 
“Wait, did you bet on us? “ Asked Tara.
“ Oh hell yeah we did! And me and Anika won. Ha! The gaydar never lies. “ Anika chuckles at her girlfriends’ goofiness and puts a hand on her back to calm her excitement.  
You just stood there, cheeks red as a tomato, looking at them. When you came back to reality, you spoke up. “ Wait. Are you guys going to tell Sam?! Oh god I am  already dead. “ You looked at each of them with fear.
“Well, we weren’t going to, but now that you mention it, I think we should.” Mindy smirked as she looked at her twin and girlfriend. 
“Oh come on ! “ Tara shouted in annoyance. 
“Unless….maybe, we could have a deal. Hm? “ Mindy walked towards you with crossed arms as she glanced at Tara then back at you. 
Chad and Anika looked at each other, confused. “ Of course. Anything. I’ll do anything! “ Mindy laughed at your pleading, but her smile quickly faded as her face turned serious. 
“ Each of us gets a ticket to the concert this weekend. “ She raises her eyebrow, waiting for your answer.
“Lady Gaga’s concert? But almost all the tickets are sold for that! “ The others watched the scene happening before them. Tara, of course, didn’t like that Mindy was taking advantage of your money and fear, but she still found it amusing. 
Mindy hummed and shrugged her shoulders. “ Well I guess you’ll have to figure something out. “ With that she turned around and went back to Chad and Anika with a smile of victory on her lips. Anika jumped in excitement and kissed her.
You sighed and went over to Tara to bury your face into her neck. She chuckled and patted your head. Chad stood in the doorway and looked around him. 
“ God damn it! I’m so single, bitch. “ You all laughed as you took Tara’s hand into yours and started walking out of the classroom.
Well, eventually you did buy 6 five tickets for the Lady Gaga concert-deciding to invite Sam too- . And a couple days later, you were standing in the big crowd of the concert. Dancing, singing and occasionally kissing Tara- (Sam was with the others in-front of you)
You watched as Chad picked up Mindy and cheered in-front of you and Tara. Smiling, you looked down at your girlfriend to see her already looking at you. You bit your bottom lip as your eyes traveled between her beautiful chocolate brown eyes and her delicious, looking red lips. Her eyes doing the same. She smiled at you and you smiled back, and at that moment, you decided that you would be by her side whenever and you knew that she would do the same.
You slowly leaned down and connected your lips. You sighed into the kiss as you took your hands up on her shoulders. The sweet sound of the music slowly fading away as you guys kissed. After you two ran out of oxygen you had to pull away, slightly panting. You placed your forehead onto hers and whispered. “ I Love You “ 
Tara looked at you and smiled. “ I Love You Too. “ You pulled back and for a minute you admired her in the flashing lights then looked back at the stage and started singing and jumping, Tara joining soon. 
Maybe you were young and this wasn’t something that would last  for a lifetime. But regardless, you hoped it would. Because you knew that life is easier with her and that she is the reason you get up everyday. She kept you alive. 
A/N: i feel like it's short again. Fuck.
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brynnterpretations · 2 months
hello!! it was just my birthday so i got inspired and would please like to request hcs: celebrating your birthday with the boys (maybe as your friend group/reader is a part of the coup?). thanks in advance!!
A very belated birthday to you! I'm this took so long and I hope you enjoy it. ♡
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M.M., our organized king, has your birthday on the calendar and is the one to initiate the planning of the party a month in the advance.
Not only is he generally a prepared person, but he also has a kid, so he takes this shit seriously, and is the backbone of the boys as they prepare for your birthday.
So, like most things in The Boys do, it starts out simple: they arrange a date to have a party, the time it starts, and figure out generally when it might end (even though Frenchie insists it's not a party if there's a specified end time).
Hughie, Annie, and, as mentioned, M.M. are the ones best at figuring out the logistics. Annie gets a favor in at the best bakery in NYC, and gets you a cake with "Happy Birthday, ___!" decorated with colors and patterns that you like.
And, so... Hughie tries getting decorations, but they all fail spectacularly, so Kimiko and Frenchie help smooth things out, even though it does unfortunately end up saying "HAPPY BIRDAY".
On Kimiko and Frenchie: they are the creative ones of the group. Frenchie makes the playlist for the occasion, while Kimiko handcrafts decorations of your own (she's an incredible artist and I'll die on this hill).
Now, Butcher, our dear Butcher: even though the dude's a snarky old geezer, he really, really wants to celebrate your birthday and make it special, and would only make 1 – 2 remarks during the process (mostly at the expense of wee Hughie).
He would mostly stick to cleaning, making sure nobody's fucking things up, and, when M.M. started getting stressed and dropping some f-bombs (particularly when they found out the candles Frenchie made could accidentally burn the hideout down), would help smooth things over.
Don't ask why he was carrying birthday candles.
It's not like he's a sap or anything and bought them a week or so after they started preparing.
Definitely not.
When it comes to the celebration, it would be really, really fun. If you drink, Butcher would buy you top-notch alcohol, and if you smoke, Frenchie would get you primo weed. And, if you don't partake in either, expect excellent mocktails by Annie.
M.M., ever the birthday guy, will give you an extremely heartfelt "happy birthday" speech, even if brief, and everyone will toast — Butcher, especially.
The night is chaotic, for sure — Frenchie ends up threatening Hughie with a lighter playfully but accidentally does spark a flame, and Hughie lets out the most terrified scream anyone's ever heard from him, despite him facing death every other week — but it's heartfelt, and sweet, and everyone gets you a gift (with M.M.'s and Butcher's being practical, while the rest are more personal).
Expect a really, really good playlist courtesy of Frenchie, and even if you don't dance? He will get a dance from you.
Even though it's a fun night, there will definitely be sweet and deep conversations, particularly from Kimiko and Frenchie, with Kimiko pulling you aside, making sure you're not overwhelmed, and asking very deep life questions, as one does as a birthday party.
This would go tenfold if you drink or smoke, NGL.
After it's chilled out and nobody can see Butcher does, in fact, have a heart, he'd pull you aside and give you gruff but sincere birthday wishes with an obligatory friendly insulting nickname at the end.
So, happy birday, friend!
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moonchildreads · 1 year
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small town
Chapter 7 - The Search Is Over
IN THIS CHAPTER: A planned birthday party, nerdy father figures, and The Present Ritual [4.1k]
WARNINGS: brief mentions of deceased parents
masterlist - prev - next | playlist
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Now I look into your eyes, I can see forever The search is over, you were with me all the while
Saturday, April 26th - 1986
“Honey, there’s someone here to see you,” James knocked on the wooden frame of his daughter’s bedroom door.
“Huh?” she lifted her head from her pillow and looked at the clock next to her bed: 11:02.
Without saying anything else, Dottie’s dad disappeared down the hall, his footsteps heavy on the stairs. Who on Earth was dropping by to see her on a Saturday before noon? Rushing to the bathroom to brush her teeth, she heard her dad yelling from down the stairs again.
“Dorothy, did you hear me?”
“Yes, yes! I’m coming, hold up!” she screamed back at him, grabbing the railing so she wouldn’t trip on her slippers on her way down the stairs.
Dottie opened the front door with a hurried yank and was surprised to find no one at the other side. Worried that whoever had been waiting for her to show up had gotten tired and walked back to their vehicle, she peered around, craning to see down the street. Again, nothing. Not even a soul. There wasn’t even a car parked nearby, only an elderly neighbor spraying his bushes with a slinky hose. Extremely confused, and frankly still rather sleepy, she closed the door and stared blankly at the handle. She turned around and began making her way to the kitchen, questions burning the tip of her tongue. Unsolved mysteries were terrible on her anxious little heart.
Her words died in her throat as she heard familiar voices coming from behind the closed shutters of the passthrough kitchen window. Her eyes widening, she tripped over the rug, throwing herself to the shutters and pulling them open. They hit the walls with a loud bang and the three men on the other side turned to look at her.
“What the fuck are you two doing here?!”
“Jesus, kid, we can leave if you want.”
A loud chortle made its way out of her throat as she leaped through the door to hug one of the two men, the one who wasn’t currently holding a mug of coffee. Joseph looked up from the teenager between his arms, smiling at James and Robert who were watching the very dramatic act unfolding at the kitchen island.
“Did you really think we were gonna miss your 18th birthday, kiddo?” Robert said, stealing the girl from his friend’s arms and squeezing tightly.
“I just never thought- why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
“And ruin the surprise? Natalie is sorry she couldn’t come, but she got this for you. She said you should wear it for the party,” Joseph slid a large gift bag across the island.
Uncles Joseph and Robert were two of James Burke’s best friends from college. The three of them met as classmates while pursuing an Engineering degree but Joe and Rob had switched to a more social sciences oriented program during junior year before heading off to Law school after graduation. They had a small but successful firm together in NYC; Joe’s strength was litigation and Rob’s was transactions so it felt natural for them to partner up and navigate the post-graduate world together. As they often said, life was so much easier with the right people around you to raise you up when you stumbled.
It only made sense then that when Dottie’s mom passed away, they took it upon themselves to raise both James and Dorothy up as much as they possibly could. As such, the young girl had spent countless hours at their budding law firm, her short legs swinging from the tall chairs as she doodled or worked on her homework, waiting for her Dad to pick her up after a meeting that ran particularly late. Uncle Joe was the eternal bachelor; born and raised in New York, he always knew the most obscure and fascinating places to take her to. One of her favorite memories was from the time he’d taught her to ride a bike in an old abandoned parking lot that had a fantastic Italian-owned pasta place right around the corner. She’d scraped one of her shins until it bled but they had wonderful gnocchi afterwards so overall it had been a great day. On the other hand, Uncle Rob was married to Natalie and had two kids: six-year old Nate, whom Dottie had babysat numerous times, and newborn Lily, whom the teenager hadn’t been able to meet yet due to moving to Indiana. When they sat down to have a late breakfast, Dottie’s first question before she had even opened Natalie’s gift was to ask for pictures of Lily, which prompted Rob to pull out a stack of recently developed memories from his coat pocket like he had been waiting for her to request them all along.
Aunt Natalie had sent her a precious pair of black ruched booties with the tiniest hint of heel; as she was admiring them, Uncle Joseph appeared behind her with a stack of presents from the rest of the gaggle of aunts and uncles she missed so dearly. There was a small selection of leather-bound Shakespeare books from Aunt Mary Elizabeth and Uncle Johnny, a black skirt with suspenders from Auntie Rachel (You should wear that with the boots tonight, honey!), a gorgeous dainty set of silver earrings with a matching necklace from Uncle Joseph himself, a handmade wooden jewelry box from Uncle Robert, a few rare vinyls from Uncky Paul, and a pair of comfy pajamas from always practical Aunt Barbara. Dottie glanced at the wrapping paper and bows lying around her on the kitchen floor and realized she would never have anything to fear as long as she had these people in her corner.
“Well, now that presents are out of the way,” Uncle Joe began, a dangerous glint in his eye. “Tell me about these D&D nerds who are coming to your birthday party.”
“It’s me, I am the D&D nerd in case you forgot,” she said as nonchalantly as she could, feeling a burst of anxious energy at the thought of her dear uncles meeting her new friends. Thank God Uncle Johnny wasn’t here or he’d offer to DM a campaign out of his ass for everyone.
“To be fair, there was no way on Earth you wouldn’t be a nerd with the dad you have,” Rob said.
“And with the Uncles she has,” James quipped.
“And also the Aunties,” Joe finished, remembering how Rachel used to be their de facto leader during their adventures. “But don’t change the topic, I wanna know about your new friends.”
“You’ll meet them soon enough,” Dottie said with an innocent smile. “You’re gonna love Erica.”
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Eddie glanced at his wristwatch again after parking his van outside the address Dottie had scribbled for him on a piece of paper. The watch said 7:53, and he took a deep breath knowing he was more late than he had wanted to be. Henderson probably got here fifteen minutes before the party even started, he thought bitterly. He grabbed the terribly wrapped gift - the reason he was way past fashionably late - from his passenger seat and walked up to the front door, taking a few deep breaths to calm his nerves.
Dottie’s house was a typical suburban two-story house. The front lawn looked a little bare aside from the mailbox but seemed to be well taken care of, and there was a big tree to the side of the concrete path that led to the front door. The only indication a party was going on inside the house was a colorful banner hanging from the door frame. He rang the doorbell and waited in silence, straining to hear footsteps approaching.
“Hi there,” a man’s voice said. He was tall, had graying hair and light blue eyes. He looked nothing like he had imagined Dottie’s dad would look like. “You one of Dottie’s friends?”
“Y-yeah,” Eddie said nervously and cleared his throat. “Yes, sir, I’m Eddie.”
“Come on in, kid, you’re just in time for the pizza. You can leave your gift on that table, we open them at candle time. Dorothy! You’ve got one more!”
The man hurried down the hallway leaving Eddie to his devices. The teen looked around curiously, taking the opportunity to get into his usual confident persona in private. He noticed a stack of gifts on the entrance table next to the door and felt incredibly shy putting his on top of them; he’d used at least three times more tape than everyone else had used. Hanging his winter coat amongst the myriad of other jackets already on the rack, he rolled his shoulders and walked down the entryway towards the direction the man had disappeared into. Eddie found himself standing in a cozy and modern-looking living room, the rest of the Hellfire Club lounging around on the couch, the floor or on a few beanbags. Jeff, Mike, and Donny were playing cards at the coffee table with another man, dark haired with a short but carefully kept beard. Dustin had thrown himself on a beanbag and was listening to Erica argue about the Supreme Court with the man that had opened the door, and he spotted Gareth coming in from the kitchen with two bottles of soda on his hands, one of them Dr. Pepper.
“Hey, man!” Mike said, noticing him. “We thought you weren’t coming.”
“Nah, just couldn’t find the right house,” Eddie lied, but it was innocent enough for them to buy it.
“Hey, I’m Robert, Dottie’s uncle,” said the dark haired man, putting his hand out to shake Eddie’s without getting up from his spot on the floor.
“Dude, her uncles play D&D too!” Jeff exclaimed excitedly.
“You’re the DM, right?” Robert asked, things starting to click into place for him.
“Yeah, I’m-”
“Eddie!” Dottie’s gleeful scream interrupted his introduction.
Eddie’s hello got stuck in his throat when he turned to see her setting down two plates full of homemade pizza on the dining table and rush to greet him with a tight hug. A mass of curly hair collided against him and he had to thank his quick reflexes for instantly putting his arms around her or else he would have looked like an idiot in front of everyone. She was wearing a white button up shirt with a big collar, a black high-waisted suspender skirt, see-through black tights with silver sparkles that glinted when she walked, and black boots. He noticed she had done her makeup and her hair was a little bit curlier than normal; if Eddie had to be pressed for a theory he would have said she had obviously tried to style herself like Molly Ringwald, one of her favorite teen actresses. She looked up at him from her spot against his chest and smiled. He nearly forgot how to breathe.
“Hey,” he forced himself to say, aware that people were watching. “Happy birthday!”
“Thank you! You got just in time for pizza,” she said, leaving his warmth to catch one of the plates a third man was carrying from the kitchen and safely putting it down on the dining table. “Are you guys gonna eat here or are we moving?” she leaned over her Uncle Robert’s shoulders, taking a peek at his cards.
“We can eat and play at the same time,” the man answered, patting a spot next to him on the floor. “Sit down, kiddo, you haven’t stopped moving since noon.”
“Where were you?” Gareth asked, putting a plastic cup in Eddie’s hand.
“Got lost on the way, ended up at your house,” he lied again.
“You’re Eddie?” the third man asked, setting a plate and napkins on the coffee table; Mike and Jeff hurried to grab the cheesiest pieces. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Really? About lil ol’ me?” Eddie joked, putting a hand on his chest.
“You’re quite the talented storyteller, Dottie says,” Pizza Man affirmed, Dottie instantly making an exasperated face at him. “I’m James, the Dad.”
“Nice to meet you, sir,” he put on his best winning smile and put his hand out to shake his. “You have a beautiful house.”
“Thanks, kid,” James said, amused, shaking the teen’s hand. “Now what’s this I’ve heard about a pack of gnolls getting distracted by two pregnant mules?”
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Eddie felt as if he had stepped into an alternate reality of sorts, a place where parents weren’t afraid of him corrupting their children and he was treated with respect and kindness regardless of how he looked like. James was clearly the coolest dad figure he’d ever met, and Uncles Joseph and Robert were very close behind. The three of them had entertained the teens all night with stories about their college times, their own D&D adventures, and assorted misbehaving. It was clear to all of them, however, that their favorite topic aside from “the good old times” was Dottie.
At some point during the party, a box of photos had come out, and much to Dottie’s shame, the three men had proceeded to tell everyone the most terrible and embarrassing tales from her childhood: from her throwing up on her dad’s car after eating too much at a ren fair at age four to her kicking a boy during her middle school prom after he made fun of the flowers in her hair (Oh, he deserved it, said Erica and everyone agreed with her), not forgetting to take a quick detour on her crush on Silver Spoons’ Jason Bateman.
“Oh my god, it wasn’t that big of a deal!” she hid her face in shame behind Donny’s shoulder, who couldn’t stop laughing.
“Honey, you were in love with the kid.”
“I was 13, that wasn’t love! It was at most a little innocent crush!”
“How in love are we talking about here?” Dustin inquired, rocking back and forth on his knees.
“Oh, we’re talking the whole deal, posters on the walls, love letters-”
“I never sent them!” she tried to defend herself, but Erica already had tears in her eyes. The amount of blackmail that girl was storing away for future use was nearing dangerous levels. “It was just… creative writing!”
“You always did love the bad boys,” Uncle Joe said, much to Eddie’s enjoyment.
“Did?” James commented, getting up to get the cake. “You saw her last year when Better Off Dead came out.”
“No! No, no, no, we’re not talking about this anymore! That movie was terrible!”
“If it was so bad then why did you ask Mary Elizabeth to take you to see it twice?” Uncle Robert said, with an air of finality, making Gareth laugh so hard he lost balance on the couch armrest and had to catch himself on Mike’s shoulder before his ass hit the floor.
As the laughter died down and cake and coffee was being set up at the table, everyone started drifting into different parts of the living room to stretch their legs and break off into little conversations leaving Dottie to collect the photos on the coffee table with incredibly red cheeks. Eddie took pity on her and kneeled down to help, curiously looking at the pictures he hadn’t gotten to see with much interest. Dottie was a puzzle he just couldn’t begin putting together, she was full of contradictions and hidden secrets that pulled him in more and more every time he learned something new about her.
His eyes stopped at a photo that seemed to be stuck to the back of another one; the image on top was a snap of little Dorothy dressed for a school play as an 1800s maiden. Taking a glance at Gareth and Dustin peering through the vinyl collection under the TV, he carefully pulled the two pictures apart and discovered a tender picture of a very young woman holding a sleeping baby against her chest. It didn’t have a date on it but if he had to guess, he was willing to bet his best guitar on the tiny baby being Dottie.
“That’s my Mom,” a soft voice coming from his side said. He looked up to see Dottie leaning close to him, her gaze wistful on the photographic paper in his hand. “That’s the last picture we have of her.”
“How old were you?”
“In this photo? Around six months, maybe? She died before my first Christmas so this is around October.”
“Sorry to hear that,” Eddie said, his own heart raw. “I, uh… I know what that’s like.”
“I know,” he looked up at her admission. “Donny mentioned it once when I told him about my Mom, I hope you don’t mind. I didn’t wanna ask in case you didn’t want to talk about it.”
“No, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” he smiled and moved his eyes again to the photo. “What was her name?”
“Margaret,” Dottie said, love dripping from every syllable. “Maggie, if she really liked you.”
“She was really pretty.”
“She was. I look nothing like her,” she chuckled.
It wasn’t a lie; Dorothy Burke was practically a carbon copy of her Dad. Her hair was a much lighter shade of brown than his, and while his was straight, hers was naturally wavy, but every other distinctive feature was from James, not Margaret. Her long thin fingers, her straight nose, her full eyebrows, they were all James, James, James. Margaret had a button nose, short stubby fingers and blonde hair. Dorothy often thought that life had been rather unfair to her; she couldn’t look at her Mom in the mirror as she aged and feel like she was growing up with her nearby. She didn’t resent looking like her Dad, she loved him, but there was always a part of her that shone brighter right after someone told her that she resembled her mother in any way.
“You’re right, you don’t,” Eddie admitted, slipping the picture into the box on her lap. “Doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful too.”
Dottie watched him get up and go stand next to her Uncle Joseph who was trying to convince Erica she’d be a great lawyer one day, and from the looks of it, had her on board with it. He thinks you’re beautiful, her brain chimed in. Eddie Munson thinks you are beautiful. She put the lid back on the box and went into the kitchen to help with cake preparations, her heart feeling both heavier and lighter at the same time.
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“Open ours first!” Dustin said while he thrust a big box wrapped in glossy gift paper into Dottie’s arms.
“We asked my Mom for ideas, hope it’s okay,” Mike said, a little bit embarrassed he had to ask for backup for something as simple as a birthday present for a friend.
“I’m sure I’ll love it,” Dottie reassured him, tearing into the paper. “Aw, guys! This is so cute!”
They were sitting around the coffee table again after blowing the candles, James and Robert passing out pieces of cake on paper plates as they completed The Presents Ritual as directed by Uncle Joe. Inside Dustin and Mike’s box, there was a stationery set complete with a yellow folder covered with a daisy pattern and a matching pencil case.
“We know you love yellow and daisies,” Dustin said. “And now you can use this for Hellfire instead of your old ass binder.”
The old ass binder in question had fallen apart last Friday during a particularly intense fight that involved a horde of pixies and a bunch of terrible rolls. Next presents were equally thoughtful and Hellfire Club related; Jeff had gotten her a set of glittery dice (“So you don’t gotta use your Dad’s anymore”) and Erica’s little box had contained a set of mini figurines and paint. Donny’s bag, however, was full with a bunch of oversized colorful earrings and jelly bracelets (“My sisters said you might like these”). Gareth and Eddie looked at each other, silently deciding who was gonna go last.
“Alright, who’s next?” Uncle Joseph asked, looking at the two boys.
“You can go first,” Eddie hurried to say, acting like he was giving up his spot out of the kindness of his heart. A Beatles Greatest Hits vinyl was playing in the background.
“Mine’s a little bit… weird,” Gareth said, looking shy all of a sudden. “And it isn’t in the color I wanted but-”
“Dude,” she put her hand on top of his. “Shut up.”
“Okay,” he laughed, watching her rip the soft tissue paper and unfold a gray fuzzy blanket.
“A blankie?” Jeff looked at him, a joke ready on his tongue.
“Michigan gets really cold so…. I thought you might like this since I’m not gonna be around for you to steal my flannels anymore.”
“That’s… shit, you can’t do this to me, I’ve been crying all week!” she grinned at him. “You’re so sweet, G, thank you,” Dottie pulled him into a hug, the blanket bunched up between them.
“I wanted yellow, blue or white but they only had red or gray in this size.”
“Gray is perfect, I love it. I’m gonna take it to class with me when it snows.”
“Hold on, why did you say Michigan?” it was Mike’s turn to be confused.
“She got into UMich,” Donny told him.
“Wait, what?” Erica did a double take.
“You’re the full ride Michigan kid?” Jeff said, putting two and two together.
“You didn’t know?” Gareth asked.
“I only told you and Donny,” Dottie admitted, looking at the floor.
Eddie felt something akin to an arrow to the chest. She hadn’t told them. She only told Gareth and Donny. She didn’t tell me.
“Why didn’t you tell us? A full ride is awesome, you should talk about that more,” Dustin said.
“I don’t know, I… I haven’t really thought about college yet. We still have to finish the campaign, and there’s prom and finals first. It’s not a big deal.”
“Dottie, a full ride absolutely is a big deal,” Uncle Robert reminded her, aware of her tendency to minimize her achievements. “You should be proud of it, you earned that on your own.”
“I know but like… I don’t leave until September. Other things feel more important to me right now, I don’t wanna think about it yet.”
“Sorry I spilled the beans,” Gareth looked sheepish.
“No, it’s okay, I should have told you guys. I’m glad everyone knows, though, I promise I wasn’t hiding it. It just really never came up.”
“Well, with a 3.74 GPA we should have guessed it was you,” Eddie smiled, infinitely proud of her and yet terrified that she was pulling away before he even had a chance to make himself at home in her life. “Don’t be a stranger when you’re gone, alright? Don’t join another party without us.”
“You think you can get rid of me that easily, Munson?” she joked back, slipping into their usual banter for comfort.
“Alright, why don’t we open the last present before James starts moping about his baby leaving for college?” Uncle Joseph said, looking at his dear friend’s face.
“I’m not moping!” he defended himself, but it was clear to everyone that he was.
Eddie cleared his throat dramatically, walked towards her, dropped to one knee with his head bent, and presented the gift like one would present a sword to a king. She laughed and grabbed the soft package; he sprung instantly to his feet and put his arms behind his back, waiting. Dottie narrowed her eyes at him as she undid the ribbon and teared into the crinkly paper. She unfolded a very familiar looking shirt and stared at it with an unfocused gaze.
“It’s been almost a month and you still didn’t have one, so I printed one for you,” Eddie explained. “I hope it’s the right size.”
She looked up at him like he’d just given her his firstborn and threw herself at him with teary eyes. Welcome to Hellfire, Eddie had said during her first session, but this, this was different. This wasn’t a “Welcome to Hellfire” or an acceptance to his club. This was Eddie saying you belong with us in the form of a shirt. In the background, they could hear the boys making a scene, teasing him and complaining that they had had to make their own shirts when they had joined.
“Thank you,” she muttered against his chest. It seemed to Eddie that she did that more and more often every day: hiding her face into his body. He wasn’t complaining. “This means more than you know.”
“Means a lot to me too, darling,” he lowered his face into her hair and whispered back. “Happy birthday.”
Dottie was only vaguely aware that Oh! Darling was playing through the speakers as he squeezed her like he never wanted to let go.
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taglist (let me know if you want me to add you!): @munsonology
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
i feel like judy and rosie are that couple that’s goes all out for each other birthday. just delighted to spend an entire day celebrating and loving the other.
WAIT ANON OMFG YES. YOU ARE SO RIGHT. the way i read this and my heart immediately grew warm and soft and i was just like 🥹🥹🥹 you are so so right!!!
like of course they’d be that way especially after having kids and starting a family but that first year or two where it’s just them, and they’re simply just enjoying their lives with one another, figuring out what they want to do and how they want to live — they’d 100% be doing all that.
i KNOW rosie would be planning at least weeks in advance. and they’d probably have a little get together with friends the day before or something, but the actual day of her birthday, it’d probably be the two of them. and he’d ABSOLUTELY be making her breakfast in bed, getting her flowers, soaking in the morning to cuddle with her and they could just lay in bed and talk (something judy enjoys more than anything). and then they’d go out (and they probably live somewhere in NYC, a promise he made to judy a while back <3) and have lunch somewhere pretty, maybe somewhere outside with a view of the hudson.
they’d enjoy walking around the city (something that is judy’s favorite) and rosie would bring to all the cutest little shops and let her get whatever she wants. they’d spend the day out before coming in for the night, and he’d start making her favorite dish for dinner, turning on the radio and dancing by themselves in the kitchen - all smiling, joyful, light-hearted and warm and simply happy to be by one another’s side there. and of course they’d eat (rosie would get so excited to light some candles and put the fresh flowers in a new vase) and then they’d have dessert (usually some sort of cake or cookie, judy’s a fan of anything sweet) and then enjoy the night in the front room. sitting in the parlor, listening to music, judy opening her presents from both him and their families and friends. reading letters, laughing, possibly crying over people she hasn’t seen in quite some time and then curled into one another’s side. and maybe they’d take the party upstairs because why not — rosie wants to celebrate the woman who is judy rybinski :)
and NO DOUBT when judy gets wind of rosie’s birthday back in their time at thorpe abbotts she plans and plans for his birthday here in NYC. one filled with both their families and some of the neighbors. the day starts with them going out to brunch and walking around the local area, making taking time at the park, just to lounge in the sun, talk to one another. no doubt judy can’t control herself from kissing his cheek as she loved to do every so often as she hears him ramble on and on about God knows what. and eventually they’d go back, and start setting up for the party — rosie always talked about wanting a big party with family and friends and the truest form of love is one where to be seen and heard is to be loved <33333
so of course, judy’s wanting to make everything right — all the food, drinks, appetizers, main course, dessert, that the party decorations are all in order, music’s playing. and rosie’s coming over to wrap his arms around her and lovingly kiss her cheek and tell her everything’s alright, that it’s perfect and more than he could’ve asked for. and then the families are coming over, and there’s parents and cousins and siblings, and the house is alive with life. and at some point, from across the room, judy meets rosie’s eyes and they share a quiet smile just for the two of them. and then they eat, and let rosie open gifts (to which judy is sitting there like a lovesick puppy watching him look like a young boy again opening those gifts). and then there’s dessert and listening to music and then the families are heading out, staying somewhere in town, and it’s just judy and rosie again.
they sit downstairs for a while, enjoying one another’s company….maybe there’s a bit of a make out session in there or two because why not, it’s rosie’s birthday and judy couldn’t help but show him the love she feels for him :’)
LIKE. I JUST KNOW THEYD BE SO SWEET WITH EACH OTHER. AND WHOLESOME. HELLA WHOLESOME. and the height. difference. judy constantly looking up at rosie with a big grin and rosie looking down at her with that soft little gaze he has only for her. like STFU IM CRYING YALL STOPPPPPPPP 😭😭😭😭😭 i need more of this. i need to WRITE THIS. anon. this was fantastic. oh my god. THEM. THEM THEM THEM.
please enjoy my ramblings and thoughts on this bc yes anon — you know them too well :)
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for end-of-year asks: 14 + 20?
14. Favorite book you read this year? I'm SO glad someone asked me this one! Geoff Rickly's Someone Who Isn't Me was fantastic, and held the crown for most of the year. Having just gotten back into reading regularly, I was mostly plowing through fun sci-fi novellas and mid nonfiction (perhaps, all nonfiction is simply mid at best). SWIM was the first that stood out as a work that had goals beyond entertainment - and succeeded. Prose, structure, the unflinching honesty of "I think this is a good basis for a novel but fuck it, let's punch it up." Geoff has always deserved more than just being "the guy who gave MCR their first break" and I'm so happy for him!
Idlewild by James Frankie Thomas is dead-heat-tied for favorite of the year. Calling it a "psychological thriller" evokes superhuman serial killers and action setpieces, but I truly have no other way of describing it. A moment in time (NYC post-9/11; teenhood of the early 00s) captured in the obsessive, codependent romantic-friendship of queer teen weirdos. I couldn't put it down. Watching Nell and Fay's all-consuming relationship jump the rails and witnessing their shared plural perspective split into their separate, singular narrative chapters felt like being flayed open.
(If only they were a few years younger, and had been teens when The Black Parade came out. That would have fixed nothing but I like to think those fanfic-writing theater kids would've loved the album.)
20. What’s something you learned this year? HM this is a good one. I answered the above right away, but needed to reflect on this since receiving the ask.
I think I'm a person prone to inertia, I don't naturally assume the role of initiating. And this year I spent a lot of time stepping out of that predilection. It's not like I was ever happy not doing anything, just that I couldn't conceive of the steps and the consistency in pursuing them.
This year I confronted that a lot, both personally and professionally. I got multiple tattoos (so much emailing), I planned TWO birthday parties for myself (regular winter bday and then forced everyone to go to the beach for my half birthday), I booked a short trip by myself! Not to mention all of the time I got to spend with friends just because I stopped being such a passenger princess. This was all shit I've always wanted to do that's never happened as much before!
I also had to do all this shit professionally, too, but that's way less fun and heartwarming lol. But hey I art directed an entire [redacted] and posters I designed were plastered all over NYC, which fuckin ruled.
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selfiemuseumcharlotte · 3 months
Selfie Museum Charlotte: Capture Ultimate Fun Moments
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Selfie Museum Charlotte by Popcorn Trailer Studios is an interactive studio space for creators and families.
Click Here to Get Access
Why You Should Visit Selfie Museum Charlotte
A Unique Experience Awaits
Selfie Museum Charlotte by Popcorn Trailer Studios is more than just a museum; it’s an interactive adventure! Have you ever heard about the fun had at places like the Museum of Selfies in Los Angeles or the Selfie WRLD locations nationwide? Our museum follows in their creative footsteps, offering various artistic backgrounds and props that captivate all visitors.
Perfect for Creators and Photographers
Photographers and content creators love our space. With professional lighting and limitless creative possibilities, you're bound to enhance your portfolio. Much like the Color Factory in NYC, which is famous for its visually stunning installations, Selfie Museum Charlotte takes pride in providing an environment where your creativity can thrive.
Fun for the Entire Family
Families will find endless joy here! Similar to the experience at Happy Place in Chicago, our installations are designed to engage visitors of all ages. Whether it's the whimsical ball pits or the interactive art pieces, there's something for everyone at Selfie Museum Charlotte.
Visit Selfie Museum Charlotte by Popcorn Trailer Studios and immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds. It’s the perfect spot for creators, photographers, and families looking for a
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fun and unforgettable experience. Special events and themed exhibits keep the excitement alive, ensuring that every visit offers something new.
Events and Special Occasions
Hosting a birthday party or corporate event? Selfie Museum Charlotte is an innovative venue that offers unique, customizable packages to make your event stand out. Imagine celebrating a milestone surrounded by vibrant backdrops and capturing unforgettable memories with friends and colleagues.
Accessibility and Convenience
Worried about accessibility? We've got you covered. Our facility is designed to accommodate all visitors comfortably. Plus, with convenient online booking and ticketing, planning your visit is a breeze.
Join us at Selfie Museum Charlotte by Popcorn Trailer Studios for an extraordinary experience that blends creativity, fun, and endless photo opportunities.
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Immersive Setups
Selfie Museum Charlotte boasts meticulously designed setups that are perfect for every social media enthusiast. Our interactive exhibits are always evolving, ensuring a different backdrop for each visit. Whether it's vibrant colors, artistic themes, or whimsical settings, each corner is crafted to help you capture the perfect shot.
Family Friendly Atmosphere
Looking for an outing everyone can enjoy? Selfie Museum Charlotte is the ideal destination for families. From kids to grandparents, our fun spaces offer something for all ages. Interactive elements make exploring a joint adventure, adding joy to your day out.
Tips for the Best Shots
Want to make the most of your time here? Arrive early to avoid crowds, and don’t forget your camera or smartphone! Take your time exploring each exhibit, and don't hesitate to get creative with angles and poses. Our staff is always available to provide tips and tricks, ensuring your photos look Instagram-worthy.
Visit Selfie Museum Charlotte by Popcorn Trailer Studios: explore more about our interactive studio and book your visit today at Selfie Museum Charlotte.
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eldritchsurveys · 8 months
Loaded Questions: Party Game - Part 1 bonesofivory All questions from the Loaded Questions game
What is not worth all the money in the world? >> I bet I will finally think of a funny answer for this randomly in the middle of the night when I'm trying to go to sleep. What would make for a ridiculous new national holiday? >> But there are already so many ridiculous national holidays. I feel like we're full up on those at this point. What would cause you to give a child a "time out"? . What is something you would want to do every day? >> Bask in a sunbeam like a cat.
What word or phrase do you overuse? >> I can never remember one when asked, but I do have a few phrases and words that I sometimes feel self-conscious about because I know I use them constantly.
If you were in jail, whom would you want for your cellmate? .
If you owned a nightclub, what would you call it? >> The Church of Ill Repute. It was the name of a bar/nightclub/concert venue type place I made up for a roleplay character on Vampirefreaks back in the day and I still love it. Or we could just go with something like "Cathedral" or "Midnight Mass" or something if that one's Too Much. (Yes, I'm mostly inspired by that one club that used to exist in NYC that was in an old cathedral -- forget what it's called now, was it... Limelight?? idk but every day of my life I regret I was born just a bit too late to have been able to go there myself.)
What image should be next to the word "extraordinary" in a dictionary? >> The aforementioned NYC nightclub. On what TV show would you make a perfect guest star? .
How do you know when you're having a bad day? >> My thought patterns are the first indication, because I get real self-punishing and defeatist and borderline-to-full-suicidal real quick. It's a pretty dramatic shift. Also my executive function goes entirely out the window instead of just, you know, straddling the windowpane and threatening to jump.
Where is a terrible place to fall asleep? >> Any of the brown line trains, they're just terrible for that. You don't want to try to sleep on a (J) or something, like, that's just silly. I was always partial to the orange line, the (F) especially. (D) can be pretty good too since it turns local at night. Blue lines are a safe bet too. Didn't care for the (E) much but (A), sure, can get some good ZZZs on an (A).
What would constitute a bad neighbor? >> So many things crowded into my brain at once, where do I even begin. I think I'm just particular. How do you think you'll celebrate your 100th birthday? >> I don't know what kind of person I will be at 100 (to say nothing of what kind of world this will be in 2087...), so I really couldn't say. Which television family is most like your own family? >> Imagine one of those Black family sitcoms like The Bernie Mac Show or Everybody Hates Chris but there's no laugh track when they casually joke about beating their kids etc. Also it has to be on HBO because it's not actually suitable for "family" audiences.
What would make you turn off the TV immediately? >> Being bored by whatever is playing on it. It's hard to pinpoint a specific thing that would bore me, it's generally more an overall vibe than anything else. What would significantly change the mood right now? >> Oh, you know. Pretty much anything, to be honest.
What is the most impressive thing you can make? .
How are you planning on changing your life for the better? >> I'm not planning on that at all.
What is the most creative thing you have done recently? >> Whoof...
When is having very little of something actually a good thing? >> Hmm. What do you wish took a shorter amount of time to accomplish? >> Downloading. It's 2024 and I'm still letting game downloads run overnight while I sleep because they take so goddamn long. The latest BG3 patch is going to be my villain origin story when it finally drops. If your birthday became a national holiday, how would you celebrate it? >> It sometimes is a national holiday, but I cannot convey how much I hate sharing my birthday with Memorial Day of all things. I wouldn't want my birthday as such to be a holiday, though. My birthday is for me and people who specifically know and want to celebrate me. Also, I don't want to be associated with this nation.
What is something five out of five doctors can agree on? >> Lab coats rule.
What would be a strange gift to give at a baby shower? . What is a terrible thing to stuff a turkey with on Thanksgiving? >> Anything, I hate that people stuff the turkey. Soggy stuffing is the worst.
What inexpensive thing would you love to receive as a present? >> I mean, a lot of things. There are a lot of inexpensive things in the world that I like.
If Columbus discovered today's America, what might cause him to go back on his ship and sail away? .
What is a terrible excuse for forgetting a loved one's birthday? >> I took this literally at first and was like, "well, forgetting is largely involuntary, people don't forget on purpose, so...???" but I think "forgetting" is being used loosely here, to mean something more like "not acknowledging/overlooking" which could be for any number of reasons, including "I just didn't feel like putting any effort into acknowledging it", which, well, isn't great for a relationship. So, yeah, I guess that.
If you had to give the same gift to everyone on your holiday list, what would you give? .
What celebrity doesn't need a Halloween mask to look scary? >> That is a bit meaner than I'd prefer to be about people's appearances. Upon blowing out the candles on your next birthday cake, what will you wish for? .
What present would you immediately re-gift? >> I can't think of anything but overall I am pro-regifting.
If you could put a stop to one holiday tradition, what would it be? >> Fireworks. 100% What do you have an abundance of and could share with others? .
What information should not be communicated through text? .
What would you most like to find when going through your bag of Halloween treats? .
What have you done that would put you on Santa's naughty list? >> I am permanently on Santa's naughty list for the crime of wanting to bone him. If you could interview the devil, what would be your first question? >> "Doin anything tonight? 😏"
What kind of pet could someone have that would make you think that person is crazy? . What road sign do you wish existed? >> If I was wittier I would have had a ball with some of these questions but my mind just doesn't work that way 98% of the time, RIP.
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greenapronkitchen-blog · 10 months
Effortless Planning: 5 Tips for Hosting Your Child's Birthday Party in Brooklyn, NYC
A child's birthday party is a highly anticipated event, filled with excitement and joy. While kids eagerly await the festivities, parents often find themselves tasked with the responsibility of orchestrating a successful celebration. Planning a memorable kid's birthday party in Brooklyn, NYC doesn't have to be a stressful ordeal; in fact, it can be a straightforward and enjoyable process.
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Here are five helpful tips to keep your stress levels low and your parent status cool:
1. Select a Distinct Theme: Choosing a theme sets the tone for the entire birthday planning process. Identify your child's favorite hobbies, whether it's a beloved movie, TV show, or character. Seek input from your little one to ensure the theme resonates with them, making the celebration extra special.
2. Guest List Management: When deciding on the number of guests, consider your child's age. For example, if they're turning 7, aim to limit the guest list to around eight friends. This ensures that the party remains enjoyable and avoids overwhelming your child and their guests. When sending out invitations, be clear and specific about the party's start and end times.
3. Decorations and Party Favors: With a theme in mind, decorating becomes a breeze. You don't need to break the bank on decorations; classic elements like balloons and streamers remain timeless. As for party favors, affordable goody bags filled with your child's favorite treats and trinkets are more than enough to delight young guests.
4. Menu Planning: One of the crucial aspects of birthday party planning is crafting a suitable menu. Remember, a kid's birthday party is all about the cake and ice cream. Consider planning a fun and exceptional celebration for kids and adults alike by exploring cooking party packages. These packages offer an opportunity to create lasting memories while enjoying the culinary experience.
5. Incorporate Engaging Activities: While it may be tempting to include numerous games and activities, moderation is key. Too much stimulation can quickly dampen the party atmosphere. Opt for one engaging activity, such as participating in cooking party packages. This not only adds an element of excitement but also provides a unique and enjoyable experience for all.
Final Consideration: For a birthday party that combines fun and learning, consider Green Apron Kitchen for your celebration in Brooklyn, NYC. Explore the available packages for a cooking-themed birthday party by visiting our website at Green Apron Kitchen. Plan a celebration that your child and their friends will cherish forever.
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dragon-fire-fire · 10 months
Silly little fic idea
Peter Parker is kidnapped, wakes up in an unfamiliar place, two people are there telling a camera that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Peter starts acting like a normal kid; screa, crying, and telling them he’s not Spider-Man. They say they saw him change into the costume in an alleyway. He says he dresses up as Spider-Man for birthday parties for money cos he’s poor. They say he does tricks and they’ve seen him shoot webs. He says he knows parkour, that’s why he decided to cosplay as Spider-Man in the first place and he used small cans of silly string to use as fake webs. He’s hysterical and the kidnappers are like fuck we got the wrong guy. They somehow have vibranium cuffs so Peter couldn’t escape (that’s why he’s acting so they’ll release him). They decide to knock him out and dump him in a random alley, they punch him and he goes unconscious. Except he doesn’t, he’s still acting. They unlock the cuffs in his hands and feet and BOOM he quickly knocks them both out.
He turns to the camera that’s still rolling and says “wow I can’t believe that worked, I deserve an Oscar for that performance!” And he’s bowing to his metaphorical audience and maybe he does a little fake speech while wiping fake tears “I’d like to say thank you to my parents, who are dead, and to my uncle, who’s also dead, and to my aunt May who’s not dead. And Mr. Stark who helps me with my Chem homework. Also shoutout to Ned and MJ, I wouldn’t be here without you guys!” And then he’s like well let’s web these guys up, so he webs them to the wall and he grabs one of their phones and calls Mr. Stark.
Plot twist tho: Mr. Stark says Peter I can see you!! Peter is like what are you in talking about. And Mr. Stark says the camera was broadcasting to ALL OF NYC (how you ask, I don’t know, not my problem) Peter freezes and turns to the camera where he flips it off and asks Mr Stark what he just did and Mr. Stark yells “Peter you just flipped the camera off!” And Peter is like “so you saw me give my Oscar speech, and me web those guys up?” And Mr. Stark is like “yes we saw all of that!!” And Peter is like “so everyone knows I’m Spider-Man now? what should I do??” while awkwardly waving at the camera. Mr. Stark is like “I’ve been tracking the phone I’m on the way already, just turn off the camera!” And so Peter does and then maybe it goes more into detail about the kidnapping, the acting, and the aftermath of all this happening. Maybe everyone is shocked Spider-Man is a kid and other stuff.
Anyways yeah that’s my fic idea. I have another one that’s less funny and more serious too. Where like he gets kidnapped by a international human trafficking ring and they planned on either selling him to the highest bidder or using him as a prostitute. A little dark for me tho. He does escape tho and he ends up releasing other victims too. It has the same basic intro but a lot of differences. He’s still playful in the beginning but gets more serious once he realizes where he is and how many victims there are.
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bee-in-motion · 1 month
Bike Riding Lessons for Children and Adults in NYC: Guide to Learn an Essential Skills
Bike riding is not just a fun activity but also an excellent way to stay fit and explore the vibrant city of New York. Whether you're looking to introduce your child to cycling or you're an adult eager to learn, bike riding lessons for children and adults in NYC offer tailored instruction to meet your needs. Here’s why opting for bike riding lessons can be a great decision for you and your family.
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Why Bike Riding Lessons are Essential
Bike riding lessons for children and adults nyc provide more than just the basics of riding a bike. They ensure that learners of all ages can master the skills required for safe and enjoyable cycling. From balancing and steering to navigating city streets, structured lessons help build confidence and competence.
Customized Instruction for Every Learner
One of the biggest advantages of bike riding lessons for children and adults in NYC is the personalized approach to teaching. Skilled teachers are aware that every student has different requirements and learning preferences. Therefore, lessons are customized to fit individual requirements, making the learning process more effective and enjoyable.
Safety First: Learn to Ride with Confidence
Safety is paramount when learning to ride a bike, and bike riding lessons for children and adults in NYC emphasize safe practices. Instructors teach proper techniques and safety rules, ensuring that learners are well-prepared for riding in urban environments. This focus on safety helps in building confidence and reducing any apprehension about cycling.
Explore NYC with Confidence
Biking in New York City is a great way to explore the five boroughs and is highly recommended. With Bike riding lessons for children and adults nyc, learners can gain the skills necessary to explore the city confidently. Whether it’s navigating busy streets or enjoying scenic routes, knowing how to ride a bike enhances your ability to experience NYC fully.
Fun and Fitness Combined
Bike riding is a great way to stay active, and bike riding lessons for children and adults in NYC offer a fun way to incorporate exercise into your routine. Cycling improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle strength, and boosts overall fitness. Plus, learning to ride can be an enjoyable family activity, making exercise a part of your lifestyle.
Convenience of Local Lessons
Children's and adult's bike riding lessons in NYC provide the convenience of in-person training. With lessons available throughout the city, you can find a schedule that fits your needs and location. This accessibility makes it easier to incorporate bike riding into your routine, whether you’re looking for a weekend activity or after-school lessons for your child.
Building Lifelong Skills
Learning to ride a bike is a valuable skill that can be enjoyed throughout life. Bike riding lessons for children and adults in NYC not only teach you how to ride but also instill a love for cycling. This lifelong skill can lead to numerous benefits, from improved fitness to the joy of exploring new places on two wheels.
Opting for Bike riding lessons for children and adults nyc is a smart choice for anyone looking to learn or improve their cycling skills. With personalized instruction, a focus on safety, and the opportunity to explore NYC, these lessons offer a comprehensive approach to bike riding. Whether you're a child or an adult, discovering the joys of cycling can be both fun and beneficial. Start your journey today and enjoy the many rewards of learning to ride a bike in the heart of New York City.
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artsparknyc · 11 months
Planning Art Birthday Parties for Kids: Tips and Ideas
Are you searching for a unique and creative way to celebrate your child's birthday? Look no further! Art birthday parties for kids are a fantastic option, and they can be even more special with a touch of creativity and fun. At The Spark NYC, we specialize in hosting memorable art-themed birthday parties that your child and their friends will treasure forever.
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Art Birthday Parties for Kids: Unleash Their Imagination
Our School Closure Camps at The Spark NYC have inspired countless young artists. We bring the same energy to our art birthday parties for kids, where your child and their friends can explore their creativity in a fun and supportive environment. Here are some tips and ideas to make your child's art birthday party an unforgettable experience:
Choose the Right Theme: Start by selecting an art theme that resonates with your child, whether it's painting, pottery, or crafts. This will set the tone for the entire party.
Art Supplies Galore: Ensure you have a variety of art supplies and materials, from paintbrushes and canvases to colorful markers and paper. Let the kids' imaginations run wild!
Art Instructor: Consider hiring an experienced art instructor to guide the kids through their projects. They can provide valuable tips and help ensure every child has a great time.
Decorate with Art: Incorporate art into your decorations by displaying the children's artwork around the party area. It's a great way to celebrate their creativity.
Art-Themed Games: Plan some art-related games and activities to keep the children engaged, like a "Color Scavenger Hunt" or a "Blindfolded Drawing" contest.
Artistic Treats: Don't forget the food! Consider art-inspired snacks and a cake that reflects the art theme.
Party Favors: Send the kids home with a small art-related party favor, such as a mini art kit or a framed copy of their artwork.
 We specialize in making your child's special day unforgettable, filled with art, creativity, and fun. Contact us today to start planning a unique art birthday party that your child will cherish for years to come.
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glimmerbugart · 11 months
A Birthday to Remember
Hard to believe but this past Monday I turned 50! Yep, 50 years old! A half century… and I feel very fortunate because I still feel like I’m in my early 30s.
We’re not a big party type of family, so we decided to celebrate at my second favorite place ever: New York City!
Off we went for a fun little jaunt to the best city in the world. Full of lights, sights and interesting stuff, it’s my kid’s favorite place to go and explore. They’ve been to NYC a dozen times and never tire of the hustle and bustle, so everyone was pretty excited to go back for a night.
Driving in was no big deal and only took a little over 3 hours. Guess it pays to drive on a Monday late morning because traffic was not bad at all. It was easy going for the whole drive and looking forward to the evening made it even better!
Once we checked into our favorite hotel, The Pearl, said hello to our favorite bellmen, Francisco and James, we headed out to do a little walk around the neighborhood and check out a few of our favorite stopping points before checking in. It’s kind of funny. Watching my kids walk around the streets, knowing where everything is, it’s a great feeling knowing that they can navigate a city with no problem. They handle the traffic, vendors, entertainers and all that with no issue whatsoever. Not even nervous and know exactly how to get from points A to B. They walk confidently and are always aware of their surroundings, keeping a watchful eye on each other as well as all the goings on around them. My father, born and raised in NYC, would have been so proud to watch them experience his favorite place to be.
Once we were back at the hotel, it was time for a quick change and then to walk to dinner at one of my all-time favorites, The Russian Tea Room. I’m the only one in my family that has been there, so I was looking forward to seeing how the rest of the family liked it. It’s all Russian food, from borscht and pelmini to chicken Kiev and verenika. Luckily, my kids have grown up on many of these dishes, so they were not weirded out by anything on the menu and knew what everything was. And what was even greater was that all that they ordered, they loved (although I’m told that my cabbage soup and borscht are their favorites!). Hubby loved it as well and even ordered himself a Russian mule!
Whenever I saw this cup I nearly fell out of my chair! I can remember my dad drinking his vodka from a similar cup we had at home. He’d always stir the ice cubes with is pinkie finger (hence my issue with ice) and that cup was always colder than cold. In his later years, he’d drink iced milk from this cup. I had to tell the manager all about it when he came up to see how we were doing during our meal. He got a huge kick out of that story.
The whole dinner, I had this huge shit-eating grin on my face as I looked around at all the beautiful decor and rich colors and hues. It was simply marvelous!
Towards the end of the dinner, as we were getting ready to head out to the jazz club, the manager surprised me with my very own mule mug, with the RTR logo etched onto it! So very thoughtful and appreciated. I cannot wait to go back.
The evening ended with a wonderful jazz show at Dizzy’s club, over in Lincoln Center. Typically, we go to Birdland, but since we were up for trying something new, this was a great spot. During the show, the kids enjoyed a lovely and delicious cheese board as well as sorbet, while hubby sipped his “gimlet” and I my “pineapple fizz.” Playing onstage was none other than jazz great drummer Louis Hayes, who, at 87 years old, was spry and in control of incredible solos and gorgeous arrangements. Was quite an honor to be in his presence, one of the last greats of the old days of jazz. And on top of it all, his cousin was none other than Prince! Pretty awesome.
All in all, I’m sad it’s actually over! It was just so so much fun and I had such a great time with my little family in the city. We’re already planning another trip back… can’t come soon enough!
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yourlocalkids123 · 2 years
The Most Effective 10 Party Tools Rentals Close To Long Island City, Queens, Ny 11101 Last Updated November 2022
Food, drinks & to gamble the evening away with out shedding a cent is how my staff likes to have fun & unwind! Beautiful outside occasions from Manhasset to Montauk, NY. From making reservations to supply and managing the party our group will make certain everything goes clean so all you want to do is have fun. – We teamed up with American Express and Saks Fifth Avenue to provide their “Mini Golf Sculpture Park”!
Flexible with sudden modifications & best of all offered very cheap pricing. We had been undecided as to where to position the tent. The guys had been capable of put down a tarp to help us visualize where the tent was going. Once the situation was decided the tent went up very quick. Next day, the tent was down earlier than we even realized it.
A & R Party Tent Rentals has the proper tent orHuntington Party Rentals bundle in your residential or corporate occasion. View all of our party rental packages and if you don't see one that fits your specific wants, we are going to work with you to customise your order. We are the only casino party firm that provides name tags for all of our staff. It is important that our dealers interact along with your friends.
For starters, a tented marriage ceremony is actually customizable. Unlike an indoor venue, the place the décor is predetermined, a Sperry Tent provides a serene, neutral ivory backdrop. Best of all, intertwining your big day with the delights of the season and the unparalleled sights of Long Island is the ultimate long island party rentals wedding ceremony day bundle. Affordable Tents has what you need for your particular corporate event!
Mind you I call these ppl everyday to confirm my order and to verify they're coming. He even mention that it’s a three yr old party why would I want 15x15 he wouldn’t counsel that. But it’s my money so don’t assume anything for me if I’m paying.
We supply tent rental packages or a la carte party rentals. We are based in Smithtown, but we love serving the North Shore and past. We ship enjoyable to Kings Park, Commack, Northport, Huntington, Port Jefferson, Islip, and so forth. Over the years, we've gathered some superb and pleased clients in relation to internet hosting their occasions using our party rentals in Long Island New York. Here are a number of the 5-star reviews we have on social media and Google. If you don’t believe us, take a gander for your self and see why we're the top-rated firm for party rentals on Long Island.
Bring households together to create treasured memories and after-hours fun that's unique to your group. We are Conveniently Located for Fast Service, 24 hours 7 days a week. Our central location allows us to give immediate service to all of Long Island. Some gadgets aren't out there for the selected delivery methodology.
We can create personalized video, sound and lighting packages. If you’re planning a celebration or internet hosting an upcoming event, you can depend on G&S Party Tents to make your occasion an entire long island party rentals success! We have every thing you want from tents, desk and chairs, to lighting and catering. We are your local particular event associate for tents, tables, and chairs.
No matter what your visitor count, we now have the tent for you, and we excel at outdoor parties, rehearsal dinners, bridal and child showers, and small receptions. We have the equipment that allows us to tent directly on the seashore, a bluff, or even over your swimming pool. Party Buster NYC has been serving the party rentals business for over three a long time, earning the trust & confidence of each main party planner and event concierge in the city.
We proudly serve the Long Island community and have done so since 2013. We have party rentals for yard barbecues, kids birthday events, commencement parties, company events, elegant weddings, or any special event. Our services go far beyond simply inventory, we're with you each step of the way in long island party rentals which all through the planning process to make it as easy and stress-free as attainable. We work with a large and numerous set of clients, giving us the expertise and the flexibility to be assured in our party rental products. But party rentals are not only for kid’s birthday parties!
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greysswim · 2 years
Baby birthday party planner near me
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The last thing you want is to get them all excited when they're tired or you'll soon end up with a cranky baby. Discover the best places for childrens birthday parties in New York & throw a kids party to remember with this guide to kids birthday parties in NYC. The party itself doesn't have to be very long- an hour-and-a-half is probably plenty-but remember to schedule it around nap times. says, 'She organized my 40th birthday party out of town with a large group, as well as my baby shower. says, 'I hired these wonderful ladies to help me decorate my daughter's 16 Years of Slumber Party.' See more. Let them do all the work and provide the fun while you relax and enjoy your childs. Anyway, this is your baby's day to be the centre of attention! Every Event Should Be Perfect Its Your Party ATL is your 1 Leading party planner located in Atlanta Ga We specialize in Birthday parties, Baby Showers. Top 10 Party Planners near Wilmington, DE. Celebrate your kids birthday party in Oklahoma City at Artsy Rose Academy. You might want to invite one or two friends from your antenatal classes who can bring their own babies but I would suggest no more than one or two other babies, otherwise it could get too hectic. Cub Scout activities are centered around earning badges that are specific to each grade level. I recommend keeping numbers small so you don't overwhelm your little one, perhaps just family and a few close friends. Learn how your child will advance through Cub Scouts. So you can afford to keep things a lot more simple than most kids parties. Rivera Events provides Party & Event Services in Miami including Catering, Wait Staff, Entertainment & Rentals for Weddings, Corporate Events & Kid Parties. You're really throwing a party to give your family and friends an opportunity to get together and share such a special occasion. We have something for everyone including costume characters, clowns, magicians, popcorn, cotton candy. Party & Event Planning, Bartenders Melindas Childrens Parties Inc. 22 years of NJ party entertainment experience For the last 22 years, Parties for Peanuts has been the premier children's entertainment company in Northern NJ. Please contact us for bookings or with any questions and to find out when Virtual Adventures is coming to your area.Remember that planning a first birthday party for a baby is quite different to planning other kids birthday parties, in that a one year old isn't going to expect very much! Best kids party planner Near Me in New York, NY PrimeTime Hospitality. We currently service the DMV (DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia) area. Rental includes state of the art Virtual Reality Gaming equipment, system delivery, setup, and a technician for the duration of the event. Looking to plan the perfect party for your children No matter the concept, let the planners and organizers at LC Events, formally known as B. Perfect for birthdays, holidays, nightclubs, bar and bat mitzvahs. Book best birthday party organiser online for kids’ or adults’ birthday parties. If you are thinking to plan your baby’s 1st Birthday party, summer pool party, girls theme party, get-together party, and not only-but also another theme. Our experienced technicians will set up the equipment and help facilitate an exciting and enjoyable Virtual Reality experience for people of all ages. What does it take to host the birthday party of your childs dreams The Party Muse is an eight-year-old luxury event planning company specializing in. To begin with, our fantastic birthday party organizer team experts with our best birthday party ideas. Our established relationships with local vendors will help you assure quality and value. Services can include venue search, invitations, vendor selection, menu creation, decoration/floral, rental needs, entertainment, and even party favors. Perfect for birthdays, fundraisers, communions, graduations, summer camps, and church events. An Atlanta Event Planner will assist you throughout the planning process. Raise the bar and be the talk of the town by providing an exciting cutting-edge opportunity to family, friends, and party planners. To easily find a local Dominos Pizza restaurant or when searching for pizza near me, please visit our localized mapping website featuring nearby Dominos. Virtual Adventures is a virtual reality party rental company that offers the latest in VR entertainment technology to make any event, birthday or corporate gathering adventurous and unforgettable. Virtual Adventures… Experience Virtual Reality at it’s best!
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allwaswell16 · 3 years
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{Recently Read 1D Fics}
September 2021
These are all the One Direction fics I read and enjoyed in September. There are 17 recs here in all! You can listen to my podcast to hear me talk about each of these fics as well as an overview of what was posted on ao3 in September including the fics on this month’s fic roundup which you can find here! Please let the writers know if you liked the fics by leaving kudos and comments! Happy reading!
Fanfictional Podcast #29 | ko-fi | fic recs
Hold You Now by @solvetheminourdreams
(M, 131k, ex-fwb, British Louis, American Harry, PR specialist to freelancer Harry, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, consultant to recruiter Louis, travel, slow burn, flashbacks, pining, lack of communication, no cheating, mild smut, a MUST READ emotional journey)
Three years ago, Harry Styles said goodbye to communications consultancy firm McQuiston Worldwide, leaving a life of travel and agency PR behind.
Know a Trick or Two by SadaVeniren / @sadaveniren
(E, 44k, Harry Potter au, magic, mpreg, one night stand, accidental pregnancies, mpreg Louis, mpreg Harry, muggle Harry, wizard Louis, quidditch player Louis, time jump, kid fic, Hogwarts, smut, so much fun!)
the one where Muggle Harry and Wizard Louis have a one night stand and get more than they bargained out of it.
Compass to my Soul by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(T, 31k, canon, a/b/o, omega Louis, alpha Harry, touring, angst, hurt/comfort, omega drop, touch deprivation, alcohol, cuddling, miscommunication, nesting, touring, no smut, I cried the whole way through because Louis is so vulnerable and sad, help I'm sad just thinking about it but also I loved it)
Louis Tomlinson, omega, is 1/5 of world famous boy band One Direction. He spends his time hoping his bandmates don’t notice him.
Not Ready for This by @berzerkshires
(E, 18k, kid fic, single parent Louis, single parent Harry, dual pov, summer, secret relationship, smut, loved the dialogue and they were having way too much fun sneaking around lol)
Louis and Harry are both single fathers and their children decide to go out on a date.
Man, Deconstructed by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom
(E, 13k, sculptor Harry, artist Harry, strangers to lovers, misunderstandings, mistaken identity, stress baker Harry, disaster gay Harry, embarrassing situation, meet cute kind of lol, smut, bh, this was absolutely hilarious and embarrassing lol)
the one where a well-meaning best mate, a sculpture-worthy arse, and a heaping dose of misunderstanding combine to create sheer and utter chaos, and also, maybe, the best thing Harry’s ever found.
One Vote Can Rock the Boat by @2tiedships2
(M, 12k, a/b/o, alpha Harry, omega Louis, protective Harry, strangers to lovers, NYC, placing bets, oral sex, knotting, smut, whew this was hot)
the one where Omega Louis shows off his “I voted” sticker as one of the first 100 customers to get a free vibrator. The beautiful alpha behind the counter informs him that he’s customer 101.
My Sun and Stars, Moon of my Life by@ohharold
(M, 7k, Game of Thrones au, arranged marriage, dragons, fantasy, violence, mpreg Harry, smut, never read/saw GOT but this was very cool)
Harry was used to the luxuries of Kings Landing and then Pentos but when his brother is desperate for the crown he is entitled to, Harry must be part of an arranged marriage to a ruthless Khal of a Dothraki tribe.
baby I'll never leave (if you keep holding me this way) by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(T, 6k, lockdown au, teacher Louis, baker Harry, strangers to lovers, accidental breaking and entering, motorcycle, fluff, emotional hurt/comfort, no smut, so lovely)
It is singing. Whoever is trying to rob him is in his kitchen, singing an eighties pop song under their breath. And they made cookies?
Call Me, Beep Me, If You Wanna Reach Me by therogueskimo
(NR, 6k, uni au, Brits in the U.S., strangers to lovers, first date, first kiss, embarrassing situation, pining, humor, Siri, so cute and funny)
“Will Harry Styles ever text me?” Louis looked back at Liam and Liam just smirked at him.
Birthday Princess by @kingsofeverything
(E, 4k, bartender Louis, Harry's birthday, alcohol, micropenis, oral sex, meet cute, semi-public sex, car sex, smut, funny and sweet and hot all at the same time)
Harry celebrates his birthday with Blow Jobs (and Slippery Nipples and Sex on the Beach) and drunkenly propositions the bartender in the bathroom.
Scent Partner by amomentoflove / @daggerandrose
(E, 4k, a/b/o, alpha Louis, omega Harry, strangers to lovers, pwp, heat, scenting, smut, meep!)
If both parties agree, they meet at a heat room for the omega’s heat.
The Cake Fairy by @homosociallyyours
(G, 2k, Harry/Louis, baking, flirting, slice of life, baker Harry, fluff, cute and fun!)
When Louis' attempt at making a Barbie princess cake is a huge, messy fail, Liam suggests he call in The Cake Fairy.
truth or dare by @jaerie
(E, 2k, strangers to lovers, truth or dare, alcohol, size difference, micropenis, size kink, smut, woah holy shit lol)
Harry likes small dicks. He finds a stranger that has one.
Take Me Home by SunTomato / @sun-tomato
(NR, 2k, uni au, roommates, banter, ot5, friendship, time jumps, no smut, really sweet)
Moving house sucks. Of course, it doesn’t help that, while the four of them had been trying to divide and pack everything before the deadline this weekend, Louis had spent his time unpacking it again.
The Bachelors and the Bachelorette by @turnyourankle
(NR, 2k, Bachelorette au, fake relationship, ficlet, shower sex, smut, hot and fun!)
With little left to do Harry and Louis both signed up to be contestant on the Bachelorette.
the next bit was spanners to my plan by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(T, 6k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw, canon, fwb kind of, casual sex, secret relationship, no explicit smut, communication issues, texting, ah such great Tomlinshaw banter and dynamic!)
Louis and Nick end up shagging on the sly, everyone sends far too many emojis and far too few words, and eventually they're going to have to sort themselves out.
driver's license by wordsnnotes / @quelsentiment
(T, 6k, Zayn/Louis, enemies to lovers, bed sharing, snow storm, winter, misunderstandings, banter, Canada, Louis pov, alcohol, demisexuality, unresolved tension, no smut, obsessed with this)
Louis is taking the exam to get his driver’s licence for the 3rd time (okay, sue him), and the examiner keeps getting under his skin, until they suddenly get stranded in the middle of a snow storm, and have to learn to cooperate.
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