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hobtea · 10 years ago
pizzawithlashton replied to your post: also sorry ive basically been ignoring...
I love you Pary ☺️
i love you too muffins <3 (●´∀`●)
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interludemono · 10 years ago
pizzawithlashton replied to your post: IS THE 100 GOOD??? BC MY FRIEND KEEPS ...
its very good
ok nice i’m going t start watching it then
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flash-the-fast · 10 years ago
Thanks to the person that tagged me...
Yup only 5...woot! 
TAGGED BY: nik-the-bik TAGGING: orangefox1995, mybloodyicecream, pizzawithlashton, itsallaboutcrashingmodes, agent-washball , And anyone else that wants to do this!
WHAT WAS YOUR: 1. LAST BEVERAGE: Diet Coke....It's an addiction  2. LAST PHONE CALL: My doctor hahah yup i'm lame  3. LAST TEXT MESSAGE:  I wished my roommate good luck on her trip 4. LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Shotgun Rider....best song ever 5. LAST TIME YOU CRIED: This morning while working out for rugby
HAVE YOU EVER: 6. DATED SOMEONE TWICE: Yeah at least I think so 7. BEEN CHEATED ON: Nope...not that I know of at least 8. KISSED SOMEONE & REGRETTED IT: Hell yes 9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: Yes 10. BEEN DEPRESSED: Yes  11. BEEN DRUNK AND THREW UP: Maybe.... LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: Blue, Black, Pink
IN THE LAST YEAR, HAVE YOU: 15. MADE A NEW FRIEND: I always make new friends! 16. FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: Yup 17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: All the time.... 18. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: Yeah my Roommate has started to slowly change me... 19. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR TRUE FRIENDS ARE: Not really since I don't have friends...haha na I found most of my friends are great people. 20. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: Yes...so many things have been said 21. KISSED ANYONE ON YOUR FB FRIEND’S LIST:  Nope! 22. HOW MANY PEOPLE ON YOUR FB FRIENDS LIST DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: I have no idea.... 24. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS:  ADHD Golden Retriever named sammy....what a crazy dog 
25. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: Only my middle name so my initials would be SOS 26. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: I went out for diner and yup thats about it. 27. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP TODAY: like 930 28. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: Watching a movie with a person 29. NAME SOMETHING YOU CANNOT WAIT FOR: I have no idea.... 30. LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOTHER: like an hour ago 31. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE ABOUT YOUR LIFE: I want to travel for my work 32. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: Nothing I'm watching Netflix
33. HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM?: Yeah probably....it's a pretty common name  34. WHAT’S GETTING ON YOUR NERVES RIGHT NOW:  My headache and random bruises on random places that hurts like a ....err yeah  35. MOST VISITED WEBPAGE: Tumblr....heh 36. BLOOD TYPE: I don't have blood...i'm a vampire...I am Edward Cullen haha jk i have no idea   37. NICKNAME: Mouse (Rugby girls call me this), Sarah Bear, Sars, Buttercup, Miss Queenie 38. RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Single! Woot!  39. ZODIAC SIGN: Libra 40. PRONOUNS: her/her’s  41. JUNIOR SCHOOL: Hated it!  42. SENIOR SCHOOL:  HATED THIS SHIT MORE! SO MUCH DRAMA!!! 43. COLLEGE/UNI: Love it! It's so great and I'm going to be working with animals! YAY! 44. HAIR COLOR: Redish Brown! 45. LONG OR SHORT:   Like medium ish... 46. HEIGHT: 5’5” 47. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE?: Yes and I hate it! I hate him and love him at the same time! Ugh! 48. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF?: Ummm like nothing 50. TATTOOS: None but I will be getting some in the future  51. RIGHTY OR LEFTY: Lefty 52. FIRST SURGERY: I had a surgery on my head to get a thing removed...that was a fun time. 53. FIRST PIERCING: I got my ears pierced whenI was like...about 13ish 54. FIRST BEST FRIEND: A girl named Allie from my kindergarten class. We fought over the same spot and we both thought of just sharing. We still hang out and she is pretty awesome.  55. FIRST SPORT YOU JOINED: Softball....well it was more like baseball at the time. Also Dance at about the same time!  56. FIRST VACATION: I can't actually remember  58. FIRST PAIR OF TRAINERS: Ummmmm what is this?
RIGHT NOW: 59. EATING: Annies cocao and vanilla bunny cookies!  60. DRINKING: Diet Coke like always 61. I’M ABOUT TO: Maybe take another nap haha 62. LISTENING TO: Nothing still watching Netflix  63. WAITING FOR: My life to Begin! *Bust out into song* 64. WANT KIDS?: two boys then I want to adopt like three or more children  65. GET MARRIED?: Yes...I'm gonna marry myself one day! hahah jk  66. CAREERS?: I really want to travel and help the environment  
WHICH IS BETTER: 67. LIPS OR EYES: Eyes forever! They are the windows into the soul after all 68. HUGS OR KISSES: I love both....Why is this so hard!  69. SHORTER OR TALLER: Taller 70. OLDER OR YOUNGER: Older. 71. ROMANTIC OR SPONTANEOUS: Ummm well I'm a hopeless Romantic but I love spontaneous things....can I pick both? 72. NICE STOMACH OR NICE ARMS: Both are nice...But I think a nice tummy is the best 73. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: Sensitive 74. HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP: Relationship 75. TROUBLE MAKER OR HESITANT: Both...again should be an option
HAVE YOU EVER: 76. KISSED A STRANGER: Yup... 77. DRANK HARD LIQUOR: I probably shouldn't answer this question hahah  78. LOST GLASSES/CONTACTS: I lose my glasses all the time...But I normally find them! My glasses? Where are my glasses? I can't see with out them!  79. SEX ON FIRST DATE: Ummmm maybe 80. BROKE SOMEONE’S HEART: Probably have...i'm just that amazing hahaha 83. TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: Yes...lots of times 84. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: Always 85. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: No...not at all
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86. YOURSELF: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH .... oh you were serious?  87. MIRACLES: Sometimes 88. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: HAHAHAHAHA LIKE THAT EVER HAPPENS!  89. HEAVEN: I wouldn't know...I'm on a one way trip to Hell  90. SANTA CLAUS: SANTA!!!! SSSSAAAAANNNNNNTTTTTAAAAA!!!! I KNOW HIM! SO OF COURSE I BELIEVE!  91. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: Yeah since I have kissed on the first date haha 92. ANGELS: Maybe....
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violetevents · 10 years ago
we kissed at a party and next day our parents told us they’re dating au w cake ;~)
this was supposed to be a drabble i swear
read here
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whereshiphappens · 11 years ago
I love you and your blog and you're amazing *hugs*
Ohhhhh +.+ I love you, darling, you’re so sweet +.+ *hugs back tighter* 
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nik-the-bik · 11 years ago
screams cornflakes
drowns in the sea of cornflakes, forever wishing i could have at least had some damn milk to wash them down
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pikacalum · 11 years ago
Hi there, I think my fave feature about myself id my eye color lol
haha i like them ! i like your hair more tho bc it’s not everyday i see a red haired person and i love gingers!
ship: ashton
best friend: michael (or virtually anyone bc i think you could instantly become friends with any one of them despite the fact that you may be a lil shy but it’s ok bc i am too)
random song: bel air - lana del rey
doing free ships bc bored
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hobtea · 10 years ago
pizzawithlashton replied to your post:pineapple is t best fruit in da worl
im obsessed with pineapples
finaLLY someone w some sense in them <3
ishtonarwiin replied to your post: lucasashtons replied to your post:pineapple is t...
lashtonbodyshots replied to your post: pineapple is t best fruit in da worl
I love pineapple :~)
good B)
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byedan-blog · 10 years ago
pizzawithlashton replied to your photoset:
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lashton5sos · 11 years ago
Hi I love your blog and I secretly freak out when you reblog from me :)
Hi I love you and not so secretly freaked out when i saw this :) p.s this made my entire day so thank you!
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violetevents · 10 years ago
you're the yellow bird that i've been waiting for
pairing: luke/ashton, michael/calum (minor)
summary: Ashton knew this whole timer thing was absolutely ridiculous. He knew there had to be flaws in the whole 'your timer will stop when you look your soulmate in the eyes for the very first time' thing. After all the timers have been around since practically forever. There's bound to be cracks in such an ancient system.
He just would've preferred it if the universe hadn't confirmed his suspicions by pulling this stupid stunt.
This stupid stunt being Ashton sitting on the couch, in front of his TV at 2 am in the morning, watching MTV, staring dumbly at his timer that has just hit zero. The flickering lights of the TV throw shadows over the thin white lines of the zeros and no matter how Ashton holds his arm, the zeros stay.
or, ashton discovers a flaw in the soulmate system and spends the upcoming years pining over someone who doesn't know he exists.
a/n: this fic is something ive been working on for the past few weeks and that couldn't have existed without the help of my always amazing squad (femmeashton, punkcaluhm, pizzawithlashton and mpregashton) <3333
read here
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hobtea · 10 years ago
pizzawithlashton replied to your post:pizzawithlashton are u ok
I’m okay! I’ve been on mobile so I don’t really see if I get messages sorry!
that's okay deary <3 jake & I wanted to know your address to send you your christmas card, is all
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byedan-blog · 10 years ago
pizzawithlashton replied to your post:
Listen I feel you on a number of levels
i need a bunch of fics but theres only like 1 and i read it and it wasn't even that good. like I'm looking for INSANE overstimulation where he's basically crying for release. i neED IT!
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altimelowtrash · 11 years ago
Guys everyone follow my girl Mandi (pizzawithlashton) she is 5 away from her first thousand pls I love her she deserves this GO FOLLOW HER NOW GET HER TO A THOUSAND!!!
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violetevents · 11 years ago
waiting on your supernova
pairing: ashton/luke
summary: Ashton has a hard time looking away from Luke, his eyes keep focusing on the way his eyelashes flutter, how there's a soft smile pulling at his lips. Luke's arms wrap around Ashton's waist a little tighter and Ashton momentarily buries his nose in Luke's hair, taking in Luke's scent, something he can never quite place, but it kind of smells like happiness and home.
“Pink,” Luke suddenly mumbles, and Ashton frowns.
Luke doesn't look up, just trails his finger over Ashton's chest. That's when Ashton notices. He's glowing. And not just any color, not yellow, which is happiness, or orange, which is content, no Ashton has started glowing a soft pink color. Oh shit.
or, ashton starts glowing whenever he feels an emotion really strongly and luke's really curious
a/n: this one's for the squad ( femmeashton, pizzawithlashton and mpregashton <33)
read here
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