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pizzaqueen · 1 year ago
A snippet from a future fic I'll probably never write, where Steve is a widower with two teenage kids, and he and Eddie randomly meet up, rekindling their old flame. This is when they've been together a while:
“Thank you,” Steve says, coming up behind Eddie at the bathroom sink.
Eddie pauses, catching Steve's eye in the mirror. “What for?” he asks, mouth foamy with toothpaste.
Steve slips his hands along Eddie's hips, hooks his chin over Eddie's shoulder. “For loving my kids.”
“You don't—” Toothpaste dribbles down Eddie's chin and he stoops to spit what's left in his mouth into the sink, gathering his hair to one side. He rinses his mouth out, wipes his face with a towel, then turns to Steve. “You don't have to thank me for that. Of course I love them.”
“Not everyone I've dated has.”
“They're idiots.” Eddie grabs the hem of Steve's shirt, pulling him close. “I mean, first of all, they're part of you, and I don't think I could love you and not love them. But...” He trails off, a small smile tilting his lips. “They're amazing kids.”
Pride swells in Steve's chest; he slides his arms around Eddie's waist and says, “They are.”
“And I'm pretty damn honored I get to be part of their lives,” Eddie says, “so thank you,” and he butts his head gently against Steve's.
Steve huffs and slides his hands up Eddie's back, pulling him into a tight embrace. “I love you.” He presses a kiss to Eddie's neck.
“I love you too.”
“And they both love you as well.”
Eddie lets out a shuddering breath. Steve knows how nervous Eddie was, when they started dating, that he wouldn't be welcomed, but it's almost like he's always been part of their family now. “Good to know,"”Eddie says.
Steve holds Eddie a little tighter. All those years ago, back in Hawkins, when they ended things, Steve thought he'd never see Eddie again. But here they are, together—a family—and Steve's never letting him go this time.
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pizzaqueen · 1 year ago
Thinking about a Steddie and Buckingham fic, where they're older and have kids* and everything has been normal for a really long time and then they take the kids somewhere on vacation and weird shit happens. Not Upside Down weird, but still not-of-this-world weird. And that's when their kids finally find out that their parents were once badass monster fighters
(And that’s all I’ve got so far)
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pizzaqueen · 2 years ago
Queenie!! Steve sees dead people for the WIP games please 💛
Yay, thank you! Here’s a silly little scene 👻
“Hey, Eddie.”
Steve pokes at the eggs on his plate, then shoves a forkful in his mouth. “Have you ever thought about showering with your shorts on?” He tries to ignore the indignant protest from Frankie, who has suddenly appeared through the wall.
Across the table, Eddie’s brows raise, and his lips tilt into an amused smile. “Not since high school.” He gulps some coffee. “Why?”
“No reason.” Steve moves the eggs around his plate. “Just… You might want to think about it.”
There are a few moments of silence before Eddie’s eyes light up and he says, “Oh… Do they watch?”
Steve squares his jaw. “One of them.” He drops his fork and looks at Eddie. “I only found out yesterday… Why do you look so pleased?”
“Dude!” Eddie grins. “We live with pervert ghosts!”
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pizzaqueen · 2 years ago
This has probably been done or thought of before and apologies if it has! But my brain gave me another idea and I had to share. Basically, this is kind of a Pushing Daisies fusion where Steve has Ned’s powers, but where everything else more or less happens as it does in canon. This is kind of a summary/outline, mostly of the backstory, that somehow ended up over 800 words lmao
Steve spent most of his life thinking of himself as an ordinary guy, in an ordinary town, where only ordinary things happen. If you pressed him for the weirdest thing that ever happened to him, he might have told you about the time he found a dead bird when he was a kid that came back to life when he touched it. As a kid, it seemed like a miracle. When he got older, he knew his mom was right—the bird was just stunned.
So, yeah, ordinary guy, ordinary town. And then it turns out the town is not so ordinary. Steve’s life gets really fucking un-ordinary when he fights a monster from a shadow dimension with Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers. But he’s still ordinary. Yeah, he fought a monster, but that was a blip in an otherwise ordinary life.
And then the monsters come back. That’s when Steve finds out he’s not as ordinary as he thought. When he’s putting the dead demo dog in the Byers’ fridge (sorry, Mrs. Byers) he touches part of it and the thing comes back to life in his arms.
It must have been stunned, like that bird when he was a kid, or just maybe got a second wind because, in the confusion and chaos that ensues, he makes a grab for it, and the thing just falls to the floor. Stone cold dead.
If it wasn’t for Dustin Henderson, that’s exactly what Steve would have thought for the rest of his life. But Dustin saw the whole thing and he decides that Steve is some kind of miracle worker and he wants to experiment.
It takes a lot of convincing, but Steve gives in. He wishes he hadn’t. Because he finds out that, yeah, he can bring things back from the dead, but if they stay alive for more than a minute, something else dies. Something nearby and more or less equal. (So, a bird for a squirrel, a butterfly for a bee.)
And if he touches it a second time? Dead. Again. Forever.
So, Steve swears Dustin to secrecy and vows he’s never ever going to touch a person. If he can bring a bird back to life, but sacrifice a squirrel for it, what happens if it’s a person?
And he keeps the vow, though, thankfully, it’s not a hard vow to keep.
And then Eddie Munson dies.
Steve and Nancy and Robin find Dustin cradling Eddie in his arms and the bottom falls out of Steve’s stomach. The Upside Down starts going crazy and Vecna is still out there and they have to get out. But Dustin has a busted ankle and he won’t leave without Eddie and Nancy and Robin are trying to figure out how to get them all out and Dustin is saying, “Steve, please,” over and over and over.
And Steve tells them all to shut up and they do, surprisingly, staring at him. There’s no time so he tells Nancy and Robin to get Dustin out and they try to protest but he tells them again. Tells them to get as far away from the gate as possible. And, it’s a miracle, but they listen to him.
When they’re gone, Steve waits, and waits a little longer, and then he falls to his knees beside Eddie. There’s no one else in the Upside Down, no one else to be taken by the gift he’s going to give to Eddie, except maybe himself. But it wouldn’t work like that, would it?
He reaches out and he hesitates. What if it does take him? No. No, it wouldn’t.
And he reaches out again, saying “Sorry”, and he touches Eddie. There’s a little spark and Eddie gasps and he reaches for Steve and Steve jerks back. He tells Eddie he’ll explain later but he can’t touch Steve—not even the tiniest touch—and they have to get out. Eddie nods, goes along with it, stumbling to his feet.
They race back to the gate at Eddie’s with everything going crazy around them.
Steve sends Eddie through first and then it’s his turn. He makes it through the gate just in time to see it close up, which is weird, and then the earth shakes and there’s this booming and crashing and then…everything goes quiet. Also weird. But weird is par for the course these days.
Eventually, they make it to the others (who have a lot of questions Steve doesn’t know how to answer yet) and regroup and get cleaned up, preparing for the next fight. But they don’t know, yet, they don’t have to. There won’t be another fight.
Because Steve and Eddie weren’t alone in the Upside Down. Vecna was down there. And Eddie’s been alive again for more than a minute.
(Of course, that’s just the beginning. Eddie may be alive again but he’s a wanted man. As much as it sucks, it might be better for an alive again wanted man to play dead still for a while. So, he hides out at Steve’s grandparents’ cabin, which they conveniently never visit, and tries to figure out how to be alive again when he was barely dead. And he has to figure out how to deal with falling in love with Steve Harrington when he can never touch him.)
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pizzaqueen · 1 year ago
#23 for the spotify wrapped fic thingy!! 👀
23 was Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace by Cheap Trick
I feel like I’m cheating a little, here, because this is a snippet from a WIP (called Ain’t Even Done With the Night where Steve and Eddie go to a concert somewhere and then Steve wants to pick up a couple of girls when they go to a bar after and Eddie goes along with it because he just does—nothing really happens between them and the girls btw!!) that just happens to have this song on the ‘soundtrack’.
But I do think it fits the song? And I did write it just for this, so hopefully that counts!!!
“So…” Steve shifts, making the ancient mattress dip as he moves; the springs creak, echoed moments later through the wall from the bed in the adjoining room. Those springs are probably squeaking for a different reason though. “Are you going to see that chick again?”
Eddie glances over at Steve. There’s something guarded in the tone of his voice, and his face doesn’t give anything away either. “Maybe.”
“Cool.” Steve nods, pressing his lips together. “I mean, she gave you her address, and we’re not that far away, so it would be easy.”
“Yeah, she said we could be penpals.”
Steve huffs. “Is that what they’re calling it these days?”
“It would just be as friends,” Eddie says, cautiously, wondering at the bitterness in Steve’s voice. Or maybe he’s imagining it.
“No, really.” Eddie’s brow furrows. “I’m not interested in her. She wasn’t interested in me.” He pauses, then adds, “Except as a friend.”
“Then why…” Steve shakes his head. “Why did you agree to go back to their place?”
“Because you wanted to.”
Steve blinks. “You’re saying you just went along with it because I wanted to?”
“Yeah. I didn’t want to ruin your night.” Eddie lets his head tip back, thunking against the wall. “Which I guess I did, anyway.”
“Dude. I told you—” A muscle in Steve’s jaw ticks. “Look, if I cared more about getting laid than I cared about you, I wouldn’t be here. I’d be back there with her.”
“Aww, shucks.” The beat of Eddie’s heart belies his teasing tone, and he’s glad Steve can’t hear it.
“I mean it. You don’t know…” Steve toys with the comforter. “You don’t know how much you…” He sighs, shaking his head.
“Nothing, man.” Steve runs a hand over his face. Silence stretches out, punctuated by the continued creaks from the other room, now accompanied by grunts and moans, and the buzzing of the bare bulb, the traffic outside. “Look, I’m glad you’re feeling better and…” He sighs again. “We should probably get some sleep if we want to get back early.”
Eddie doesn’t say anything, just watches as Steve slips down, rolling over so his back is toward Eddie. There’s a churning in his stomach and, before he knows what he’s doing, he’s saying, “I wasn’t sick.”
“What?” Steve glances over his shoulder.
“I didn’t feel sick, back at the apartment.”
More creaks as Steve pushes himself up, sitting beside Eddie again. “Then what…”
“I just…” This is it, Munson. Now or never. Eddie draws in a deep breath and says, “I couldn’t be there, knowing you were with her.” He looks at Steve. “You know?”
���Did you like her?”
Eddie sighs. “Steve.”
Steve gives a little shakes of his head.
“C’mon, man,” Eddie says, hating the pleading tone in his voice, “don’t make me say it.”
There’s a sharp inhale of breath and then a soft, “Oh,” and Eddie’s chest goes tight and his stomach drops.
“Yeah…” The noise from the next room over stops; a door opens and closes down the hall. “Do you want me to get another room?” Eddie tries to keep his tone light, but he’s pretty sure he fails. Spectacularly.
“No.” Steve’s voice is certain, brooks no arguments, and when Eddie looks at him, he doesn’t see disgust or pity or anything except… Oh. Oh shit. “No,” Steve repeats, hand darting across the worn comforter, stopping short of grabbing Eddie’s, “I want you to stay,” and it’s all Eddie needs to hear.
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pizzaqueen · 1 year ago
Oh and I started writing the ace!Eddie fic I mentioned the other week. I have the first part drafted and it could stand on its own but it would be very bittersweet and that’s not entirely my jam, so I’ve planned a second part and need at least a third.
I’m just trying to reconcile how I usually write Steve with the Steve I want in this fic (sexual compatibility is very important to me so he’s not how I usually see Steve for that to work) and I’m not 100% I can make it feel right to me but fingers crossed!
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pizzaqueen · 1 year ago
I've whittled my top priority ideas down to 4 (my long list is somewhere around 50 lmao) so hopefully I'll be able to get to them sooner! And I've got:
The one where Steve sees dead people (working title)
Steve thought he’d have his life together by now. Married, settled into a career, house in the suburbs, even have a kid or two. But he broke up with his fiancée three months ago, he’s still working a going-nowhere-fast retail job, he’s back to rooming with his best friend, Eddie, and the closest thing he has to a kid is Eddie’s cat. And, okay, he does own his own house, but it’s a fixer upper his grandparents bought in the boonies that they never got around to fixing up and is only just fit for human habitation. Not exactly the white picket fence life he always dreamed of.
But things could be worse. He likes living with Eddie and it’s not like Eddie’s got his shit together any better than Steve does. And maybe inheriting the rundown house from his grandparents is the kickstart he needs. It will be fun to fix it up with Eddie and maybe they can sell it. Split the profits. Invest it into their new dream lives, whatever they may be.
So, things could be better, but they could be a whole lot worse.
And then, of course, he dies. Only for a moment, but long enough that he can see ghosts. And he just moved into the most haunted house in the Midwest.
(Inspired by BBC Ghosts and the details of above summary are subject to change)
Ain't even done with the night
Eddie and Steve go to the city to see a band and Eddie's happy to spend the weekend alone with Steve, just the two of them in Eddie's van, hanging out while Eddie does his best not to pine. But, when Steve wants to pick up a couple of girls at a bar, everything changes.
The matchmaking cat (working title)
Future fic where Steve and Eddie are living in the same apartment building but, having fallen out of touch over the years, don't know, until Eddie's cat, who has been sneaking into Steve's apartment for the past few weeks, brings them together.
When you're gone (working title)
Steve and Eddie are roommates and, when Steve goes back home for the weekend for a cousin's wedding, Eddie's looking forward to some time alone. (Not that he doesn't love Steve's company, but sometimes a guy wants the place to himself.) The thrill of solitude lasts about two hours before Eddie is bored and, more than that, misses Steve. A lot. Like a lot a lot. And all that time alone leaves Eddie to confront some feelings he's been trying to ignore for a while now.
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pizzaqueen · 1 year ago
Kind of want to write something about the 1987 stock market crash affecting the Harringtons tbh
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pizzaqueen · 1 year ago
If I were to write an Empire Records AU it wouldn’t be a 1:1 kind of thing and I think I’d have Steve and Eddie both lose the money because there’s nothing I love more than two dumbasses in love. (And pining! Because there would definitely be pining)
So, Steve is closing, finds the info about the store being sold to a franchise and Eddie, who is hanging around to be near Steve, is like we have to do something! Cue the Vegas trip and them losing the money. Then when the Joe character finds out (probably Hopper?) Steve takes the fall on his own, not wanting Eddie to get in trouble (maybe Eddie even has a record?) and Eddie’s pissed but yeah much wackiness and pining ensues
(There would definitely be side Buckingham too)
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pizzaqueen · 2 years ago
Lol, aside from my BB I have like four or five future roommate fic ideas?? XD
There's one where Steve goes out of town for a cousin's wedding, or something, and Eddie's like 'woo! Freedom!' and then two minutes later he's like 'I miss Steve 🥺' and spends the whole weekend pining, that one where they move into a haunted house and Steve can see the ghosts after a near death experience, one where Steve comes home and just kisses Eddie, one where the heat in the building is out so they end up sharing a bed, and a few others that aren't very developed yet
I just really like writing them as roommates in the 90s I guess
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pizzaqueen · 2 years ago
Make me write!
I was tagged by @steves-strapcollection - thank you!! 😊
Make a 24hr poll listing the titles of every WIP you want to work on. (It's fine if you only have one, still make a poll for the vote count)
Tag anyone you think might also enjoy this game (No pressure of course)
Whichever WIP title gets the most votes, write 1 sentence for every vote received.
If somehow that completes the fic or reaches the end of a chapter, move to the WIP with the second highest votes and continue where you left off on your sentence/word count. Repeat until you reach your goal.
(Optional) Share what you wrote in a new Tumblr post with a link to the poll or in a reblog!
And I’m going to tag @glorious-spoon @sharpbutsoft @stevethehairington @steddieasitgoes @daysarestranger @yournowheregirl @sidekick-hero @cuoredimuschio @corrodedbisexual
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pizzaqueen · 1 year ago
Wait, should I jump on the bandwagon and do the Spotify wrapped thing and get people to send me a number from 1 to 100 (or is it 101?) and I’ll write a ficlet based on it? 👀 I’ll write for Steddie or Buckingham
Edit: I know I phrased this as a question, but send me a number and I’ll write a ficlet
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pizzaqueen · 2 years ago
WIP Wednesday
this is from what was meant to be my day four hurt/comfort fic for steddie week
thanks for the tag @outpastthebrakers <3
There’s a chair by the end of Eddie’s bed, so Steve hooks his briefs over the back of it, then steps into the shorts. They’re plaid and a little snug around his ass, but they don’t give him a wedgie and they’re not damp and he’s not naked anymore. He adjusts his dick moments before Eddie turns back around, holding out a pair of black sweats and a black t-shirt with something printed on it. “Thanks.” 
The sweats are soft and the t-shirt is perfectly worn in and there’s some kind of skeleton on it; Eddie turns away, arms crossed, as Steve slips into them. That’s interesting. Maybe.
“I’m dressed,” Steve says, tugging the bottom of the shirt down, “you can stop averting your eyes.”
“Just preserving your modesty,” Eddie says, glancing over to Steve.
Steve huffs. “Thanks.”
Eddie looks Steve over, lips twitching. “You know, seeing Steve Harrington in a Slayer shirt might just make my whole week.” He pushes off the dresser he’s leaning against and claps a hand to Steve’s arm. His brows shoot up. “Shit, dude, you’re freezing.” He rubs his hands over Steve’s arms.
Warmth flows through Steve and, distantly, he thinks it might be from more than the motion of Eddie’s hands making Steve’s blood circulate. He raises a brow, heart beating inexplicably hard.
Eddie flushes and steps away, running a hand over the back of his neck. “I’ll get you a sweatshirt.” 
I’m too tired to tag anyone today but if you see this take it as a sign to share some of your WIP
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pizzaqueen · 2 years ago
Barely written anything this week but I did spend over an hour on this moodboard for how Steve might dress in my fic set in 1994* (and it’s not even finished lmao I mean, the moodboard isn’t finished, but the fic isn’t either)
*the one where Steve and Eddie live in the same apartment building but don’t know because they’ve lost touch and also Eddie’s cat keeps getting into Steve’s apartment
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pizzaqueen · 2 years ago
as a marine biology nerd, i would LOVE to hear about diver steve!
Yay! Thank you for indulging me! And, ooh, cool! That could make this very embarrassing then because all I really know about the ocean is there's a lot of it and most of my fish/aquatic life knowledge comes from Animal Crossing lol
So, I'll preface this by saying I only came up with the idea the other day and haven't done the kind of research I'd do if I start writing it! Which means there will very likely be some implausibilities etc
Anyway, so:
Nancy, Jonathan and Robin and probably some others are part of some small team of maritime archaeologists, or something like that, working off the coast of [to be decided] looking for [to be decided] and their usual diver breaks their leg or whatever and they can't afford to hire any of the other available divers, so someone suggests Steve, who is currently living [to be decided] as like a scuba instructor or something
So, he's not an archaeologist, but he is a qualified diver, and also Nancy's ex, which makes things nice and awkward! But they know they can trust him and he's good at what he does and all that
And they're also hiring a boat from Munson Boat Hire (very creative name, I know), and they expect Wayne, the owner, to be the one taking them out, but Wayne has some other clients, so Eddie is the one taking them. (He's also a part time bartender, maybe, and in a local band but that’s not that relevant)
Initially, I was going to make it a mundane AU, but then I thought what if when Steve goes diving for whatever he ends up disturbing some ancient monster or gateway to a creepy monster dimension and spooky shit hits the fan! And I like that a whole lot more! So that’s what I’m probably going with
Steve and Eddie might somehow end up stranded together/separated from the others but I'm not sure. (Maybe Steve has to rescue Eddie or vice versa). They're obviously going to get together somehow, though. And it's likely still set in the 1980s because I love the 1980s but the characters will have to be aged up a bit to fit the jobs
So far that's all I've got, which is not a lot and very vague, sorry haha
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pizzaqueen · 2 years ago
This is my current top priority fic list (excluding the spring challenge and the bang):
5+1 tattoos
"Because they're not you"
Love spell
My Beautiful Laundrette
the matchmaking cat
the one where Steve sees dead people
lonely night(s)
Strange Currencies follow up
My total list of ideas is around 30 😫 also, I wish I had fun WIP titles but, alas, mine are just descriptive lol
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