#pixelswithasoul pixelwinx sunset delete
pixelwinx · 7 years
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I have a confession…..I like sunsets. LOTS of sunsets  - there are never enough sunsets.  My bathroom is painted the color of a setting sun -  orange, yellow, peach. I also LOVE taking pictures of sunsets with my phone. I take waaaay too many pictures of them & in my mind, you can never have enough sunset pictures. I can’t seem to pass up a sunset and consider them ALL to be ‘special’. I truly have a 'problem’ with sunset pictures. Admitting you have a problem is the first step - right?
I was looking at my phone while in Michigan(where many of my favorite sunset pictures have been taken), & decided to use the search function 🔎 (the little magnifying glass in Photos App) to see if I could search for sunset pictures.  We’ve talked about the search function before & I’ve attached a link with a sample video: https://pixelwinx.smugmug.com/IPHONE-Workshop-videos/n-tJ83xp/i-SphVZvf/Apreviously  
Lo & behold my phone pulled up 200+photos of sunsets(labeled as sunrises - Ill take it) but sun photos none the less!
Having all of these sun pictures together gave me a little more perspective on how many pictures I’ve taken. 😱 I could select all of these photos and create a sunset folder to put them in but realized I didn’t need that if I used the search function.  It also gave me the opportunity to compare one sunset picture to another and realize that not all sunset pictures are created equal.  I often suggest to clients to review & delete their duplicate photos immediately after taking them. Otherwise, I fear this ‘review & delete’ step never happens contributing to the 1000s of photos on our phones.  But I have another confession -  I often struggle with this step not wanting to delete photos immediately as it feels too soon & like I’m deleting an important memory.  By sorting & comparing my sunset pictures with the search function, I had time for perspective & the ability to delete some of the less favorite sunset pictures without feeling like I was deleting the memory.
I think you could apply this type of sorting/searching to many categories of photos on your phone.  Puppy pictures, holiday pictures, beach pictures, people pictures, city, flower, lake, ocean, etc. It’s a great way to go back and review a type of picture you take often & compare it with others in the same category to see what is really worth preserving. Give it a try. Now, on to those adorable puppy dog pictures. I think I may have another confession to me……
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